Reliability Engineering and System Safety

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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199

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Comparison of modeling formalisms for Safety Analyses:

SAML and AltaRica
Michael Lipaczewski a, Frank Ortmeier a, Tatiana Prosvirnova b,n, Antoine Rauzy b,
Simon Struck a
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Computer Systems in Engineering, Magdeburg, Germany
LIX – Ecole Polytechnique, route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many states/transitions formalisms have been proposed in the literature to perform Safety Analyses. In
Received 18 November 2013 this paper we compare two of them: SAML and AltaRica. These formalisms have been developed by
Received in revised form different communities. Their “look-and-feel” are thus quite different. Yet, their underlying mathematical
1 August 2014
foundations are very similar: both of them rely on state automata. It is therefore of interest to study their
Accepted 28 March 2015
Available online 8 April 2015
ability to assess the reliability of systems, their respective advantages and drawbacks and to seek for
opportunities of a cross fertilization.
Keywords: & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Model-Based Safety Analysis

1. Introduction non-deterministic specification, the semantics of a SAML model is

defined as Markov decision process.
Model based approach for safety analysis is gradually wining the AltaRica [3,4] has been designed with engineering perspective.
trust of safety engineers but is still a wide domain of research. AltaRica models are made of hierarchies of reusable components.
“Traditional” risk modeling formalisms, such as Fault Trees (FT) [1], Graphical representations are associated to components, making
Markov Processes, and Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) [2] models visually very close to Process and Instrumentation Dia-
are well known and widely used by safety engineers; and efficient grams. AltaRica is used as internal representation language by
algorithms and tools are available to study these models. However, several Safety Analyses workshops: Cecilia OCAS (Dassault Avia-
despite of their qualities, these formalisms share a major drawback: tion), Simfia (EADS Apsys), Safety Designer (Dassault Systèmes)
models designed with these formalisms are far from the functional and AltaRica Studio (LaBRI). AltaRica is a formal modeling lan-
architecture of the system under study. As a consequence, models are guage. Efficient algorithms have been developed to assess AltaRica
hard to design and to maintain throughout the life cycle of systems. A models: compilation to Fault Trees, stochastic simulation, model-
small change in the specifications may require a complete revisit of checking, generation of Markov chains, etc.
the safety models, which is both resource consuming and error prone. It is of interest to compare both formalisms in order to study
The high-level modeling languages AltaRica [3,4] and SAML [5] have their ability to assess the reliability of systems, their respective
been created to tackle this problem. advantages and drawbacks and to seek for opportunities of a cross
SAML was designed as a tool independent formal system specifi- fertilization. These two formalisms are compared according to the
cation and modeling language [5]. A SAML model is expressed in following axes:
terms of finite stochastic state automata. A model may consists of
more than one automata, which are all executed in discrete time with  the high-level structural constructs;
parallel composition. Besides technical systems with deterministic  the underlying finite state automata;
behavior SAML may also denote failure models with stochastic  the representation and interpretation of time.
behavior and system environments which often have non-
deterministic behavior. Due to the combination of stochastic and To illustrate our comparison we use a case study: a power
supply system. We present some qualitative and quantitative
results obtained with both formalisms and the advantages and
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Ortmeier),
drawbacks of both formalisms. (T. Prosvirnova), The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sections 2 and (A. Rauzy), (S. Struck). 3 introduce respectively SAML and AltaRica modeling languages.
0951-8320/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
192 M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199

