How To Choose The Sex of Your Baby: Female in Left Side, Male in Right Side
How To Choose The Sex of Your Baby: Female in Left Side, Male in Right Side
How To Choose The Sex of Your Baby: Female in Left Side, Male in Right Side
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Cervical Mucus (CM) LH Ovulation Test Kit
2-4 days before suspected day of ovulation Avoid intercourse at peak mucus level
Intercourse to coincide with ovulation (12 hours before ovulation) (use basal body temperature, cervical mucus) Intercourse on day of definite temperature dip or if not sure of temperature dip, following morning after dip Intercourse when shift from peak mucus to thicker, cloudier mucus occurs Intercourse as close as possible to ovulation (before ovulation)
No condoms Intercourse daily from cessation of menses to cut off day, then no intercourse 2-3 days after ovulation; then use condoms
No intercourse 4-5 days before ovulation; prior to that, use condom Use a condom for all intercourse before and after timed intercourse
The most important aspect of all is timing of intercourse during the monthly cycle.
If you have sex 3 days or more before ovulation, the better your chances to conceive a girl, because the weaker ysperms tend to die sooner and the x-sperms will be available in greater quantity whenever the egg is released.
The closer to ovulation you have sex, the better the chances to have a boy, because the ysperms are faster and tend to get to the egg first.
Scrotal temperature
for a girl, the man is supposed to take a hot bath immediately before intercourse
"Keep it cool" No jockey shorts, no hot tubs No scuba diving Work conditions: avoid furnace rooms, heated vehicles for long durations (cabs, trucks "Room temperature" is fine for a boy)
Man underwear
wearing boxers to increase overall fertility -the testicles need cooler temperatures for sperms to survive, and the Ysperms, since they are weaker, will be helped more than the X-sperms by this method.
Men and women shall avoid any highcaffeinated food or drink for long-term use .
Coffee (a few cups of strong caffeinated coffee 30 minutes before intercourse For husband
According to some stories, being relaxed when you conceive means you'll have a girl;
At afternoon Moon is quarter Odd days of month Acidic douche before At relaxed atmosphere Woman initiate sex make love with woman on top decorate your nursery with pink coitus every day
At night Moon is full Even days of month Alkaline douche before At worried atmosphere Woman sleep on left after Make love standing up . . . . .. .. .. .. . Coitus every other day
Acidic factor Alkaline factor White vinegar at 2 Baking soda douche 2.5 days before prior to intercourse ovulation since it will kill the weaker y-sperms first, leaving a greater quantity of x-sperms available to fertilize the egg.
Deep penetration places the sperm closer to the egg, and gives those aggressive boy sperms a head start
Direction of woman
users swears that pointing the woman's head north while you make love guarantees a boy.
Female Orgasm
Women avoid orgasms Female orgasm will be helpful at the same time as or, better yet, just before the male orgasm. Multiple female orgasms are better
Even numbers mean a girl baby Odd numbers mean a boy baby
female in left side , male in right side
CONCEPTION January February March April May June July August September Gctober November December
41 42 43 44 45 B G B B G G B G B B B G B G B G B G B G B G B B G G B G B G B G B G B B B G B G G B B G B B G B B G G B B G B B G B G B
calcium and magnesium two months before the planned conception, followed by a specific time period for intercourse in the target cycle results in around 97% success rate in achieving the pregnancy of the preferred sex. The method is totally safe, non invasive, economical and safely done at home with once a month consultation or correspondence based guidance by the doctor. The method is
They think that gender diet can change pH level in your body, and therefore, it can change the polarity of the egg. The resulted charge will attract one gender more than the other by 80%
more magnesium and the increase in less potassium. This potassium is relationship can be represented as k /(caassociated with mg). . They think that increase in male gender diet can change pH level in your body, births . and therefore, it can change the polarity of the egg. The resulted charge will attract one gender more than the other by 80% female in left side , male in right side .
Does drinking Pepsi mean your baby will be a boy? To get a girl, should you gorge on chocolate? Make love under a full moon? More ...
6 - according to Ultrasound
The two most common would be the amniocentesis and the chorionic villus sampling (CVS). CVS can be a done between the 8-10th week, while amniocentesis is generally done after week 14. These tests are nearly 99% accurate in telling you the baby's gender.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which can be used to identify the XX and XY embryos before implantation, so that only those embryos of the desired sex can be selectively replaced.
that you can predict the gender of your baby. The old saying is that above 140 is a girl and below is a boy.
Our method teaches that there are some days in woman's fertility cycle where she can conceive a BOY only and days where only a GIRL can be conceived
12 a Sperm Spin
when mom knows she is ovulating, dad and mom go the medical facility and dad deposits his sperm into a specimen container . Then the sperm is spun around in a specially designed machine. Since there is a slight difference in weight between the x and y sperm, one tends to move to the outside of the dish while the other stays more toward the middle. Then depending on preference, the selected sperm are then deposited up into mom's uterus.
The Moon influences the outcome of the conception of a baby in a very powerful way.
biological rhythms : the intellectual rhythm, the emotional rhythm and the physical rhythm.
The inverse
opinion is that it is a gift from God to get a healthy baby whether it is a boy or a girl. We should be grateful and happy when we can hold a baby in our arms and we should think about other women are not able to get pregnant due to diseases and infertility.
female in left side , male in right side