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Complex-Valued Matrix Differentiation: Techniques and Key Results

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Complex-Valued Matrix Differentiation:

Techniques and Key Results

Are Hjørungnes, Senior Member, IEEE, and David Gesbert, Senior Member, IEEE.


A systematic theory is introduced for finding the derivatives of complex-valued matrix functions with respect

to a complex-valued matrix variable and the complex conjugate of this variable. In the framework introduced,

the differential of the complex-valued matrix function is used to identify the derivatives of this function. Matrix

differentiation results are derived and summarized in tables which can be exploited in a wide range of signal

processing related situations. The Hessian matrix of a scalar complex function is also defined, and it is shown how

it can be obtained from the second-order differential of the function. The methods given are general such that many

other results can be derived using the framework introduced, although only important cases are treated.

Keywords: Complex differentials, non-analytical complex functions, complex matrix derivatives, complex Hessian.

In many engineering problems, the unknown parameters are complex-valued vectors and matrices and, often, the

task of the system designer is to find the values of these complex parameters which optimize a chosen criterion

function. Examples of areas where these types of optimization problems might appear, can be in telecommunications,

where digital filters can contain complex-valued coefficients [1], electric circuits [2], control theory [3], adaptive

filters [4], acoustics, optics, mechanical vibrating systems, heat conduction, fluid flow, and electrostatics [5]. For

solving this kind of optimization problems, one approach is to find necessary conditions for optimality. When a

scalar real-valued function depends on a complex-valued matrix parameter, the necessary conditions for optimality

Corresponding author: Are Hjørungnes is with UniK - University Graduate Center, University of Oslo, Instituttveien 25, P. O. Box 70,

N-2027 Kjeller, Norway, email: arehj@unik.no.

David Gesbert is with Mobile Communications Department, Eurécom Institute, 2229 Route des Crêtes, BP 193, F-06904 Sophia Antipolis

Cédex, France, email: gesbert@eurecom.fr.

This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Aurora project

entitled "Optimization of Broadband Wireless Communications Network".


can be found by either setting the derivative of the function with respect to the complex-valued matrix parameter or

its complex conjugate to zero. Differentiation results are well-known for certain classes of functions, e.g., quadratic

functions, but can be tricky for others. This paper provides the tools for finding derivatives in a systematic way.

In an effort to build adaptive optimization algorithms, it will also be shown that the direction of maximum rate

of change of a real-valued scalar function, with respect to the complex-valued matrix parameter, is given by the

derivative of the function with respect to the complex conjugate of the complex-valued input matrix parameter. Of

course, this is a generalization of a well-known result for scalar functions of vector variables. A general framework

is introduced here showing how to find the derivative of complex-valued scalar-, vector-, or matrix functions with

respect to the complex-valued input parameter matrix and its complex conjugate. The main contribution of this

paper lies in the proposed approach for how to obtain derivatives in a way that is both simple and systematic,

based on the so-called differential of the function. In this paper, it is assumed that the functions are differentiable

with respect to the complex-valued parameter matrix and its complex conjugate, and it will be seen that these two

parameter matrices should be treated as independent when finding the derivatives, as is classical for scalar variables.

It is also shown how the Hessian matrix, i.e., second-order derivate, of a complex scalar function can be calculated.

The proposed theory is useful when solving numerous problems which involve optimization when the unknown

parameter is a complex-valued matrix.

The problem at hand has been treated for real-valued matrix variables in [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Four additional

references that give a brief treatment of the case of real-valued scalar functions which depend complex-valued vectors

are Appendix B of [11], Appendix 2.B in [12], Subsection 2.3.10 of [13], and the article [14]. The article [15]

serves as an introduction to this area for complex-valued scalar functions with complex-valued argument vectors.

Results on complex differentiation theory is given in [16], [17] for differentiation with respect to complex-valued

scalars and vectors, however, the more general matrix case is not considered. Examples of problems where the

unknown matrix is a complex-valued matrix are wide ranging including precoding of MIMO systems [18], linear

equalization design [19], array signal processing [20] to only cite a few.

Some of the most relevant applications to signal and communication problems are presented here, with key results

being highlighted and other illustrative examples are listed in tables. The complex Hessian matrix is defined for
Function type Scalar variables z, z ∗ ∈ C Vector variables z, z ∗ ∈ CN ×1 Matrix variables Z , Z ∗ ∈ CN ×Q
Scalar function f ∈ C f z, z ∗ f z, z ∗ f Z, Z∗

f :C×C→C f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → C f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → C
M ×1 ∗ ∗ 
Vector function f ∈ C f z, z f z, z f Z, Z∗

f : C × C → CM ×1 f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CM ×1 f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → CM ×1
M ×P ∗ ∗ 
Matrix function F ∈ C F z, z F z, z F Z, Z∗

F : C × C → CM ×P F : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CM ×P F : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → CM ×P

complex scalar functions, and it is shown how it can be obtained from the second-order differential of the functions.

Hessian matrices can be used to check if a stationary point is a minimum, maximum, or a saddle point.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II contains a discussion on the differences between analytical

functions, which are usually studied in mathematical courses for engineers, and non-analytical functions, which

are often encountered when dealing with engineering problems of complex variables. In Section III, the complex

differential is introduced, and based on this differential, the definition of the derivatives of complex-valued matrix

function with respect to the complex-valued matrix argument and its complex conjugate is given in Section IV. The

key procedure showing how the derivatives can be found from the differential of a function is also presented in

Section IV. Section V contains important results such as the chain rule, equivalent conditions for finding stationary

points, and in which direction the function has the maximum rate of change. In Section VI, several key results

are placed in tables and some results are derived for various cases with high relevance for signal processing and

communication problems. The Hessian matrix of scalar complex-valued functions dependent on complex matrices

is defined in Section VII, and it is shown how it can be obtained. Section VIII contains some conclusions. Some

of the proofs are given in the appendices.

Notation: The following conventions are always used in this article: Scalar quantities (variables z or functions f )

are denoted by lowercase symbols, vector quantities (variables z or functions f ) are denoted by lowercase boldface

symbols, and matrix quantities (variables Z or functions F ) are denoted by capital boldface symbols. The types

of functions used throughout this paper are classified in Table I. From the table, it is seen that all the functions

depend on a complex variable and the complex conjugate of the same variable. Let j = −1 be the imaginary

unit. Let the symbol z = x + jy denote a complex variable, where the real and imaginary parts are denoted by

x and y , respectively. The real and imaginary operators return the real and imaginary parts of the input matrix,

respectively. These operators are denoted by Re{·} and Im{·}. If Z ∈ C N ×Q is a complex-valued 1 matrix, then

Z = Re {Z} + j Im {Z}, and Z ∗ = Re {Z} − j Im {Z}, where Re {Z} ∈ RN ×Q , Im {Z} ∈ RN ×Q , and the

operator (·)∗ denotes complex conjugate of the matrix it is applied to. The real and imaginary operators can be

expressed as Re {Z} = 2 (Z + Z ∗ ) and Im {Z} = 1
2j (Z − Z ∗ ).


Mathematical courses on complex functions for engineers often only involve the analysis of analytical functions:

Definition 1: Let D ⊆ C be the domain of definition of the function f : D → C. The function f , which depends
f (z + Δz) − f (z)
on a complex scalar variable z , is an analytical function in the domain D [5] if lim exists
Δz→0 Δz
for all z ∈ D.

If f (z) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations [5], then it is analytical. A function that is complex differentiable

is also named analytic, holomorphic, or regular. The Cauchy-Riemann condition can be formulated as one equation

as ∂
∂z ∗ f = 0, where the derivative of f with respect to z ∗ and z , respectively, is found by treating the variable z

and z ∗ as a constant, i.e., ∂

∂z ∗ z = 0 and ∂ ∗
∂z z = 0, see also Definition 2 where this kind of partial derivatives will

be defined with more details. From ∂z ∗ f = 0, it is seen that any analytical function f is not dependent on the

variable z ∗ . This can also be seen from Theorem 1, page 804 in [5], which states that any analytical function f (z)

can be written as an infinite power series 2 with non-negative exponents of the complex variable z , and this power

series is called the Taylor series. The series does not contain any terms that depend on z ∗ . The derivative of

a complex-valued function in mathematical courses of complex analysis for engineers is often defined only for

analytical functions. However, in many engineering problems, the functions of interest are often not analytic, since

they are often real-valued functions. Conversely, if a function is only dependent on z , like an analytical function,

and not implicitly or explicitly dependent on z ∗ , then this function cannot in general be real-valued, since the

function can only be real if the imaginary parts of z can be eliminated, and this is handled by the terms that depend

on z ∗ . An alternative treatment of how to find the derivative of real functions dependent on complex variables

than the one used for analytical function is needed. In this article, a systematic theory is provided for finding the

derivative of non-analytical functions.

R and C are the sets of the real and complex numbers, respectively.

A power series in the variable z ∈ C is an infinite sum of the form an (z − z0 )n , where an , z0 ∈ C [5].

A. Euclidean Distance

In engineering problems, the squared Euclidean distance is often used. Let f (z) = |z| 2 = zz ∗ . If the traditional

definition of the derivative given in Definition 1 is used, then the function f is not differentiable because:

f (z0 + Δz) − f (z0 ) |z0 + Δz|2 − |z0 |2 (Δz) z0∗ + z0 (Δz)∗ + Δz(Δz)∗
lim = lim = lim . (1)
Δz→0 Δz Δz→0 Δz Δz→0 Δz

This limit does not exist because different values are found depending on how Δz is approaching 0. Let Δz =
j(Δy)z0∗ −jz0 Δy+(Δy)2
Δx + jΔy . Firstly, let Δz approach zero such that Δx = 0, then the last fraction in (1) is jΔy =

z0∗ − z0 − jΔy , which approaches z 0∗ − z0 = −2j Im{z0 } when Δy → 0. Secondly, let Δz approach zero such that
(Δx)z0∗ +z0 Δx+(Δx)2
Δy = 0, then the last fraction in (1) is Δx = z0 + z0∗ + Δx, which approaches z 0 + z0∗ = 2 Re{z0 }

when Δx → 0. For any non-zero complex number z 0 the following holds: Re{z0 } = −j Im{z0 }, and therefore, the

function f (z) = |z|2 is not differentiable when using the commonly encountered definition given in Definition 1.

