Air Hygiene and Management: Climate Vs Weather
Air Hygiene and Management: Climate Vs Weather
Air Hygiene and Management: Climate Vs Weather
Mobile sources:
• Mobile sources: The most important mobile sources are vehicles
and off-road equipment (such as boats, airplanes, lawn mowers, leaf
blowers, and other agricultural and construction equipment).
• The gases usually contain the following:• Carbon Monoxide (CO),
• Particulate Matter (PM),
• Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2),
• Ozone (O3)
• and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).
Source of nitrogen dioxide
Nitrogen dioxide forms when fuel is burned at high temperatures,
and come principally from motor vehicle exhaust and stationary
sources such as electric utilities and industrial boilers.
• It is a strong oxidizing agent that reacts in the air to form corrosive
nitric acid, as well as toxic organic nitrates.
• It also plays a major role in the atmospheric reactions that produce
ground-level ozone (or smog).
Source of sulfur dioxide and effect
• About 99% of the sulfur dioxide in air comes from human sources.
• The main source of sulfur dioxide in the air is industrial activity that
processes materials that contain sulfur, eg the generation of
electricity from coal, oil or gas that contains sulfur.
• Some mineral ores also contain sulfur, and sulfur dioxide is
released when they are processed. In addition, industrial activities
that burn fossil fuels containing sulfur can be important sources of
sulfur dioxide
• Sulfur dioxide affects human health when it is breathed in. It
irritates the nose, throat, and airways to cause coughing, wheezing,
shortness of breath, or a tight feeling around the chest. The effects
of sulfur dioxide are felt very quickly and most people would feel the
worst symptoms in 10 or 15 minutes after breathing it in.
Outdoor air pollution - caused deaths:
WHO reports that in 2012 around 7 million people died - one in eight
of total global deaths – as a result of air pollution exposure
• Main causes of death are:
• 40% ischaemic heart disease;
• 40% stroke;
• 11% chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);• 6% lung
cancer; and
• 3% acute lower respiratory infections in children.