Linear Programming: The Simplex Method: Learning Objectives
Linear Programming: The Simplex Method: Learning Objectives
Linear Programming: The Simplex Method: Learning Objectives
Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
After completing this module, students will be able to:
M7.1 Convert LP constraints to equalities with slack, M7.5 Recognize special cases such as infeasibility,
surplus, and artificial variables. unboundedness and degeneracy.
M7.2 Set up and solve LP maximization problems with M7.6 Use the simplex tables to conduct sensitivity
simplex tableaus. analysis.
M7.3 Interpret the meaning of every number in a M7.7 Construct the dual problem from the primal
simplex tableau. problem.
M7.4 Set up and solve LP minimization problems with M7.8 Understand the importance of Karmarkar’s
simplex tableaus. Algorithm to the field of LP.
n Chapter 7, we looked at examples of linear programming (LP) problems that contained
two decision variables. With only two variables, it is possible to use a graphical approach.
We plotted the feasible region and then searched for the optimal corner point and corre-
sponding profit or cost. This approach provides a good way to understand the basic concepts of
LP. Most real-life LP problems, however, have more than two variables and are thus too large for
the simple graphical solution procedure. Problems faced in business and government can have
dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of variables. We need a more powerful method than graph-
ing, so in this module we turn to a procedure called the simplex method.
Recall that the theory of LP How does the simplex method work? The concept is simple, and it is similar to graphical LP
states the optimal solution will lie in one important respect. In graphical LP, we examine each of the corner points; LP theory tells
at a corner point of the feasible us that the optimal solution lies at one of them. In LP problems containing several variables, we
region. In large LP problems, the may not be able to graph the feasible region, but the optimal solution will still lie at a corner point
feasible region cannot be graphed of the many-sided, many-dimensional figure (called an n-dimensional polyhedron) that represents
because it has many dimensions,
the area of feasible solutions. The simplex method examines the corner points in a systematic
but the concept is the same.
fashion, using basic algebraic concepts. It does so in an iterative manner—that is, repeating the
same set of procedures time after time until an optimal solution is reached. Each iteration brings a
higher value for the objective function so that we are always moving closer to the optimal solution.
Why should we study the simplex method? It is important to understand the ideas used to
produce solutions. The simplex approach yields not only the optimal solution to the decision
The simplex method variables and the maximum profit (or minimum cost) but valuable economic information as
systematically examines corner well. To be able to use computers successfully and to interpret LP computer printouts, we need
points, using algebraic steps, to know what the simplex method is doing and why.
until an optimal solution is We begin by solving a maximization problem using the simplex method. We then tackle a
found. minimization problem and look at a few technical issues that are faced when employing the sim-
plex procedure. From there, we examine how to conduct sensitivity analysis using the simplex
tables. The module concludes with a discussion of the dual, which is an alternative way of look-
ing at any LP problem.
2T + 1C + S1 = 100
4T + 3C + S2 = 240
Thus, if the production of tables (T) and chairs (C) uses less than 100 hours of painting time
available, the unused time is the value of the slack variable, S1. For example, if T = 0 and
C = 0 (in other words, if nothing is produced), we have S1 = 100 hours of slack time in the
painting department. If Flair produces T = 40 tables and C = 10 chairs, then
2T + 1C + S1 = 100
21402 + 11102 + S1 = 100
S1 = 10
This is because the simplex is a matrix algebra method that requires all mathematical relationships to be equations,
with each equation containing all of the variables.
To include all variables in each equation, which is a requirement of the next simplex step,
slack variables not appearing in an equation are added with a coefficient of 0. This means, in
effect, that they have no influence on the equations in which they are inserted; however, this step
does allow us to keep tabs on all variables at all times. The equations now appear as follows:
Because slack variables yield no profit, they are added to the original objective function with 0
profit coefficients. The objective function becomes
Corner Points of the C
Flair Furniture Company
B = (0, 80)
Number of Chairs
2T + 1C # 100
40 C = (30, 40)
4T + 3C # 240
D = (50, 0)
(0,0) A
0 20 40 60 80 T
Number of Tables
CONSTRAINT EQUATIONS We see that Flair Furniture’s two constraint equations can be expressed
as follows:
s co
les c
ix c
it co
on m
r un
t co
k va
l var
t pe
The numbers 12, 1, 1, 02 in the first row represent the coefficients of the first equation—
namely, 2T + 1C + 1S1 + 0S2. The numbers 14, 3, 0, 12 in the second row are the algebraic
equivalent of the constraint 4T + 3C + 0S1 + 1S2.
The initial solution mix begins As suggested earlier, we begin the initial solution procedure at the origin, where T = 0 and
with real, or decision, variables C = 0. The values of the other two variables must then be nonzero, so S1 = 100 and S2 = 240.
set equal to zero. These two slack variables constitute the initial solution mix; their values are found in the quan-
tity (or right-hand-side [RHS]) column. Because T and C are not in the solution mix, their initial
values are automatically equal to 0.
This initial solution is a basic feasible solution and is described in vector, or column, form as
T 0
Here is the basic feasible solution
C 0
D T = D T
in column form. S1 100
S2 240
Variables in the solution mix are Variables in the solution mix, which is called the basis in LP terminology, are referred to as
called basic. Those not in the basic variables. In this example, the basic variables are S1 and S2. Variables that are not in
solution are called nonbasic. the solution mix or basis and that have been set equal to zero (T and C, in this case) are called
nonbasic variables. Of course, if the optimal solution to this LP problem turned out to be
T = 30, C = 40, S1 = 0, and S2 = 0, or
T 30
C 40
D T = D T 1in vector form2
S1 0
S2 0
then T and C would be the final basic variables, and S1 and S2 would be the nonbasic variables.
Notice that for any corner point, exactly two of the four variables will equal zero.
SUBSTITUTION RATES Many students are unsure as to the actual meaning of the numbers in the
columns under each variable. We know that the entries are the coefficients for that variable.
2 1 1 0
Under T are the coefficients a b , under C are a b , under S1 are a b , and under S2 are a b .
4 3 0 1
Substitution rates are numbers in But what is their interpretation? The numbers in the body of the simplex tableau (see Table
the body of the table. M7.1) can be thought of as substitution rates. For example, suppose we now wish to make T
larger than 0—that is, to produce some tables. For every unit of the T product introduced into
the current solution, 2 units of S1 and 4 units of S2 must be removed from the solution. This is
so because each table requires 2 hours of the currently unused painting department slack time,
S1. It also takes 4 hours of carpentry time; hence, 4 units of variable S2 must be removed from
the solution for every unit of T that enters. Similarly, the substitution rates for each unit of C that
enters the current solution are 1 unit of S1 and 3 units of S2.
Another point that you are reminded of throughout this module is that for any variable ever
to appear in the solution mix column, it must have the number 1 someplace in its column and 0s
in every other place in that column. We see that column S1 contains a b , so variable S1 is in the
solution. Similarly, the S2 column is a b , so S2 is also in the solution.2
ADDING THE OBJECTIVE FUNCTION We now continue to the next step in establishing the first simplex
tableau. We add a row to reflect the objective function values for each variable. These contribu-
tion rates, called Cj, appear just above each respective variable, as shown in the following table:
Cj $70 $50 $0 $0
$0 S1 2 1 1 0 100
$0 S2 4 3 0 1 240
If there had been three less-than-or-equal-to constraints in the Flair Furniture problem, there would be three slack vari-
ables, S1, S2, and S3. The 1s and 0s would appear like this:
S1 1 0 0
S2 0 1 0
S3 0 0 1
The unit profit rates are not just found in the top Cj row: in the leftmost column, Cj indicates
the unit profit for each variable currently in the solution mix. If S1 were removed from the solu-
tion and replaced—for example, by C—$50 would appear in the Cj column just to the left of the
term C.
THE Zj AND Cj – Zj ROWS We can complete the initial Flair Furniture simplex tableau by adding two
final rows. These last two rows provide us with important economic information, including the
total profit and the answer as to whether the current solution is optimal.
We compute the Zj row values of the initial solution in Table M7.1 by multiplying the 0
contribution value of each number in the Cj column by each number in that row and the jth
The Zj-row entry in the quantity column and then summing. The Zj value for the quantity column provides the total contribution
column provides the gross profit. (gross profit, in this case) of the given solution:
Zj 1for gross profit2 = 1Profit per unit of S12 * 1Number of units of S12
+ 1Profit per unit of S22 * 1Number of units of S22
= $0 * 100 units + $0 * 240 units
= $0 profit
The Zj values for the other columns (under the variables T, C, S1, and S2) represent the gross
profit given up by adding one unit of this variable into the current solution. Their calculations are
as follows:
We see that there is no profit lost by adding one unit of T (tables), C (chairs), S1, or S2.
The Cj − Z j row gives the net The Cj - Zj number in each column represents the net profit—that is, the profit gained
profit from introducing one unit minus the profit given up—that will result from introducing 1 unit of each product or variable
of each variable into the solution. into the solution. It is not calculated for the quantity column. To compute these numbers, simply
subtract the Zj total for each column from the Cj value at the very top of that variable’s column.
The calculations for the net profit per unit (the Cj - Zj row) in this example follow:
T C S1 S2
We reach an optimal solution It is obvious to us when we compute a profit of $0 that the initial solution is not optimal. By
when the Cj − Z j row has no examining the numbers in the Cj - Zj row of Table M7.1, we see that the total profit can be
positive numbers in it. increased by $70 for each unit of T (tables) and by $50 for each unit of C (chairs) added to the
solution mix. A negative number in the Cj - Zj row would tell us that profits would decrease if
the corresponding variable were added to the solution mix. An optimal solution is reached in the
simplex method when the Cj - Zj row contains no positive numbers. Such is not the case in our
initial tableau.
5. Finally, the Zj and Cj − Z j 5. Compute the Zj and Cj - Zj rows, as demonstrated in the initial tableau. If all numbers in
rows are recomputed. the Cj − Zj row are 0 or negative, an optimal solution has been reached. If this is not the
case, return to step 1.
Step 2. Since T is about to enter the solution mix, we must decide which variable is to be
r eplaced. There can be only as many basic variables as there are constraints in any LP problem,
so either S1 or S2 will have to leave to make room for the introduction of T, tables, into the basis.
To identify the pivot row, each number in the quantity column is divided by the corresponding
number in the T column.
