Rubinstein: Move by Move

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The document provides an overview of a book about chess grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein. It discusses his playing career, achievements, and lack of writings about himself. The book aims to analyze Rubinstein's best games and playing style in depth.

The book is about chess grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein, who was one of the strongest players in the world from 1907-1916, but never had the chance to challenge for the world title. It aims to deeply analyze Rubinstein's best games and playing style through his positional play, initiative/attacks, endgames, rook endgames, and linking openings to the middlegame.

Rubinstein had very strong positional play and was adept at playing for initiative and attacks. However, he suffered declining results later in his career due to health issues.

Zenón Franco

Rubinstein move by move
About the Author

Zenón Franco is a Grandmaster from Paraguay, now living in Spain. He represented Para-
guay, on top board, in seven Chess Olympiads, and won individual gold medals at Lucerne
1982 and Novi Sad 1990. He’s an experienced trainer and has written numerous books on

Also by the Author:

Test Your Chess
Anand: Move by Move
Spassky: Move by Move

About the Author 3

Bibliography 5
Introduction 7
The Structure of the Book 9
Akiba Rubinstein’s Playing Style 10

1 Positional Play 38
2 Playing for the Initiative and the Attack 142
3 Endgame Mastery 187
4 Rook Endgames 247
5 Linking the Opening and the Middlegame 331

Akiba Rubinstein’s Best Results 395

Index of Openings 398
Index of Opponents 399

There are not many books about Akiba Rubinstein, despite his having been for several
years one of the best players in the world – and, according to, at various
points between 1908 and 1914, even the very best. Rubinstein was certainly among the top
five in the world from 1907-16, and even later, but his results then suffered a considerable
decline as he had increasing health problems.
Rubinstein is perhaps the strongest player who never managed to become world cham-
pion. There are often considered to have been several outstanding players who came close
to gaining the world championship, or who deserved to do so. David Bronstein, Paul Keres
and Viktor Korchnoi are especially mentioned, and the claims on their behalf are beyond
dispute. The difference with Rubinstein is that, while the others were at least able to com-
pete for the world title – because a formal procedure for selecting the challenger had by
then been established by the international body, FIDE – in Rubinstein’s time this was not
the case; he never had the opportunity to play for the title.

When I wrote my book on Boris Spassky, I noted that the tenth world champion’s con-
tribution to chess literature was remarkably slight. In Rubinstein’s case this is even more
extreme: he wrote almost nothing, and when he did write, his commentaries were rela-
tively simple, although anything that someone of his strength might have to say is always
Yuri Razuvaev, the author of one of the few books about Rubinstein, put it this way:
“Akiba Rubinstein did not write about himself and about his credo; he has left this oppor-
tunity to others, who may judge upon his creative work.”
Some of Rubinstein’s games are very well known, in particular his “Immortal Game”
against Rotlewi at Lodz 1907, and his wins against Lasker at St Petersburg 1909 and Capab-
lanca at San Sebastian 1911. For anyone not acquainted with these works of art, it will
surely be a pleasure to view them for the first time; but even for those who have already
seen them, it should still be interesting. These games will generally have been played
through “long ago”, and will not be recalled in detail, so looking at them again in greater
depth should be a pleasant experience. We don’t need to do quite what Boris Gelfand, one
of Rubinstein’s greatest admirers, did regarding Rubinstein-Salwe, Lodz 1908. He said:
“This game made a deep impression on me; I played it over many times”.

Rubinstein: Move by Move

The task of writing this book, after studying Rubinstein games more deeply, was a very
enjoyable one, and I can say that I now appreciate Rubinstein’s marvellous play more fully.
I hope I can convey what I felt on looking at his games. In many of them, both in the mid-
dlegame and the ending, I seemed to be witnessing a work of art, in which the various
parts are united or connected and where, for most of the time, harmony reigns.