There are two alternative ways [13] to find the derivative of a scalar real-valued function f ∈ R with respect to

the complex-valued matrix parameter Z ∈ C N ×Q . The standard way is to rewrite f as a function of the real X and

imaginary parts Y of the complex variable Z , and then to find the derivatives of the rewritten function with respect

to these two independent real variables, X and Y , separately. Notice that N Q independent complex parameters

in Z correspond to 2N Q independent real parameters in X and Y . In this paper, we bring the reader’s attention

onto an alternative approach that can lead to a simpler derivation. In this approach, one treats the differentials of

the variables variables Z and Z ∗ as independent, in the way that will be shown by Lemma 1, see also [15]. It will

be shown later, that both the derivative of f with respect to Z and Z ∗ can be identified by the differential of f .

B. Formal Partial Derivatives

Definition 2: The derivatives with respect to z and z ∗ of f (z0 ) are called the formal partial derivatives of f at

z0 ∈ C. Let z = x + jy , where x, y ∈ R, then the formal derivatives, or Wirtinger derivatives [21], are defined as:
∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂
f (z0 )  f (z0 ) − j f (z0 ) and ∗
f (z0 )  f (z0 ) + j f (z0 ) . (2)
∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y

Alternatively, when finding ∂

∂z f (z0 ) and ∂
∂z ∗ f (z0 ), the parameters z and z ∗ , respectively, are treated as independent

variables, see [15] for more details.


∂ ∂
From Definition 2, it follows that ∂x f (z0 ) and ∂y f (z0 ) can be found as:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
f (z0 ) = f (z0 ) + ∗ f (z0 ) and f (z0 ) = j f (z0 ) − ∗ f (z0 ) . (3)
∂x ∂z ∂z ∂y ∂z ∂z

If f is dependent on several variables, Definition 2 can be extended. Later in this article, it will be shown how

the derivatives, with respect to the complex-valued matrix parameter and its complex conjugate, of all the function

types given in Table I can be identified from the differentials of these functions.

Example 1: Let f : C × C → R be f (z, z ∗ ) = zz ∗ . f is differentiable3 with respect to both variables z and

z ∗ , and ∂ ∗
∂z f (z, z ) = z ∗ and ∂ ∗
∂z ∗ f (z, z ) = z . When the complex variable z and its complex conjugate twin z ∗

are treated as independent variables [15] when finding the derivatives of f , then f is differentiable in both of

these variables. However, as shown earlier in this section, the same function is not differentiable when studying

analytical functions defined according to Definition 1.


The differential has the same size as the matrix it is applied to. The differential can be found component-wise,

that is, (dZ)k,l = d (Z)k,l . A procedure that can often be used for finding the differentials of a complex matrix

function4 F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) is to calculate the difference

F (Z 0 + dZ 0 , Z 1 + dZ 1 ) − F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = First-order(dZ 0 , dZ 1 ) + Higher-order(dZ 0 , dZ 1 ), (4)

where First-order(·, ·) returns the terms that depend on either dZ 0 or dZ 1 of the first order, and Higher-order(·, ·)

returns the terms that depend on the higher order terms of dZ 0 and dZ 1 . The differential is then given by

First-order(·, ·), i.e., the first order term of F (Z 0 +dZ 0 , Z 1 +dZ 1 )−F (Z 0 , Z 1 ). As an example, let F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) =

Z 0 Z 1 . Then the difference in (4) can be developed and readily expressed as: F (Z 0 +dZ 0 , Z 1 +dZ 1 )−F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) =

Z 0 dZ 1 + (dZ 0 )Z 1 + (dZ 0 )(dZ 1 ). The differential of Z 0 Z 1 can then be identified as all the first-order terms on

either dZ 0 or dZ 1 as dZ 0 Z 1 = Z 0 dZ 1 + (dZ 0 )Z 1 .

Definition 3: The Moore-Penrose inverse of Z ∈ C N ×Q is denoted by Z + ∈ CQ×N , and it is defined through

the following four relations [22]:

ZZ + = ZZ + , (5)

Here, Definition 2 is used for finding the formal partial derivatives.
The indexes are chosen to start with 0 everywhere in this article.

Z+Z = Z + Z, (6)

ZZ + Z = Z, (7)

Z + ZZ + = Z + , (8)

where the operator (·) H is the Hermitian operator, or the complex conjugate transpose.

Let ⊗ and  denote the Kronecker and Hadamard product [23], respectively. Some of the most important rules on

complex differentials are listed in Table II, assuming A, B , and a to be constants, and Z , Z 0 , and Z 1 to be complex-

valued matrix variables. The vectorization operator vec(·) stacks the columns vectors of the argument matrix into

a long column vector in chronological order [23]. The differentiation rule of the reshaping operator reshape(·) in

Table II is valid for any linear reshaping 5 operator reshape(·) of the matrix, and examples of such operators are

the transpose (·)T or vec(·). Some of the basic differential results in Table II can be derived by means of (4), and

others can be derived by generalizing some of the results found in [7], [9] to the complex differential case.

Differential of the Moore-Penrose Inverse: The differential of the real-valued Moore-Penrose inverse can be

found in in [7], [8], but the complex-valued version is derived here.

Proposition 1: Let Z ∈ CN ×Q , then

dZ + = −Z + (dZ)Z + + Z + (Z + )H (dZ H ) I N − ZZ + + I Q − Z + Z (dZ H )(Z + )H Z + . (9)

The proof of Proposition 1 can be found in Appendix I.

From Table II, the following four equalities follows dZ = d Re {Z} + jd Im {Z}, Z ∗ = d Re {Z} − jd Im {Z},

Re {Z} = 2 (dZ + dZ ∗ ), and Im {Z} = 1
2j (dZ − dZ ∗ ).

The following two lemmas are used to identify the first- and second-order derivatives later in the article. The

real variables Re {Z} and Im {Z} are independent of each other and hence are their differentials. Although the

complex variables Z and Z ∗ are related, their differentials are linearly independent in the following way:

Lemma 1: Let Z ∈ CN ×Q and let Ai ∈ CM ×N Q . If A0 d vec(Z) + A1 d vec(Z ∗ ) = 0M ×1 for all dZ ∈ CN ×Q ,

then Ai = 0M ×N Q for i ∈ {0, 1}.

The output of the reshape operator has the same number of elements as the input, but the shape of the output might be different, so

reshape(·) performs a reshaping of its input argument.


Function Differential

A 0

aZ adZ

AZ B A(dZ )B

Z0 + Z1 dZ 0 + dZ 1

Tr {Z } Tr {dZ }

Z 0Z 1 (dZ 0 )Z 1 + Z 0 (dZ 1 )

Z0 ⊗ Z1 (dZ 0 ) ⊗ Z 1 + Z 0 ⊗ (dZ 1 )

Z0  Z1 (dZ 0 )  Z 1 + Z 0  (dZ 1 )
Z −Z −1 (dZ )Z −1
det(Z ) det(Z ) Tr Z −1 dZ
ln(det(Z )) Tr Z −1 dZ

reshape(Z ) reshape(dZ )

Z (dZ )∗

ZH (dZ )H
Z+ −Z + (dZ )Z + + Z + (Z + )H (dZ H ) IN − ZZ+ + I Q − Z +Z (dZ H )(Z + )H Z +

The proof of Lemma 1 can be found in Appendix II.

Lemma 2: Let Z ∈ CN ×Q and let B i ∈ CN Q×N Q . If d vecT (Z) B 0 d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) B 1 d vec(Z) +
d vecT (Z ∗ ) B 2 d vec(Z ∗ ) = 0 for all dZ ∈ CN ×Q , then B 0 = −B T0 , B 1 = 0N Q×N Q , and B 2 = −B T2 .

The proof of Lemma 2 can be found in Appendix III.


The most general definition of the derivative is given here from which the definitions for less general cases follow

and they will later be given in an identification table which shows how the derivatives can be obtained from the

differential of the function.

Definition 4: Let F : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → CM ×P . Then the derivative of the matrix function F (Z, Z ∗ ) ∈ CM ×P

with respect to Z ∈ CN ×Q is denoted DZ F , and the derivative of the matrix function F (Z, Z ∗ ) ∈ CM ×P with

respect to Z ∗ ∈ CN ×Q is denoted DZ∗ F and the size of both these derivatives is M P × N Q. The derivatives

DZ F and DZ∗ F are defined by the following differential expression:

d vec(F ) = (DZ F ) d vec(Z) + (DZ∗ F ) d vec(Z ∗ ). (10)

DZ F (Z, Z ∗ ) and DZ∗ F (Z, Z ∗ ) are called the Jacobian matrices of F with respect to Z and Z ∗ , respectively.

