MTH5120 Exam 2017

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Main Examination period 2017

MTH5120: Statistical Modelling I

Duration: 2 hours

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Examiners: L I Pettit, A Gnedin

c Queen Mary, University of London (2017) Turn Over
Page 2 MTH5120 (2017)

Question 1. [23 marks]

The following table gives the age in years (x) and total cholesterol level in mg/ml
(y) for 19 patients suffering from hyperlipoproteinaemia.

x y x y x y x y
46 3.5 20 1.9 52 4.0 30 2.7
57 4.5 25 3.0 28 2.9 36 3.8
22 2.1 43 3.8 57 4.1 33 3.0
22 2.5 63 4.6 40 3.2 48 4.2
28 2.3 49 4.0 52 4.3
Summary statistics for these data are xi = 751, yi = 64.4, Sxx = 3306.74,
Sxy = 192.705, Syy = 12.698.

(a) The data are expected to be linearly related and the simple linear regression
yi = α + β(xi − x̄) + εi i = 1, 2, . . . , n
is to be fitted. What assumptions are usually made about the errors (εi )? [4]

(b) Derive the least squares estimators of α and β by minimising a suitable

function. Check that your solution does give a minimum. [10]

(c) Hence find the equation of the fitted model for the cholesterol data. [4]

(d) State the form of the 95% confidence interval for β. Find the numerical
estimate of this interval. [5]

Question 2. [19 marks]

To investigate the effect of dose of a drug on a response, twenty patients were
allocated at random to one of four doses (1,5,9,13mg) so that five patients received
each dose. A simple linear regression model of response was fitted.

(a) Copy and complete the following Analysis of Variance table. [11]

(b) What two hypotheses can be tested? [2]

(c) Carry out these tests using a 1% significance level and make clear your
conclusions. [6]

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS VR
Regression 1 1387.6
Residual Error
Lack of Fit 33.2
Pure Error
Total 19 1454.8

c Queen Mary, University of London (2017)
MTH5120 (2017) Page 3

Question 3. [35 marks]

Data were collected from 17 US Navy hospitals. The variables measured were x1,
average daily patient load, x2, X-rays taken per month, x3, occupied bed days per
month, x4, eligible population in thousands, x5, average length of stay in days, and
Y the staff hours per month.

(a) The data were entered into Minitab and the best subsets regression procedure
carried out. The output is shown below.

Best Subsets Regression: y versus x1, x2, x3, x4, x5

Response is y

Mallows x x x x x
Vars R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Cp S 1 2 3 4 5
1 97.2 97.0 20.4 957.86 X
1 97.1 97.0 21.2 969.53 X
2 98.7 98.5 4.9 685.17 X X
2 98.6 98.4 5.7 700.42 X X
3 99.0 98.8 2.9 614.78 X X X
3 98.9 98.7 3.7 634.99 X X X
4 99.1 98.8 4.0 615.49 X X X X
4 99.1 98.7 4.3 622.09 X X X X
5 99.1 98.7 6.0 642.09 X X X X X

(i) Define the four statistics given in the table: R2 , R2 (adj), Mallows Cp
and S. [4]
(ii) Based on these statistics say which model you would choose for these
data and justify your choice. [8]
(iii) In what way is R2 (adj) an improvement on R2 ? [3]

(b) The Minitab session output for the model with regressors x2, x3 and x5 is
given below.

The regression equation is

y = 1523 + 0.0530 x2 + 0.978 x3 - 321 x5

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF

Constant 1523.4 786.9 1.94 0.075
x2 0.05299 0.02009 2.64 0.021 7.737
x3 0.9785 0.1052 9.31 0.000 11.269
x5 -321.0 153.2 -2.10 0.056 2.493

S = 614.779 R-Sq = 99.0% R-Sq(adj) = 98.8%

c Queen Mary, University of London (2017) Turn Over
Page 4 MTH5120 (2017)

(i) What is meant by multicollinearity? What problems can it cause. [6]

(ii) Define the variance inflation factor (VIF). [3]
(iii) Why do we calculate variance inflation factors? [2]
(iv) Comment on the sizes of the variance inflation factors in this example. [3]

(c) The following normal plot and test of the standardised residuals was

(i) Comment on what this tells us about the assumption of normally

distributed errors. [3]
(ii) Name one other plot you would like to see to assess if the model is
fitting well. Explain what it would tell you. [3]

c Queen Mary, University of London (2017)
MTH5120 (2017) Page 5

Question 4. [23 marks]

(a) For the general linear model Y = Xβ + ε where ε is a vector of errors

assumed to be uncorrelated with zero mean and constant variance σ 2 , state
the formula for the least squares estimator β̂. [1]

(b) Prove that the expectation of β̂ is β. [4]

(c) Derive a formula for the variance-covariance matrix of β̂, quoting any
necessary results. [6]

(d) (i) Define the hat matrix H. [1]

(ii) Show that the vector of fitted values is given by HY . [2]

(e) Show that HH = H. [3]

(f) Express the model

Yi = β0 + β1 xi + β2 x2i + εi i = 1, 2, . . . , n

where the εi have mean zero, variance σ 2 and are uncorrelated, as a general
linear model by writing down the vectors Y and β and the matrix X. [6]

End of Paper.

c Queen Mary, University of London (2017)

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