Constrained Optimization-Lecture 11
Constrained Optimization-Lecture 11
Constrained Optimization-Lecture 11
Lecture 11
The Matrix Form of the Simplex The Matrix Form of the Simplex
Method Method
Consider an LP problem expressed in the standard Identifying columns of the constraint coefficient matrix that
form as multiply a given optimization variable, we write the constraint
equations as follows:
The Matrix Form of the Simplex The Matrix Form of the Simplex
Method Method
The general solution of the constraint equations can now be From these general expressions, the basic feasible solution of
written as follows: the problem is obtained by setting and thus
Basic feasible solution:
Substituting this into the objective function, we get Also from the objective function expression, it is clear that if a
new variable is brought into the basic set, the change in the
objective function will be proportional to .
Thus, this term represents the reduced objective function row of
the simplex tableau.
Example Example
Consider , , and , , , as a sets of basic and The corresponding basic solution tableau can be written by
nonbasic variables, respectively. simply performing the required matrix operations as follows:
The partitioned matrices corresponding to selected basic and
nonbasic variables are as follows: