Difficulties Speaking 1

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NIM : TE.151634




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain an

undergraduate (S1) Degree in English Education


NIM : TE.151634



In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful, who
has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish thesis.
Sholawat to the prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the word.

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

 My parents, beloved mother (Gusmaniar) and my beloved father (Fahrozi)

who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and praying. Your
love give a power for me to finish this thesis. I really love you all.
 My beloved sister (Dian Pahrani) And (Khumairoh) thank you for your
support, motivation and kindness. You are so patiently with my
characteristics, I love you so much.
 My great advisors, (Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga, MA) and (Firdiansyah, MA), thanks
for support, advices, and patience on guiding me to finish this thesis.
 My beloved squad basing kadak (Sara desmayani, Septi Duwi Yanti, Siti
rosnani, Saputra, Fauzan saputra, Syariful huda, Thabrani aziz.), thank you
for your giving me support, helping, and always hear my troubles, it really
helps me.
 For my special one that always give me support, and never bored listen my
complain to finish this thesis.
 I also all my classmates (English Member Class of D 2015 )who can‟t
mentioned one by one. Thank you for being my friends and giving support to
me. Good Luck and success for you all

ِ‫ل وَ ُهدُوا ِإلَىٰ صِرَاطِ الْحَمِيد‬

ِ ‫وَ ُهدُوا ِإلَى الطَّيِّبِ ِمنَ الْ َق ْو‬
“And they were given instruction to the utterances were good and were shown
(also) to the road (Allah) is commendable”. (QS. Al-Hajj: 24)
By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamiin all veneration to Allah SWT. The
beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance
to complete writing this thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to our
prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be
mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate

degree (S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University
of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “Students’ Problems in
English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding
Junior High School Muaro Jambi”.

The would like to express my sincere gratitude to Drs. Habibuddin

Ritonga, MA as the first advisor and Firdiansyah, MA as the second advisor who
have give me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then researcher
also would like to express many thanks to the following people who provided me
helps in finishing this thesis, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Suai‟di Asy‟ari, MA, ph. D as the Rector of the State Islamic
University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
2. Dr. Hj Armida, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
3. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M. Hum as Chief of English Education Study
Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty in The State Islamic
University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
4. All lecturers at of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty in The
State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who gives
knowledge to writer.
5. The official administration staffs at The State Islamic University of Sulthan
Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
6. All friends who give me support and suggestion to finish this thesis.

The researcher hopes that this thesis will give contribution to teaching
English. The writer realizes this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that, the
researcher hopes the contructive critics and suggestion from all readers for
perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT. Always gives guidance and blessing us.
Aamiin Ya Robbal’ Alamin.
Name : Tasmia
Major : English Education Study Program
Title : Students‟ Problems in English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul
Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui permasalahan berbicara siswa madrasah

tsanawiyah kelas delapan pondok pesantren Riyadhul Amien Muaro Jambi. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui masalah siswa dalam belajar keterampilan
berbahasa inggris. Desain penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas delapan (kelas A) di siswa madrasah
tsanawiyah pondok pesantren Riyadhul Amien Muaro Jambi. Data penelitian ini
dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil
temuan dan diskusi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil, siswa memiliki masalah
dalam berbicara. Masalahnya terdiri dari rasa malu, tata bahasa, kosa kata dan makna,
pengucapan, kurang percaya diri, takut membuat kesalahan, kecemasan. Dari masalah
tersebut masalah yang paling dominan adalah kosakata dan pengucapan. Kebanyakan dari
mereka menyatakan bahwa mereka takut berbicara karena kurangnya kosa-kata dan
pengucapan. Mereka merasa takut jika mereka melakukan kesalahan dalam pengucapan
kata dalam bahasa Inggris dan menggunakan kosa kata tersebut.

Kata kunci: Siswa, Masalah, kemampuan berbicara

Name : Tasmia
Major : English Education Study Program
Title : Students‟ Problems in English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul
Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi

This study was aimed to find out the Speaking Problem at Eight Grade Riyadhul
Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi. The objective of this research
is to find out students‟ problems in learning English speaking skill. The design of the
research is by using descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research is the
students‟ of eight grade (class A) at Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High
School Muaro Jambi. The data of this research were collected by using observation,
interview, and documentation. From the finding and discussion, the students have
problem in speaking. The problems were consisted of shyness, grammar, vocabulary and
meaning, pronunciation, lack of confident, fear of making mistake, and anxiety. From the
problems the dominantly problems is pronunciation. Most of them stated that they afraid
speak because they do not know how many vocabulary and to pronounce the words. They
were afraid if they made a mistake in term of pronouncing the words and using the

Key words: Students, Problems, Speaking skill

Title Cover ...................................................................................................... i

Page Tittle . ...................................................................................................... ii

Official Note .................................................................................................... iii

Originality Thesis Statement.......................................................................... iv

Dedication . ...................................................................................................... v

Motto ................................................................................................................ vi

Acknowledgment............................................................................................. vii

Abstract .... ...................................................................................................... viii

Abstract .... ...................................................................................................... ix

Table of Content .............................................................................................. x

List of Appendices ........................................................................................... xii

List of Pictures.................................................................................................


A. Background of the Study ............................................................. 1

B. Formulation of the Research ....................................................... 3
C. The Limitation of the Problem .................................................... 3
D. The Purpose and Significant ....................................................... 3


A. Definition of Problems ................................................................ 5

B. Definition of Speaking. ............................................................... 6
C. Speaking Aspects ........................................................................ 9
D. The Elements of Speaking .......................................................... 10
E. English Speaking Problems ........................................................ 11
F. Difficulties in Learning Speaking English .................................. 17
G. Strategies to Solve Speaking Problems ....................................... 18
H. Review of Related Literature ...................................................... 18


A. Design of the Research ........................................................................ 20

B. Types and Source of Data ........................................................... 20
C. Setting Description ...................................................................... 21
D. Technique of Collecting Data ..................................................... 22
E. Technique of Analysing Data .............................................................. 23

A. Research Finding ................................................................................ 25

1. Students Linguistics Problems .............................................. 25
2. Students Psychological Problems ........................................ 27
B. Discussion
1. The summary of the Data finding ........................................... 29

A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 37
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 38
REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 39




Appendix I : Interview Result from Students

Appendix II : Interview with English Teacher
Appendix III : Field Note Observation
Appendix IV Documentation


A. Background of the study

Since English becomes one of international languages, it is becoming a significant
subject to learn in the world for generally and Indonesia especially, which
students have to have competence in understanding English. Moreover, English
competence is important in career development, so that the students have to
understand the use of English in formal or informal situation which can improve
students‟ confidence to face global competition. Therefore, Indonesia government
makes the policy and decides that English is one of the core subjects in education
curriculum started from junior high until university.
All of people use language to express their feeling, ideas, opinions, and desires.
By the language, people can communicate to each other. According to Brown
(2000:5) language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized, vocal, written, or
gestural symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate
intelligibly with one another. It means that language is a communication. In other
words, language is a kind of communication between people in community. It is a
value of interpersonal contact exchanging information. Everyone uses language to
communicate. When people want to speak or deliver information to another
people, they cannot do it without language. It should be language is important to
communicate in human being.
For English language learners, speaking is one of the most important skills that
they need to be developed (Tinjaca & Contreras, 2008) because it is the ability to
interact with other people and involves wide range of skills (Hadfield & Hadfield,
2012). Also, Harmer (2007) gives his outlook concerning speaking, he declares
that a good spoken communication is not only having the ability of language
features knowledge, but also the ability to process information. On account of
demand on both language features and social processing, not all students are able
to practice the language orally, while Richard and Renandya (2002:210) said that
speaking is one of the central elements of communication.
Speaking is way to express idea, feeling, and emotion. In fact English speaking is
assumed as difficult subject for student. Those difficulties can be the obstacles in
speaking so it will be the missing communication.
Mastering speaking English is important in our modern society and global area.
Fitriani, et.al (2015) stated that speaking skill is important aspect to acquire when
learning a second or foreign language, and the success of learning the language is
measured from the performance of learners to speak the language learned. In
addition, speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves,
producing, receiving and processing information. Brown (2004:140) stated that
speaking is the product of creative construction of linguistic strings, the speaker
makes choices of lexion, structure and discourse.
Speaking is important in students areas. Because, if the students have a good
competency in speaking skill it this can make them easy to communicate with
other. Al-Roud (2016) stated that speaking is considered as the most means of
communication. In addition, speaking skill is the ability in using moral language
to explore ideas, intensions, thoughts and feelings to other people as a way to
make the message clearly delivered and understood by the listeners.
The element of speaking is not about to speak English with appropriate grammar,
beyond everything is to build students‟ confidence first to speak. Maulana et.al
(2016) stated that the most problems that they faced in learning speaking skill are
lack of vocabulary, lack of pronunciation, lack of confidence to speak and afraid
of making errors while speaking. In addition, students felt shy to speak English
and to express opinions and ideas because they were afraid of making mistakes in
pronouncing to words. So, that students became not confidence.
The reason of conducting this research at junior high school because the
researcher wants to know and observe the problem of students English speaking at
Riyadhul amien Islamic boarding junior high school muaro jambi, in this school
they are using two languages namely Arabic and English, every week they are
always changes the language for example, one week they are using Arabic and
one week they are using English. In addition according to the short interview with
students, the researcher got the admission that they were too shy to make
permission by using English. Moreover they speak in front of the class and and it
is watched by their friends reflexively will laugh to them if they made a mistake.
After the researcher made an observation to the students of this school, the
researcher found that most of the students were unable to speak English although
in very simple phrase or sentences…
The problem of the students‟ at eight grade of Riyadhul amien Islamic boarding
junior high school muaro jambi, that found by the researchers at the first
observation. There are some phenomenon of speaking itself especially in the
student‟s areas. Most of the students have problems in learning English speaking.
Most of them are unable to speak English well because of many factors included.
After the researcher made an observation to the students of at Students‟ problem
of speaking English at Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School
Muaro Jambi, the researcher found that most of the students were unable to use
English in the English class.
From the phenomena above, the researcher wants to do a research entitled
“Students’ Problem in English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi”.