GM Zenón Franco Ocampos,

Ponteareas 2015

With special thanks to Jonathan Tait for his very useful suggestions and improvements.

The Structure of the Book

The book is organized around Rubinstein’s playing style, in which we can distinguish three
main characteristics:

1. His style was markedly positional.

2. He was possibly the first person to create systems of play in various openings, with
plans linked to the middlegame.
3. He was an extraordinary endgame player, whose handling of rook endings in particu-
lar is among the best in the history of the game.

After an introductory chapter discussing Rubinstein’s style, showing how he dealt with
various positions – in the opening, positional middlegames, and the endgame – which to
some extent exemplify his play, there follows five chapters of annotated games:

1. Positional play (11 games)

2. The initiative and the attack (4 games)
3. Endgame mastery (6 games)
4. Rook endings (6 games)
5. Linking the opening and the middlegame (7 games)

As well as the 34 main games, you will also find a few supplementary ones, annotated
in less detail, which are intended to shed light on the associated games. At the end of the
book is a short biographical chapter, outlining the most significant parts of Rubinstein’s

Chapter Two
Playing for the
Initiative and the Attack

“Rubinstein’s Immortal”
1907 was a very successful year for Rubinstein; he won the tournaments in Ostend and
Carlsbad as well as the Fifth All-Russian tournament of 1907/08, held in his adopted city of
Lodz was the scene of this stunning creation: “Rubinstein’s Immortal”, which is possibly
the best known of all his games. After a quiet opening White wastes some tempi and
stands slightly worse. Seeking to keep the position closed, he weakens his position too
much and allows one of the most beautiful finishes in the history of our game.
The marvellous final combination received lavish praise, while the modest Rubinstein
commented: “The combination which now begins has been considered to be one of the
most brilliant and the game itself a jewel; in reality the secret consisted of eliminating or
deflecting the defending piece.”

Game 12
Lodz 1907
Semi-Tarrasch Defence [D40]

1 d4 d5 2 Ìf3 e6 3 e3 c5 4 c4 Ìc6 5 Ìc3 Ìf6 6 dxc5

The main alternative is 6 a3, after which 6...a6 might follow with a possible transposi-
tion to the game. More than a hundred years ago now, Rubinstein himself recommended
6...Ìe4, which was used by Fischer to beat Petrosian in the eighth game of the Candidates
Final in Buenos Aires 1971; this is still considered to be a valid option.
6...Íxc5 7 a3 a6 8 b4 Íd6 9 Íb2 0-0

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

10 Ëd2?!

Question: This is a strange move, isn’t it?

Answer: White doesn’t want to develop his bishop yet, since he would like to recapture on
c4 without losing a tempo, but while this is a developing move, it will not prove useful, as
Rubinstein will demonstrate. With the same idea, 10 Ëc2, as suggested by Tartakower, was
more appropriate, and years later this became the main line.
Alternatively, 10 cxd5 exd5 11 Íe2 reaches a typical IQP structure; this continuation
was considered the best by Schlechter.

Exercise: What did Rubinstein play in this position to call 10 Ëd2 into question?

A pawn sacrifice for the sake of accelerating Black’s development – the imminent arri-
val of a black rook on d8 will be uncomfortable for the white queen.
11 Íd3?!
Inconsistent with his previous move. Almost the only virtue of 10 Ëd2 was to put pres-
sure on the d5-pawn, and while winning the pawn was risky, with the aid of a computer it
can be verified that White’s best course was 11 cxd5 exd5 12 Ìxd5!? Ìxd5 13 Ëxd5, when
Black has compensation for the pawn after 13...Îd8 or 13...Íe6, but no more than that.
And if that was a difficult decision to take over the board, rather than 11 Íd3?!, White
might have opted for 11 cxd5 exd5 12 Íe2; of course this would be in worse circumstances
than after 10 cxd5, given that he has spent a tempo on Ëd2, which is of doubtful usefulness.

