Analysis of Wind Data Gathered at Chajnantor
Analysis of Wind Data Gathered at Chajnantor
Analysis of Wind Data Gathered at Chajnantor
Juan Pablo Pérez Beaupuits 1, Angel Otárola 1, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö 1, Roberto C. Rivera 1, Simon J.
E. Radford 2, Lars-Åke Nyman 1
European Southern Observatory, Casilla 19001 - Santiago de Chile
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 949 North Cherry Avenue, 5th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85721
2004 May 7
A general description and statistics of the wind speeds and directions registered at the ALMA site
during 2001 and 2002 are presented. Measurements from different wind directions within 22.5º (in azimuth),
topographic sectors and two markedly different daily periods were obtained. Spectra of the wind turbulence are
presented for three wind speed conditions. During the diurnal period the convective turbulence and mean wind
speed determine the shape and magnitude of the wind spectra, whereas in the nocturnal period the effects of the
mechanical turbulence, such as the wind shear and surface roughness together with the mean wind speed,
become relevant. No significant differences were found between the spectra obtained from three topographic
sectors in the diurnal period, whereas in the nocturnal period a statistical test showed a significant difference for
a particular topographic sector and for a given wind speed range, reflecting changes in the wind spectrum
structure due to the local topography. General models of average spectra were found for three mean wind speeds,
in the diurnal and nocturnal periods. Relations between the models and the mean wind speed were found. These
relations makes it possible to estimate the spectral behaviour of the wind at the ALMA site for different mean
wind speeds, which will be useful in the study of the wind loading on the antenna structure and pointing. Based
on the results we can also conclude that the performance of the ALMA antenna regarding wind load is expected
to be better for both day time and nigh time periods.
1. Introduction
Large radio telescopes operated at short wavelengths have small beam sizes and their pointing
accuracy requirements thus become more demanding. The largest sources of errors are usually
gravitational and thermal deformations, which are varying slowly with time. Extremely high accuracy
pointing requirements present additional problems due to the potential dynamic response to the wind
loading on the antenna structure (Smith et al., 2000).
The wind loading effect is caused by mechanical turbulence resulting from the air stirred by
objects on the ground such as buildings, trees, hills, etc, and from the convective turbulence produced
by instabilities in the atmosphere caused by solar heating. Mechanical turbulence also results from
friction due to the interaction between the air (shear stress) and the ground itself (roughness).
One of the most important features of the wind turbulence is its spectrum. The basic form of
the spectrum of the longitudinal wind turbulence during horizontally homogenous and neutrally
stratified atmospheric conditions is shown in Figure 1.1. The larger eddies at the low frequency end of
the spectrum (production range) are constantly being generated by the relative motion between the
free-stream gradient flow and the stationary air near the ground, which feeds energy to the turbulence.
At the other end of the spectrum (dissipation range), viscous shear stresses become significant when
eddies have been reduced to a sufficiently small size (approximately 1 cm), allowing the turbulent
energy to be dissipated. Between these two extremes, the energy is continuously transferred from
larger to smaller eddies as the larger eddies are progressively broken down; this region over which the
energy cascades from larger to smaller eddies with no significant energy input or dissipation is known
as the inertial subrange.
Figure 1.1 Schematic of wind turbulence spectrum
The inertial subrange has been extensively studied under near neutral atmospheric condition
and several models have been found for different kind of terrain (Davenport, 1961; Kaimal et al., 1972
and 1976; Antoniou et al., 1992). The lower frequency range (between frequency 0 Hz and the lower
end of the inertial subrange) varies with the local atmospheric and topographic conditions, so the
spectrum cannot be described by a universal relation (Simiu and Scalan, 1996).
In this work the wind spectrum have been computed for different wind speed conditions. We
have applied a variation of the methodology used by Antoniou et al. (1992), Antebi et al. (1997) and
Hiriart et al. (2001), in order to study how the wind spectra are affected by the local atmospheric and
topographic conditions at the site.
The present work is organized as follows: in §2 we describe the site, in §3 the instruments and
wind statistics are described, in §4 the wind data is classified, in §5 wind spectra are determined, in §6
the wind spectra are discussed, in §7 models of the wind spectra for different mean wind speeds are
presented and a comparison with a reference model for the specifications of the ALMA antennas is
discussed, in §8 the main conclusions of this work are presented, and finally in §9 further work is
suggested and discussed.
