VaspKit User's Guide

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User’s Guide

May 30, 2014

Postprocessing tool for the VASP code

* Bug report: please send a copy of both input and output files to

Dr. WANG (


1. Features
VASPKIT version: 0.3 (14 Apr. 2014)

Choose the problem to solve:

=============== Structural Options ==================
4: Building Supercell (New added)
5: EOS Fitting
=============== Electronic Options ==================
11/12: Total/Projected DOS
13: l-m Decomposed DOS
21/22: Total/Projected Band Structure
======== Charge Density & Potential Options ===============
31/32: Charge/Spin Density
33: Spin-Up & -Down Density (New added)
34/35: Charge/Spin Density Difference (New added)
41/42: Planar Average Charge/Potential (New added)
=============== Optical options ====================
51: Linear Optics

0: Quit ————>‌>

2. Installation

For the VASPKIT installation, basic UNIX/LINUX environment and fortran compiler are
required. Also, you can install VASPKIT on WINDOWS system using MinGW program.

Compiling the program is very simple, please use the following commands.
$ tar -zvxf vaspkit.*.tar.gz
$ cd vaspkit.*/src
$ modify the Makefile file based on your machine environment;
$ make
* Note that the formats of POSCAR, CONCAR and CHGCAR files in VASP.5.x are slightly
different from those in VASP.4.x. Please set the vasp5=.false. in the src/module.f90 file if you
use VASP.4.x;

3. Usage

Table 1: Current available option, function and the corresponding input (output) files.

Option Function Read file Output file

4 Building Supercell POSCAR/CONTCAR SC***.VASP[1]
5 EOS Fitting EOS.IN *.DAT[2]
13 l-m Decomposed DOS DOSCAR LMDOS.No.*.DAT, ILMDOS.No.*.DAT
22 Projected Band Structure PROCAR, KPOINTS PBAND.DAT, KPATH.DAT
31 Charge Density CHG CHARGE.VASP
32 Spin Density CHG SPIN.VASP
33 Spin-Up & -Down Density CHG SPIN.UP.VASP, SPIN.DOWN.VASP
34 Charge Density Difference CHG1*, CHG2* CHGDIFF.VASP
35 Spin Density Difference CHG1*, CHG2* SPINDIFF.VASP
41 Planar Average Charge CHG PAVG.DAT
42 Planar Average Potential LOCPOT PAVG.DAT
51 Linear Optics REAL.IN and IMAG.IN *.DAT

[1] Open *.VASP files with VESTA code (

[2] Open *.DAT files with scientific 2D plotting program, such as Origin, Gnuplot, Grace and so on.
[3] The file names of CHG1* and CHG2* can only consist of letter and number.

3.1 EOS fitting

The equation of state (EOS) sub-program for fitting energy-volume data was implemented
from elk code ( You need to prepare the EOS.IN file before per-
forming EOS fitting. The following variables are set in the file EOS.IN:
cname : name of crystal up to 256 characters
natoms : number of atoms in unit cell
etype : equation of state type (see below)
vplt1, vplt2, nvplt : volume interval over which to plot energy, pressure etc. as well as the
number of points in the plot
nevpt : number of energy-volume points to be inputted vpt(i)
ept(i) : energy-volume points (VASP default units, i.e., Å3 and eV )

* Note that the input units are VASP default values, i.e., Å3 and eV. See an example in

The equations of state currently implemented are:

1. Universal EOS (Vinet P et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1, 1941 (1989))
2. Murnaghan EOS (Murnaghan F D, Am. J. Math. 49, 235 (1937))
3. Birch-Murnaghan 3rd-order EOS (Birch F, Phys. Rev. 71, 809 (1947))
4. Birch-Murnaghan 4th-order EOS
5. Natural strain 3rd-order EOS (Poirier J-P and Tarantola A, Phys. Earth Planet Int. 109,
1 (1998))
6. Natural strain 4th-order EOS
7. Cubic polynomial in (V-V0 )

3.2 Linear optics

The absorption coefficient, refractive coefficient, reflectivity coefficient, extinction coefficient
and energy-loss function as a function of photon energy can be calculated. You need to prepare
the REAL.IN and IMAG.IN files which include the real and imaginary parts of frequency-
dependent complex dielectric function. The REAL.IN and IMAG.IN consist of the following data:

energy xx yy zz xy yz zx
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

energy is the photon energy (in eV). xx , yy, zz , xy, yz and zx are the calculated values of
frequency dependent dielectric tensor writted in vasprun.xml. There is a bash script
as a reference in the vaspkit.*/examples/optic/ could help you to prepare the and

3.3 Misc
Under construction ......

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