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JEB Journal of
TM Environmental
Volume 40
Number 2
Pages 158-164 p-ISSN: 0254-8704
e-ISSN: 2394-0379
March 2019 CODEN: JEBIDP

Effectiveness of application of lignolytic fungal

strains, Cladosporium uredinicola GRDBF21
and Bipolaris maydis GRDBF23 in the
treatment of tannery effluent
J.T. Joseph, R. Mahalakshmi, K. Revathy, K. Panneerselvam,
P. Manikandan and C.S. Shobana


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Lucknow, India
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Original Research
TM Journal of Environmental Biology

p-ISSN: 0254-8704
e-ISSN: 2394-0379

DOI : http://doi.org/10.22438/jeb/40/2/MRN-771
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Effectiveness of application of lignolytic fungal strains,

Cladosporium uredinicola GRDBF21 and Bipolaris maydis
GRDBF23 in the treatment of tannery effluent
Paper received: 02.11.2017 Revised received: 26.02.2018 Re-revised received: 07.05.2018 Accepted: 10.07.2018

Authors Info
J.T. Joseph1, R. Mahalakshmi1a, K. Aim : This study aims to investigate the ability of laccase producing fungal strains Cladosporium uredinicola
Revathy1, K. Panneerselvam2, P. GRDBF21 and Bipolaris maydis GRDBF23 isolated from decaying wood bark in decolouration and
Manikandan3,4 and C.S. Shobana5* detoxification of tannery effluent.
Department of Microbiology, Methodology : Fungal strains from decaying wood bark samples were isolated by serial dilution technique
Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of
followed by single spore isolation method. The selected fungal isolates were investigated for their laccase
Science, Coimbatore – 641 014, India
enzyme production. Their effect on physio-chemical properties of tannery effluent collected from final
Department of Biotechnology, effluent drainage of a leather-tanning factory in Chrompet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India was analysed.
Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of
Science, Coimbatore – 641 014, India Toxicity of treated and untreated tannery effluent was analysed by seed germination test.
Department of Microbiology, Results : The lignolytic and constitutive producers of laccase enzyme, C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B.
MR Government Arts College, maydis GRDBF23 exhibited a tolerance index of 1.2 and 1.5, respectively, at 60% effluent concentration.
Mannargudi – 614 014, India
The isolates were able to increase pH and reduce colour, turbidity, total suspended solids and electrical
Aravind Eye Hospital and conductivity of the effluent. Besides observing a decrease in the BOD and COD levels, there was also a
Postgraduate Institute of
Ophthalmology, Coimbatore, reduction in the sodium and hexavalent chromium content. C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis
Tamilnadu– 641 014, India GRDBF23 treated effluent showed a seed germination percentage of 66.6% and 76.6%, respectively. The
Department of Medical Laboratory
untreated effluent completely inhibited the seed germination.
Sciences, College of Applied Medical
Sciences, Majmaah University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - 11952 Ascomycetes lignolytic
5 fungi from wood bark
Department of Microbiology, PSG
College of Arts & Science,
Coimbatore – 641 014, India
Isolation, morphological and
*Corresponding Author Email : molecular characterization

Edited by
Dr. G. Poyyamoli Effect of tannery effluent on
Biotreatment of Seed toxicity test–
growth of fungal isolates and
tannery effluent germination assay
tolerance index analysis
Reviewed by
Interpretation : The study confirms that the fungal species C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis
Dr. Bhim Pratap Singh GRDBF23 could be effectively used in decolouration and detoxification of tannery effluent.
Dr. R. B. Raizada
Key words: Ascomycetes fungi, Bioremediation, Laccase, Lignolytic enzymes, Tannery effluent

Citation: Joseph, J.T., R. Mahalakshmi, K. Revathy, K. Panneerselvam, P. Manikandan and C.S. Shobana: Effectiveness of application of lignolytic fungal strains,
Cladosporium uredinicola GRDBF21 and Bipolaris maydis GRDBF23 in the treatment of tannery effluent. J. Environ. Biol., 40, 158-164(2019).