The smaller of these two ratios, 50, indicates the maximum number of units of T that can be
produced without violating either of the original constraints. This corresponds to point D in
S1 leaves the solution mix Figure M7.2. The other ratio (60) corresponds to point E on this graph. Thus, the smallest ratio
because the smaller of the two is chosen so that the next solution is feasible. Also, when T = 50, there is no slack in constraint
ratios indicates that the next 1, so S1 = 0. This means that S1 will be the next variable to be replaced at this iteration of the
pivot row will be the first row. simplex method. The row with the smallest ratio (row 1) is the pivot row. The pivot row and the
pivot number (the number at the intersection of the pivot row and pivot column) are identified in
Table M7.3.
Step 3. Now that we have decided which variable is to enter the solution mix (T) and which
is to leave 1S12, we begin to develop the second, improved simplex tableau. Step 3 involves
Pivot Column Identified in Cj $70 $50 $0 $0
the Initial Simplex Tableau SOLUTION QUANTITY
Graph of the Flair C
Furniture Company
Problem F = (0, 100)
B = (0, 80)
Number of Chairs
40 C = (30, 40)
20 D = (50, 0)
E = (60, 0)
(0,0) A
0 20 40 60 80 T
Number of Tables
The new pivot row is computed computing a replacement for the pivot row. This is done by dividing every number in the pivot
by dividing every number in the row by the pivot number:
pivot row by the pivot number.
2 1 1 0 100
= 1 = 0.5 = 0.5 = 0 = 50
2 2 2 2 2
The new version of the entire pivot row appears in the accompanying table. Note that T is now
in the solution mix and that 50 units of T are being produced. The Cj value is listed as a $70
contribution per unit of T in the solution. This will definitely provide Flair Furniture with a more
profitable solution than the $0 generated in the initial tableau.
Cj $70 $50 $0 $0
Pivot Row and Pivot
Number Identified in the SOLUTION
Initial Simplex Tableau MIX T C S1 S2 QUANTITY
Cj - Zj $70 $50 $0 $0
Pivot column
Step 4. This step is intended to help us compute new values for the other row in the body of the
tableau—that is, the S2 row. It is slightly more complex than replacing the pivot row and uses the
formula (Equation M7-1) shown earlier. The expression on the right side of the following equa-
tion is used to calculate the left side.
We can now recompute the Number in Number in Number Below Corresponding Number
S2 row. a b = a b − ca b :a bd
New S2 Row Old S2 Row Pivot Number in the New T Row
This new S2 row will appear in the second tableau in the following format:
Now that T and S2 are in the solution mix, take a look at the values of the coefficients in their
We note that the T column respective columns. The T column contains a b , a condition necessary for that variable to be
contains a b and the S2 column 0
0 in the solution. Similarly, the S2 column has a b ; that is, it contains a 1 and a 0. Basically, the
0 1
contains a b . These 0s and 1s algebraic manipulations we just went through in steps 3 and 4 were simply directed at producing
indicate that T and S2 are in the 0s and 1s in the appropriate positions. In step 3, we divided every number in the pivot row by the
basis (the solution mix). pivot number; this guaranteed that there would be a 1 in the T column’s top row. To derive the
new second row, we multiplied the first row (each row is really an equation) by a constant (the
number 4 here) and subtracted it from the second equation. The result was the new S2 row with
a 0 in the T column.
Step 5. The final step of the second iteration is to introduce the effect of the objective func-
tion. This involves computing the Zj and Cj - Zj rows. Recall that the Zj entry for the quantity
column gives us the gross profit for the current solution. The other Zj values represent the gross
We find the new profit in profit given up by adding one unit of each variable into this new solution. The Zj values are cal-
the Z row. culated as follows:
The Cj − Z j row indicates the The Cj - Zj numbers represent the net profit that will result, given our present production
net profit, given the current mix, if we add one unit of each variable into the solution:
solution, of one more unit of
each variable. For example, COLUMN
C has a profit of $15 per unit.
T C S1 S2
The Zj and Cj - Zj rows are inserted into the complete second tableau, as shown in Table M7.4.
We can look at the current CURRENT SOLUTION At this point, the solution point of 50 tables and 0 chairs 1T = 50, C = 02
solution as a corner point in the generates a profit of $3,500. T is a basic variable; C is a nonbasic variable. Using a graphical LP
graphical method. approach, this corresponds to corner point D, as shown earlier in Figure M7.2.
RESOURCE INFORMATION We also see in Table M7.4 that slack variable S2, representing the amount
of unused time in the carpentry department, is in the basis. It has a value of 40, implying that
40 hours of carpentry time remain available. Slack variable S1 is nonbasic and has a value of 0
hours. There is no slack time in the painting department.
SUBSTITUTION RATES We mentioned earlier that the substitution rates are the coefficients in the
heart of the tableau. Look at the C column. If 1 unit of C (1 chair) is added to the current solu-
tion, 0.5 unit of T and 1 unit of S2 must be given up. This is because the solution T = 50 tables
Here is an explanation of the uses up all 100 hours of time in the painting department. (The original constraint, you may
meaning of substitution rates. recall, was 2T + 1C + S1 = 100.) To capture the 1 painting hour needed to make 1 chair, 0.5
of a table less must be produced. This frees up 1 hour to be used in making 1 chair.
But why must 1 unit of S2 (i.e., 1 hour of carpentry time) be given up to produce 1 chair?
The original constraint was 4T + 3C + S2 = 240 hours of carpentry time. Doesn’t this indicate
that 3 hours of carpentry time are required to produce 1 unit of C? The answer is that we are
looking at marginal rates of substitution. Adding 1 chair replaced 0.5 table. Because 0.5 table
required 10.5 * 4 hours per table2 = 2 hours of carpentry time, 2 units of S2 are freed. Thus,
only 1 more unit of S2 is needed to produce 1 chair.
Just to be sure you have this concept down pat, let’s look at one more column, S1, as well.
The coefficients are a b . These substitution rate values mean that if 1 hour of slack painting
time is added to the current solution, 0.5 of a table (T) less will be produced. However, note that if
1 unit of S1 is added into the solution, 2 hours of carpentry time 1S22 will no longer be used. These
will be added to the current 40 slack hours of carpentry time. Hence, a negative substitution rate
means that if 1 unit of a column variable is added to the solution, the value of the corresponding
solution (or row) variable will be increased. A positive substitution rate tells us that if 1 unit of the
column variable is added to the solution, the row variable will decrease by the rate.
Can you interpret the rates in the T and S2 columns now?
NET PROFIT ROW The Cj - Zj row is important to us for two reasons. First, it indicates whether
the current solution is optimal. When there are no positive numbers in the bottom row, an opti-
mum solution to an LP maximization problem has been reached. In the case of Table M7.4, we
The Cj − Z j row tells us (1) see that Cj - Zj values for columns T, S1, and S2 are 0 or negative. The value for column C (15)
whether the current solution is means that the net profit can be increased by $15 for each chair added into the current solution.
optimal and (2) if it is not, which Because the Cj - Zj value for T is 0, for every unit of T added the total profit will remain
variable should enter the solution unchanged because we are already producing as many tables as possible. A negative number,
mix next. such as the -35 in the S1 column, implies that total profit will decrease by $35 if 1 unit of S1 is
added to the solution. In other words, making one slack hour available in the painting depart-
ment (S1 = 0 currently) means that we would have to produce one-half table less. Since each
table results in a $70 contribution, we would be losing 0.5 * $70 = $35, for a net loss of $35.
Later in this module we discuss in detail the subject of shadow prices. These relate to
Cj - Zj values in the slack variable columns. Shadow prices are simply another way of inter-
preting negative Cj - Zj values; they may be viewed as the potential increase in profit if one
more hour of the scarce resource (such as painting or carpentry time) could be made available.
We mentioned previously that there are two reasons to consider the Cj - Zj row carefully. The
second reason, of course, is that we use the row to determine which variable will enter the solution
next. Since an optimal solution has not yet been reached, let’s proceed to the third simplex tableau.
C (chairs) will be the next Step 1. Variable C will enter the solution next by virtue of the fact that its Cj - Zj value of 15 is the
solution mix variable because it largest (and only) positive number in the row. This means that for every unit of C (chairs) we start to
has the only positive value in the produce, the objective function will increase in value by $15. The C column is the new pivot column.
Cj − Z j row.
Step 2. The next step involves identifying the pivot row. The question is, which variable cur-
rently in the solution (T or S2 ) will have to leave to make room for C to enter? Again, each
number in the quantity column is divided by its corresponding substitution rate in the C column:
For the T row: = 100 chairs
We replace the variable S2 40
because it is in the pivot row. For the S2 row: = 40 chairs
These ratios correspond to the values of C (the variable entering the solution mix) at points
F and C, seen earlier in Figure M7.2. The S2 row has the smallest ratio, so variable S2 will leave the
basis (and will become a nonbasic variable equal to zero) and will be replaced by C (which will have
a value of 40). The new pivot row, pivot column, and pivot number are all shown in Table M7.5.
Pivot Row, Pivot Column, Cj $70 $50 $0 $0
and Pivot Number SOLUTION
Identified in the Second MIX T C S1 S2 QUANTITY
Simplex Tableau
$70 T 1 0.5 0.5 0 50
$0 S2 0 1 -2 1 40 Pivot row
Pivot number
Zj $70 $35 $35 $0 $3,500
Cj - Zj $0 $15 -$35 $0 (total profit)
Pivot column
The pivot row for the third Step 3. The pivot row is replaced by dividing every number in it by the (circled) pivot number.
tableau is replaced here. Since every number is divided by 1, there is no change:
0 1 -2 1 40
= 0 = 1 = -2 = 1 = 40
1 1 1 1 1
It will be placed in the new simplex tableau in the same row position that S2 was in before (see
Table M7.5).
Step 4. The new values for the T row may now be computed:
1 = 1 - 10.52 * 102
0 = 0.5 - 10.52 * 112
1.5 = 0.5 - 10.52 * 1-22
-0.5 = 0 - 10.52 * 112
30 = 50 - 10.52 * 1402
Hence, the new T row will appear in the third tableau in the following position:
The final step is again computing Step 5. Finally, the Zj and Cj - Zj rows are calculated for the third tableau:
the Zj and Cj − Zj values.
