Submited As Partial Fulfillment For The Requirement To Obtain The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Program
Submited As Partial Fulfillment For The Requirement To Obtain The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Program
Submited As Partial Fulfillment For The Requirement To Obtain The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Program
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Submited as Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement to Obtain the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Program
your success.”
“Aku hanya ingin kamu bisa melihat dan merasakan bahwa dia adalah
orang yang telah membuat kamu gagal. Apa harus kita kenang?”
Kuria Sipayung
Minar br. Tarigan Silangit
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The aim of this research is to examine the ability of third semester students in in reading
skill for TOEFL in academic year 2012-2013 at Jambi University. There were 45 students
as the participants. This research was descriptive quantitative. TOEFL Reading
comprehension Test was used to measure the ability of students. The test consists of 50
questions with 6 skills, 55 minutes duration and adopted from Philips. After analyzing the
data, the researcher found out that the mean score of the third semester students in
TOEFL is 63.73%. Moreover, the mean of each skill are; the mean of the first skill is
69.33, the mean of second skill was 77.14, the mean of third skill was 57.77, the mean of
the fourth skill was 54.81, the mean of fifth skill was 57.30, and the last skill is skill 6
where the mean was 84.44. It is concluded that ability of third semester students in
TOEFL belong to fair category. By the result of this research, there are some suggestions
for English lecturers who teach English to give more explanation and more exercises or
test about TOEFL test to the students to make them understand and for students who learn
TOEFL in especially in English study program of Jambi University to develop their
understanding about TOEFL by having more practices in classroom even at home to help
them easier in understanding TOEFL test.
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All praise is given to Jesus Christ the almighty God for all blessing,
mercies, chance, and fortune. The researcher has successfully accomplished this
express her deepest gratitude to the following remarkable figures that helped,
1. Duty Volya, S.Pd., M.Pd as the first supervisor and Reni Heryanti, S.S.,
this thesis.
2. Dra. Radiatan Mardiah, M.Hum, Lilik Ulfiati, S.Pd, and Susannah, S.Pd as
the examiners of thesis proposal and thesis examination. Thanks for their
3. Indri Anastasia, S.S, M.A, M.Ed as her academic supervisor and all of
English study program lecturers who had taught and guided her during her
4. Her beloved family: Her father Kuria Sipayung and her mom Minar br.
Tarigan Silangit I love you mom and dad. Her sisters Erni Fitriyani
Sipayung, S.Pd. and Rina Mariati Sipayung, S.Kep. Rinto Siregar and her
brother Rinal Irwanda Sipayung. Her cute nephew Nevan Aurolio Siregar.
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(RUBEL) mates Reni Gonong Nainggolan, Tesa Siregar and Rini Kining
Tarigan and Jhon Febrianto Tarigan who helped whenever she needed.
6. Her special brother Jastin Sembiring who knows about me, prays for me,
patience, support, helped whenever she needed. Thanks for the joy you
7. Her irreplaceable close friends Dr. Mars Evianta Sembiring and Meilista
Sitepu S.Kep. Thank you for the friendship companion, prays, support her
and unforgettable moment they ever had. She loves you all very much.
She may have missed the other names who involved in this thesis. Though
their names do not appear in this acknowledgment, they shall always be cherished
and remembered in her heart. She cannot offer them better thing unless prayers
Finally, the researcher wishes that this thesis will be useful for everyone
The Researcher
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TITLE PAGE.................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL...................................................................................................... ii
LETTER OF RATIFICATION....................................................................... iii
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY........................................................... iv
MOTTO.............................................................................................................. v
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. ix
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................ xi
LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................. xii
1.1 Background of Study.................................................................................... 1
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3.4.1 Test........................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Discussion……………………………………………………………….. 23
5.2 Suggestions………………………………………………………………. 29
REFERENCES.............................................................................................. 30
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Table Page
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comprehend it. In learning and teaching reading, there are many techniques used
comprehending the text. Reading is a skill that enhances students’ knowledge and
information from the handouts or textbooks they have read. Reading appears to be
the most important skill for people who learn English as a second and foreign
language in the academic setting and for readers who do not have chance to
the student as foreign language (EFL) even as their second language to get their
In many universities, reading is one of the current issue and also the
important subject to support students’ ability in getting the information from any
sources. Moreover, reading is not as easy as speak, but need capability when the
reader tried to comprehend even to understand that text. In learning reading the
researcher also faced difficulties in comprehending the text even to understand the
main idea. As researcher’s experience, in reading need capability and also strategy
to get the idea of the text. There are some strategies to use to acquire the
TOEFL based on Larasati (2014) such as, main idea, stated detail questions,
and “where” questions. There are six skill in reading for TOEFL are commonly
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used by the students to help them to understand the text reading for TOEFL. For
instance, they read the whole text and signed the important information.