Exercise (easy): What’s the snag with 11 Íd3 - ?

Rubinstein: Move by Move

Unlike Black’s king’s bishop, White’s will have spent two tempi recapturing the c-pawn,
with the further snag, as will become apparent, that the queen is badly placed on d2.
12 Íxc4 b5 13 Íd3
Exercise (easy): How should Black continue?

Of course; the white queen is under X-ray pressure from the d8-rook and sooner or later
will be forced to lose another tempo.
14 Ëe2

Question: White was already “playing with Black” – in a symmetrical position with
Black to move – but now he will be two tempi down. Was 14 0-0 better?

Answer: White rejected 14 0-0 in view of 14...Íxh2+! 15 Ìxh2 (or 15 Êxh2? Ëd6+) 15...Ìe5,
when 16 Íxh7+ Ìxh7 17 Ëc2 Ìc4 is advantageous to Black.
14...Íb7 15 0-0

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

Exercise: How can Black exploit his slight advantage in development?

With the exchange of knights White’s castled position loses an important defender, and
the two black bishops will be aimed menacingly at his kingside.
16 Ìxe5 Íxe5
With the familiar threat of 17...Íxh2+.
17 f4
Closing the h2-b8 diagonal, at the cost of weakening his kingside.
If 17 h3 then 17...Ëd6! is strong, when 18 Îfd1? allows 18...Ëc6! with a double attack,
winning material after 19 e4 Íxc3 20 Îac1 Ìxe4!; so White has to play the sad 18 Ìd1,
with advantage to Black after the simple 18...Îac8.
The best defence was the calm 17 Îfd1, when 17...Îac8 keeps a slight advantage for
Black but nothing clear. Instead, 17...Ëc7 can be met by 18 Îac1! (not 18 f4? on account of
18...Íxc3 19 Îac1 Ìd5 and wins) 18...Íxh2+ 19 Êh1 Ëb8 20 Íxh7+ Ìxh7 21 Îxd8+ Ëxd8
22 Êxh2 and the position is about equal.

Rubinstein: Move by Move

With the idea of opening the game with 18...e5.
18 e4
To answer 18...e5 with 19 f5.
After 18 Îfd1, the planned 18...e5 activates Black’s position advantageously; for exam-
ple, 19 Îac1 (here 19 f5 can be met by 19...e4! 20 Íc2, when Black has 20...Ëe5 21 g3 Ëxf5,
among other things) 19...exf4 20 exf4 and Black can benefit from the opening of lines with
20...Íb6+ 21 Êh1 Ëe3! and if 22 f5, there are various strong moves available, such as
22...Ëg5 (with the threat of ...Ìg4) or 22...Ëh6 (intending 23...Íc7 etc) with a winning ini-

Question: How significant is Black’s advantage?

Answer: Black has just developed his last inactive piece and both his rooks occupy active
posts. In contrast, the white rooks are still passive. This is not a decisive advantage, but any
tactical complications arising are likely to benefit the side whose pieces are more active, so
White is clearly at risk.
19 e5?
Seeking to simplify after either 19...Ìd5 or 19...Ìd7 20 Íe4, but this weakening of the
long diagonal allows a marvellous sequence of tactical blows.
It was preferable to play 19 Îad1, though White’s position remains difficult in any case
after 19...Íb6+ 20 Êh1 Íd4, followed by 21...e5.
19...Íb6+ 20 Êh1

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

Exercise: How did Rubinstein continue here?

