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Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Obesity

in Elementary School Children

Soepardi Soedibjo, Mulyadi M Djer, Agus Firmansyah

(Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia/

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)

Abstract An obseiVa tional, cross sectional s tudy was conducted on elemen tary
school stud ents in Cen tral J akarta between May and ctober 1997. This p reliminary
study aimed to determine the prevalence and influencing factors of obesity m elemen -
tary school students. From 488 students s rudled, 4 7 were obese. The prevalence rate in
this study was 9.6%, with boys twice as much as girls. Factors that inlluencecl the inci-
dence of obesity were: (1) age, (2) time of introduction of solid food during infancy, (3)
eating habit, (4) calorie intake, and (5) physical activities. There were two factors that in-
creased the incidence of obesity namely: (1) obesity of parents, and (2) birth weight. En-
vironmental factors that increased the incidence of obesity were: (1) parent's occupation
and (2) family income. Laboratory fmdings associated with obesity were: (1) increase
blood cholesterol concentration, (2) increase blood triglyceride concentration, (3) de-
creased HDL cholesterol concentration, and (4) increased LDL cholesterol concentra-
tion. We conclude that the prevalence rate of obesity obtained in this study was higher
compared with the previou s studies, and that obesity in school children is influenced by
m any factors. (Paed.iatr Indones 1998; 38:193-204]

Obesity constitutes overnourished problems often encountered in well developed
countries and is a clinical problem that is hard to deal with, 1-3 because of its multifac-
torial etiology. 4 -6 There are changes in lifestyle and eating habits due to industrializa-
tion in our country/-9 that brings to a higher income that increases excessive food
consumption. 9 •10 On the other hand, the increasing varieties of fast food or canned
Accepted for publication: July 23, 1998 Author's address: Soepardi Soedibjo, MD, Department of Child Health, Medical
School, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba 6, Jakarta 10430, Te. 62-21-3907742; Fax 3907743
194 Prevalence and influencing factors of obesity

food , ma1e s people n eg! t U1 we ll balanced diet until obesi develops.''·11 Obesity is
predicted to be an arising probl m as tl1e result of ongoing changes from developing to
industrial community.'' Unfortunal ly publication a bout obesity prevalence in children
especially in school~ag hildren in our ountry is very limited. 4 •9 •12 ' 13
Obesity is a condition in which the nutritional status above normal, characterized
by the accumulation of excessive fat. 1' 3 It usually occurs if the energy intake in excess
to th energy expenditure, 1 ~ I u besid s theory rela ted with fat cell development. 17 ' 19
Lat I obesity has been a ssociated with 1 ptin, a protein produced by fat cell, that has
important role in fa t metabolism. [ts inappropriate concentration will increase food in-
take and decrease energy expenditure that at the end will cause obesity. 20 ·21
Ther are oth r in1porta nt factors su ch as gen tic and environment that will easily
make someone obes~. 11 The aim of lhis stud ' as to detem1ine the prevalence and in-
J1uen cing fa ctors of obesi t_ in elementary school students.

This was an observational study with cross sectional design/ 3 conducted in SON 7
and 8 Kenari Jakarta Pusat, from May to October 1997. All students of the two
schools were subjected for the study, except those who refused to be enrolled and
those with certain diseases or syndromes.
The study comprised 3 parts. The first part was to determine the prevalence of obe-
sity by anthropometric measurements based on weight for height index.24 The second
was to determine the characteristics of obese children, energy intake, genetic factors,
environmental factors, and laboratory fmdings (hemoglobin, cholesterol, triglyceride,
HDL and LDL cholesterol). The third part was to compare some of the characteristics
between the obese and non-obese children. Association between risk factors and obe-
sity was performed by bivariat analysis. All relevant data were collected and put into
the computer program (Epi-info 6.0 version). For an alysis p <0.05 was considered sig-
n ificant Odds ratio (OR) wi th 9 5% confid -'nee intervals was supplied when relevant.


