University of Pennsylvania
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Computer and Information Science Department
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389
Model Checking of Hierarchical State Machines
(Extended abstract)
Model checking is emerging as a practical tool for detecting logical errors in early stages of system
design. We investigate the model checking of hierarchical (nested) systems, i.e. finite state machines
whose states themselves can be other machines. This nesting ability is common in various software
design methodologies and is available in several commercial modeling tools. The straightforward way
to analyze a hierarchical machine is to flatten it (thus, incurring an exponential blow up) and apply a
model checking tool on the resulting ordinary FSM. We show that this flattening can be avoided. We
develop algorithms for verifying linear time requirements whose complexity is polynomial in the size of
the hierarchical machine. We address also the verification of branching time requirements and provide
efficient algorithms and matching lower bounds.
1 Introduction
Finite state machines (FSMs) are widely used in the modeling of systems in various areas. Descriptions
using FSMs are useful to represent the flow of control (as opposed to data manipulation) and are amenable
to formal analysis such as model checking. In the simplest setting, an FSM consists of a labeled graph whose
vertices correspond to system states and edges correspond to system transitions. In practice, to describe
complex systems using FSMs, several extensions are useful. We focus on hierarchical (Nested) FSMs in which
vertices of an FSM can be ordinary states or superstates which are FSMs themselves.
The ability to nest FSMs is common in many specification formalisms and methods. It was popu-
larized by the introduction of STATECHARTS [Har87], and exists in related specification formalisms, eg.
MODECHARTS [JM87], RSML[LHHR94]. It is a central component of various object-oriented software devel-
opment methodologies that have been developed in recent years, such as OMT [RBPE91], ROOM[SGW94],
and the Unified Modeling Language (UML [BJR97]). This capability is commonly available also in com-
mercial computer-aided software engineering tools that are coming out, such as STATEMATE(by i-Logix),
The nesting capability is useful also in formalisms and tools for the requirements and testing phases
of the software development cycle. On the requirements side, it is used to specify scenarios (or use cases
[Jac92]) in a structured manner. For instance, the new ITU standard 2.120 (MSC'96) for message sequence
charts [MSC96, RGG961 formalizes scenarios of distributed systems in terms of hierarchical graphs built from
basic MSG's. The Lucent u B E T toolset for behavioral requirements engineering (based on the MSC/POGA
prototype tools [HPR97]) uses a similar formalism. Although formally these are not exactly hierarchical
FSM's, our algorithms can be used to infer and check temporal properties of the whole hierarchical system
from the properties of the basic MSG's. On the testing side, FSM's are used often to model systems for the
purpose of test generation, and again the nesting capability is useful to model large systems. For example,
Teradyne's commercial tool TESTMASTER[Apf95] is based on a hierarchical FSM model, and so is an
internal Lucent test tool developed over many years for the testing of a large enterprise switch. Although
these models are primarily developed for test generation, they can be used also for formal analysis. This
is useful for systems with informal and incomplete requirements and design documentation, as is often the
case, and especially for software that was developed and evolved over a long period of time, when the test
models are updated for continued regression testing as the system evolves.
As a simple example of a hierarchical FSM, consider specification of a digital clock. The top-level machine
consists of a cycle though 24 superstates, one per hour of the day. Each such state, in turn, is a hierarchical
state machine consisting of a cycle through 60 superstates counting minutes, each of which, in turn, is
an (ordinary) state machine consisting of a cycle counting seconds. Hierarchical state machines have two
descriptive advantages over ordinary FSMs. First, superstates offer a convenient structuring mechanism
that allows us to specify systems in a stepwise refinement manner, and to look at it at different levels of
granularity. Such structuring is particularly essential for specifying large FSMs via a graphical interface.
Second, by allowing sharing of component FSMs (for instance, the 24 superstates of the top-level FSM
of digital clock are mapped to the same hierarchical FSM corresponding to an hour), we need to specify
components only once and then can reuse them in different contexts, leading to modularity and succinct
system representations.
In this paper, we consider algorithms for model checking when the description is given as a hierarchical
state machine. Model checking is emerging as a practical method for automated debugging of complex
reactive systems such as embedded controllers and network protocols (see [CK96, CW96] for surveys). Com-
mercial tools for verification of hardware systems have appeared in the market in the last two years, eg.
Lucent's FORMALCHECK system [FChk97]. On the software side, model checkers such as SPIN [Ho197] and
VFSMVALID [FOG951 have been shown to be useful in the design and analysis of software in telecommuni-
cation and a wide variety of other areas (see for example the references in [Ho197] and the proceedings of
the annual Spin workshop). In model checking, a high-level description of a system is compared against
a logical correctness requirement to discover inconsistencies. Given a hierarchical FSM, one can obtain an
ordinary FSM by flattening it, that is, by recursively substituting each superstate with its associated FSM.