“In playing 19 e5? Íb6+ 20 Êh1 White clearly underestimated this reply.” – Kasparov.
Rubinstein exploits the fact that the white queen is overworked; the threat is now 21...Ëh4.
21 Íe4
After 21 Ëxg4 Îxd3, threatening ...Îxc3, Black’s initiative triumphs; for example, 22
Ìe2 Îc2 23 Íc1 (23 Îab1 loses to the same move) 23...h5! 24 Ëxh5 Íxg2+ 25 Êxg2 Ëb7+
and mates; 21 Íxh7+ Êxh7 22 Ëxg4 is no better, because of 22...Îd2.
If 21 Ìe4, the simplest continuation is 21...Ëh4 22 h3 Îxd3! 23 Ëxd3 Íxe4 24 Ëxe4
Ëg3! and mates. In this line Kavalek pointed out that in the event of 24 Ëb3,
Rubinstein: Move by Move

Black has several winning continuations, including 24...Íe3!, which occurred in a re-
markably similar modern game:
In L.Aronian-V.Anand, Wijk aan Zee 2013, Black forced resignation with 23...Íe3!. An-
and himself stated that, during play, he was aware of the similarity between the two
games, two works of art played more than 100 years apart.
Although it takes nothing away from the following brilliancy, there was actually an
immediate win with 21...Ìxh2!; for example, 22 Îfe1 (or 22 Ëh5 Íxe4 23 Êxh2 Íxg2! 24
Êxg2 Îd2+ etc) 22...Îxc3! 23 Íxc3 (or 23 Ëh5 g6 24 Ëxh2 Îb3) 23...Ëh4 24 g3 Ëxg3 25
Ëxh2 Íxe4+ 26 Îxe4 Ëxc3 27 Îae1 (or 27 Îee1 Îd2) 27...Îd1!, winning in all cases.
22 g3
If 22 h3 then 22...Îxc3! wins; for example, 23 Íxc3 (23 Íxb7 allows mate with
23...Îxh3+; the white king is also blown away after 23 Ëxg4 Îxh3+! 24 Ëxh3 Ëxh3+ 25
gxh3 Íxe4+ 26 Êh2 Îd2+ with rapid mate, such as 27 Êg3 Îg2+ 28 Êh4 Íd8+ 29 Êh5
Íg6 mate) 23...Íxe4 24 Ëxg4 (if 24 Ëxe4 we already know that 24...Ëg3 wins) 24...Ëxg4
25 hxg4 Îd3!, when the threat of 26...Îh3 mate allows Black to win the bishop on c3.

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

Exercise: How did “Rubinstein’s Immortal” continue?

“An astonishing queen sacrifice, combining pins and deflections. White can’t stop the
attacking fury.” – Kavalek.
“One of the best combinations ever made. Black’s next, uncommonly spectacular move
reveals the depth of Rubinstein’s combinative idea.” – Romanovsky.
23 gxh4
Here 23 Íxc3 allows 23...Íxe4+ and mate; while on 23 Íxb7, Kmoch pointed out the
following finish: 23...Îxg3 24 Îf3 (or 24 Íf3 Ìxh2 25 Ëxh2 Îh3) 24...Îxf3 25 Íxf3 Ìf2+
26 Êg1 (or 26 Êg2 Ëh3+ 27 Êg1 Ìe4+ with mate in three) 26...Ìe4+ (the engines indicate
that the “inhuman” 26...Ëh3! mates more quickly, but this changes nothing) 27 Êf1 Ìd2+
28 Êg2 Ìxf3 29 Ëxf3 (or 29 Êxf3 Ëh5+) 29...Îd2+ etc.

Rubinstein: Move by Move

Exercise: What is the spectacular key to the combination?

“Such moves bear the stamp of eternity! Black is a queen down, and nearly all his pieces
are en prise.” – Razuvaev & Murakhveri.
24 Ëxd2
There is mate in five moves after 24 Ëxg4 Íxe4+ 25 Îf3 Îxf3, and mate in three after
24 Íxc3 Íxe4+; finally, 24 Íxb7 Îxe2 25 Íg2 allows the same decisive finish we shall see
in the game.
24...Íxe4+ 25 Ëg2
Exercise: How did Rubinstein force resignation?