© Triveni Enterprises, Lucknow (India) Journal of Environmental Biology March 2019 Vol. 40 158-164
J.T. Joseph et al.: Lignolytic fungi in tannery effluent treatment 159

Introduction in Kerala were collected. One cm cubic sections of these barks

were collected in sterile polythene and were transferred to
Tannery industries hold a major sector in the economy of laboratory. The collected bark samples were incubated in 100 ml
many countries and are considered as an inevitable part of sterile Sabouraud dextrose broth at 25°C for 7 days. The
leather manufacturing (Hasegawa et al., 2011). Tanning process experiments were carried out in duplicates. Subsequently, the
converts the animal skin into useful leather material by altering broth was serially diluted and plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar
the protein of rawhide into a flexible and stable material, which will and incubated at 25°C for 5-7 days. Further, purification of isolates
not putrefy and is suitable for a wide variety of end applications. was done by single spore culture method (Ko et al., 2001). The
This complex process uses chemicals such as chromium, fungal isolates were stored as a small agar block from the pure
sulfides, ammonium, acids and different types of organic and culture in sterile 0.85% saline solution at 27°C. The axenic cultures
inorganic ingredients. Majority of chemical compounds used for were grown in malt extract agar plates until profuse sporulation
tanning, post tanning and dyeing process are toxic and recalcitrant was obtained and mycelial discs from these plates were used as
compounds (Jnr and Spiff, 2005; Kongjao et al., 2008; Abdallh et inoculum for further studies.
al., 2016; Chowdhury et al., 2015)).
Laccase screening : The fungal isolates were grown on laccase
Physico-chemical methods like recycling, coagulation, detection medium containing 2, 2'-azino-bis (3-
membrane filtration, reverse osmosis and adsorption are used for ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) at 28°C for 3-5 days,
the treatment and detoxification of tannery effluents. These and the plates were observed for dark green colouration around
methods are not considered as a sustainable remedy for the the colony which suggested laccase enzyme production (Jin et
effluent pollution problem, because of the transfer of al., 2012). For the assay of laccase enzyme, fungal agar disc of 5
contaminants takes place from one phase to another (Hasegawa cm was placed in modified Tien and Kirk's broth medium
et al., 2011). Bioremediation of toxic industrial effluents using (Mabrouk et al., 2010). After 15 days of incubation at 28°C, 5 ml
microorganisms is considered as an efficient method to replace the of broth was centrifuged (Plastocrafts, Model superspin R-V/FM)
conventional treatment methods. Ascomycetes are efficient in at 4°C for 10 min at 10,000 rpm. The supernatant was collected
degrading a large variety of dyes, phenolic and non-phenolic and used as enzyme source for the assay procedures
compounds, demonstrating a high potential for environmental (Bourbonnais et al., 1995). One unit of laccase activity was
bioremediation. Many fungi have the ability to biosorb and defined as activity of an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of
