Radiation Pollution

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Radiation pollution

When we consider radiation we imagine nuclear impacts and bombs.
While), there are various distinctive sources altogether more consistent,
in every practical sense unavoidable, that deliver low levels of radiation
and which on a basic level remain unnoticed. Be that as it may, at that
point, the cell phones, PDA towers, cordless phones these are totally
serious wellsprings of anomalous states radiation (of high essentialness ,
and TVs, PCs, microwave ovens, impart radio wires, military and air
transportation radars, satellites, and remote web are for the most part
wellsprings of radiation. Just like the ordinary restorative X -Rays
considering this, the radiation contamination picture basically develops.
From a couple of impacts and nuclear accidents happening for the most
part now and again in faraway detects, the photograph of radiation
pollution reaches out as a multifaceted system covering all the Earth
and in this way including each one of every one of us over the place! In
this extraordinary situation, we may ask ourselves is radiation so
frightful? In any case, if it were, wouldn't we all in all be dead or wiped
out now.

The term 'radiation' can refer to a wide variety of forms of energy

moving around as waves or particles. It can mean x-rays, or it can
mean microwaves. It can also refer to infrared light and even visible
light. But when we say 'radioactive pollution,' we're being more
specific. Radioactive pollution refers to the release of ionizing radiation
into the environment as a result of human activity.

Ionizing radiation is the form of radiation that has a short wavelength

and a high frequency. In short, it's the form of radiation that's commonly
thought of as being high energy and thus harmful to living things.
Ionizing radiation includes x-rays and gamma rays.

Sources of Radioactive Pollution

What do Homer Simpson, Fukushima, and Chernobyl all have in

common? A nuclear power plant. Mining for nuclear fuel, nuclear waste,
nuclear and nuclear weapons are all possible sources of radioactive
Improperly handled material used in nuclear medicine is also another
possible radioactive pollutant. Actually, even power plant mishaps
(sometimes caused by the hapless Homer Simpson), medical x-rays are
technically a source of radioactive pollution, as some x-rays scatter into
the environment after the x-ray is taken. In fact, nuclear medicine and x-
rays are the two prevalent types of radioactive pollution affecting most
people today. You should be more worried about them than you should
be about the fallout from a nuclear power plant unless, of course, you
live near one. That being said, however, when such medical diagnostic
and treatment techniques are used properly they are considered to be
quite safe! Quick side note: some people believe that radioactive
pollution also includes radon gas, which naturally comes up from
underground. In that case, the major cause of radioactive pollution is
radon gas, not medicine.

Radioactive Pollution Causes

The causes of radiation pollution are constituted by various human

activities, that add to natural radiation background (radiation produced
everywhere in the Universe in absence of human activities).


Nuclear explosions and detonations of nuclear weapons – probably the

highest amounts of human-induced radiation pollution have been
generated in the mid-twentieth century through various experimental or
combat nuclear detonations.

Defensive weapon production may also release radioactivity from the

radioactive materials handled (usually with elevated health risks).
However, unless an accident occurs, the current standards will not allow
the release of any significant amount of radiation.
Nuclear waste handling and disposal may generate low to medium
radiation over a long period of time. The radioactivity may contaminate
and propagate through air, water, and soil as well. Thus, their effects
may not be easily distinguishable and are hard to predict. Additionally,
some nuclear waste locations may not be identified. The main issue with
the radiation waste is the fact that it cannot be degraded or treated
chemically or biologically. Thus, the only options are to contain the
waste by storing it in tightly closed containers shielded with radiation-
protective if containing is not possible, to dilute it. The waste may also
be contained by storage in remote areas with little or no life (such as
remote caves or abandoned salt mines). However, in time, the shields
(natural or artificial) may be damaged. Additionally, the past waste
disposal practices may not have used appropriate measures to isolate
the radiation. Therefore, such areas need to be carefully identified and
access restrictions promptly imposed.

Mining of radioactive ores (such as uranium ores) involves the crushing

and processing of radioactive ores and generates radioactive by-
products. Mining of other ores may also generate radioactive waste
(such as mining of phosphate ores).

Nuclear accidents – an already classic example of such accident is the

nuclear explosion at a former Soviet nuclear power plant in occurred in
1986. Its effects are still seen today. Another example is the 1979
explosion at the Three Mile Island nuclear-power generating plant near
Harrisburg, PA, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011. The
general problems at nuclear weapons reactors are other example. Even
accidents from handling medical nuclear.
Radioactive pollution occurs when there is presence or depositions of
radioactive materials in the atmosphere or environment, especially
where their presence is accidental and when it presents
an environmental threat due to radioactive decay. The destruction
caused by the radioactive materials is because of the emissions of
hazardous ionizing radiation (radioactive decay) like beta or alpha
particles, gamma rays or neurons in the environment where they exist.

