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Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee Volume 2 179-185 (1922)

The acoustical knowledge of the ancient Hindus


(Sir Taraknath Palit Professor of Physics, University of Calcutta)

1. Introduction -.
Music, both vocal and instrumental, undoubtedly played an important part in
the cultural life of ancient India. Sanskrit literature, both secular and religious,
makes numerous references to instruments of various kinds, and it is, I believe,
generally held by archaeologists that some of the earliest mentions of such
instruments to be found anywhere are those contained in the ancient Sanskrit
works. Certain it is that at a very early period in the history of the country, the
Hindus were acquainted with the use of stringed instruments excited by plucking
or bowing, with the transverse form of flute, with wind and reed instruments of
different types and with percussion instruments. It is by no means improbable
that India played an important part in the progressive evolution and improve-
ment of these instruments and might have served as a source from which their
knowledge spread both eastwards and westwards. It would form a fascinating
chapter of history to try and trace the gradual development of musical
instruments and musical knowledge, from the rhythmic chanting of the Rigveda
in the ancient home of the Aryan race to the Indian music of the present day. But
the materials available for the writing of this history seem to be all too meagre.
Much of the long period over which the gradual evolution must have spread lies
in the dim and remote past of which but the vaguest glimpses can be obtained
from such records as exist. Something more definite fegarding the acoustical
developments in Ancient India might perhaps be gleaned from a study of the
musical instruments, the models of which have been handed down as heirlooms
for untold generations. Several of the Indian stringed instruments, for example,
disclose in their design, even on a supeficial examination, a quite remarkable
appreciation of the principles of sound-ptoduction and of resonance. A fuller
study seemed likely to lead to results of considqrableinterest. It was this hope that
induced me some two years ago to commence a systematic examination by
modern scientificmethods of the ancient Indian musical instruments. The objects .
I set before myself were to investigate the traditional designs according to which
these Indian instruments are constructed and the variations of these designs that
exist in the different parts of the country, to discover the raison d'&tre of the


methods of constrhction employed and to find the special tone-characters which

were held in esteem by the designers. It seemed that such an examination might
also prove useful from the practical stand-point by disclosing the best designs and
indicating the directions in which any improvements might be possible. Various
circumstanceshave delayed the complete carrying out of the projected work, and
it is probable that little progress might have been made with it up to date, but for
the fact that my attention was recently drawn somewhat forcibly to the musical
qualities of the ancient Indian instruments of percussion. Through the kindness of
an enthusiastic fellow-worker, Mr Sivakali Kumar, some good specimens of the
Indian percussion instruments were put at'my disposal and I have been enabled
to carry out a scientific examination of their acoustical properties. The results
obtained are very remarkable and significant and are being described in detail in
a monograph "On Musical Drums" which will be published by the Indian Assoc.
Cultiv. Sci. I propose in this short essay to indicate the main results of this
investigation and to show how far they throw light on the state of acoustical
knowledge in ancient and medieval India.

2. Acoustics of percussion instruments

By way of preface, I shall first refer to a few facts regarding the vibrations of
stretched membranes which are familiar to students of physics and which it is
useful here to recall. As is well known, the vibrations of a circular stretched
membrane or drum-head excited by impact are generally of an extremely
complex character. Besides the gravest or fundamental tone of the membrane, we
have a large retinue of overtones which stand to each other in no sort of musical
relation. These overtones are always excited in greater or less degree and produce
a discordant effect. All the instruments of percussion known to European
physicists in which a circular drum-head is employed have therefore to be
regarded more as noise producers introduced for marking the rhythm than as
musical instruments. This is true even of the kettle-drum which is tuned to a
definite pitch and occasionally used in European orchestral music. As has been
shown by the late Lord Rayleigh in a paper published some time ago, the air
enclosed in the shell of the kettle-drum does not produce any advantageous
alterations of the pitch relations of the overtones. All tke instruments of
percussion known to European science are thus essentially non-musical and can
only be tolerated in open air music or in large orchestras where a little noise more
or less makes no difference. Indian musical instruments of percussion however
stand in an entirely different category. Times without number we have heard the
best singers oiperformers on the flute or violin accompanied by the well known
indigenous musical drums, and the effect with a good instrument is always
excellent. It was this, in fact, that conveyed to me the hint that the Indian

instruments of percussion possess interesting acoustic properties, and stimulated

the research.

3. The Indian musical drums

The number of different types of percussion instruments known and used in India
is almost legion. They represent a very wide variety of stages of development and
variations of form to suit different purposes. It does not fall within the scope of
this short essay even to attempt a discussion of th'e different forms. Those who are
curious to see these types of drums can no doubt find specimens in the various
provincial museums of India. A specially good collection is to be found in the
anthropological section of the Indian Museum at Calcutta, and some of them are
described with illustrations in the catalogue of the exhibits available in the
Museum. The instrument to the remarkable acoustical properties of which I wish
especially to direct attention is the musical or concert drum which is most highly
esteemed by Indians and which figures largely in the Sanskrit literature, namely
the Mridariga. The essential feature of this instrument at the present day is, first, a
massive hollow wooden body in the form of two truncated cones put end to end,
one of which is longer than the other. Over the two ends of this body are stretched
the two drumskins, which are each provided with a tightening ring of leather and
are kept in a state of tension by a leather rope which passes through apertures in
the rings at 16 equidistant points around the circumference. Eight cylindrical
tuning blocks of wood inserted at regular intervals under the tension-rope
provide the means for a rough adjustment of tension. The fine adjustment of
tension of the smaller drumhead to equality in the 8 octants of the circumference
is carried out by pulling up or pushing down the tightening ring by stroking it
with a small mallet. The large drumhead gives the base note, and its pitch and
tone-equality are adjusted by spreading a temporary load of wetted dtd or wheaten
flour over it. The most remarkable feature of the drum is the manner in which the
second or smaller drumhead is constructed. This membrane as first put on in the
construction of the drumhead is double, the layers being of specially chosen
leather of uniform thickness and connected to the tightening ring so as to be in a
state of tension. The upper layer is then cut away in the middle exposing a circular
area of the lower membrane, and leaving an annular ring of the outer membrane
round the margin, of which the width is regulated according to the requirements
of the tone-quality. The centre of the exposed circle of the inner membrane thus
formed is loaded concentrically in several successive layers of gradually
decreasing radii and of graduated thickness with a dark coloured composition
which is put on at first in the form of a paste and is then rubbed in till it becomes
dry and permanently adherent to the membrane. The composition of this
material is finely powdered iron filings, charcoal and starch, and when put on the
m e d r a n e it is flexible in a noteworthy degree. The putting on of the load is
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carried out in stages, the sound of the drumhead being continu~uslytested during
the progress of construction. Its final adjustment and regulation of thickness is an
art which is handed down from generation to generation as traditional
knowledge, and acquired by long training and experience.

