EET Outcome Assessment Sample Questions: A. Newton
EET Outcome Assessment Sample Questions: A. Newton
EET Outcome Assessment Sample Questions: A. Newton
1. The unit of force in the International System of units 6. The input signal to the circuit shown below is a 0.5
(the SI system) is the: voltpeak 10Hz square wave with no DC component.
a. Newton Which of the following BEST describes the steady-
b. Kilogram state output signal?
c. Joule a. an inverted 5.0 voltpeak 100Hz square wave
d. Slug b. an inverted 5.0 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
c. a non-inverted 10 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
2. The work required to move a charge of 2 coulombs d. a non-inverted 5.0 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
from one point in a circuit to another point is 10 Joules.
Determine the potential difference or voltage (in volts)
between the two points.
a. 20
b. 5
c. 0.2
d. 100
2 2
R eq 2 6
1 .4 .3 .W S .1 .D G M
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