training and education of Jambi University there is one course in new curriculum,
it is Reading for Academic Purposes, this course is designed to measure the level
Skill. It is provides wide variety of skill and abilities in English through TOEFL
practice and IELTS for preparing students to get much experience in reading
authentic academic passage. In this course, students work intensively in class with
information, finding key point of the passage and author’ purposes as well as
vocabulary meaning.
Based on the difficulties above and the purposes of the course, sometimes
the English students try to solve this problem by doing some ways or strategies in
their reading skill for TOEFL. They think that they can understand what is told in
a text. Thus, the researcher wants to conduct the research regarding “Third
Jambi University”
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and Philip (2001) theory by classifying introductory course for TOEFL test in six
skill. They are main idea, stated detail questions, unstated detail questions,
are six skills and this course is designed to measure the level of English language
wide variety of skill and abilities in English through TOEFL Practice and IELTS
passage. In this course, students work intensively in class with various skill and
purpose of this research is to find out the students’ ability in reading skill for
TOEFL that used by third semester students in English Study Program at Jambi
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purpose of this research is to find out the ability of third semester students in
The findings of this research are expected to provide the following; first,
this research may give the deep understanding to the students about kinds of
reading skill that can be used by them in reading to make them easier to get
information and also main idea of the text or reading TOEFL. It’s hoped that
findings of this research could give a possible solution and also references for
the findings of this research is hoped to give information for the English study
program’s lecturers as one of their references that they may use and consider
when they taught the students especially in reading class. The last, giving
information for the further researcher to investigate the students’ ability in reading
and other topics are interrelated with this research to know and get the deeper
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reading comics, novels and magazines. Two important differences are what we
read it is content and style of academic texts and how we read it is what readers of
academic texts are expected to do. Academic texts deal with concepts and ideas
related to subjects that are studied at college or university. When the reader read
an academic text, reader are expected to do much more than simply understand
the words of the text and summarize main ideas (Sharpe 1995). Readers at college
think about them in a different way. Students will need to grasp main ideas,
theories, key themes and arguments. Once students have understood these ideas,
that can express themselves in essays and exams. It is important to learn and
practice the skills students need to read academic texts, as this will increase their
comprehension and save the time. Using various reading techniques will help
Academic reading is all about being selective; there is no need to read every text
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on a subject. Reading a text just once is not enough; as a reader, you will need to
read the important bits first, and then re-read these sections more slowly. Don’t
Reading with a purpose, the reader will read for different reasons,
depending on the purpose. Reader will need to ask themselves why you are
reading certain material and what your purpose may be. What information do you
different to the approach reader would take when reading an academic textbook
(Perfetti, 2001). Academic reading is more than just recognizing words on a page.
what the author is trying to say and think about the main theories and concepts.
According to Johan and Juwita (2009) there are some skill that can be
apply in your reading comprehension for TOEFL and it will help you read more
effectively. These approaches will help you get the maximum benefit from your
multiple choice questions about the main idea of a passage. The questions
are all asking what primary point the author is trying to get across in the
is relatively easy to find the main ideas by studying topic sentences, which
paragraph to determine the main idea. To answer the question, read the
first line and look for common theme or idea, pass your eye quickly over
the rest of the passage, eliminate any definitely wrong answer and choose
the best answer from the remaining choices. The answer to this type of
each paragraph.
indicates, mention, which is true…). And you can skim the passage for the
key word, read the sentences that contain key word carefully. Look for the
Choose a key word and scan the appropriate place for the key word
(not mentioned, not stated, not discussed, true except…). Read the
sentence that contains the key word carefully and look for answers that are
definitely and then eliminate it. Choose the answer that is not true or not
4. Implied Question
the texts. Vocabulary questions are found in part of the reading passage
6. “Where” Question
From the defenition, it can be highlighting that and comprehension are two
different things but they may not be seperated when it comes to finding a text.
