A Lotus Birth: By, Jenny Hatch
A Lotus Birth: By, Jenny Hatch
A Lotus Birth: By, Jenny Hatch
A Lotus Birth
By, Jenny Hatch
Jenny Hatch's Pregnancy Journal
Written exclusively for the Birthlove.com website
during my fifth pregnancy. The pregnancy journal of
my fifth birth contains my story of a healing, wonderful
Unassisted Lotus birth.
broken bone heals strongest where the break was. The cut
and torn skin heals thickest where the scar forms. And our
damaged souls heal stronger than ever once we are set free
from the bondage that has overtaken our minds and bodies.
Women who carry the battle scars from waging war
with the medical profession are the strongest and most
powerful beings on the planet. They have engaged in these
battles during their most vulnerable moments in life-when
the fierce protectiveness that keeps our babies safe is most
heightened – and yet – we have been lied to and our very
natures have been betrayed as we were informed that in
order for our children to live we must be cut and drugged
and sewn back together. Even as we allowed the liars to
take over our minds and submitted to the horror waiting in
cold, sterile rooms, our inner souls screamed, "Lies, Lies,
Lies" and we knew, under the layers of deception, the truth
about birth. We have experienced the worst that the world
has to offer mothers, and it is up to us to heal birth for
ourselves and for our posterity.
I would like to finish this first entry with the scripture
that is the theme for my current pregnancy. I am a
Mormon, and this scripture is a paraphrased chapter from
The Book of Mormon, Another testament of Jesus Christ. I
have put together several verses from Moroni Chapter
seven – and I read them every night before bed. I hope and
pray that these words give you the courage and strength I
enjoy each time I read and ponder them.
"And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these
words unto our fathers saying: Whatsoever thing
ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 8
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
Crack up whole organic Kamut, about 1 cup, (I
have a hand crank oatmeal maker, but this can
also be blended in a regular blender, or crushed
with rocks if you want the authentic experience!)
I hard boil a tablespoon of whole flax seeds with
a generous tablespoon of sea salt in a pan of
water (quart of water) for twenty minutes, turn
down the heat to low and add in the cracked
kamut. I let it slow cook for about an hour. Then
I put it in a bowl with a huge dollop of fresh
organic butter and some brown sugar. I think this
is one of the best baby and breast milk making
foods we can eat!!!
I have noticed my children are much happier when
they have a little structure. The weeks we have "taken a
break" from our regular schedule, they tend to fight more,
get on my nerves, and the house is messier because they
have so many hours in the day for "free play". Our school
schedule keeps them organized and focused. Here is a
typical school day.
We wake up between 7:00-7:30. Paul gathers the
children around the kitchen table. He teaches history for
one hour. This week he has focused on the history of
music. He brought home some great tapes from the library
and has been using them to teach the children the different
Andrew's Birth
Andrew in Kindergarten
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 39
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
Ceremonial grooming
leave the husband more tired and sore than his wife. This
was certainly the case with Jeff’s labor of Love.
During transition, which went on and on and on, and I
had to face so many demons in my mind: fear of c-section,
fear of psychosis, fear of depression, fear of what my
doctor thought of me as I had just fired her…all these
fears…Paul asked me what I wanted him to do, as I was
just standing in the shower crying. I asked, "Will you pray
with me and sing to me?" He said a prayer for us, and then
he started to sing primary songs. "I am a child of God, and
he has sent me here". As he sang to me during that darkest
of moments, I felt a spirit of light and love enter into my
heart and into the room. He sang for about an hour, gently,
sweetly, right into my ear, while the shower water beat on
my back and I cried. We still had five hours to go with that
birth, but that was the darkest moment and he "coached"
me through it without losing his head and getting lost in his
He quietly left the bathroom soon after this and when I
came out he was literally passed out on the floor. He had
been up for three nights straight– working just as hard as
me. I also went to my bed and fell asleep for an hour and
we were blessed with a nurse, who when she came in and
saw us asleep, quietly left. That birth was our VBAC
triumph and even though it was one of the most difficult
experiences of my life, we did it together and it made our
marriage stronger. Our Bradley training and background
was directly responsible for it being successful.
Before Paul and the kids went to church yesterday,
they filled up the birth pool in my bedroom and I took a
short nap, and then got into the water. As I went through
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 85
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
Ben cried for the first time in the minutes after the cord
Paul and I were talking a few days after the birth, and
he said that while he was grateful everything went so well,
he wished their was some happy medium between medwife
and complete unassisted birthing. I told him that we had the
perfect medium in the form of our God, and I reminded him
of what happened right after the birth. Perhaps because he
didn't feel the miracle in his own body, he is not as aware
as me of how profound a healing that was for me. But it
was real and good, and I want to thank my Lord and Savior
in a public way for giving me every answer to every prayer
offered during this whole process.