Remark 1: Definition 4 is a generalization of Definition 1, page 173 in [7] to include complex matrices. In [7],

several alternative definitions of the derivative of real-valued functions with respect to a matrix are discussed, and
Function type Differential Derivative with respect to z, z, or Z Derivative with respect to z ∗ , z ∗ , or Z ∗ Size of derivatives

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
f z, z df = a0 dz + a1 dz Dz f z, z = a0 Dz ∗ f z, z = a1 1×1
f z, z ∗ df = a 0 dz + a 1 dz ∗ Dz f z, z ∗ = a 0 Dz ∗ f z, z ∗ = a 1 1×N
f Z, Z∗ df = vecT (A 0 )d vec(Z ) + vecT (A 1 )d vec(Z ∗ ) DZ f Z , Z ∗ = vecT (A 0 ) DZ ∗ f Z , Z ∗ = vecT (A 1 ) 1 × NQ
∗ ∗ ∗ 
f Z, Z df = Tr AT T
0 dZ + A 1 dZ

f Z, Z = A0 ∂
∂Z ∗
f Z , Z ∗ = A1 N ×Q
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
f z, z df = b 0 dz + b 1 dz Dz f z, z = b0 Dz ∗ f z, z = b1 M ×1
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
f z, z df = B 0 dz + B 1 dz Dz f z, z = B0 Dz ∗ f z, z = B1 M ×N
f Z, Z∗ df = β 0 d vec(Z ) + β 1 d vec(Z ∗ ) DZ f Z , Z ∗ = β 0 DZ ∗ f Z , Z ∗ = β 1 M × NQ
F z, z ∗ d vec(F ) = c 0 dz + c 1 dz ∗ Dz F z, z ∗ = c 0 Dz ∗ F z, z ∗ = c 1 MP × 1
F z, z ∗ d vec(F ) = C 0 dz + C 1 dz ∗ Dz F z, z ∗ = C 0 Dz∗ F z, z ∗ = C 1 MP × N
F Z, Z∗ d vec(F ) = ζ 0 d vec(Z ) + ζ 1 d vec(Z ∗ ) DZ F Z , Z ∗ = ζ 0 DZ ∗ F Z , Z ∗ = ζ 1 M P × NQ

it is concluded that the definition that matches Definition 4 is the only reasonable definition. Definition 4 is also a

generalization of the definition used in [15] for complex-valued vectors to the case of complex-valued matrices.

Table III shows how the derivatives of the different function types in Table I can be identified from the differentials

of these functions.6 To show the uniqueness of the representation in (10), we subtract the differential in (10) from the

corresponding differential in Table III to get (ζ 0 − DZ F (Z, Z ∗ )) d vec(Z) + (ζ 1 − DZ∗ F (Z, Z ∗ )) d vec(Z ∗ ) =

0M P ×1 . The derivatives in the last line of Table III then follow by using Lemma 1 on this equation. Table III is an

extension of the corresponding table given in [7], valid in the real variable case. In Table III, z ∈ C, z ∈ C N ×1 ,

Z ∈ CN ×Q , f ∈ C, f ∈ CM ×1 , and F ∈ CM ×P . Furthermore, ai ∈ C1×1 , ai ∈ C1×N , Ai ∈ CN ×Q , bi ∈ CM ×1 ,

B i ∈ CM ×N , β i ∈ CM ×N Q , ci ∈ CM P ×1, C i ∈ CM P ×N , ζ i ∈ CM P ×N Q , and each of these might be a function

of z , z , Z , z ∗ , z ∗ , or Z ∗ .

Definition 5: Let f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CM ×1 . The partial derivatives ∂

∂zT f (z, z ∗ ) and ∂ ∗
∂zH f (z, z ) of size

M × N are defined as
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∂z0 f0 ··· ∂
∂zN −1 f0 ⎥ ⎢

∂z0∗ f0 ··· ∗

f0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ∂zN −1 ⎥
∂ ⎢ ⎥ ∂ ⎢ ⎥
f z ∗ ⎢ .. .. ⎥, ∗ ⎢ .. .. ⎥,
∂z T
(z, ) = ⎢ . . ⎥ ∂z H f (z, z ) = ⎢ . . ⎥ (11)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

∂z0 fM −1 ··· ∂
∂zN −1 fM −1

∂z0∗ fM −1 ··· ∂

∂zN fM −1

where zi and fi is component number i of the vectors z and f , respectively.

For the functions of the type f (Z, Z ∗ ) two alternative definitions for the derivatives are given. The notation ∂
f (Z, Z ∗ ) and

∂Z ∗
f (Z, Z ∗ ) will be defined in Subsection VI-C.

Notice that ∂
∂zT f = Dz f and ∂zH f

= Dz∗ f . Using the partial derivative notation in Definition 5, the derivatives

of the function F (Z, Z ∗ ), in Definition 4, are:

∂ vec(F (Z, Z ∗ ))
DZ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = , (12)
∂ vecT (Z)

∂ vec(F (Z, Z ∗ ))
DZ∗ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = . (13)
∂ vecT (Z ∗ )

This is a generalization of the real-valued matrix variable case treated in [7] to the complex-valued matrix variable

case. (12) and (13) show how the all the M P N Q partial derivatives of all the components of F with respect to

all the components of Z and Z ∗ are arranged when using the notation introduced in Definition 5.

Key result: Finding the derivative of the complex-valued matrix function F with respect to the complex-valued

matrices Z and Z ∗ can be achieved using the following three-step procedure:

1) Compute the differential d vec(F ).

2) Manipulate the expression into the form given (10).

3) Read out the result using Table III.

For less general function types, see Table I, a similar procedure can be used.

In this section, some useful theorems are presented that exploit the theory introduced earlier. All of these results

are important when solving practical optimization problems involving differentiation with respect to a complex-

valued matrix. These results include the chain rule, conditions for finding stationary points for a real scalar function

dependent on complex-valued matrices, and in which direction the same type of function has the minimum or

maximum rate of change. A comment will be made on how this result should be used in the steepest decent

method [24]. For certain types of functions, the same procedure used for the real-valued matrix case [7] can be

used, and this result is stated in a theorem.

1) Chain Rule: One big advantage of the way the derivative is defined in Definition 4 compared to other

definitions of the derivative of F (Z, Z ∗ ) is that the chain rule is valid. The chain rule is now formulated.

Theorem 1: Let (S0 , S1 ) ⊆ CN ×Q × CN ×Q , and let F : S0 × S1 → CM ×P be differentiable with respect to both

its first and second argument at an interior point (Z, Z ∗ ) in the set S0 × S1 . Let T0 × T1 ⊆ CM ×P × CM ×P be such

that (F (Z, Z ∗ ), F ∗ (Z, Z ∗ )) ∈ T0 ×T1 for all (Z, Z ∗ ) ∈ S0 ×S1 . Assume that G : T0 ×T1 → CR×S is differentiable

at an interior point (F (Z, Z ∗ ), F ∗ (Z, Z ∗ )) ∈ T0 × T1 . Define the composite function H : S 0 × S1 → CR×S by

H (Z, Z ∗ )  G (F (Z, Z ∗ ), F ∗ (Z, Z ∗ )). The derivatives D Z H and DZ∗ H are obtained through:

DZ H = (DF G) (DZ F ) + (DF ∗ G) (DZ F ∗ ) , (14)

DZ∗ H = (DF G) (DZ∗ F ) + (DF ∗ G) (DZ∗ F ∗ ) . (15)

Proof: From Definition 4, it follows that:

d vec(H) = d vec(G) = (DF G) d vec(F ) + (DF ∗ G) d vec(F ∗ ). (16)

The differentials of vec(F ) and vec(F ∗ ) are given by:

d vec(F ) = (DZ F ) d vec(Z) + (DZ∗ F ) d vec(Z ∗ ), (17)

d vec(F ∗ ) = (DZ F ∗ ) d vec(Z) + (DZ∗ F ∗ ) d vec(Z ∗ ). (18)

By substituting the results from (17) and (18), into (16), and then using the definition of the derivatives with respect

to Z and Z ∗ the theorem follows.

2) Stationary Points: The next theorem presents conditions for finding stationary points of f (Z, Z ∗ ) ∈ R.

Theorem 2: Let f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → R. A stationary point7 of the function f (Z, Z ∗ ) = g(X, Y ), where

g : RN ×Q × RN ×Q → R and Z = X + jY is then found by one of the following three equivalent conditions: 8

DX g(X, Y ) = 01×N Q ∧ DY g(X, Y ) = 01×N Q , (19)

DZ f (Z, Z ∗ ) = 01×N Q , (20)


DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ ) = 01×N Q . (21)

Proof: In optimization theory [7], a stationary point is a defined as point where the derivatives with respect to

all the independent variables vanish. Since Re{Z} = X and Im{Z} = Y contain only independent variables, (19)
Notice that a stationary point can be a local minimum, a local maximum, or a saddle point.
In (19), the symbol ∧ means that both of the equations stated in (19) must be satisfied at the same time.

gives a stationary point by definition. By using the chain rule in Theorem 1, on both sides of f (Z, Z ∗ ) = g(X, Y )

and taking the derivative with respect to X and Y , the following two equations are obtained:

(DZ f ) (DX Z) + (DZ∗ f ) (DX Z ∗ ) = DX g, (22)

(DZ f ) (DY Z) + (DZ∗ f ) (DY Z ∗ ) = DY g. (23)

From Table II, it follows that DX Z = DX Z ∗ = I N Q and DY Z = −DY Z ∗ = jI N Q . If these results are inserted

into (22) and (23), these two equations can be formulated into block matrix form in the following way:
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
⎢ DX g ⎥ ⎢ 1 1 ⎥ ⎢ DZ f ⎥
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥. (24)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦
DY g j −j DZ∗ f

This equation is equivalent to the following matrix equation:

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
⎢ DZ f ⎥ ⎢ 2 − 2j ⎥ ⎢ DX g ⎥
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥. (25)
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦
1 j
DZ∗ f 2 2 DY g

Since DX g ∈ R1×N Q and DY g ∈ R1×N Q , it is seen from (25), that (19), (20), and (21) are equivalent.

(24) and (25) are multi-variable generalizations of (2) and (3).

3) Direction of Extremal Rate of Change: The next theorem states how to find the maximum and minimum

rate of change of f (Z, Z ∗ ) ∈ R.

Theorem 3: Let f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → R. The directions where the function f have the maximum and minimum

rate of change with respect to vec(Z) are given by [D Z∗ f (Z, Z ∗ )]T and − [DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ )]T , respectively.

