Inventory Stress: 6B.5.2.7-Timber C6B.5.2.7

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6B.5.2.7—Timber C6B.5.2.7

Determining allowable stresses for timber in existing The material and member properties based on as-built
bridges will require sound judgment on the part of the information may need to be adjusted for field conditions
Engineer making the field investigation. such as weathering or decay. The Engineer’s judgment and
experience are required in assessing actual member
(1) Inventory Stress resistance.
The inventory unit stresses should be equal to the
allowable stresses for stress-grade lumber given in the
AASHTO Standard Specifications.
Allowable inventory unit stresses for timber columns
should be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
the AASHTO Standard Specifications.

(2) Operating Stress Eq. 6B.5.2.7-1 is based on the Euler long-column

formula with two adjustments as follows. First, E is
The maximum allowable Operating unit stresses
reduced by dividing by 2.74. This corresponds to a safety
should not exceed 1.33 times the allowable stresses for
factor of 1.66 for solid timber members according to the
stress-grade lumber given in the current AASHTO Standard
National Design Specifications for Wood Construction
Specifications. Reduction from the maximum allowable
(2005). Then the Euler allowable stress is multiplied by
stress will depend upon the grade and condition of the
1.33 to provide an operating level allowable stress as
timber and should be determined at the time of the
shown in Eq. 6B.5.2.7-1.
For square and rectangular columns, substituting d/√12
Allowable operating stress in lb/in.2 of cross-sectional
for the radius of gyration, r, in Eq. 6B.5.2.7-1 results in
area of simple solid columns should be determined by the
Eq. 6B.5.2.7-2.
following formulas but the allowable operating stress
should not exceed 1.33 times the values for compression
parallel to grain given in the design stress table of the
AASHTO Standard Specifications.

P 4.8E
 (6B.5.2.7-1)
A (l / r ) 2

P = Total load, lb
A = Cross-sectional area, in.2
E = Modulus of elasticity
ℓ = Unsupported overall length between points of
lateral support of simple columns, in.
r = Least radius of gyration of the section, in.
For columns of square or rectangular cross-section, this
formula becomes:

P 0.40 E
 (6B.5.2.7-2)
A (l / d ) 2

d = Dimension of the narrowest face, in.
The above formula applies to long columns with ℓ/d
over 11, but not greater than 50.
For short columns, ℓ/d not over 11, use the allowable
design unit stress in compression parallel to grain times
1.33 for the grade of timber used.

© 2018 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

6B.5.3—Load Factor Method C6B.5.3

Nominal capacity of structural steel, reinforced Nominal capacities for members in the proposed
concrete and prestressed concrete should be the same as guidelines are based on AASHTO’s Standard
specified in the load factor sections of the AASHTO Specifications contained in the load factor section. This
Standard Specifications. Nominal strength calculations resistance depends on both the current dimensions of the
should take into consideration the observable effects of section and the nominal material strength.
deterioration, such as loss of concrete or steel-sectional Different methods for considering the observable
area, loss of composite action or corrosion. effects of deterioration were studied. The most reliable
Allowable fatigue strength should be checked based method available still appears to be a reduction in the
on the AASHTO Standard Specifications. Special nominal resistance based on measured or estimated losses
structural or operational conditions and policies of the in cross-sectional area and/or material strengths.
Bridge Owner may also influence the determination of At the present time, load factor methods for
fatigue strength. determining the capacity of timber and masonry structural
elements are not available.
6B.5.3.1—Structural Steel C6B.5.3.1
The yield stresses used for determining ratings should Guidance on considering the effects of deterioration
depend on the type of steel used in the structural members. on load rating of steel structures can be found in
When nonspecification metals are encountered, coupon Article C6A.6.5.
testing may be used to determine yield characteristics. The Specifications and guidance for determining the
nominal yield value should be substituted in strength capacity of gusset plates can be found in Appendix L6B.
formulas and is typically taken as the mean test value In Article 6.3 (Transversely Stiffened Webs), of the
minus 1.65 standard deviations. When specifications of 2003 AASHTO Guide Specifications for Horizontally
the steel are not available, yield strengths should be taken Curved Girder Highway Bridges, the first sentence states
from the applicable “date built” column of Tables “Web slenderness, D/tw, shall not exceed 150.” This
6B.5.2.1-1 to 6B.5.2.1-4. statement may be interpreted to mean that webs with D/tw
The capacity of structural steel members should be > 150 are considered unstiffened and the shear capacity is
based on the load factor requirements stated in the
computed as per 6.2 (Unstiffened Webs). This statement
AASHTO Standard Specifications. The capacity, C, for
refers to handling requirements for new design and should
typical steel bridge members is summarized in
Appendix L6B. For beams, the overload limitations of not be considered when determining if the web is stiffened
Article 10.57 of the AASHTO Standard Specifications in a rating. Furthermore, this article defines “d” as the
should also be considered. “required stiffener spacing” for use in Eq. 6-9. In cases of
Curved steel beams with a web slenderness ratio new designs, the required stiffener spacing is used to
exceeding the limits in Article 6.3 of the AASHTO 2003 determine the smallest possible value of the buckling
Guide Specifications for Horizontally Curved coefficient, k. This is conservative when actual stiffener
Girder Highway Bridges, but with actual transverse spacings are less than the required spacing. In a rating, the
stiffener spacing within the limits given in Article 6.3 actual stiffener spacing should be used to determine k in
may be considered sufficiently stiffened. order to calculate the actual shear capacity of each panel.
Except as specified in Appendix L6B.2.6.1, the If the D/tw > 150, longitudinal web stiffeners are required
Operating rating for welds, bolts, and rivets should be according to the specification (see Article 6.4). However,
determined using the maximum strengths from the shear capacity is equal to the shear buckling capacity
Table 6B.5.3.1-1. = CVp with no dependency on web slenderness.
The Operating rating for friction joint fasteners ASTM F3125 has replaced ASTM A325 and A490
(ASTM A325 bolts) should be determined using a stress specifications for high strength bolts. The designations
of 21 ksi. A1 and A2 should be taken as 1.0 in the basic A325 and A490 will be retained in Table 6B.5.3.1-1 as
rating equation. this designation shows on many plans and specifications
Where rivets carrying loads pass through
and was used in existing bridges. It should be noted in
undeveloped fillers 0.25 in. or more in thickness in axially
footnote c the tensile strength of M164 (A325)
loaded connections, refer to Article 6A. and
AASHTO LRFD Design Article for a potential bolts decreases for diameters greater than 1.0 in.,
capacity reduction factor. while the tensile strength of ASTM F3125 Grade A325
and A490 do not decrease for diameters greater than 1.0 in.

© 2018 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

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