Cf. E.g., Seibt 1990, 1996a, B, C, D, 2005. On This See in Particular Seibt 2004a, B and 2008
Cf. E.g., Seibt 1990, 1996a, B, C, D, 2005. On This See in Particular Seibt 2004a, B and 2008
Cf. E.g., Seibt 1990, 1996a, B, C, D, 2005. On This See in Particular Seibt 2004a, B and 2008
Johanna Seibt
University of Aarhus
Cf. e.g., Seibt 1990, 1996a,b, c,d, 2005.
On this see in particular Seibt 2004a,b and 2008.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
basic particulars, namely, so-called ‘bare particulars’ and ‘tropes’. As shall become
apparent, current accounts of particulars are thwarted with difficulties precisely to the
extent to which they incorporate the constructional principles of the substance
paradigm. Thus in conclusion I suggest that the notion of particularity should be
separated from the network of constructional principles in which it has been
traditionally embedded, or, alternatively and preferably in my view, be replaced with
a modally weakened version of the term that should better be called ‘contingent
Cf. Mulligan, Simons, and Smith 1984: 287.
For historical and systematic reconstruction of Carnap’s influence on analytical ontology cf. e.g.,
Seibt 1996e, 1997.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
<M, TM, f, L>: it specifies an assignment f which correlates the elements of a class L
of true (i.e., taken as true) L-sentences with structures of the domain of interpretation
M as described by a domain theory TM.5 TM describes simple and complex
ontological correlates for sentences and parts of sentences of L. Strictly speaking,
truthmakers are the ontological correlates of whole sentences of L, but to simplify
terminology let ‘truthmaker’ refer to not only to ontological correlates of true L-
sentences but also to their components.
The assignment function f, which is rarely explicitly defined, abides by the
following requirements. First, the assignment should be such that it can be used to
explain, in terms of suitable structural descriptions of the domain of a language L,
why L-speakers are justified in drawing material inferences of a certain type. These
inferences, which I call categorial inferences, define the meaning of the ‘ultimate
genera terms’ of L (e.g., ‘thing,’ ‘property,’ ‘person’ etc.). Mostly the justification at
issue takes the form of an entailment from the definition of the truthmaker for an L-
sentence S to the inferences licensed by S in L. That is, the domain theory provides
definitions for basic types of entities (categories) in terms of certain features (category
features); the inferences licensed by a sentence S are justified if they can be shown to
follow from the category features of the truthmakers of S. For example, consider the
English sentences:
[4] The dog to the left of this dog is not identical with this dog.
[5] The color to the left of this color is not identical with this color.
[6] Whatever I will see of this journey in five minutes from now will not be
identical with this journey.
[7] Whatever I will see of this dog in five minutes from now will not be
identical to this dog.
Unlike semantical theories, ontologies are not developed specifically for one language (conceptual
scheme) only but aspire to articulate structures of the world as viewed from any language (conceptual
scheme). Elsewhere (e.g. Seibt 2000) I discuss the possible scope of ontological theories, given the
possibility of ontological and linguistic relativity, and the relationship of language and conceptual
schemes. Here the variable ‘L’ should simply be read as ‘L or any language functionally equivalent to
L’ and expressions such as ‘our concept C’ should be read as ‘the concept C consisting in the
inferential role R of L or functional equivalents of R in other languages.’
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
That [1] licenses [3] has traditionally been explained by the fact that the ontological
correlate (truthmaker) of the demonstrative in [1] is a substance, which has the
category feature of particularity, i.e., it cannot occur in two places at the same time,
and thus entails [3]. In contrast, in order to explain why [2] does not entail [5], the
ontological correlate of the demonstrative in [2] traditionally has been described as an
attribute, an ‘universal’ or ‘repeatable’ entity that may—in some fashion or other—
‘occur multiply’ in space at the same time. Similarly, to explain that [1] does not
licence [7], ontologists determined that the category substance not only has the
category feature of particularity, but in addition also the category feature of
persistence (later called ‘endurance’) or identity through time understood as being
wholly present at any moment in time at which the substance exists.
Second, ontological interpretations are restricted by the desideratum that the
number of explanantia, i.e., the number of categories and category features, should be
kept at a minimum. This is Occam’s well-known 'principle of parsimony,' whose full
rationale and justification comes into view only if ontology is understood as an
explanatory theory, as I am suggesting here.
Third, given that ontology is an explanatory theory, the basic categories in the
domain theory TM must be chosen according to their explanatory potential.
Ontological categories need a model to serve their explanatory function, as much as
theoretical concepts in science. In physics, water current or an ideal pendulum serve
as cognitive models for the theoretical entities of an electrical current or a harmonic
oscillator, respectively. Similarly, in ontology the notion of a substance is frequently
introduced by way of comparing it to a thing, monads are compared to minds, or
Whiteheadian occasions are compared to events. The models of ontology stand in a
slightly different relationship to the theoretical terms they elucidate, however. In the
sciences the relationship between theoretical term and cognitive model is one of
analogical illustration—there are structural similarities between the empirical
properties of the model and the theoretical properties of the theoretical entity, but the
model is not an instance of the kind of entity introduced by the theoretical term. In
contrast, the models of a theoretical entity in ontology are specific instances of the
category or entity type they are to elucidate and literally possess many (though not
all) features of that category. The model must be familiar to L-speakers or, as I say,
‘founded’ in their agentive experience.6 Only if TM operates with founded categories,
L-speakers will be able to understand what kind of entities make their true sentences
true, and only then L-speakers can accept the TM-descriptions of such entities as
explanations for why they are justified in entertaining certain concepts, i.e., in
drawing the associated inferences.
