Translating Words Into Symbols
Translating Words Into Symbols
Translating Words Into Symbols
Pupils will use their existing knowledge to think about the various ways we express the same
numbers, how we write them in English and in 'maths' .
The Problem:
Billie is designing, making and selling number plates. Each can have a maximum of six characters,
numbers or letters. Billie cannot use plus and minus signs, or any other mathematical symbols. He
can make 10 by using ‘10’ or by ‘TEN’. In how many ways can he make 2? Using the letters of the
alphabet and digits 0-9 how many different ways can you write the number two
Students will write a particular number in as many ways as possible using letters and numbers to
solve a problem
● For students to understand that the same number can be expressed in a variety of ways
● For students to appreciate that using maths symbols is more useful than words as a way of
describing problems involving numbers
● For students to see that an equation allows us to find a missing piece of information
Learning Outcomes:
Background and Rationale
The Common Introductory Course provides the initial engagement with patterns, relationships and
expressions, laying the groundwork for progression to symbolic representation, equations and
formulae. This lesson would act as an introduction to word problems in algebra encouraging
students to use symbols instead of words. This will assist in achieving other learning outcomes on
the syllabus such as
- find the underlying formula written in words from which the data are derived (linear relations)
− find the underlying formula algebraically from which the data are derived (linear,
Students habitually find the translation of written words into an algebraic expression or equation
difficult. Recognising the words we use in English and how we use maths symbols to express these
should help students translate word problems into algebraic equations.
The Common Introductory Course provides the initial engagement with patterns, relationships and
expressions, laying the groundwork for progression to symbolic representation, equations and
● make use of letter symbols for numeric quantities
● emphasise relationship-based algebra
● use real life problems as vehicles to motivate the use of algebra and algebraic thinking
Flow of the Unit:
n # of lesson periods
1 ● Students will have been introduced to algebra. They will 3 x 30 min.
be aware of how we use x or y to signify an unknown.
2 ● Students will have had some experience of solving 1 x 30 min.
algebraic equation.
1. Introduction
Introduce problem Students will work for 7 min on their own.
Billie is designing, making and selling number Encourage them to think for themselves.
Each can have a maximum of six characters,
numbers or letters.
Billie cannot use plus and minus signs, or any
other mathematical symbols.
He can make 10 by using ‘10’ or by ‘TEN’.
In how many ways can he make 2?
3. Anticipated Student Responses Allow time for students to think - even if they
I can't think of any except 2 and TWO feel they're not getting anywhere.
May use mathematical symbols
Some students may need help to get started
May use too many digits/letters
Circulate and give hints where necessary.
Encourage students to think about how they text.
Each student will give one example for the Students will be checking solutions as they go on
class the board and can continue adding to their own
Teacher will put examples on the board for 6OVER2
different numbers – can students work out the 7TAKE3
number? (soft mention of x or an unknown) HALF22
Students will try some with their partner –
swap boards.
Looking for the use of maths symbols.
Extension problem
Is there an easier/handier/quicker way to write
the numbers if I don't use the alphabet?
● There will be 3 teachers in the room – one leading the lesson and 2 observing.
● Teachers observing will note pupils initial attempts and the statements/suggestions they
make. We will take pictures of students work on whiteboards.
● The focus will be on observing students ability to think about numbers in a variety of ways.
Most importantly is the observation of student thought process when going from using the
alphabet to mathematical symbols. Do they understand the 'instruction' that the symbol
Board Plan
Post-lesson reflection
The lesson was a successful introduction to word problems in algebra. Students were able to
complete the tasks set and discuss their solutions. They also learned from each other to enhance
their own solutions.
The observing teachers found that students understood the task well and needed only clarification
on what they could and couldn't use.
The responses were mostly as expected. Some students couldn't get past TWO or TOO and needed
the examples from their peers to realise what was possible. Some students came up with interesting
solutions and really relished the challenge.
The main misconception noticed was that some students had the operation the wrong way around -
'3 TAKE 5' instead of 5 TAKE 3. This is a common problem when we start word problems and this
would open the discussion around what the mathematical operations mean in English and if it
matters the position they take in an English sentence or a mathematical sentence.
The lesson was really only an introduction to word problems and the real value of it could not be
determined until the remaining lessons are complete. The fact that students found the tasks
challenging but achievable at least meant that they would be prepared to face the next set of tasks
with optimism.