B. The Formulation of Research Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research question
as follow: What are the students‟ problems in English speaking at Eight Grade of
Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi?

C. The Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the researcher limits the problem about the problems of the
students in English speaking at eight grade of Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding
Junior High School Muaro Jambi.

D. The Purposes and Significances

1. The Purposes of Research
To know what are the students‟ problems in English speaking at Eight Grade of
Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.
2. The Significances of the Research
The significances of the research problems are:
a. For the Teachers
After the teacher knows about the students‟ problems in English speaking, she/ he
can use better strategy of learning speaking English to make the students get the
good achievement.
b. For the Students
The student would be evaluated themselves after they know about their problems
of English speaking.
c. For the researchers
Finally, the next researcher can develop the research to make it better.


A. Definition of Problems
According to Vangundy (2005; 21), “Problems as goals, one general definition
describes a problem in terms of some difficult obstacle or goal. In other words,
anything difficult to overcome is a problem. He implies that every difficulty is a
problem and to overcome the problem is the way to achieve the goal.
According to Walter (2008), “Problem is a situation, person or thing that needs
attention and needs to be dealt with or solved”. It is implied that wherever and
whenever there is a problem. It must be solved. In other words, never let the
problems without solving them and solve the problems without having a problem
According to Jonassen (2004;3), Problem is defined as first; a problem is an
unknown entity in some context (the difference between a goal state and current
state). Second, finding or solving for the unknown must have some social,
cultural, or intellectual value. He means that something exists but it is not known
and it must be found and solved with social, culture, or intellectual value.
a. Problem of English Learners.
There are a lot of problems in the world. One of the problems is speaking
especially speaking English. In order to know and to understand what the
problems of speaking English are, so there are three important experiences of the
English learner problem in English speaking as follows:
1. According to Hoge (2012:2-7). “There‟s a huge problem out there. There
are a lot confused English students and confused English learners. These
students know a lot of English. They know a lot of grammar roles.
The problem is they cannot understand instantly and effortlessly. They cannot
speak clearly, confidently, and effortlessly.
2. According to Michael (In www.EXLenglish.com, 2010:1), “He learned
English for more than 10 years and he has been living in UK for 3 years. He
is very good at reading English. He reads a lot of textbooks, research papers and
so on. But he cannot speak English automatically and fluently. He just cannot
express himself. That‟s so embarrassing. Because of this, he is just afraid of
talking to people
3. According to Jinping from from china (in BBC World Service, 2003:2).
“He has learned English for almost 15 years. He has no problem with
reading and listening but speaking has always been a problem for him
because, when he was at school, they always focused on grammar,
vocabulary and exams. Now he really wants to improve his spoken English
to a new level, to achieve that freedom in speaking in the near future. He
would to try anything to help him achieve this”.
4. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is one of English skills used to express ideas and to communicate with
other people in the entire world with a variety of reason such as: relationship,
business, networking, overseas travelling, etc. speaking is a skill which means not
only to be known or learn., but also to be practiced. Speaking is not about what
should be said only but what people should listen from you to know and to
understand each other. It determines how long it is listened, how well it is
understood, and applied between two people or among people.
To know and understand what is speaking, there are some definitions of speaking
as the following: According to Walter and Woodford (In Cambridge school
dictionary,2008), “Speaking is to say something using your voice or to make a
speech to a large group people”. According to Walter (In Cambridge advanced
learner‟s dictionary, 2008), “speaking is.
1. To say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone”
2. To (be able to) talk in language”
3. To give a formal talk to a group of people”
4. To show or express something without using words”
People can transfer their idea feelings, emotions, and message by speaking,
because speaking is the oral communication. According to Tarigan (1992)
speaking is the intended skill to express message through oral language.
In addition Richard in Wina (2002:3) said that speaking is a skill involves in
producing fluent and appropriate speech need to be understood. According to
Grognet A.G (1997:136) speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by
students in learning English. Hornby (1995:37) defined that speaking is the skill
that the students will be judge upon most in real-life situation.
It means that speaking is medium to express ideas, opinions, and feelings.
Productive skills are the ability to deliver message or meaning well in order that
listener can give respond of it. In productive skill people can thinking what they
should produce to make the listener understood about what they said. This case
explains us that the students have to produce a language and use it fluently and
appropriately considering grammar. Speaking may also use to describe something
such as, describe people‟s behavior and make polite request.
Hymes (1998:26) told that speaking is content and context. It means that as the
content, speaking includes some rules such as grammar, pronunciation, tenses,
grammar, etc. as the context, speaking is way to understand the meaning based on
the statements and the intonation that speaker said. Furthermore, Harmer
(2001:26) said that speaking is the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only
knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and
language on the spot. Then, Campbell and Dickinson (2004:50) stated that
Speaking is involves not only words we use, but also the way we say them, our
tune of voice, facial expressions, posture, and gesture. Based on the authors‟
opinions above, the researcher concludes that speaking is the ability to speak
fluently based on the pattern and transferring the meaning then they can express
their ideas, feeling, emotions, from someone to others the class in the one
a. Components of Speaking
In speaking, there are some aspects, such as how speaker pronounce a word, how
the speaker use grammar and express idea. Grammar is the ability to make good
sentences in general structural related of using tense and vocabularies. Actually,
speaking has several components that should understand on speaking ability.
According to Harris (1977:81), there are some components of speaking: a.
Pronunciation includes vowel, consonants, stress, and intonation. b. Grammar; the
ability to use sentences in general and structural. c. Vocabulary relines to right and
appropriate use of the words. d. Fluency is the case and speed of the flow of
speech. e. Comprehension is a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate.
So that, by applying some of components above, speaker can transfer what they
want to say. Finnochiaro and Bonomo (2002:110) stated that, when someone
speaks, besides checking his/her fluency, comprehension, and others. He/ she
have to decide what she wants to say. It means that when speaker want to say
something, they should arrangement the meaning of the sentences that will say.
They should concern on the sound, voice, pitch, and form, they have to be surely
convince what they want to say is appropriated with condition.
b. Success on Speaking
In addition Ur (1996:120) explained that there are some characteristics to make
speaking activity be successful:
1. From Learners Talk Aloud
As much as possible of the period of time allowed to the activity is in fact
occupied by learner talk. This way seems obvious but most time is taken up with
teacher talk or pauses.
2. Participation is Even
Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participant all
get chance to speak and contribution are fairly evenly distributed.
3. Motivation is High
Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have
something new to say about it or because they want to contribute to achieving task
4. Language is of an Acceptable Level
Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily,
comprehensible, to teach other, and of an acceptable level of languages accuracy.
B. Speaking Aspects
A speaker should determine some aspects of speaking what they want to speak.
Brown (2001) state there are four aspects of speaking that the students cloud
consider in speaking, they are:
1. Pronunciation
In oxford dictionary (2008) defined that pronunciation is way in which a language
or particular word or sound is spoken. Besides that, AMEP Research Center
(2002) stated that pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to
make meaning.
Pronunciation refers to the problem of sounds that we used to make meaning. It
includes attention to the particular sound of a language (segments), aspects of
speech beyond the level of the individual sound. Such as intonation, phrasing,
stress, timing, rhythm, how the voice is projective (voice quality), and in its
broadest definition, attention to gesture and expression that are closely related to
the way we speak a language.
2. Grammar
According to Harmer (2001 : 12) grammar as the description of the way in which
words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in the language.
It is also defined by Lado (1977:141) as the study of rules that are claimed to tell
the students what should and not say in order to speak language of the social
educated class. In conclusion, grammar is the study of classes words, their
inflections, functions, and relations in the sentence of language.
Grammar is one of the important language component in learning language.
Speakers and writer can communicate and convey their messages clearly and
meaningfully because of their ability and understanding of grammar.
3. Fluency
Fluency is the area of language ability which related to the speed and ease with
which a language learners performers in one of four core language skills of
speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Although the concept of fluency relates
to all four language skills, it tends to be most closely associated with speaking.
4. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the basic language aspect that must be mastered before mastering
English skills. There are some definitions of vocabulary by some experts.
According to Hornby (2006:1645) vocabulary is all the words that a person knows
or uses and it is all the words in a particular language.
According to Hatch and Brown (1995:1) vocabulary is a list or set of words for a
particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language
might use.
From the definition above, we can see that vocabulary is all the words in a
language that are familiar and used by a person to communicate with each other.
Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word of meaning. However, vocabulary is
more complex than this definition suggests. First, words come in two forms : oral
and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in
reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also come in two forms, receptive
and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes word that we recognize when we
hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes word that we used when we
speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than productive
vocabulary, and may include many words to which we assign some meaning, even
we don‟t know their full definitions and connotation or ever use them ourselves as
we speak and write. The researcher use the speaking aspect above in assessing
students‟ perception in speaking skill.