In short, then, the data of an ontology are patterns of categorial inferences
determining the inferential role of the ultimate genera terms of L; the task of an
ontology is to offer structural descriptions of truthmakers for L-sentences involving
certain ultimate genera terms of L (and, optionally, more specific kind terms of L
belonging to these genera in L); and the goal of an ontology is to operate with
This is a new way to read the Carnapian postulate of foundedness in the Aufbau, for further details on
the methodological claims sketched her see Seibt 1997 and 2000. The 'model' of the ontological
category is denoted by an ulimate genera term of L (English). One of the primary difficulties for
theories of tropes (or 'moments') consists in the fact that the category 'trope' lacks a model in this
sense--in English there is no term expressing the ultimate genus of 'this red' versus 'that red.' This
lacuna is covered up by the tropist's quick move to technical jargon like 'property instances' or
'exemplifications of attributes,' which does not ‘found’ the category in the required sense.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
structural descriptions that involve only founded categories, i.e., that L-speakers can
accept as a plausible description of what it is that makes their sentences true.
So far my reconstruction of the general methodology of mainstream analytical
ontology; even though the terminology may be partly unfamiliar, I trust that in
content the reconstruction is an uncontroversial description of the actual procedure of
analytical ontologists. Let us now look at some of the additional assumptions that
standardly enter into the concrete implementation of this methodology.
Cf. Aristotle Metaphysics 1042a34, Physics 200b33, Metaphysics 1038b35f, ibd. 1017b16ff,
Categories 2a13ff, Metaphysics 1037b1ff, Categories 3b33, Metaphysics 1041a4f, and ibd. 1041b11ff,
Cf. Seibt 1990; cf. also Stegmair 1977, who summarizes the situation in similar terms. The lack of
internal semantic integration of the historical notions of substance is both documented and obscured in
classical and more recent studies (e.g., by L.Prat, B. Bauch, E. Cassirer, R. Jolivet, J. Hessen, M.
Latzerowitz, A. Reck. D. Hamlyn, A. Leschbrand, B. Singer, T.Scaltsas), which typically retreat to a
purely inventatory approach. Rosenkrantz/Hoffmann 1991 and Simons 1994 offer definitions of
independent particulars called ‘substance’ without, however, discussing whether the definiendum is
representative for the notion of substance in a wider historical perspective.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
“the traditional notion of substance” or “substances in the old sense”, as these can
often be found in recent texts, are thus strictly speaking semantically empty if the
term is not further historically contextualized). Third, while there is no notion of
substance common to all substance ontologies, there are certain restrictions on how
substance-ontological domain theories are constructed. As I have shown elsewhere,
there are around 20 characteristic principles about linkages between category features
that substance ontologists typically employ in the construction of their domain
theories. As I shall elaborate presently, the core elements of this set of principles
establish in combination the ontological primacy of concrete individual particulars.
Thus, even though not every historical definition of substance explicitly
stipulates that substances are particulars, particularism (both in the sense of
foundational and of target particularism) is nevertheless an effect of the longstanding
“tendency towards substance” since it is implied by traditional domain principles that
have been operative in Western ontology since Aristotle. These principles form a
research paradigm in the Kuhnian sense: they restrict the collection and the
interpretation of the data of an ontological theory as well as the space of legitimate
problems and solutions. In fact, since most of these traditional assumptions have sunk
deeply into the systematic sediment of ontological debate and appear nowadays as
‘laws of thoughts’ that do not need further reflection, we may speak not only of a
“substance paradigm” but even of a theoretical ‘myth’ akin to the “myth of the ghost
in the machine” or the “myth of given”: the “myth of substance.”9
If particularism is part and parcel of the myth of substance, any discussion of
particularism and particulars should aim, first, to identify those aspects of current
accounts of particulars that are not implied by the notion of particularity itself but are
dispensable additions due to the presuppositions of the substance paradigm; in a
second step one should then investigate to what extent these additional aspects
hamper the formulation of a coherent conception of a particular. This is what I aim to
do in this contribution. Let me thus first highlight some of the principles of the
traditional systematic embedding of the notion of particularity, before I trace the
damaging effect of these additional principles for some current accounts of
The notion of particularity as such is rather easily determined: it is a category
feature that applies to all entity types (object, event, property, relation, mode etc.) and
expresses a form of uniqueness that contrasts with generality. There are two ways to
formulate such uniqueness:
Cf. Seibt 1990, 1996a, 1996c, 2005.
Throughout this essay I will use the notion of a spatiotemporal location or region not in the sense of
relativity theory but more generally to denote the pair of a spatial region and a certain temporal period;
something occurs in the spatiotemporal region r = <S, T> if it occupies the spatial region S during T.
Here and hereafter I simply speak of a ‘location’, with the understanding that such locations are
extended regions that are connected (possibly multiply connected, i.e., containing holes).