bioaccumulate metals and are involved in the reduction of hexavalent -1 -1
one mole of ABTS (E420 = 36,000 M cm ) min-1.
chromium to trivalent chromium (Arévalo-Rangel et al., 2013).
Fungal/microbial treatment methods for decolourisation and Identification of fungal isolates : The test mycelial discs (1cm)
detoxification of industrial effluents have been reported earlier were inoculated at the center of SDA and incubated at 28°C for
(Sharma and Malaviya, 2014; Choi et al., 2014; Hossain and 5–7 days. After incubation, the appearance, texture and colour of
Ismail, 2015; Hossain et al., 2016). Lignolytic fungi produce a the colonies were observed. The microscopic observation of
special group of enzymes such as lignin peroxidase, manganese fungal isolates was done after lacto-phenol cotton blue staining.
peroxidase and laccases, which are involved in the degradation and
break down of complex aromatic polymers such as lignin and The DNA extraction from fungal cultures were carried out
structurally complex toxic environmental pollutants (Bonugli- using NucleoSpin® Plant II genomic kit following manufacturer's
Santos et al., 2012). Ascomycetes are known producers of instructions and were assessed for their purity on an agarose gel
laccase enzyme (Brijwani, 2010). Lignolytic fungi and their before they were subjected to amplification by polymerase chain
enzymatic system are involved in the degradation of xenobiotic reaction. The 28S ribosomal RNA gene (partial sequence)
compounds, dyes and treatment of various industrial effluents incorporating D1/D2/D3 regions of the fungal DNA samples were
(Ravikumar et al., 2011; Hasegawa et al., 2011). Laccase enzyme amplified using the following LSU primer sets: Forward primer:
is being widely used for the degradation and removal of various UL18F: 5' - TGTACACACCGCCCGTC- 3'; Reverse primer:
aromatic compounds and pollutants in industrial waste, UL28R: 5'- ATCGCCAGTTCTGCTTAC -3'. Sequencing of LSU
contaminated water and soil (Madhavi and Lele, 2009). Several 28S rRNA gene was performed commercially at ProGen Life
studies have reported the potential use of lignolytic fungi for Science Solutions (Salem, Tamil Nadu, India). For the analysis
bioremediation of various industrial effluents like tannery, textile, of sequenograms, the following software was used: Chromas
pulp and paper industry (Gómez-Bertel et al., 2008; Anastasi et Lite (Technelysium Pty. Ltd.), BioEdit, ClustalX 2.0.11 and the
al., 2010; Chopra and Singh, 2012; Kunjadia et al., 2016). Against findings were critically evaluated (Hall, 1999; Higgins et al.,
this background, the present study was undertaken to analyze the 1996). DNA sequences representing LSU 28S ribosomal RNA
effect of laccase producing fungi isolated from tree barks for gene was compared with similar sequences available in the
decolouration and detoxification of tannery effluent. National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and was
submitted to GenBank.
Materials and Methods
Characterization of tannery effluent : Tannery effluent samples
Sampling and isolation of fungi : Eighteen bark samples from were collected in sterile plastic containers from the final effluent
trees and decaying woods of Painavu forest (9.7824o N, 76.9643o E) drainage of a leather tanning industry located at Chrompet,