Such a flattening, however, can cause a blow-up, particularly when there is a lot of sharing. For instance, the
hierarchical description of the digital clock has 24 + 60 + 60 = 144 vertices, while the flattened description
has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86,400 vertices. Thus, if we first flatten the machine, and then employ the existing
model checking algorithms, the worst-case complexity would be exponential in the original description of the
structure. Our results establish that such a flattening is unnecessary.
Our first result concerns invariant verification problem, that is, establishing that all reachable states are
included within a specified region. Invariant verification is the most common model checking- problem in -
practice, and can model safety requirements such as mutual exclusion and absence of deadlocks. We show
that, even though some FSM may appear repeatedly in different contexts, it needs to be searched just once.
We give a depth-first search algorithm that performs the reachability analysis with time complexity linear
in the size of the hierarchical structure.
Our second verification problem concerns verification of linear-time requirements [Pnu77, VW86, Ho197,
Kur941 such as eventual reception. The commonly used formalisms for specifying requirements of system
behaviors are automata and linear temporal logic. In the automata-theoretic formulation, we are given a
hierarchical FSM I< and a Buchi automaton A that accepts undesirable behaviors, and we wish to check
whether or not the languages of Ii' and A have a nonempty intersection. We show that this problem can
be solved in time O ( ( K 1 . lAI2) (if li' was an ordinary FSM, this complexity would be O((Ii'1. JAl)). When
the linear-time specification is given by a formula cp of (propositional) linear temporal logic (LTL) , using
the known translations from LTL to Buchi automata [VW86, GPVW951, we get an algorithm for LTL model
checking with time complexity O(IK( . 41~1). We note that usually the formulas 4 and automata A that
specify correctness properties are very small (few temporal operators or states), while the system model Ii'
is very large.
Our third verification problem concerns branching-time requirements specified in the logic CTL [CE81,
QS82]. The logic CTL can express both existential and universal pat11 properties, and is the specification logic
of choice in symbolic model checkers. Unlike the linear-time case, the fact that the same FSM can appear
in different contexts has a greater impact on verification of branching formulas. In fact, the complexity
depends on the number of exit nodes of an FSM (exit-nodes of a hierarchical FSM Ii' are the states that are
connected directly to the states of a higher level hierarchical FSM in which I< is embedded - some systems
restrict to one exit node, while other systems allow multiple exit nodes). We give an algorithm for verifying
that a hierarchical FSM K satisfies a CTLformula p with time complexity 0(1I<1 . 2191d), where each of the
machines has a t most d exit nodes. We prove matching lower bounds by establishing that (1) the problem is
P s ~ ~ c ~ - c o m p line tthe
e size of the formula for single-exit machines, and (2) the problem is P s P A c E - c o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
in the size of the machine, when multiple exits are allowed.
Related work
Model checking for ordinary finite-state machines was first introduced in [CE81], and has been studied
extensively since then. The complexity of analysis of concurrent finite-state machines is also well understood
(see, for instance, [DH94]); concurrency makes the analysis problem exponentially harder. To our knowledge,
there has been no previous study of the impact of hierarchical descriptions on the analysis problem. It is
worth noting that hierarchical FSMs can be viewed as a special case of pushdown automata, where the length
of the stack is bounded a priori. Model checking of pushdown automata is known to be decidable, both for
linear-time and branching-time requirements in EXPTIME [BS92, BEM971.
The set Ri of transitions of KF is defined inductively: (1) for (u, v) E Ei, if the sink v is a node then
(u, v) E Ri, and if the sink v is a box with Yi(v) = j then ( u , (v, inj)) E Ri, and (2) if w is a box of Ki
with x ( w ) = j , and (u, v) is a transition of K,: then ((w, u), (w, v)) belongs to Ri.
The labeling function Ls : Wi H 2P of I<: is defined inductively: if w is a node of then Li(w) =
Xi(w) , and if w = (u, v), where u is a box of I<i with (u) = j,then Li (w) equals L j (v). Thus, the last
component of every state is a node, and the propositional labeling of the last con~ponentdetermines
the propositional labeling of the entire state.
Figure 2: The expanded structure
The structure (W;,ini, R i , Li)is a flat Kripke structure over P, and is called the expanded structure of K ; ,
denoted h-r. We denote I<: also as K F , the expanded structure of Ii'.
The size of K i , denoted IKi 1, is the sum of INi 1 , (BiI, IEil, and C b E BIOYz(b)I.
, That is, for every box, we
count the number of exit-nodes of the structure indexed by the box. The size of Ii' is the sum of the sizes
of K i . The nesting depth of K , denoted nd(K), is the length of the longest chain i l , ia, . . . ij of indices such
that a box of I<;,is mapped t o ir+1. Observe that the size of the expanded structure K F can be exponential
in the nesting depth, and is o ( I K ( ~ ~ ( ~ ) ) .
Other variants of this definition are possible. First, we can allow multiple entry-nodes in the definition.