I realized the other day that I was waiting for the other
shoe to drop. We have been so conditioned to "bad things"
happening around our births, I was sort of waiting for
something to happen to mar the beauty and perfection of
this experience. I went to church for the first time yesterday
and as I felt the loving acceptance and joy from my ward
family, I realized that part of this healing that has taken
place for Paul and I has been for our fellow travelers in
Christ to accept us and our lifestyle in a very real way. Not
once has anyone expressed rejection towards us and our
birth, just curiosity and joy. I have even felt a fierce
protectiveness from certain friends, which has been
amazing to feel. Especially since one of these friends is an
older lady who works as a social worker!!! She saw Ben's
cord all black and still attached at day three when she came
over to help out with home care, and was simply curious
about it, nothing weird. I shared a simple article on lotus
birth from the mother magazine with her and that was it!
Is it possible that our tragic adventures with parenting
are over and any more children we might bring into the
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 111
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
world will just come gently and easily the way they were
meant too? It is a nice thing to think about, and
I hope to share other insights from our birth in the
coming weeks, I don't have time right now.
The Freedom to Fail and Thoughts on Death…
Journal entry 13 – Saturday December 21, 2002
Here we are at eight weeks post partum. Ben has been
a joy and we are anticipating happy Christmas and New
Year's celebrations. With the success of our beautiful
unassisted birth, I have been thinking much of past failures.
We have had many failures in our married life. We have
had blunders of misjudgment, looking beyond the mark,
and attempting to run faster than we had strength. A few
specific problems that come to mind are overwhelming
debt, a seven year old that had not been taught to read, who
was being persecuted by peers for her deficiencies, and of
course, our botched unassisted birth in 1996.
We have had some people criticize and judge us for
these failures and it has been difficult to bear the load of
shame and guilt, especially regarding those that pertain to
our children.
I would like to comment on failure….
experienced five days of his own fight. For him, the fears
swirled around his issues with the powers that be. We had
an unassisted birth six years before that resulted in a
transfer to the hospital.
The most critical post birth complications are Baby
not breathing and Mom bleeding. With this birth we had
both problems crop up, and decided to call 911 for
assistance. I am grateful for the help we had after our birth,
and for the learning that resulted from not having things go
well. Had everything gone perfectly, we would have missed
a great opportunity these past six years, the opportunity to
learn more. I did much research on bleeding issues and
Paul took an infant CPR class. These efforts comforted us
and helped us to feel more prepared this time around.
Even with these preparations and our deep religious faith,
the five days before Benjamin's birth was a time of trial.
Our faith in natural childbirth and unassisted birth in
particular was put to the test.
After the birth Paul said he thought those five days
were for him, to battle it out in his mind. To determine the
type of life we were going to live, and whether or not we
would cave to the pressure- mostly internal pressure (but
based upon a fearful reality) to conform to society and live
a mainstream life. Or if we were going to overcome our
fears of being labeled and/or prosecuted as "medical
neglecters" by doctors and social workers and live the life
we have felt guided to with home birth, home school and
what I term "Family Sovereignty" as the ideal for our
Happily our battle resulted in a perfect outcome on all
levels; emotionally, spiritually, and even though I had a
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C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
stops and starts. We sang and prayed together and all went
to bed excited, but willing to wait.
The next day, I again had a long period of pre-labor
that lasted for hours. I passed more mucous plug and felt
the contractions really getting strong. It had been a full
moon that night and I enjoyed watching the moon go down
out of my west facing bedroom window as I contracted in
the birth pool during the early morning hours of Monday. I
heard the children start to wake up and felt things slow
down and then I fell asleep in the water. When I woke up
everything had stopped.
That day I went about my normal routine but Paul
decided to work from home. He ended up working from
home all week. This was one of the happiest weeks we
have ever had. We decided to let the children take the week
off from schoolwork and spent hours playing at the park,
walking, and cooking/eating together. On Monday night I
walked to my exercise class and as soon as I sat down on
my mat, my water broke. It was all over my pants and the
mat, and I decided to go home. Once home, I again felt
excitement/nervousness that my baby would mostly likely
come soon. None of my previous labors had started with
the water breaking and so this was new for us.
I was surprised how much fluid spilled out of me over
the next 72 hours. It was a lightly tinged green color and
smelled alive, like a fresh rain on autumn leaves. I noticed
that each time I ate, drank, or walked the fluid came out in
a gush. I used cloth diapers to catch it and was really
surprised that my body could leak so much without going
into labor. I mourned the loss of my water birth. With the
membranes ruptured and water leaking all over the place I
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C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
was the hymn that I had chosen to be the theme of our 2001
Unassisted Childbirth conference….
father jumping for JOY when the baby is safely born. Paul
did and it is my favorite memory of the birth.
I passed the placenta within fifteen minutes with a
large plop, and then bled a little. We used prayer and
blessings during this time to help with my pain and various
post birth symptoms. The children started to wake up, and
one by one they came into our bedroom. We took many
pictures and had a joyful three hours bonding with our 9
and 1/2 pound boy. Then the children all went back to bed
and Paul and I fell asleep on our bed with Benjamin nestled
on his chest.After our wedding day, this day was the
happiest, most fulfilling day of our life!