Section 4 gives an overview of the related works. Section 5 describes a checking to test whether a hazardous state is reachable if a certain
case study, a power supply system that will be used to illustrate both failure combination occurs. The DCCA approach is optimized to use
formalisms. Section 6 presents SAML model and AltaRica model of the only a minimal number of model-checking runs to exploit the
power supply system. Section 7 gives some qualitative and quantita- complete search space. In addition to the minimal set of critical
tive results obtained with SAML and AltaRica models. Section 8 failure combinations, every combination is demonstrated by an
compares both formalisms and, finally, Section 9 concludes this paper. example (i.e. sequence of states) leading to the hazard.
In addition to NuSMVs qualitative analysis, PRISM is a probabilistic
model checker that exploits the stochastic information in the model.
2. SAML It can perform quantitative analysis like “How likely is it in the worse-
case that a certain (dangerous) state is reached”. It can analyze any
2.1. The language kind of pCTL [6] formula. Rather than calculating sets of failure
combinations, the pDCCA calculates the overall hazard probability.
This section provides a brief introduction to SAML. An extensive The calculation is based on the occurrence probabilities of all discrete
explanation of the semantics is out of scope of this paper. The failures as well as the functional behavior of the model. In case of
interested reader is referred to Güdemann et al. [5]. In addition we non-deterministic model components, the result is either a worse-
evolved the language in the mean time. Thus we present the case or best-case analysis.
model in the currently most up to date version.
Semantically, a SAML model denotes a Markov Decision Process
(MDP). This allows the modeling of time and value discrete 3. AltaRica
systems with deterministic, probabilistic and non-deterministic
aspects. For a formal definition of MDP see e.g. [6]. This section gives an overview of AltaRica modeling language
From a syntactical point of view SAML consists of a set of and of the associated assessment tools.
components. Every component may contain additional components
and/or state automaton. Every automaton is defined by one ore more
3.1. The language
state variables and a set of update rules. The state variables are
bounded integer variables. The update rule consists of an activation
AltaRica is a high level modeling language dedicated to Safety
condition in propositional logic and a set of states reachable if the
Analyses. The first version of AltaRica was developed in LaBRI in
activation condition is true. The set of reachable states is specified as a
1990s [12,3]. A few years later, a second (Data-Flow) version has
set of non-deterministic choices. Within each choice a probability
been developed to handle industrial scale models. A number of
distribution may be denoted. The initial state of the automaton is
assessment tools have been developed for AltaRica such as
specified with the initial value of the state variables. Constants, formulas
compilers to Fault Trees, compilers to Markov chains, generators
and enums can be used to increase the readability of the model.
of critical sequences, stochastic simulators and model-checkers.
Formulas are named abbreviations for propositional logic expressions.
Several Integrated Modeling and Simulation Environments use
Enums are primarily used to label system states with handy names.
AltaRica as their internal representation language. Successful
Multiple automata are combined in terms of synchronous
industrial applications have been reported [13,14].
parallel composition. This means that all automata in the model
The third version (AltaRica 3.0) is still under specification.
move exactly one step at every time step.
AltaRica 3.0 will be a major evolution of the language (and the
processing tools). This new version integrates notions of object-
2.2. Tools and analysis oriented programming languages, such as inheritance and proto-
types. It improves the reusability of components and knowledge
SAML was designed as tool-independent modeling language. Rather capitalization. It adds also the ability to handle looped systems and
than implementing dedicated SAML centric analysis tools we use to define acausal components. The models presented in this paper
automatic semantic-preserving model transformations to transform are written in AltaRica 3.0.
SAML models into the input language of state-of-the-art verification AltaRica is an event-centric language because the primary objec-
engines. Integrating as much model checkers as possible allows the user tive of Safety and Reliability studies is to detect and quantify the most
to choose the most appropriate one for the problem at hand. So far there probable sequences of events (failures) leading the system from a
are transformations for NuSMV [7] and PRISM [8]. These transformations nominal state to a degraded state (accident). In AltaRica, the behavior
are semantic preserving and fully automatic [5]. With PRISM as an of components is described by means of Guarded Transition Systems
intermediate converter it is also possible to use MRMC [9] and we are [15,16]. Guarded Transition Systems generalize widely used formal-
currently busy with a converter to UPPAAL.1 Note that none of the isms such as Reliability Block Diagrams, Markov chains and General-
proposed analysis tools is limited to safety analysis. ized Stochastic Petri nets. The state of a component is represented by
We use NuSMV for symbolic model checking of SAML models. variables (so-called state variables) and their values. The changes of
Due to the qualitative nature of NuSMV, the transformation from state are possible when, and only when, an event occurs. The
SAML into the NuSMV input language replaces all probability occurrence of an event updates the values of variables. Deterministic
distributions with appropriate non-deterministic choices. The or stochastic delays can be associated with events in order to obtain
symbolic model checking approach allows the verification of SAML (stochastic) timed models. Components can be assembled into
models against arbitrary CTL [10] properties. This solves questions hierarchies, their inputs and outputs can be connected and their
like, “Is a certain (dangerous) state reachable” or “When ever X is transitions can be synchronized. So, an AltaRica model can be seen as
true in one state, Y is true in the next state”. a hierarchy of interconnected components that can be “flattened” into
For qualitative safety analysis we use the deductive cause a unique Guarded Transition System.
consequence analysis (DCCA) [11] to compute all minimal cut-
sets (i.e. critical failure combinations). It is a structured approach
3.2. Analysis
to search the space of failure combinations and uses model

