2019 Fin Econ

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 The paper has six (6) questions

 Choose any four (4) questions
 Each question carries 25 marks
 The artificial and natural persons in this paper are intended to be fictitious


 Statistical tables

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Question One

a) A financial econometrician estimates the following model for stock market

returns, which is as follows:
Y t = 0.638+ 0.402X 2 t −0.891X 3t , R 2 = 0.96, Adjusted R 2 = 0.89

(0 .436) (0.291) (0.763)

He thinks that there may be a problem with the model.
i) By calculating the t-ratios, and considering their significance and
simultaneously examining the value of R 2 or otherwise, suggest what
the problem might be. [5]
ii) How might you go about solving the perceived problem? [4]
b) A fellow financial engineering student suspects that the residuals of her model
might be autocorrelated. Explain the steps involved in testing this theory using
the Durbin–Watson (DW) test. [5]

c) In each of the models below, show how it is possible to apply ordinary least
squares estimation method.

i. Yt  AX t e ut [3]

ii. Yt     ut [3]

d) Distinguish between Type I and Type II errors in hypothesis testing. [5]

Question Two

a) Consider a bivariate relationship between an organisation’s advertising

expenditure and its sales revenue.

i. Show a sketch of the scatter diagram that likely represents this

relationship. [1]

ii. Superimpose a straight line that best generalises the bivariate

relationship. [1]

iii. Write the regression equation that fits the generalisation in (ii) above.

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iv. Derive estimators of the two unknown parameters of the regression

equation in (iii) above. [9]

b) You have estimated the following ARMA(1,1) model for some time series data
y t = 0.036+0.69y t 1 +0.42u t 1 +u t . Suppose that you have data for time t−1,

i.e. you know that y t 1 = 3.4, and ˆ u t 1 =−1.3

i) Obtain forecasts for the series y for times t, t+1, and t+2 using the
estimated ARMA model. [6]

ii) If the actual values for the series turned out to be −0.032, 0.961, 0.203
for t, t+1, t+2, calculate the out-of-sample mean squared error.

Question Three

a) Show why the Durbin Watson test statistic is 0≤ DW ≤4. [4]

b) If estimators determined by Ordinary Least Squares method have a number of
desirable properties, then they are known as BLUE. Discuss. [6]
c) Outline how you would conduct the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for
heteroscedasticity. [4]
d) Consider the following autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation coefficients
estimated using 500 observations for a weakly stationary series, y t :

Lag acf pacf

1 0.307 0.307
2 −0.013 0.264
3 0.086 0.147
4 0.031 0.086
5 −0.197 0.049

i. Determine which, if any, of the acf and pacf coefficients are significant
at the 5% level. [5]

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ii. Use both the Box–Pierce and Ljung–Box statistics to test the joint null
hypothesis that the first five autocorrelation coefficients are jointly zero.
Question Four

a) Explain, with the use of equations or mathematical notation, the following

i. Autoregressive. [3]
ii. Moving Average. [3]
iii. Autoregressive Moving Average. [3]
b) A monthly model of asset returns had been estimated for 2000 to 2015 and
the residuals plotted. The Jarque-Bera test has also been conducted on the
residuals and the normality assumption has been rejected. From the plot of
the residuals it has been observed that a large outlier is present for December
2010. Illustrate how error normality can be improved in this circumstance. [7]

c) Consider an estimated function Y = 20.3 + 0.5091X

(14.38) (0.2561)

Given that T=22 and using the 5% level of significance, test the hypothesis
that the slope of this function is equal to 1 against a two sided alternative
using both the test of significance and the confidence interval approach. [9]

Question Five

a) With the aid of technical notations, explain the following time series concepts:

i. Strictly stationary process [3]

ii. Weakly stationary process [3]
iii. White noise process [3]
b) Justify use of univariate time series models as opposed to structural models in
financial and economic modelling. [4]
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c) Explain the consequence of dropping the intercept term in any regression
model. [2]

d) Describe the few circumstances under which regression could be forced to be

done through the origin. [3]

e) Suppose that it is now January 1993. Consider the following regression for the
standard CAPM β for the returns on a stock
rgt    rMt   t

where rgt and rMt are excess returns on Glaxo shares and on a market

portfolio, respectively. Suppose that you are interested in estimating beta

using monthly data from 1981 to 1992, to aid a stock selection decision.
Another researcher expresses concern that the October 1987 stock market
crash fundamentally altered the risk–return relationship. Given that the model
for each sub-period is:

rgt  0.24  1.2rMt , T=82 and RSS 1 =0.03555


rgt  0.68  1.53rMt , T=62 and RSS 2 =0.00336


r gt  0.39  1.37rMt , T=144 and RSS=0.0434

Test the above conjecture using a Chow test of parameter stability. [7]

Question Six

a) Use the standardised third and fourth moments of a distribution to

diagrammatically illustrate the distinction between a mesokurtic, leptokurtic
and platykurtic distributions. [6]
b) Illustrate the distinction between recursive and rolling window forecasts. [4]

c) Distinguish between the population and the sample regression function. [3]

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d) Given that the price of an asset follows a Moving Average (MA) process of the
following form: Pr icet    1 t 1   2 t 2   3 t 3   t

Show that f t , 4   [6]

e) The following is an output for tests on residuals from testing whether inflation
was indeed a monetary phenomenon in Zimbabwe between 1975 and 2005.

Comment on whether the residuals from this test were normally distributed or
not. [6]


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