Zj 1for T column2 = 1$702112 + 1$502102 = $70
Zj 1for C column2 = 1$702102 + 1$502112 = $50
Zj 1for S1 column2 = 1$70211.52 + 1$5021-22 = $5
Zj 1for S2 column2 = 1$7021-0.52 + 1$502112 = $15
Zj 1for total profit2 = 1$7021302 + 1$5021402 = $4,100
T C S1 S2
Final Simplex Tableau for Cj $70 $50 $0 $0
the Flair Furniture Problem SOLUTION
An optimal solution is reached All results for the third iteration of the simplex method are summarized in Table M7.6. Note that since
because all Cj − Zj values are every number in the tableau’s Cj - Zj row is 0 or negative, an optimal solution has been reached.
zero or negative. That solution is
T and C are the final basic variables, and S1 and S2 are nonbasic (and thus automatically equal to 0).
This solution corresponds to corner point C in Figure M7.2.
Verifying that the solution does It’s always possible to make an arithmetic error when you are going through the numerous
not violate any of the original simplex steps and iterations, so it is a good idea to verify your final solution. This can be done in
constraints is a good way to part by looking at the original Flair Furniture Company constraints and objective function:
check that no mathematical
errors were made. First constraint: 2T + 1C … 100 painting department hours
21302 + 11402 … 100
100 … 100 ✓
Second constraint: 4T + 3C … 240 carpentry department hours
41302 + 31402 … 240
240 … 240 ✓
Objective function: profit = $70T + $50C
= $701302 + $501402
= $4,100
Surplus Variables
We subtract a surplus variable Greater-than-or-equal-to 1Ú 2 constraints, such as constraint 1 as just described, require a dif-
to form an equality when dealing ferent approach than do the less-than-or-equal-to 1… 2 constraints we saw in the Flair Furni-
with a # constraint. ture problem. They involve the subtraction of a surplus variable rather than the addition of
a slack variable. The surplus variable tells us how much the solution exceeds the constraint
amount. Because of its analogy to a slack variable, surplus is sometimes simply called nega-
tive slack. To convert the first constraint, we begin by subtracting a surplus variable, S1, to
create an equality:
If, for example, a solution to an LP problem involving this constraint is X1 = 20, X2 = 8 and
X3 = 5, the amount of surplus could be computed as follows:
There is one more step, however, in preparing a Ú constraint for the simplex method.
Artificial Variables
There is one small problem in trying to use the first constraint (as it has just been rewritten)
in setting up an initial simplex solution. Since all “real” variables such as X1, X2, and X3 are set
to 0 in the initial tableau, S1 takes on a negative value:
5102 + 10102 + 8102 - S1 = 210
0 - S1 = 210
S1 = -210
All variables in LP problems, be they real, slack, or surplus, must be nonnegative at all times. If
S1 = -210, this important condition is violated.
Artificial variables are needed To resolve the situation, we introduce one last kind of variable, called an artificial variable.
in # and = constraints. We simply add the artificial variable, A1, to the constraint, as follows:
Constraint 1 completed: 5X1 + 10X2 + 8X3 - S1 + A1 = 210
Now, not only the X1, X2, and X3 variables but the S1 surplus variable as well may be set to 0 in
the initial simplex solution. This leaves us with A1 = 210.
Let’s turn our attention to constraint 2 for a moment. This constraint is already an equality,
so why worry about it? To be included in the initial simplex solution, it turns out that even an
equality must have an artificial variable added to it:
Constraint 2 rewritten: 25X1 + 30X2 + A2 = 900
The reason for inserting an artificial variable into an equality constraint deals with the usual
problem of finding an initial LP solution. In a simple constraint such as number 2, it’s easy to
guess that X1 = 0, X2 = 30 would yield an initial feasible solution. But what if our problem
had 10 equality constraints, each containing seven variables? It would be extremely difficult
to sit down and “eyeball” a set of initial solutions. By adding artificial variables, such as A2,
we can provide an automatic initial solution. In this case, when X1 and X2 are set equal to
0, A2 = 900.
Artificial variables have no Artificial variables have no meaning in a physical sense and are nothing more than computa-
physical meaning and drop out of tional tools for generating initial LP solutions. If an artificial variable has a positive (nonzero) value,
the solution mix before the final then the original constraint where this artificial variable was added has not been satisfied. A feasible
tableau. solution has been found when all artificial variables are equal to zero, indicating all constraints have
been met. Before the final simplex solution has been reached, all artificial variables must be gone
from the solution mix. This matter is handled through the problem’s objective function.
A technical point: If an artificial variable is ever used in a maximization problem (an occasional event), it is assigned
an objective function value of - $M to force it from the basis.
X1 = number of pounds of phosphate
X2 = number of pounds of potassium
Note that there are three constraints, not counting the nonnegativity constraints: the first is an
equality, the second is a less-than-or-equal-to constraint, and the third is a greater-than-or-equal-
to constraint.
Graphical Analysis
Looking at a graphical solution To have a better understanding of the problem, a brief graphical analysis may prove useful.
first will help us understand the There are only two decision variables, X1 and X2, so we are able to plot the constraints and
steps in the simplex method. feasible region. Because the first constraint, X1 + X2 = 1,000, is an equality, the solution
must lie somewhere on the line ABC (see Figure M7.3). It must also lie between points A and
B because of the constraint X1 … 300. The third constraint, X2 Ú 150, is actually redundant
and nonbinding, since X2 will automatically be greater than 150 pounds if the first two con-
straints are observed. Hence, the feasible region consists of all points on the line segment AB.
As you recall from Chapter 7, however, an optimal solution will always lie at a corner point of
the feasible r egion (even if the region is only a straight line). The solution must therefore be
at either point A or point B. A quick analysis reveals that the least-cost solution lies at corner
B—namely, X1 = 300 pounds of phosphate and X2 = 700 pounds of potassium. The total
cost is $5,700.
You don’t need the simplex method to solve the Muddy River Chemical problem, of course.
But we can guarantee you that few problems will be this simple. In general, you can expect
to see several variables and many constraints. The purpose of this section is to illustrate the
straightforward application of the simplex method to minimization problems. When the simplex
procedure is used to solve this, it will methodically move from corner point to corner point until
the optimal solution is reached. In Figure M7.3, the simplex method will begin at point E, then
move to point F, then to point G, and finally to point B, which is the optimal solution.
Muddy River Chemical X2
Corporation’s Feasible X1 # 300
Region Graph 1,000 A
X1 + X2 = 1,000
X2 $ 150
200 F G H
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 X1
The second constraint, X1 … 300, requires the insertion of a slack variable—let’s call it S1:
X1 + S1 = 300
The last constraint is X2 Ú 150, which is converted to an equality by subtracting a surplus vari-
able, S2, and adding an artificial variable, A2:
X2 - S2 + A2 = 150
The minimization simplex rules Rules of the Simplex Method for Minimization Problems
are slightly different. Now, the Minimization problems are quite similar to the maximization problems tackled earlier in this
new variable to enter the solution module. The significant difference involves the Cj - Zj row. Our objective is to minimize cost,
mix will be in the column with
and a negative Cj - Zj value indicates that the total cost will decrease if that variable is selected
the negative Cj − Z j value
to enter the solution. Thus, the new variable to enter the solution in each tableau (the pivot col-
indicating the greatest
improvement. umn variable) will be the one with a negative Cj - Zj that gives the largest improvement. We
choose the variable that decreases costs the most. In minimization problems, an optimal solution
is reached when all the numbers in the Cj - Zj row are 0 or positive—just the opposite from the
maximization case.4 All other simplex steps, as seen in the following, remain the same.
First Simplex Tableau for the Muddy River Chemical Corporation Problem
Now we solve Muddy River Chemical Corporation’s LP formulation using the simplex method.
The initial tableau is set up just as in the earlier maximization example. Its first three rows are
shown in the accompanying table. We note the presence of the $M costs associated with artificial
variables A1 and A2, but we treat them as if they were any large number. As noted earlier, they
have the effect of forcing the artificial variables out of the solution quickly because of their large
$M A1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1,000
$0 S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 300
$M A2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 150
The numbers in the Zj row are computed by multiplying the Cj column on the far left of
the tableau times the corresponding numbers in the other columns. They are then entered in
Table M7.7:
We should note that there is a second way to solve minimization problems with the simplex method: it involves a
simple mathematical trick. It happens that minimizing the cost objective is the same as maximizing the negative of the
cost objective function. This means that instead of writing the Muddy River objective function as
Minimize cost = 5X1 + 6X2
we can instead write
Maximize 1- Cost2 = - 5X1 - 6X2
The solution that maximizes 1- Cost2 also minimizes cost. It also means that the same simplex procedure shown earlier
for maximization problems can be used if this trick is employed. The only change is that the objective function must be
multiplied by 1- 12.
Cj $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Initial Simplex Tableau for
the Muddy River Chemical SOLUTION
Corporation Problem MIX X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 QUANTITY
$M A1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1,000
$0 S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 300
$M A2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 150 Pivot row
Pivot number
Zj $M $2M 0 -$ M $M $M $1,150M
Cj - Zj -$ M + 5 -$ 2M + 6 $0 $M $0 0 (Total cost)
Pivot column
X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2
Cj for column $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Zj for column $M $2M $0 -$M $M $M
Cj - Zj for column -$M + $5 -$2M + $6 $0 $M $0 $0
Here is the initial simplex This initial solution was obtained by letting each of the variables X1, X2, and S2 assume a
solution. value of 0. The current basic variables are A1 = 1,000, S1 = 300, and A2 = 150. This complete
solution could be expressed in vector, or column, form as
X1 0
X2 0
S 300
F 1V = F V
S2 0
A1 1,000
A2 150
An extremely high cost, $1,150M from Table M7.7, is associated with this answer. We know that
this can be reduced significantly and now move on to the solution procedures.
For the A1 row = = 1,000
For the S1 row = 1this is an undefined ratio, so we ignore it2
A2 is the pivot row because 150 is 150
For the A2 row = = 150 1smallest quotient, indicating pivot row2
the smallest quotient. 1
Hence, the pivot row is the A2 row, and the pivot number (circled) is at the intersection of the X2
column and the A2 row.