Proof: Since f ∈ R, df can be written in the following two ways df = (D Z f ) d vec(Z) + (DZ∗ f ) d vec(Z ∗ ),

and df = df ∗ = (DZ f )∗ d vec(Z ∗ ) + (DZ∗ f )∗ d vec(Z), where df = df ∗ since f ∈ R. Subtracting the two different

expressions of df from each other and then applying Lemma 1, gives that D Z∗ f = (DZ f )∗ and DZ f = (DZ∗ f )∗ .

From these results, it follows that: df = (DZ f ) d vec(Z) + ((DZ f ) d vec(Z))∗ = 2 Re {(DZ f ) d vec(Z)} =

2 Re {(DZ∗ f )∗ d vec(Z)}. Let ai ∈ CK×1 , where i ∈ {0, 1}. Then

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ Re {a0 } ⎥ ⎢ Re {a1 } ⎥
Re aH ⎢ ⎥,⎢ ⎥ ,
0 a1 = ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ (26)
Im {a0 } Im {a1 }

·, · is the ordinary Euclidean inner product [25] between real vectors in R 2K×1 . Using this
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ Re (DZ∗ f ) ⎥ ⎢ Re {d vec(Z)} ⎥
df = 2 ⎢ ⎣ 
⎥ ⎢
⎥ .
⎦ (27)
Im (DZ∗ f ) Im {d vec(Z)}

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality gives that the maximum value of df occurs when d vec(Z) = α (D Z∗ f )T for α > 0

and from this, it follows that the minimum rate of change occurs when d vec(Z) = −β (D Z∗ f )T , for β > 0.

It is now explained why [DZ f (Z, Z ∗ )]T it not the direction of maximum change of rate of the function f . Let

g : CK×1 × CK×1 → R be g (a0 , a1 ) = 2 Re aT0 a1 . If K = 2 and a0 = [1, j]T , then g (a0 , a0 ) = 0 despite the

fact that [1, j]T = 02×1 . Therefore, the function g is not an inner product and Cauchy-Schwartz inequality is not

valid for this function. By examining the proof of Theorem 3, it is seen that the reason why [D Z f (Z, Z ∗ )]T it not

the direction of maximum change of rate, is that the function g is not an inner product.

4) Steepest Descent Method: If a real-valued function f is being optimized with respect to the parameter Z

by means of the steepest decent method, it follows from Theorem 3 that the updating term must be proportional to

DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ ) and not DZ f (Z, Z ∗ ). The update equation for optimizing the real-valued function in Theorem 3 by

means of the steepest decent method, can be expressed as vec T (Z k+1 ) = vecT (Z k ) + μDZ∗ f (Z k , Z ∗k ), where μ is

a real positive constant if it is a maximization problem or a real negative constant if it is a minimization problem,

and Z k ∈ CN ×Q is the value of the matrix after k iterations. The size of vec T (Z k ) and DZ∗ f (Z k , Z ∗k ) is 1 × N Q.

Example 2: Let f : C × C → R be f (z, z ∗ ) = |z|2 = zz ∗ . The partial derivatives are D z ∗ f (z, z ∗ ) = z and

Dz f (z, z ∗ ) = z ∗ . This result is in accordance with the intuitive picture for optimizing f , i.e., it is more efficient to

maximize f in the direction of Dz ∗ f (z, z ∗ ) = z than in the direction of Dz f (z, z ∗ ) = z ∗ when standing at z .

5) Complex Case versus Real Case: In order to show that the consistence with the real-valued case given

in [7], the following theorem shows how the complex-valued case is an extension of [7].

Theorem 4: Let F : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → CM ×P and G : CN ×Q → CM ×P . If F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = G(Z 0 ), then

DZ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = DZ G(Z) can be obtained by the procedure given in [7] for finding the derivative of the function

G and DZ∗ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = 0M P ×N Q .

If F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = G(Z 1 ), then DZ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = 0M P ×N Q , and DZ∗ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = DZ G(Z)|Z=Z∗ can be obtained

by the procedure given in [7].

f z, z ∗ Differential df D z f z, z ∗ Dz ∗ f z, z ∗

aT z = z T a a T dz aT 01×N
T ∗ H T ∗
a z =z a a dz 01×N aT
z T Az zT A + AT dz zT A + AT 01×N
H H T T ∗ H
z Az z Adz + z A dz z A z T AT
z H Az ∗ zH A + AT dz ∗ 01×N zH A + AT

Proof: Assume that F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = G(Z 0 ) where Z 0 and Z 1 have independent differentials. Applying the vec(·)

and the differential operator to this equation, leads to: d vec (F ) = (D Z0 F ) d vec (Z 0 ) + (DZ1 F ) d vec (Z 1 ) =

(DZ0 G) d vec (Z 0 ). By setting Z 0 = Z and Z 1 = Z ∗ in Lemma 1, it is seen that DZ∗ F = 0M P ×N Q and

DZ F (Z, Z ∗ ) = DZ G(Z). Since the last equation only has one matrix variable Z , the same techniques as given

in [7] can be used. The first part of the theorem is then proved, and the second part can be shown similarly.


A. Derivative of f (z, z ∗ )

The case of scalar function of scalar variables is treated in the literature for one input variable, see for example [5],

[26]. If the variables z and z ∗ are treated as independent variables, the derivatives D z f (z, z ∗ ) and Dz ∗ f (z, z ∗ ) can

be found as for scalar functions having two independent variables, see Example 1.

B. Derivative of f (z, z ∗ )

Let f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → C be f (z, z ∗ ) = z H Az . This type of function is frequently used in the context of

filter optimization and in array signal processing [20]. For instance, a frequently occurring example is that of output

power z H Az optimization where z is the filter coefficients and A is the input covariance matrix. The differential

of f is df = (dz H )Az + z H Adz = z H Adz + z T AT dz ∗ , where Table II was used. From df , the derivatives of

z H Az with respect to z and z ∗ follow from Table III, and are Dz f (z, z ∗ ) = z H A and Dz∗ f (z, z ∗ ) = z T AT ,

see Table IV. The other selected examples are given in Table IV and they can be derived similarly. Some of the

results included in Table IV can be found in [15].

C. Derivative of f (Z, Z ∗ )

For functions of the type f (Z, Z ∗ ), it is common to arrange the partial derivatives ∂
∂zk,l f and ∂
∗ f
∂zk,l in an

alternative way [7] than in the expressions D Z f (Z, Z ∗ ) and DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ ). The notation for the alternative way

∂ ∂
of organizing all the partial derivatives is ∂Z f and ∂Z∗ f . In this alternative way, the partial derivatives of the

elements of the matrix Z ∈ CN ×Q are arranged as:

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∂z0,0 f ··· ∂
∂z0,Q−1 f ⎥ ⎢

∗ f ··· ∗

f ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ∂z0,0 ∂z0,Q−1

∂ ⎢ ⎥ ∂ ⎢ ⎥
f =⎢

. ⎥, ⎢
⎥ ∂Z ∗ f = ⎢
. ⎥.
⎥ (28)
∂Z ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

∂zN −1,0 f ··· ∂
∂zN −1,Q−1 f ∗

f ··· ∗

−1,0 −1,Q−1

∂Z f and ∂
∂Z∗ f are called the gradient of f with respect to Z and Z ∗ , respectively. (28) generalizes to the

complex case of one of the ways to define the derivative of real scalar functions with respect to real matrices

in [7]. The way of arranging the partial derivatives in (28) is different than than the way given in (12) and (13).

If df = vecT (A0 )d vec(Z) + vecT (A1 )d vec(Z ∗ ) = Tr AT0 dZ + AT1 dZ ∗ , where Ai , Z ∈ CN ×Q , then it can

be shown that ∂
∂Z f = A0 and ∂
∂Z∗ f = A1 , where the matrices A 0 and A1 depend on Z and Z ∗ in general.

This result is included in Table III. The size of ∂

∂Z f and ∂
∂Z∗ f is N × Q, while the size of DZ f (Z, Z ∗ ) and

DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ ) is 1× N Q, so these two ways of organizing the partial derivatives are different. It can be shown, that
DZ f (Z, Z ∗ ) = vecT ∂
∂Z f (Z, Z ∗ ) , and DZ∗ f (Z, Z ∗ ) = vecT ∂Z ∗
∗ f (Z, Z ) . The steepest decent method can

be formulated as Z k+1 = Z k + μ ∂Z

∗ f (Z k , Z k ). Key examples of derivatives are developed in the text below,

while others useful results are stated in Table V.

1) Determinant Related Problems: Objective functions that depend on the determinant appear in several parts

of signal processing related problems, e.g., in the capacity of wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)

communication systems [19], in an upper bound for the pair-wise error probability [18], [27], and for the exact

symbol error rate (SER) for precoded orthogonal space-time block-code (OSTBC) systems [28].