Since the substances are characterized by radiation – because there is a

lot of instability of the particles present in the radioactive materials, it
can seriously affect, alter and even destroy plant, animal, and human
life. The extent of damage or danger posed to the environment depends
upon the radioactive material concentration, the energy emitted by the
radiation, proximity of the radioactive materials to those exposes, and
the radiation

Causes of Radioactive Pollution In the postmodern world, various forms

of energy are being discovered. Among them is nuclear energy, which is
touted to be the most potent source of energy due to its high latent
power. Reports indicate that the high latent power is due to its high
level of radiation.

Its use is, therefore, prohibited but research is underway to determine

its environmental safety and to put in place the most appropriate
precautionary measures for its use. In some cases and countries,
however, nuclear power plant accidents like the Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster, Chernobyl disaster, and Three Mile Island accident that
left many dead and even many more affected by the radiation released.

2. The use of nuclear weapons as weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

The use of nuclear missiles and atomic bombs, a form of nuclear energy,
in the Second World War not only explains cause but also the damaging
nature of radioactive pollution or contamination. The effects of those
two strikes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that prompted the end of the war
in 1945 have been seen to date with children born with complications
such mental retardation as well as conditions such as autism and other
disorders. The number of cancer cases present in the two towns is more
than those of the rest of Japan.

3. Use of radio isotopes

Radio isotopes are used to make detectors and in other industrial

activities. Isotopes such as uranium have high concentrations of
radiation in them. On the other hand, common Isotopes such as carbon
containing radioactive material are easily found in water ways through
sewage lines.

Since most of the raw sewage is untreated before release, once

released, the isotope combines with other compounds and elements in
water. This is the same water that people fetch for domestic use.
Moreover, fishes use the same water to survive. Consumption of these
fish and from contaminated water sources means potential intake of

4. Mining:Mining mostly involves the excavation of the mineral ores

which are then broken into smaller manageable pieces. Radium and
Uranium, for instance, are naturally occurring in the environment and
are equally radioactive. Hence, mining increases the natural geological
processes by moving these materials from underneath the earth to the
surface. Other minerals with a hint of radiation are thorium, plutonium,
radon, potassium, carbon and phosphorus.
5. Spillage of radioactive chemicals

There have been instances of spillages over oceans when ships hit
glaciers or coral reefs and end up releasing chemicals on waterways and
in the atmosphere. The majority of these chemicals including petroleum
products have a significant level of radiation which can be detrimental to
the environment.

6. Tests on radiation

Radiation has been seen to have a lot of interesting properties which has
promoted a lot of scientists to conduct tests to learn more about it. It is
one of the key elements in the cure and treatment of cancer.

Chemotherapy, a cancer curative health initiative uses radiation to

prevent further growth of the cancer cells as well as keep the immune
system strong. Despite this, scientists have been exposed to radiation
leading to their deaths or to complications.

7. Cosmic rays

causing radioactive pollution. Gamma rays, for example, are said to have
the highest level of radiation and yet, depending on their intensity, some
are not visible to the human eye. The quantity with which the rays hit
the earth depends on the altitude of the earth and the geographical

Effects of Radioactive Pollution

1. Genetic mutations
Radiation has adverse effects when it comes to genetics. It leads to
damage of DNA strands leading to genetic break up in the course of
time. The degree of genetic mutation leading to changes in DNA
composition vary due to the level of radiation one has been exposed to
and the kind of exposure.

In the event that a human or an animal is exposed to too much radiation

from the atmosphere, food consumed and even water used then
chances are that their bodies have already absorbed the radiation. Once
in the body, it remains active because energy cannot be destroyed.

The resulting mutation makes one highly susceptible to cancer. For

pregnant women, kids born have adverse defects caused by genetic
mutations like low weight during birth. Effects such as disfigured births
and impairment like blindness in children have also been reported.
Infertility has also been mentioned as an effect of radiation.

2. Diseases

Cancer is the most dominant radiation related disease. It has developed

over the years and poses great risk in global health. Others include
leukemia, anemia, hemorrhage, a reduction in the life span leading to
premature aging and premature deaths as well as others such as
cardiovascular complications. Leukemia, for instance, is caused by
radiation in the bone marrow.

3. Soil infertility
Exposure of radiation to the atmosphere means it is present even in
soils. Radioactive substances in the soil react together with the various
nutrients leading to destruction of those nutrients, thus rendering the
soil infertile and highly toxic. Such soil leads to the harvest of crops that
are riddled with radiation and thus, unfit for consumption by both
humans and animals.