The entering row for the next simplex tableau is found by dividing each element in the pivot
row by the pivot number, 1. This leaves the old pivot row unchanged, except that it now repre-
sents the solution variable X2. The other two rows are altered one at a time by again applying the
formula shown earlier in step 4:
1New row numbers2 = 1Numbers in old row2
TABLE M7.8 Cj $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Second Simplex Tableau
for the Muddy River SOLUTION
Chemical Corporation MIX X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 QUANTITY
$M A1 1 0 0 1 1 -1 850
$0 S1 1 0 1 0 0 0 300 Pivot row
Pivot number
$6 X2 0 1 0 -1 0 1 150
Zj $M $6 $0 $ M - 6 $M -$ M + 6 $850M + $900
Cj - Zj -$ M + 5 $0 $0 -$ M + 6 $0 $ 2M - 6
Pivot column
X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2
Cj for column $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Zj for column $M $6 $0 $M - 6 $M - $M + 6
Cj - Zj for column -$ M + 5 $0 $0 -$ M + 6 $0 $ 2M - 6
The solution after the second The solution at the end of the second tableau (point F in Figure M7.3) is A1 = 850,
tableau is still not optimal. S1 = 300, and X2 = 150. X1, S2, and A2 are currently the nonbasic variables and have zero
value. The cost at this point is still quite high, $850M + $900. This answer is not optimal
because not every number in the Cj - Zj row is zero or positive.
For the A1 row = = 850
The third tableau is developed in For the S1 row = = 300 1smallest ratio2
this section. 1
For the X2 row = = undefined
Cj $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Third Simplex Tableau for
the Muddy River Chemical SOLUTION
Corporation Problem MIX X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 QUANTITY
Hence, variable S1 will be replaced by X1.5 The pivot number, row, and column are labeled
in Table M7.8.
To replace the pivot row, we divide each number in the S1 row by 1 (the circled pivot num-
ber), leaving the row unchanged. The new X1 row is shown in Table M7.9. The other computa-
tions for this third simplex tableau follow:
At this point, it might appear to be more cost effective to replace the A1 row instead of the S1 row. This would remove
the last artificial variable, and its large $M cost, from the basis. The simplex method, however, does not always pick the
most direct route to reaching the final solution. You may be assured, though, that it will lead us to the correct answer. In
Figure M7.3, this would involve moving to point H instead of point G.
X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2
Cj for column $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Zj for column $5 $6 -$ M + 5 $M - 6 $M - $M + 6
Cj - Zj for column $0 $0 $M - 5 -$ M + 6 $0 $ 2M - 6
The third solution is still not The solution at the end of the three iterations (point G in Figure M7.3) is still not optimal
optimal. because the S2 column contains a Cj - Zj value that is negative. Note that the current total cost
is nonetheless lower than at the end of the second tableau, which in turn is lower than the initial
solution cost. We are headed in the right direction but have one more tableau to go!
X1 Row X2 Row
1 = 1 - 102102 0 = 0 - 1-12102
0 = 0 - 102102 1 = 1 - 1-12102
1 = 1 - 1021- 12 -1 = 0 - 1-121-12
0 = 0 - 102112 0 = - 1 - 1- 12112
0 = 0 - 102112 1 = 0 - 1-12112
0 = 0 - 1021- 12 0 = 1 - 1-121- 12
300 = 300 - 10215502 700 = 150 - 1-1215502
X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2
Cj for column $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Zj for column $5 $6 -$ 1 $0 $6 $0
Cj - Zj for column $0 $0 $1 $0 $M - 6 $M
Cj $5 $6 $0 $0 $M $M
Fourth and Optimal
Solution to the Muddy SOLUTION
River Chemical Corporation MIX X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 QUANTITY
$0 S2 0 0 -1 1 1 -1 550
$5 X1 1 0 1 0 0 0 300
$6 X2 0 1 -1 0 1 0 700
Zj $5 $6 -$ 1 $0 $6 $0 $5,700
Cj - Zj $0 $0 $1 $0 $M - 6 $M
The optimal solution has been On examining the Cj - Zj row in Table M7.10, only positive or 0 values are found. The fourth
reached because only positive tableau therefore contains the optimum solution. That solution is X1 = 300, X2 = 700, and
or zero values appear in the S2 = 550. The artificial variables are both equal to 0, as is S1. Translated into management
Cj - Z j row. terms, the chemical company’s decision should be to blend 300 pounds of phosphate 1X12
with 700 pounds of potassium 1X22. This provides a surplus 1S22 of 550 pounds of potassium
more than required by the constraint X2 Ú 150. The cost of this solution is $5,700. If you look
back to Figure M7.3, you can see that this is identical to the answer found by the graphical
Although small problems such as this can be solved graphically, more realistic product
blending problems demand use of the simplex method, usually in computerized form.
A situation with no feasible Infeasibility, you may recall, comes about when there is no solution that satisfies all of the
solution may exist if the problem problem’s constraints. In the simplex method, an infeasible solution is indicated by looking at
was formulated improperly. the final tableau. In it, all Cj - Zj row entries will be of the proper sign to imply optimality, but
an artificial variable 1A12 will still be in the solution mix.
Table M7.11 illustrates the final simplex tableau for a hypothetical minimization type of LP
problem. The table provides an example of an improperly formulated problem, probably con-
taining conflicting constraints. No feasible solution is possible because an artificial variable, A2,
remains in the solution mix, even though all Cj - Zj entries are positive or 0 (the criterion for an
optimal solution in a minimization case).
Unbounded Solutions
Unboundedness describes linear programs that do not have finite solutions. It occurs in maxi-
mization problems, for example, when a solution variable can be made infinitely large without
No finite solution may exist in violating a constraint. In the simplex method, the condition of unboundedness will be discovered
problems that are not bounded. prior to reaching the final tableau. We will note the problem when trying to decide which vari-
This means that a variable can be able to remove from the solution mix. As seen earlier in this module, the procedure is to divide
infinitely large without violating each quantity column number by the corresponding pivot column number. The row with the
a constraint. smallest positive ratio is replaced. But if all the ratios turn out to be negative or undefined, it
indicates that the problem is unbounded.
Table M7.12 illustrates the second tableau calculated for a particular LP maximization
problem by the simplex method. It also points to the condition of unboundedness. The solution
is not optimal because not all Cj - Zj entries are 0 or negative, as required in a maximization
problem. The next variable to enter the solution should be X1. To determine which variable will
leave the solution, we examine the ratios of the quantity column numbers to their corresponding
numbers in the X1, or pivot, column:
Ratio for the X2 row:
Ratio for the S2 row: Negative ratios unacceptable
Since both pivot column numbers are negative, an unbounded solution is indicated.
Cj $5 $8 $0 $0 $M $M
Illustration of Infeasibility
$5 X1 1 0 -2 3 -1 0 200
$8 X2 0 1 1 2 -2 0 100
$M A2 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 20
Zj $5 $8 -$ 2 $ 31 - M -21 - M $M $ 1,800 + 20M
Cj - Zj $0 $0 $2 $ M - 31 $ 2M + 21 $0
Cj $6 $9 $0 $0
Problem with an
Unbounded Solution SOLUTION
$9 X2 -1 1 2 0 30
$0 S2 -2 0 -1 1 10
Zj -$ 9 $9 $18 $0 $270
Cj - Zj $15 $0 -$ 18 $0
Pivot column
Degeneracy is another situation that can occur when solving an LP problem using the simplex
method. It develops when three (or more) constraints pass through a single point. For example,
suppose a problem has only these three constraints X1 … 10, X2 … 10, and X1 + X2 6 20. All
three constraint lines will pass through the point 110, 102. Degeneracy is first recognized when
the ratio calculations are made. If there is a tie for the smallest ratio, this is a signal that degen-
Tied ratios in the simplex eracy exists. As a result of this, when the next tableau is developed, one of the variables in the
calculations signal degeneracy. solution mix will have a value of zero.
Table M7.13 provides an example of a degenerate problem. At this iteration of the given
maximization LP problem, the next variable to enter the solution will be X1, since it has the only
positive Cj - Zj number. The ratios are computed as follows:
For the X2 row: = 40
For the S2 row: = 5 Tie for the smallest ratio indicates degeneracy
For the S3 row: = 5
Cycling may result from Theoretically, degeneracy could lead to a situation known as cycling, in which the simplex
degeneracy. algorithm alternates back and forth between the same nonoptimal solutions; that is, it puts a
new variable in, then takes it out in the next tableau, then puts it back in, and so on. One simple
way of dealing with the issue is to select either row (S2 or S3, in this case) arbitrarily. If we are
unlucky and cycling does occur, we simply go back and select the other row.
Cj $5 $8 $2 $0 $0 $0
Problem Illustrating
Degeneracy SOLUTION
$8 X2 0.25 1 1 -2 0 0 10
$0 S2 4 0 0.33 -1 1 0 20
$0 S3 2 0 2 0.4 0 1 10
Zj $2 $8 $8 $16 $0 $0 $80
Cj - Zj $3 $0 -$ 6 -$ 16 $0 $0
Pivot column
Cj $3 $2 $0 $0
Problem with Alternate
Optimal Solutions SOLUTION
$2 X2 1.5 1 1 0 6
$0 S2 1 0 0.5 1 3
Zj $3 $2 $2 $0 $12
Cj - Zj $0 $0 -$ 2 $0
High Note Sound Company
Graphical Solution
X 1 = 0 Speakers
a = (0, 20) X 2 = 20 Receivers
Profits = $2,400
20 b = (16, 12)
Isoprofit Line: $2,400 = 50X1 + 120X2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 X1
c = (20, 0) (Speakers)
X2 = 20 stereo receivers
f Basic variables
S2 = 40 hours of slack time of audio technicians
X1 = 0 Speakers
f Nonbasic variables
S1 = 0 hours of slack time of electricians
Basic variables (those in the solution mix) and nonbasic variables (those set equal to 0) must
be handled differently using sensitivity analysis. Let us first consider the case of a nonbasic
Cj $50 $120 $0 $0
Optimal Solution by the
Simplex Method SOLUTION
Nonbasic variables are variables NONBASIC OBJECTIVE FUNCTION COEFFICIENT Our goal here is to find out how sensitive the problem’s
that have a value of zero. optimal solution is to changes in the contribution rates of variables not currently in the basis
(X1 and S1). Just how much would the objective function coefficients have to change before X1
or S1 would enter the solution mix and replace one of the basic variables?