C. The Elements of Speaking

Jeremy Harmer (2003:269) states that the ability to speak English presupposes the
elements necessary for spoken production as follows:
a. Language features the elements necessary for spoken production, are the
1. Connected speech in connected speech sounds are modified (assimilation),
omitted (elision), added (linking r), or weakened (through contractions and
stress patterning). It is for this reason that we should involve students in
activities designed specifically to improve their connected speech.
2. Expressive devices Native speakers of English change the pitch and stress
of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other
physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling
(especially in face to – face interaction). The use of these devices
contributes to the ability to convey meanings.
3. Lexis and grammar Teachers should therefore supply a variety of phrases
for different functions such as agreeing or disagreeing, expressing surprise,
shock, or approval.
4. Negotiation language Effective speaking benefits from the negotiator
language we use to seek clarification and show the structure of what we
are saying. We often need to ask for clarification when we are listening to
someone else talks and it is very crucial for students.

D. English Speaking Problems

Speaking is an active use of language to produce information or meaning.
Speaking is a key to communication. Speaking activity involves producing and
receiving information which is influenced by participants, experiences, physical
environment and purposes.
Speaking is a complex process of oral communication that needs many skills,
including listening, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In line with as stated
by Barras (2006: 9) speaking relates with a message of the speaker‟s and the
listener‟ thought then must be understood by the speaker and the listener.
Speaking requires not only know how to produce language, but also understand
sociolinguistic competence, such as when, why, and in what ways to produce
language). As stated by Jones in Richards (2008: 19) that speaking people tend to
be getting meaning and exploring ideas.
From the explanation above, revealed that students mostly face some problems in
speaking English. Their problems in speaking English are as Follows:
1. Difficulties in getting meaning or understanding the conversation.
2. Vocabularies.
3. Pronunciation.
4. Shy.
5. Afraid in making mistakes in meaning or content of their speaking.
The students‟ problems in speaking English above are caused by some factors.
Tuan and Mai (2015) revealed that students usually found difficulties in speaking
because of some factors, such as confidence, listener‟s support, students‟ listening
ability, and pressure to perform well. These factors influencing them to speak
English especially to speak English in front of class. Then, response from the
audiences whether their attention, respect, and appreciation influence students to
perform well in speaking English.
In line with, Rababa‟ in Almira (2014) pointed out that there are many factors that
cause students having difficulties in speaking English as a foreign language. Some
of these factors are related to the students themselves, the teaching strategies, the
curriculum, and the environment. Factor that is related to the students is for
example, the students have lack vocabularies, difficult to get meaning or
understand the conversations, and keep the interaction going. Motivation is also a
factor that cause students having difficulties in speaking English as a foreign
language. Some students usually have low motivation to speak English.
One of the problems of students in learning English is speaking. There are some
problems in English speaking the first, mispronunciation. This often happens
when students experience the release vocabulary correctly. This is based on
mastery of vocabulary. If students speak without regard to pronunciation of course
students will have difficulty in conveying something. In this case, students must
be able to memorize master vocabulary, pronunciation, apply and keep the
repeating the vocabulary that has been understood. The second, poor vocabulary,
vocabulary is the main foundation in speaking. The more vocabulary that is
known, the more comfortable and pleasant to express an opinion, if students are at
the beginner level. The third, grammatical error in speaking, students can
experience errors especially in composing sentences correctly. This is inseparable
from the grammar material that has been learned.
Speaking problems are some problems that make someone lacks of speaking
ability. According to Doris and Jessica (2007) language problems actually serve
as one of the important reasons behind poor academic performance. These
problems may become the obstacles for the students to enhance and improve their
speaking ability. The reasons why the students are having problems in their
speaking are they are poor in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Those
problems are belong to linguistics problems.
Others problems that may become a barrier for the students to become a good
English speakers is the psychological problems. Xinghua (2007) states that
psychological problems are those problems which often interfere your emotional
and physical health, your relationships, work productivity, or life adjustment such
as nervous, lack of self-confident and afraid to speak. These problems may affect
student performance in their speaking. Khan (2005) claims in his research that
some of this participants have psychological problems in speaking. This
emphasizes that psychological problems also affect student performance in
According to Susilawati (2007) cited that in an oral discussion, shyness,
nervousness, feeling afraid of making mistakes, not knowing the way how to
pronounce certain words, is the potential problems that can hinder the students to
speak. Regarding this, Brown (2001) states that the shyness and anxiety are
considered as the main causes of students‟ reluctance to speak. Some students
have speaking problems. it is difficult to verbally express what they want to
explain to other people. They have trouble to put their thought into words.
Although they can understand what others speak, some of them are unable to
speak well. A discriminating ear does not always produce a fluent tongue.
According to Brown (2001), one of the major obstacles learners have to overcome
in learning to speak is the anxiety generated over the risk of blurting things out
that are wrong, stupid or incomprehensible. While Koichi Sato (2003) argue that
students of English are not highly competent in speaking because of their fear of
mistakes. The same argument was also argued by Liauw (2009) that feeling of
anxiety; apprehension and nervousness are commonly expressed by foreign
language learners in learning to speak foreign language.
1. Linguistics Problems
Linguistics is a scientific study of language such as the study of language
structure (grammar), words, and phonology. According to Spolsky & Hult (2008),
generally linguistics comprises the detailed of vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation. Linguistics problems are those problems which make students
speaking ability become poor. There are some linguistics problems that affect
someone in speaking, such as poor in grammar, lack of vocabulary and
pronunciation. Richards (2008) claims there are some typical learner‟s problems
in speaking. Those problems are:
1) Lack of vocabulary needed to talk
2) Poor in grammar
3) Poor in pronunciation.
a. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is an individual word or a set of words which have specific meaning.
Kamil and Hiebert (2005) state that generally, vocabulary is the knowledge of
meanings of words. The words come in at least two forms; oral and print. Oral
vocabulary missed the set of words for which we know the meanings when we
speak or read orally. While print vocabulary consists of those words for which the
meaning is known when we write or read silently.
The problems of vocabularies occur when someone is lack of vocabulary needed
to talk and does not know how combine the vocabularies into a good sentence.
Khan (2005) once again states that the numbers of students who learn English as a
foreign language have difficulties to use word and expression to speak. In
addition, Doris and Jessica (2007) also state that in the real communication,
nobody paid much attention to the correct grammar expression, but emphasized
the content and how to reply. Students are clearly know what they are going to say
in the source language, but when they have to switch the language itself into the
target language such as English, they often get confuse to combine and use the
proper vocabularies needed.
b. Grammar
Grammar is a study in which sentences are structured and formatted, so that it
may be considered a bit boring to study correct grammar since it really is worth
the time and effort. If learners do not know the rules of grammar, they will never
be able to communicate using English effectively. According to Celce-murcia
(2001s) grammar become difficult because learners do not learn structures one in
a time. Even the learners appear to have mastered a particular structures; it is not
uncommon to find backsliding occuring with the introduction of new form to the
learners‟ interlanguage. For example, the learner who has mastered the third
singular person marker on the present tense verb is likely to over-generalize the
rule and apply it to newly emerging modal verb, thus producing errors such as
“she cans speak English”. These errors may appear when the students speak since
they have not mastered the English grammar.

c. Pronunciation
English has become a language which connects people all over the world. The
second or foreign language learners are also demanded to speak English naturally
like native speaker. According to Hinkel (2005: 491) a second language learner
needs to master the individual characteristic of the sound of a new language.
Furthermore, it will be good for the students to be able to speak naturally like the
native-speaker itself.
Pronunciation is as important as any other aspects of foreign language learning
like syntax or vocabulary. Correct pronunciation is very necessary to develop
speaking skill. Pronunciation also has close connections to the other fields such as
listening and even grammar. Once a person can pronounce correctly the endings
of the words, for example, he can, at the same time give grammatical information
2. Psychological Problems
Psychology is the science or the study of the thought processes and behavior of
humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment. Psychological
problems are those problems, which often interfere the emotional or physical
health. These psychological problems may bring negative effect towards student‟s
speaking performance. Over a quarter of a million people in this world have
problems towards their confidence. Self-confidence is knowing that we have the
capacity to something good and being positive thinking. According to Elliot
(1998:29), concept of self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one‟s personal
judgement, ability, power, etc, sometimes manifested excessively. Good self-
confidence comes from a focus on the self (self-consciousness). Lack of self-
confidence can be made-up of several different aspect such as guilty feeling, shy
turned inward, unrealistic expectations of perfection, false sense of humility, fear
of change or making mistake, depression, etc. Depression can actually be a result
of a lack of self confidence.
Lack of self-confidence may bring the students into a threat of believing that they
are not going to be a good English speaker. This lack of self-confidence also
becomes a great problem which affect students‟ speaking performance. It is
difficult for the students to master English speaking if they are not confident with
their own speaking ability.
a. Anxiety
Generally, anxiety refers to a transitory emotional state or condition characterized
by feeling of tension and apprehension and heightened automic nervous system
activity (Spielberger, 1972), a state that can have negative and positive effects,
and which motivates and facilities as well as disrupting cognitive action such as
learning. Rochelle et al (2011) investigated the causes of anxiety in English
language learning of foreign students in the Philippines. It has been found that the
employment of this strategy enables the learners to take charge of their own
learning as this serves as their basic aid to learn other macro skills in the target
language. In this case, the students may end up with nothing to say towards their
interlocutors or the audiences. They may confront certain feelings such as
nervous, anxious, worry, shy, feeling afraid or fear of something worse happen
whether they are trying to speak better. Students themselves have to realize their
own psychological problems and they also have to deal with their own anxiety
states. So the students can speask English better in the future.
b. Shyness
Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at some time when
they are required to speak in English class. This indicates that shyness could be a
source of problem in students‟ learning activities in the classroom especially in
the class of speaking. Therefore, paying attention on this aspect is also quite
important in order to help the students do their best in their speaking performance
in the classroom (Gebhard, 2000). In line with this, Baldwin (2011) further
explains that speaking in front of people is one of the more common phobias that
students encounter and feeling of shyness makes their mind go blank or that they
will forget what to say. This theory is also supported by the result of this research
in which most students fail to perform the speaking performance at their best. As
they say, their inability to show their ability in speaking is also influenced much
by their feeling of shyness. In other words, it can be said that shyness plays an
important role in speaking performance done by the students.