Let f : CN ×Q × CQ×N → C be f (Z, Z ∗ ) = det(P + ZZ H ), where P ∈ CN ×N is independent of Z and

Z ∗ . df is found by the rules in Table II as df = det(P + ZZ H ) Tr (P + ZZ H )−1 d(ZZ H ) = det(P +
ZZ H ) Tr Z H P + ZZ H dZ + Z T (P + ZZ H )−T dZ ∗ . From this, the derivatives with respect to Z and
Z ∗ of det P + ZZ H can be found, but since these results are relatively long, they are not included in Table V.

f Z, Z∗ Differential df ∂
f ∂
∂Z ∗

Tr{Z } Tr {I N dZ } IN 0N ×N
∗  ∗
Tr{Z } Tr I N dZ 0N ×N IN

Tr{AZ } Tr {AdZ } AT 0N ×Q
Tr{Z A 0 Z T A 1 } Tr A0Z T A1 + AT T T
0 Z A1 dZ AT T
1 Z A0 + A1Z A0 0N ×Q

Tr{Z A 0 Z A 1 } Tr {(A 0 Z A 1 + A 1 Z A 0 ) dZ } AT T T
1 Z A0 + AT T T
0 Z A1 0N ×Q
∗ ∗ T
Tr{Z A 0 Z H A 1 } Tr A 0 Z H A 1 dZ + A T T T
0 Z A 1 dZ AT
1 Z A0 A1Z A0
Tr{Z A 0 Z ∗ A 1 } Tr A 0 Z ∗ A 1 dZ + A 1 Z A 0 dZ ∗ AT H T
1 Z A0 AT T T
0 Z A1
   −1  −1
Tr{AZ −1 } − Tr Z −1 AZ −1 dZ − ZT AT ZT 0N ×N
p p−1 T
Tr{Z } p Tr Z dZ p Z 0N ×N
det(Z ) det(Z ) Tr Z −1 dZ det(Z ) Z T 0N ×N
det(A 0 Z A 1 ) det(A 0 Z A 1 ) Tr A 1 (A 0 Z A 1 ) A 0 dZ det(A 0 Z A 1 )A T
0 AT T T
1 Z A0 AT
1 0N ×Q
det(Z 2 ) 2 det2 (Z ) Tr Z −1 dZ 2 det2 (Z ) Z T 0N ×N
det(Z Z T ) 2 det(Z Z T ) Tr ZT ZZT dZ 2 det(Z Z T ) Z Z T Z 0N ×Q
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ −1 ∗ ∗ H T −1 H ∗
det(Z Z ) det(Z Z ) Tr Z (Z Z ) dZ + (Z Z ) Z dZ det(Z Z )(Z Z ) Z det(Z Z )Z T ZHZT
det(Z Z H ) det(Z Z H ) Tr Z H (Z Z H )−1 dZ + Z T Z ∗Z T dZ ∗ det(Z Z H )(Z ∗ Z T )−1 Z ∗ det(Z Z H ) Z Z H Z
det(Z p ) p detp (Z ) Tr Z −1 dZ p detp (Z ) Z T 0N ×N

0 (dZ)u0 u0 v H
0 dZ v∗ T
0 u0
λ(Z ) = Tr 0N ×N
v H u0 vH u v H u0
0 0 0 0
vT ∗ ∗ ∗
u0 v T v 0 uH
λ∗ (Z ) 0 (dZ )u0 = Tr 0 dZ ∗ 0N ×N 0
v u∗
v u ∗ v T u∗
0 0 0 0 0 0

2) Eigenvalue Related Problems: Let λ 0 be a simple eigenvalue 9 of Z 0 ∈ CN ×N , and let u0 ∈ CN ×1 be the

normalized corresponding eigenvector, such that Z 0 u0 = λ0 u0 . Let λ : CN ×N → C and u : CN ×N → CN ×1 be

defined for all Z in some neighborhood of Z 0 such that:

Zu(Z) = λ(Z)u(Z), uH
0 u(Z) = 1, λ(Z 0 ) = λ0 , u(Z 0 ) = u0 . (29)

Let the normalized left eigenvector of Z 0 corresponding to λ0 be denoted v 0 ∈ CN ×1 , i.e., v H

0 Z 0 = λ0 v 0 , or

equivalently Z H ∗
0 v 0 = λ0 v 0 . In order to find the differential of λ(Z) at Z = Z 0 , take the differential of both sides

of the first expression in (29) evaluated at Z = Z 0 :

(dZ) u0 + Z 0 du = (dλ) u0 + λ0 du. (30)

Pre-multiplying (30) by vH
0 gives: v 0 (dZ) u0 = (dλ) v 0 u0 . From Lemma 6.3.10 in [22], v 0 u0 = 0, and hence

0 (dZ) u0 u0 v H
dλ = = Tr dZ . (31)
0 u0 vH
0 u0

The matrix Z 0 ∈ CN×N has in general N different complex eigenvalues. However, the roots of the characteristic equation, i.e., the

eigenvalues need not to be distinct. The number of times an eigenvalue appears is equal to its multiplicity. If one eigenvalue appear only

once, it is called a simple eigenvalue [22].


This result is included in Table V, and it will be used later when the derivatives of the eigenvector u and the

Hessian of λ are found. The differential of λ ∗ at Z 0 is also included in Table V. These results are derived in [7].

D. Derivative of f (z, z ∗ )

In engineering, the objective function is often a real scalar, and this might be a very complicated function in the

parameter matrix. To be able to find the derivative in a simple way, the chain rule in Theorem 1 might be very

useful, and then functions of the types f and F might occur.

Let f (z, z ∗ ) = af (z, z ∗ ), then df = adf = a (Dz f (z, z ∗ )) dz + a (Dz ∗ f (z, z ∗ )) dz ∗ , where df follows from

Table III. From this equation, it follows that Dz f = aDz f (z, z ∗ ) and Dz ∗ f = aDz ∗ f (z, z ∗ ). The derivatives of

the vector functions az and azz ∗ follow from these expressions.

E. Derivative of f (z, z ∗ )

First a useful results is introduced. In order to extract the vec(·) of an inner matrix from the vec(·) of a multiple

matrix product, the following formula [23] is very useful:

vec (ABC) = C T ⊗ A vec (B) . (32)

Let f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CM ×1 be given by f (z, z ∗ ) = F (z, z ∗ )a, where F : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CM ×P . Then

df = d vec(F (z, z ∗ )a) = aT ⊗ I M d vec(F ) = aT ⊗ I M [(Dz F (z, z ∗ )) dz + (Dz∗ F (z, z ∗ )) dz ∗ ], where

(32) and Table III were utilized. From df , the derivatives of f with respect to z and z ∗ follow.

F. Derivative of f (Z, Z ∗ )

1) Eigenvector Related Problems: First a lemma is stated.

Lemma 3: Let A ∈ CN ×Q , then the following equalities holds:

R (A) = R A+ A , C (A) = C AA+ , rank (A) = rank A+ A = rank AA+ (33)

where C(A), R(A), and N (A) are the symbols used for the column, row, and null space of A ∈ C N ×Q ,

respectively. 10

The proof of Lemma 3 can be found in Appendix IV.

C(A) = {w ∈ CN×1 |w = Az, for some z ∈ CQ×1 }, R(A) = {w ∈ C1×Q |w = zA, for some z ∈ C1×N }, and N (A) = {z ∈

CQ×1 |Az = 0N×1 }.


The differential of the eigenvector u(Z) is now found at Z = Z 0 . The derivation here is similar to the one in [7],

where the same result for du at Z = Z 0 was derived, however, more details are included here. Let Y 0 = λ0 I N −Z 0 ,
then it follows from (30), that Y 0 du = (dZ) u0 − (dλ) u0 = (dZ) u0 − v0 v(dZ)u u0 vH
u 0 = IN − v u0
(dZ) u0 ,
0 0

where (31) was utilized. Pre-multiplying Y 0 du with Y 0 results in:
+ + u0 v H
Y 0 Y 0 du =Y 0 IN − H 0 (dZ) u0 . (34)
v 0 u0

The operator dim(·) returns the dimension of the vector space. Since λ 0 is a simple eigenvalue, dim (N (Y 0 )) =

1 [5]. Hence, it follows from 0.4.4 (g) on page 13 in [7] that rank(Y 0 ) = N − dim (N (Y 0 )) = N − 1. From

Y 0 u0 = 0N ×1 , it follows from (71), see Appendix V, that u+ +

0 Y 0 = 01×N . It can be shown by direct insertion

in Definition 3 of the Moore-Penrose inverse that u + H +

0 = u0 . From these results it follows that u0 Y 0 = 01×N .

Set C 0 = Y + H +
0 Y 0 + u0 u0 , then it can be shown from the two facts u 0 Y 0 = 01×N and Y 0 u0 = 0N ×1 that

C 20 = C 0 , i.e., C 0 is idempotent. It can be shown by the direct use of Definition 3, that the matrix Y +
0 Y 0 is also

idempotent. By the use of Lemma 10.1.1 and Corollary 10.2.2, in [8], it is found that rank (C 0 ) = Tr {C 0 } =
Tr Y + H = rank Y + Y
0 Y 0 + Tr u0 u0 0 0 + 1 = rank (Y 0 ) + 1 = N , where the third equation of (33) was

used. From Lemma 10.1.1 and Corollary 10.2.2, in [8], and rank (C 0 ) = N , it follows that C 0 = I N . Using the

differential operator on both sides of the second equation in (29), yields u H

0 du = 0. Using these results, it follows


0 Y 0 du = I N − u0 u0 du = du − u0 u0 du = du.

(34) and (35) lead to:

+ u0 v H
du = (λ0 I N − Z 0) IN − H (dZ) u0 . (36)
v 0 u0

From (36), it is possible to find the differential of u(Z) evaluated at Z 0 with respect to the matrix Z :
+ u0 v H
du = vec(du) = vec (λ0 I N − Z 0) IN − H (dZ) u0
v 0 u0
u0 v H
+ 0
= ⊗ (λ0 I N − Z 0 )
uT0 IN − H d vec (Z) , (37)
v 0 u0
u0 vH
where (32) was used. From (37), it follows that D Z u = uT0 ⊗ (λ0 I N − Z 0 )+ I N − vH
. The differential
0 u0

and the derivative of u∗ follow by the use of Table II, and the results found here.

The left eigenvector function v : C N ×N → CN ×1 with the argument Z ∈ CN ×N , denoted v(Z), is defined

through the following four relations: v H (Z)Z = λ(Z)v H , v H

0 v(Z) = 1, λ(Z 0 ) = λ0 , and v(Z 0 ) = v 0 . The

differential of v(Z) at Z = Z 0 can be found, using a procedure similar to the one used earlier in this subsection
u0 vH +
for finding du at Z = Z 0 , giving dv H = v H
0 (dZ) I N − vH u0 (λ0 I N − Z 0 ) .