Such a structure can be translated t o our definition by replacing a structure with k entry-nodes with k
structures, each with a single entry-node. We allow explicitly multiple exit-nodes because the number of
exit-nodes has an important bearing on the complexity of the analysis problems t o be studied (particularly,
for branching time). Second, we can allow edges of the form (u, v) where u is a box meaning that the edge
may be taken whenever the control is inside the box u. That is, for an edge ( u , v), the expanded structure
has an edge from every state with first component u t o v. Such a definition is useful in modeling interrupts,
and can be translated to our definition by introducing a dummy exit node.
Finally, the basic (unnested) nodes of the hierarchical structure could be themselves other types of
objects; for example, they could be basic message sequence charts, in which case the hierarchical structure
specifies a hierarchical (or high-level) MSC [HPR97, RGG961. In this case there is concurrency within each
basic MSC, but the hierarchical graph provides a global view of the system. The propositions on the nodes
reflect properties for the basic objects (eg. basic MSC's), and then from these we can infer properties of the
executions of the whole hierarchical system. For example, a property may be whenever process A request a
certain resource from B it is eventually granted; in this case there are two propositions (request and grant),
we would label each node (basic MSC) with respect to them, and then check the required property in the
hierarchical graph.
this search, the set of exit-nodes of I<ithat are reachable from ini is stored in the data structure done. If
the algorithm visits subsequently some other box c with index i, it does not search I& again, but simply
uses the information stored in done (i) t o continue the search. It is easy t o verify that Algorithm 3 invokes,
for every u E N U B, DFS(u) at most once. The cost processing a node u equals the number of edges with
source u. The cost of processing a box b with index i, equals the number of exit-nodes in done(i) and the
number of edges with source b. Consequently, the running time of the algorithm is linear in the size of the
input structure.
Theorem 1 (Reachability Algorithm) Algorithm 3 correctly solves the reachability problem (I<, T ) with
time complexity O(I KI).
For flat Kripke structures, deciding reachability between two states is in NLOGSPACE.For hierarchical
structures, however, the reachability problem becomes PTIME-hardeven if we require a single exit for every
Proof. By reduction from the alternating reachability problem (to appear in the full paper).
Lemma 4 (Product Construction) The intersection C(KF) n C(A) is nonempty iff the answer to the
cycle-detection question (Ii' 8 A, N x T ) is YES.
Hence, we can solve the automata-emptiness question using the Cycle-detection Algorithm. In the construc-
tion of K @I A, the number of structures gets multiplied by the number of states of A, and the size of each
structure gets multiplied by the size of A.
Theorem 6 (LTL Model Checking) T h e LTL model-checking problem (I<,cp) can be solved i n t i m e O(lI<l.
An alternative approach to solve the LTL model-checking problem ( K ,cp) is t o search for an accepting cycle
in the product of the expanded structure K F with the automaton A,,. This product has 11i'l"~(~) . 214'
states, and the search can be performed in space O(IKI . IcpJ). This gives a PSPACE upper bound on LTL
model checking problem. It is known that LTL model-checking problem for ordinary Kripke structures is
PSPACE-hard.This leads to:
Theorem 7 (LTL Model Checking Complexity) T h e LTL model-checking problem (Ii',cp) i s PSPACE-
where p E P. For a Kripke structure M = (W, i n , R, L ) and a state w E W, the satisfaction relation w bMp
is defined below:
W ~ P iff p E L(w);
w iff w cp;
w b p A $ iff w k c p a n d w k g ;
w b 3 0 cp iff there exists a state u with wRu and u 1cp;
w b 3ncp iff there exists a source-w trajectory wow1 . . . such that wi p for all i 2 0;
w cp 3U$ iff there exists a source-w trajectory wow1 . . . such that
wk: b $ for some k 2 0, and wi cp for all 0 5 i < k.
The Kripke structure M satisfies the formula cp, written M cp, iff i n bMcp. A hierarchical Kripke
structure K satisfies the CTL formula cp iff KF 1 cp. The CTL model-checking problem is to determine,
given a hierarchical Kripke structure Ii' and a CTL formula cp, whether K satisfies cp.
Input: A hierarchical structure Ii' and a CTLformula p .
Output: The answer to tlie model-checking problem (K, p )
sub(p) := list of subformulas of p in increasing order of size.
foreach $ E sub(p) do
case $:
$ E P: skip;
$ = YX: foreach u E N do if x @ X ( u ) then Insert($,X(u));
$ = $1 A $2: foreach u E N do if $1 E X ( u ) and $2 E X ( u ) then Insert ($,X(u));
$ = 3 0 X : Ii' := CheckNext(Ii',x);
$ = 3 0 ~ K: := CheckAlways(Ii', x);
1C, = $1 3U$2: Ii' := CheckUntil(Ii', $2)
if p E X ( i n l ) then return YES else return NO.