Journal of Environmental Biology, March 2019

160 J.T. Joseph et al.: Lignolytic fungi in tannery effluent treatment

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The samples were transferred to Results and Discussion
laboratory within 24 hours for further processing. The effluent
samples were stored at 4°C until further use. For broth studies, 250 A total of 28 fungal isolates, i.e., Aspergillus spp. (n=6),
ml of sterile tannery effluent (100%) amended with 2% (w/v) malt Fusarium spp. (n=8), Rhizopus spp. (n=5), Cladosporium spp.
extract was inoculated with 5 cm mycelial disc of test fungal isolates (n=4), Bipolaris spp. (n=3) and Alternaria spp. (n=2) were isolated
and incubated at 28°C for 10 days on a rotary orbital shaker (REMI, from bark samples. Among these isolates, only two were positive
Model RIS-24). The analysis of physico-chemical characteristics, for laccase production and they were identified as Cladosporium
such as pH, colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical sp. and Bipolaris sp. based on the colony morphology and
oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), electrical microscopic characteristics. Laccase assay revealed that these
conductivity (EC), levels of hexavalent chromium and sodium of isolates, i.e., Cladosporium sp. GRDBF21 and Bipolaris sp.
biologically treated and untreated tannery effluent were performed GRDBF23 had the mean laccase activity of 193.75 Ul-1 (11th day of
using the standard methods of APHA (2012). The pH was incubation) and 334.0 Ul-1 (9th day of incubation), respectively.
determined using digital pH meter (EUTECH pH 510). Colour was Upon molecular characterization by the sequencing of LSU 28S
checked using spectrophotometer (Merck, Spectroquant Pharo ribosomal RNA gene, these isolates were identified as
100). Turbidity was measured in a turbidimeter (Merck, Model Cladosporium uredinicola GRDBF21 (GenBank accession
Pharo100). COD and BOD were determined by open reflux number: KJ913698) and Bipolaris maydis GRDBF23 (GenBank
titrimetric method and Winkler's iodometric method, respectively. accession number: KJ913699). C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B.
TSS was determined by filtration method. Hexavalent chromium maydis GRDBF23 belong to the Phylum Ascomycota which
and sodium concentration were determined by atomic absorption comprise of members with effective lignolytic activity. Tapia-
spectrometry (Shimadzu, Model AA-7000) and flame photometery Tussell et al. (2011) reported that Bipolaris spp. isolated from
(ELICO CL378 flame photometer), respectively. wood decay was able to exhibit only 7.50 Ul-1 of laccase activity.
Laccase producing C. cladosporioides was reported with a
To analyze the tolerance of fungal isolates towards maximum laccase activity of 190 U ml-1 (Aslam et al., 2012). Jin et
tannery effluent, radial growth of fungi was estimated on MEA al. (2012) stated that C. cladosporioides isolated from soil was
amended with 0%, 30%, 60% and 100% of tannery effluent and able to show a laccase activity of 241 U l-1. Laccase producing
incubated at 28°C for 8 days. After incubation, mean radial psychrotolerant C. tenuissimum from cold desert in Indian
growth diameter (cm) was measured and mean tolerance index Himalayas has also been reported with a laccase activity of 15.10
(TI) was calculated. Seed germination test was performed for U l-1 (Dhakar and Pandey, 2016).
toxicity testing of treated and untreated tannery effluent (Ahsan
et al., 2007). Sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper was placed in The study revealed that the colour of untreated effluent
the Petri dishes and was appropriately moistened with 10 ml of was black and the odour was much offensive. But after the
treated and untreated tannery effluent. Filter paper moistened
treatment with the test fungal isolates, the colour of the effluent
with tap water served as control. Mung bean (Vigna radiata)
seeds were surface sterilized with 8% sodium hypochlorite diminished to light yellow and also the effluent reached to an
(NaClO) for 10 min and washed three times with sterile distilled odourless state. The colour intensity of C. uredinicola GRDBF21
water. A total of 10 seeds were placed in the moistened filter and B. maydis GRDBF23 treated effluents dropped to less than
paper and plates were incubated at 27°C in dark with 50% air 8000 and 5000, respectively, against untreated effluent colour
humidity. Each set of experiment was conducted in triplicate intensity of 15225 (Table1). This may be attributed to higher
and the mean value was taken. Visible protrusion of radicle production of laccase enzyme by the isolate. A white rot fungus,
from seed coat was considered as criterion of seed germination Trametes versicolor was able to remove 86-89% of tannery dye,
and mean germination rate was calculated. black dycem (Baccar et al., 2011). Various lignolytic and other

Table 1 : Physico-chemical characteristics of untreated and treated effluent from leather tanning industry in Chennai

Parameters Untreated Treated effluentϕ

effluentϕ Cladosporium Bipolaris
uredinicola GRDBF21 maydis GRDBF23
pH 4.45 6.10 6.02
Colour 15225 <8000 <5000
Turbidity 6750 <10 <15
BOD (mg l-1) 3120 2950 3100
COD (mg l-1) 11180 11100 10100
Total suspended solids (mg l-1) 4232 113 104
Electrical conductivity (μmhos cm-1) 19000 12620 12410
Hexavalent chromium (mg l-1) 0.28 0.011 0.022
Sodium (mg l-1) 3465 1235 1432
Values are mean of duplicate determinations