G. Derivative of F (z, z ∗ )

Examples of functions of the type F (z, z ∗ ) are Az , Azz ∗ , and Af (z, z ∗ ), where A ∈ CM ×P . These functions

can be differentiated by finding the differentials of the scalar functions z , zz ∗ , and f (z, z ∗ ).

H. Derivative of F (z, z ∗ )

Let F : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → CN ×N be F (z, z ∗ ) = zz H . The differential of the F is dF = (dz)z H + zdz H . And

from this equation d vec(F ) = [z ∗ ⊗ I N ] d vec(z) + [I N ⊗ z] d vec(z H ) = [z ∗ ⊗ I N ] dz + [I N ⊗ z] dz ∗ . Hence,

the derivatives of F (z, z ∗ ) = zz H are given by Dz F = z ∗ ⊗ I N , and Dz∗ F = I N ⊗ z .

I. Derivative of F (Z, Z ∗ )

1) Kronecker Product Related Problems: Examples of objective functions which depends on the Kronecker

product of the unknown complex-valued matrix is found in [18], [28].

Now, the commutation matrix is introduced:

Definition 6: Let A ∈ CN ×Q , then there exists a permutation matrix that connects the vectors vec (A) and
vec AT . The commutation matrix K N,Q has size N Q × N Q, and it defines the connection between vec (A) and
vec AT in the following way: K N,Q vec(A) = vec(AT ).

The matrix K Q,N is a permutation matrix and it can be shown [7] that K TQ,N = K −1
Q,N = K N,Q . The following

result is Theorem 3.9 in [7]: Let Ai ∈ CNi ×Qi where i ∈ {0, 1}, then the reason for why the commutation matrix

received its name can be seen from the following identity: K N1 ,N0 (A0 ⊗ A1 ) = (A1 ⊗ A0 ) K Q1 ,Q0 .

Let F : CN0 ×Q0 × CN1 ×Q1 → CN0 N1 ×Q0 Q1 be given by F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = Z 0 ⊗ Z 1 , where Z i ∈ CNi ×Qi . The

differential of this function follows from Table II: dF = (dZ 0 ) ⊗ Z 1 + Z 0 ⊗ dZ 1 . Applying the vec(·) operator

to dF yields: d vec(F ) = vec ((dZ 0 ) ⊗ Z 1 ) + vec (Z 0 ⊗ dZ 1 ). From (A ⊗ B)(C ⊗ D) = AC ⊗ BD and


Theorem 3.10 in [7], it follows that

vec ((dZ 0 ) ⊗ Z 1 ) = (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [(d vec(Z 0 )) ⊗ vec(Z 1 )]

= (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [(I N0 Q0 d vec(Z 0 )) ⊗ (vec(Z 1 )1)]

= (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [(I N0 Q0 ⊗ vec(Z 1 )) (d vec(Z 0 ) ⊗ 1)]

= (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [I N0 Q0 ⊗ vec(Z 1 )] d vec(Z 0 ), (38)

and in a similar way it follows that

vec (Z 0 ⊗ dZ 1 ) = (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [vec(Z 0 ) ⊗ d vec(Z 1 )]

= (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [vec(Z 0 ) ⊗ I N1 Q1 ] d vec(Z 1 ). (39)

Inserting the result from (38) and (39) into d vec(F ) gives:

d vec(F ) = (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [I N0 Q0 ⊗ vec(Z 1 )] d vec(Z 0 )

+ (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [vec(Z 0 ) ⊗ I N1 Q1 ] d vec(Z 1 ). (40)

Define the matrices A(Z 1 ) and B(Z 0 ) by A(Z 1 )  (I Q0 ⊗ K Q1,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [I N0 Q0 ⊗ vec(Z 1 )], and B(Z 0 ) =

(I Q0 ⊗ K Q1 ,N0 ⊗ I N1 ) [vec(Z 0 ) ⊗ I N1 Q1 ]. It is then possible to rewrite the differential of F (Z 0 , Z 1 ) = Z 0 ⊗ Z 1

as d vec(F ) = A(Z 1 )d vec(Z 0 ) + B(Z 0 )d vec(Z 1 ). From d vec(F ), the differentials and derivatives of Z ⊗ Z ,

Z ⊗ Z ∗ , and Z ∗ ⊗ Z ∗ can be derived and these results are included in Table VI. In the table, diag(·) returns the

square diagonal matrix with the input column vector elements on the main diagonal [22] and zeros elsewhere.

2) Moore-Penrose Inverse Related Problems: In pseudo-inverse matrix based receiver design, the Moore-

Penrose inverse might appear [19]. This is applicable for MIMO, CDMA, and OFDM systems.

Let F : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → CQ×N be given by F (Z, Z ∗ ) = Z + , where Z ∈ CN ×Q . The reason for including

both variables Z and Z ∗ in this function definition is that the differential of Z + , see Table II, depends on both

dZ and dZ ∗ . Using the vec(·) operator on the differential of the Moore-Penrose inverse in Table II, in addition to

(32) and Definition 6, result in:

 T    T   H 
d vec(F ) = − Z+ ⊗ Z + d vec(Z) + I N − Z + Z T ⊗ Z + Z + K N,Q d vec(Z ∗ )
F Z, Z∗ Differential d vec(F ) DZ F Z, Z∗ DZ ∗ F Z , Z ∗

Z I N Q d vec(Z ) INQ 0N Q×N Q

Z K N,Q d vec(Z ) K N,Q 0N Q×N Q

Z∗ I N Q d vec(Z ∗ ) 0N Q×N Q INQ

H ∗
Z K N,Q d vec(Z ) 0N Q×N Q K N,Q
ZZ I N 2 + K N,N (Z ⊗ I N ) d vec(Z ) I N 2 + K N,N (Z ⊗ I N ) 0N 2 ×N Q
ZT Z I Q2 + K Q,Q IQ ⊗ ZT d vec(Z ) I Q2 + K Q,Q IQ ⊗ ZT 0Q2 ×N Q
H ∗  ∗ ∗
ZZ Z ⊗ I N d vec(Z ) + K N,N (Z ⊗ I N ) d vec(Z ) Z ⊗ IN K N,N (Z ⊗ I N )
Z −1 − (Z T )−1 ⊗ Z −1 d vec(Z ) −(Z T )−1 ⊗ Z −1 0N 2 ×N 2

p T p−i i−1 T p−i i−1
Z (Z ) ⊗Z d vec(Z ) (Z ) ⊗Z 0N 2 ×N 2
i=1 i=1

Z ⊗Z (A(Z ) + B(Z ))d vec(Z ) A(Z ) + B (Z ) 0N 2 Q2 ×N Q

Z ⊗ Z∗ A(Z ∗ )d vec(Z ) + B (Z )d vec(Z ∗ ) A(Z ∗ ) B (Z )

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Z ⊗Z (A(Z ) + B (Z ))d vec(Z ) 0N 2 Q2 ×N Q A(Z ) + B(Z ∗ )

Z Z 2 diag(vec(Z ))d vec(Z ) 2 diag(vec(Z )) 0N Q×N Q

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Z Z diag(vec(Z ))d vec(Z ) + diag(vec(Z ))d vec(Z ) diag(vec(Z )) diag(vec(Z ))

Z∗  Z∗ 2 diag(vec(Z ∗ ))d vec(Z ∗ ) 0N Q×N Q 2 diag(vec(Z ∗ ))

k−i  ∞
1 T i 1 T i
exp(Z ) Z ⊗Z d vec(Z ) Z ⊗Z 0N 2 ×N 2
(k + 1)! i=0 k=0
(k + 1)! i=0

k  k−i  ∞
 1 ∗ i ∗ 1 H k−i ∗ i
exp Z ∗
Z ⊗ (Z ) d vec(Z ) 0N 2 ×N 2 Z ⊗ (Z )
(k + 1)! i=0 k=0
(k + 1)! i=0
  ∞   ∞ k  
∗ k−i ∗ k−i
1 H i ∗ 1 H i
exp Z H Z ⊗ (Z ) K N,N d vec(Z ) 0N 2 ×N 2 Z ⊗ (Z ) K N,N
(k + 1)! i=0 k=0
(k + 1)! i=0

 T  ∗  
+ Z+ Z+ ⊗ I Q − Z + Z K N,Q d vec(Z ∗ ). (41)
  T   H   + T  + ∗  
This leads to DZ∗ F = I N − Z+ ZT ⊗ Z+ Z+ + Z Z ⊗ I Q − Z +Z K N,Q and
DZ F = − Z + ⊗ Z + . If Z is invertible, then the derivative of Z + = Z −1 with respect to Z ∗ is equal to the

zero matrix and the derivative of Z + = Z −1 with respect to Z can be found from Table VI. Since the expressions

associated with the differential of the Moore-Penrose inverse is so long, it is not included in Table VI.


In the previous sections, we have proposed tools for finding first-order derivatives that can be of help to find

stationary points in optimization problems. To identify the nature of these stationary points (minimum, maximum,

or saddle point) or to study the stability of iterative algorithms, the second-order derivatives are useful. This can

be done by examining the Hessian matrix.

The Hessian matrix of a function is a matrix containing the second-order derivatives of the function. In this

section, the Hessian matrix is defined and it is shown how it can be obtained. Only the case of scalar functions

f ∈ C is treated, since this is the case of interest in most practical situations. However, the results can be extended

to the vector- and matrix-functions as well. The way the Hessian is defined here follows in the same lines as given

in [7], treating the real case. A complex version of Newton’s recursion formula is derived in [29], [30], and there

the topic of Hessian matrices is briefly treated for real scalar functions. Therefore, the complex Hessian might be

used to accelerate the convergence of iterative optimization algorithms.