Processing of r)
Consider a hierarchical structure K. Consider a formula $ = 3 0 p for a proposition p. We wish t o compute
the set of nodes at which $ is satisfied. Consider a node u of K2. Multiple boxes of may be mapped
t o li2,and hence, u may appear in multiple contexts in the expanded structure (i.e. there may be multiple
states whose last component is u ) . If u is not the exit-node, then the successors of u do not depend on the
context. Hence, the truth of $ is identical in all states corresponding to u, and can be determined from the
successors of u within $ holds in u if some successor node of u is labeled with p or if the entry-node
of the structure associated with some successor box of u is labeled with p. If u is the exit-node of Ii'2, then
the truth of $ may depend on the context. For instance, the truth 3 0 abort at the exit-node fail of the
structure K2 of Figure 1 is different in the two instances; the formula is false in ( t r y l , fail) and is true in
(try2, fail). In this case, we create two copies of K2: li'; and I(:. The superscript indicates whether or not
the exit-node of has some successor that satisfies p and is outside ICz. A box of which has a successor
satisfying p is mapped t o Ii'i and t o Kg otherwise. The exit-node of I(: is labeled with $. The exit-node of
Ii'; is labeled with $ only if it has a successor within K 2 that satisfies p.
Now we proceed to define the computation of CheckNext more formally. The input to CheckNext is a hier-
archical structure Ii' and a formula X. Let I<= (K1, . . . K,), where each K i = ( N i , Bi, ini, outi, X i , x, Ei).
It returns a hierarcl~icalstructure I<' = ( I ~K:, ~ ,. . .I{:, IC;) by replacing each I(i with two structures
Ii': = (Ni, Bi, ini, outi, X:, XI, E i ) and Ii't = (Ni, B i , ini, outi, X:, XI, Ei). Let us say that u E Ni U Bi has
a X-successor if either (i) there exists a node v of with (u, v) E Ei and x E Xi(v), or (ii) there exists a
box b of Ki with ( u , b) E Ei and x E Xk (ink) for k = X(b).
For a box b of I6 with X(b) = j, if b has a X-successor then Xt(b) = 2 j , and otherwise, Y,'(b) = 2 j - 1.
For a node u of K:, if node u has a X-successor then 3 0 x E x:(u), and otherwise, 3 0 x $ x:(u).
For a node u of K:, if node u has a X-successor or if u is the exit-node of Ii'i, then 3 0 x E X: (u), and
otherwise, 3 0 x 4 X: (u).
Observe that if the exit-node outi has a X-successor then K: and I(il are identical, and in this case, we can
delete one of them (that is, there is no need to create two instances).
P r o c e s s i n g of 3U
Whether a node u of a structure Ii'i satisfies the until-formula $1 may depend on what happens after
exiting K i , and thus, different occurrences may assign different truth values to $1 3U$2, requiring splitting of
each structure into two. The input to CheckUntiE is a hierarchical structure Ii' and formulas and $2. Let
K = (K1, . . .I&), where each Ki = (Ni, Bi, ini, outi, Xi, E l Ei). The computation proceeds in two phases.
In the first phase, we partition the index-set (1,. . . n} into three sets, YES, NO, and MAYBE,with the
following interpretation. An index i belongs to YES when the entry-node ini satisfies the until-formula
$1 within the expanded-structure K.: Then, in K F , for every occurrence of K? the entry-node ini
satisfies $1 3U$2. Now consider an index i that does not belong to YES. It belongs to MAYBEif within
K: there is a (finite) trajectory from ini to exiti that contains only states labeled with $1. In this case, it
is possible that for some occurrences of ~i': in K ~the, entry-node satisfies $1 depending on whether
or not the exit-node satisfies $1 3Ugz. In the last case, the index i belongs to NO, and in every occurrence
of K:, the entry-node does not satisfy the formula $1 %$2. The desired partitioning is computed by the
following procedure.
YES:= 0; NO:= 0; MAYBE:=0;
For i = n downto 1 do
If there exists a source-ini trajectory wo . . . wm over Ni U Bi such that
(i) (wj1wj+l) E E for 0 j < m,
(ii) for 0 j < m, wj E N with $1 E X(wj) or wj E B with Y(wj) €MAYBE,and
(iii) w, E N with $2 E X(w,) or w, E B with Y(w,) EYES
Then add i to YES
Else If there exists a source-ini trajectory wo . . . w, over Ni U Bi such that
(i) (wjl wj+l) E E for 0 5 j < m ,
(ii) for 0 5 j < m, wj E N with $1 E X(wj) or wj E B with Y(wj) €MAYBE,and
(iii) w, = outi
Then add i to MAYBE
Else add i to NO.