The predicate ‘x occurs in y’ is here used to as a placeholder for a variety of more specific
ontological relations such as spatiotemporal inclusion, exemplification, constitution, parthood,
containment in the ontological assay etc.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
The second definition of particularity is obviously wider than the first, since the entity
in which the candidate particular is said to occur might exist as whole at several
points in time, or it might be spatially scattered at some time t. Nevertheless,
ontologists use both definitions interchangeably, as we shall see below, and thus
apparently proceed from two hidden assumptions. The two definitions of particularity
are co-extensional only if one adopts (a) an a-temporal perspective and (b) considers
only spatially connected (‘unified’) entities. The first of these restrictions reflects the
traditional bias against change and becoming, the idea that true being is the domain of
the eternal, which has been prevalent in Western metaphysics and ontology since
Parmenides onwards. The second restriction is, in fact, one of the core elements of
the substance paradigm or myth of substance and can be formulated as a linkage
between the category features of ‘individuality’ and ‘unity’:
This is, I submit, the characteristic systematic context of the notion of particularity in
the Western ontological tradition. Of course, there are many different ways to
formulate the relevant linkage principles, some less and some more redundant in
inferential regards, and one might question the content of the principles as long as the
meaning of the linked category features is not further specified. But precisely in the
given vague formulation working ontologists will recognize in (P1) through (P9)
For other examples and the full list of characteristic Aristotelian presuppositions to be found in the
ontological tradition and the contemporary debate see Seibt 1990b, 1995, 1996a, b, c, 2000d, and 2002.
Note that the simple version of (P2), the principle of particularism: all and only individuals are
particulars, is championed in the substance-ontological tradition, but it seems not by Aristotle himself
(cf. Gill 1994).
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
some of the ‘core intuitions’ of their discipline. In fact, in the course of the historical
hegemony of the substance-ontological tradition principles like (P1) through (P9)
gradually received the status of ‘laws of thought’ that could also serve as constraints
for the task of finding precise definitions for the category features mentioned in (P1)
through (P9).
Taken in combination principles (P1) through (P9) generate a concept of
particularity that hereafter I shall call ‘substantial particularity’, contrasting the latter
with ‘particularity per se’ or necessary uniqueness as defined above in ‘Particularity-
1’. Substantial particulars are unique, concrete, fully determinate individuals that are
unified, persisting subjects. As I shall argue below, such a category is, prima facie at
least, multiply incoherent and the fact that, to the present day and with few exceptions
only, ontologists operate with the notion of substantial particularity can only count as
a striking illustration of Bergson’s observation that “the human mind has the tendency
to consider the concept it uses most frequently to be the clearest.”
Most striking in this regard is the fact that even though the notion of substance
is no longer popular, the myth of substance is alive and well in the very tools that
analytical ontology has introduced in the 20th century to rid metaphysical research
from murky principles and chase shadowy assumptions into the light of reason. For
instance, as W. Sellars noted, our default reading of the existential quantifier as ‘there
is an x” clandestinely introduces a problematic restriction on countable items; "in
logic”, he concluded, “we come always with dirty hands."13 In fact, not only
countability is a built in feature of individuals in our standard interpretation of
predicate logic, but also assumptions about linkages between individuality, identity,
particularity, unity, and concreteness. Consider the following passages from Quine's
Methods of Logic. Quine reminds us that "despite its simplicity, identity invites
confusion"14 and proceeds to introducing identity as the relation of sameness:
[8] Identity is such a simple and fundamental idea that it is hard to explain
otherwise than through mere synonyms. To say that x and y are identical is to
say that they are the same thing.15
[9] For the truth of a statement of identity it is necessary only that '=' appear
between names of the same objects. (...) If our language were so perfect a
copy of its subject matter that each thing had but one name, then statements of
identity would indeed be useless.16
Sellars 1960: 502.
Quine 1952: 208.
Op. cit.
Op. cit. 209.
Op. cit. 211.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
transcendental (in the scholastic sense) notion of individuality that is the target here.18
And yet, the subsequent elucidations of this general relation of sameness introduce
conceptual linkages that are unproblematic only if such a restriction to physical
objects is already in place. For in [9] the relation of sameness is said, without further
explanation, to be functionally exhausted in the indication of coreference of names,
i.e., expressions that denote particular “objects”, and so reveals that all and only
particular entities stand in the relation of sameness. Moreover, in the final
elucidation, the relation of sameness is read as the relation of numerical oneness,
which states that all and only countable and unified entities stand in the relation of
sameness. Altogether, then, entities standing in the relation of sameness are said to be
countable particulars—identity in the sense of sameness or individuality is effectively
linked to countability, unification, and particularity, just as principles (P1) through
(P5) prescribe.
In sum, contemporary ontological inquiry is still profoundly influenced by the
theoretical presuppositions of the traditional research paradigm in ontology, which I
call the substance paradigm or, more polemically, the myth of substance. Since these
presuppositions have entered the standard readings of logical constants, i.e., the
existential quantifier and the identity sign, the myth of substance is written into the
formal tool of analysis most commonly used by contemporary ontologists. The
default interpretation of logical individual constants and variables are entities that are
‘substantial particulars’ in the sense defined above: they are concrete, unified,
countable, individual, enduring, independent, and determinate entities that are
‘particulars-per-se’, i.e., that have exactly one spatial occurrence at any point in time
at which they exist. In the following section I will now investigate whether the
category of a ‘substantial particular’ forms at all a coherent notion—as I shall argue,
the longstanding conviction that ‘particular objects’ or ‘substances’ are an
unproblematic type of basic entities is quite unfounded.