A. Identification of the Complex Hessian Matrices

When dealing with the Hessian matrix, it is the second-order differential that has to be calculated in order to

identify the Hessian matrix. Neither of the matrices dZ nor dZ ∗ is a function of Z or Z ∗ and, hence, their

differentials are the zero matrix. Mathematically, this can be formulated as:

d2 Z = d (dZ) = 0N ×Q = d (dZ ∗ ) = d2 Z ∗ . (42)

 T  H
If f ∈ C, then d2 f = d (df )T = d2 f T = d2 f and if f ∈ R, then d2 f = d (df )H = d2 f H = d2 f .

The Hessian depends on two variables such that the notation must include which variable the Hessian is calculated

with respect to. If the Hessian is calculated with respect to Z 0 and Z 1 , the Hessian is denoted H Z0 ,Z1 f . The

following definition is used for HZ0 ,Z1 f and it is an extension of the definition in [7], to complex scalar functions.

Definition 7: Let Z i ∈ CNi ×Qi , i ∈ {0, 1}, then HZ0 ,Z1 f ∈ CN1 Q1 ×N0 Q0 and HZ0 ,Z1 f  DZ0 (DZ1 f )T .

Later, the following proposition is important for showing the symmetry of the complex Hessian matrix.

Proposition 2: Let f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → C. Assumed that the function f (Z, Z ∗ ) is twice differentiable with

respect to all of the variables inside Z and Z ∗ , when these variables are treated as independent variables. Then [7]

∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2
∂zk,l ∂zm,n f = ∂zm,n ∂zk,l f , ∂zk,l
∗ ∗
∂zm,n f = ∗
∂zm,n ∗ f,
∂zk,l and ∗
∂zk,l ∂zm,n f = ∗ f,
∂zm,n ∂zk,l where m, k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N −1}

and n, l ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Q − 1}.

Let pi = Ni ki + li where i ∈ {0, 1}, ki ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Qi − 1} and li ∈ {0, 1, . . . , Ni − 1}. As a consequence of

Definition 7 and (12), it follows that element number (p 0 , p1 ) of HZ0 ,Z1 f is given by:
  ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(HZ0 ,Z1 f )p0 ,p1 = DZ0 (DZ1 f )T = T T
f = f
p0 ,p1 ∂ vec (Z 0 ) ∂ vec (Z 1 ) ∂ (vec(Z 0 ))p1 ∂ (vec(Z 1 ))p0
p0 ,p1

∂ ∂ ∂2f
= f= . (43)
∂ (vec(Z 0 ))N1 k1 +l1 ∂ (vec(Z 1 ))N0 k0 +l0 ∂ (Z 0 )l1 ,k1 ∂ (Z 1 )l0 ,k0

And as an immediate consequence of (43) and Proposition 2, it follows that for twice differentiable functions f :

(HZ,Z f )T = HZ,Z f, (HZ∗ ,Z∗ f )T = HZ∗ ,Z∗ f, (HZ,Z∗ f )T = HZ∗ ,Z f. (44)


In order to find an identification equation for the Hessians of the function f with respect to all the possible

combinations of the variables Z and Z ∗ , an appropriate form of the expression d 2 f is required. This expression

is now derived. From (10), the first-order differential of the function f can be written as df = (D Z f )d vec(Z) +

(DZ∗ f )d vec(Z ∗ ), where DZ f ∈ C1×N Q and DZ∗ f ∈ C1×N Q can be expressed by the use of (10) as:
(dDZ f )T = DZ (DZ f )T d vec(Z) + DZ∗ (DZ f )T d vec(Z ∗ ), (45)

(dDZ∗ f )T = DZ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z) + DZ∗ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z ∗ ). (46)

From (45) and (46) it follows that:

  T   T
dDZ f = d vecT (Z) DZ (DZ f )T + d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ∗ (DZ f )T , (47)

  T   T
dDZ∗ f = d vecT (Z) DZ (DZ∗ f )T + d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ∗ (DZ∗ f )T . (48)

d2 f is found by applying the differential operator on df and then utilizing the results from (42), (47), and (48):

d2 f = (dDZ f ) d vec(Z) + (dDZ∗ f )d vec(Z ∗ )

  T   T
= d vecT (Z) DZ (DZ f )T d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ∗ (DZ f )T d vec(Z)
  T   T
+ d vecT (Z) DZ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z ∗ ) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ∗ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z ∗ )

= d vecT (Z) DZ (DZ f )T d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z) DZ∗ (DZ f )T d vec(Z ∗ )

+ d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) DZ∗ (DZ∗ f )T d vec(Z ∗ )

⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
  ⎢ DZ (DZ∗ f ) , DZ∗ (DZ∗ f ) ⎥ ⎢ d vec(Z) ⎥
= d vecT (Z ∗ ), d vecT (Z) ⎢⎣
⎦ (49)
DZ (DZ f )T , DZ∗ (DZ f )T d vec(Z ∗ )

From Definition 7, it follows that d2 f can be rewritten as:

⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
  ⎢ HZ,Z∗ f, HZ∗ ,Z∗ f ⎥ ⎢ d vec(Z) ⎥
d2 f = d vecT (Z ∗ ), d vecT (Z) ⎢⎣
⎦ (50)

HZ,Z f, HZ∗ ,Z f d vec(Z )

Assume that it is possible to find an expression of d 2 f in the following form

d2 f = d vecT (Z ∗ ) A0,0 d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) A0,1 d vec(Z ∗ )

+ d vecT (Z) A1,0 d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z) A1,1 d vec(Z ∗ )

⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
  ⎢ A0,0 , A0,1 ⎥ ⎢ d vec(Z) ⎥
= d vecT (Z ∗ ), d vecT (Z) ⎢⎣
⎦ (51)
A1,0 , A1,1 d vec(Z ∗ )

where Ak,l ∈ CN Q×N Q , k, l ∈ {0, 1}, can possibly be dependent on Z and Z ∗ but not on d vec(Z) and d vec(Z ∗ ).

The four complex Hessian matrices in (50) can now be identified from A k,l in (51) in the following way: Subtract

the second-order differentials in (50) from (51), and then use (44) together with Lemma 2 to get

AT0,0 + A1,1 A0,0 + AT1,1 A1,0 + AT1,0 A0,1 + AT0,1

HZ∗ ,Z f = , HZ,Z∗ f = , HZ,Z f = , HZ∗ ,Z∗ f = . (52)
2 2 2 2

The complex Hessian matrices of the scalar function f can be computed using a three-step procedure:

1) Compute d2 f .

2) Manipulate d2 f into the form given in (51).

3) Use (52) to identify the four Hessian matrices.

In order to check convexity of f , the middle matrix on the right hand side of (50) must be positive definite.

B. Examples of Calculation of the Complex Hessian Matrices

1) Complex Hessian of f (z, z ∗ ): Let f : CN ×1 × CN ×1 → C be defined as: f (z, z ∗ ) = z H Φz . The second-

order differential of f is d2 f = 2 dz H Φdz . From this, Ak,l in (51) are A0,0 = 2Φ, A0,1 = A1,0 = A1,1 =

0N ×N . (52) gives the four complex Hessian matrices H Z,Z f = 0N ×N , HZ∗ ,Z∗ f = 0N ×N , HZ∗ ,Z f = ΦT , and

HZ,Z∗ f = Φ.

2) Complex Hessian of f (Z, Z ∗ ): See the discussion around (29) for an introduction to the eigenvalue problem.

d2 λ(Z) is now found at Z = Z 0 . The derivation here is similar to the one in [7], where the same result for

d2 λ was found. Applying the differential operator to both sides of (30), results in: 2 (dZ) (du) + Z 0 d2 u =
d2 λ u0 + 2 (dλ) du + λ0 d2 u. Left-multiplying this equation by v H 2
0 , and solving for d λ gives
H dZ − I v0 (dZ)u0 du H dZ − v0 (dZ)u0 v0

2v (dZ − I N dλ) du
H 2v 0 N vH u0 2 v 0 vH
0 u0
d2 λ = 0 = 0
0u0 vH
0u0 vH0 u0
u0 v0
(λ0 I N − Z 0 )+ I N − u 0 v0

0 (dZ) I N − vH
2v H
0 u0 vH
0 u0
(dZ) u0
= , (53)
vH0 u0

where (31) and (36) were utilized. d2 λ can be reformulated by means of Theorem 2.3 in [7] in the following way:
2 2 u0 v H
0 + u0 v H
d λ = H Tr u0 v0 (dZ) I N − H
(λ0 I N − Z 0 ) IN − H (dZ)
v 0 u0 v 0 u0 v 0 u0
2 u0 v H
0 + u0 v H
0 ∗ T
= H d vec (Z) IN − H (λ0 I N − Z 0 ) IN − H ⊗ v0 u0 d vec Z T
v 0 u0 v 0 u0 v 0 u0
2 u0 v H u0 v H
= H d vecT (Z) I N − H 0 (λ0 I N − Z 0 )+ I N − H 0 ⊗ v∗0 uT0 K N,N d vec (Z) . (54)
v 0 u0 v 0 u0 v 0 u0

From this expression, it is possible to identify the four complex Hessian matrices by means of (51) and (52).

Let f : CN ×Q × CN ×Q → C be given by f (Z, Z ∗ ) = Tr ZAZ H , where Z ∈ CN ×Q and A ∈ CQ×Q . From
Theorem 2.3 in [7], f can written f = vec T (Z ∗ ) AT ⊗ I N vec(Z). By applying the differential operator twice
to the latest expression of f , it follows that d2 f = 2 d vecT (Z ∗ ) AT ⊗ I N d vec(Z). From this expression, it

is possible to identify the four complex Hessian matrices by means of (51) and (52).

An introduction is given to a set of very powerful tools that can be used to systematically find the derivative of

complex-valued matrix functions that are dependent on complex-valued matrices. The key idea is to go through the

complex differential of the function and to treat the differential of the complex variable and its complex conjugate

as independent. This general framework can be used in many optimization problems that depend on complex

parameters. Many results are given in tabular form.