I. Prevalence and characteristics of obese children

Four hundred eighty eight students were registered in SDN 7 and 8 Kenari Jakarta
Pusat for 1996/ 1997 school term, 4 7 of them were obese. The prevalence rate of obe-
sity was 9.6%, with boys were twice as many as girls. Table 1 shows the age and sex
distribution of the study subjects. There was no significant difference subjects in
terms of sex and age group.
Soepardi Soedibjo eta/ 195

Table 1. Age and sex distribution of study subjects

Obese non-obese OR
Characteristics (Total= 47) (Total = 206) p (95% Cl)
n % n %
Age (yr.)
• 5-7 8 35.7 63 64.3
• 8-10 19 47.5 92 52.5
• 11-13 20 63.2 51 36.8
Sex 0.52 (0.25; 1.06)
• Male 31 56.9 103 43.1
• Female 16 40.5 103 59.5

Table 2 . Distribution of obese patients by weight for height index

Weight for height index (%)

Age group Male Female Total
Mean (SO) n Mean (SO) n
• 5 - 7 130.5 (12.0) 4 166.2 (45.7) 4 8
• 8- 10 147.9 (22.7) 12 130.7 (10.9) 7 19
• 11 -13 138.7 (1 0.3) ~5 141.9 (14.9) 5 20
Total 141 .2 (17.0) ;31 143.1 (27.2) 16 47

Table 3. Distribution of obese patients by degree of obesity

Age group Degree of obesity Total

(year) Mild Moderate Severe Super
n % n % n % n % n %
5-7 5 62.5 1 12.5 12.5 12.5 8 17
8- 10 9 47.4 4 21 .1 5 26.3 1 5.3 19 40.4
11 -13 6 30.0 12 60.0 2 10.0 0 0.0 20 42.6
Total 20 42.6 17 36.2 8 17.0 2 4.3 47 100.0
196 Prevalence and influencing factors of obesity

Tabl 2 s hows 'the w ighl for heighl index in femal and in male obese subjects by
a g group, while Ta b\ 3 s hows the dis tribution of degree of obesity b y a ge group. It
shows tha t most obese \· , s of mild degre .
Table 3 shows that the moderate degree of obesity increased with age, whereas the
number of cases decreased with age in the super obese. Most of the obese student in
this study did not have any other accompanying disease and did not have any interac-
tion problems with family members or playmates (data not shown).

Energy intake
In U1is stud '• both obese> a nd non-obe ·' ' hildren received milk tormula before the age
of four monU1s, aud most of U1 m r~ ived breast milk and formula until two years old
(Ta ble 4) . tati tical test did 110 t sh w asso iation between this pattern and obesity.\
Table 4 also show~d obese children among those who received breast milk only. ,
Early introduction of solid food was significantly more seen in obese children than
in non-obese ones. The same was found with eating habit, where most abe~ children
had bad habits such as eating between meals and while watching television than did
non-obese children. Obese children had significantly more calorie intake beyond rec-
ommended value than non-obese. Children with high calorie intake had 2.21 higher
chance for becoming obese than those with calorie intake in accordance with the rec-
ommended value. On tl1e other hand, relationship between obesity and protein intake
was not clear (Table 5). Table 5 also showed the association between obesity and activ-
it· ·; 1J1e I ·s acti ve> the child , th m.ore lil<ely he or she became obese. This study re-
vealed a h igbt•r energ inta k in less ·tctive children but the difference was not
sign ilic'a nt (fable not pr s nl d). Most obese children realized that he or she was
obese, and had had tried to lose weight but all had failed.

Genetic factors
This study revealed that most obese children had obese parents or at least one of the
par ·nts was obese; this nsso ia tion \ as statistically significant. The sam~ Ul.ing went
wiU1 birth weight, where most of obese children were bam with birt.b \Veight of more
1h a n 4000 grams. S talisti a l ~m e lysis showed a significant correlation. On the other
hand the relation of twins and obesity was not significant (Table 6) .

Family environment
Obesity had a significant association with parent's occupation and family income, but
no association was found between obesity and parent's education level (Table 7).
Soepardi Soedibjo et at 197

Table 5. Association between obesity and feeding pattern and eating habit

Obese Non-obese
Characteristics (Total= 47) (Total= 206) p
n % n %
Feeding pattern during infancy
• Only rnilk formula until 2 years 2 59.7 6 40.3
• Milk formula before 4 months + 19 50.7 81 49.3
breast milk
• Milk formula after 4 months + 11 47.2 54 52.8
breast milk
• Only breast milk until 2 years 15 50.2 65 49.8
Solid food introduction
• Early 24 84.7 19 15.3
< 0.0001
• Proper 19 34.1 161 65.9
• Late 4 40.3 26 59.7
Eating habit
• Bad 31 73.5 49 26.5
< 0,0001
• Fair 11 29.5 115 70.5
• Good 5 34.2 42 65.8

Laboratory findings
Obese children had a significantly higher cholesterol concentration than non-obese
children. Likewise of triglyceride and LDL cholesterol concentration in obese children
were high, but HDL cholesterol concentration was low. The difference in hemoglobin
concentration between obese and non obese children was not significant (fable 8).