Figure 2.1 Digital elevation model of Chajnantor area. Horizontal axes are in km for the UTM Zone 19 Northing-Easting
3. Instrumentation and Wind Statistics
A RISØ P2546 cup-anemometer was used to collect wind speed data registered at 1 Hz
sampling rate. It is installed at a height of 7.8m (a 5.2m high steel mast, on the top of a 2.6m high
container). The measured wind speed of the cup-anemometer is an averaged one-dimensional
quantity. The input to the cup-anemometer is a time dependent 3D wind speed vector U (u, v, w)
with a longitudinal component u, a transversal component v, and a vertical component w. The RISØ
P2546 cup-anemometer has a cosine angular response, which causes the vertical component w to be
automatically filtered out, and the definition of measured wind speed of the cup-anemometer is the
“horizontal” wind speed. The longitudinal and transversal wind speed components yields a 2D
averaged measurement (Pedersen 2003):
P {| U | ³ u2 v2 . (1)
The cup-anemometer data covers, with some gaps, from April 2001 to December 2002. The
amount of available data represents about 36.5% of 2001 and about 60.8% of 2002. The available
proportion of data for each month during both years is summarized in Table 3.1. The missing data was
caused by power supply problems and communications problems to the instrument. In order to reduce
the effect of missing data, we have merged the data from both years to obtain enough representative
data for each month. For this synthesized year the proportion of available data amounts to 75.8% of
the ideal (12 months) data.
The histogram of this synthesized year is shown in Figure 3.1a. The bins have a width of 1
[m/s] and the quartiles Q1(25%), Q2(50%) and Q3(75%) are 4.74 m/s, 7.69 m/s and 10.93 m/s,
respectively. Of special interest for the antenna operation is the proportion of registered wind speed
above 20 m/s, which is about 0.76% of the available data, i.e. less than 3 days a year.
Figure 3.1b shows wind direction histograms (windrose) for the synthesized year. The
windrose consists of 16 bins, 22.5º in width. This figure shows the central angle of each bin and the
proportion (in percentage) of wind direction data respect to a full year. This windrose plot shows the
wind blows predominantly from West to East. An important exception to this predominant condition
occurs mainly during the months from January to March, corresponding to the Bolivian winter
(Radford 2004, Bustos et al. 2000), when the wind blows from East to West.
Detailed statistics for wind speeds and directions, taking into account all data gathered from
1995 through 2003, can be found in Radford (2004) and shows a median wind speed of about 6m/s.
Meanwhile, in this work the median value for the synthesized year reaches about 8m/s. This difference
is explained by the fact the data in this work is intrinsically biased towards high values because the
major proportion of the data comes from those months of higher wind speeds. A comparison between
the wind speed data registered by the different meteorological instruments installed at Chajnantor can
be found in the appendix of this work.
Month Available Data Available Data Total Available Available Available Data Total Available
in 2001 in 2002 Data 2001 & 2002 Data in 2002 Data 2001 & 2002
[%] [%] [%] in 2001 [%] [%]
January 0.0 70.79 70.79 72.40 0.0 72.40
February 0.0 87.91 87.91 71.63 40.15 71.63
March 0.0 22.90 22.90 71.48 20.12 71.48
April 0.21 63.15 63.36 72.38 47.69 72.38
May 53.92 91.63 91.63 3.25 38.53 38.53
June 7.23 91.40 91.40 0.0 28.36 28.36
July 24.28 59.15 83.43 0.0 0.0 0.0
August 29.41 49.07 78.48 0.0 0.0 0.0
September 91.39 68.33 91.39 54.28 0.0 54.28
October 91.14 91.60 91.60 70.88 3.0 70.88
November 92.82 36.82 92.82 71.64 72.11 72.11
December 46.01 0.0 46.01 42.18 58.27 58.27
Total 36.54 60.80 75.78 43.89 25.44 50.62
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1 (a) Wind speed histogram for data collected during 2001 and 2002. The width of the bins is 1 m/s. The quartiles
Q1, Q2 and Q3 of the wind speed are 4.74 m/s, 7.69 m/s and 10.93 m/s, respectively. (b) Windrose histogram for all data
obtained during 2001 and 2002 with the propeller-anemometer at Chajnantor. Each bin has a width of 22.5°. The angle of
each bin is shown, as well as the corresponding proportion (%) of wind speed data. The most relevant bins of data are
numerated. The wind blows mainly from West to East.
With the aim to cover and analyze the different magnitudes of wind speeds at Chajnantor, the
following four wind speed conditions (ranges) were defined based on the quartiles described in section
where the limits L1, L2 and L3 are defined as: L1=(Q1+Q2)/2=6.21 m/s, L2=(Q2+Q3)/2=9.31 m/s, and L3
= L2 + (L2 – L1)=12.41 m/s. These conditions and the proportion of data within each range are
summarized in Table 4.2. The largest proportion of data is dominated by the weak wind speed
condition. This wind range is of little interest in this work because the wind load generated by these
wind speeds range has no significant effect on the antenna structure and pointing. Besides, it is well
known that at low wind speeds cup-anemometers are affected by non-linear effects (Yahaya and
Frangi 2003).