They are interrelated each other. When readers are reading a text, automatically
they will try to undestand and comprehend the text beacause the purpose of
reading to get and extract the message in a text. The fundamental goal of any
with the text in a meaningful way. They also should be able to note the main
points, to selecte relevant detailes to support the main idea, and to recognize the
organization of the aouthor’s plan, if they are to write to a similar plan. They
should be able to draw conclusion from facts or experiences present to them, and
comprehending the text. Comprehending the text mean the reader understand
what he/she has been read. It has two things, they are paying attention to the text
by looking at the text and understanding the text by focusing on particular things.
the fifth semester Accounting students of Padang State Polytechnic in facing the
Reading (Section III) TOEFL Like Test. Descriptive method was used In
analyzing data which was gotten from giving the students pre-test and post-test of
TOEFL Like Test. Students were given 13 skills, as stated in the used TOEFL
preparation book, in facing the Reading section between the pre-test and posttest.
It was found, from the analysis, that students' scores in pre-test were not much
different with the post-test although they had been given the skills. It led to a
conclusion that the problem faced by students in doing Reading TOEFL Test was
caused by their low skill in reading English text. Even thought the similarity
between this research and his research are talk about student’s ability on TOEFL,
but from the explanation before, it is clear that their researches are different with
this research. It can be seen from subject of this research. The object from
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Polytechnic. The test here also took on Longman in Introductory level for
for this research. The research methods and procedures are included research design,
3. 1 Research Design
This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach. The researcher
describes the third semester students’ ability on TOEFL Reading Comprehension Skill.
In addition, Gay and Arasian in Creswell (2002) stated that to answer research questions
observation. And to analyze the data, it would be easy for the researcher to get the
techniques that the result primarily in numerical data which is then analyzed by
specific criteria and intended to generalize the results of the research. In this point, the
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researcher conducted this research for the third-semester of students only from a regular
No Class Frequency
1. A 23
2 B 22
Total 45
design or procedure that indicates how respondents are to be selected in the research. If
there are less than 100 of the students in a population, it is a lot better to take them all as
the sample (Arikunto, 2006). The intention is to choose the unit to be sampled that will
be representative of the larger population (Creswell, 2002). As a result, there are less
for all participants to make sure the level of grade all of students after done the test. The
75 - 84 Good
60 - 74 Fair
40 - 59 Weak
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0-39 Poor
multiple choice. The purpose of the questions is to know what is Third Semester
structured questions with the time 55 minutes, which are related to reading skill for
TOEFL. The researcher are expected to the questions TOEFL test by expressing their
reading skill for TOEFL degrees of frequency, using a four point scale descriptors
3.4.1. Test
Table 3.4
Specification of the Test for Students
for TOELF 47
in Academic
2012/2013 42, 49
44, 46, 48
skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics e.g., beliefs. A test
a test taker to physically perform a set of skills (Heinemann,1993). In this research the
test itself is test on paper, why the researcher choose that test, because it is suitable for
the participants with do not need many time and it's not troublesome for the researcher.
The questions are taken from Philip on Longman complete course for the TOEFL
TEST: Reading Pre Test. The total questions are 50 questions with multiple choices and
for format choices is A-B-C-D. The time allocation for the participant is around 55
minutes for all participant. It is considered enough for the participants to answer the
The test taken has been standardized from Philip on Longman, in this study,
In analyzing the test, the researcher used same pattern from TOEFL test. The
researcher also use simple statistic and after that it will describe by the researcher.
Simple statistic here means that if researcher has need one variable. Because researcher
only want to find the average value from all participants and researcher will describe the
data orally to make sure if the explanation is related with the findings. To provide an
accurate description, the researcher has some indicators, there are: “Third Semester
To find the average value from all participants, researcher use simple way to
calculate the data. Because in this research only needs one variable and with use
4.1 Findings
The research was conducted on December, 08th 2014 for class B and on
December, 11th 2015 for class A. The test administered once time for each class.
The TOEFL test consists of 50 questions with 55 minutes duration. The test is
taken from Longman and it means that test is already has standardize and no need
the reliability of the test before conducted the test to the participants.
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The table above shows that, the mean of the total score are achieved by 45
students is 63.73. It can be seen specifically in the result that there were 7 students
got very good category; 8 students got good category; 14 students got fair
category; 5 students got weak category and 11 students got poor category.