The computation for each index i can be performed by a depth-first search starting a t the node ini in time
In the second phase, the new hierarchical structure K' along with the labeling with $1 3U$2 is con-
structed. Each structure K iis split into two: KP and K i . A box b that is previously mapped to will
be mapped t o I<: if there is a path starting at b that satisfies $1 3U$2, and otherwise to I{:. Consequently,
nodes within I<: can satisfy $1 3U$2 along a path that exits K i l while nodes within I(i0 can satisfy dl 3U$2
only if they satisfy it within Ki. The new structure K' = ( K y , I<:, . . . K:, I<:) is obtained by replacing each
Ii'i of K with two structures K: = (Ni, Bi, ini, outi, X:, yZo, Ei) and I<: = (Ni, Bi, ini, outi, X:, q l , Ei). For
u , v E Ni U Bi, let us say that v is $;-successor of u if there exists a finite sequence wo . . . w, over Ni U Bi
such that (i) wo = u , (ii) w, = v, (iii) (wk, wk+l) E Ea for 0 5 k < m, (iv) if u E Bi then $1 E X(outy(,)),
and (v) for 1 5 k <
m, wk E Ni with $1 E Xi(wk) or wk E Bi with Yi(wk) €MAYBE. For u E Ni U B i ,
let us say that u has a $2-successor if there exists v E Ni with (u, v) E Ei and $2 E X(v) or v E Bi with
(u, v) E Ei and Y(v) EYES.
. For the indexing of boxes of K:, consider a box b with Y,(b) = j . If b has a $;-successor u which has
r , q o ( b ) = 2j, else xO(b)= 2 j - 1.
a $ 2 - s u ~ ~ e s s othen
For the indexing of boxes of I<:, consider a box b with Yi(b) = j . If b has a $;-successor u which has
a $z-successor, or if outi is a $;-successor of b, then x l ( b ) = 2j, else xl(b)= 2 j - 1.
For labeling of a node u of K!, if u has a $T-successor v which has a $2-successor, then X;(U) equals
X i ( u ) with g1 3Ut+h2added t o i t , else it equals Xi(u).
For labeling of a node u of if u has a $;-successor v which has a $2-successor, or if outi is a
$;-successor of u , then X:(u) equals Xi(u) with $1 3 7 4 9 added to it, else it equals X i ( u ) .
The con~putationrequired in this phase can be performed in time O(I K 1) in a manner similar t o the labeling
algorithm of CTL [CEsl].
Processing of each subformula requires time linear in the size of the current structure. Processing of every
temporal connective at worst doubles the size of the current structure. This gives the following result.
Theorem 8 (CTL Model Checking: Single exit case) Algorithm 4 solves the CTL model checking prob-
p), for a single-exit hierarchical structure K , in time O((Ii'(. 21~1).
lem (I<,
It is known that deciding whether a flat Kripke structure M satisfies a CTL formula p can be solved in
space O(lp1 . log (MI) [BVW94]. For a hierarchical structure K , the size of the expanded structure K F is
~ ) ) , that CTL model checking for hierarchical structures is in PSPACE.We now establish
~ ( l h - l ~ ~ it( follows
a PSPACElower bound for the case of single-exit structures.
Theorem 9 (CTL Model Checking Complexity: Single exit case) Model checking of CTL formulas
for single-exit hierarchical structures is P s P A c E - c o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
Proof. By reduction from QBF (proof left t o the full paper).
The alternative approach of applying known model checking procedures t o the expanded structure gives a
time bound of O((p1. I K J ~ ~ ( or
~ )alternatively,
), a PSPACEbound. The next result states that the lower
bound of PSPACEapplies even for some small fixed CTL formula, and thus, CTL model checking becomes
indeed harder with multiple exit nodes.
Theorem 11 (CTL Model Checking Complexity) The structure-complexity of CTL model-checking for
hierarchical structures is P s P A c E - c o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
Proof. By reduction from QBF (proof left t o the full paper).
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have established that verification of hierarchical machines can be done without flattening
them first. We presented efficient algorithms, and matching lower bounds, for the model checking problem
for all the commonly used specification formalisms. Our results are summarized in Figure 5. Our results
establish that hierarchical specifications offer exponential succinctness at a minimal price. A topic of further
research concerns aiialysis problems for communicating hierarchical FSMs.
Acknowledgements. We thank Sampath Kannan for fruitful discussions.
Figure 5: Summary of results
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Proc. of the 5th Intl. Symp. on Programming, LNCS 137, pp. 195-220, 1982.
1 Introduction
Formal design verification is a methodology for detecting logical errors in high-level
designs. I n formal design verification, t h e designer describes a system i n a language w i t h
a mathematical semantics, a n d t h e n t h e system description is analyzed against various
* This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research Young Investiga-
tor award N00014-95-1-0520, by the National Science Foundation CAREER award CCR-
9501708, by the National Science Foundation grant CCR-9504469, by the Air Force Office
of Scientific Research contract F49620-93-1-0056, by the Army Research Office MURI grant
DAAH-04-96-1-0341, by the Advanced Research Projects Agency grant NAG2-892, and by
the Semiconductor Research Corporation contract 95-DC-324.036.
** University of Pennsylvania,
University of California at Berkeley,
University of California at Berkeley,
correctness requirements. The paradigm is called model checking when the analysis
is performed automatically by exhaustive state-space exploration. A variety of model
checkers, such as COSPAN [HZR96], Mur4 [Di196], SMV [CKSVG96], SPIN [HP96],
and VIS [BSVH+96] have been proven effective aids in the design of error-prone system
components such as cache coherence protocols [CK96].