The wind speeds show a daily cycle due to the transfer of energy from solar radiation during
day time, which makes the wind speed increase, and the consecutive cooling and loss of energy during
the night time then reduces the wind speed. In order to identify the two periods in the daily wind speed
cycle, we computed an average day of wind speeds by averaging all data collected during 2001 and
2002 respectively, in bins of 10 minutes (Figure 4.1a). The daily cycle is clearly seen for both years.
Figure 4.1b shows the average daily cycle computed using all data from both years. There is a period
of higher wind speeds during day time, roughly between 12 and 24h UT with a peak at about 20h UT.
Night time period is very calm and stable and shows the lowest wind speeds.
In order to determine the wind spectra for each of these periods it is necessary to define their
start and stop times. We used the weak wind speed condition (wind speeds below 6.21 m/s) as a
threshold to distinguish between the two periods. From the data presented in Figure 4.1b we define the
night time (nocturnal cycle) as the period of time between 1 and 11 UT, and the day time (diurnal
cycle) for the remaining part of the day. The definition of the diurnal and nocturnal periods is based on
an average day computed from the whole database, and seasonal effects are expected.
The histograms of wind speed for the diurnal and nocturnal periods are presented in Figure
4.2. The proportion, relative to the total amount of data, of wind speeds falling within each wind speed
condition for diurnal and nocturnal periods is summarized in Table 4.3. The proportion of wind speeds
registered above 20 m/s for the diurnal and nocturnal periods are 0.55% and 0.21% respectively. If
data had been obtained 100% of the time, it is likely that these proportions would have increased. This
is of interest for the case of stowing the antenna, due to high winds, for safety and operational reasons.
The windroses for the diurnal and nocturnal periods are shown in Figure 4.3. During the
diurnal period the wind blows mainly from west to east, with a significant proportion of time when it
blows from north-west and south-west. In contrast, the wind blows predominantly from the north-west
direction during the nocturnal period. The proportion of time when the wind blows from east to west is
similar during both periods.
The definition of the two periods has some implication on antenna operations regarding wind
loads. The nocturnal period offers the best condition for astronomical observations, because of both:
the low wind speeds and the better atmospheric transparency (see webpage
(a) (b)
Figure 4.1 (a) Average days of wind speed during years 2001 and 2002. The series are the mean of the average days for each
available month of both years. The daily cycles of wind speed is clearly seen in the figure, and both average days are very
similar during night time, but presents a small difference (about 1 m/s) during day time, specifically between 18 and 22 hrs.
(b) This figure shows the mean between the average days of years 2001 and 2002. Taking the weak wind speed condition as
threshold we can define the diurnal period from about 11 to 1 UT hour, and the nocturnal period from the remaining period of
time (i.e., between 1 and 11 UT hour).
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2 (a) and (b) Wind speed histogram of the diurnal and nocturnal periods, respectively, for 2001 and 2002 together.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3 Windrose histograms for diurnal (a) and nocturnal (b). The figure shows that the wind blows mainly from West to
East in the diurnal period, with some periods of time blowing from north-west and south-west directions. During the
nocturnal period the wind blows predominantly from north-west directions. The proportion of time when wind blows from
east to west is similar in both periods.
5. Wind Spectra
The wind spectrum was determined using data taken at different wind speeds and wind
directions. The cup anemometer does not give any information about the wind direction. Therefore,
the wind direction data from the NRAO’s propeller anemometer had to be used, with the sampling rate
of 10 minutes. Thus, in order to assign a wind direction to the wind speed data, the minimum length in
the wind speed data series was also set to 10 minutes. All available 10 minutes blocks from the cup-
anemometer data were separated in diurnal and nocturnal periods, according to the selection criteria
explained in section 4. Because the roughness length z0 (the distance above ground level where the
wind speed theoretically should be zero) depends on ground condition we decided to further divide the
wind database for two ground conditions; with and without snow. In 2001 only about 9% of the year
the site was covered by snow, and 13% of the year in 2002 (this information is summarized in Table
5.1). However, the wind speed data available for those days was considered too few to draw any
reliable conclusions, so we decided not to include it in our analysis.
The turbulence of the wind may also depend on wind direction due to the influence of local
topography (Antoniou et al. 1992, Barthelmie et al. 1993, Antebi et al. 1997). Considering the
proportion of data shown in Figure 4.3 we decided to use data collected from wind directions in
sectors of 22.5º wide, centred at 236.25º, 258.75º and 281.25º in azimuth (named sectors 5, 6 and 7,
respectively in Figure 3.1) for the diurnal period, and 281.25º, 303.75º and 326.25º (sectors 7, 8 and 9,
respectively) for the nocturnal period.
