SAP MM Consultant Resume

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Career Objective
Work in an environment, which motivates me to bring out the best from
me in a productive and efficient manner. Wish to work as design Architect,
which perfectly fits to my imagination and analytical skills.

Professional Experience
✓ Working as a Software Engineer in Naethra Technologies Pvt Ltd ,
Chennai from Mar’15 to Till date.

✓ Worked as a Software Engineer in SOFT DRIZZLES SOLUTIONS PVT

LTD, Chennai from Feb‘2013 to Jan 2014.

Experience Summary
✓ Having 3+ Years of Experience on SASS architecture
✓ JAVA 7, 8/J2EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate and Struts Framework.
✓ Angular-JS 1/2, Typescript, JQuery, JavaScript.
✓ Web Service, Google API, O-Auth, SSI.
✓ Jasper reports, D3js(C3js), Echarts, High Charts, Data-Tables, Apache POI.
✓ Knowledge of Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, Toad,
✓ Maven and Gradle.
✓ Oracle and PostgreSQL database, Nosql Stack.
✓ Experience in VCS, Jenkins.
✓ Adaptive to learn new technologies like BIG DATA Hadoop with NOSQL

Education Profile

✓ B.E (CSE) from Roever Engineering College, Trichy with 74 % in 2012.

✓ Diploma(Computer Engineering) from Karpagam Polytechnic College

with 81.88% in 2009.
Technical Profile

Skills Proficiency Beginner

Server Side Languages Java 8/J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Nodejs

Client Side Language HTML 5, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS

Ajax, jQuery
Cloud AWS Google Cloud
Operating System Windows Family, CentOs-6

Database Oracle, PostgreSQL MongoDB,

Elastic Search
Servers JBoss 6.x, Tomcat 8 Jetty
Frameworks Spring Framework, Hibernate Apache CFX
Angular-JS, Jersey,

Third Party API Apache Common, Guava D3js(C3js)

collections, Jasper Reports,
Echarts, High Charts, Data-
Tables, Apache POI, Google
API, Quartz, JODA, O-auth.

Build Tools Gradle, Maven Jenkins.


✓ Certified in Web Component Development using JAVA Technologies from

Professional Experience Summery

1. Project Title : MAINTWIZ

Client Name : Confidential

Project Duration : Mar’15 to Till

Description : Maintwiz Reduce upfront capital expenses on technology

infrastructure. Facilities, Equipments and Spares hierarchy to suit your unique
needs. MaintWiz supports nested assets hierarchy and has options to manage
Instruments, Tools, Rotating Assets and Spares.Generate work orders, service
orders, calibration orders now or schedule them based on calendar, condition or
event occurrence .
This project is based on inventory and maintenance , total client stock
details where pulled into the application so that application will be responsible
for scheduled maintenance and scheduled parts replacement , reports are
automated for weekly ,Quarterly ,Annually ect Application have the ability to
check for machine breakdown .


✓ Analysis and Design, Documentation, Coding, Unit Testing

✓ Implemented Jersey and Spring 4.x to develop RESTful Web Services for Sap
Integration and Mobile.
✓ Wrote Gradle Build scripts to Compile and build the application.
✓ Developed interactive modules using HTML and Angular 2.
✓ Designed and generated reports using Jasper Reports, High Charts, D3js, C3js.
✓ Involved in Code review
✓ Responsible for mapping the database model into persistence objects using
Hibernate Annotations.
✓ Implemented various design patterns in the project
✓ Developed the backend system, involved in writing the database PostgreSQL
queries, Views, Functions, Triggers.


✓ Programming Languages: Java 8, JavaScript, Typescript, Nodejs.

✓ Database Technologies: PostgreSQL 9.3, Oracle 9i.
✓ Nosql : Mongo DB.
✓ Java/J2EE Technologies: Java 8, Servlets, JSP, Spring MVC, Spring AOP,
Spring Data, Hibernate 5.x, JSON,JDBC, JNDI, Web Services (Jersey,
Spring), Redis, Java Mail, Prime faces, Gradle, Maven.
✓ Web Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, AJAX, Web services (Jersey, Spring),
✓ Application Servers: Tomcat 7.x,8.x, JBOSS 6.x.
✓ Cloud Technologies: Google Cloud, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3.
✓ IDE: Eclipse, Intellij Idea, Jasper Soft Studio, Reports.
✓ Tools: Toad, Putty, WinSCP, sonar, Tortoise-svn, Soap-UI, postman,
VisualVm, Editplus, Jira, Jenkins, Find Bug, PMD.
✓ Third party API: Apache common io, Apache common collections, Guava
collections, Gson, Log4j, Joda, quartz, Twilio, send grid, Jasper reports,
dynamic reports, dynamic jasper, d3js, c3js, highcharts, E-charts, Apache poi.
✓ Tools : Apache Jmeter,Jenkins.
✓ Operating Systems: Windows, CentOS.
2. Project Title : Payroll Management System

Technology : Java, Servlets, JSP, MySql, Struts 2.

Project Duration : Feb’13 - Jan’ 14

Client Name : KKL PVT LTD

Description : Payroll Management system is to provide an option to generate

the salary automatically every month. This software also equipped with to enter the
attendance of each employee in the organization, it help them to track each
employee attendance, based on this we can generate the salary. The software built to
generate individual pay slip and summary of the payroll. It also has option to
generate the report for Provident Fund, ESI, Appointment order and Joining Letter.

Responsibilities: Analysis and Design, Documentation, Coding, Unit Testing.


“I hereby declare that all the furnished details above are true to best of my
knowledge and belief”.

Place : Chennai
Date :

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