As we seek t o enhance the applicability of model checking to complex designs, we
are faced with the so-called state-explosion problem: the size of the state space grows
exponentially with the size of the system description, making exhaustive state-space
exploration infeasible. Consequently, to use the current tools effectively, one needs t o
focus on a critical system component. Since the behavior of an individual con~ponent
typically depends on its interaction with other components, a component cannot be
analyzed in isolation; rather, for a meaningful analysis, all relevant aspects of the
surrounding system need to be identified. This process, called abstraction, is usually
performed in an informal, manual fashion, and requires considerable expertise. Indeed,
it is not uncommon that a successful verification or falsification run, using a few seconds
of CPU time, depends on months of manual labor for constructing abstractions that
are neither too coarse to invalidate the correctness requirements, nor too detailed t o
exhaust the tool capacities.
The goal of our research is t o systematize and, whenever possible, automate the
construction of useful abstractions. Our approach is to provide the designer, within
the system description language, with operators for writing mental design abstrac-
tions into the system description. The judicious use of such operators is called design
for verifiability, because it simplifies-and in some cases, eliminates-the process of
"rediscovering" abstractions after the design is completed.
Our abstraction operators are motivated by the two main, orthogonal structuring
principles for designs: (1) spatial aggregation together with hiding of spatial details,
and (2) temporal aggregation together with hiding of temporal details. Type-(1) ab-
stractions enable the design of components at different levels of spatial granularity: an
ALU can be designed by aggregating gates, then used as an atomic block (after hiding
internal gates and wires) in the design of a processor. Type-(2) abstractions enable the
design of components at different levels of temporal granularity: an arithmetic opera-
tion can be designed by aggregating bit operations, then used as an atomic step (after
hiding intermediate results) in the design of an instruction.
Spatial, type-(1) abstractions can be written into a system description using, for
aggregation, the parallel composition of subsystems and, for hiding, the existential
quantification of variables. According operators are provided by most system descrip-
tion languages. They are exploited heavily, both to facilitate the description of complex
- -
systems, and t o obtain heuristics for coping with state explosion. For instance, in sym-
bolic state-space exploration using BDDs, instead of building a single transition relation
for the entire system, one typically maintains a set of transition relations, one for each
component [TSLSO].
By contrast, most system description languages do not provide operators for defin-
ing temporal, type-(2) abstractions. We have introduced such an operator, called next,
and shown how it facilitates the description of complex systems, in a language called
Reactive Modules [AH96]. In this paper, we show how the n e x t operator can be ex-
ploited in symbolic state-space exploration to enhance the power of model checking.
Specifically, if M is a system description, and cp is a condition on the variables of M ,
then n e x t cp for M describes the same system at a more abstract temporal level: a
single transition of n e x t cp for M aggregates as many transitions of M as are required
to satisfy the condition cp, and hides the intermediate steps. For example, if M is agate-
level description of an ALU, and cp signals the completion of an arithmetic operation,
then n e x t cp for M is an operation-level description of the ALU. Mathematically, the
semantics of n e x t cp for M is defined as a two-level hierarchy of transition systems:
each transition of the upper-level (e.g., operation-level) transition system abstracts an
entire lower-level (e.g., gate-level) transit ion system. Then, by nesting n e x t operators
we obtain multi-level hierarchies of transition systems. The structuring of a state space
into a multi-level transition hierarchy makes possible the exhaustive exploration of
very large state spaces. This is because after the traversal of a level-n transition, the
computed reach set for the corresponding level-(n - 1) transition system represents
hidden intermediate steps and can be removed from memory.
In Section 2, we briefly review the language of Reactive Modules and give a simple
example of a transition hierarchy. In Section 3, we introduce an algorithm for the
symbolic exploration of transition hierarchies. In Section 4, we present experimental
results that demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm. For this purpose, we design a
system comprising two processors with simple instruction sets, local caches, and shared
memory. If we simply put together these components, using parallel composition but no
n e x t operator, the resulting flat transition system is far beyond the scope of existing
model checkers. If, however, we use the n e x t operator t o aggregate and hide internal
transitions between synchronization points before composing the various subsysten~s,
the resulting transition hierarchy can be explored using the search routines of VIS, and
correctness requirements can be checked fully automatically. Thus, the description of
a design using n e x t can eliminate the need for manual abstractions in verification.
R e l a t e d work. The concept of temporal abstraction is inspired by the notion of
multiform time in synchronous programming languages [BlGJSl, Ha1931, and by the
notion of action rejinement in algebraic languages [AH89]. All of that work, however,
concerns only the modeling of systems, and not automatic verification.
Temporal abstraction is implicitly present also in the concept of stuttering [Lam83]:
a stuttering transition of a system is a transition that leaves all observable variables
unchanged. Ignoring differences in the number of stuttering transitions leads t o various
notions of stutter-insensitive equivalences on state spaces (e.g., weak bisimulation).