The expression 'thing' occurring [8] is supposed to have the wide reading as ‘item’ or ‘entity’, it is
not to carry any categorial restrictions to physical things.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
[10] 'How shall we define the diversity which makes us count objects as two in a census?' We
may put the same problem in words that look different, e.g., 'What is meant by 'a particular'?'
or 'What sorts of objects can have proper names?'
The author of this passage in effect declares that particulars are to account for (i)
numerical difference as well as (ii) distinctness (diversity), and that particulars are the
ontological correlates of proper names, assigning them thus (iii) the role of logical
subjects (cf. P4, P5, P7 above). The following passage connects individuality and
particularity-per-se or uniqueness as in (P4) above:
The two readings are frequently conflated and little attention has been paid to the fact that in
addition the principle may be read either as a principle of individuation (stating conditions of
distinctness) or of numerical identity (stating conditions of plurality), cf. Seibt 1996b.
Russell HK.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
In fact, contributions in the debate about the Leibniz principle typically connect in
their initial characterizations of the problem (i) numerical identity (“oneness,”
“numerical distinctness”, “numerical difference”), (ii) individuality, (“difference”,
“thisness” (versus “thatness”)) and (iii) logical subjecthood (“thisness“ (versus
“suchness”)), compare [12] through [15]:
[12] "A: ...Different things have at least one property not in common. Thus, different things
must be discernible; and hence, by contraposition, indiscernible things must be identical.
B: ...Do you claim to have proved that two things having all their properties in common are
A: Exactly."22
[13] "Assume that there are two things both of which have the same non-relational characters.
What accounts for their being (numerically) different? That is the problem of individuation.
To grasp it as well as to solve it, one must attend to the uses of 'same' and 'different.'...[The
problem of individuation is the problem of] how to account for the thisness of this."23
[14] [The proponent of the Leibniz Principle] "doubts whether there can be any sense in
talking of a plurality of objects unless it is a way of talking about differences of
preoperties...If [a certain rule] is valid, the principle of the identity indiscernibles becomes
analytic; for it will then be necessarily true that there is no difference between things that
cannot represented as a difference between properties."24
[15] [The question at issue in the Leibniz Principle is whether] "thisnesses are primitive and
nonqualitative... In order to establish the distinctness of thisnessses from all suchnesses,
therefore, one might try exhibit possible cases in which two things would possess all the same
suchnesses, but with different thisnesses."25
The authors of these quotations take themselves to explicate basic and uncontroversial
intuitions, but in effect endorse powerful traditional principles pertaining to the
linkages of category features. To my knowledge only one author protested against the
habitual identification of the explanatory tasks of accounting for individuality qua
subjecthood and accounting for numerical plurality:
[16] Nous-A and Nous-B [two copies of a certain issue of Nous] are two individuals. Each
one is an individual. Even if the other disappeared, each one is an individual, a possessor of
properties, whether qualities or not, and itself not a property...The distinctness or diversity that
creates a problem about individuality is the contrast between individuals and non-individuals,
and it has nothing to do with a plurality of individuals.
Even more problematical, however, might be the fact that contributors to the debate
about individuality commonly assume that “one” and “the same” of re-identification
Stove PI 183.
Black II 282, emphasis supplied.
Allaire ALBP/Blackman, 305 and 309.
Ayer II 219, emphasis supplied.
Adams PTPI 10 and 12; emphasis supplied.
Castañeda INI 132.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
is “one and the same”.27 But what matters most for present purposes, as witnessed by
the passages just quoted, contributors to the debate about individuality presuppose
that a particular or necessarily unique entity can and should fulfill also a number of
additional explanatory roles. A particular is an ontological constituent that can and
should also serve as the ‘individuator’ of a thing, as logical subject for what we
predicate of a thing, should help us to explain in which sense the features of a thing
depend on the thing but not vice versa, etc. But as I will argue now, it is questionable
whether any one constituent could fulfill all these explanatory roles at once.
Let us assume, then, in line with the debate about individuality, (i) that there
are scenarios with two or more objects with exactly the same descriptive features, (ii)
that these cases are violations of the Leibniz Principle, and (iii) that these cases
therefore imply that the ontological correlate of an object must contain not only
general entities but also a constituent warranting necessary uniqueness and
[17] [One way] of solving the problem of individuation is to make the further constituent a
bare particular. This notion...has two parts. Bare particulars neither are nor have natures.
Any two of them, therefore, are not intrinsically but only numerically different. That is their
bareness. It is [impossible in the sense of yielding an ill-formed ontological statement] for a
bare particular to be 'in' more than one ordinary thing. That is their particularity…....A bare
particular is a mere individuator.
Seibt 1996.
Bergmann R 24.
Proponents of the bare particular view agree that we may not "directly recognize a particular as the
same" or "as such" but claim that we are acquainted with them "when we see two indistinguishable
white billard balls" (Grossman 1983:57; cf. also Allaire 1963).
Kripke 1980: 18.
Sellars 1952:282.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
speaking its qualities, properties, and relations, its 'descriptors.' The first argument
which I call the ‘duplication argument’ thus aims to establish that something else is
needed beyond descriptors in order to account for the individuality—taken to be
tantamount with the numerical identity—of a thing. In an informal and abbreviated
reconstruction the duplication argument runs as follows.