The answer lies in the Cj - Zj row of the final simplex tableau (as in Table M7.15). Since
this is a maximization problem, the basis will not change unless the Cj - Zj value of one of the
nonbasic variables becomes positive. That is, the current solution will be optimal as long as all
numbers in the bottom row are less than or equal to 0. It will not be optimal if X1’s Cj - Zj value
The solution is optimal as long as is positive or if S1’s Cj - Zj value is greater than 0. Therefore, the values of Cj for X1 and S1 that
all Cj − Z j " 0. do not bring about any change in the optimal solution are given by
Cj - Zj … 0
This is the same as writing
Cj … Zj
Since X1’s Cj value is $50 and its Zj value is $60, the current solution is optimal as long as the
profit per speaker does not exceed $60 or, correspondingly, does not increase by more than $10.
Similarly, the contribution rate per unit of S1 (or per hour of electrician’s time) may increase
from $0 up to $30 without changing the current solution mix.
The range over which Cj rates In both cases, when you are maximizing an objective function, you may increase the value
for nonbasic variables can vary of Cj up to the value of Zj. You may also decrease the value of Cj for a nonbasic variable to nega-
without causing a change in the tive infinity 1- ∞2 without affecting the solution. This range of Cj values is called the range of
optimal solution mix is called the
insignificance for nonbasic variables.
range of insignificance.
- ∞ … Cj 1for X12 … $ 60
- ∞ … Cj1for S12 … $ 30
-10 - 0.5∆ … 0
-10 … 0.5∆
-20 … ∆ or ∆ Ú -20
Cj $50 $120 + Δ $0 $0
Change in the Profit
Contribution of Stereo SOLUTION
Receivers MIX X1 X2 S1 S2 QUANTITY
This inequality means that the optimal solution will not change unless X2’s profit coefficient
decreases by at least $20, which is a change of ∆ = -$20. Hence, variable X1 will not enter the
basis unless the profit per stereo receiver drops from $120 to $100 or less. This, interestingly, is
exactly what we noticed graphically in Chapter 7. When the profit per stereo receiver dropped to
$80, the optimal solution changed from corner point a to corner point b.
Now we examine the S1 column:
-30 - 0.25∆ … 0
-30 … 0.25∆
-120 … ∆ or ∆ Ú -120
This inequality implies that S1 is less sensitive to change than X1. S1 will not enter the basis
unless the profit per unit of X2 drops from $120 all the way down to $0.
The range of optimality is the Since the first inequality is more binding, we can say that the range of optimality for X2’s
range of values over which a profit coefficient is
basic variable’s coefficient can
change without causing a change $ 100 … Cj1for X22 … ∞
in the optimal solution mix.
As long as the profit per stereo receiver is greater than or equal to $100, the current production
mix of X2 = 20 receivers and X1 = 0 speakers will be optimal.
In analyzing larger problems, we would use this procedure to test for the range of optimal-
ity of every real decision variable in the final solution mix. The procedure helps us avoid the
time-consuming process of reformulating and resolving the entire LP problem each time a small
change occurs. Within the bounds set, changes in profit coefficients would not force a firm to
alter its product mix decision or change the number of units produced. Overall profits, of course,
will change if a profit coefficient increases or decreases, but such computations are quick and
easy to perform.
The shadow price is the value SHADOW PRICES This leads us to the important subject of shadow prices. Exactly how much
of one additional unit of a should a firm be willing to pay to make additional resources available? Is one more hour of ma-
scarce resource. Shadow pricing chine time worth $1 or $5 or $20? Is it worthwhile to pay workers an overtime rate to stay one
provides an important piece of extra hour each night to increase production output? Valuable management information could be
economic information. provided if the worth of additional resources were known.
Fortunately, this information is available to us by looking at the final simplex tableau of an
LP problem. An important property of the Cj - Zj row is that the negatives of the numbers in its
The negatives of the numbers in slack variable 1Si2 columns provide us with what we call shadow prices. A shadow price is the
the Cj − Zj row’s slack variable change in value of the objective function from an increase of one unit of a scarce resource (e.g.,
columns are the shadow prices. when one more hour of machine time or labor time or other resource is made available).
The final simplex tableau for the High Note Sound Company problem is repeated as
Table M7.17 (it was first shown as Table M7.15). The tableau indicates that the optimal solution
is X1 = 0, X2 = 20, S1 = 0, and S2 = 40 and that profit = $ 2,400. Recall that S1 represents
slack availability of the electricians’ resource and S2 the unused time in the audio technicians’
The firm is considering hiring an extra electrician on a part-time basis. Let’s say that it will
cost $22 per hour in wages and benefits to bring the part-timer on board. Should the firm do
this? The answer is yes: the shadow price of the electrician time resource is $30. Thus, the firm
will net $8 1=$30 - $222 for every hour the new worker helps in the production process.
Should High Note also hire a part-time audio technician at a rate of $14 per hour? The
answer is no: the shadow price is $0, implying no increase in the objective function by making
more of this second resource available. Why? Because not all of the resource is currently being
used—40 hours are still available. It would hardly pay to buy more of the resource.
RIGHT-HAND-SIDE RANGING Obviously, we can’t add an unlimited number of units of r esource with-
out eventually violating one of the problem’s constraints. When we understand and compute the
The range over which shadow shadow price for an additional hour of electricians’ time ($30), we will want to d etermine how
prices remain valid is called many hours we can actually use to increase profits. Should the new resource be added 1 hour,
right-hand-side ranging. 2 hours, or 200 hours per week? In LP terms, this process involves finding the range over which
shadow prices will stay valid. Right-hand-side ranging tells us the number of hours High Note
can add or remove from the electrician department and still have a shadow price of $30.
Ranging is simple in that it resembles the simplex process we used earlier in this mod-
ule to find the minimum ratio for a new variable. The S1 column and quantity column from
Table M7.17 are repeated in the following table; the ratios, both positive and negative, are also
20 0.25 20>0.25 = 80
40 -0.25 40> - 0.25 = - 160
Cj $50 $120 $0 $0
Final Tableau for the High
Note Sound Company SOLUTION
The smallest positive ratio (80, in this example) tells us by how many hours the electricians’
time resource can be reduced without altering the current solution mix. Hence, we can decrease
the RHS resource by as much as 80 hours—basically from the current 80 hours all the way down
to 0 hours—without causing a basic variable to be pivoted out of the solution.
The smallest negative ratio 1-1602 tells us the number of hours that can be added to the
resource before the solution mix changes. In this case, we can increase electricians’ time by
160 hours, up to 240 1= 80 currently + 160 may be added2 hours. We have now established the
range of electricians’ time over which the shadow price of $30 is valid. That range is from 0 to
240 hours.
The audio technician resource is slightly different in that all 60 hours of time originally
available have not been used. (Note that S2 = 40 hours in Table M7.17.) If we apply the ratio
test, we see that we can reduce the number of audio technicians’ hours by only 40 (the small-
est positive ratio = 40>1) before a shortage occurs. But since we are not using all the hours
currently available, we can increase them indefinitely without altering the problem’s solution.
Note that there are no negative substitution rates in the S2 column, so there are no negative
ratios. Hence, the valid range for this shadow price would be from 20 1= 60 - 402 hours to an
unbounded upper limit.
The substitution rates in the slack variable column can also be used to determine the actual
values of the solution mix variables if the right-hand side of a constraint is changed. The follow-
ing relationship is used to find these values:
Changes in the RHS values New quantity = Original quantity + 1Substution rate21Change in right@hand side2
of constraints may change the
optimal quantity values of the
solution mix variables.
For example, if 12 more electrician hours were made available, the new values in the quan-
tity column of the simplex tableau are found as follows:
20 0.25 20 + 10.2521122 = 23
40 -0.25 40 + 1- 0.2521122 = 37
Thus, if 12 hours are added, X2 = 23 and S2 = 37. All other variables are nonbasic and remain
zero. This yields a total profit of 50102 + 1201232 = $ 2,760, which is an increase of $360 (or
the shadow price of $30 per hour for 12 hours of electrician time). A similar analysis with the
other constraint and the S2 column would show that if any additional audio technician hours
were added, only the slack for that constraint would increase.
The corresponding dual constraints are formed from the transpose6 of the primal constraints’
coefficients. Note that if the primal constraints are … , the dual constraints are Ú :
6 a b a c
For example, the transpose of the set of numbers a b is a b . In the case of the transpose of the primal coefficients
2 4 2 3 c d b d
a b , the result is a b . Refer to Module 5, which deals with matrices and determinants, for a review of the trans-
3 1 4 1
pose concept.
Let’s look at the meaning of these dual constraints. In the first inequality, the RHS constant ($50)
is the income from one speaker. The coefficients of U1 and U2 are the amounts of each scarce
resource (electrician time and audio technician time) that are required to produce a speaker. That
is, 2 hours of electricians’ time and 3 hours of audio technicians’ time are used up in making
one speaker. Each speaker produced yields $50 of revenue to High Note Sound Company. This
inequality states that the total imputed value or potential worth of the scarce resources needed
to produce a speaker must be at least equal to the profit derived from the product. The second
constraint makes an analogous statement for the stereo receiver product.
The first and second tableaus are shown in Table M7.18. The third tableau—containing the opti-
mal solution of U1 = 30, U2 = 0, S1 = 10, S2 = 0, and opportunity cost = $ 2,400—appears
in Figure M7.5, along with the final tableau of the primal problem.
TABLE M7.18 First and Second Tableaus of the High Note Dual Problem
Cj 80 60 0 0 M M
First $M A1 2 3 -1 0 1 0 50
tableau $M A2 4 1 0 -1 0 1 120
Zj $6M $4M -$ M -$M $M $M $170M
Cj - Zj 80 - 6M 60 - 4M M M 0 0
Second $80 U1 1 1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 0 25
tableau $M A2 0 -5 2 -1 -2 1 20
Zj $80 $ 120 - 5M -$ 40 + 2M -$ M $ 40 - 2M $M $ 2,000 + 20M
Cj - Zj 0 5M - 60 -2M + 40 M 3M - 40 0
If the jth primal constraint should be an equality, the ith dual variable is unrestricted in sign. This technical issue is
discussed in L. Cooper and D. Steinberg, Methods and Applications of Linear Programming (Philadelphia: W. B.