Cooked Cereal
Boil 4 C. Water with
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Flax Seeds
Add in 1/2 cup cracked cereal (any kind will do)
Lower heat and let cook for 1/2 hour
Add in 1 tbs butter and sweetener of choice
Mother's Milk
Boil 2 1/2 C Water with
2 Cinnamon sticks
4 Cardamon pods
1 tsp Nutmeg
4 Cloves
2 tsp ginger or fresh diced ginger
5 Peppercorns
Hard boil for 10 minutes
Add 4 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp Tumeric
Bring to a boil, then turn off heat
Add sweetener – honey, sugar, maple syrup etc…
a desire to just toss them out the window. The fact that all
of my children lived through that new baby time is
evidence that I never acted on those thoughts. But the
mothering world and the Oprah audience were done a great
disservice when on her post partum psychosis show Oprah
made the case that women who had those homicidal
thoughts were psychotic and needed psychiatric care. I
would say that almost ALL women I have talked to over
the years in a heart to heart fashion who have shared with
me their struggles during that sleep deprived time have
claimed that they had moments of wanting to hurt the baby.
True psychosis is differentiated by a complete break with
reality, In which the mother does not know she is crazy,
and it generally takes on a religious tone, whether or not the
women is religious. I was saddened to think how many
women may have run to the psyche profession to have their
heads shrunk after watching that show simply because
during the overwhelm of new mothering they struggled
with those thoughts.
Before I had Benjamin, I believed that the struggle I
had with my thoughts, particularly after my last unassisted
birth, which was overwhelming homicidal thoughts
towards my son Andrew, was largely because he was taken
away from me right after the birth and I was not able to
breastfeed and bond with him for 28 hours. Imagine my
surprise when after my empowered beautiful homebirth
with Ben, after a couple weeks with little sleep and still
recovering from the birth I had a thought of wanting to
drop him. I started to cry when this thought came into my
head, mostly because my theory was smashed to bits. It was
then that I decided that no matter how your birth goes, and
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 140
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A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
them we were not going to cut him away until it fell off
naturally. The complaints were mostly lighthearted joking,
but I could tell they were getting annoyed with having to be
so conscious of the placenta when they picked up Ben. I
feel this is one of the most important reasons to leave the
cord attached. The whole family is forced to treat the baby
more gently, and more carefully with the placenta to think
of, and it encourages the family to be aware of the true
needs of the baby.
I had a friend from church come over when Ben was three
days old to help my children get ready for church. She
came up to my bedroom while I was in the bathroom and
saw Allison reading Ben a story with the cord hanging out
of the blanket. I had been concerned about anyone seeing
the cord, or coming into my bedroom without me being
able to cover it up, but as she came while I was in the
bathroom, I didn’t have time to do damage control. She
asked Allison what that black thing was coming out of the
blanket and Ally said it was his cord. She didn’t say
anything to me except “hi” and went downstairs to make
the children breakfast. Fortunately I had a copy of The
Mother Magazine in my bedroom, which had the excellent
article written by Sarah Buckley on Lotus Birth. It
contained pictures and had a wonderful text that was a nice
description of lotus birthing. I asked Allison to take the
magazine down to my friend and let her read the article.
She told me later that she appreciated reading the
article, as it helped her to understand what we were doing.
I recommend anyone planning a lotus to have something
like this on hand to share with curious family and friends, it
was a real help during a vulnerable time. I didn’t have too
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 144
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
many friends over during those six days, and most knew of
the Lotus, but this one friend is more main stream and also
works for social services, and so I was a little concerned
about her take on things.
As the time drew near for the cord to fall off, I could
see that it was literally hanging by a thread that final day.
Ben was enjoying a newborn massage and caught his foot
on the cord and was kicking his legs really fast. I thought
for sure that would cause the cord to break, but it stayed
connected for a few more hours. Later in the day, I was
getting ready to change him when I noticed that it had
detached. I called out to the family that Ben’s cord was off
and everyone came running to see. We all were talking and
laughing and it was a joyous occasion. Everyone wanted to
hold him without the cord attached and I asked Paul to take
the placenta and put it in a Ziploc baggie in the freezer until
I could do something with it.
Before I put it in the freezer, I cut a two inch piece of
the placenta off with a knife and put it in a bottle of
essential oils. It was the same bottle of Dream Catcher
blend from Young Living that Jeannine had anointed my
feet with at my blessing way. I shoved the piece into the
bottle, and sniff it occasionally when I feel weepy or sad.
Once Paul tried to put some dream catcher on, and realized
the placenta piece was in the bottle and he was upset to
have that scent on him – it is very strong. But I just leave it
in the bottle as my own medicine – powerful hormones to
help me when I am sad.
The feelings of loss that come to a mother once she
gives birth, and watches her baby quickly grow and change
are so horrible, any help is good to manage those feelings.
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 145
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”
A Lotus Birth Jenny Marie Hatch PhD MH 150
C Louisville Colorado 2003 All rights reserved
A Lotus Birth
www.naturalfamilyco.com “Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!”