There are in total 9 cases for analysis in each period: three main directions for each of the
three wind speed conditions (Medium Weak, Medium Strong and Strong). Tables 5.2 and 5.3
summarize the data for both periods. These tables show the number of blocks used in the analysis of
each sector, the average wind speed, the average wind direction and average turbulence intensity (the
ratio between the root mean square value of the wind series and its mean wind speed), together with
respective standard deviations. The average wind direction corresponds to the average of the wind
directions associated from the propeller anemometer to each block of 10 minutes of wind speed data.
5.2 Computation of the Wind Spectrum
The wind speed data is sampled at 1 Hz, hence a 10 minute data block should thus have 600
samples. Nevertheless, some blocks are, for several reasons, under-sampled. The analysis presented
here uses only data blocks containing more than 540 samples. The algorithm used to compute the wind
speed spectra is not affected by small gaps in the data series.
A normalized spectrum density for the horizontal wind speed µ was calculated for each 10
minutes block using the Lomb normalized periodogram (Press et al. 1994), which is used for spectral
analysis of unevenly sampled data. The normalized periodogram was multiplied by 2ı2 (where ı2 is
the variance of the wind speed of each block) and divided by the sampling rate in order to get an
individual spectrum density Sµ(n) in units of [(m/s)2/Hz]. A dynamic response correction of each
spectrum was performed using the empirical transfer function of the RISØ cup-anemometer (Yahaya
and Frangi 2003; Kristensen and Hansen 2002).
In general, the wind spectrum density is usually analyzed against the normalized
frequency f nz / U ( z ) , known as the Monin (or similarity) coordinate, which is essentially the ratio
of height to wavelength. The wind spectrum density is usually normalized in order to obtain the
reduced spectrum nS (n) u*2 of wind speed fluctuations, where the product nS(n) (known as the non-
normalized spectrum) of frequency n in Hz and the spectrum S(n) is used so that the area between two
frequencies represents the variance contributed by that frequency interval. U(z) is the mean wind speed
at height z, and the so called friction velocity u* is a scaled velocity that represents the shear strength at
the boundary layer and is calculated as (Simiu & Scalan, 1996)
kU ( z ) [m/s], (2)
ln( z / z 0 )
where k is the Von Karman’s constant (k = 0.4), and z0 is the roughness length. The mean wind speed
value in our database is approximately 8 m/s at z = 7.8 m height. We adopted a value of 0.03 m for z0,
using the tabulated values of Barthelmie et al. (1993) for ground without snow.
The reduced spectrum has been studied previously by Davenport and Kaimal (Davenport
1961, Kaimal et al. 1972 and 1976) who found an expression for the longitudinal wind speed
fluctuations u, without significant influence from local features. The influence of local topography was
analyzed by Antoniou and Antebi (Antoniou et al. 1992, Antebi et al. 1997) showing significant
differences between the spectra computed for different wind directions.
The nine general diurnal average spectra were computed by averaging all the spectra for each
one of sectors 5, 6 and 7 and for the three wind speed ranges. These general average spectra were
smoothed out by a running average of 5 data points. At the wind speeds and turbulence intensities
registered in diurnal period (Table 5.2), the cup-anemometer presents nonlinear effects starting at n =
0.1 Hz, so the frequency components higher than this value were discarded.
Figure 5.1 shows the non-normalized general average spectra for the three sectors under each
wind speed condition. No difference can be observed between the spectra of the three sectors studied
under any wind speed condition, with exception of the Strong wind condition at which sector 5 seems
to have a higher magnitude at the lower frequency range and slightly lower fmax frequency at which the
spectrum reaches its maximum magnitude. However, this difference in the lower frequency range can
be attributed to deviations introduced by the fewer amounts of data blocks available for sector 5 under
Strong wind condition (see Table 5.2).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.1 Non-normalized general spectra for (a) Medium Weak, (b) Medium Strong and (c) Strong wind conditions, in the
diurnal period. These spectra showed no significant spectral difference between the sectors 5, 6 and 7.
For this case the topographic sectors analyzed were 7, 8 and 9. A general nocturnal average
spectrum was computed for each sector, in the same way as we did for the diurnal case. At these
magnitudes of wind speed and turbulence intensity (Table 5.3) the cup-anemometer presents nonlinear
effects starting at n = 0.2 Hz, so for the nocturnal period the frequency components higher than this
value were discarded.
Figure 5.2 shows the non-normalized general average spectra computed for the three sectors
under each wind speed condition. In this case, the spectra have different shapes compared with the
diurnal spectra. In the nocturnal spectra, two zones can be distinguished, the lower frequency range
(frequencies lower than 0.01 Hz) and the higher frequency range (frequencies higher than 0.01 Hz).