Moreover, the mean of each skill Main idea Question are; the mean of the
first skill is 69.33. In this skill there are 11 students got the highest score was 100,
The mean of second skill Stated Detail Question was 77.14. Where, the
good score, 5 students got good score; 9 students got fair score; 3 students got
Furthermore, the mean of third skill Unstated Detail Question was 57.77.
In this skill, there are 2 students got 100 as the highest score. Furthermore, there
are 7 students got very good score; 8 students got good score; 14 students got fair
score; 5 students got weak score and 11 students got poor score.
The mean of the fourth skill Implied Question was 58.81. Where, there are
only 2 students got 100 as the highest score; 10 students got good score; 11
students got fair score; 9 students got weak score and 13 students got poor score.
The mean of fifth skill Vocabulary in Context Question was 57.30. Where,
there is a student who got 94.73 as the highest score. Furthermore, there are 7
students got very good score; 2 students got good score; 18 students got fair; 4
The last skill is skill 6 “Where” Question where the mean was 84.44. In
this skill, there are 24 students got very good score; 12 students got good score; 4
students got fair score; 4 students got weak score and none of students who got
poor score. Moreover, the highest score was 100 made by 24 students.
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In TOEFL test there are 6 skills. Each of skill has their own specific
purposes. They are Main Idea Question, Stated Detail Questions, Unstated Detail
Questions. Moreover, in this part the researcher describes the overall percentage
of the level of students’ ability in TOEFL test. After calculating the scores of the
students, it was found that the students’ ability in TOEFL test or mean was
63.73%. The final result was obtained by using the following formula:
X = __________________ X 100%
N X 100
= _______ X 100%
= _____ X 100%
= 0.63 X 100%
= 63.73%
In which:
Table 4.1 below shows the overall distribution of the TOEFL test acquired
(1), 86 (1)
64 (2), 62 (1)
44 (1), 42 (1)
18 (1)
From the table 4.2 above, there were 4 students got very good score; 12
students got good score; 14 students got weak score; 8 students got fair score and
From the table 4.3, there were 11 students got very good score in skill 1;
18 students got good score; 5 students got fair score; 5 students got weak score
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From the table 4.4, there were 26 students got very good score; 5 students
got good score; 9 students got fair score; 3 students got weak score and 2 students
From the table 4.5, in skill 3 there were 7 students got very good score; 8
students got good score; 14 students got fair score; 5 students got weak score and
(7), 0 (2)
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Table 4.6 shows that in skill 4 there were only 2 students got very good
score; 10 students got good score; 11 students got fair score; 9 students got weak
Table 4.7 shows that in skill 5 there were 7 students got very good score; 2
students got good score; 18 students got fair; 4 students got weak score and 14
0-39% Poor -
From the table 4.8, it shows that in skill 6 there were 24 students got very
good score; 12 students got good score; 4 students got fair score; 4 students got
4.2 Discussion
After analyzing the data, the researcher found out that the ability of the
percentage the ability degree, the researcher concluded that ability of third
Moreover, it was found that in each skill, the students got the highest score
in skill 6 which is the skill 6 is about “Where” Questions. The mean of this skill
was 84.44% and it consists of 5 questions. It means that almost the students could
answer the questions belongs to this skill correctly. It shows that 24 out of 45
students could answer all of the questions in skill 6 correctly. Furthermore, none
Where in the passage does the author mention the Cullinan Diamond’s weight
(A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Line 3
(C) Lines 4 - 5
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(D) Line 6
However, the result shows that the lowest score made by students was in
skill 4 which is implied questions. The mean score of this skill was 54.81% and it
consists of 6 questions. The result of the test shows that the third semester
students faced difficulty in answering this skill. The scores made by the students
were there are only 2 students got 100 as the highest score; 10 students got good
score; 11 students got fair score; 9 students got weak score and 13 students got
poor score. From the specification of the students’ score category, the writer see
that only 12 out of 45 students who got good and very good score. The rest of
them were failed because the scores were in fair, weak, and poor category. The
directly stated in the passage. Draw the conclusions from information that is given
in the passage (implied, inferred, likely, probably). In this skill show the way how
to identify questions, that’s why the third semester students faced the difficulty in
fair, weak, and poor category. The writer assumes that the students needed
The students also got the low score in skill 5 where in this skill the mean
score was 57.30% and it consists of 19 questions. This skill asked vocabulary in
context questions. The distribution of students’ score based on category found that
there is a student who got 94.73 as the highest score. Furthermore, there are 7
students got very good score; 2 students got good score; 18 students got fair; 4
students got weak score and 14 students got poor score. It means that the students
also faced difficulty in vocabulary. The writer can conclude that the vocabularies
in this skill are not familiar to the students. That’s why the students couldn’t
(A) Finished
(B) Unnatural
(C) Pear
(D) Whole
must clearly understand the meaning of the test. To finding the meaning of one
word or take the expression from the texts. Vocabulary questions are found in part
of the reading passage that will be highlight to correspond with a questions. This
is another reason why it is unnecessary for you to read the entire passage.