The semantics of a Guarded Transition System is a Kripke structure

2013-03-21: (a reachability graph) that can be interpreted as a Continuous-Time
M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199 193

Markov Chain, under the condition that delays associated with transi- modeling tools: Matlab/SIMULINK, Eclipse-based UML tools, etc.,
tions are exponentially distributed, or compiled into a Fault Tree. and then to automatically generate Fault Trees, FMEA tables,
A number of efficient assessment tools have been developed for Temporal Fault Trees [22] and also to perform architecture
Data-Flow Guarded Transition Systems, such as compilers to Fault Trees optimization [23] and SIL allocation [24].
[17], compilers to Markov chains, generators of critical sequences of Similarly, translations have been defined from specialized UML
events, stochastic and stepwise simulators and model-checkers. or SysML models to Fault Trees or Petri nets (see e.g. [25] or [26]).
All the underlying algorithms can be extended to a general case of In [27], functional design phase, using SysML, is combined with
Guarded Transition Systems (without Data-Flow condition). Guarded commonly used reliability techniques (i.e. FMEA and construction
Transition Systems make it possible to handle systems with instant of AltaRica Data-Flow models).
loops and to define acausal components, i.e. components for which the In the second category, we can find Figaro [28], developed by
input and output flows are decided at run time (e.g. electrical systems). EDF R&D. It is a textual modeling language dedicated to depend-
Fault Tree compiler: Fault Trees are widely used to perform ability assessment of complex systems. It combines object-
Safety Analyses and some regulation authorities require to use orientation languages features, such as inheritance and first order
them to support the certification process. Since high-level model- production rules (interaction and occurrence rules). It is used as a
ing greatly improves the design, the sharing and the maintenance description language to create knowledge bases for the workbench
of models, it is of interest to use them to automatically generate KB3 [29] to automatically perform systems dependability assess-
Fault Trees. In many cases high-level models can be efficiently ment: Monte-Carlo simulation, Markov Chain generation, quanti-
compiled into Fault Trees. The generated Fault Tree can be then fication and generation of critical sequences, etc.
assessed with calculation engines, such as XFTA [18], in order to
calculate minimal cutsets, probabilities of failures, importance 5. The case study
factors and other reliability indicators.
Markov chain generator: The compilation into Markov chains The case study comprises of a power supply system. We adopted
requires all the transitions to be either with exponential delays or the case study from [30]. The model is depicted as block diagram
immediate. Immediate transitions are just collapsed using the fact that in Fig. 1. It features redundant supply lanes to avoid total system
an exponential delay with rate λ followed by an immediate transition failure. In normal mode, the energy is provided from the grid via the
of probability p is equivalent to a transition with an exponential delay first transformer (TR1) and the first switch (SW1). In case of a failure,
of rate pλ. The problem of such a compilation is indeed the combina- the switch SW2 is closed and the energy is provided via the second
torial explosion of the number of states and transitions. transformer (TR2). If the grid or the second lane fails, the diesel engine
Stepwise simulator: Stepwise simulator enables to perform an (D) is started and the switch SW3 is closed.
interactive step by step simulation of the model. This interactive All components of the system may fail. The transformers are
tool can be very useful to debug models, to play different failure modeled with a per time failure. All three switches are modeled
scenarios, etc. The stepwise simulator can be coupled with a with an on-demand failure. This means that the switches can only
graphical simulator as illustrated in [19]. Graphical simulation of fail to close in the instant moment where they are requested to
models can be used to perform virtual experiments on systems, via close. Only the diesel engine is modeled with a failure rate and an
models, helping to better understand the system behavior. on-demand failure. The failure rates and on-demand failure
Stochastic simulator: Stochastic (Monte-Carlo) simulation is probabilities are denoted in Table 1. For all components, a repair
used when other assessment methods fail. The principle is to rate of 10  1 1=h is specified.
run many histories drawing at pseudo-random the delays of the The three lanes are used according to their priority, where the
transitions and to make statistics on these histories. Two types of first lane (TR1 and SW1) has the highest and the third lane (D and
observers can be defined to calculate reliability indicators: obser- SW3) has the least priority. This means that whenever a compo-
vers on formulas (e.g. the average number of times a formula takes nent with a higher priority is repaired the corresponding lane is
a given value) and observers on events (e.g. the average number of used immediately after repairing.
times an event has been fired). The only limit of stochastic As the case study is from the safety analysis domain, we
simulation is the number of histories and the length of histories analyze the reachability of hazardous system states. A hazard in
that are necessary to stabilize the measures. this case is if the system fails to provide power to the Busbar.
Generator of critical sequences of events: A critical sequence is a
sequence of events leading from the initial state to a critical state.
In some cases, the order of occurrences of events does matter and 6. Modeling the system
thus the approximation consisting in extracting minimal cutsets
(through a compilation of the model into a Fault Tree) is not 6.1. SAML model
suitable. In that case, minimal sequences can be extracted.
Our SAML model consists of 13 modules. Eight of them are
dedicated to the error modes of the components. The transformers
4. Related works have no internal state, so that their complete behavior is already