The difference within the nocturnal spectra is more evident under Medium Weak and Medium Strong
wind conditions. The shape of the spectrum for these two wind conditions is the result of the combined
effect of the transversal and longitudinal wind fluctuations (see equation 1), for stable atmosphere
condition (Lumley and Panofsky 1964).
A number of 10 average spectra were obtained for each sector and wind condition. The 10
average spectra were formed from N/10 individual spectra, where N is the number of available data
blocks in each sector (Table 5.3). Each average spectrum was smoothed out by a running average of 5
data points and then processed to get the reduced spectrum (see section 5.2). From each one of the 10
reduced average spectra, three features were extracted for the low and high frequency range: the
maximum value Smax, the frequency fmax, and the slope Ȗ of the inertial subrange. The latter was
obtained by fitting the model in equation (3) to the reduced average spectra.
nS P ( n) J
| Df (3)
u *2
A Kruskal-Wallis (KW) statistical comparison test was applied to each feature extracted from
the 10 average reduced spectra found for each of the three sectors and to validate the statistical
differences we have previously noticed. This nonparametric test compares populations with unknown
distributions and tests the null hypothesis, with 95% of confidence, that p samples from possibly
different populations actually originate from similar populations, at least as far as their central
tendencies, or medians, are concerned (Hollander and Wolfe 1973, Hochberg and Tamhane 1987).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.2 General average wind spectra for (a) Medium Weak, (b) Medium Strong and (c) Strong wind conditions, in the
nocturnal period. The spectrum of sector 7 showed significant difference with respect to the spectra of sector 8 and 9, for the
Medium Strong wind condition.
For Medium Weak wind speed condition, the KW test showed no significant difference
between the three topographic sectors. For Medium Strong wind condition this statistical test showed
significant differences only between the Smax values of the low frequency range for sector 7 when
compared with sectors 8 and 9. The available data for the Strong wind condition was considered too
few to perform this statistical test (see Table 5.3).
In order to explain the difference between the diurnal and nocturnal wind spectra, we have to
go back to the way the instrument works, as we explained in section 3.1. The cup-anemometer
measures both the transversal v and longitudinal u fluctuations of the wind, as shown in equation (1).
Thus, the intensity and shape of the spectra for each of these two wind components are produced by
thermal instability in the boundary layer (Lumley and Panofsky 1964). Increased thermal instability
greatly increases the intensity of the low frequency portion of the spectrum, but leaves the high-
frequency portion relatively unaffected. Consequently, at any given wind speed, the effect of an
increasing temperature lapse rate is to superimpose long-period variations on top of the shorter
mechanically produced variations. For the transversal wind component, the low frequency region of
the spectrum is mostly dependent on the temperature lapse rate, whereas the high-frequency region is
affected by both the ground roughness and wind speed. On the other hand, mechanical turbulence
(wind shear and surface roughness) on the longitudinal wind component has a stronger influence on
the high-frequency region and, to some extent less importantly, in the low frequency part of the
spectrum (Lumley and Panofsky 1964).
The influence of thermal stability on the shape and intensity of the wind spectra can be noticed
by comparing the spectra in Figures 5.1 and 5.2. Near the ground, during periods of clear sky, the
boundary layer generally presents stable conditions during night time and unstable conditions during
daytime. During the diurnal period, the intensity in the low frequency regions of the wind spectra is
severely affected by the unstable atmosphere (i.e. the convective turbulence), whereas the mechanical
turbulence affects its high frequency part. The effect of wind shear and ground roughness increases the
intensity of the spectra and the slope of the inertial subrange decreases as the mean wind speed
increases, as we can clearly see in the plot sequence in Figure 5.1. During the nocturnal period the
atmosphere is stable, which makes the effect of mechanical turbulence to dominate the shape and
intensity of the wind spectra. This is the reason explaining the differences between the wind spectra
from sector 7 when compares against sector 8 and 9 for the night time condition, as seen in Figure
5.2b. This difference can be attributed to the local topography. Figure 6.1 shows the upwind surface
profile for Chajnantor area, starting from the wind anemometer mast position. The surface profile of
sector 7 is clearly different from sectors 8 and 9, which are quite similar up to about 1100 m from the
wind sensor mast. The surface profile of sector 9 is significantly different from sectors 7 and 8 beyond
1100 m from the mast, which also includes the north-east side of Cerro Chico (a peak about 100m
higher than the surrounding plateau). Therefore, the fact there are no significant differences in the
shape and magnitude of the Medium Weak wind spectra (Figure 5.2a) for sector 8 and 9, suggests the
relevant topographic influence seems to come from the first 1 km of distance from the mast for this
range of wind speed. In the case of the Medium Strong wind condition (Figure 5.2b) we see the wind
spectra for sectors 8 and 9 to have a slight difference in the middle frequency part (frequencies
between 0.009 and 0.03). This difference may have origin in the difference in the topography profile
beyond 1 km upwind from the mast. However, for the case of the Medium Strong and Strong wind
conditions we do not count with enough data during night time for these three sectors. Consequently,
we can not conclude with certainty whether the topography at long distances is of relevance for the
wind spectra or not at these wind ranges.