Proof: (8) leads to dZ + = dZ + ZZ + = (dZ + Z)Z + +Z + ZdZ + . If ZdZ + is found from dZZ + = (dZ)Z + +

ZdZ + , and inserted in the expression for dZ + , then it is found that:

dZ + = (dZ + Z)Z + + Z + (dZZ + − (dZ)Z + ) = (dZ + Z)Z + + Z + dZZ + − Z + (dZ)Z + . (55)

It is seen from (55), that it remains to express dZ + Z and dZZ + in terms of dZ and dZ ∗ . Firstly, dZ + Z is


dZ + Z = dZ + ZZ + Z = (dZ + Z)Z + Z + Z + Z(dZ + Z) = (Z + Z(dZ + Z))H + Z + Z(dZ + Z). (56)

The expression Z(dZ + Z) can be found from dZ = dZZ + Z = (dZ)Z + Z + Z(dZ + Z), and it is given by

Z(dZ + Z) = dZ − (dZ)Z + Z = (dZ)(I Q − Z + Z). If this expression is inserted into (56), it is found that:

dZ + Z = (Z + (dZ)(I Q −Z + Z))H +Z + (dZ)(I Q −Z + Z) = (I Q −Z + Z) dZ H (Z + )H +Z + (dZ)(I Q −Z + Z).
Secondly, it can be shown in a similar manner that: dZZ + = (I N −ZZ + )(dZ)Z + +(Z + )H dZ H (I N −ZZ + ).

If the expressions for dZ + Z and dZZ + are inserted into (55), (9) is obtained.


Proof: Let Ai ∈ CM ×N Q be an arbitrary complex-valued function of Z ∈ C N ×Q and Z ∗ ∈ CN ×Q .

From Table II, it follows that d vec(Z) = d vec(Re {Z}) + jd vec(Im {Z}) and d vec(Z ∗ ) = d vec(Re {Z}) −

jd vec(Im {Z}). If these two expressions are substituted into A 0 d vec(Z) + A1 d vec(Z ∗ ) = 0M ×1 , then it follows

that A0 (d vec(Re {Z}) + jd vec(Im {Z})) + A1 (d vec(Re {Z}) − jd vec(Im {Z})) = 0M ×1 . The last expression

is equivalent to: (A0 + A1 )d vec(Re {Z}) + j(A0 − A1 )d vec(Im {Z}) = 0M ×1 . Since the differentials d Re {Z}

and d Im {Z} are independent, so are d vec(Re {Z}) and d vec(Im {Z}). Therefore, A 0 + A1 = 0M ×N Q and

A0 − A1 = 0M ×N Q . And from this it follows that A0 = A1 = 0M ×N Q .


First three other results are stated and proven:

Lemma 4: Let A, B ∈ CN ×N . z T Az = z T Bz ∀ z ∈ CN ×1 is equivalent to A + AT = B + B T .

Proof: Let (A)k,l = ak,l and (B)k,l = bk,l . Assume first that z T Az = z T Bz ∀ z ∈ CN ×1 , and set z = ek

where k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}. Then e Tk Aek = eTk Bek , gives that ak,k = bk,k for all k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}. Setting

z = ek + el leads to (eTk + eTl )A(ek + el ) = (eTk + eTl )B(ek + el ), which results in ak,k + al,l + ak,l + al,k =

bk,k +bl,l +bk,l +bl,k . Eliminating equal terms gives a k,l +al,k = bk,l +bl,k which can be written A+A T = B +B T .

  1 T
Assuming that A + AT = B + B T , it follows that z T Az = 2 z T Az + z T AT z = 2z A + AT z =

1 T
 T  1
2z B + BT z = 2 z Bz + z T B T z = 2 z T Bz + z T Bz = z T Bz , for all z ∈ CN ×1 .

Corollary 1: Let A ∈ CN ×N . z T Az = 0 ∀ z ∈ CN ×1 is equivalent to AT = −A.

Proof: Set B = 0N ×N in Lemma 4, then the corollary follows.

Lemma 5: Let A, B ∈ CN ×N . z H Az = z H Bz ∀ z ∈ CN ×1 is equivalent to A = B .

Proof: Let (A)k,l = ak,l and (B)k,l = bk,l . Assume first that z H Az = z H Bz ∀ z ∈ CN ×1 , and set z = ek

where k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}. This gives that a k,k = bk,k for all k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , N − 1}. Also in the same way as in

the proof of Lemma 4 setting z = e k + el leads to A + AT = B + B T . Next, set z = ek + jel , then manipulations

give A − AT = B − B T . The equations A + A T = B + B T and A − AT = B − B T imply that A = B .

If A = B , then it follows that z H Az = z H Bz for all z ∈ CN ×1 .

Now, the proof of Lemma 2 is given:

Proof: Substitution of d vec(Z) = d vec(Re {Z}) + jd vec(Im {Z}) and d vec(Z ∗ ) = d vec(Re {Z}) −

jd vec(Im {Z}) into the second-order differential expression given in the lemma leads to:

d vecT (Re {Z}) [B 0 + B 1 + B 2 ] d vec(Re {Z}) + d vecT (Im {Z}) [−B 0 + B 1 − B 2 ] d vec(Im {Z})

+ d vecT (Re {Z}) j B 0 + B T0 + j B 1 − B T1 − j B 2 + B T2 d vec(Im {Z}) = 0. (57)

(57) is valid for all dZ and the differentials of d vec(Re {Z}) and d vec(Im {Z}) are independent. If d vec(Im {Z})

is set to the zero vector, then it follows from (57) and Corollary 1 that:

B 0 + B 1 + B 2 = −B T0 − B T1 − B T2 . (58)

In the same way, setting d vec(Re {Z}) to the zero vector, then it follows from (57) and Corollary 1 that:

−B 0 + B 1 − B 2 = B T0 − B T1 + B T2 . (59)

Because of the skew symmetry in (58) and (59) and the linear independence of d vec(Re {Z}) and d vec(Im {Z}),

it follows from (57) and Corollary 1 that:

B 0 + B T0 + B 1 − B T1 − B 2 + B T2 = 0N Q×N Q . (60)

(58), (59), and (60) lead to B 0 = −B T0 , B 1 = −B T1 , and B 2 = −B T2 . Since the matrices B 0 and B 2 are skew,
Corollary 1 reduces d vecT (Z) B 0 d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) B 1 d vec(Z) + d vecT (Z ∗ ) B 2 d vec(Z ∗ ) = 0 to
d vecT (Z ∗ ) B 1 d vec(Z) = 0. Then Lemma 5 results in B 1 = 0N Q×N Q .


Proof: Let the symbol ⊆ means subset of. From (7) and the definition of R (A), it follows that R (A) =
w ∈ C1×Q | w = zA A+ A , for some z ∈ C1×N ⊆ R A+ A . From the definition of R A+ A , it follows
that R A+ A = w ∈ C1×Q | w = zA+ A, for some z ∈ C1×Q ⊆ R (A). From R (A) ⊆ R A+ A and

R A+ A ⊆ R (A), the first equality of (33) follows. From (7) and the definition of C (A), it follows that:
C (A) = w ∈ CN ×1 | w = AA+ Az, for some z ∈ CQ×1 ⊆ C AA+ . From the definition of C AA+ , it
follows that: C AA+ = w ∈ CN ×1 | w = AA+ z, for some z ∈ CN ×1 ⊆ C (A). From C (A) ⊆ C AA+
and C AA+ ⊆ C (A), the second equality of (33) follows. The third equation of (33) is a direct consequence of

the two first equations of (33).



Lemma 6: Let A ∈ CN ×Q and B ∈ CQ×R , then the following properties are valid for the Moore-Penrose


A+ = A−1 for non-singular A, (61)

 + +
A = A, (62)

 +  H
AH = A+ , (63)

AH = AH AA+ = A+ AAH , (64)

 H  H
A+ = AH A+ A+ = A+ A+ AH , (65)

 +  H
AH A = A+ A+ , (66)

 +  H
AAH = A+ A+ , (67)

 +  +
A+ = AH A AH = AH AAH , (68)

 −1 H
A+ = AH A A if A has full column rank, (69)

A+ = AH AAH if A has full row rank, (70)

AB = 0N ×R ⇔ B + A+ = 0R×N . (71)

Proof: (61), (62), and (63) can be proved by direct insertion in Definition 3 of the Moore-Penrose inverse.

 +  H
The first part of (64) can be proved like this A H = AH AH AH = AH AA+ = AH AA+ , where the
result from (63) was used. The second part of (64) can be proved in a similar way A H = AH AH AH =
 + H H   + H +
A A A = A+ AAH . The first part of (65) can be shown by A + = A+ AA+ = AH AH A =
 H  H H  +
AH A+ A+ . The second part of (65) follows from A + = A+ AA+ = A+ A+ AH = A+ AH AH .

(66) and (67) can be proved by using the results from (64) and (65) in the definition of the Moore-Penrose inverse.

(68) follows from (65), (66), and (67).

(69) and (70) follow from (61), (68), and rank (A) = rank AH A = rank AAH , taken from 0.4.6 in [22].

Now, (71) will be shown. Firstly, it is shown that AB = 0 N ×R implies B + A+ = 0R×N . Assume that AB = 0N ×R .

From (68), it follows that:

 +  +
B + A+ = B H B B H AH AAH . (72)

AB = 0N ×R leads to B H AH = 0R×N , and then (72) yields B + A+ = 0R×N . Secondly, it will be shown that

B + A+ = 0R×N implies AB = 0N ×R . Assume that B + A+ = 0R×N . Using the implication just proved, i.e., if

CD = 0M ×P , then D + C + = 0P ×M , where M and P are integers given by the size of the matrices C and D ,
 +  + +
gives A+ B = 0N ×R , and then the desired result follows from (62).


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