Chapter 1 - New1

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Abu Zaharin Ahmad




Quiz 10%

Assignment/project 20%

Test 30%
Final Examination 40%
Total 100%

◊ To pass the course – must get the minimum

passing grade in final exam!!
Important Dates

Test 1!!
Test 2 !!
 Final Exam!!
Last Date Assignment
1. HVDC Transmission System

2. HVDC Converters

3. 6-pulse Converter Operation and Analysis

4. Control of HVDC Converter and Systems

5. Shunt Compensation: SVC and STATCOM

6. Series Compensation

7. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

8. Application of FACTS Devices


Flexible AC Transmission

Edited by:

Young Hua Song & Allan T Johns


 In the past ...
At the beginning of 20th century, DC (Direct Current) was
superseded by AC (Alternating Current) for large-scale
electrification. DC power did nevertheless survive, in
applications like electric traction and drives.

 Today ...
Today, bulk power systems are 3-phase AC, while
utilization is either 1-phase or 3-phase AC.
Conventional Power Grid

 Operating – same frequency, perfect

# control its terminal voltage by the excitation current and the phase
angle of this voltage – mechanical torque developed by the turbine.

 Group – generation, transmission and

# inflexible tied by the synchronous constraints.
# generators are designed to produce relatively low voltages –
undergoes a number of voltage transformation by power transformers.
History of events
 1930s
Efficient static AC/DC conversion (mercury arc valves) was
made possible.

 1940s
High Voltage DC (HVDC) bulk power transmission was
studied in Germany.

 1954
First commercial application in Sweden: submarine link bet-
ween mainland and Gotland island (100 kV-20 MW-90 km).

 1970s
Thyristors (SCRs) took over; today, HVDC operation
voltages attain 600 kV, transmitted power over 3000 MW.

 Today ...
DC made its way back into bulk power systems!

28/03/08 @ 14.30.00
History of events
 Asynchronously operated power grids of Malaysia and Thai
and went in service in June 2002.

 Connects between Gurun in Malaysia and Khlong Ngae in


 Monopolar 300kV overhead line

 Max. transmission of 300MW.

 110km long
Why HVDC was chosen
 In Itaipu, Brazil, HVDC was chosen to supply 50Hz power into a 60
Hz system; and to economically transmit large amount of hydro
power (6300 MW) over large distances (800km)
 In Leyte-Luzon Project in Philippines, HVDC was chosen to enable
supply of bulk geothermal power across an island interconnection, and
to improve stability to the Manila AC network
 In Rihand-Delhi Project in India, HVDC was chosen to transmit bulk
(thermal) power (1500MW) to Delhi, to ensure: minimum losses,
least amount right-of-way, and better stability and control.
 In Garabi, an independent transmission project (ITP) transferring
power from Argentina to Brazil, HVDC back-to-back system was
chosen to ensure supply of 50 Hz bulk (1000MW) power to a 60
Hz system under a 20-year power supply contract.
Why HVDC was chosen
 In Gotland, Sweden, HVDC was chosen to connect a newly
developed wind power site to the main city of Visby, in
consideration of the environmental sensitivity of the
project area (an archaeological and tourist area) and
improve power quality.
 In Queensland, Australia, HVDC was chosen in an ITP to
interconnect two independent grids (of New South Wales and
Queensland) to: enable electricity trading between the two
systems (including change of direction of power flow); ensure
very low environmental impact and reduce construction
There are three typical HVDC applications:

1. Interconnection of non-synchronous AC power

systems, even at different frequencies.

2. Power transmission over long undersea cable

links, if the AC solution requires intermediate

3. Point-to-point, long-distance transmission of

large blocks of power.
HVDC in Malaysia/Thailand/Philippines
HVDC Malaysia – Thailand
 110km long
 Power line between Khlong Ngae in Thailand and Gurun in
 Asynchronously operated power grids of Thai and Malaysia
and went in service in June 2002.
 Monopolar 300kV overhead line – Max. transmission rate of

HVDC Philippines
 Leyte-Luzon
 Geothermal power plants on the island of Leyte and the
southern part of the island of Luzon.
 Service on 10 August 1998.
 Submarine-21km, overhead lines-430km
 440MW
 The entire power system can be divided
into three major sections namely:
◦ 1) Generation

◦ II) Transmission

◦ III) Distribution
 Nowadays large amounts of power are
needed to be transmitted

 There are some technical problems in

transmitting power over such a long
distance using ac.