E. Difficulties in Learning Speaking English

Students are lack on English usually because they have low motivation in learning
English. It was carried out by Nauli (2014) that there are three parts of difficulties
in speaking English they are cultural difficulties, English difficulties and
communication problems. According to Syakur (1987 as cited in Nauli 2014)
explained that speaking is complex skill because at least it is concerned with
component of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Like Nuraini (2013)
indicated that the main challenges factor that English teacher faced in teaching, in
this research are academic factors they are students demotivating and low students
basic English ability. English speaking is also not easy for students because they
must study hard if they want fluency and good comprehension to speak therefore
they must learn more about vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and they must
have willingness. Based on Chens‟ research (2009) entitle: A Pilot Study of Some
ROCMA Cadets‟ difficulties in English speaking, students common difficulties
are they did not confident, limited fluency and limit vocabulary.
In addition, Raba‟ah (2005:15) pointed out that there are many factors that cause
difficulties in speaking English. Some of these factors are related to the learners
themselves, the teaching strategies, the curriculum, and the environment. For
example, many learners lack the necessary vocabulary to get their meaning across,
and consequently, they cannot keep the interaction going. Inadequate strategies
competence and communication competence can be another reason as well for not
being able to keep the interaction going.

F. Strategies to Solve Speaking Problems

In the process of learning speaking, of course there are some problems which the
teacher has to solve it. Ur (1991: 121) says that at least there are five ways to
solve the problems of speaking, they are:
a. Use group work
b. Base the activity on easy language
c. Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interest
d. Give some instructions or training in discussion skills
e. Keep students speaking the target language

G. Review of Related Literature

Research about students‟ problems in Speaking English was carried out by the
following researchers:
Research about “A Study on Students‟ Strategies to Overcome Speaking Problems
the Third Semester of English Education Program at Iain Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin
Jambi. The problem faced by students by learning speaking were inhibition, no
thing to say, low or uneven participation. It was because they did not master the
three primary elements of speaking namely, vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation. As a result, many students were not really good in speaking.
Research about “Students Difficulties in English Speaking at Grade State Islamic
Senior High School (MAN) Muara Bulian” which is conducted by Ainul Haq
based on result the writer found there are some difficulties in speaking English.
Firstly, the facilities or equipment not supported in delivering andlearning English
material. Second, the students afraid in making mistake and difficulties in
pronunciation. Finally, students background not supported in learning English
especially, English speaking for conversation.
The next research comes from Putri (2012). The purpose of this study is to
identify the “Students‟ Perception in Speaking Problems Faced by the Third
Semester of „Mandiri‟ Program at Jambi University. Data consists of four
variables of students‟ problems, namely: problem in students‟ linguistics
knowledge, problem in students‟ personality, problem in students‟ motivation and
problem in speaking materials. The researchers analyze data by giving a set
questionnaire and analyze it. In conclusion, the third semester of mandiri program
students have some problems in speaking namely: shyness, vocabulary and
meaning, pronunciation, grammar, motivation, topic, anxiety, attitude and
emotion. Shyness was the dominant problem. The fact that some students were
not confidence to show up themselves. It was suggested to the students to be more
confidence in speaking. Joining the English club to get practice and make fluency
in speaking, making creative method to learn tense and lecture can support the
students to find their own topic in speaking class.
The similar thing between the previous research and this present research in the
focus of speaking. While the differences among of them is in the subject of the
reseach, and this reserach more explain poor in grammar, lack of vocabulary, lack
of pronunciation shyness and anxiety.


A. Design of the research

According to Sugiyono (1991.1) research method are scientific ways to obtain the
data with specific purposes and uses. Scientific ways means that research
activities are based on Scientific characteristic, namely rational empirical and
It is very important to know and use the right method in order to get a good
understanding about the problem being researched. In this research, the researcher
wants to investigate the students‟ problem in learning English speaking at eight
grade in Pondok Pesantren Riyadhul Amien Danau Lamo.
To describe the interaction made between the teacher and the students in the
classroom, the researcher uses descriptive method. About descriptive research,
Allinson et al (1996: 14) state, “Descriptive research sets out to seek accurate and
adequate of activities, objects, processes, and persons”. The descriptive method
applied here deals with verbal description not numerical description.
Qualitative research focuses to the students and teacher behavior and also the
interaction between them in teaching learning process. In qualitative research, as
suggested by Frankel & Wallen (2000: 502), the writer investigates the quality of
relationship, activities, situation, or materials.
Based on statements above, the researcher wants to get some information about
the Students’ problem in English speaking at eight grade of Riyadhul amien
Islamic boarding junior high school muaro jambi

B. Setting Description
1. Setting of the research
This research was taken setting at Students‟ problem of s English peaking at eight
grade of Riyadhul amien Islamic boarding junior high school muaro jambi. Which
has English students. The researcher is conducted at this place for the reason,
because no one of the researcher did the observation in this situation before. It
happens because the location of this school far from city.

2. The subject of the research

The subject of this research is the students‟ of eight grade at Riyadhul amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.
The research focus on students‟ problems in English speaking at Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.

C. Types and Sources of the data

1. Types of data
a) Primary data
Primary data are data that taken directly from the researcher to the source, without
any intermediary. The source in question can be objects, sites, or humans. Data
collection techniques in the context of primary data depend on the type of data
needed (Muhtar, 2007:87) in this research, primary Data is the main data to get
information about students‟ problem in English speaking at eight grade of
Riyadhul amien Islamic boarding junior high school muaro jambi.
b) Secondary data
Secondary data is the data which is supporting of this research. The secondary
data will be collected by doing observation and documentation in the class room.
2. Source of the data
According to the form of the study, the data are descriptive data in the form of
words. Lofland (1984: 47), as quoted by Moleong (2004: 122) says “sumber data
utama dalam penelitian kualitatif ialah kata dan tindakan selebihnya adalah data
tambahan seperti dokumen dan lain lain.”. The data was taken from the Students‟
problem of speaking English at eight grade of Riyadhul amien Islamic boarding
junior high school muaro jambi.
D. Technique of collecting data
In this research, the data are collected using the technique as follow:
1. Observation
In this step, the researcher used observation to known the applying of practicing
English in problems in speaking skill. For collecting this data researchers used
observation nonparticipant. Sugiono (2012:204) stated that the nonparticipant
observation of the research is not involved and only as an independent observers.
The research noted, analyze and then can make conclusions about learning
English. The data will be form of field note.
Field not is a record used by the research to describe the recording of events
occurring in the field. In qualitative research, researcher is the main instrument in
research. At the time, the researcher conduct the research by observing or
conducting the interview, research will be as soon as possible to record all events
in the form of description into the field note. In observation process, the
researcher filled the field note to appear the problem at the research. In this
observation, the researcher observer the learning activity students in the class
because it can support this research in order to find what the students problems in
speaking skill.
2. Interview
Interview is one of the ways that chosen by the researcher collecting the data in
qualitative research. Latief (2015:201) stated that interview is a data gathering
instrument that involves direct verbal interaction between individuals. In addition
interviews are used for researchers to know the things of the respondents more
deeply. This data gathering technique based itself on self-report, or at least in a
person knowledge and beliefs.
In interview, researcher took 5 students at eight grade (class A) students‟ at
Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi. The
researcher chose them in order to represent 25 students at class A eight grade
students‟. Then it also make the time of interview more effective. Here, researcher
used Indonesian because it can prevent the misunderstanding when the interview
is going on.
3. Documentation
Nasution (2002: 85) states that documentation is data in the research that are
obtained from the resources or information through observation and interview,
such as: field note, letters, photo, repots etc. According to Guba and Lincoln
(1981: 232-235) as quoted by Moleong (2004: 167), there are many reasons why
documentation is used in the research why document is used in the research such
as: a document is a stable data, based on context and natural, and relatively cheap
and easy to be collected. In this research, the researcher used the lesson plane,
syllabuses and some data from the English teachers as the guidelines. The
documentation is method to look for data about history, geographical, the
teachers‟ condition, school facilities, and report students that include as sample.
The data will be in form of pictures.

