EET Outcome Assessment Sample Questions: A. Newton

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EET Outcome Assessment Sample Questions

1. The unit of force in the International System of units 6. The input signal to the circuit shown below is a 0.5
(the SI system) is the: voltpeak 10Hz square wave with no DC component.
a. Newton Which of the following BEST describes the steady-
b. Kilogram state output signal?
c. Joule a. an inverted 5.0 voltpeak 100Hz square wave
d. Slug b. an inverted 5.0 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
c. a non-inverted 10 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
2. The work required to move a charge of 2 coulombs d. a non-inverted 5.0 voltpeak 10Hz square wave
from one point in a circuit to another point is 10 Joules.
Determine the potential difference or voltage (in volts)
between the two points.
a. 20
b. 5
c. 0.2
d. 100

3. Two sinusoidal voltages of the same frequency have

peak values of 8V and 6V, respectively. They have a
phase difference of 90o. Determine the peak value of
the sum of the two voltages.
a. 2
b. 14
c. 10 7. The purpose of a microprocessor assembler directive
d. 48 is to:
a. tell the assembler when to burn the program to the
4. Determine the equivalent resistance in ohms looking microprocessor
into the circuit shown below. Consider a wye-delta b. configure the microprocessor
transformation to simplify the circuit. c. define the microprocessor clock frequency
a. 6.0 d. control the assembly process
b. 3.0
c. 8.4 8. The input signal to the integrator circuit shown below is
d. 4.2 a 0.5 Vpeak 10Hz square wave with no DC component.
The output is a square wave rather than a triangular
5. The gray code 11101000G is equivalent to the binary wave. Which of the following BEST describes the
number: reason?
a. 111010012 a. The capacitor is too large
b. 000101112 b. the input frequency is too low
c. 101100002 c. the amplitude of the source voltage is too large
d. 100111002 d. the 100kohm resistor is too small
6 

2  2 

R eq 2  6 

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