 HVDC transmission is an option.

 Use of HVDC today

1) Point to point connection

 Connects ‘mismatched’ AC networks.
 Frequency conversion 50-60 Hz.

2) Back to back interconnection

 Connects power generation to distant load-
 Develops energy highways to transfer large
amounts of power over long distances.
HVDC link
 Three main types of DC link

DC Link

Monopolar Homopolar

Monopolar link

• Two-terminal DC link and has only one conductor.

• Point to point transmission in particular for long
distance connection.
• Suitable for long underwater (submarine) system.
• Use ground or sea water as return conductor for
carrying return current.
Monopolar link

Monopole with metallic return path

- to reduce environmental effects
Bipolar link

• Two-terminal DC link and two conductors.

• Each terminal has two converters connected in series with equal
rated voltage.
• Point to point transmission and suitable for long distance.
• Opposite polarity, one pole has positive and the other has
negative polarity.
Bipolar link

• The junction between converters is grounded.

• It can be operated even in the fault of one conductor by
using ground as a return path.
• A bipolar scheme can also be operated as two parallel
monopoles. If one conductor damage, transmission can still
continue at reduced capacity (up to half rated power).
• Most overhead line HVDC transmission systems use the
bipolar system.
Homopolar link

• Two-terminal DC link and two conductors.

• Each terminal has two converters.
• Point to point transmission and suitable for long distance.
• Usually operated with negative polarity due to less corona effect.
• Return path through ground.
Other HVDC link schemes

DC Link

Back to back
• A back-to-back station is a plant in which • A HVDC links connecting more than
both converters are in the same area, two points.
usually in the same building. The length of • Available in series and parallel
the direct current line is kept as short as connection.
possible. • Series for small capacity stations,
• HVDC back-to-back stations are used for parallel for large capacity stations
coupling of electricity grids of different
Types of HVDC converters
HVDC advantages



HVDC advantages

 Cheaper cost for long transmission lines

 Saving cost for long distance over 500 km
a. lesser number of conductors  decrease the
b. smaller tower size decrease the cost.

Economic considerations call for a certain minimum transmission distance

(break-even distance i.e 500km ) before hvdc can be considered
competitive purely on cost.
Technical performance
 Full control over power transmitted in either direction

 In DC transmission inductance & capacitance of the

line has no effect on the power transfer capability----
no leakage, no charging current

 The ability to improve the transient and dynamic

stability of AC system when embedded with DC link

 Asynchronous interconnection possible

- More power can be transmitted per conductor per circuit

The capabilities of power transmission of an ac link and a dc link are

- dc voltage is equal to the peak value of the ac voltage .

= √2 x rms value

- the same current can transmitted with both dc and ac.

- the corresponding power transmitted:

 dc power
 ac power
The greater power transmission with dc over ac is
given by the ratio of power:

 1.414 at unity PF or 1.768 at 0.8 PF

Advantages of HVDC
 More power can be transmitted per conductor in DC
transmission system
 Reduce line losses
 Increase stability
- The dc link is an asynchronous link and hence any a.c. supplied
through converters do not have to be synchronised with the link.