For present purposes let us simply accept the duplication argument, noting that
premise 1 may be supported either by the claim that duplication scenarios are
conceivable or factually given in the quantum-physical domain, where certain
measuring results may be described as reflecting pluralities of indistinguishable
‘particles’ (bosons). Furthermore, it should also be kept in mind that bare particular
theorists do have an argument in support of premise 3:
[18] [I]t appears that two characters [i.e., qualificators] may be merely
numerically different. But we cannot give a sense to such difference without
either putting characters in space or blurring the difference between characters
and things.33
Cf. Bergmann 1967: 7ff, Allaire 1963:293, Allaire 1965: 305ff.
Allaire 1963:299. The passage contains a rather compressed reduction argument, to be unfolded into
something along the following lines. (i) Descriptors are either universal or particular. (ii) Two things
α and β can be thought to be exact qualitative duplicates, i.e., to be qualitatively identical. (iii) The
qualitative descriptors of the two things are numerically different, since they occur in numerically
different things, i.e., in two different space-time locations. (iv) In order to account for the numerical
difference of the qualitative descriptors of α and β we would need to choose between the following two
options: (a) descriptors are universals but nevertheless they are individuated by their space-time
location; (b) descriptors are particulars. (v) Neither option in (iv) is acceptable; therefore thesis (iii) is
to be rejected -- the qualitative descriptors of α and β are not numerically different but are "literally the
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
While the duplication argument aims to show that we need particulars as ontological
constituents establishing the individuality (numerical identity) of a thing, the second
argument is to evince that these individuating particulars must be bare.
Premise 1: The ontological factor that individuates an entity is also the logical
subject of the entity’s predicates.
Premise 2: Predication is exemplification.
Conclusion: The logical subject that exemplifies a descriptor (attribute) may
exhibit features but must itself be something without any features..
The dialectic which leads to this view takes as its starting point the assumption that where P is
an exemplified property, the possessor of P is something that can be apprehended
independently of P; it is a thing such that whatever it is its being that does not presuppose its
possessing P. According to this assumption, then, properties are something added to their
possessors; in itself, the possessor of a property has a being that is distinct from and
independent of the property it possesses...Let us consider a small red ball...That assumption
forces us to say that whatever it is that possesses the color associated with the ball, it is
something which in itself is not red. It is such that the property of being red is something
added to it, so as to characterize it as red. But while the possessor of this property is not in
itself red, it is not something which in itself is some color other than red; for we associate with
the ball not just the color red, but also the generic property of being colored, so that whatever
possesses the color red also possesses the generic property of being colored. But, then, the
assumption just stated forces us to say that the possessor of the properties associated with the
ball is something which in itself has no color at all; it is something to which the property of
being colored is added.
And so on for every attribute of the ball, however specific or general. In this
reconstruction the argument indeed is "likely to appear shocking."35 Let me supply
some considerations and further premises which should make the argument somewhat
more palatable, in an effort to ‘strengthen the opponent’.
First, it is important to realize that the proponent of the reported argument
must be taken to operate with a specific account of predication. The subject whose
bareness is to be demonstrated is a relatum of the relation of exemplification; it is not
a relatum of Tarski's relation of satisfaction, holding between the referent of the
subject-term and the predicate-term, and it is not the argument of predicative
functions in the Fregean sense. Second, the proponent of the argument can
recommend her or his analysis of predication on two counts, showing its superiority
to both the Tarskian and Fregean analysis. On the one hand, unlike functional
application, the relation (or “tie”, “nexus”) of exemplification accounts for the unity
of a thing since it ties the constituents of a thing into a complex.
On the other hand, the relation of satisfaction does not express a definite type of
connectedness which could explain why we call a sentence 'a is F' true if the referent
of 'a' satisfies 'F'. But the relation of exemplification answers to this explanatory
Loux 1978: 108.
Ibid. 110.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
demand -- 'a is F' is true insofar as the referent of 'a' is an example of the feature or
kind denoted by 'F'.
As we shall see presently, one might refrain from such a literal, essentially Platonist,
reading of the relation of exemplification and assign it a more technical interpretation,
thereby again losing the explanatory asset of the literal account. But insofar as the
Platonist reading as in (EX2) is retained, this implies, so one might argue, that logical
subjects must be logically independent of the attributes they exemplify. For assume
(EX2) as a premise.
Premise 3: = (EX2)
Now consider a tennis ball T which is round, white, weighs 48 grams, and has a
certain degree of elasticity d. What exemplifies the attribute whiteness cannot be
anything which is essentially round, weighs essentially 48 grams, or has essentially
degree of elasticity d. For an example of whiteness must 'in itself' be just white and
nothing else. Thus what exemplifies whiteness cannot be the ball T which qua ball is
in itself essentially round, but it must be something about T which can fail to be
round. Let's call that α. Factor α cannot be 'in itself' or essentially white, however,
for otherwise α could not be an example of roundness. Now assume the following
premise holds:
Premise 4: every thing has more than one descriptive aspect and the subject of
predications about it always exemplifies several attributes.
Conclusion: The subject of the predicate F-ness is (i.e., the denotatum of the
predicate-term 'F') is not in itself but only contingently an example of F-ness.
Loux 1978: 110. Loux himself does go some way to investigate this question.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
are naked of properties."37 Let us get clearer on this distinction. The proponent of
naked particulars champions either one of the following conceptions of 'bareness.'
The proponent of nude particulars on the other hand is content with more modest
forms of exposure.
Thus it will not do to argue against bare particulars along the following lines:
Perhaps the neatest way in which to expose the absurdity of the notion of bare particulars is to
show that the sentence, 'Universals are exemplified by bare particulars,' is a self-contradiction.