Many other high-level modeling languages for Safety Analyses T R1 S W1

have been defined. Two approaches for (high-level) Model-Based
Safety Assessment can be found. The first one consists in creating Grid
extensions of high-level modeling languages used in other domains.
The second approach consists in defining domain specific languages, T R2 S W2 BusBar Out
dedicated to Safety Analyses. In this section we will cite some of them.
In the first category, we can find [20] who added an Error
Model annex to AADL specifications, the modeling formalism for
D S W3
embedded real-time systems.
In the same way the HiP-HOPS workbench [21] enables the Fig. 1. Block diagram of the power supply system. The arcs denote the energy flow
addition of reliability data to models imported from different and the blocks denote system components.
194 M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199

Table 1
Specification of the component failures.

Component Failure rate On-demand probability

Grid 10  4 1=h –
TR1 10  4 1=h –
TR2 10  4 1=h –
SW1 – 10  3
SW2 – 10  3
SW3 – 10  3
D 10  4 1=h 10  3

covered by the failure modules. Four modules are reserved for the
state of the three switches (i.e. open or closed) and the diesel engine
(i.e. idle or running). The Busbar has no internal state, neither can it
fail. This leaves one remaining module, which we explain later on.
Besides the modules, our model heavily exploits formulas, denoting if
a component is demanded or if certain lanes are in fail state.
Constants are used for the failure and repair probabilities.
An extract of the complete SAML model is listed in Fig. 2. Note
that due to page limitations we listed only a minimal summary
that shows the principal of the model. The formulas state elemen-
tary propositions and are mainly used to increase the maintain-
ability and readability of the model. As there are many similar
propositions for the three lanes or redundant components only
some of them are listed in Fig. 2.
Following the formulas, Fig. 2 lists three modules: sw1, tra-
fo1_err and sw1_demand_err. These modules were chosen,
because they all three are characteristic for different types of
modules. The sw1 module represents functional behavior of the
system. It has two states (representing opened and closed). It
closes if is_l1_demand evaluates to true and if the switch does not
suffer from on-demand error (is_sw1_demand_fail).
The module trafo_err represents a repairable (transient) per-time
failure. It has two states which describe if the failure occurs or not. If
in the operational state, it turns to failure state with a probability of
f_trafo1. Otherwise it stays in the operational state. The behavior in
the failed state is similar, but with a different probability.
The third module (sw1_demand_err) covers an on-demand
failure automaton. This is slightly more complicated than the
per-time failure. This remains from the following situation. The
on-demand failure automaton is only allowed to change its state if
the corresponding component is demanded. At the same time the
component reacts on the demand. Due to parallel composition and
discrete time modeling the component in question and the failure
automaton change at exactly the same time. Thus the component Fig. 2. Extract of the SAML model.
can only react on the changing of the failure automaton one step
after the demand. The solution is to move the failure automation
exactly once some time before it is required. This requires the hazardous state. To compensate this effect, a last module was
model to have a zeroed time step where the on-demand failure introduced. This module counts the subsequent steps where the
modules are initialized. That is why the on-demand failure module system fails to provide power. A failure occurs whenever the
has three states (initial, failure and operational). A detailed counter reaches two. The counter has the state variable obs_s.
explanation of failure modeling in SAML is provided in [5]. A more Therefore the hazard is defined as H≔obs_s ¼ 2.
detailed discussion about the initial step can be found in [31].
To comply with the discrete time semantics of SAML we 6.2. AltaRica model
assigned a time of 1 min to every step (Δt ¼ 1 min). This affects
the conversion from failure rates in the system specification to The power supply system is composed of 4 types of components:
per-step probabilities in the model. a grid, a transformer, a switch and a diesel engine. As discussed in
The formula is_no_power denotes if the system fails to provide Section 5, we shall consider the following failure modes:
power to the BusBar. However it is not sufficient to analyze
whether the system may reach such a state. Because SAML uses  a grid and a transformer can only fail in operation (stochastic
a discrete timed semantics, an information needs some time to exponentially distributed event with a failure rate λ);
propagate throw the component structure. For the presented case  a switch can fail on demand (with a probability γ) or be turned
study, the redundant power lanes can only react after the system on successfully;
has failed. Thus a single powerless state is not considered a  a diesel engine can either fail in operation or on demand.
M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199 195