This suggests the following approach to model checking: for each component system,
compute the appropriate stutter-insensitive equivalence, and before search, replace the
component by the smaller quotient space. This approach, which has been implemented
i11 tools such as the Concurrency Workbench [CPS93], requires the manipulation of the
transition relations for individual components, and has not been shown competitive
with simple search (cf. Section 3.1 vs. Section 3.2).
Partial-order methods avoid the exploration of unnecessary interleavings between
the transitions of component systems. Gains due to partial-order reduction, in space
and time, for verification have been reported both in the case of enumerative [HP94]
and BDD-based approaches [ABH+97]. By declaring sequences of transitions to be
atomic, the n e x t operator also reduces the number of interleavings between concurrent
transitions. However, while partial-order reductions need to be "discovered" a posteriori
from the system description, transition hierarchies are specified a priori by the designer,
as integral part of the system description.
2 Example: From Bit Addition to Word Addition
grouped into two atoms: bill, bit2, cIn, doBitAdd, state, and bitcount are updated in
the second subround of each round; addResult, ouerjlow, and doneAdd in the fourth.
The first and third subrounds of each round are taken by the command module and
the bit-adder, respectively. The bit-adder, shown in Figure 3, needs one round for bit-
addition, but can choose to wait indefinitely before servicing a request. A word-addition
of two n-bit numbers, therefore, requires a t least n rounds-one round for each bitwise
addition. In the first of these rounds, the word-adder reacts to the command module,
and the first bits may (or may not) be added. In the last of these rounds, the n-th bits
are added, and the word-adder signals completion of the addition.
Figure 1 gives a block diagram of the word-adder composed with the bit-adder, and
Figures 2 and 3 provide formal descriptions of both components. For each atom, the
initial values of the variables and their new values in each subsequent (update) round
are specified by guarded commands (as in UNITY [CM88]). In each round, unprimed
symbols, such as x , refer to the latched value of the variable x , and primed symbols,
such as x', refer to the new value. An atom reads the variable x if its guarded commands
refer to the latched value of x. The atom awaits x if its guarded commands refer to the
new value x'. The await dependencies between variables are required to be acyclic. A
variable is history-free if it is not read by any atom. For obvious reasons, the values of
history-free variables do not have to be stored during state-space traversal.
Fig. 2 . Word-adder
0 doBitAddl +
bitResultl := bitl' $ bit2' $ cInl;
cOutl := (bit1'&bit2~)l(bit2'&cIn')I(cIn~& bitl I);
doneBitAddl := true
0 true doneBztAddl :=false;
Fig. 3. Bit-adder
a word-adder composed with a bit-adder. The two models differ only in their level of
temporal granularity. In the flat model ConcreteAdder, the addition of two n-bit words
takes a t least n rounds. In the hierarchical model AbstractAdder, the addition of two
n-bit words takes a single round. This is because the next-abstracted module combines
into a single round as many rounds as are necessary t o make either doAdd false or
doneAdd true. In other words, in the flat model, bit-additions are atomic. Thus the
flat model is adequate under the assumption that the addition unit is put into an
environment that interacts with the addition unit only before and after bit-additions,
but does not interrupt in the middle of a bit-addition. By contrast, in the hierarchical
model, word-additions are atomic. Therefore the hierarchical model is adequate only
under the stronger assumption that the addition unit is put into an environment t h a t
interacts with the addition unit only before and after word-additions, but does not
interrupt in the middle of a word-addition. While the flat model is adequate in more
situations, we will see that the hierarchical model can be verified more efficiently, and
therefore should be preferred whenever it is adequate.
For model checking, it suffices to represent the symbolic transition relation of a module
not explicitly, as a BDD, but implicitly, as an algorithm that given a state set, computes
the set of successor states. This algorithm can then be iterated for reachability analysis
and more general verification problems. Given a module M , the single-step successor
f u n c t i o n of M is a function R b from state sets of M to state sets of M. Let a be a
set of states of M. Then R ~ ( uis) the set of all states X' of M such that there is a
state x E u with T M ( X , X I ) ; that is, R h ( a ) is the image of a under the transition
relation TM. It is straightforward to compute R ~ ( ufor ) single atoms. For complex
modules, the single-step successor function is computed recursively.
Parallel composition. Consider the module M = MI 11 M2 and a set a of states
of M . Let ( a ) and RL~
( a ) be the images of a for MI and M2, respectively. Then
R ~ ( u=) RL, ( u )A R h 2 ( a ) .
Next abstraction. Consider the module M = (next cp for N) and a set a of states
of M . Let R h ( u ) be the image of a for N. Then R h ( a ) is computed by the nested-
search procedure described in Algorithm 3.2.