E. Technique of the data analysis

The research used qualitative data, so it will be analyzed by using technique of
analysis descriptive qualitative. The analysis of descriptive qualitative give
predicate to researched variable according to real condition.
a. Data reduction
Sugiono (2016:92) stated that reducing data means summarizing, choosing the
essentials, focusing on the things that matter, looking for the theme and pattern. In
addition in reducing the data, each researcher will be guided by the goal to be
achieve, the main purpose of qualitative research is on finding.
b. Data display
Data display is the second major activity which the researcher should go through,
and this means making the reduced data and displaying it in organized,
compressed way so that conclusion can be easy more drawn. Sugiono (2016:95)
stated that by displaying the data it will make it easy to understand what is
happening, plan the next work based on what has been understood. Performing
data display, besides to narrative text can be also be graphics, matrices, network,
and chart. The presentation of the data in this research was using formal method
based on problem, concept and theoretical framework presented using tables or
graphs to classify the data.
c. Conclusion drawing and verification
Conclusion drawing and verification is the final analytical activity for the
qualitative researcher. Here, researcher begins to decide what things mean.
Researcher attempt to draw conclusion and verifies by searching for the meaning
of each symptom is derives from the field, recording the possible order and
figuration, the causal flow of the phenomena, and preposition.
In one study, data analysis was done on the statement or statement presented by
the informants. This is done in a way. The researcher read the entire transcript of
the interview and describes all the experiences found in the field.
So, the researcher takes a conclusion and verification based on the result from the
research. The researcher takes the conclusion and verification from the field note
observation and students‟ interview, the researcher will compare the data with
some previous studies about the problem in English learning especially speaking
skill at Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.


A. Finding
The Students’ Problems in English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul
Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.
Based on the researchers observation and interview result, the students has the
problems in English learning language, especially in English speaking, because
there are many causes that influences. There are some problems of students in
learning English speaking.
3. Students Linguistics Problem
Linguistics is a scientific study of language such as the study of language
structure (grammar), words, and phonology. In generally linguistics comprises the
detailed of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Linguistics problems are
those problems which make students speaking ability become poor. There are
some linguistics problems that affect someone in speaking, such as poor in
grammar, lack of vocabulary and pronunciation.
a) Poor in Grammar
Based on observation the students feel poor in grammar. Almost all of the
students were in low mastering in English grammar. Sometimes some people
think that in terms of speaking, someone will not think too much about what they
going to say. Actually they will have no time to think, and they have to improvise.
But however, they have to be right in English grammar, because if they made a
mistake in grammar, their teacher will say that they were making mistakes. There
were some grammatical errors there.
But according to the teachers‟ statement, she said that it was not a big problem of
them in the process of learning English speaking; because their material and their
knowledge in grammar would be increase in the next steps of their study in the
next level that going to passed by them. But because of grammar is one of the
English components, so it was still be a problem of speaking English although in
this term the subject matter was the students of
junior high school. But at least they have been studying English grammar, the
simple one of course. The researcher also has checks the material on their books
and there were so many materials about English grammar, such as the simple past
tense, and another material of English grammar.
b) Lack of Vocabulary
In this pattern the problems of students is lack of vocabulary, so they cannot
practice English with their friends. They memorize the vocabulary that only relate
with their lesson at school. They still haven‟t a strong a spirit and effort to master
English language by self. Based on observation, the students were so difficult to
speak by using English even in very simple sentence. There are some problems
that the researcher found during the observation. When the researcher tried to
make a conversation in English with some despondences, they were looked so
difficult to answered questions by questions. When the researcher tried to ask
them about their problem, they answer that they do not knew how to say a word in
English that actually they want to say.
Based on interview with English teacher he said ”kemampuan speakingnya
menurut saya masih kurang disebabkan karena rata-rata anak-anak disini itu masih
kurang menguasai vocabulary” ( observation tanggal obser) He states that
generally the students‟ vocabulary mastering was limited. It was means that most
of them in low ability in English speaking too. Of course that was not only the
duty of themselves but also the big duty for the teacher; especially their English
teacher how to make them got any kinds of vocabularies as much as possible.
c. Lack of Pronunciation
In the interview sessions, some students mentioned that they have problems in
pronouncing some English words. Sometimes they made mistakes of it, even
when they have to repeat what the teacher uttered before, they still in false
pronunciation. It also happened when they tried to read a text in English. They
faced difficulties when they do not know how to pronounce that words. Even if
they were knew how to pronounce it, sometimes they were not believe in
Most of them were afraid if they made a mistake in term of pronouncing the
words. Most of them were lack of confidence to pronounce the word in English
because according to the students‟ explanation before, when they make some
mistakes in pronouncing the English words, automatically their classmates will
laugh them.

4. Students Psychological Problems

Psychology is the science or the study of the thought processes and behavior of
humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment. Psychological
problems are those problems, which often interfere the emotional or physical
health. These psychological problems may bring negative effect towards student‟s
speaking performance. Over a quarter of a million people in this world have
problems towards their confidence. Self-confidence is knowing that we have the
capacity to something good and being positive thinking. There are some
psychological problems that affect someone in speaking, such as anxiety and
a) Anxiety.
When learning English language, especially speaking English don‟t ever afraid
about mistakes is the people want to progress in speaking conversation, but this is
different Eight Grade of Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School
Muaro Jambi, most of them were felt shy, nervous and fear of making mistakes
when they tried to speak English with their friends in the classmate. They were
afraid if the teacher would be angry if they made some mistakes when speaking
b) Shyness
Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at some time when
they are required to speak in English class. This indicates that shyness could be a
source of problem in students‟ learning activities in the classroom especially in
the class of speaking. Therefore, paying attention on this aspect is also quite
important in order to help the students do their best in their speaking performance
in the classroom. In fact, the students of Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior
High School Muaro Jambi are not very confidence and still shy. When they speak
English with friends or teacher they feel they will make mistake and they also feel
afraid of being laughed by their friends.
From the result, it can be conclude that the students have problem in speaking
performance. They are student linguistic problem. In students linguistic most of
students got difficulties in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In students
Psychological, most of students got problem in shy and anxiety.

B. Discussion
In This part present toward the result of the research. The discussion is given
based on the presented finding covering the teaching and learning English process
and the students‟ problems of speaking English
Students’ Problems in English Speaking at Eight Grade of Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi.
1. Students Linguistics Problem
Linguistics is a scientific study of language such as the study of language
structure (grammar), words, and phonology. According to Spolsky & Hult (2008),
generally linguistics comprises the detailed of vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation. Linguistics problems are those problems which make students
speaking ability become poor. There are some linguistics problems that affect
someone in speaking, such as poor in grammar, lack of vocabulary and
a. Poor in Grammar
The first students‟ problem is grammar. Grammar is a study in which sentences
are structured and formatted, so that it may be considered a bit boring to study
correct grammar since it really is worth the time and effort. If learners do not
know the rules of grammar, they will never be able to communicate using English
effectively. According to Celce-murcia (2001s) grammar become difficult because
learners do not learn structures one in a time.
In the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at eight grade the students have problem in speaking English especially
in grammar. The students said that” I have problem in grammar, because
sometime I did not understand how to arrange the words well”. From the
interview with students the researcher can make conclusion most of students have
problem about grammar in English speaking. According to the students
explanation before they do not understand how to make the sentence in English
very well.

b. Lack of Vocabulary
The second vocabulary is an individual word or a set of words which have
specific meaning. Kamil and Hiebert (2005) state that generally, vocabulary is the
knowledge of meanings of words. While in the learning process most of the
students cannot talk a lot because they were not mastering vocabulary.
Vocabulary is the foundation of that all the component English it was the most
important component of English. Because how they can pronounce the words
correctly, how they can speak English grammatically and fluently if they have not
vocabulary in their mind. When the researcher found that they were lack in
vocabulary, it would be automatically they were lack in pronunciation, grammar
and also fluently of speaking.
Based on interview with students at Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior
High School Muaro Jambi the students said “I have a problem in English speaking
in vocabulary. I don‟t get practice English speaking because my vocabulary is
limited”. From the interview with students, the researcher can make conclusion
most of students have problem about vocabulary in English speaking. Vocabulary
refers to the words that speakers used when speaker want to talking. So in this
case, the students have much vocabulary to get successful communication. For
instance when the students talking and then get stuck caused she do not know
what words that they should to say, so the point of communication cannot deliver
to listener. In conclusion, in order to get conversation run well, the speaker should
must much vocabulary.
c. Lack of Pronunciation
English has become a language which connects people all over the world. The
second or foreign language learners are also demanded to speak English naturally
like native speaker. According to Hinkel (2005: 491) a second language learner
needs to master the individual characteristic of the sound of a new language.
Furthermore, it will be good for the students to be able to speak naturally like the
native-speaker itself.
Based on the interview with one of the students with students at Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi, she said: “in my opinion,
pronunciation in English language is very difficult, because sometime the word
and the way to say are different. So, I often made mistake and the listener did not
understand what I say.” From the interview with students above, the researcher
can make conclusion most of students have problem about pronunciation in
English speaking. The students faced difficulties when they do not know how to
pronounce that words. Even if they were knew how to pronounce it, sometimes
they were not believe in themselves.

