Micro Grid Module 1FINAL
Micro Grid Module 1FINAL
Micro Grid Module 1FINAL
• The bulk power transmission network will move the power long distances, sometimes across
international boundaries, until it reaches its wholesale customer (usually the company that
owns the local electric power distribution network).
• On arrival at a substation, the power will be stepped down from a transmission level voltage
to a distribution level voltage.
• As it exits the substation, it enters the distribution wiring. Finally, upon arrival at the service
location, the power is stepped down again from the distribution voltage to the required service
• Electrical grids vary in size from covering a single building through national grids which
cover whole countries, to transnational grids which can cross continents.
What is grid?
An electrical grid is
an interconnected
network for It consists of
delivering electricity
from producers to
high voltage
Generating stations
lines that
that produce
carry power from
electrical power,
distant sources to
demand centres
Electrical Grid
• Definition: Electrical grid or power grid is defined as the network
which interconnects the generation, transmission and distribution
The network form by these high voltage lines is called the super grid.
The super grid feeds the sub-transmission network operating at
132kV or less.
Types of Electrical Grid
• The power station of the grid is located near the fuel source
which reduces the transportation cost of the system. But it is
located far away from the populated areas.
• The power which is generated at high voltage is stepped down
by the help of step down transformer in the substation and then
supply to the consumers. The electrical grid is mainly
classified into two types. They are
• Regional Grid – The Regional grid is formed by
interconnecting the different transmission system of a
particular area through the transmission line.
• National Grid – It is formed by interconnecting the different
regional grid.
Reason for an Interconnection
• The interconnection of the grid provides the best use
of power resource and ensures great security to supply.
• It makes the system economical and reliable. The
generating stations are interconnected for reducing the
reserve generation capacity in each area.
• If there is a sudden increase in load or loss of
generation in a zone, then it borrows from the adjacent
interconnected area.
• But for the interconnections of the network certain
amount of generating capacity known as the spinning
reserve is required. The spinning reserve consists
generator running at normal speed and ready to supply
power instantaneously.
• The interconnection of an AC system has suffered from the
following problems.
• The interconnection of the two AC networks is the synchronous
tie. The frequency disturbances in one system are transferred to the
other system.
• The power swings in one system affect the other system. Large
power swing in one system may result in frequent tripping due to
which major fault occurs in the system. This fault causes complete
failure of the whole interconnected system.
• There is an increase in the fault level if an existing AC system is
connected with the other AC system with an AC tie line. This is
because the additional parallel line reduces the equivalent reactance
of the interconnected system
• If the two AC system are connected to the fault line, then the fault
level of an each AC system remains unchanged.
Question in mind ?
Most fuel cells are used to produce premium power and use inverter-based
interconnection systems. These units use software algorithms to provide functions such
as protective relaying.
Area of Application
PV system with inverter
Small PV systems use inverter-based interconnection systems, and some state public utility
commissions require utilities to allow for net-metering systems.
Area of Application
Wind turbine with generator
Although, large wind turbines and multiple-wind turbine “wind farms” do not fit the
definition of DR because they are directly connected to the transmission system via a
dedicated substation or portion of a transmission substation. They are more like central-
station power plants. Smaller wind turbines typically use inverters. Figure shows a wind
turbine system with net metering.
Renewable Energy Sources
• Bioenergy is the energy derived from organic matter such as corn, wheat, soybeans,
wood, and residues that can produce chemicals and materials.
• Bio power is obtained from a process called gasification, converting gas to gas
turbines to generate electricity.
• Biomass can be converted directly into fluid fuels such as ethanol, alcohol or biodiesel
derived from corn ethanol. Biomass plants are commercially available in the United
States for up to 11GW of installed capacity. Biomass power ranges from 0.5 GW to
3.0 GW using landfill gas and forest products, respectively.
• Biomass has traditionally been used for domestic cooking and heating in developing
countries. It can produce power only when sufficient bio products are available and
the conversion process is undertaken. Biomass produces CO2 and other emissions.
Small and Micro Hydropower
• Hydropower is by far the largest renewable source of power/energy [8] . Small
hydropower systems vary from 100 kW to 30 MW while micro hydropower plants are
smaller than 100 kW. Small hydropower generators work in variable speed because of
water flow. Induction motors provide a generator for a turbine system. The hydraulic
turbine converts the water energy to mechanical rotational energy. Small and micro
hydropower systems are RER optimizations to enhance the smart grid.
Renewable Energy Sources
Geothermal Heat Pumps
• This form of power is based on accessing the underground steam or
hot water from wells drilled several miles into the earth. Conversion
occurs by pumping hot water to drive conventional steam turbines
which drive the electrical generator that produces the power. The water
is then recycled back into earth to recharge the reservoir for a
continuous energy cycle.
• There are several types of geothermal power plants including dry
steam, flash stream, and binary cycle. Dry steam plants draw water
from the reservoirs of steam, while both flash steam and binary cycle
plants draw their energy from the recycled hot water reservoir.
• PoolCo Model is defined as a centralised marketplace that clears the market for buyers and
sellers. Here the electric power participants submit bids and prices into the pool for the
amounts of energy to sell or buy respectively. The market clearing ensures participation of all
the suppliers and customers in the market pool.
• The Independent System Operator (ISO) normally forecasts the demand for the following day
and receives bids to satisfy the demand at the lowest cost and prices for the electricity on the
basis of the most expensive generator in operation.
• The main characteristic of this model is to establish independent wholesale power pool served
by interconnected transmission systems. This is a centralised clearing market of electricity
trading, aimed at introducing competition that forces the distribution utilities to buy power
from the PoolCo and generation utilities to sell power to the PoolCo at a market clearing price
(MCP) defined by the PoolCo irrespective of the generation cost.
• The PoolCo does not own any generation or transmission components and centrally
dispatches whole power within its service jurisdiction. It controls the maintenance of
transmission grid for ensuring efficient operation by charging non-discriminatory fees to
generators and distributors to cover its operating costs. In the PoolCo, both sellers and buyers
compete for the rights of injecting and drawing power to and from the PoolCo. Sellers fail to
inject power if their bid is too high and similarly buyers may not be successful in drawing
power if their bid is too low. It ensures implementation of economic dispatch producing a
single spot price for electricity, thereby giving participants a clearance for consumption and
investment decisions. Thus, the market dynamics drive the spot price to competitive level that
is equal to the marginal cost of the most efficient firms. In this market the sellers are paid for
their electricity and customers are charged for their consumption on spot.
Market model for microgrid
Bilateral Contracts Model
• Bilateral Contracts Model is sometimes called direct access model
because here the role of ISO is more limited, thereby allowing
buyers and sellers to negotiate directly in the electricity market
without entering into pooling arrangement. In order to have
successful participation in the model, small customers need to have
aggregation to ensure benefits from competition. Thus Microgrid,
being an aggregated load with local generations, can significantly
participate in the market to harvest the benefits from open
• This model establishes non-discriminatory access and pricing rules
for transmission and distribution systems assuring guaranteed sale
of power over the available transmission and distribution systems.
Market model for microgrid
Hybrid Model
• The Hybrid Model combines various features of the earlier
two models. Here the sale and purchase of power through
power exchange (PX) are not obligatory and the customers
are allowed to sign bilateral contracts with the pool
suppliers of their choice. The sellers and buyers can both
opt for not signing any bilateral contract availing maximum
flexibility to sell and buy power either through pool or by
direct bilateral transaction between seller and buyer. The
Hybrid Model is significantly flexible in offering either of
the marketing options based on prices and services, but it is
much costlier because of the co-existence of separate
entities of pool and direct dealing in the same system.