As a matter of fact, the self-contradictory character of this sentence becomes evident the
moment we translate it into the symbolism of Principia Mathematica. It becomes, '(x).(∃F)
Fx.∧ ¬(∃F)Fx', or in other words, 'If a particular exemplifies a universal, then there is no
universal which it exemplifies.
But even if we may rescue bare particulars qua nude particulars from objections
against naked particulars, ultimately the notion is fraught with incoherence, as I will
show now.
Even though immune against some of the arguments put forth against the
naked particular approach, the notion of a nude particular becomes suspect once we
step back from the specific dialectics of the debate and take a more general angle.
Would not any entity about which we can say anything at all—for instance that it is a
particular, concrete, and nude—seem to need some essential attributes? Some
opponents of nude particulars have thus argued that we cannot coherently claim that
the definitional trait of being nude is something that a nude particular exemplifies
only contingently: could nude particulars be logically independent even of their
nudity and particularity-?40
There is, thus, the problem about the modal status of the definitional features
of nude particulars. The difficulty I want to draw attention to resides at an even more
general plane. As I shall argue now, it is the very idea of having individuating
constituent also perform the role of a logical subject that renders the nude particular
approach inconsistent. To begin with another look at the principle of exemplification
that has proved so useful in defending the bare particular view.
The nexus ...will be represented by 'e' and called exemplification. 'a ε A' is a well-formed
sentence if and only if 'a' and 'A' stand for a bare particular and a universal, respectively; it is
Baker 1967: 211.
Bergmann 1967: 24.
Sellars 1952: 282f.
E.g. Loux 1978:110ff.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
true if and only if a is the bare particular and A is one of the universals 'in' an ordinary
According to this definition the bare particular α of a thing u exemplifies all and only
those attributes that are constituents of u. For instance, if u is a square thing, then
squareness and α are both constituents of u, u is said to be square, and α exemplifies
squareness. Thus, according to the definition of exemplification just cited there are
two ways in which an attribute can be related to another entity which is not an
(R1) x has attribute F iff x is a thing and there is a bare particular y which
is the bare particular of x and α exemplifies F.
(R2) x exemplifies F iff there is a thing u and x is the bare particular of u and x
and F are constituents of u.
If the proponent of the bare particular view were to choose the first option, the
position would remain obscure. The second option amounts to assimilating the
ontological structure of things and bare particulars. This option is not open to bare
particularists, since they insist things belong into the ontological category of “facts”
and thus are structurally very different that the category of bare particulars. Thus, we
are left with the third option in order to specify the relationship between bare (nude)
particulars and their attributes.
Let us assume then that bare particulars exemplify the attribute of being a bare
particular. The following difficulty arises. Bare particulars exemplify all and only
those attributes which are said to be true about things or which are had by things.
But a thing, which is within the bare particular view categorized as a fact, cannot be
said to be a bare particular. Thus, against our initial assumption, bare particulars
cannot exemplify the attribute of being a bare particular. To restate the arising
inconsistency more formally:
Ibid. 26.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
There are two ways in which proponents of bare particulars could try to rebut this
argument. First, they might try to question the overall strategy of the argument,
namely, the idea of applying the bare particularist’s account of predication (see
assumption 2) both for predications about things, i.e., at the level of the ‘object
language’ or language to be analyzed, and for predications about bare particulars, i.e.,
at the level of the ontological meta-theory. This line of rebuttal is not promising in
my view since ontological theories of predication are commonly taken to be self-
applicatory. The analysis of predication as stated in the metalanguage normally can
also be applied to the assertions of the metalanguage, by entering the level of a meta-
metalanguage. But precisely this step up into the meta-metalanguage is not possible
with the account of predication stated in assumption 2 and, for that matter, with any
account of predication that postulates that the logical subject of the predicates of a
thing is not the thing but an ontological constituent of the thing that has a different
ontological make-up that the thing itself.
Second, proponents of bare particulars might reject the equivalence in
assumption 3, i.e., the postulate that all and only those attributes are constituents of a
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
thing that are denoted by the thing’s predicates. Instead a bare particularist might
postulate that all the denotata of predicates which are truly predicated of a thing A are
constituents of A, allowing for attributive constituents that are exemplified by the bare
particular of A but are not features predicated of A. In other words, bare particulars
may argue that assumption 3 should be formulated as an implication:
There are additional difficulties for Bergmann’s account of a bare particular. Since Bergmann’s
bare particulars are “momentary entities” (1967:34), they could in fact exemplify only very few of the
attributes which we ascribe to things with predicates like ‘three years old’ or ‘getting colder’ or
‘doubled in size.’ Bergmann would need to hold that common-sense predicates of things express very
complicated structures of attributes for momentary entities. Another sort of problem arises with
relational properties. Consider the predicate ‘bigger than thing B’ predicated of A; if the attribute
expressed by this predicate were to contain the ontological correlate of B, as this would be commonly
constructed, the ontological description of A would contain two bare particulars, that of A and,
embedded, that of B. But by definition a bare particular “cannot be ‘in’ more than one ordinary thing”
(1967: 24).