2. Students Psychological Problems

Psychology is the science or the study of the thought processes and behavior of
humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment. Psychological
problems are those problems, which often interference the emotional or physical
health. These psychological problems may bring negative effect towards student‟s
speaking performance. Over a quarter of a million people in this world have
problems towards their confidence. Self-confidence is knowing that we have the
capacity to something good and being positive thinking. According to Elliot
(1998:29), concept of self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one‟s personal
judgement ability, power, ect, sometimes manifested excessively. Good self-
confidence comes from a focus on the self (self-consciousness).
a. Anxiety
The first students‟ problems in English speaking are anxiety. Generally, anxiety
refers to a transitory emotional state or condition characterized by feeling of
tension and apprehension and heightened automic nervous system activity
(Spielberger, 1972), a state that can have negative and positive effects, and which
motivates and facilities as well as disrupting cognitive action such as learning.
Rochelle et al (2011) investigated the causes of anxiety in English language
learning of foreign students in the Philippines.
Based on the interview with one of the students with students at Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi, she said: “I‟m anxiety if I
made mistake in arranging the words. I‟m anxiety if my pronunciation is bad. I‟m
anxiety if my friends will laugh to me”. From the interview with students above,
the researcher can make conclusion about that situation of course psychologically
gave the negative effect for the students who tried to show themselves up in front
of their friends.

b. Shyness
The second students‟ problems in English speaking are shyness. Shyness is an
emotional thing that many students suffer from at some time when they are
required to speak in English class. This indicates that shyness could be a source of
problem in students‟ learning activities in the classroom especially in the class of
speaking. Therefore, paying attention on this aspect is also quite important in
order to help the students do their best in their speaking performance in the
classroom (Gebhard, 2000). In line with this, Baldwin (2011) further explains that
speaking in front of people is one of the more common phobias that students
encounter and feeling of shyness makes their mind go blank or that they will
forget what to say.
Based on the interview with one of the students with students at Riyadhul Amien
Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi, she said: “shy is made me un-
confidence. I don‟t know why sometimes I felt nervous”. From the interview with
students above, the researcher can make conclusion about that problem. When
they were felt nervous, it would be really possible for them to lose their words in
their mind. Although they were prepared before but when the time to speak was
coming, nervous and un-confidence would also appear.
To get success for the students to speak in English, the English teachers‟ at the
Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi have teach
the students four aspect of speaking when they want to speak. Brown (2001)
stated the four aspect of speaking that students cloud consider in speaking:
a. Grammar
First aspects to get success speak in English is grammar. Grammar is one of the
important language components in learning language.
In the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at Eight Grade. The English teachers teach English speaking to the
students also teach grammar aspects. The English teacher said: “First I give an
example of grammar that have been learned, and then I ask the students‟ to make
a sentences about grammar that have been learned”. ( Ahmad Sulasi 02th
September 2019).
From the interview result, it can include that the English teachers have taught
grammar in learning speaking. The problems come from the students because, the
students felt difficult arrange the word in English and they do not understand
about the grammar well. To get good communication the students must have a
good structure.

b. Vocabulary
Second aspect to get success speak in English is vocabulary. Vocabulary is the
basic language aspects that must be mastered before mastering English skill.
In the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at eight grade. The English teachers‟ also teach vocabulary from
English speaking. The English teacher said “I ask the students to memorize new
vocabulary every learning English”. (Ahmad Sulasi 02th September 2019).
From the interview result, it can include that the English teachers have taught
vocabulary in learning speaking, and the teacher command the students to
memorize the vocabulary in front of the class and in front of the teachers.
c. Pronunciation
Third aspects to get success speak in English pronunciation. Pronunciation refers
to the problem of sounds that we used to make meaning. It includes attention to
the particular sound of a language (segment), aspects of speech beyond to the
level of the individual sound.
In the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at eight grade have taught pronunciation while doing teaching and
learning English speaking process. The English teacher said: “I give a
conversation to students, that I ask students to look for words that students find
difficult to pronounce and write them on the board after that I ask students to
check in the correct way of pronunciation. If they are wrong in their
pronunciation, I will teach them how to pronounce the correct vocabulary”
(Ahmad Sulasi 02th September 2019).
Based on the statement from the students, pronunciation in English is different
between written and pronounce, and they felt difficult in pronunciation the word
like native speaker, it identified that students perceive their lack in speaking is
pronunciation. It happened because, students often influenced by their mother

d. Fluency
The last aspect to get success speaking in English is fluency. Fluency is the area
of language ability which related to the speed and ease with which language
learners performers in one of four core language skills of speaking, listening,
reading and writing. Although the concept of fluency relates to all four language
skills, it tends to be most closely associated with speaking.
In the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at eight grade have taught fluency while doing teaching and learning
English speaking process. The English teacher said: “I ask the students to practice
speaking English every day even with simple sentences”. (Ahmad Sulasi,
September 02th 2019).
From the interview and observation result, the researcher found the students only
speak English when teaching and learning English. Most of students still felt shy,
afraid and afraid making mistake when they try to speak English. When they
make some mistakes in pronouncing the English words, automatically their class
mate will laughed them.
According to the result of the observation and interview which was conducted at
the Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior High School Muaro Jambi
especially at eight grade with English teachers about students‟ problems in
English speaking.
First, most of students poor in grammar, they will never be able to communicate
using English effectively and they do not understand how to make the sentence en
English very well. Second, most of students are lack vocabulary, they cannot
speak in English because, they have limited vocabulary. The third, most of
students are lack pronunciation, they said that speaking English is very difficult
because how to write and how to speak in English is very different. The fourth,
most of students felt afraid, shy, and making mistake. For the students, they are
afraid that their friends will laugh if make some mistakes while speaking English
students do not want to speak English with the correct intonation.


A. Conclusion
Students’ Problems in English speaking at Eight Grade of Islamic Boarding
Junior High School Muaro Jambi
From the finding and discussion, it can be concluded that based on the result, the
students have problem in speaking. The problems consist of grammar,
pronunciation, vocabulary, anxiety and shyness.
a. Grammar
Even though grammar is not a primary goal, grammar is very important in
strengthening structure and improving fluency in language. Almost all of the
students were in low mastering in English grammar. Sometimes some people
think that in terms of speaking, someone will not think too much about what they
going to say.
b. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is important in practice English. Some students mentioned that they
have problems in pronouncing some English words. Sometimes they made
mistakes of it, even when they have to repeat what the teacher uttered before, they
still in false pronunciation and they still dormitory intonation or their style in
speaking English still using Indonesian style.

c. Vocabulary
In this pattern the problems of students is lack of vocabulary, so they cannot
practice English with their friends. They memorize the vocabulary that only relate
with their lesson at school. They still haven‟t a strong a spirit and effort to master
English language by self.
d. Anxiety
When learning English language, especially speaking English don‟t ever afraid
about mistakes is the people want to progress in speaking conversation, but this is
different Eight Grade of Riyadhul Amien Islamic Boarding Junior
High School Muaro Jambi, most of them were felt shy, nervous and fear of
making mistakes when they tried to speak English with their friends in the
classmate. They were afraid if the teacher would be angry if they made some
mistakes when speaking English
e. Shyness
Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at some time when
they are required to speak in English class. This indicates that shyness could be a
source of problem in students‟ learning activities in the classroom especially in
the class of speaking. Therefore, paying attention on this aspect is also quite
important in order to help the students do their best in their speaking performance
in the classroom
In fact, that some students are not confidence to show up themselves. Students
agreed that they have problem in confidence because they are seldom to speak.
So, when they are in speaking class, they choose became the passive class.
B. Suggestion
Based on conclusion above, it is suggested for the students to be more confidence
in speaking. Then, it will be better if the students programs join to the English
club in order their making practice regularly and making theirs speaking fluently
as one of students was pronunciation. Students should study hard and do more
practice in speaking because it is the key to be able to communicate in English,
students should not be shy to express their ideas, and the students should not be
afraid of making mistakes.
It is also suggested for students to study more about English speaking. Then, if
was also suggested to the teacher. A teacher should be giving motivation and
stimulating students' opinion are very important to increase students' attention in
learning English especially speaking. Teacher must be able to make the teaching
and learning process to be fun and not monotonous and the students can enjoy in
learning English language.


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Appendix I: Interview Students

Pedoman Wawancara Siswa

no Questions

1 Apa kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

2 Apa pendapatmu tentang proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris?

3 Apa yang kamu rasakan saat berbicara bahasa Inggris?

4 Apa kamu pernah mencoba berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris didepan kelas?

5 Apa yang sering kamu alami saat praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Menurut kamu apa saja yang menjadi hambatan saat berbicara dikelas saat proses
belajar bahasa Inggris?

7 Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Saat proses belajar bahasa Inggris apakah gurumu pernah memberikan

8 kosa kata baru dan meminta mu untuk menghafalkannya dan di praktekkan didepan
Ketika praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah kamu bisa mengucapkan kata atau
kalimat tersebut dengan benar?