Figure 6.1 Upwind surface profiles of Chajnantor area for sectors 7, 8 and 9 from the cup-anemometer mast. In the sector 9
there are larger undulations than in sector 7. Also these undulations increase their altitudes as distance from mast increased,
contrary to sector 7 where the altitude of the undulations decrease with the distance from mast. Sectors 8 and 9 are quite
similar up to about 1100 m from mast.
7. Comparison with the Wind Model used for the Design of the ALMA
In order to estimate the effect of wind loads over the structures of the ALMA antennas, a wind
spectrum density model, proposed by Kaimal (1972) for structural design purposes, was used for the
antenna specifications. The model used for ALMA is described by the following equation:
u*2 af
S (n) , (4)
n 1 bf 5 3
where a = 200, b = 50 (Simiu and Scalan 1996), f is the normalized frequency and u* is the friction
velocity computed from (2) with z = 7.5m, z0 = 0.05m and considering a mean wind speed U(z) of
6m/s for day time condition and 9m/s for night time, values adopted in the design specifications for
the primary operation conditions. For design purposes the antenna specifications have been set such
as for day time conditions the main deformations to deal with are thermal deformations and a wind
load for winds up to 6 m/s. On the other hand, for night time conditions the thermal deformations are
very small due to the fact the temperature gradients are negligible, so a wind load for winds up to 9
m/s has been adopted.
Figures 7.1a and 7.1b show the result for the average wind spectrum densities, which have
been computed by weighting all spectra recorded at each topographic sector and for all the wind
speed conditions considered in this analysis (see Chapter 5). Both plots also include the Kaimal’s
model used in the antenna specifications for the diurnal and nocturnal periods.
Figure 7.1a shows that the model used for the antenna design fits bellow the wind spectra for
Medium Strong condition. However, we understood that designing an antenna to deal with full
thermal deformation, and also for all conditions of wind load, it was a technological challenge
associated to a very high price. The wind spectrum used in the specifications for day time conditions
shows the best compromise between the real conditions of the site, regarding temperature and wind
load, and the total cost of the technical solution for the antenna design. On the other hand, as have we
see in Figure 7.1b, the model for the wind spectra for night time condition is placing an upper limit to
the wind conditions at the site. This, together with the negligibly thermal deformations, will provide
us with an antenna expected to show a great mechanical performance during night time observations.
Due to the sampling rate and the non-linear effects, we are only able to observe frequency
components of the spectra up to 0.2 Hz. Because the natural frequencies of the ALMA antenna
structure are higher than 0.03 Hz, the low frequency part of the spectra is of less importance for the
ALMA antenna design. In order to estimate the spectral behaviour at higher frequencies, a model for
each wind condition and daily cycle has been fitted to the measured spectra.
The high frequency part (n 0.01Hz) of the diurnal spectra was modelled using equation (3).
The high frequency parts (n > 0.03Hz) of the nocturnal spectra were modelled using equation (4) with
the exception of the spectrum for Strong wind condition which can be fit over the whole frequency
range. In these models, the friction velocity u* and the normalized frequency f were computed using
the parameters described in Chapter 5 and with U(z) corresponding to an upper limit wind speed for
each wind interval condition. The fitted models are shown in Figure 7.2 together with the spectra, and
their respective parameters are summarised in Table 7.1. The parameters of these models were
computed for the reduced mean spectra. These models were fitted as an envelope of the spectra.
In order to find a relation between the spectral behaviour of the wind and the mean wind speed
at Chajnantor, we show in Figure 7.3 the parameters of the models (Table 7.1) versus the extreme
mean wind speed of each wind condition. In this figure it can be seen that the parameters of the
models, for diurnal and nocturnal periods, present approximately an exponential relation with the
mean wind speed. These exponential relations are summarized in Table 7.2.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1 Comparison between the spectrum density obtained for the three wind speed conditions and the model used in the
ALMA antenna specifications, for (a) diurnal and (b) nocturnal periods. The spectra estimated are the weighted (with the
number of available data blocks) average of the general average spectra from sectors 5, 6 and 7 in diurnal period, and for
sectors 7, 8 and 9 in nocturnal period
Reduced Spectra Reduced Spectra
in Diurnal Period in Nocturnal Period
(a) (b)
Figure 7.2 Reduced spectra and their respective fitted models for (a) Diurnal period and (b) Nocturnal period.