Saunders, 1974), p. 170.
Comparison of the Primal Primal’s Optimal Solution
and Dual Optimal Tableaus Cj $50 $120 $0 $0
Solution Quantity
Mix X1 X2 S1 S2
$0 S2 2.5 0 –0.25 1 40
Zj 60 120 30 0 $2,400
Cj – Zj –10 0 –30 0
Cj 80 60 0 0 M M
Solution Quantity
Mix U1 U2 S1 S2 A1 A2
Zj 80 20 0 –20 0 20 $2,400
Cj – Zj
0 40 0 20 M M – 20
We mentioned earlier that the primal and dual lead to the same solution even though they
are formulated differently. How can this be?
The solution to the dual yields It turns out that in the final simplex tableau of a primal problem, the absolute values of the
shadow prices. numbers in the Cj - Zj row under the slack variables represent the solutions to the dual prob-
lem—that is, the optimal Uis (see Figure M7.5). In the earlier section on sensitivity analysis, we
termed these numbers in the columns of the slack variables shadow prices. Thus, the solution to
the dual problem presents the marginal profits of each additional unit of resource.
It also happens that the absolute value of the Cj - Zj values of the slack variables in the
optimal dual solution represent the optimal values of the primal X1 and X2 variables. The minimum
opportunity cost derived in the dual must always equal the maximum profit derived in the primal.
Also note the other relationships between the primal and the dual that are indicated in
Figure M7.5 by arrows. Columns A1 and A2 in the optimal dual tableau may be ignored because,
as you recall, artificial variables have no physical meaning.
For details, see Narendra Karmarkar, “A New Polynomial Time Algorithm for Linear Programming,” Combinatorica
4, 4 (1984): 373–395, or J. N. Hooker, “Karmarkar’s Linear Programming Algorithm,” Interfaces 16, 4 (July–August
1986): 75–90.
As we saw, the simplex algorithm finds a solution by moving from one adjacent corner
point to the next, following the outside edges of the feasible region. In contrast, Karmarkar’s
method follows a path of points on the inside of the feasible region. Karmarkar’s method is also
unique in its ability to handle an extremely large number of constraints and variables, thereby
giving LP users the capacity to solve previously unsolvable problems.
Although it is likely that the simplex method will continue to be used for many LP problems,
a new generation of LP software built around Karmarkar’s algorithm is already becoming popu-
lar. Delta Air Lines became the first commercial airline to use the Karmarkar program, called
KORBX, which was developed and is sold by AT&T. Delta found that the program streamlined
the monthly scheduling of 7,000 pilots who fly more than 400 airplanes to 166 cities worldwide.
With increased efficiency in allocating limited resources, Delta saves millions of dollars in crew
time and related costs.
In Chapter 7, we examined the use of graphical methods to remaining row, and (5) computing the Zj and Cj - Zj rows and
solve LP problems that contained only two decision variables. examining for optimality. Each tableau of this iterative proce-
This module moves us one giant step further by introducing the dure is displayed and explained for a sample maximization and
simplex method. The simplex method is an iterative procedure minimization problem.
for reaching the optimal solution to LP problems of any dimen- A few special issues in LP that arise in using the simplex
sion. It consists of a series of rules that, in effect, algebraically method are also discussed in this module. Examples of infeasi-
examine corner points in a systematic way. Each step moves us bility, unbounded solutions, degeneracy, and multiple optimal
closer to the optimal solution by increasing profit or decreasing solutions are presented.
cost, while maintaining feasibility. Although large LP problems are seldom, if ever, solved by
This module explains the procedure for converting less- hand, the purpose of this module is to help you gain an under-
than-or-equal-to, greater-than-or-equal-to, and equality con- standing of how the simplex method works. Understanding the
straints into the simplex format. These conversions employed underlying principles helps you to interpret and analyze com-
the inclusion of slack, surplus, and artificial variables. An ini- puterized LP solutions.
tial simplex tableau is developed that portrays the problem’s This module also provides a foundation for another issue:
original data formulations. It also contains a row providing answering questions about the problem after an optimal solu-
profit or cost information and a net evaluation row. The lat- tion has been found, which is called postoptimality analysis,
ter, identified as the Cj - Zj row, is examined in determining or sensitivity analysis. Included in this discussion is the analy-
whether an optimal solution has yet been reached. It also points sis of the value of additional resources, called shadow pricing.
out which variable next enters the solution mix, or basis, if the Finally, the relationship between a primal LP problem and its
current solution is nonoptimal. dual is explored. We illustrate how to derive the dual from a
The simplex method consists of five steps: (1) identifying primal and how the solutions to the dual variables are actually
the pivot column, (2) identifying the pivot row and number, the shadow prices.
(3) replacing the pivot row, (4) computing new values for each
Artificial Variable A variable that has no meaning in a Degeneracy A condition that arises when there is a tie in the
physical sense but acts as a tool to help generate an initial values used to determine which variable will enter the solu-
LP solution. tion next. It can lead to cycling back and forth between two
Basic Feasible Solution A solution to an LP problem that nonoptimal solutions.
corresponds to a corner point of the feasible region. Infeasibility The situation in which there is no solution that
Basis or Basic Variables The set of variables that are in the satisfies all of a problem’s constraints.
solution, have positive, nonzero values, and are listed in the Iterative Procedure A process (algorithm) that repeats the
solution mix column. same steps over and over.
Cj − Zj Row The row containing the net profit or loss that Nonbasic Variables Variables not in the solution mix or
will result from introducing one unit of the variable indi- basis. Nonbasic variables are equal to zero.
cated in that column into the solution. Pivot Column The column with the largest positive number in
Current Solution The basic feasible solution that is the set the Cj - Zj row of a maximization problem or with the largest
of variables presently in the solution. It corresponds to a negative Cj - Zj improvement value in a minimization prob-
corner point of the feasible region. lem. It indicates which variable will enter the solution next.
Pivot Number The number at the intersection of the pivot Simplex Method A matrix algebra method for solving LP
row and pivot column. problems.
Pivot Row The row corresponding to the variable that will Simplex Tableau A table for keeping track of calculations at
leave the basis in order to make room for the variable en- each iteration of the simplex method.
tering (as indicated by the new pivot column). This is the Slack Variable A variable added to less-than-or-equal-to
smallest positive ratio found by dividing the quantity col- constraints in order to create an equality for a simplex
umn values by the pivot column values for each row. method. It represents a quantity of unused resource.
Primal–Dual Relationship An alternative way of stating an Solution Mix A column in the simplex tableau that contains
LP problem. all the basic variables in the solution.
Quantity Column A column in the simplex tableau that Substitution Rates The coefficients in the central body of
gives the numeric value of each variable in the solution mix each simplex table. They indicate the number of units of each
column. basic variable that must be removed from the solution if a
Range of Insignificance The range of values over which a new variable (as represented at any column head) is entered.
nonbasic variable’s coefficient can vary without causing a Surplus Variable A variable inserted in a greater-than-or-
change in the optimal solution mix. equal-to constraint to create an equality. It represents the
Range of Optimality The range of values over which a amount of resource usage above the minimum required
basic variable’s coefficient can change without causing a usage.
change in the optimal solution mix. Unboundedness A condition describing LP maximization
Right-Hand-Side Ranging A method used to find the range problems having solutions that can become infinitely large
over which shadow prices remain valid. without violating any stated constraints.
Shadow Prices The coefficients of slack variables in the Zj Row The row containing the figures for gross profit or
Cj - Zj row. They represent the value of one additional unit loss given up by adding one unit of a variable into the
of a resource. solution.
Key Equations
(M7-1) 1New row numbers2 = 1Numbers in old row2 Formula for computing new values for nonpivot rows in
the simplex tableau (step 4 of the simplex procedure).
Number above or below Corresponding number
- ca b * a b
pivot number in newly replaced row
Solved Problems
Minimize cost = 4X1 + 1X2 + 0S1 + 0S2 + MA1 + MA2
subject to 3X1 + 1X2 + 1A1 = 3
4X1 + 3X2 - 1S1 + 1A2 = 6
1X1 + 2X2 + 1S2 = 3
We begin by adding slack variables and converting inequalities into equalities.
Cj $9 $7 $0 $0
$0 S1 2 1 1 0 40
$0 S2 1 3 0 1 30
Zj $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cj - Zj 9 7 0 0
The correct second tableau and third tableau and some of their calculations follow. The optimal solu-
tion, given in the third tableau, is X1 = 18, X2 = 4, S1 = 0, S2 = 0, and profit = $190.
Steps 1 and 2 To go from the first to the second tableau, we note that the pivot column (in the first tab-
leau) is X1, which has the highest Cj - Zj value, $9. The pivot row is S1, since 40/2 is less than 30/1, and
the pivot number is 2.
Step 3 The new X1 row is found by dividing each number in the old S1 row by the pivot number—that
is, 2>2 = 1, 1>2 = 0.5, 1>2 = 0.5, 0>2 = 0, and 40>2 = 20.
Step 4 The new values for the S2 row are computed as follows:
Number in Number in Number below
a b = a b - Ca b * £ number in ≥ S
new S2 row old S2 row pivot number
new X1 row
0 = 1 - 3112 * 1124
2.5 = 3 - 3112 * 10.524
-0.5 = 0 - 3112 * 10.524
1 = 1 - 3112 * 1024
10 = 30 - 3112 * 12024
Cj $9 $7 $0 $0
$9 X1 1 0.5 0.5 0 20
0 S2 0 2.5 -0.5 1 10 Pivot row
Zj $9 $4.5 $4.5 $0 $180
Cj - Zj 0 2.5 -4.5 0
Pivot column
This solution is not optimal, and you must perform steps 1 to 5 again. The new pivot column is X2, the
new pivot row is S2, and 2.5 (circled in the second tableau) is the new pivot number.
