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Pyroxenes are an abundant group of rock-forming silicate minerals found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. They are classified as ferromagnesian minerals due to their high content of magnesium and iron.

Pyroxenes are a group of rock-forming silicate minerals composed of calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, manganese, or aluminum cations between silica tetrahedra. They are found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and are classified as ferromagnesian minerals.

The main types of pyroxenes discussed are diopside, hedenbergite, jadeite, spodumene, enstatite, ferrosilite, hypersthene, and bronzite.


 Pyroxene are most significant & abundant group of rock forming ferromagnesian silicates. They are
found in almost every variety of igneous rock & also occur in rocks of widely different composition
formed under condition of regional & contact metamorphism.
The name Pyroxene is derived from the ancient Greek word for ‘fire’ (Pyr) and ‘stranger’ (ksénos).The
pyroxenes are named so because of their presence in volcanic lavas, where they are sometimes found as
crystal’s embedded in volcanic glass,it was assumed they are impurities in glass hence the name meaning
‘Fire-Strangers’. However they are simply early forming minerals that crystallized before the lava erupted.

TheUpper Mantle of the Earth is mainly Olivine and Pyroxene minerals. Pyroxenes and Feldspars are
major minerals in Basalt ,Andesite and Gabbro rocks.

 General formula of pyroxene :

where X = Na+ , Ca 2+ , Mn2+ , Fe 2+ or Mg2+
filling octahedral site called M2
Y = Mn 2+ , Mg2+ , Fe2+, Al3+ , Cr3+ , Ti4+
filling smaller octahedral sites called M1.
Z = Si4+ or Al3+ in tetrahedral coordination.
Origin of Pyroxenes
• Minerals in the pyroxene group are abundant in both Igneous and
metamorphic rocks. Their susceptibility to both chemical and mechanical
weathering makes them rare in sedimentary rock.
• Pyroxenes are classified as Ferromagnesian mineral , owing to their high
content of magnesium and Iron.
• The conditions of formation of pyroxene is restricted to High temperature,
High pressure or both.
• Generally the Common pyroxenes are found in mafic and ultramafic igneous
rock where they are found with Olivine and Calcium rich plagioclase and
high grade metamorphic rocks such as granulites and eclogites .Pyroxene
such as Enstatite, Clinoenstatite and kosmochlor is found in meteorites.

Pyroxene have a basic structural unit consisting of linked

SiO4 tetrahedra that each 2 of there oxygen in such a way as
to build long chain of SiO4. The basic Structural is thus SiO2
that is single chain pyroxene having SiO 2 ratio 1:3 .In cross
section the chain form a trapezium & this shape produces the
angle between cleavage direction & crystal faces.
Crystal Structure
• The essential feature of all Pyroxene structures Is the linkage of (SiO4) tetrahedra by sharing two
of the four corners to form Continuous chains. The chains which extend indefinitely parallel to the
crystallographic axis has the composition of (SiO3)n.
• A repeat distance of Approximately 5.3Å along the length of chain defined C-axis of unit cell. The
SiO3 chains are bonded to a layer of octahedrally coordinated cation bands which also extend
parallel to C-axis.
• The Octahedral layers contain two distinct cation sites M1 and M2 respectively. The size and
charge of cations in M2 site determine the Structural type of pyroxene. Large singly or doubly
charged cations give rise to Diopside (Monoclinic structure), whereas small singly or doubly sized
cations results in Enstatite (Orthrhombic structure).
• In most Pyroxenes the chains are not exactly straight ,they are rotated or kinked So that more
than one type of chain is possible. Diopside, Jadeite, Augite consists of one chain. Whereas
pigeonite,clinoenstatite and Omphacite have two symmetrically distinct type of tetrahedral
Single Chained Inosilicate

Pyroxenes are Single Chained

Ionosilicate ,with repeat distance
of 5.3Å along the c- axis.

Amphiboles have double

chained , more complex
ionosilicate structure.
There are two types of cation positions, designated
M1 and M2.The Octahedral strip containing M1 and
M2 Octrahedron is sandwiched between two
oppositely pointing Tetrahedral chains.
1) M1 site :
The smaller M1 sites lie between the apices of
opposing tetrahedra, and are almost regular octahedra.
Linked - PEAK To PEAK
Occupied by :- Al , Cr , Fe3+ , Ti, Fe2+ , Mg

2) M2 site :
M2 sites are larger, lie between the bases of
tetrahedra, and are more distorted 6- or 8-fold sites.
Linked – BASE To BASE
6 fold – Mg , 8 fold – Ca , Na.