4. The acoustic characters of the Myidanga

A physicist trained in acoustical research no!icing the drumhead of the Mlidariga
naturally wishes to know exactly what acoustical purpose is intended to be served
by the peculiar method of construction described above. This is a question which
can only be answered by 'a physical examination of the vibrations of the drum-
head and of the tones to which it gives rise. Such an examination has been carried
out by me and has led to extremely remarkable results. It was stated above that a
percussion instrument geqerally gives rise to ipharmonic overtones. The
examination of the Mlidaliga shows that it forms an exception to this rule, and
gives rise to harmonic or musical overtones in the same manner as a stringed,
instrument. I find in fact that the physical behaviour of the drumhead is in fnany
respects unlike that of an ordinarily circular stretched membrane, and appro-
aches that of a stretched string. In the same manner as a stretched string, the
loaded membrane of the Mridariga can divide up and vibrate in 1,2,3,4,or 5 parts
which are separated by rectilinear nodal lines perpendicular to any chosen
diameter of the membrane and give the respective overtones standing in the
harmonic relation of pitch. The duration of these harmonic overtones is in
descending order of magnitude, being quite considerable for the first, second and
third harmonics which accordingly give a fine musical effect. Tones of higher
pitch than the fifth harmonic are either not excited at all in the usual manner of
playing, or if excited are of too short a duration and too small in intensity to b'e
perceptible as musical tones. In my monograph, I am giving a full diicussion of
the acoustical properties of the instrument together with illustrations of its mode
of vibration which explain the manner in which the loading increases the
duration of the tones and gives rise to the harmonic properties of the overtones. It
appears in fact that the loading results in modifying the pitch of the numerous'
overtones which an ordinary circular drumhead is capable of giving rise to and of
bringing them together in groups standing to each other in harmonic relations.
The success of the arrangement depends entirely on the extent andldistribution of
the loading adopted and upon the arrangement provided by which the tensions of
the membrane in 8 different octants may be exactly equalized. It is in fact made
abundantly evident by the investigation that the acoustic properties of the
instrument are not the results of mere chance but bear the evidence of the most
painstaking care and skill shown in the design and construction of the

5. The technique of playing the Mridaliga

If the instrument is in itself a noteworthy piece of acoustic workmanship, still
more remarkable is the manner in which its acoustic characters are utilized in
actual musical practice. The drumhead is played with the hand and fingers and
possesses a highly developed and finished technique. A very fair amount of
practice is required even for acquiring a rudimentary knowledge of the
instrument, but the finest technique can be mastered only by years of training and
experience. The physical basis of the technique lies in the manner of striking the
drumhead and updn the tone-quality, intensity and duration of the sounds
elicited thereby. The strokes involve the exact regulation of the region of contact,
the softness or hardness of the blow, its duration and force, and provide for
, touching the membrane with some of the fingers either during or after the blow so
as to damp out certain harmonics and bring out certain others. Some of the
recognised strokes provide for bringing out either the first or the second or the
third harmonic practically by itself, or in combinakion with one or more of the five
available tones. The strokes on the drumhead may be either by themselves or may
be simultaneous with strokes on the base side of the drum which is tuned to one
octave below the pitch of the first drumhead. Over and above this is thp fact that
the drumming is practically continuous and proceeds on a complex and varied
metre and rhythm ofits own depending on the accompaniment. All this may serve ,
to give some idea of the extraordinary degree of development which the
construction and use of percussion instruments has attained in India.

6. Conclusion
The study of the Indian musical drum and of'the manner in which out of the most
unpromising materials has been built up a genuine musical instrument which
satisfies the most stringent acoustical tests and-which even now stands on a
pedestal high above the types of percussion instruments known to European
Music, leaves very little doubt in one's mind as to the highly-developed artistic
tastes and acoustic knowledge of the ancient Hindus. The high esteem in which
the instrument itself has always been held in India and the existence of many
treatises in the original Sanskrit dealing elaborately with its construction and
technique is not without significance. Indeed, from the references that appear in
certain of these treatises, it is clear that the general nature of the acoustic results
obtained with this instrument had long been known, and that the pitch and
duration of the different tones obtained by striking the drumhead at different
points had been fully studied. The Hindus were well aware that sounding bodies
generally give rise to many different tones simultaneously, and the evidence
available points irresistably to the c~nclusionthat the development of the Indian
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musical drum was the result of deliberate and probqbly prolonged efforts to
improve the tone quality of percussion-instruments by bringing the overtones
into musical relation with each other. The success of the results obtained remains
a striking testimony to the acoustic knowledge and skill that must have inspired
those efforts.

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