Algorithm 3.2
{Given module M = (next p for N), single-step successor function RL, and state set a,
compute R h (a)}
{We will assume a C p}
FirstLevelImage := { }
SecondLevelImage := R ~ ( c T )
SecondLevelReachSet := { }
FirstLevelImage := FirstLevelImage U (SecondLevelImage n p )
SecondLevelReachSet := SecondLevelReachSet U (SecondLevelImage n p)
SecondLevelImage := RL(SecondLeue1ReachSet)
until (SecondLevelReachSet does not change)
return (FirstLeveZImage)
In contrast to a BDD for TM(X,XI), which explicitly represents the transition relation
of module M , the recursive algorithm for computing the function R b implicitly repre-
sents the same information. In practice, a mixture of explicit symbolic representation of
transition relations (for small modules) and implicit image computation (for complex
modules) will be most efficient. We report on our experiences with nested search in the
following section.
4 Experiments
The aim of our experiments is to investigate the efficiency of the proposed method
for the automatic reachability analysis of complex designs. All experimental results
reported in this paper were obtained by modeling the systems in Verilog and using the
vl2mv Verilog compiler along with VIS [BSVHt96]. We implemented a new command
in VIS, called abstract-reach, based on Algorithm 3.2.
4.1 Multiplier
We model a word-multiplier that functions by repeated addition, using the word-adder
described earlier. With help of the next operator, we can model the multiplier a t
various levels of temporal detail. We experiment with two options:
- Model 1: For addition, use the flat module ConcreteAdder explained in Section 2.
In this model, bit-additions appear as atomic actions of the multiplier.
- Model 2: For addition, use the hierarchical module AbstractAdder. In this model,
word-additions appear as atomic actions.
We perform reachability analysis with both models. Model 1 is given to VIS directly,
and reachability analysis is performed using the compute-reach command of VIS. In
order t o analyze Model 2, we use the abstract-reach command with the aggregation
predicate doAdd j doneAdd. As a result, the states in which doAdd is true and
doneAdd is false become transient states.
We experiment with two 4-bit operands and an 8-bit result. In this case, Model 1
has 68 latches and 1416 gates. After the next abstraction, 24 of these latches become
history-free; that is, their values are independent of previous liontransient values. In
particular, the local variables of the adder become history-free, and hence, are repre-
sented by trivial functions in the BDD that represents the reachable states. Table 1
shows the peak BDD sizes for both models.
Aiming for a more dramatic improvement over flat modeling, we compose several sys-
tems whose interactions are limited. We put together two processors, each with an
ALU consisting of the adder and multiplier described earlier, and the cache proto-
col, to obtain a complete processor-memory system. A block diagram of the system is
shown in Figure 4. The processors have a simple instruction set: load/store register
to/from memory, add two register operands, multiply two register operands, com-
pare two registers, and a conditional branch. Again we experiment with two models.
Model 1 is flat, and Model 2 is coiistructed by composing next-abstracted versions of
the multipliers, adders, and bus protocol.
We choose an 1-bit wide address bus and a 2-bit wide data bus. In this case, Model 1
has 147 latches, of which 36 latches become history-free in Model 2 (15 latches in each
multiplier, and 6 in the cache protocol). Here, reachability analysis for Model 1 is be-
yond the capability of current verification tools. However, fully automatic reachability
analysis succeeds for Model 2, which structures the design using the n e x t operator.
Consider, for exanlple, the situation where both processors start a multiplication a t
the same time. In Model 1, there are several transient states due t o the interleaving of
independent suboperations of the two multipliers. These transient states are entirely
absent in Model 2. Indeed, nested search (Algorithm 3.2) is the key t o verifying this
example: we run out of memory when trying to compute an explicit representation of
the transition relation for Model 2.5
T a b l e 1. Experimental Results
5 Conclusions
We introduced a formal way of describing a design using both temporal and spatial ab-
straction operators for structuring the description. The temporal abstraction operator
next induces a hierarchy of transitions on the state space, where a high-level transition
corresponds t o a sequence of low-level transitions. We exploited transition hierarchies
in symbolic reachability analysis and presented an algorithm for proving invariants of
reactive modules using hierarchical search. We tested the algorithm on arithmetic cir-
cuits, cache coherence protocols, and processor-memory systems, using an extension of
VIS. The experimental results are encouraging, giving fully automatic results even on
systems that are amenable to existing tools only after manual abstractions. Transition
hierarchies can be exploited to give efficiencies in enumerative reachability analysis as
The transition relation for the multiplier module alone, as computed by VIS, has 7586
BDD nodes and is composed of 6 conjunctive components. Even "and9'-ing the components
together results in memory overflow.
well [AH96]. We are currently building a formal verification tool for reactive modules,
called MOCHA, which will incorporate both symbolic and enumerative hierarchical
search as primitives.
While the next operator is ideally suited for abstracting subsystems that interact
with each other at predetermined synchronization points, it does not permit the "out-of-
order execution" of low-level transitions. We currently investigate additional abstrac-
tion operators, such as operators that permit the temporal abstraction of pipelined
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