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Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements for Testosterone Levels 03.04.

19, 10)52

Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements

for Testosterone
What does testosterone do for your body?
Testosterone is an important hormone for both men and women. Even
though itʼs often associated with a manʼs libido, testosterone occurs in
both sexes from birth. In females, it plays a part in sexual drive, energy,
and physical strength. In males, it stimulates the beginning of sexual
development and helps maintain a manʼs health throughout his life.

A manʼs testosterone level peaks in early adulthood. But the hormone

continues to play an important role in:

bone and muscle mass

fat storage
production of red blood cells
sexual and physical health

In most cases, after the age of 30, your testosterone levels will begin to
naturally fall. Drastic drops or a stop in production can lead to symptoms
of low testosterone (low T). An estimated 5 million American men have
low enough testosterone levels to cause symptoms, according to UCLA

Drastically decreasing testosterone levels can lead to:

difficulty achieving an erection

increased body fat
decreased muscle strength
loss of body hair
swelling and tenderness of the breasts
sleep disturbances Page 1 of 9
Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements for Testosterone Levels 03.04.19, 10)52


These unexpected changes can be caused by a variety of factors,

though. These can include health conditions, medication side effects,
and excessive alcohol or drug use. Treating the underlying cause may
also clear your symptoms.

Talk to your doctor if youʼre concerned with low T. Read on to see which
vitamins, herbs, and supplements may benefit testosterone production.

The world of vitamins, herbs, and supplements

Traditional testosterone replacement therapies, such as injections,
implants, and gels, work to add testosterone into your body. Herbs and
supplements, on the other hand, help your body make testosterone.
Some herbs and supplements simply aim to ease your symptoms of low

While some alternative treatments are safe for people with low T, not all
of them have been through rigorous testing in humans. Talk to your
doctor if youʼre interested in a certain herb or supplement. Theyʼll be able
to recommend the accurate dosage.

Side effects

Manufacturers of dietary supplements donʼt need approval from the Food

and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA also doesnʼt regulate the quality
and safety of herbs, supplements, and vitamins. Itʼs possible for a
product to be unsafe, ineffective, or both.

Always talk to your doctor before trying a new treatment. Some

treatments may cause unintended side effects or interact negatively with
medications you may be taking. Page 2 of 9
Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements for Testosterone Levels 03.04.19, 10)52

Malaysian ginseng (Eurycoma longifolia)

Malaysian ginseng is also known as Tongkat ali or E. longifolia. Itʼs a
native Southeast Asian plant with properties that are:


As an herbal medicine, Malaysian ginseng can:

increase libido
enhance sports performance
boost weight loss
stimulate the production of androgen hormones, such as
ease postpartum depression, high blood pressure, and fatigue

One study suggested this herb may help the body overcome other
testosterone-related problems, including osteoporosis. Itʼs uncertain if
Malaysian ginseng can increase testosterone or directly effect menʼs

Human clinical trials of Malaysian ginseng are limited. Thereʼs no

standard for the exact dosage that a person should take. One study had
people take 600 milligrams (mg) of this extract and saw no negative
effects on blood profiles and organ function.

Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris)

Puncturevine is a tropical plant used in traditional folk medicine.
Research results are mixed about its ability to increase testosterone
levels. Page 3 of 9
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One study found that men who took puncturevine for 60 days had
improved sperm counts and increased testosterone levels. But the
results didnʼt prove to be significant. Puncturevine may only benefit
people who are impotent.

The plantʼs fruit, leaf, and root can be crushed to make teas, capsules,
and tablets. Itʼs recommended to take no more than 1,500 mg per day,
according to the AECOSAN Scientific Committee.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Traditional Indian medicine uses ashwagandha for many things, including
sexual dysfunction and infertility. The plantʼs roots and berries are used
to make teas, extracts, and capsules.

One study looked at 46 infertile males and compared their sperm

changes after taking ashwagandha or a placebo. Men who took
ashwagandha saw:

increased sperm concentrations

enhanced volume of ejaculate
increased serum testosterone levels
improved sperm motility

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)

Also known as yohimbine, this herb may benefit people with low T and
symptoms of low T.

A study found that yohimbe may be as effective as sildenafil (Viagra) for

erectile dysfunction (ED) in rats. Both medications have similar effects on
the brain, including increasing sexual arousal in males.

Yohimbe may also be prescribed to people taking selective-serotonin

reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of depression medication. Yohimbe Page 4 of 9
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can increase sexual excitement in men who take SSRIs or have general

You can grind up yohimbe bark and make it into a tea, or you can
purchase extracts in tablet or capsule form. Unlike most herbs and
supplements, the FDA approved yohimbe as a prescription drug for ED.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
In some cases of low T, your body canʼt make enough
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This is a hormone that gets converted
into estrogen and testosterone. But the reviews on supplements of DHEA
and testosterone are mixed. Most studies report insignificant changes or
results that canʼt be duplicated.

In a review of 17 randomized, controlled trials, researchers found that

taking DHEA can improve live birth rates in women. Men may also take
this supplement for ED.