However, in reading the passage, the students have not enough time. Furthermore,
the students are difficult to translate the meaning of the text. It caused the students
can not catch the meaning of the text or vocabulary in the text.
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The other skill is difficult for the students were skill 3. The mean score of
this skill was 57.77%. This skill consists of 8 questions as unstated detail
questions. In this skill, the highest score was 100 made 2 students. Furthermore,
there are 7 students got very good score; 8 students got good score; 14 students
got fair score; 5 students got weak score and 11 students got poor score. It shows
that only 15 out of 45 students who got very good and good category and the rest
of them were in fair, weak, and poor category. The example of the question is;
word and scan the appropriate place for the key word (not mentioned, not stated,
not discussed, true except…). Read the sentence that contains the key word
carefully and look for answers that are definitely and then eliminate it. Choose the
skill and abilities in English through TOEFL test for preparing students to get
much experience in reading authentic academic passage. By the result above, the
writer can conclude that the students were difficult in understanding the passage
or text. That’s why they couldn’t find the unstated detail question in the text. In
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the findings and discussion in chapter IV, it is concluded that the
category. It can be seen specifically in the result that there were 14 students got
weak category; 8 students got fair category and 7 students got poor category; 4
students got very good score; 12 students got good score. Furthermore, the highest
Moreover, the mean of each skill are; the mean of the first skill is 69.33,
the mean of second skill was 77.14, the mean of third skill was 57.77, the mean of
the fourth skill was 54.81, the mean of fifth skill was 57.30, and the last skill is
unstated detail questions. However, most of the students are success in skill 6 as
where questions, skill 2 as stated detail questions, and also skill 1 as main idea
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5.2. Suggestions
suggestions for those who are concerned with this study; for English lecturers who
teach English, for students who learn TOEFL in especially in English study
First, the lecturers should give more explanation and more exercises or
assignments about TOEFL test to the students to make them understand about
TOEFL. Second, the students should develop their understanding about TOEFL
Ary, D, Jacobs, L. C & Razavieh. (2006). Introduction to Research In Education. Fort Worth:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Brown, H. D. (2002). Strategy for Success: A practical guide to learning English. Longman:
San Fransisco State University.
Cohen, L, Manion, L & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Method in Education (6th Ed.).
London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Johan, H.F and Anne Juwita. (2009). Smart Way To TOEFL. Jakarta. Generasi Cerdas Jakarta
Larasati, Peni with Tim I-Smart University. (20014). Super TOEFL. Yogyakarta.
Moloi, L. (2009). Exploring the perceptions of English second language teachers about
leaner self-assessment in the secondary school. (Master Thesis of Pretoria University
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright
©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton
Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. [online]. Accessed from internet on
November 27th 2014
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You are invited to participate in a quantitative research project, conducted by Elly Mei F.S
a candidate in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, English Department, Jambi
University. The project is titled: Students’ Ability in Reading Skill for TOEFL in
Academic Year 2013/2014 at Jambi University. The purpose of this study is to describe
student’s ability in your reading skill for TOEFL at Jambi University. This is a dissertation
research project to fulfill the requirement of my bachelor degree.
In the study you will be given a test that focus on Reading Skill for TOEFL and it will be
equated with your ability as a students in third semester. Your participation in the test
about 55 minutes to answer all of questions and the questions are 50 questions. All of data
will be kept confidential and your name will be hiding from the data. Your decision to take
part in this study is entirely voluntary. You may decline to be interviewed or may decline
to answer any specific questions. To the best of my knowledge, there are no costs
associated with taking part of this study. Also, there is no risk that could result from this
study and you will not get any personal benefit from taking part in this study. Strict
safeguards will be followed to ensure full confidentiality is maintained. You may withdraw
from this study at anytime. Your records will be used for research purpose only. At the end
of study, your record will be destroyed.