 No skin effect
- Skin effect under conditions of smooth dc is completely absent and
hence there is a uniform current in the conductor, and the conductor
metal is better utilised.
Detail skin effect
 Skin effect is caused by the back emf produced by the
self induced magnetic flux in a conductor.
 The back emf is proportional to the rate of change of
magnetic flux.
 As you move closer to the center of a conductor, the
total flux increases, and therefore the back emf
increases, thus reducing the current toward the center
of the conductor.
 For a DC current, the rate of change of flux is zero, so
there is no back emf due to changes in magnetic flux.
 Therefore, the current is uniformly distributed
trroughout the cross section of the conductor. As the
frequency increases, the back emf increases, and
therefore more current is crowded toward the outside
of the conductor.
Disadvantages of HVDC
i. Expensive converters
ii. Reactive power requirement
- Converters require much reactive power, both in rectification
as well as in inversion. At each converter the reactive power consumed may be
as much at 50% of the active power rating of the dc link.
iii. Generation of harmonics
- Converters generate a lot of harmonics
iv. Difficulty of voltage transformation
- Absence of dc transformers.
v. Absence of overload capacity
- Converters have very little overload capacity unlike transformers.
Converter Station Equipment
 Thyristor valves
 Converter transformer
 Filters / DC reactors
 Reactive power compensation devices
 Controllers
Converter Station Equipment
HVDC Converter Station
Corona Effect
What Is Corona?
Corona is a luminous discharge
due to ionization of the air
surrounding an electrode,
caused by a voltage gradient
exceeding a certain critical
Corona Losses
 Whenever corona occurs on a
transmission line, there is a corresponding
loss of energy called “corona loss.” This
loss is one of the reasons why the
transmission of electric energy between
two points is not perfect
Corona Losses
 Whenever corona occurs on a transmission
line, there is a corresponding loss of energy
called “corona loss.” This loss is one of the
reasons why the transmission of electric energy
between two points is not perfect
 Generally, corona loss is significantly less than
resistive loss. However, at higher voltages, high
altitudes and during foul weather, corona loss
can actually exceed resistive loss
Example of Conductor Corona
Physical Parameters of Corona
 Corona onset is a function of voltage
Physical Parameters of Corona
 Corona onset is a function of voltage
 Corona onset is a function of relative air
Physical Parameters of Corona
 Corona onset is a function of voltage
 Corona onset is a function of relative air
 Corona onset is a function of relative
Corona and the Relative Air Density
Corona and the Relative Air Density
 Corona has an inverse relationship with
air density
Corona and the Relative Air Density
 Corona has an inverse relationship with
air density
 Standard line designs that perform well at
sea level, may have significant corona
issues if used on lines that are installed
over mountainous areas
Corona and the Humidity
 Corona has an inverse relationship with
humidity at power frequencies
Corona and the Humidity
 Corona has an inverse relationship with
humidity at power frequencies
 Corona phenomena much worse in
foul weather, high altitude
Why is it a special problem for
voltage upgrades?
If the voltage of a transmission line is increased
without changing the line design, the electric field
at the surface of the line conductors (and hardware)
will increase. This increase will cause additional
Practical Considerations
1. Use conductor bundles to reduce corona
- install multiple conductors per phase. This is a common way
of increasing the effective diameter of the conductor, which in turn
results in less resistance, which in turn reduces losses.

2. Elimination of sharp points

- electric charges tend to form on sharp points; therefore is
practicable to eliminate sharp points on transmission line components.

3. Install corona rings.

These rings have smooth round surfaces which are designed to
distribute charge across a wider area, thereby reducing the electric field
and the resulting corona discharges.
Transmission Line Corona

Corona is a phenomenon associated with all transmission lines. Under certain

conditions, the localized electric field near energized components and conductors
can produce a tiny electric discharge or corona, that causes the surrounding air
molecules to ionize, or undergo a slight localized change of electric charge.

Corona occurs on all types of transmission lines, more noticeable at higher voltages
(345 kV and higher). Under fair weather conditions, the audible noise from corona is
minor and rarely
noticed. During wet and humid conditions, water drops collect on the conductors
and increase corona activity. Under these conditions, a crackling or humming sound
may be heard in the immediate vicinity of the line.

Corona results in a power loss, so our industry has been studying this effect for
over 50 years. Power losses like corona result in operating inefficiencies and
increase the cost of service for all ratepayers; a major concern in transmission line
design is the reduction of losses.
In electricity, a corona discharge is an electrical
discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid
surrounding a conductor that is electrically energized.
The discharge will occur when the strength (potential
gradient) of the electric field around the conductor is
high enough to form a conductive region, but not high
enough to cause electrical breakdown or arcing
to nearby objects. It is often seen as a bluish (or
other color) glow in the air adjacent to pointed metal
conductors carrying high voltages. Corona discharges
are undesirable where they waste power in high-voltage
Corona and Skin Effect
 Corona loss and radio interface are lower in DC systems.
Further, there is no skin effect in the conductors of a DC
system, whereas it increases the effective resistance of the AC

Maximum voltage
kV 800 +/- 600
in operation
Maximum voltage
kV 1000 +/- 800
under development
Maximum power
per line in MW 2000 3150
Maximum power
per line under MW 4000 6400

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