Plants that grow from such soil are also genetically modified. Since these
are at the base of the food chain, the herbivores consume them and
retain the radiation levels. The carnivores such as lions, vultures end up
consuming them and increasing their levels of radiation –

4. Cell destruction

Radioactive pollution has diverse effects such as the alteration of cells.

The bodies of living organisms are unique in that there are millions of
cells in one single body, where each has its purpose to fulfill. Radiation
distorts the cells present leading to permanent damage of the various
organs and organ systems. In the face of too much radiation, permanent
illnesses and death are inevitable.

5. Burns

Radiation is not easy to feel but it is easy to realize that you have been
affected by it. The immediate presence of burns, red lesions and sores is
evidence. To make it worse, this can lead to skin cancer.

Solutions of Radioactive Pollution

1. Proper method of disposing radioactive waste

Radioactive waste still has some level of radiation. Accordingly, it cannot
be disposed in the same way as normal waste. It cannot be incinerated
or buried. Since there is likelihood of seepage, this waste should be
stored in heavy and thick concrete containers. Another option is to
dilute the radiation since storage may not be possible. Since there are
no easy ways of disposing of radioactive material, professional
assistance should always be sought.

2. Proper labeling

It is necessary for any material with radioactive content to be labeled

and the necessary precautions advised on the content of the label. The
reason for this is because radiation can enter the body by a mere touch
of radioactive material. Containers with such elements should be well
labeled in order for one to use protective gear when handling them.

3. Banning of nuclear tests

It has already been proven that nuclear power has a lot of latent power
that is very destructive. Nevertheless, the tests done to perfect the
energy contribute greatly to the overall presence of radioactive
substances. Moreover, these tests though done in the deserts end up
escaping from one ecosystem to another eventually affecting the lives of
many people.

4. Alternative energy sources

The evolution and use of nuclear power was not a bad thing initially.
However, considering the damage and threats it has on the
environment, it is high time for its use to be discontinued and for the
world to perhaps focus on alternative and environmentally friendly
energy sources – like renewable sources of energy namely Solar, hydro-
electric and wind power.
The use of radioactivity to generate energy in nuclear power plants, for
example, leads to the production of more radiation to the atmosphere
considering the waste released from the various processes and

5. Proper storage

It is mandatory for containers carrying radioactive material to be stored

properly. For starters, such substances should be stored in radiation
proof containers to ensure no seeping or leakage during handling.
Proper storage means no harm and can minimize cases of accidental

6. Reusing

Since it is not easy to store or dispose the waste, it can be recycled and
used for other purposes like in another reactor as fuel.

Radiation Pollution Solution

Recently I was looking into the radiation output of various Far Infrared
saunas. This is always one of the main questions people ask about in
terms of the safety of Far Infrared. What I discovered was disturbing and
far more concerning than the radiation output of any given infrared
sauna. It made me realize the necessity of, once again, recommending
Far Infrared sauna therapy as a solution to eliminate radiation pollution.
From an article in The Ecologist, April 2001 issue, it states “the radiation
equivalent of a nuclear war has already happened”. Very disturbing. The
article continues and carefully details that 1900 nuclear tests, accidents
and nuclear waste dumping have exposed everyone on this planet to the
equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs. Wow. Add to this bombshell the
details of previously classified accidents including one in Greenland in
1968 where a B-52 crashed at a secret nuclear base and its cargo of four
nuclear bombs detonated, sending up a cloud of plutonium 25,000 feet
into the air, filled with poisonous radiation, and it becomes clear that
radiation exposure is a world-wide problem.

There are also many sources of hidden radiation today. Using the official
1991 International Commission on Radiological Protection report,
projected planet wide contamination will cause 175 million cancer
deaths and another 350 million non-fatal cancers. The ramification of
this will be an additional 235 million illnesses and 588 million children
born with birth defects. They will also potentially suffer brain damage,
mental and childhood cancers. Additional hidden sources of radiation
are the fluoride compounds added to most municipal water supplies.
The source of most fluoride for water supplies, is a waste produced from
smokestacks that contains radioactive particles and heavy metals along
with fluoride. This waste becomes airborne as well, further polluting
everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink, shower in and
cook with. Not to mention medical and dental x-rays, medical waste that
may contain radioactive materials, CAT and other scans, smoke alarms
and even the mercury in your teeth, all add to hidden radiation in our
environment today.
The question now becomes how do we fight this massive
onslaught of radiation pollution If overexposure to various forms of
radiation damages our cells can they be repaired or even
eliminated The answer is yes; Far Infrared sauna therapy
promotes the rapid turnover of damaged cells and eliminates
them through vigorous sweat.

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