The behavior of these components can be represented by different

modeling patterns of Guarded Transition Systems, pictured in
Fig. 3. The AltaRica code corresponding to the finite state machine
of a spare component (representing a diesel engine) is given in
Fig. 4.

6.2.1. States
The internal state of the SpareComponent is represented by
means of the state variable state. state takes its values in the
domain SpareComponentState declared upfront. The initial
values of state variables are specified by means of the attribute

6.2.2. Events
The state of the component changes under the occurrence of an
event. Events are introduced with the keyword event. A delay is
associated with each event by means of the attribute delay. Delays of
events failure and repair are random variables exponentially
distributed with respective rates lambda and mu. Events start and
failureOnDemand are instantaneous (their delay is 0). Both are
fireable when the component is OFF. start has the probability 1 -
gamma to be fired while failureOnDemand has a probability gamma
to be fired in this state. This probability is given through the attribute
expectation. The expectation of the event e is used to determine
the probability that the transition labeled with e is fired in case of
several transitions are fireable at the same date. When transitions
labeled with e1 ; e2 ; …; ek are scheduled at the same date, the
probability pðei Þ to fire the transition labeled with ei (1 r i rk) is
defined as follows:
expectationðei Þ
pðei Þ ¼ P
1 r j r k expectationðej Þ

6.2.3. Transitions
Fig. 3. Patterns of Guarded Transition Systems.
A transition is a triple 〈e; G; P〉, also denoted e : G-P, where e is
an event, G is a Boolean expression, so-called the guard (or the
pre-condition) of the transition, P is an instruction, so-called the
action (or the post-condition) of the transition. Transitions are
described in the clause transition. If the state of the component
is OFF, then two transitions are fireable: the transition labeled
with the event start and the transition labeled with the event
failureOnDemand. These transitions are deterministic and
instantaneous because they are associated with a delay 0. The
transition labeled by failureOnDemand has the probability to be
fired gamma and the transition labeled by start has the prob-
ability to be fired 1-gamma. If the transition labeled by fail-
ureOnDemand is fired, then its action is executed: state is
switched to FAIL. In Fig. 3 instantaneous transitions are
marked with dashed lines. Transitions failure and repair
are timed and stochastic. They obey typically exponential
distributions. In Fig. 3 timed transitions are marked with
plain lines. If the state of the component is ON and the delay
drawn for the transition failure is the shortest, then this
transition is fired.

6.2.4. Parameters
Parameters are constant values that come with the definition of
the AltaRica class. When a class is instantiated, their values may be
changed. In the model above, there are three parameters gamma,
lambda and mu that define respectively the probability of failure
on demand and the failure and repair rates.

6.2.5. Flow variables and assertions

Fig. 4. The AltaRica code for the finite state automaton modeling a spare Variables demanded, input, output are Boolean flow variables.
component. The variable demanded is used to implement the command, i.e. to tell
196 M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199

6.2.6. Composition
Now we can consider the model for the whole power supply
system. AltaRica 3.0 is an object-oriented modeling language.
Therefore, the AltaRica class that describes the power supply
system embeds an instance of the class SpareComponent describ-
ing the diesel engine D, three instances of the class OnDemand-
Component representing the switches SW1, SW2, SW3, and three
instances of the class RepairableComponent describing the grid
Grid and the transformers TR1, TR2, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
When the lane 1 is failed, the switch of the second lane SW2 is
attempted to turn on. If it fails then the diesel generator D is
attempted to start and the switch SW3 is attempted to turn on.
These rules are expressed in the assertion of the class

6.2.7. Observers
Observers are like flow variables, except that they cannot be used
in transitions and assertions, i.e. they cannot be used to describe the
behavior of a system. Rather, as their name indicates, they are
quantities to be observed. They can be used or not by the assessment
tools. Observers are updated after each transition firing.
In the AltaRica code of the class PowerSupplySystem we
declared an observer failed that detects if the system is in the
hazardous state (when all the lanes are failed and, therefore, the
system cannot supply power to the Busbar).