The prevalence rate of obesity in this study (9.6%) was higher than Satoto's 12 study
which involved 5000 elementary school students. This was also higher compared with
reports of Samsuclin ? -'1 Nasar, 1 and Hrunbali, 1 as ' eU as with reports from Thai-
1Flfld,7'' and was almost as high as in The Unit d tates a nd Aust.raJ.ia.7·'l,Jr. .zt Although
the target population for this study did not rep1·esent the real population, i~ looked like
that obesity started to dominate ovemourished problems, that need special attention. 9
198 Prevalence and influencing factors of obesity

Table. 6. Association between calorie intake, ptotein, 13n d physical activities with ob~sity

Obese Non-obese
Characteristics (Total= 47) (Total= 206) p OR
n % n % (95% Cl)

High calorie intake

0.038 2.21
• Yes 16 64 .3 39 35.7
(1.03; 4. 71)
• No 31 44.9 167 55.1
High protein intake
0.23 1.56
• Yes 28 55.1 100 44 .9
• No 19 44 106 56
Physical activity
• Less active 36 62 97 38
• Fair 10 31.6 95 68.4
• Very active 23.6 14 ' 76.4

Table 7. Association of obesity and obese parents and birth weight

Obese Non-obese OR (95% Cl)

Characteristics (Total= 47) (Total= 206) p
n % n %
Obese parents
• Both of parents obese 3 86 .5 2 13.5
< 0,0001
• One of parents obese 23 72.1 39 27.9
• Both of parents 21 35.8 165 64.2
Birth weight (gram) 0 6,0 (1 .31; 28.43)
• < 4.000 42 47.7 202 52.3
• > 4.000 5 84 ..8 5 15 .. 2
Soepardi Soedibjo eta/ 199

Table 8. Association between obesity and parent's education, occupation,

and family income

Obese Non-obese OR
Characteristics (Total= 47)' (Total = 206) p (95% Cl)
n % n %
Parent's education
• Senior high school or 19 47.3 93 52.7
0.56 (0.41; 0.65)
• Academy I university 28 52.1 113 47.9
Parent's occupation

• Low 10 37.6 73 62.4

• Moderate 32 51.7 131 48.3

• High 5 91.4 2 8.6

Family income
• Low 13 39.3 88 60.7
• Moderate 31 54 116 46

• High 3 86.3 2 13.7

Table 9. Comparison of hemoglobin level and lipid profile between obese

and non-obese children

Parameter Obese Non-obese p

Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.3 (1.2) 13.0 (1.2) 0.08
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 180.3 (26.4) 169.4 (31.4) 0,006
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 120.7 (59.0) 91.8 (42.6) 0.0007
HDL (mg/di) 43.3 (11.4) 48.6 (11.5) 0,004
LDL (mg/dl) 113.3 (22.9) 102.4 (27.5) 0,002

The prevalence rate of obesity in boys was higher than in girls, in contrast with
other reports;-1.7· 9 •13 however. the differ n e was not significa nt (Ta ble 1). Most obese
200 Prevalence and influ encing factors of obesity