Please keep a copy of this informed consent for your records. Should you have any
questions at any time about the nature of this study and the use of your responses, please
contact Elly Mei FS or my email:
Statement of consent:
I have read the above description of this study. All my questions have been answered to my
satisfaction. Furthermore, I have been assured that the researcher will answer any future
questions I may have. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study. I will retain a copy of
this consent form for my records.
Signature Date:
This section is designed to measure your ability to read and understand short passages similar in topic
and style to those that students are likely to encounter in North American universities and colleges.
This section contains reading passages and questions about the passages.
Directions: In this section you w read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of
questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question.
Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or
implied in that passage.
John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to
1829, is today recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to
public service, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices that he held.
Line Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the
(5) antislavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination.
According to the passage, John Quincy Adams “dedicated his life to public service.” Therefore, you
should choose answer (B).
The passage states that John Quincy Adams demonstrated his unswerving belief “throughout his
career.” This implies that the belief did not change. Therefore, you should choose answer (C).
Dicetak pada tanggal 2019-01-04
Id Doc: 589c943681944dce1149403d
Questions 1—9
The largest diamond ever found is the Cullinan Diamond. This diamond weighed 3,106 carats
in its uncut state when it was discovered in South Africa on January 25, 1905.
The Cullinan Diamond was cut into 9 major stones and 96 smaller ones. The largest of the cut
stones, and still the largest cut diamond in the world, is the pear-shaped Cullinan I at 530 carats.
This diamond, which is also known as the Greater Star of Africa, is more than 2 inches (5.4 cm)
long and 1.75 inches (4.4 cm) wide. It became part of the British crown jewels in 1907.
1. What is the best title for this passage? 4. It can be inferred from the passage that
(A) Diamond Cutting the Cullinan Diamond was cut into how
(B) The Worlds Biggest Diamond, Uncut many total stones?
and Cut (A) 9
(C) Measuring Diamonds in Carats (B) 96
(D) The British Crown Jewels (C) 105
(D) 3,106
2. The word “uncut” in line 2 is closest in
meaning to which of the following? 5. The word “major” in line 3 could best be
(A) Finished replaced by
(B) Unnatural (A) well-known
(C) Pear (B) military
(D) Whole (C) natural
(D) big
3. The word “discovered” in line 2 is closest
in meaning to
(A) created
(B) found
(C) buried
(D) weighed
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6. Which of the following is NOT true about 8. According to the passage, what happened
Cullinan I? to Cullinan I?
(A) It was cut from the Cullinan (A) It remained in Africa.
Diamond. (B) It was cut into smaller stones.
(B) It weighs 3,106 carats. (C) It was cut and changed into the
(C) It is the biggest cut diamond in the Greater Star of Africa.
world. (D) It became the property of the British
(D) It is sometimes called the Greater Star Royal family.
of Africa.
9. Where in the passage does the author
7. All of the following are true about the mention the Cullinan Diamond’s weight
shape of the Greater Star of Africa when it was mined?
EXCEPT that (A) Lines 1 - 2
(A) it is in the shape of a pear (B) Line 3
(B) it is 5.4 centimeters long (C) Lines 4 - 5
(C) it is longer than it is wide (D) Line 6
(D) it is 4.4 inches wide
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Questions 10-20
Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton. The name for the
product was actually proposed by Pemberton’s assistant, Frank Robinson. The name was taken
from the two most unusual ingredients in the drink, the South American coca leaf and the African
cola nut.
The recipe for today’s Coca-Cola is very well guarded. Many of the ingredients are known; in
addition to coca leaves and cola nut, they include lemon, orange, lime, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla,
caramel, and sugar. The proportions of the ingredients and the identity of Coke secret ingredients
are known by only a few of the Coca-Cola Company’s senior corporate officers.
11. According to the passage, who created 15. The passage states that the recipe for
Coca-Cola? Coca-Cola is
(A) The Coca-Cola Company (A) well known
(B) John S. Pemberton (B) known by only a limited number of
(C) Pemberton’s assistant people
(D) Frank Robinson (C) unknown
(D) published information
12. The word “unusual” in line 3 is closest in
meaning to 16. Which of the following is NOT
(A) uncommon mentioned as an ingredient of Coca-Cola?