But there isnʼt enough proof about the safety of DHEA. The hormone may
reduce HDL levels, or “good” cholesterol, and cause other hormone-
related conditions to worsen. Make sure to check with your doctor before
taking DHEA supplements.

Pine bark extract (Pinus pinaster)

Pine bark extract contains natural compounds called proanthocyanidins.
The extract made from these compounds is commonly sold under the
brand name Pycnogenol.

Bark extract from P. pinaster can help:

lower cholesterol
enhance cardiovascular health
improve blood flow Page 5 of 9
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possibly reduce symptoms of ED

In some medical studies, pine bark extract is paired with a compound

called L-arginine aspartate. These compounds together may have some
effect on testosterone and ED. More studies are needed to determine the
effectiveness of pine bark extract for ED.

The suggested dosage for pine bark extract is 200 to 300 mg. But you
should avoid this supplement if you are taking chemotherapy,
anticoagulants, or immunosuppressive medications. Your dosage will
depend on your health history, so talk with your doctor.

Arginine (L-arginine)
The human body produces the amino acid L-arginine naturally. Your body
uses L-arginine to help increase blood flow, which may also help ED. L-
arginine is also found in many foods, including:

red meat

L-arginine doesnʼt boost a personʼs level of testosterone directly. Instead

it may help treat symptoms of low T, such as ED.

The dosage limit for L-arginine has not been established. Most
recommendations range between 400 and 6,000 mg. To treat erectile
dysfunction, 5 g of L-arginine per day for six weeks is possibly beneficial,
according to the Mayo Clinic.

Zinc supplements
A zinc deficiency is often associated with low T. Zinc is an essential
micronutrient. It helps your body: Page 6 of 9
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fight off invading bacteria and viruses

produce DNA and genetic material
repair the gastrointestinal tract

You need to consume it to maintain healthy zinc levels. You can consume
zinc by eating:

red meat
dairy products
fortified breakfast cereals
zinc supplements

But zinc supplements only help boost testosterone levels for people with
zinc deficiencies. The recommended zinc dosage is 5 to 10 mg for
prevention or 25 to 45 mg for people with deficiencies. Many daily
vitamins and supplements contain more than the daily value of zinc.

Excessive zinc intake can lead to both short- and long-term side effects.
Short-term effects include nausea, cramps, and headaches. Long-term
effects include reduced immune function, copper deficiency, and more.
Talk to a doctor about dosage amounts before taking zinc supplements.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D, also called cholecalciferol, helps your body:

fight off bacteria and viruses

protect bones against osteoporosis
absorb calcium into your bones
increase testosterone levels Page 7 of 9
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One study found that men who took 3,332 international units (IU) of
vitamin D daily for one year significantly increased their testosterone
levels. But vitamin D supplements may only work for men who are
severely deficient in this specific vitamin. Another study found that men
without a vitamin D deficiency had no increase in testosterone levels
after taking vitamin D.

The recommended daily allowance is 4,000 IU per day. Getting 10 to 15

minutes of sunshine 3 times per week can help your body produce the
vitamin D you need. Wearing sunscreen can decrease your absorption of
Vitamin D, but itʼs still recommended to protect you from skin cancer.

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is natural treatment for:

hardened arteries
high blood pressure
heart disease
cancer prevention
a weak immune system

One study saw increased testosterone levels in rats after they ate garlic
cloves. However, no human trials currently exist on garlic and
testosterone levels.

Most garlic supplements are made from fresh, dried, or freeze-dried

garlic. Some use garlic oil and aged garlic extracts. The dosage depends
on the form of the garlic youʼre using. A typical dose of fresh garlic is 2 to
4 cloves.

Basella alba
Basella alba, also known as Indian spinach, is commonly used with Page 8 of 9
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hibiscus macranthus for fertility purposes. Animal trials found that the
fresh and dry leaf extracts increased testosterone levels in rats. Alcohol
extracts of this herb provide the most benefits. But there are currently no
human studies on this plant and testosterone levels.

Chrysin (Passiflora incarnate)

Chrysin is a flavonoid extract found in Passiflora incarnate, or blue
passionflowers. You can take chrysin in the form of tea or supplements.
Most chrysin supplements available today range in dosage strengths
from 500 mg to 900 mg.

Studies in rats have shown that chrysin can increase sperm motility,
sperm concentration, and testosterone levels. But the human body may
not absorb chrysin very well, which could reduce this extractʼs benefit.

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)

Results are mixed regarding saw palmettoʼs effects on testosterone. It
may help boost libido, increase sperm production, and improve
symptoms of low T.

A 2012 study found that taking saw palmetto can reduce the effects of
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate, which
affects your ability to urinate easily.

The definitive cause for BPH is unknown, though testosterone may play a
role in causing the prostate to grow.

Talk to your doctor

Many alternative low T treatments hold promise, but they can be risky.
Consult your doctor about treatment options for low T. They can help you
decide what treatments are best for you and your condition. Page 9 of 9

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