were between 1 1- 13 years, followed by 8-10 years and 5-7 years age group. It ap-
peared tha t th e percentage of obesity increased with the increasing age. This was simi-
lar to that~" ported b. oU1ers. 7 'J, 1.l.lK This was in accordance with the pathogenesis and
pathophysiology of obesity, 4 ' 15 which is associated with hormonal influence and with
the child ability to consume. 7•11 Most obesity found was of mild degree, followed by
moderate, severe and super. Similar with reports in the literature, the moderate obe-
sity tends to increase with increasing age. However super obesity tends to decrease
when the child gets older, because the child will have difficulties in socialization, so the
child will try to lose weight. 7 •8
According to the literature, obesity in a child has less impacts than in adu1t,1·8 Obe-
sity in adult will gen erate into health problems such as airway and cardiovascular
cliseases. 1 ~·30 32 In this study, most ofth student did not h ave any accompanying dis-
ease. Samsudin stated that severe obesity was associated with the possibility of ac-
companying airway, hypertension, dermatitis eczema.7,8,33 Two out of 47 children
with super obesity did not have any accompanying disease. Whereas Moussa34 found
a positive association between systolic and diastolic blood pressures with obesity. This
is very likely due to racial difference besides different measuring technique.
It is believed that breast milk or milk formula introduction in infancy influences the
development of obesity,35 -37 Breast milk composi4on is sufficient for the child 's
growth and development on the one hand, and can prevent obesity on the other
ha n d. 36 Most children enrolJed in this study had received milk formula before the age
of four month s besides breast milk. This stud found no significant association be-
tween breast milk / milk formula pattern and obesity, which differs from Hambali's
report. 13 This study also revealed that obesity occurred in children who only received
breast milk. Obesity due to breast milk is rare, because certain nucleotides will stimu-
late muscle tissue development so that fat tissue development will decrease. 1•37
Our data s how that most of obese children received solid food early. Statistical test
showed a significant correlation between obesity and the pattern. Th.i8"'15 in accor-
dance with the literature stating that a child who received solid food earlier would have
a greater possibility of developing obesity th an those who received solid food according
to t he r ecommended schedule. 7 •11 ·' 3 ~"lll~l<J Most parents believed that satisfying the baby
wiU1 solid food wa s an evidence of love, besides most parents would like to see their
babies gaining weight quickly. 40 This study revealed that the reason for giving solid
food early was because the baby had cried out of hunger and this fact was similar to
Hambali's fmding. 13
In relation to eating habit, this study revealed that most of obese children had bad
eating habit and the difference was significant. Obese children had habits of eating be-
tween meals and while watching television, so that the amount of calorie consumed
was higher than recommend d until they developed into obesity."'·ij·''0 ,.. 1 According to
the literature children with bad eating tend o develop obesity7 .8' 13 Several s tudies con-
ducted in other countries revealed that for every hour of added TV programs, there
Soepardi Soedibjo eta/ 201

would be a 2% increase in the obesity prevalence rate. 40 Besides high calorie fast food
like fried chicken, hamburgers or pizza are available everywhere. 11
From the calmie intake point of vie~. , high calorie intake was found amongst obese
children, the difference was significant, as previous! reported."'-l Sarnsudin explained
that those consuming excessive calorie food for a long time, would become obese. Pro-
tein intake did not seem to effect both groups. In the literature it was stated that high
protein intake was r ommended a a way to modify one's diet in order to lessen the
amount of calorie coming from carbohydrate or fat.~:~
Most of obese children realized that he or she was obese, and they had tries to lose
w ight, but their efforts were not satisfactory. According the literature the success or
f; ilure in dealing with obesity, depended on the person's motivation, pers verance and
family background. 7 •8 Physical activities have an important role in the occurrence of
obesity. Most of the obese children enrolled in this study were less active, and the dif-
ference between both groups was significant and supported by literature.44 •45 Endo44
reported that doing excessive along with diet, would reduce body weight and blood
cholesterol to bring down the incidence rate of atherosclerosis.
According to TaitT there was a correlation between genetic and obesity. This means
that obese parents are very likely to have obese children. In this study there were
6.4% obese children with both obese parents, while the other 48% had only one par-
ent obese and 11.3% carne from normal parents. Statistic test showed a significant
and this was also supported by the literature. 1•2 •15 Most of obese children were born
with their birth weight above 4000 grams. This was commensurate with Taitz's report
that obesity was genetically influenced by birth weight. There was no statistic evidence
that the incidence of obesity in twins is lower than in normal children. As stated in the
literature this is most likely due to the birth weight itself, most of twins were born
with a low birth weight. 2
In relation to family environment, only parents' occupation and family income had
correlation with obesity. According to the literature, those two factors influenced family
ability to provide excessive food. 9 Parents' education level had no correlation with the
incidence of obesity. No interaction problems were found amongst obese children. 7 •8
The only interaction problems found amongst super obese childJ;en was due to their
inability to do exercises.
Laboratory findings showed similar hemoglobin concentration between obese and
non-obese children. The explanation for this was because both groups consumed high
protein food. Lipids concentration such as cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol in
obese children was higher and this was statistically significant. HDL cholesterol, the
only protective lipid in preventing coronary heart disease, 46 '47 was found to be in a very
low concentration amongst obese children. Most experts agree that concentration of
cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol is one of the predisposing factors. for coro-
nary heart disease.
202 Prevalence and influen cing fact ors o f obesity

This preliminary study showed the increasing prevalence rate of obesity compared
with previous studies. Although most obese children realize their problem and try to
d al with it, their e1Jorts are in vail.1 because the d o not include very influencing as-
pe ts; their efforts a re lim i ed to I sen alorie intake. Aside of obese parents, birth
weight, introduction of solid food pattern and eating habit are also important factors.
That is why, when dealing with obesity all aspects should be considered. A multidisci-
plinary approach involving by pediatrician, nutritionist and physiotherapist may be
needed in some cases. 40

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