The link between particularity and individuality on the other hand is more innocuous. Initially
Bergmann postulates just one explanatory function for bare particulars: “A bare particular is a mere
individuator. Structurally that is its only function. It does nothing else”(1967: 25) If bare particularists
had taken this modest characterization to heart, the theory might be in better shape. Unfortunately,
however, the mono-functional entity apparently struck Bergmann and others as explanatorily shallow
and thus the traditional linkages between individuality and other category features made their way into
the functional characterization of bare particulars.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
shown that such particulars also can play the role of the logical subject for a thing’s
predicates. (iii) The theory must warrant that any two of such complexes of
universals necessarily are distinct. The latter two tasks derive directly from
presuppositions (P4) and (P5) above and, again, generate the main difficulties for the
position: how to ensure the possibility of accidental predications, and how to exclude
duplication scenarios in support of the Leibniz Principle.46 These difficulties are so
notorious that I can perhaps make do with a quick pointer here. For present purposes
it is important to have a brief look at the first task, namely, of how to account for the
particularity of those universal complexes (bundles) that are the ontological correlates
of things. Proponents of the universalist bundle theory cannot resort to particularity-2
(i.e., particularity in the sense of being necessarily unique to one entity), since the
constituted particulars precisely do not enter as ontological constituents into any
further entities, or if do, then only contingently so. This leaves particularity in the
sense of particularity-1, but how could the co-occurrence of general entities establish
necessary spatial uniqueness of occurrence? The traditional bundle theorist is faced
with the choice of either having to include particular spatio-temporal locations within
the bundle or to give up on the necessity of spatial uniqueness.47 Russell famously is
among those who opt for the latter, thereby in effect introducing a new notion of
But does ‘particularity-3’ really deserve the name? Particularity-3 merely formulates
a notion of ‘contingent uniqueness’. Given that some traditional universals also may
fulfill this definition—compare for instance the extension of the universal of ‘center
of a circle that is concentric to the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome’—the
categorial difference between particulars and universals is profoundly compromised.
In one sense the universal-based bundle theories of particularity and substantial
particulars thus can be said to fail relative to their reductional aims. In another sense,
however, they point towards an eliminative solution of the problem of particularity.
Before elaborating on this—essentially Leibnizian—idea of doing ontology
without particulars, let us quickly review the result of this section. In the
contemporary ontological literature we find two main alternatives to the traditional
presumption that ‘substantial particulars’ are ontological primary, namely, theories
based on tropes and theories based on universals. These two strategies differ
profoundly regarding the role of the notion of particularity—trope theorists subscribe
to foundational particularism and take particularity to be a primary, undefined
category feature, while universal theorists try to offer reductive definitions of
traditional particulars. However, at the presuppositional level there are striking
similarities between both strategies. Both tropists and universalists retain the
traditional substance-ontological linkages between the category features of
particularity, individuality, countability, unification, and—in the case of the
universalists—also logical subjecthood. Interestingly, the main problems arising for
each theory type can be traced directly to these substance-ontological presuppositions.
Cf. Russell 1948, Van Cleve 1985, Losonsky 1987, Casullo 1988.
Cf. Casullo 1988:133, Lomg 1968:197; Jones 1950:68f.
Russell 1968: 298, 304ff.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
5. Non-particular individuals
Cf. Teller 1995.
Cf. Seibt 1996a, b, c, 1997a, b, 2004a, b, 2007, 2008.
Historically viewed, this second sense of individuality as specificity-in-functioning has been
discussed in the Aristotelian tradition in individualistic interpretations of the “to ti en einai”, such as
Duns Scotus’ “haecceitas”. Leibniz’ so-called principle of the identity of indiscernibles can count as
an attempt to revive the understanding of individuality or thisness as specificity-in-functioning, against
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
Concrete activities come in two kinds. Some, like swimming or sliding, are the
doings of a person or a thing (or of collections thereof), while others, so-called
“pure” or “subjectless” activities, like snowing, raining, lightening cannot be
attributed to logical subjects of this kind and are typically expressed with impersonal
constructions such as ‘it is snowing’ etc.52 The basic category of GPT, a new
category labeled ‘general processes,’ is modelled on the common sense notion of a
subjectless activity or pure dynamics in the sense described above in Section 1: even
though general processes are theoretical entities that are axiomatically defined, their
explanatory power derives to a large extent from their model or prime illustration,
subjectless activities, which exhibit the most characteristic features of of the new,
postulated entity type.53 Here, then, are seven characteristics of subjectless activities
that can illustrate the theoretical properties of general processes resulting from the
axiomatics of GPT. (i) Subjectless activities are occurrences in their own right rather
than modifications of persons or things—like things, and unlike properties and
relations, they are independent in the sense that their occurrence in space and time
does not necessarily require the existence of a different sort of entity they occur in or
qualify (they may of course be constituted or caused by other entities). (ii)
Subjectless activities are temporally extended—there are no instantaneous activities.54
(iii) However, quite unlike things, and much like stuffs (water, wood, etc.)
subjectless activities occur in space and time both with indeterminate and with
determinate locations (cf. ‘there is lots of rain in Denmark’ vs. ‘on Oct. 12 it rained
in Aarhus between 8am and 1pm’). Most importantly, a subjectless activity does not
necessarily occur in a unique spatiotemporal location—ontologically speaking, a
subjectless activity is not a particular. While things are located at any time in one
place only, subjectless activities are multiply locatable like properties and stuffs—
they can, and mostly do, occur in many places at the same time: ‘it is snowing’ can
be true of many different scattered regions at the same time. (iv) Subjectless activities
also resemble stuffs in that they are not “countable”, i.e., they do not come in ‘natural’
countable units’ but only measurable in portions or amounts (e.g., an hour of snowing,
1000 lumens of light), which then may be counted. (v) Like stuffs and properties,
subjectless activities are not necessarily determinate in all of their qualitative or
the more prevalent understanding of thisness as determined by unique location that enabled, and was
supported by, the Cartesian geometrical approach to the physical world.