Cj $9 $7 $0 $0
$9 X1 1 0 0.6 -0.2 18
7 X2 0 1 -0.2 0.4 4
Zj $9 $7 $4 $1 $190
Cj - Zj 0 0 -4 -1
18 0.6 18>10.62 = 30
4 -0.2 4>1-0.22 = -20
The smallest positive ratio is 30, so we may reduce the right-hand side of constraint 1 by 30 units (for
a lower bound of 40 - 30 = 10). Similarly, the negative ratio of -20 tells us that we may increase
the right-hand side of constraint 1 by 20 units (for an upper bound of 40 + 20 = 60).
c. The maximum possible profit = Original profit + 101shadow price2
= 190 + 10142 = 230
The values for the basic variables are found using the original quantities and the substitution rates:
18 0.6 18 + 10.621102 = 24
4 -0.2 4 + 1-0.221102 = 2
Cj 9+Δ 7 0 0
9 + ∆ X1 1 0 0.6 - 0.2 18
7 X2 0 1 -0.2 0.4 4
Zj 9 + ∆ 7 4 + 10.62∆ 1 - 10.22∆ 190 + 18∆
Cj - Zj 0 0 -4 - 10.62∆ -1 + 10.22∆
For this solution to remain optimal, the Cj - Zj values must remain negative or zero.
-4 - 10.62∆ … 0
-4 … 10.62∆
-20>3 … ∆
-1 + 10.22∆ … 0
10.22∆ … 1
∆ … 5
So the change in profit 1∆2 must be between -20>3 and 5. The original profit was 9, so this solution
remains optimal as long as the profit on X1 is between 2.33 = 9 - 20>3 and 14 = 9 + 5.
●● Before taking the self-test, refer to the learning objectives at the beginning of the module, the notes in the margins, and the
glossary at the end of the module.
●● Use the key at the back of the book to correct your answers.
●● Restudy pages that correspond to any questions that you answered incorrectly or material you feel uncertain about.
1. A basic feasible solution is a solution to an LP problem c. there is more than one optimal solution.
that corresponds to a corner point of the feasible region. d. the solution is degenerate.
a. True 10. The pivot column in a maximization problem is the
b. False column with
2. In preparing a Ú constraint for an initial simplex a. the greatest positive Cj - Zj.
tableau, you would b. the greatest negative Cj - Zj.
a. add a slack variable. c. the greatest positive Zj.
b. add a surplus variable. d. the greatest negative Zj.
c. subtract an artificial variable. 11. A change in the objective function coefficient 1Cj2 for a
d. subtract a surplus variable and add an artificial variable. basic variable can affect
3. In the initial simplex tableau, the solution mix variables a. the Cj - Zj values of all the nonbasic variables.
can be b. the Cj - Zj values of all the basic variables.
a. only slack variables. c. only the Cj - Zj value of that variable.
b. slack and surplus variables. d. the Cj values of other basic variables.
c. artificial and surplus variables. 12. Linear programming has few applications in the real
d. slack and artificial variables. world due to the assumption of certainty in the data and
4. Even if an LP problem involves many variables, an relationships of a problem.
optimal solution will always be found at a corner point of a. True
the n-dimensional polyhedron forming the feasible region. b. False
a. True 13. In a simplex tableau, one variable will leave the basis and
b. False be replaced by another variable. The leaving variable is
5. Which of the following in a simplex tableau indicates a. the basic variable with the largest Cj.
that an optimal solution for a maximization problem has b. the basic variable with the smallest Cj.
been found? c. the basic variable in the pivot row.
a. All the Cj - Zj values are negative or zero. d. the basic variable in the pivot column.
b. All the Cj - Zj values are positive or zero. 14. Which of the following must equal 0?
c. All the substitution rates in the pivot column are nega- a. basic variables
tive or zero. b. solution mix variables
d. There are no more slack variables in the solution mix. c. nonbasic variables
6. To formulate a problem for solution by the simplex d. objective function coefficients for artificial variables
method, we must add slack variables to 15. The shadow price for a constraint is
a. all inequality constraints. a. the value of an additional unit of that resource.
b. only equality constraints. b. always equal to zero if there is positive slack for that
c. only “greater than” constraints. constraint.
d. only “less than” constraints. c. found from the Cj - Zj value in the slack variable
7. If in the optimal tableau of an LP problem an artificial column.
variable is present in the solution mix, this implies d. all of the above.
a. infeasibility. 16. The solution to the dual LP problem
b. unboundedness. a. presents the marginal profit of each additional unit of
c. degeneracy. resource.
d. alternate optimal solutions. b. can always be derived by examining the Zj row of the
8. If in the final optimal simplex tableau the Cj - Zj value primal’s optimal simplex tableau.
for a nonbasic variable is zero, this implies c. is better than the solution to the primal.
a. feasibility. d. is all of the above.
b. unboundedness. 17. The number of constraints in a dual problem will equal
c. degeneracy. the number of
d. alternate optimal solutions. a. constraints in the primal problem.
9. In a simplex tableau, all of the substitution rates in the b. variables in the primal problem.
pivot column are negative. This indicates that c. variables plus the number of constraints in the primal
a. there is no feasible solution to this problem. problem.
b. the solution is unbounded. d. variables in the dual problem.
Note: means the problem may be solved with QM for Windows; means the problem may be solved with Excel; and means the problem may be
solved with QM for Windows and/or Excel.
(c) Write the problem’s original objective function. (a) Solve this problem graphically.
(d) What is the basis for the initial solution? (b) Set up the initial simplex tableau. On the graph,
(e) Which variable should enter the solution at the identify the corner point represented by this
next iteration? tableau.
(f) Which variable will leave the solution at the next (c) Select the pivot column. Which variable is the
iteration? entering variable?
(g) How many units of the variable entering the (d) Compute the ratio of the quantity-to-pivot col-
solution next will be in the basis in the second umn substitution rate for each row. Identify the
tableau? points on the graph related to these ratios.
(h) How much will profit increase in the next (e) How many units of the entering variable will be
solution? brought into the solution in the second tableau?
M7-19 Consider the following LP problem: What would happen if the largest ratio rather
than the smallest ratio were selected to deter-
Maximize earnings = $0.80X1 + $0.40X2 + $1.20X3
mine this (see the graph)?
- $0.10X4 (f) Which variable is the leaving variable? What will
subject to X1 + 2X2 + X3 + 5X4 … 150 the value of this variable be in the next tableau?
Q/A (g) Finish solving this problem using the simplex
X2 - 4X3 + 8X4 = 70
6X1 + 7X2 + 2X3 - X4 Ú 120
(h) The solution in each simplex tableau is a corner
X1, X2, X3, X4 Ú 0 point on the graph. Identify the corner point as-
sociated with each tableau.
(a) Convert these constraints to equalities by adding
M7-22 Solve the following LP problem first graphically and
the appropriate slack, surplus, or artificial vari-
then by the simplex algorithm:
ables. Also, add the new variables into the prob-
lem’s objective function. Minimize cost = 4X1 + 5X2
(b) Set up the complete initial simplex tableau for subject to X1 + 2X2 Ú 80
this problem. Do not attempt to solve.
3X1 + X2 Ú 75
(c) Give the values for all variables in this initial
solution. X1,X2 Ú 0
M7-20 Solve the following LP problem graphically. Then What are the values of the basic variables at each
set up a simplex tableau and solve the problem us- iteration? Which are the nonbasic variables at each
ing the simplex method. Indicate the corner points iteration?
generated at each iteration by the simplex method on
M7-23 The final simplex tableau for an LP maximization
your graph.
problem is shown on this page. Describe the situa-
Maximize profit = $3X1 + $5X2 tion encountered here.
subject to X2 … 6 M7-24 Solve the following problem by the simplex method.
3X1 + 2X2 … 18 What condition exists that prevents you from reach-
ing an optimal solution?
X1, X2 Ú 0 Maximize profit = 6X1 + 3X2
M7-21 Consider the following LP problem: subject to 2X1 - 2X2 … 2
Maximize profit = 10X1 + 8X2 -X1 + X2 … 1
X1, X2 Ú 0
subject to 4X1 + 2X2 … 80
X1 + 2X2 … 50 M7-25 Consider the following financial problem:
X1, X2 Ú 0
Maximize return on investment = $2X1 + $3X2
Tableau for Problem M7-23
Cj 3 5 0 0 - M
$5 X2 1 1 2 0 0 6
-M A1 -1 0 -2 -1 1 2
Zj $5 + M $5 $10 + 2M $M -$M $30 - 2M
Cj - Zj -2 - M 0 -10 - 2M -M 0
Cj $6 $3 $5 0 0 0
$5 X3 0 1 1 1 0 3 5
$6 X1 1 -3 0 0 0 1 12
$0 S2 0 2 0 1 1 -1 10
Zj $6 -$13 $5 $5 $0 $21 $97
Cj - Zj $0 $16 $0 -$5 $0 -$21
T container, a profit of $14. Each shipment prepared total of $35,000 is budgeted for all new carpet in
requires a certain amount of packing material and the building.
a certain amount of time, as seen in the following Zoning regulations dictate that the building con-
table: tain no more than 50 condominiums when the con-
version is completed—and no fewer than 25 units.
The development company decides that to have a
CONTAINER MATERIAL (LB) (HOURS) good blend of owners, at least 40% but no more than
70% of the units should be one-bedroom apartments.
A 2 2 Not all money budgeted in each category need be
K 1 6 spent, although profit is not affected by cost savings.
T 3 4 But since the money represents a bank loan, under
no circumstances may it be exceeded or even shifted
Total amount of resource 120 lb 240 hours
available each week
from one area, such as carpeting, to another, such as
(a) Formulate Foggy Bottom Development Corpora-
Bill Bagwell, head of the firm, must decide the opti-
tion’s decision as a linear program to maximize
mal number of each class of container to pack each
week. He is bound by the previously mentioned
(b) Convert your objective function and constraints
r esource restrictions, but he also decides that he
to a form containing the appropriate slack, sur-
must keep his six full-time packers employed all 240
plus, and artificial variables.
hours (6 workers, 40 hours) each week. Formulate
and solve this problem using the simplex method. M7-33 The initial simplex tableau on the following page
M7-32 The Foggy Bottom Development Corporation has was developed by Tommy Gibbs, vice president of
just purchased a small hotel for conversion to con- a large cotton spinning mill. Unfortunately, Gibbs
dominium apartments. The building, in a popu- quit before completing this important LP applica-
lar area of Washington, D.C., near the U.S. State tion. Stephanie Robbins, the newly hired replace-
Department, will be highly marketable, and each ment, was immediately given the task of using LP
condominium sale is expected to yield a good profit. to determine what different kinds of yarn the mill
Q/A should use to minimize costs. Her first need was
The conversion process, however, includes several
options. Basically, four types of condominiums can to be certain that Gibbs correctly formulated the
be designed out of the former hotel rooms. They objective function and constraints. She could find
are deluxe one-bedroom apartments, regular one- no statement of the problem in the files, so she de-
bedroom apartments, deluxe studios, and efficiency cided to reconstruct the problem from the initial
apartments. Each will yield a different profit, but tableau.
each type also requires a different level of invest-
(a) What is the correct formulation, using real deci-
ment in carpeting, painting, appliances, and car-
sion variables (that is, Xis) only?
pentry work. Bank loans dictate a limited budget
(b) Which variable will enter this current solution
that may be allocated to each of these needs. Profit
mix in the second tableau? Which basic variable
data and the conversion costs for each apartment are
will leave?
shown in the table on this page.