Appendix II: Interview the Teacher

Pedoman Wawancara Guru

No Questions

1 Bagaimana cara anda membiasakan siswa untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

2 Bagaimana interaksi siswa saat proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris?

Menurut anda apa upaya yang baik untuk meningkatkan kemapuan siswa dalam berbicara
bahasa Inggris?

Saat proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang sering dialami siswa dalam
menggunakan bahasa Inggris?
Apakah anda sudah berusaha mengajar bahasa Inggris terutama saat mengajar speaking
5 dengan menggubakan aspek grammar,vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency? Bagaimana

First Interview

interview : Rini Sri Hastuti (Students A)

Status : Students

Location : Class 8 A

Date : September, 02th 2019

Text Interview

R1 :Asslamualaikum, wr.wb? Selamat pagi dek

RH1 :Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R2 :Okay kakak langsung saja ya dek, kakak mau nanya sebernya adek suka
ngak sama pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

RS2 :Suka sih kak, tapi dalam translate, kalau untuk yang lain masih kurang

R3 :Apa yang kamu rasakan saat berbicara bahasa Inggris?

RS3 :Malu kak takut juga

R4 :Kenapa malu dan takut

RS4 :Takut salah kak, dan malu jika ditertawai teman

R5 :Pernah engga mencoba berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dikelas?

RS5 :Pernah kak saat mau ketoilet

R6 :Terus apa lagi

RS6 :Membaca teks

R7 :Berarti pernah ya?

RS7 :Iya pernah

R8 :Nah, selama adek mencoba untuk praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris apa
saja yang menjadi hambatannya?

RS8 :Disaat mau mengucapkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris takut salah

R9 :Selain itu ada lagi gak dek?

RS9 :Malu juga kak

R10 :Malu jika salah gitu ya dek?

RS10 :Iya kak, kalau salah takut ditertawai teman dikelas

R11 :Malu nanti ditertawakan emg pernah ada kejadian seperti ditertawai
teman satu kelas jika salah dek?

RS11 :Iya pernah buk makanya jadi takut nanti tertawakan lagi

R12 :Jadi sekarang tidak pernah mau berbicara bahasa Inggris lagi ya dikelas?

RS12 :Ya kadang-kadang buk, kalau disuruh guru ya baru ngomong

R13 :Berarti nunggu disuruh guru dulu ya baru ngomong ?

RS13 :Iya kak itu pun campur bahasa indonesia

R14 :Nah terus, saat proses belajar bahasa Inggris apakah guru adek pernah
memberikan kosa kata baru dan meminta mu untuk menghafalkannya dan di
praktekkan didepan kelas?

RS14 :Pernah buk, biasanya guru memberikan beberapa kosa kata baru dan
diberi waktu untuk menghafal

R15 :Lalu ngapain lagi setelah hafal dek?

RS15 :Di praktekkan didepan kelas kak, lagu guru mengkoreksi betul atau
tidaknya cara pengucapannya kak

R16 : Apa yang membuat adek enggan untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris?

RS16 : Ya itu kak, susah ngomongnya

R17 :Jadi menurut adek dalam belajar bahasa Inggris susah, takut salah dalam
pengucapan dan malu jika ditetawakan ya dek?

RS17 :Iya kak

R18 :Okay baiklah rini, terimakasih ya sudah menyempatkan diri interview

dengan kakak

RS18 : Iya kak sama-sama


Second Interview

Name : Zashika Maulanisa (Siswa B)

Status : Students

Location : Class 8 A

Date : September, 02th 2019

Text Interview

R1 :Asslamualaikum, wr.wb? Selamat pagi dek

ZM1 :Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb, selamat pagi kk

R2 :Okay kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol sama adek, apa adek bisa?

ZM2 :Iya kak bisa

R3 :Kakak mau nanya sebernya adek suka ngak sama pelajaran bahasa

ZM3 :Suka kak

R4 :Apa pendapat adek tentang proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris?

ZM4 :Seru si kak kalau materinya gak susah

R5 :ohh berarti kalau materinya susah gak seru?

ZM5 :Gak kak

R6 :Nah, selain itu apa adek pernah mencoba berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris
dikelas Sama guru atau sama teman?

ZM6 :Pernah kak, kalau lagi mau ketoilet

R7 :Apa yang sering adek alami saat praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris?

ZM7 :Malu kak, kalau ngomong didepan kelas takut salah

R8 :Menurut adek pribadi apa saja yang menjadi hambatan saat berbicara
bahasa Inggris?

ZM8 :kurangnya kosa kata kak, soalnya saya Cuma hafal beberapa kosa kata
jadi kalau mau ngomong terhambat

R9 :Kenapa bisa begitu dek? Apa gurunya gak pernah meminta kalian untuk
menghafal kosa kata?

ZM9 :Pernah kak, kadang suka lupa kak

R10 :Selain itu, apa yang membuat adek enggan untuk berbicara bahasa

ZM10 :kadang suka ngerasa malu kak, teman-teman juga suka ketawa kalau
misalkan kita ngomongnya salah

R11 : okay baik lah makasih ya dek sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk
ngobrol-ngobrol sama kakak

ZM11 :Iya kak sama-sama


Third Interview

Name : Lena Mardiani (Students C)

Status : Students

Location : Class 8 A

Date : September, 02th 2019

Text Interview

R1 :Asslamualaikum, wr.wb? Selamat pagi dek

LM1 :Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb, selamat pagi kk

R2 :Okay kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol sama adek, tentang pembelajaran

bahasa inggris, apa adek bisa?

LM2 : Iya kak bisa

R3 :Menurut adek pembelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sulit, sedang atau mudah?

LM3 :Gampang-gampang susah kak, tergantung materi yang dipelajari

R4 :Adek sendiri suka ngak sama pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

LM4 :Kadang suka kadang ngak, kalau materinya susah jadi kurang suka kak

R5 :Pernah ngak adek disuruh bicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris sama guru?

LM5 :Pernah kak, misalkan mau izin ke toilet

R6 :Okey, jadi disaat belajar bahasa Inggris apa saja yang membuat adek
enggan untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris?

LM6 :Malu kak takut salah dalam menyusun kata-kata, terus pengucapan bahasa
Inggris saya juga gak bagus, nanti teman-teman ngetawain saya kak

R7 :Selain itu apa masih ada lagi dek?

LM7 :Kadang-kadang suka ngak ngerti kak bagaimana menyusun kata-kata

yang benar

R8 : Pernah gak disuruh sama gurunya untuk menghafal kosakata?

LM8 : Pernah kak, tapi ya kadang lupa lagi kalau gak diulang

R9 : Berarti lupa karna jarang diulang

LM9 : Iya kak

R10 :Ohh gitu, nah terus menurut adek, inginnya belajar bahasa Inggris itu
seperti apa? Misalkan ingin diadakan drama atau puisi bahasa Inggris atau yang
lainnya misalnya?

LM10 :Pengennya si drama kak, bermain peran menggunakan bahasa Inggris

agar terbiasa berbicara bahasa Inggrisnya

R11 :Biar sering menghafal kosa katannya juga ya?

LM11 :Iya kak

R12 :Jadi kesimpulannya kesulitan apa saja yang adek hadapi saat berbicara
bahasa Inggris?

LM12 :Sering salah dalam menyusun kata-kata kak sama pengucapan dan banyak
ngak tau kosa katanya kak

R13 :Okay, jadi itu saja ya dek, terimakasih atas waktunya dek

LM13 : Iya kak sama-sama


Fourth Interview

Name : Indri Aulia (Students D)

Status : Students

Location : Class 8 A

Date : September, 02th 2019

Text Interview

R1 :Asslamualaikum, wr.wb? Selamat pagi dek

IA1 :Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb, selamat pagi kk

R2 :Okay kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol sama adek, apa bisa dek?

IA2 :Iya kak bisa

R3 :Adek suka enggak sama pelajaran bahasa inggris

IA3 :Suka kak cuma ngak terlalu

R4 :Kenapa dek ?

IA4 :Susah dan tidak mengerti kak

R5 :Susah dan tidak mengerti ya, tapi pernah kan berbicara bahasa Inggris
didepan kelas?

IA5 :Iya pernah kak

R6 :Bagaiamana perasaannya saat berbicara bahasa Inggris?

IA6 :Biasa-biasa aja kak

R7 :Berarti tidak ada masalah ya dek dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Misalkan gak bisa ngucapin kata-katanya atau malu

IA7 :Iya malu kak sama teman nanti diterwain, soalnya saya tidak bisa
berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan benar kak masih kurang paham

R8 : Jadi adek sendiri sudah pernah ditertawain teman atau belum dek?

IA8 :Belum pernah si kak, tapi lihat teman yang lain ditertawakan

R9 :Oh jadi karna teman yang lain ditetawakan jika salah akhirnya adek takut
sendiri gitu untuk mencoba?

IA9 :Iya kak begitu

R10 :Nah jadi selain takut salah dalam pengucapan apa masih ada yang lain

IA10 :Saya merasa kesulitan dalam menyusun grammar dan kurang kosa-kata
kak bahasa Inggri, karena kadang-kadang saya tidak mengerti bagaimana
menyusun kata-kata dengan benar dalam bahasa Inggris

R11 :Oh jadi grammar dan kosa kata yang membuat adek enggan untuk
berbicara bahasa Inggris

IA11 :Iya kak

R12 :Terimakasih ya dek atas waktunya untuk kakak

IA12 :Iya kak sama-sama


fifth Interview

Name : Fitri Heni (Students E)

Status : Students

Location : Class 8 A

Date : September, 02th 2019

Text Interview

R1 :Asslamualaikum, wr.wb? Selamat pagi dek

FH1 :Waalaikumsalam, wr.wb, selamat pagi kk

R2 :Okay kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol sama adek tentang English speaking ni

adek bisa?