(B) important (A) Orange leaves
(C) unused (B) Nutmeg
(D) tasty (C) Citrus fruits
(D) Sugar
13. Which of the following is NOT true about
the name Coca-Cola? 17. The word “secret” in line 7 could best be
(A) The name “coca” comes from the replaced by
coca leaf. (A) unrevealed
(B) The name “cola” comes from the cola (B) delicious
nut. (C) business
(C) Frank Robinson suggested the name. (D) speechless
(D) The inventor came up with the name.
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18. It can be inferred from the passage that 19. The word “senior” in line 8 could best be
(A) the public knows all the ingredients in replaced by
Coca-Cola (A) trustworthy
(B) the public is not sure that coca leaves (B) high-level (C)
are used in Coca-Cola more mature (D)
(C) the public does not know how many really decisive
cola nuts are used in a batch of Coca-
Cola 20. Where in the passage does the author
(D) no one knows the exact proportions of mention who gave Coca-Cola its name?
ingredients used in Coca-Cola (A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Lines 3 - 4
(C) Line 5
(D) Lines 7 - 8
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Questions 21 - 30
Most people would say that the world’s tallest mountain is Mount Everest. This mountain in the
Himalayas is just over 29,000 feet high.
However, if mountains are measured a little bit differently, then the tallest mountain on Earth
is Mauna Kea, in the Hawaiian Islands. Mauna Kea is only about 14,000 feet above sea level, so in
comparison to Mount Everest it just does not look anywhere near as high as Mount Everest to a
person standing at sea level.
Mauna Kea, however, does not begin at sea level. It rises from an ocean floor that is more than
16,000 feet below the surface of the water. This mountain therefore measures more than 30,000 feet
from it base to its top, making it a higher mountain than Mount Everest.
21. The main idea of the passage is that 25. According to the passage, Mauna Kea is
(A) Mount Everest is the world’s tallest how far above the level of the water?
mountain (A) 14,000 feet
(B) Mount Everest and Mauna Kea are (B) 16,000 feet
located in different parts of the world (C) 29,000 feet
(C) Mauna Kea’s base is below sea level (D) 30,000 feet
(D) Mauna Kea could be considered the
tallest mountain in the world 26. The expression “in comparison to” in
lines 4 and 5 could best be replaced by
22. Which of the following is NOT (A) close to
stated about Mount Everest? (B) in relation to
(A) Many people believe it is the world’s (C) as a result of
tallest mountain. (D) because of
(B) It is part of the Himalayas.
(C) It is over 29,000 feet high. 27. It is implied in the passage that Mauna
(D) It rises from the ocean floor. Kea does not seem as tall as Mount
Everest because
23. The word “just” in line 2 could best (A) people do not want to look at it
be re by (B) part of Mauna Kea is under water
(A) noticeably (C) Mount Everest has more
(B) soon (C) (D) snow Mauna Kea is in a different part
barely (D) of the world than Mount Everest
28. The word “floor” in line 7 could best be
24. The expression “a little bit” in line 3 replaced by
is closest in meaning to (A) carpet
(A) a small size (B) bottom
(B) quite (C) roof
(C) somewhat (D) water
(D) extremely
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Questions 31 - 40
When Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1492, there were already an estimated thirty to
forty million people living in North and South America. It has therefore been quite easy for some to
refute the idi that Columbus “discovered” America. How and when these inhabitants came to America
has been the source of much scientific research and discussion.
Most archeologists agree that the first Americans,the true “discoverers” of America,came from
northeastern Asia. There is also a considerable amount of proof that inhabitants have been in the
Americas for at least 15,000 years.
To get to the Americas, these people had to cross over the 55-mile-wide Bering Strait that
separates Asia and North America. According to one theory, these people crossed over during
periods when a land bridge existed between the two continents. During Ice Ages, so much of the
Earth’s water was frozen that the sea levels dropped, and it was possible to walk from Asia to North
31. What is the author’s main purpose? 34. It is implied in the passage that
(A) To explain how Columbus discovered (A) Columbus was really the first person
America in America
(B) To show how people came to America (B) scientists are sure about America’s
before Columbus first inhabitants
(C) To demonstrate the importance to (C) Columbus arrived at almost the same
archeologists of northeastern Asia time as America’s first inhabitants
(D) To explain how to cross the Bering (D) all is not known about America’s first
Strait inhabitants
32. In 1492, how many people were 35. There is general agreement that the
probably in the Americas? first people who came to North America
(A) Fewer than thirty million came from
(B) Exactly thirty million (A) Europe
(C) Forty million or fewer (B) South America
(D) At least forty million (C) northeastern Asia
(D) Africa
33. The word “refute” in line 3 is closest
in meaning to 36. The word “considerable” in line 6
(A) theorize could best be replaced by which of the
(B) support following?