Sellars, following C.D. Broad, takes “subjectless” or “pure” activities to be expressed by sentences
with “dummy subject”, cf., ‘it is snowing,’ ‘it is lightening’ (Sellars 1981). Even though this might be
helpful for illustrational purposes, it cannot serve as a criterion since many activities that cannot be
understood as the ‘doings’ of a thing (or a collection of things) are expressed by nouns.
In earlier expositions of the new ontological framework the basic category was called “dynamic
masses” and “free processes,” but due to the ubiquitous presumption of foundational particularism it
became increasingly necessary to highlight more clearly that the basic individuals of the new scheme
are non-particular, i.e., general entities. The reader should note that even though GPT is a process
ontology, general processes have little in common with Whiteheadian “actual occasions”; in fact, the
closest categorial cognates to general processes are E. Zemach’s concrete “types” (Zemach 1970). –
The predicate ‘x is a model for category y’ is defined in Seibt 2004, ch. 1. To simplify I use here
‘semantic descent’ and characterize subjectless activities directly in terms of ontological features
(independent, concrete, non-particular etc.); the proper methodological procedure is to show how the
logical role of sentences about subjectless activities dovetails with ontological features of the entities in
terms of which these sentences are interpreted. Cf. Seibt 2004b, ch. 2 and 3.
That is, there are no instantaneous activities in the sense of stages constituting temporally extended
activities. GPT certainly acknowledges—and, in fact, makes much of this—that in common sense
reasoning we do assume that activities exist continuously in time, and thus are dynamic features that
can be ascribed to any point in the time period during which they are going on.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
Cf. History of Animals, 487a2. Aristotle speaks of ‘homoeomerous’ entities, which could be
translated as ‘similar-parted’ (of a similar kind) and contrasted with ‘like-parted’ (homomerous, of the
same kind). This difference has been neglected in the discussion of “homogeneous” entities and here I
will do so as well.
Cf. e.g., Vendler 1957, Verkuyl 1978: 224, Mourelatos 1978: 431.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
Some entities are less homogenous or monotonous than others, (e.g., mixtures such as
fruit salad and repetitive sequences such as folding shirts), and there are entities for
which it holds that there are no parts like them or containing them, namely, things and
events (developments). For example, computers and symphonies are not like-parted:
no spatial part of my computer is a computer, and no temporal part of a baptism or a
symphony is again a baptism or symphony; and similarly for self-partedness.
The features of like-partedness and self-partedness can be generalized in two
respects: first, with respect to dimensionality, and, second, with respect to degree:
Self-partedness is a coherent concept only within a mereology with non-transitive part-relation, cf.
the following section. For a theory of persistence based on self-partedness see Seibt 2007.
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
a a
Normal automerity
Maximal automerity
Minimal automerity
Figure 1. Graphical illustration of degrees of spatial or temporal self-partedness (automerity). ‘MA(a)’
denotes the minimal amount of the dynamics denoted by ‘a’. The horizontal and vertical axes
represent orderings in space and time, here on purpose unassigned: if the horizontal dimension is time,
the graphics represent temporal automerity, and vice versa.
General processes in GPT are sorted into different types in terms of their like-
partedness (homomerity) and self-partedness (automerity) in space and time.
For example, (i) general processes denoted by statements about activities (e.g. the
process denoted by ‘it is snowing’) are type-1 processes, that is, they are temporally
maximally automerous (and spatially unmarked); (ii) general processes denoted by
statements about stuffs (e.g., the process denoted by ‘…is water’ and ‘Water (is)…’)
are type-2 processes, i.e., they are spatially normally automerous and temporally
maximally automerous; (iii) general processes denoted by statements about spatial
amounts of stuffs (‘this expanse of water’) are type-3 processes, i.e., they are spatially
normally homomerous but minimally automerous, and temporally maximally
automerous; (iv) general processes denoted by statements about developments (e.g.,
the process denoted by ‘the explosion’ and ‘it exploded’) are type-4 processes, i.e,
they are temporally minimally homo- and automerous, (v) general processes denoted
by statements about things (e.g. the process denoted by ‘this cup’ and ‘is a cup’) are
type-5 processes, i.e., they are spatially minimally homo- and automerous but
temporally maximally automerous. Since homomerity and automerity patterns can be
embedded, we can define more complex ‘recurrence profiles’ for the processes that
are the denotations of statements about series of developments, collections of things,
and so forth.
All general processes are thus self-parted and like-parted, but to different
degrees in the three spatial dimensions, and/or the temporal dimension. In a sense,
then, GPT precisely inverts the traditional bias of the substance paradigm and its
commitment to foundational particularism. According to foundational particularism,
it is ‘most natural’ to analyze non-countable, non-particular entities such as stuffs and
activities (e.g., water or snowing) in terms of countable and uniquely located entities
such as portions or quantities of stuff and bounded developments (as denoted by e.g.,
‘this puddle of water’, ‘a dl of water’, or ‘snow flake’s S1’s moving from p1 to p2’).
In contrast, in GPT the countable is treated as a subform of the stuff-like or non-
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
5. Conclusion
Seibt, 08-10-2010, Particulars
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