Rainforest Animals Fact Sheet

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Rainforest Animal Fact Sheets

Spider Monkeys
Spider monkeys get their name because they have
very long arms, legs and tail. In fact, their tail is a
prehistoric feature which makes it possible to use it
as a fifth arm or leg, or simply for hanging from the
branches of trees. This makes them totally adapted
to swinging through the branches of the rainforest

They like to eat fruit, nuts, leaves, flowers and bark.

They live in groups of up to 30 animals and are very
sociable as a result. They are diurnal which means
they are active during the day

The strange thing is – they don’t have a thumb!


Parrots are very intelligent and can live up to 80
years. They are adapted to being in the rainforest
with their zygodactyl feet. This means they have
four toes on each foot, two facing forward and two
facing backward. These feet are so strong they
allow them to cling to branches in the canopy for
long periods of time, and even swing from them or
hang from them upside down. That’s not all they
use their feet for though. They can use them like
human hands and pick things up with them towards
their mouths. So in fact, they can use their feet to
eat with.

The other adaptation they have is their incredibly

strong, curved beak. This can be used to crack open
nuts. They can even crack a coconut open!

They will eat fruit, flowers, buds, nuts, seeds, and

some small creatures such as insects

Poison Dart Frogs
Poison dart frogs live in the understorey and
they are the most toxic, poisonous species
alive. Although very small – only 6cm – they
contain enough poison to kill ten men. They
are brightly coloured as a warning to other

They are diurnal (active during the day. Their

tadpoles can live in small pools of water that
collect on the leaves of trees, or even cling to
the backs of their mothers by means of a
sticky mucus.

They get their name as the poison they give

off through their skin is used by tribes to put
on the tips of their darts.

Three Toed Sloth

Three toed sloths are only found in the Amazon and
surrounding area, Although they are the world’s
slowest mammals, they are well adapted to life in
the forest and spend their lives clinging to branches
of the canopy upside down. In fact, their fur actually
hangs upside down from their stomachs to their
backs to allow the rain to run off easily.

They mainly eat forest leaves and have special

stomachs to help digest them. Even when they die,
they can still found clinging to the tree branches.

Interesting fact – sloths only go to the toilet once a


Jaguars are very well adapted to living in the
rainforest. Although they spend most of their life
living on the forest floor, they are also good
swimmers. The most obvious adaptation they have
is their spotted coat, which makes them very
camouflaged under the trees.

They are great hunters and they can easily pierce

the skull of their prey with their large jaws and
teeth. They also have great eyesight and can see in
the dark brilliantly. This is necessary on the dark
floor of the rainforest.

They will eat any rainforest animal they can catch.

They are good swimmers also good at catching fish!


Green anacondas are the world’s biggest
snakes. They can grow up to 9 metres long
and kill their prey by wrapping
themselves around them crushing them
until they stop breathing. They will then
swallow them. They are even capable of
swallowing a human!
They like to be in, or beside water and can
swim very well. Due to them spending a lot
of time in water, their eyes and nostrils are
on the top of their heads.
Their main habitat (home) is in marshes and

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