(C) contradict (A) Large
(D) defend (B) Weak
(C) Well-known
(D) Considerate
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37. The word “separates” in line 9 is closest 39. The word “frozen” in line 11 could best
in meaning to be replaced by
(A) differentiates (A) cool
(B) divides (B) dirty
(C) joins (C) solid
(D) crosses (D) wet
38. Which of the following is NOT stated 40. Where in the passage does the author
about the Bering Strait? mention how long people have probably
(A) It is 55 miles wide. been in the Americas?
(B) It separates North America and Asia. (A) Lines 1 - 2
(C) It was probably a land bridge during (B) Lines 3 - 4
the Ice Ages. (C) Lines 6 - 7
(D) It is a land bridge today. (D) Lines 8 - 9
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Questions 41 - 50
Alpha Centauri is a triple-star system. One of the three stars in Alpha Centauri is Proxima
Centauri, which is the nearest star to the Earth, except of course for the Sun. The name “Proxima”
comes from a Latin word which means “close.”
Even though Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Earth outside of our solar system, it is
not really close. Interstellar distances are so large that they are almost impossible to imagine. A
person traveling in a modern spacecraft would not arrive at Proxima Centauri within this lifetime
or the next, or even ten lifetimes because the distance is so great. Light travels at a speed of 186,000
miles per second, and it still takes light more than four years to travel from Proxima Centauri to the
Alpha Centauri can be easily seen in the night sky without a telescope from certain parts of the
Earth. It is the third brightest star in the sky, out of approximately 6,000 visible stars. It cannot be
seen from most parts of the United States because most of the United States is too far north;
however; it can be seen from the southern parts of the southernmost states.
41. The main subject of this passage is 44. “Interstellar distances” in line 5 are
(A) the closest stars to the Earth (A) distances between stars
(B) modern space travel (B) distances between the Earth and
(C) the speed of light various stars
(D) interstellar distances (C) distances measured by the speed of
42. The passage indicates that which of (D) distances from the Sun to each of the
the following is NOT true? planets, including the Earth
(A) Alpha Centauri is composed of three
stars. 45. It can be inferred from the passage that if
(B) Proxima Centauri is the closest star to a person left in one of today’s spacecrafts,
the Earth. he or she would arrive at Alpha Centauri
(C) Proxima Centauri is one of the stars in (A) within this lifetime
Alpha Centauri. (B) within the next lifetime within
(D) It is possible to see Alpha Centauri (C) ten lifetimes
from the Earth. (D) after more than ten lifetimes
43. The word “comes” in line 3 could best be 46. The word “great” in line 7 could best be
replaced by replaced by which of the following?
(A) travels (A) Famous
(B) is derived (B) Well-known
(C) is directed (C) Accomplished
(D) visits (D) Big
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47. Which of the following is true according 49. It can be inferred from the passage that
to the passage? from Alaska Alpha Centauri is
(A) Light travels at 186,000 miles per (A) always visible
hour. (B) frequently visible
(B) A person could travel from Earth to (C) occasionall y visible
Proxima Centauri in four years. (D) never visible
(C) Light from Proxima Centauri reaches
the Earth in more than four years. 50. Where in the passage does the author
(D) It is 186,000 miles from the Earth to explain how fast light can travel?
Proxima Centauri. (A) Lines 1 - 2
(B) Line5
48. The word “brightest” in line 11 could best (C) Lines 7 - 9
be replaced by (D) Lines 10 – 11
(A) smartest
(B) palest
(C) shiniest
(D) largest
Student’s Name :
Student Number :
Class :
Dicetak pada tanggal 2019-01-04
Id Doc: 589c943681944dce1149403d
Appendix 2
1. B 21. D 41. A
2. D 22. D 42. B
3. B 23. C 43. B
4. C 24. C 44. A
5. D 25. A 45. D
6. B 26. B 46. D
7. D 27. B 47. C
8. D 28. B 48. C
9. A 29. C 49. D
11. B 31. B
12. A 32. C
13. D 33. C
14. B 34. D
15. B 35. C
16. A 36. A
17. A 37. B
18. C 38. D
19. B 39. C
20. A 40. C
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Dicetak pada tanggal 2019-01-04
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