FH2 :Iya kak bisa

R3 :Menurut adek bahasa Inggris itu penting tidak untuk kita pelajari?

FH3 :Penting kak, karna untuk bisa menambah wawasan

R4 :Kalau penting berarti adek suka belajar bahasa Inggris?

FH4 :Biasa-biasa aja si kak

R5 :Kenapa dek? Apa adek kurang suka belajar bahasa Inggris?

FH5 : Iya kak

R6 :Kenapa begitu dek?

FH6 :Susah di mengertika kak

R7 :Susah untuk dimengerti contohnya gimana dek?

FH7 :Bahasa Inggris tulisan sama bacaannya gak sama kak jadi susah

R8 :Ohh susah ya dek, jadi saat mau bicara bahasa Inggris apa yang adek

FH8 :Malu kalau nanti pas bicara bahasa Inggris salah lagi ngucappinnya

R9 :Pada saat belajar bahasa Inggris Gurunya pernah tidak meminta kalian
untuk menghafal kosa kata baru?

FH9 :Pernah kak, tapi kalau gak sering digunakan suka lupa

R12 :Okay, berarti pengucapan iya yang menjadi hambatan adek untuk
berbicara bahasa Inggris?

FH12 : iya kak

R13 : baiklah terimakasih banyak atas waktunya sudah mau meluangkan sedikit
waktu adek buat kakak. Terimakasih ya dek

FH13 : iya kak sama-sama

Interview with English teacher

Text Interview

Researcher : Assalamualaikum, pak.

Respondent : Waalaikumsalam.

Researcher : Sebelumnya terimakasih telah menyempatkan diri untuk sedikit

berbincang dengan saya, pak.

Respondent : Oh iya.

Researcher : Jadi begini, disini saya sedang melaksanakan penelitian tentang

maslahmasalah yang dihadapi beberapa siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
khususnya dalam English speaking. Menurut bapak, bagaimana kemampuan
speaking siswa disini?

Respondent : Kemampuannya rata-rata masih kurang, masalahnya mungkin

takut salah begitu.

Researcher : Jika masih kurang, pastinya ada penyebab atau ada masalah
disitu. Menurut bapak sendiri, kira-kira masalahnya itu apa sehingga
menyebabkan mereka susah sekali untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Respondent : Kalau menurut saya, intinya mereka tidak menguasai vocabulary.

Kata-kata bahasa Inggrisnya mereka kurang tahu.

Researcher : Kira-kira kalau lingkungan itu berpengaruh atau tidak terhadap

kemampuan speaking siswa pak?

Respondent : Oh pasti, karena tidak ada waktu-waktu tertentu untuk belajar

using English. Tapi disini tahu sendirilah situasinya seperti apa.

Researcher : Iya tadi sempat bertanya kepada beberapa siswa bahwa

masalahnya itu karena mereka merasa takut salah dan takut ditertawakan.

Respondent : Iya, iya.

Researcher : Dari beberapa masalah tersebut, menurut ibu langkah apa yang
mesti dilakukan untuk meminimalisir masalah-masalah tersebut?

Respondent : Kalau keinginan saya, dikelas juga kan kadang saya suka ajak
mereka berbicara bahasa inggris tapi mereka justru tidak tahu artinya dari
kemauan mereka sendiri juga kurang faham bahwa belajar ahasa Inggris itu

Researcher : Berarti kalau untuk mewajibkan siswa untuk berbicara bahasa

Inggris pada jam pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu masih belum mungkin ya pak?

Respondent : Belum. Satu dua katapun mereka masih sulit. Hanya ada satu, dua
atau tiga orang yang bisa.

Researcher : Ya, intinya masih banyak masalah utamanya masalah dari diri
mereka sendiri ya pak.

Respondent : Iya harus ada motivasi untuk diri sendiri.

Researcher : Masih banyak yang harus dibenahi ya pak ya, nah kalau untuk
malu, takut, nervous, itu gimana menurut bapak sendiri?

Respondent : Iya untuk malu, nervous dan segala macam itu sebenarnya sangat
wajar yah. Memang itu karena mereka belum terbiasa untuk berbicara
menggunakan bahasa Inggris

Researcher : Nah di kelas itu ada beberapa siswa yang dominan, sementara
yang lainnya diem aja. Yang aktif berbicara bahasa Inggris tuh yang itu lagi itu
lagi. Gimana itu pak?

Respondent : Iya memang, tidak hanya di kelas VIII-A yah sebenarnya tapi
juga disemua kelas pasti begitu. Pasti ada dua atau tiga orang yang mendominasi
kelas, sementara yang lainnya ya cuma ngikut begitu.

Researcher : Nah itu gimana pak, dibiarkan saja atau biasanya dikasih
treatment seperti apa?

Respondent : Ya saya pasti lebih memotivasi mereka untuk yu sama-sama
belajar bahasa Inggris, belajar berbicara jangan hanya diam dan ngikut gitu yah.
Tapi ya susah, ujung-ujungnya mah itu lagi itu lagi.

Researcher : Itu kenapa bu bisa seperti itu?

Respondent : Mungkin karena memang mereka merasa tidak bisa sehingga

percaya diri mereka pun kecil yah makanya di kelas pun diem saja, sedangkan
yang aktif di kelas itu biasanya mereka yang memang motivasi belajarnya cukup

Researcher : Kira-kira yang paling memancing mereka untuk berbicara bahasa

Ingris itu apa sih pak?

Respondent : Mungkin materi yah, atu juga cara penyampaian materi.

Researcher : Terakhir nih pak, apakah bapak sudah berusaha mengajar bahasa
Inggris terutama saat mengajar speaking dengan menggunakan aspek-aspek
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, dan fluency?

Respondent : kalau untuk itu saya sudah berusaha menggunakannya. Seperti

grammar saat belajar tentang grammar atau menyusun kalimat, pertama saya
memberikan mereka contoh bagaimana contoh menyusun kalimat grammar yang
benar, setelah itu baru saya meminta mereka membuat kembali kalimat pendek
seperti yang barusan saya ajarkan. Trus kalau masalah vocabulary, saya sudah
mencoba memberikan beberapa kosa kata baru untuk mereka hafalkan dan saya
beri merekka waktu untuk menghafal lalu disetor lagi hasil hafalannya. Nah untuk
pronunciation dan fluency pasti karna pengucapan dan kelancaran kan saling
bersangkutan jadi saya mengajarkan mereka bagaimana cara pengucapan yang
benar dalam bahasa Inggris kemudian saya meminta mereka praktek berbicara
bahasa Inggris tersebut.

Researcher : berarti kembali lagi ke siswanya ya pak ya bagaimana cara

mereka menerima pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tersebut

Respondent : iya betul.

Researcher : Baiklah pak, terimaksasih banyak atas informasi-informasi yang

sangat membantu pak

Respondent : Iya sama-sama .

Researcher : Terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya pak, sudah diijinkan

observasi dikelas bapak, dan sebagainya. Mohon maaf sudah banyak merpotkan.

Respondent : Engga, saya juga sama pernah kuliah pernah juga ada diposisi
adek sekarang.

Researcher : Kalau begitu terimasih pak, selamat siang. Assalamu‟alaikum.

Respondent : Sama-sama, wa‟alaikumsalam.

Appendix III : Field Note Observation

Date: September,05th,9th,12th 2019

Place: Class 8 A


Almost all of the students were in low

Students poor in grammar mastering in English grammar.
Sometimes some people think that in
terms of speaking, someone will not think
too much about what they going to say.

The students were so difficult to speak by

Students lack of vocabulary using English even in very simple
sentence. The students did not knew how
to say the words in English that actually
they want to say.

Students lack of pronunciation

Most of them were afraid if they made a
mistake in term of pronouncing the words.
Most of them were lack of confidence to
pronounce the word in English.

Most of them were felt shy, nervous and

fear of making mistakes when they tried
to speak English with their friends in the
classmate. They were afraid if the teacher
would be angry if they made some
mistakes when speaking English.

The students were so difficult to speak

English because, when they speak English
with friends or teacher they felt they will
make mistake and they also felt afraid of
being laughed by their friends.

Appendix IV : Documentation Pictures


Name : Tasmia

Gender : Female

Birthday : Muaro Jambi, November 12th , 1996

Address : Jl. Candi Muaro Jambi, Rt. 04, Desa Muaro Jambi,
Kec. Maro sebo, Kab. Muaro Jambi.

Email : miatasmia110@gmail.com

Contact Person : 0852-5467-9378

Education Background :

No Education Place Graduated Year

1 SDN 41/IX Muaro Jambi Muaro Jambi 2009
2 SMPN 34 Muaro Jambi Muaro Jambi 2012
3 MAS Al-Hidayah Sebapo Sebapo 2015
4 The State Islamic University
Jambi 2019
Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Jambi, August 2019


TE. 151634


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