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

25...Îh3! 0-1
“A clincher! Black uses a pin to deliver a pretty mate.” – Kavalek.
Rotlewi resigned, in view of 26 Îf2 (or 26 Îf3 Íxf3) 26...Íxf2 27 Ëxe4 Îxh2 mate.

“The Rubinstein Attack”

This is another of the Rubinstein’s great contributions to the opening, linked to a middle-
game plan. It could have been placed in Chapter Five but is included here because it is also
a magnificent attacking game. I have added three supplementary games to help readers
improve their understanding of the type of position arising.
After an opening featuring Rubinstein’s own original ideas, a middlegame with castling
on opposite sides is reached, which is finally rounded off with a brilliant attack.
This is a model game, a true work of art, about which Rubinstein commented simply,
with his usual modesty: “Castling on opposite sides is always more spectacular on account
of the complexity of the attacks”.

Game 13
Vienna (4th matchgame) 1908
Queen’s Gambit Declined [D55]

1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Ìc3 Ìf6 4 Íg5 Ìbd7 5 e3 Íe7 6 Ìf3 0-0 7 Ëc2

Rubinstein plays the variation that bears his name, the “Rubinstein Attack”, which he
employed almost exclusively until 1912. This line (“formidable” was how Kasparov de-
scribed it) is one of his many contributions to opening theory and, as always with Rubin-
stein, it is an idea linked to the middlegame.

Rubinstein: Move by Move

From 1914 onwards (Rubinstein was inactive in 1913), he turned to the more popular
move 7 Îc1.

Question: What are the differences between 7 Ëc2 and 7 Îc1 - ?

Answer: Both moves can be categorized as “the struggle for tempo”. White delays the de-
velopment of his king’s bishop, hoping for a quick ...d5xc4 so that he can play Íxc4 with-
out losing a tempo. The main difference with 7 Ëc2 is that White keeps open the possibil-
ity of castling on the queenside.
The main objection to 7 Ëc2 is the counterblow 7...c5!, played in the World Champion-
ship matches between Lasker and Capablanca (1921) and Capablanca and Alekhine (1927),
with good results for Black. One of the ideas is that after 8 0-0-0 (or 8 Îd1), it is possible to
play 8...Ëa5 with good counterplay.
The young Kasparov, keen to attack, played this line against D.Marovic at Banja Luka
1979; after 8 0-0-0 Ëa5 9 Êb1 h6, he opted for the sharp 10 h4!?, maintaining the tension.
The game continued 10...dxc4 11 Íxc4, and now Kasparov recommends 11...cxd4 12 exd4
Ìb6 13 Íb3 Íd7 14 Ìe5 Îac8 15 Îh3! “with chances for both sides”.
Many years after the Teichmann game, Rubinstein himself, as Black against Kashdan at
Prague 1931 – with the insertion of 7...h6 8 Íf4 (in the event of 8 Íh4, White no longer has
the option of Kasparov’s h2-h4 idea) – played 8...c5 9 cxd5 cxd4 (refusing to be left with an
isolated d-pawn, which would be the case after 9...exd5) 10 exd4 Ìxd5 11 Ìxd5 exd5 and
eventually won in a complex struggle.
Instead of the double-edged 8 0-0-0, White can also choose the quiet 8 cxd5 Ìxd5 9
Íxe7 Ëxe7 10 Ìxd5 exd5 11 Íd3 with a minimal advantage in view of Black’s IQP, but
nothing significant.
8 cxd5 exd5 9 Íd3 Íb7
Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

10 0-0-0
Two years later, Alekhine preferred 10 h4 in Supplementary Game 13.1.

Question: It looks more natural to castle queenside

and only then decide what to do with the pawns.