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Table 2 : Effect of tannery effluent from leather tannery in Chennai on the growth of fungal isolates by plate assay
Effluent Mean€ radial growth diameter (cm) Tolerance
Fungal isolates concentration index
(%) Day 2 Day 6 Day 8
0 0.5 1.8 2.5 --
Cladosporium 30 0.8 2.4 2.8 1.12
uredinicola GRDBF21 60 1 2.6 3 1.2
100 0.8 2 2.5 1

0 0.8 2.3 2.8 --

Bipolaris maydis 30 0.5 2.7 3.8 1.35
GRDBF23 60 1.3 3.3 4.2 1.5
100 0.9 2.5 3.2 1.14

Values are mean of triplicate determinations

fungal species i.e., Phanerochaete sp., Trametes sp., Tannery wastewater with high BOD and COD is
Cladosporium sp., Pleurotus sp., Aspergillus sp., and characterized by substantial organic, inorganic matter content
Ganoderma sp., have shown their ability to remove colour from and refers to high oxygen demand through biological organisms
various industrial and wastewater effluents (Srikanlayanukul et and chemicals, and thus treatment of tannery effluent poses a
al., 2006; Tehrani et al., 2015; Ravikumar et al., 2011). major challenge. BOD and COD level of untreated effluent was
3120 mg l-1 and 11180 mg l , respectively. Treatment with C.

The pH of untreated tannery effluent was found to be uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23 brought down
4.45. Discharge of untreated tannery effluents with low pH to the BOD level to 2950 and 3100 mg l-1 and COD level to 11100 mg l-1
nearby water bodies and soil may be detrimental to aquatic and and 10100 mg l-1, respectively. In a study, Botryosphaeria rhodina
soil system. C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23 use for treating undiluted crude tannery effluent with high BOD
effectively increased the pH of tannery effluent to 6.10 and 6.02, and COD levels couldn't support the fungal growth and was not
respectively, from an acidic to almost neutral pH range (Table 1). able to give satisfactory results in the reduction of BOD and COD
Turbidity of untreated effluent was 6750. After treatment with C. level (Hasegawa et al., 2011).
uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23, the turbidity was
reduced to <10 and <15 NTU, respectively. This indicates that the TSS level of tannery effluent was 4232 mg l-1, but after
lignolytic fungi grown in tannery effluent had either used or treatment with C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23
degraded the molecules causing turbidity. Similar to the present it was reduced to 113 mg l-1 (% reduction-97.32%) and 104 mg l-1
study, Sharma and Malaviya (2016) stated that Aspergillus flavus (% reduction-97.54%), respectively. These solid impurities may
isolated from a tannery container exhibited 98.02% reduction in cause turbidity in the receiving water bodies and lead to poor
the turbidity of treated tannery effluent. penetration of light in aquatic system. Trametes hirsuta, a white

Table 3 : Effect of untreated and treated effluent from leather tanning industry in Chennai on mung bean (Vigna radiata) seed germination

Treatment of seeds No. of seeds germinated≠ Mean germination rate (%)

Tap water 9.66±0.577 96.6

Untreated tannery effluent 0


Cladosporium uredinicola 6.66±0.577

GRDBF21 treated tannery 66.6
Bipolaris maydis GRDBF23 7.66±0.577
treated tannery effluent 76.6

Values are mean ± SD of triplicate determinations

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162 J.T. Joseph et al.: Lignolytic fungi in tannery effluent treatment