Thus, we see that the cost of carpeting a deluxe
one-bedroom unit is $1,100, the cost of carpeting
a regular one-bedroom unit is $1,000, and so on. A
MIX X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 A1 A2 A3 A4 QUANTITY
$M A1 1 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 100
0 S1 0 25 1 2 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900
M A2 2 1 0 4 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 250
M A3 18 - 15 -2 -1 15 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 150
0 S4 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 300
M A4 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 70
Zj $21M - $14M -$5M $5M $21M $M $0 $0 -$M $0 -$M $M $M $M $M $570M
Cj - Zj 12 - 21M 18 + 14M 10 + 5M 20 - 5M 7 - 21M 8 - M 0 0 M 0 M 0 0 0 0
Solving the problem using the simplex method, he (b) If the original constraint that “no more than 300
produces the following final tableau: pounds of phosphate can be used” 1X1 … 3002
were changed to X1 … 400, would the ba-
Cj $9 $7 $0 $0 sis change? Would the values of X1, X2, and S2
M7-39 Formulate the dual of this LP problem:
Maximize profit = 80X1 + 75X2
$9 X1 1 0 0.6 - 0.2 18
1X1 + 3X2 … 4
7 X2 0 1 - 0.2 0.4 4
2X1 + 5X2 … 8
Zj $9 $7 $4 $1 $190 Find the dual of the problem’s dual.
Cj - Zj 0 0 -4 –1 M7-40 What is the dual of the following LP problem?
Primal: Minimize cost = 120X1 + 250X2
(a) What is the optimal mix of models 102 and H23 subject to 12X1 + 20X2 Ú 50
to produce? X1 + 3X2 Ú 4
(b) What do variables S1 and S2 represent? M7-41 The third, and final, simplex tableau for the LP prob-
(c) Clapper is considering renting a second solder- lem stated here follows:
ing machine at a cost to the firm of $2.50 per Maximize profit = 200X1 + 200X2
hour. Should he do so?
subject to 2X1 + X2 … 8
(d) Clapper computes that he can hire a part-time
inspector for only $1.75 per hour. Should he X1 + 3X2 … 9
do so? What are the solutions to the dual variables, U1 and
M7-37 Refer to Table M7.6, which is the optimal tableau U2? What is the optimal dual cost?
for the Flair Furniture Company problem.
(a) What are the values of the shadow prices? Cj $200 $200 $0 $0
(b) Interpret the physical meaning of each shadow
price in the context of the furniture problem.
(c) What is the range over which the profit per ta-
ble can vary without changing the optimal basis $200 X1 1 0 0.6 - 0.2 3
(solution mix)? 200 X2 0 1 -0.2 0.4 2
(d) What is the range of optimality for C (number of
Zj $200 $200 $80 $40 $1,000
chairs produced)?
(e) How many hours can Flair Furniture add to or Cj - Zj 0 0 -80 - 40
remove from the first resource (painting depart-
ment time) without changing the basis?
(f) Conduct RHS ranging on the carpentry depart- M7-42 The tableau on this page provides the optimal solu-
ment resource to determine the range over which tion to this dual:
the shadow price remains valid. Minimize cost = 120U1 + 240U2
M7-38 Consider the optimal solution to the Muddy River subject to 2U1 + 2U2 Ú 0.5
Chemical Corporation problem in Table M7.10.
U1 + 3U2 Ú 0.4
(a) For each of the two chemical ingredients, phosphate
and potassium, determine the range over which What does the corresponding primal problem look
their cost may vary without affecting the basis. like, and what is its optimal solution?
$120 U1 1 0 -0.75 0.5 0.75 -0.5 0.175
240 U2 0 1 0.25 -0.5 -0.25 0.5 0.075
Zj $120 $240 -$30 -$60 $30 $60 $39
Cj - Zj 0 0 30 60 M - 30 M - 60
subject to U1 + U4 Ú 10 LAB
U1 + 2U2 + U3 Ú 5
Test 1 8 4 120
- 2U2 + 5U4 Ú 31
Test 2 4 6 115
5U3 Ú 28 Test 3 9 4 116
12U1 + 2U3 - U4 Ú 17
This means that a biophysicist can complete 8, 4,
U1, U2, U3, U4 Ú 0
and 9 of tests 1, 2, and 3 per hour. Similarly, a bio-
M7-44 A firm that makes three products and has three ma- chemist can perform 4 of test 1, 6 of test 2, and 4
chines available as resources constructs the follow- of test 3 per hour. The optimal solution to the lab’s
ing LP problem: primal problem is
Maximize profit = 4X1 + 4X2 + 7X3 X1 = 8.12 hours and X2 = 13.75 hours
subject to 1X1 + 7X2 + 4X3 … 100 1hours on machine 12 Total cost = $434.37 per day
2X1 + 1X2 + 7X3 … 110 1hours on machine 22 The optimal solution to the dual problem is
Minimize cost = 23X1 + 18X2 M7-47 The Flair Furniture Company, described first in
Chapter 7 and again in this module, manufactures
subject cost 8X1 + 4X2 Ú 120 inexpensive tables (T) and chairs (C). The firm’s
4X1 + 6X2 Ú 115 daily LP formulation is given as
9X1 + 4X2 Ú 116
Maximize profits = 70T + 50C
This model represents a decision concerning number
of hours spent by biochemists on certain laboratory subject to 4T + 3C … 240 hours of carpentry time available
experiments 1X12 and number of hours spent by bio- 2T + 1C … 100 hours of painting time available
physicists on the same series of experiments 1X22. A
biochemist costs $23 per hour, while a biophysicist’s In addition, Flair finds that three more constraints
salary averages $18 per hour. Both types of scien- are in order. First, each table and chair must
tists can be used on three needed laboratory opera- be inspected and may need reworking. The follow-
tions: test 1, test 2, and test 3. The experiments and ing constraint describes the time required on average
their times are as follows: for each:
0.5T + 0.6C … 36 hours of inspection>rework time available (b) Will Flair use all of its resources to their limits
each day? Be specific in explaining your answer.
Second, Flair faces a resource constraint relating to (c) Explain the physical meaning of each shadow
the lumber needed for each table or chair and the price.
amount available each day: (d) Should Flair purchase more lumber if it is avail-
32T + 10C … 1,248 linear feet of lumber available for able at $0.07 per linear foot? Should it hire more
production carpenters at $12.75 per hour?
(e) Flair’s owner has been approached by a friend
Finally, the demand for tables is found to be a maxi- whose company would like to use several hours
mum of 40 daily. There are no similar constraints in the painting facility every day. Should Flair
regarding chairs. sell time to the other firm? If so, how much?
T … 40 1maximize table production daily2 Explain.
(f) What is the range within which the carpentry
These data have been entered in the QM for Win- hours, painting hours, and inspection/rework
dows software that is available with this book. The hours can fluctuate before the optimal solution
inputs and results are shown in Programs M7.1A, changes?
M7.1B, and M7.1C and should be referred to in (g) Within what range for the current solution can
answering these questions. the profit contribution of tables and chairs
(a) How many tables and chairs should Flair Furni- change?
ture produce daily? What is the profit generated
by this solution?
QM for Windows Input
Data for Revised Flair
Furniture Problem
(Problem M7-47)
Solution Results (Final
Tableau) for Revised
Flair Furniture Problem
(Problem M7-47)
Sensitivity Analysis for
Revised Flair Furniture
Problem (Problem M7-47)
M7-48 A Chicago manufacturer of office equipment is (d) Two tons of steel alloy are available from an
desperately attempting to control its profit and loss overstocked supplier at a total cost of $8,000.
statement. The company currently manufactures 15 Should the steel be purchased? All or part of the
different products, each coded with a one-letter and supply?
three-digit designation, as shown in the table on the (e) The accountants have just discovered that an
next page. error was made in the contribution to profit for
product N150. The correct value is actually
(a) How many of each of the 15 products should be
$8.88. What are the implications of this error?
produced each month?
(f) Management is considering the abandonment
(b) Clearly explain the meaning of each shadow
of five product lines (those beginning with the
letters A through E). If no minimum monthly
(c) A number of workers interested in saving money
d emand is established, what are the implica-
for the holidays have offered to work overtime
tions? Note that there already is no minimum for
next month at a rate of $12.50 per hour. What
two of these products. Use the corrected value
should the response of management be?
for N150.
A158 — 0.4 0.7 5.8 10.9 3.1 — $18.79
B179 4 0.5 1.8 10.3 2.0 1.0 20 6.31
C023 6 — 1.5 1.1 2.3 1.2 10 8.19
D045 10 0.4 2.0 — — 4.8 10 45.88
E388 12 1.2 1.2 8.1 4.9 5.5 — 63.00
F422 — 1.4 1.5 7.1 10.0 0.8 20 4.10
G366 10 1.4 7.0 6.2 11.1 9.1 10 81.15
H600 5 1.0 5.0 7.3 12.4 4.8 20 50.06
I701 1 0.4 — 10.0 5.2 1.9 50 12.79
J802 1 0.3 — 11.0 6.1 1.4 20 15.88
K900 — 0.2 — 12.5 7.7 1.0 20 17.91
L901 2 1.8 1.5 13.1 5.0 5.1 10 49.99
M050 — 2.7 5.0 — 2.1 3.1 20 24.00
N150 10 1.1 5.8 — — 7.7 10 88.88
P259 10 — 6.2 15.0 1.0 6.6 10 77.01
per month 980 400 600 2,500 1,800 1,000
See the Bibliography at the end of Chapter 7.