Answer: There’s a specific reason: 10 h4 prevents 10...Ìe4, which might not be serious, but
Alekhine did not want to allow it. Besides, h2-h4 is not a wasted move – as we shall see, it is
useful in the attack.
Znosko-Borovsky indeed played 10...Ìe4 in Supplementary Game 13.2.
11 h4! c4?!
Although Black gains a tempo by attacking the bishop, the race between the competing
pawn storms will prove unfavourable to him. 11...Îc8 is better, as played earlier by Teich-
mann in Supplementary Game 13.3.
12 Íf5 Îe8
Since we are in an attacking race with the kings castled on opposite wings, a logical
move here would have been 12...a6, planning ...b6-b5. In response, 13 Ìe5 is reasonable,
after which F.Marshall-J.Te Kolste, Scheveningen 1905, continued 13...g6 14 Íxd7 Ìxd7 15
Íh6 Îe8 16 h5. White could also play 13 g4, analogous to what we will see in this game.
Exercise: How do you think Rubinstein continued his offensive?

13 Íxf6!
With two ideas: firstly it prevents Black from bolstering his kingside defences with
13...Ìf8 (which was his intention in playing 12...Îe8); secondly, as we shall see, it is consis-

Rubinstein: Move by Move

tent with White’s plan of attack against the black monarch.


Exercise: How does White demonstrate that

13 Íxf6 was consistent with his attacking plans?

14 g4!
Of course; White continues with the infantry attack initiated with 11 h4, Now 14...g6
would be answered by 15 g5.
Black prepares a square for his knight on e4.
15 g5 Ìe4
Exercise: How did Rubinstein respond to Black’s last
move, which closes the attacking b1-h7 diagonal?

16 h5!
Rubinstein continues playing with iron consistency, not caring about the loss of the
pawn, since this would open lines against the black king. Or in other words, “Rubinstein’s
play, as always, is consistent and logical: in the given instance he is thinking only of at-
tack!” – Kasparov.
In the event of 16 Ìxe4 dxe4 17 Ìd2, as well as the line 17...c3! 18 Ìxe4 cxb2+ 19 Êxb2
(or 19 Êb1 Ía3) 19...Íb4 20 f3 Ëd5 21 Íxh7+ Êh8 (which is “unclear and unnecessary for
White”, according to Kasparov), there is the simple 17...Ëe7, intending ...b6-b5, when
Black’s attack starts to make itself felt.

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

Taking the g5-pawn would be virtually suicidal: after 16...Ìxg5? 17 Ìxg5 Ëxg5, Tar-
rasch analysed 18 Íxh7+ Êf8 19 h6! gxh6 (or 19...g6 20 Îdg1 Ëf6 21 Íxg6!) 20 Îdg1; for
example, 20...Ëf6 (or 20...Ëd8 21 Ëf5) 21 Îh5 Ëe6 22 Îf5, threatening 23 Îg6 with a deci-
sive attack.
17 Îdg1 a6?
This attempt at counter-attack comes too late, as Rubinstein will demonstrate.
Having seen the course of the game it is clear that 17...g6 was essential, although after
18 hxg6 hxg6, there are several promising-looking continuations: such as 19 Íxe4 dxe4 20
Ìd2, or the sacrifice 19 Íxg6 hxg6 20 Îh6 etc. The strongest seems to be 19 Îh6! Êg7 (or
19...gxf5 20 Îgh1 and Black is defenceless) 20 Ìxe4 dxe4 21 Ìh4, when there is no good
defence against 22 Íxg6; for example, 21...Îg8 22 Íxg6 fxg6 23 Îxg6+ Êf8 24 Ëxc4! and
Exercise: How did Rubinstein proceed with his attack on the black king?

18 Íxh7+!!
“Now the black position is ripped open with a Morphy-like assault.” – Kmoch.
“Like lightning from a clear sky! Such a combination cannot be calculated to the end,
and this is the main difficulty in taking a decision in similar situations.” – Razuvaev.
Rubinstein (who awarded this move only one exclamation mark) commented, with his
usual lack of self-praise: “This sacrifice serves to enhance the offensive action of the attack-
ing pawns on the kingside.”
The alternative was 18 g6, good but not as strong,
18...Êxh7 19 g6+ Êg8
In the event of 19...fxg6, White concludes the attack with 20 Ìxe4 dxe4 21 Ìg5+ Êh6

Rubinstein: Move by Move

(or 21...Êg8 22 Ëxc4+) 22 Ìf7+! and mates.