15 f f>0.03
Medium Weak 9 0.063 f 0.65
f>0.0087 8
1 20 f 5 3
30 f f>0.02
Medium Strong 11 0.094 f 0.52
f>0.0071 11
1 35 f 5 3
220 f f>0
Strong 17 0.105 f 0.38
f>0.0046 15
1 150 f 5 3
The relations in Table 7.2 are useful to estimate the high frequency part of the spectra for
different mean wind speeds at Chajnantor. In Figure 7.4 it can be seen that the model specified for
primary operation conditions of the ALMA antennas is limited by a mean wind speed of about 10m/s
during the diurnal period. During the nocturnal period, the Kaimal’s model becomes the top level of
the nocturnal wind spectra at frequencies higher than 0.1Hz. These models only give an estimation of
the average horizontal wind spectrum, so the antennas operation actually will be determined by the
thermal deformations, the spectral response of the antenna structure and the effective wind loads
produced by the longitudinal, transversal and vertical components of the wind fluctuations at
(a) (b)
Figure 7.3 Relation between the parameters of the models fitted and the extreme mean wind speed of each wind condition in
(a) diurnal period and (b) nocturnal period.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.4 Wind spectrum densities estimated for different mean wind speed in (a) Diurnal period and (b) Nocturnal period,
compared with the Kaimal’s model used in the specifications for the ALMA antennas. The spectra are estimated for a mean
wind speed U(z) of 4m/s, 6m/s, 10m/s, 15m/s, 20m/s, 25m/s and 30m/s, from bottom to top, respectively.
8. Conclusions
Considering the available wind data for 2001 and 2002, Four wind speed conditions (Weak,
Medium Weak, Medium Strong and Strong) were defined based on a statistical criteria as explained in
section 4.1. Two markedly different daily periods (diurnal and nocturnal) were defined based on a
threshold value for the wind speed described in section 4.2. We further classified the wind speed at
Chajnantor based on wind speed direction, and with the aim to study the effect of the topography
features in the spectral structure of the wind.
Concerning the classification of the wind in four wind conditions we can confirm that the
energy of the spectra is proportional to the mean wind speed.
Regarding to the diurnal and nocturnal classification of the wind we conclude that, for a given
wind speed condition, the energy content of the wind spectra is higher during day time compared with
the night time. Specifically, we see differences in the frequency at the peak amplitude of the spectra
and the slope of the inertial subrange as can be seen in sections 5.3 and 5.4. The low frequency part of
the diurnal spectra shows a clear influence of the convective turbulence, meanwhile the nocturnal
spectra are mainly dominated by the shear stress and surface roughness.
With respect to the wind direction, during daytime, we have not seen a mayor effect of the
topography in the spectral structure of the wind, which is mainly dominated by the convective
turbulence in the boundary layer, as stated in the previous paragraph. The exception is the case of the
night time Medium Strong wind condition where we noticed a difference in the structure of the wind
spectra for a particular topographic sector. A particular parameter of the wind spectra for this
particular sector (sector 7) was found to be statistically different respect to the corresponding
parameter of the other sectors with 95% confidence. The difference we have found consists basically
in the fact the wind spectra of this sector shows a low energy content for frequencies bellow than 0.1
Spectral models were fitted to the high frequency part of the wind spectra obtained at
Chajnantor for the diurnal and nocturnal periods, for the Medium Weak, Medium Strong and Strong
wind speed conditions. Exponential relations were found between the parameters of these models and
the wind speed conditions at Chajnantor, which makes possible to estimate the spectral behaviour of
the wind for different mean wind speeds.
Finally our comparison of the wind spectra we have obtained for winds in the range of the 6
m/s and 9 m/s at Chajnantor both shows low energy content when compared to the model used for the
design of the ALMA antenna. We can infer this directly from Figure 7.1 and from Figure 7.4. This in
fact imply that mechanical performance of the ALMA antennas, regarding wind load, is expected to
be even better for both the day time and night time conditions.
The wind speed data base can be analyzed to look for seasonal effects. A study like this might
be of relevance for the planning of ALMA operations including the configuration of the array and
scheduling of a particular frequency band for observation.
The theory explains that there are nine integral length scales of wind turbulence. These
correspond to a measure of the average size of the three dimensional eddies of the wind flow (Simiu
and Scalan 1996). These can be obtained from the wind speed fluctuations in the longitudinal,
transversal and vertical components of the wind, u, v and w.
