Final Assignment Template 2024-2025
Final Assignment Template 2024-2025
Final Assignment Template 2024-2025
1. The resolution of the converter indicates the number of discrete values it can produce over the range
of analog values. ( )
2. The values are usually stored electronically in binary form, so the resolution is usually expressed in
bits. ( )
3. Fcutoff is affected by changes in the potentiometer’s position. ( )
4. A Band Pass filter rejects all frequencies within a specified band and passes all those outside this
band. ( )
5. Refer to the given figure. This circuit is known as a band-pass filter, and the fc is 15.9 kHz. ( )
6. the characteristics required for designing active filter are Frequency range ( )
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Question 2: Choose the correct answers MCQ LO3, LO4] (10 points)
4)Which of the following circuit types may typically be used in a relaxation oscillator?
6) In oscillators using a common emitter amplifier, what phase shift should be produced by the feedback
a) To increase the bandwidth of the oscillator. b) To enable the frequency to be varied over a wide range.
c) To improve frequency stability. d) To control the amplitude of oscillations.
9) At the required frequency of oscillation, which of the following conditions must be present?
a) Positive feedback must be occurring. b) Open loop gain must be less than 1.
c) Amplifier bandwidth must be wide. d) Closed loop gain must be less than 1.
10) Which of the following oscillator types would be used to generate a variable frequency sine wave of
3MHz to 30MHz?
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a) A variable frequency RC oscillator. b) A radio frequency crystal oscillator.
c) A variable frequency relaxation oscillator. d) A radio frequency LC oscillator.
a) Increase the value of capacitor "C" b) Decrease the value of capacitor "C"
12) Name the resistor(s) that effect the timing of the "LOW OUTPUT":
a) R1 and R2 b) R1 only c) R2 only
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17) Will the following circuit work?
a) Yes
b) No
c) A resistor must be connected between pin 2 and 0v rail
d) A resistor must be connected between pin 2 and the positive rail
18) How many clock pulses do a successive approximation converter require for obtaining a digital
19) The basic step of an 8-bit DAC is 12. 4mv.If the binary input 00000000 represents 0v.
Determine the output, if the input is 101101111?
a. 1.36v b. 2.27v c. 5.45v d. none of the mentioned
20) A 10-bit D/A converter has an output range from 0-9v. Calculate the output voltage produced
when the input binary number is 1110001010.
a. ±7.96v b. -7.96v c. 7.96v d. none of the mentioned
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Question (3) Answer the following question LO2, LO4] (4 degree)
1. Illustrate how to Design Amplitude Modulation (AM) and demodulation circuits with
software simulation (MATLAB CODE or proteus).
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during the period: from 6-Dec to 8-Dec 2025.
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