In Enstatite M1 & M2 contain Mg2+

In Diopside M2 contain Ca2+ & M1 contain Mg2+

Together this forms a tetrahedral-octahedral-

tetrahedral (t-o-t) strip.
T-O-T strip or I-Beam Structure

A) Schematic projection of the

Monoclinic pyroxene
structure perpendicular to the
B) Control of Cleavage angles by
the I- beams in the pyroxene
Colour - Grey, Green, Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple

Form - Massive, Fibrous, Lamellar, Prismatic Crystals, Granular

Fracture - Uneven

Lustre - Vitreous, Pearly , Hypersthene has special metallic- pearly lustre called

Streak – White, Grey

Hardness – 5 to 7

Twinning – Contact Twins in case of monoclinic members

Specific Gravity - 3 – 3.5

Diaphaneity – Semi-translucent to Opaque


All pyroxenes show perfect {110} cleavage.

When viewed looking down the c-crystallographic
axis, the cleavages intersect at near 900 angles (the
angles are actually 920 - 930 and 870 - 880). This 900
cleavage angle is most useful in distinguishing
pyroxenes from amphiboles (in amphiboles the
cleavages are at 560 and 1240 ). Section cut parallel to
c- axis will show one direction of cleavage.
Uses of Pyroxene
• Pyroxene are minor components of
some rocks which are used as crushed
stone and dimension stone.

• Usually most of the pyroxenes has no

regular use as industrial minerals.
• Few pyroxene minerals are used as
gem materials, but only when they
have attractive colour and clarity.
• Jadeite, Diopside and Spodumene are
Important pyroxene gem Materials.
a) Orthopyroxenes :
Colour – Green
Pleochroic ( except enstatite )
Refractive index – high
Interference colour – 1st order
Optically positive
Extinction – Parallel

b) Clinopyroxene :
Colour – Colourless to pale green
R.I – High
Interference – 2nd order
Extinction - Inclined

C lin op yroxen e G rou p
Clinopyroxene ( D i o p s i d e s e r i e s ) :
Diopside C a M g S i2 0 6
H e d e n b e rg ite C a F e S i2 0 6

P y r o x e n e S o lid s o lu tio n s :
P ig e o n ite (C a , M g , F e )2 S i2 0 6
Augite ( C a , M g , F e , N a ) ( M g , F e , A l ) ( S i , A l ) 2 0 6

O m p h a c ite (C a , N a ) (F e M g A l) (S i, A l)2 0 6
Aegirine N a (A l , F e 3+ ) S i2 0 6

Na and Li pyroxe nes:

J a d e ite N a A l S i2 0 6
Spodu m ene L i A l S i2 0 6
Diopside - hedenbergite
• Complet e solid solution exist between diopside and
hedenbergite & Johannnsenite CaMn,Si 2O6.
• Diopside is the most common pyroxene.
• Found in mafic and ul t ra m a f i c igneous rocks.
• Found in ma rbles associated with calcite, quartz , Diopside
forsterit e, tremolite and garnet.
• Also found in med ium and high grade
metamorphosed mafic rocks.
• Hedenbergite is often found associated with ore
deposits formed at high temperature.
• The term jadeite refers to either jadeite or
to the amphibole, neph rite.
• It is a high pressure pyroxene found in
metamor p h i c rocks of the blueschist facies.
• Associated wit h glaucophane, lawsonite or
aragonite, and with quartz and epid ote.
• A brigh t green variety of jadeite, omphacit e,
occurs in eclogites with pyrope rich garnets.
Omphacit e is also found in kimberlites.
Sp od umene

• Spodumene found in granitic pegmatites,

wher e it associated with k- feldspar,
quartz, muscovite, tourmaline, beryl and
lepidolit e.
• Hid denite is a name given to
emerald green spodumene.
• Kunzit e to lilac/ pink colour
• Triphane to colourless or yellow
Enst atite- Ferrosilite


Ferrosilite Fe 2 Si206

Hypersthene & Bron zite (Mg, Fe)2 Si2 06.

E nstatite usually massive , blocky, fibrous or la mellar .

Individual crystals may be prismatic or accicular .

Complete solid solut ion exist between E nstatite­ F errosilite

Difference of Orthopyroxene & Clinopyroxene

Parallel Extinction Inclined Extinction

Diopside – Enstatite Solvus & Geothermometry
• E n s ta tite is m o re c o m m o n in m a fic ig n e o u s ro c k s .
• C o m m o n ly a s s o c ia ti n g w it h p la g io c la s e a n d
c lin o p y ro x e n e
• A ls o in h ig h - g ra d e m e ta m o r p h ic r o c k s a n d is
c o n s id e re d d ia g n o s t ic f o r th e g ra n u lite fa c ie s .
• H y p e r s th e n e is a c h a r a c te r s tic m in e r a l a s s o c ia t e d w it h
c h a rn o c k ite s e rie s o f ro c k s .
• E u lite a n d O r th o fe r r o s ilite - a s s o c ia te d w it h fa y a lite ,
h e d e n b e rg ite , g ru n e rite a n d a lm a n d i n e – s p e s s a rtin e
g a rn e t , o f e u ly s ite , a re g io n a lly m e ta m o r p h o s e d Iro n ric h
s e d im e n t .

Presented By
Gitika Deshmukh
Shubhajit Chattopadhyay

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