7. Analyzing the system

7.1. SAML

We performed a DCCA on the SAML model, which lead to the

following minimal cut-sets:
Fig. 5. The AltaRica code for the whole system.
 Γ 1 ¼ fgrid_e; sw3_demand_eg
 Γ 2 ¼ fgrid_e; diesel_demand_eg
 Γ 3 ¼ fgrid_e; diesel_eg
Table 2  Γ 4 ¼ ftrafo1_e; sw2_demand_e; sw3_demand_eg
Hazard probability.  Γ 5 ¼ ftrafo1_e; trafo2_e; sw3_demand_eg
1h 10 h 100 h 10 000 h
 Γ 6 ¼ ftrafo1_e; diesel_demand_e; sw2_demand_eg
 Γ 7 ¼ ftrafo1_e; diesel_e; sw2_demand_eg
1.00e  9 1.36e  6 2.24e 5 2.47e  3  Γ 8 ¼ ftrafo1_e; trafo2_e; diesel_demand_eg
 Γ 9 ¼ ftrafo1_e; trafo2_e; diesel_eg

when to turn on and off the component. The variables input and In addition to DCCA we use PRISM to perform a probabilistic
output represent the flow circulating through the component, and in deductive cause consequence analysis (pDCCA) [5]. To analyze the
this case it is the electrical power. From a syntactic viewpoint, flow overall hazard probability we used the pCTL property
variables are introduced (and distinguished from state variables) by P max ¼ ? ½trueU〈 ¼ nobss ¼ 2 where n denotes the number of steps
means of the attribute reset. Conversely to state variables, that are to analyze. According to Δt ¼ 1 min, 1 h leads to n¼ 60, 2 h to
initialized at the beginning of a run and then modified through actions n¼ 600 and so forth. The results of the PRISM based analysis are
of transitions, the value of flow variables are recalculated after each listed in Table 2.
transition firing. This recalculation is performed by means of asser-
tions. Assertions are instructions just as actions of transitions. The 7.2. AltaRica
difference stands in that actions of transitions assign state variables
only while assertions assign flow variables only. Moreover, each In order to perform different types of analyses, the AltaRica
component has a unique assertion that is applied after each transition model given in Fig. 5 is first of all “flattened” into a unique
firing. Guarded Transition System (GTS). For the obtained GTS it is
Flow variables and assertions are used to model information possible to generate a Reachability graph that can be explored in
flows circulating through a system. They may represent physical order to compute reliability indicators. In this paper we focus on
connections between components, control commands, fluid circu- two types of model analyses:
lation, electric power, etc. They offer an easy and elegant way to
express dependencies on external factors.  the generation of critical sequences of events;
The AltaRica code for the SpareComponent and for the other  the compilation into a Markov chain in order to compute the
patterns (OnDemandComponent and RepairableComponent) system unreliability P½T〈t, the probability that the system fails
are quite similar. (the property failed ¼ ¼ true becomes verified) before the time t.
M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199 197