With the help of an anemometer capable to measure the three components of the wind speed,
the integral length scales of the turbulence can be determined. The analysis of the turbulence length
scales is very important for the estimation of the wind loading on the antenna structure and to estimate
whether the effective turbulence at Chajnantor would be significant or not (Simiu and Scalan 1996).
The roughness length z0 used in this work was assumed as 0.03 m for the ground conditions at
Chajnantor, according to tabulated z0 values found at (Barthelmie et al. 1993). For completeness we
can mention that for the ground cover by snow a more appropriate value of z0 is 0.005 m.
A more accurate estimation of the local roughness length z0 can be accomplished by using
wind speed data gathered at two significantly different heights from the ground. A possible method for
the determination of z0 has been suggested by (Barthelmie et al. 1993) and we included it here for
The method suggested by Barthelmie is based on a logarithmic profile for the wind (Equation
2) under neutral atmospheric conditions, which can be regarded as applying approximately when wind
speeds are greater than 6 m/s (Wieringa 1976). Thus, if we know the wind speed U1, at a height z1, and
at the same time the wind speed U2, at a height z2, the following expression can be deduced from (2):
U1 ln( z1 z 0 )
, (9)
U2 ln( z 2 z 0 )
U 1 ln( z 2 ) U 2 ln( z1 )
ln( z 0 ) . (10)
U1 U 2
In order to have reliable estimates of z0, reasonable confidence in the quality of the wind speed
measurements is required since errors in one of the measured values will give large errors in the
roughness length due to the anti-log part of the equation.
We are a lot grateful to Doctor Joseph Antebi from Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc, who
kindly provided relevant information and documentation about previous works carried out for Large
Millimeter Telescope project. The wind database and the whole atmospheric instruments installed at
Chajnantor are maintained in operation by Roberto Rivera and Simon Radford.
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Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the statistics computed from wind speed data registered at Chajnantor
by the cup-anemometer (ESO), the propeller-anemometer (NRAO), weather station B (which is
located near the site testing containers) and the Davis station (located on the container ESO1).
Table 1 summarizes the statistics for the period February 12th through 28th 2002. The
differences observed in the statistical median values are negligible between the propeller and the cup
anemometers, but are within 1 m/s with respect to the Davis.
Table 2 shows a discrepancy in the statistics calculated from wind speed data gathered with
the four instruments is of the order of 1 m/s. Here the difference in the statistics might be attributed to
the fact the four instruments present different amount of data gathered in the period under analysis
(October 1st through 31st).
Table 3 shows the statistics computed from the wind data gathered during the month of
November 2001. The ESO’s cup anemometer and weather station have comparable amounts of data.
The NRAO propeller anemometer’s data has about 20% less time coverage this month. Despite of the
difference in the amount of data the statistics are comparable and within ±0.5 m/s.
Figure 1(a) shows wind speed data gathered with the four different instruments over two days.
The days covered by this plot are November 1 and 2, 2001. The data has been plotted using their
particular sampling rates (one sample each 1 second for the cup-anemometer; one sample each 10
minutes for the propeller-anemometer; an hourly average for the weather station B; and a 5 minutes
average for the Davis station). No averages have been done on the original series; we expect the trends
to be the same but the noise is lower in the case of the ESO’s weather station B due to the one hour
average samples provided by this instrument.
From Figure 1(b) we see a good agreement between the ESO’s cup anemometer and the
NRAO’s propeller anemometer. Some differences are evident at low values of wind speed. The
difference might be attributed to the combined behavior and performance of mechanical devices
(vertical axis rotating cups, and horizontal axis rotating propellers) with low wind flows. In this brief
look the ESO’s weather station and the Davis station data appears to have a negative offset when
compare with the trend of the other two instruments. This can be seen in the lower values for the wind
speed statistics computed out of these data set as seen in Table 4. Still all the statistics are within 1 m/s
of wind speed.
The negative offset of the weather station B could be due to a calibration problem of the
weather station instruments (since the last calibration was made at the end of 1999). Also the offset of
the Davis and the weather station B could be due to their anemometers are located at a height lower
than the cup and propeller anemometers. On the other hand, the cup-anemometer will never register a
value of zero because it is calibrated from factory with an offset of 0.255 m/s at zero wind speed.
(a) (b)
Figure 1 Wind speed data registered by the cup-anemometer, the propeller-anemometer and the weather station B (in front of
the NRAO container) for the period November 1st and 2nd of the year 2001. (a) Shows the total samples registered at 1 Hz by the
cup-anemometer. (b) Shows the average each 10 minutes of the cup-anemometer series. The noise level of the propeller is due to this
instrument does not take an average, just one sample each 10 minutes.