rot fungus isolated from decaying wood samples was able to The effluent toxicity test showed that the untreated
reduce the suspended solids in the industrial effluent and tannery tannery effluent completely inhibited the process of germination in
effluent by 41% and 68%, respectively (Bisht and Harsh, 2014). mung bean seeds. Germination of mung bean seeds treated with
Reduction in TSS and turbidity is ascribed to entrapment of tap water as control showed a mean germination rate of 96.6%
suspended solid particles by the filamentous fungi (Fakhru'l-Razi whereas C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23
and Molla, 2007). The untreated effluent also showed a higher treated effluents exhibited a mean germination rate of 66.6% and
level of electrical conductivity of 19000 μmhos cm-1, which reflects 73.3%, respectively (Table 3). Seed germination was completely
high concentration of ions, salts and organic and inorganic inhibited in all the mung bean (Vigna radiata) seeds treated with
substances. The electrical conductivity of the effluent decreased 100% untreated tannery effluent and none of the green gram
to 12620 μmhos cm-1 (% reduction – 33.5) and 12410 μmhos cm-1 seeds germinated even after incubation period. This may be due
(% reduction – 34.68) after the treatment with C. uredinicola to the toxicity caused by high BOD, COD, TSS, EC, chromium and
GRDBF21 and B. maydis GRDBF23, respectively. Results show acidic nature of the effluent. It is also reported that inhibition of
that the performance of both fungi in the reduction of electrical seed germination at higher effluent concentration may be due to
conductivity was almost similar. high level of solids which enhances salinity and conductivity of
solute absorbed by seeds (Sundaramoorthy and
The concentration of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in Kunjithapatham, 2000). Previous study using Bjerkandera adusta
tannery effluent was 0.28 mg l-1 and was reduced to 0.11 mg l-1 and for the reduction of acute toxicity of wastewater by
0.22 mg l-1, after treating with C. uredinicola GRDBF21 and B. decolourisation is also reported (Choi et al., 2014).
maydis GRDBF23, respectively. The results suggest that both the
isolates efficiently removed hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) from Sharma and Malaviya (2018) reported that an
tannery effluent. Toxic effects and penetration rate of hexavalent indigenous fungal isolate, Trichoderma viride SPFT1 involved in
chromium to biological membranes are higher when compared to the decolourisation and detoxification of tannery effluent and the
trivalent chromium (El-Kassas and El-Taher, 2009). Many seed germination test exhibited a considerable reduction in the
researchers have reported that acidic pH supports the reduction toxicity of fungal treated tannery effluent. According to Noorjahan
of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) effectively (Gochev et al., 2010; and Siddiqui (2017), the tannery effluent treated with A. niger and
Shoaib et al., 2013; Saranraj and Sujitha, 2013). These reports Rhizopus sp. reflected in the increase in seed germination rate.
justify the findings of the present study using fungi for treating Similar to the present study, Mehta and Bhardwaj (2012)
tannery effluent with acidic pH. Microbes assisted technologies demonstrated the toxic effects of treated and untreated industrial
effluents on the seed germination of Vigna radiata (Mung bean)
provide an alternative or addition to conventional methods of
and reported that untreated effluent significantly inhibited the
metal removal (Saranraj and Sujitha, 2013). Similar to the present
seed germination.
study, the cellular biomass of C. neoformans was also able to
remove 98% of chromium (Acosta et al., 2004; Ahluwalia, 2014). It
The results of the present study indicates that lignolytic
was found that Aspergillus oryzae was able to grow in a chromium
fungal strains, Cladosporium uredinicola GRDBF21 and Bipolaris
concentration of 120-1080 mg l-1 and also removed 94% of maydis GRDBF23 isolated from tree bark could be effectively
chromium from tannery effluent at 3.3 pH (Igwe and Abia, 2006). In a used in decolouration and detoxification of tannery effluent.
shake flask culture study, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium
chlamydosporium reduced the chromium concentration by 70 and Acknowledgments
64.68% at pH 6 and 5.3, respectively (Srivastava and Thakur, 2006;
Sharma and Malaviya, 2014). The living mycelium of The authors thank the management of Dr. G.R. Damodaran
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, a widely used lignolytic fungi for College of Science and the Department of Chemistry, South India
bioremediation purposes, has been reported reduce hexavalent Textile Research Association (SITRA), Coimbatore, India.
chromium in artificial wastewater (Nikazar et al., 2008).
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