The generated critical sequences are: Recently, templates have been added to SAML: it allows us to create
component instances based on a pattern. They not only greatly
1. G.failure SW3.start D.failureOnDemand improve the reusability of models but allow the convenient modeling
2. G.failure SW3.start D.start, D.failure of equal components. In AltaRica 3.0 each system component is
3. G.failure SW3.failureOnDemand represented by a class; a system model is obtained by instantiating
4. TR1.failure SW2.start TR2.failure SW3.start D.failureOnDemand previously defined classes, connecting their inputs and outputs and
5. TR1.failure SW2.start TR2.failure SW3.start D.start D.failure synchronizing their events (see e.g. the model of the case study Fig. 5).
6. TR1.failure SW2.start TR2.failure SW3.failureOnDemand Unlike SAML, in AltaRica only one transition can be fired at a time.
7. TR1.failure SW2.failureOnDemand SW3.start D.failureOnDemand Hierarchy: Models of systems should be obtained by composing
8. TR1.failure SW2.failureOnDemand SW3.start D.start D.failure models of subsystems or different views of the system into
9. TR1.failure SW2.failureOnDemand SW3.failureOnDemand hierarchies.
AltaRica 3.0 integrates notions of object-oriented programming
The generated Markov graph contains 72 states and 248 languages such as inheritance and prototypes. It offers constructs
transitions. The obtained results are summarized in Table 3. to structure models into hierarchies of reusable components. An
AltaRica 3.0 model can be seen as a hierarchy of interconnected
components (see e.g. the model of the case study Fig. 5).
8. Comparison and evaluation Recently, the notion of nested component has been added to
SAML. A SAML model can be represented as a hierarchy of nested
To compare safety modeling formalisms we have established components.
several comparison criteria. They are discussed below. An over- Remote interactions: It should be possible to describe easily
view of this comparison can be found in Table 4. remote interactions between components, i.e. flows of matter or
Event based: The goal of Safety Analyses is to determine the information circulating through the system (without enumerating
most probable failure scenarios, i.e. sequences of events leading them explicitly).
from the nominal state to a failure/hazardous state. There are In AltaRica 3.0 remote interactions are represented by flow
potentially different types of events: stochastic, instantaneous, variables and assertions. In the example Fig. 5 the assertion
timed deterministic, etc.. calculates system flow variables. The principle is explained in
AltaRica 3.0 is an event based modeling language: it is possible Section 6.2. The assertion is recalculated after each transition
to explicitly name events and associate them to transitions. Events firing. Remote interactions can be also expressed by synchroniza-
can be stochastic (e.g. events failure and repair in the model Fig. 4) tions of events. Examples can be found in [32].
and instantaneous (e.g. events failureOnDemand, start and stop in In SAML the remote interactions can be represented by means of
the model Fig. 4). shared variables. In general, every state variable in SAML is globally
In the sense of SAML, all continuous functions are sampled and readable so the current state of one component is implicitly distrib-
processed in discrete time steps. Though, the subsequent state of a uted to all others. To increase readability of the model, we use
SAML model is solely based on the current state and the decision formulas to assign names to relevant (sets of) states. For example, in
of non-deterministic and probabilistic choices. Events that occur in the model, given Fig. 2 the formulas are used for that purpose.
between two time steps are cumulatively processed when forming Graphical representation: Graphical representation of models has
the next state. its own interest. One should be able to represent graphical models, at
Composition: Models of systems should be obtained by composing least partly, for communication and animation purposes.
models of subsystems. States of the system should be given in a It is not possible to have a unique graphical representation of
implicit way to avoid the user to enumerate all of them and to allow an AltaRica 3.0 model. At least three different graphical views can
approximations, based on the most probable scenarios/states. be used to represent it:
AltaRica 3.0 and SAML are both compositional and represent
implicitly state graphs of modeled systems. A SAML model is 1. Representations, like Process & Instrumentation Diagrams or
composed of several components that are all executed in parallel. Block Diagrams (see Fig. 1), can be used to capture the
hierarchy, the connections between components and the cir-
Table 3 culating flows of AltaRica 3.0 models.
Unreliability. 2. State diagrams, like those given Fig. 3, can represent the
internal behavior of each AltaRica 3.0 class.
1h 10 h 100 h 10 000 h 3. Thus events in AltaRica 3.0 can be synchronized, diagrams, like
2.06e  5 2.11e  4 2.12e  3 1.91e  1
UML sequence diagrams, can be used to represent

Table 4
Comparison of safety formalisms: SAML and AltaRica 3.0.

Comparison SAML AltaRica 3.0


Event based No Yes

Composition Templates Object-oriented
Hierarchy Nested components Object-oriented
Remote Shared variables Flow variables and assertion, synchronizations
Graphical State charts State, sequence and block diagrams
Assessment tools Model-checking, probabilistic model-checking, stochastic Compilation to Fault Trees and Markov graphs, stochastic and stepwise
simulation simulation
Time Discrete Triggered by events
198 M. Lipaczewski et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 140 (2015) 191–199

In future work we will evaluate the conversion between

AltaRica and SAML. Even though not trivial, an automatic conver-
sion between the two languages extends their set of available
analysis tools. The main challenge for such a transformation is for
sure the different time-model in the two languages.
For SAML we are currently busy with the evaluation of a data-
flow based modeling approach like in AltaRica. The case-study we
used in this paper mostly consists of data-flow, which was rather
difficult to express in SAML. Nevertheless, the SAML language
Fig. 6. Graphical representation of transient failure automaton. should remain as simple as possible.


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