20 Ìxe4 dxe4
Exercise: What did Rubinstein have in mind when he sacrificed the bishop?

21 h6!!
“The crux of White’s attack! Black cannot prevent the opening of both the g- and h-files,
after which the white rooks quickly decide matters. 22 gxf7+ and Îxg7+ is now threat-
ened.” – Euwe.
“This impressive picture is the culmination of the entire game.” – Kasparov.
This lavish praise contrasts sharply with Rubinstein’s own comment; with his custom-
ary modesty he wrote: “Completely demolishing Black’s kingside. The connected sacrifices
are of merely visual interest.”
As Euwe indicated, 21...exf3 loses simply: 22 gxf7+ Ëxf7 (or 22...Êxf7 23 Ëg6+ Êg8 24
hxg7) 23 hxg7!, with the double threat of 24 Îh8 mate and 24 Ëh7 mate.
Instead, 21...fxg6 is more complicated; Kmoch pointed out one of the most accurate
ways to cut through the complications: 22 Ìh4 or prefacing this with 22 h7+. The direct 22
Îxg6? is less clear, as after 22...exf3 23 Ëxc4+ (or 23 Îxg7+ Ëxg7 24 hxg7 Íe4! is not deci-
sive either) 23...Êh7! 24 Îxg7+ Êh8 25 Îxe7 Îxe7, Black has enough material to fight on.
The winning line is 22 h7+! Êf7 (not 22...Êh8? 23 Ìh4) 23 Ìh4! g5 24 Ìf5 Ëf6 (or
24...Ëe6 25 Îxg5 g6 26 Îh6!) 25 Îxg5 Ëxg5 26 Ìxd6+ Êe7 27 Ìxe8 Îxe8 28 Ëxc4! Êd6
and now 29 Ëg8 is one way.
Alternatively, 22 Ìh4! g5 23 h7+ Êf7 24 Ìf5 transposes; via this move order, 23 Ìg6
looks less strong: 23...Ëf6 24 h7+ Êf7 25 h8Ë Îxh8 26 Ìxh8+ Êe6 and Black is still play-

Playing for the Initiative and the Attack

22 hxg7!
Threatening 23 Îh8+ Êxg7 24 Îh7+ etc.
In the event of 22...Ëe6, White has 23 Îh8+ Êxg7 24 Îh7+ Êf8 25 Îxb7 exf3 26 g7+
Êg8 27 Ëh7+ with mate in two moves, according to Euwe.
If Black tries 24...Êg8, the strongest continuation is 25 Îgh1!, threatening 26 Îh8+ Êg7
27 Î1h7+ Êxg6 28 Ìh4+ Êg5 29 Îg7 mate; for example, 25...f5 (25...Êf8? loses to the sim-
ple 26 Îxb7) 26 Ìg5! Ëd5 and here there are several winning lines, the quickest being 27
Ëe2! (or 27 Ëd1!), followed by 28 Ëh5 or else 28 Îf7, threatening mate with 29 Îh8+ and
30 Ëh5+ etc.
23 Îh8+ Êxg7 24 Îh7+ Êg8
Exercise: What is the strongest move now?

25 Ëf5!
With various threats, such as 26 Ëh5, 26 g7, and 26 Îxe7. Naturally, 25 Îxe7 was also
25...c3 26 Îxe7 1-0

Supplementary Game 13.1

Hamburg 1910
Queen’s Gambit Declined [D55]

1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Ìf3 Ìf6 4 Íg5 Íe7 5 e3 Ìbd7 6 Ìc3 0-0 7 Ëc2 b6 8 cxd5 exd5 9 Íd3 Íb7


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