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A typology of semantic entities∗

Jessica Rett
March 28, 2019

0 Questions & answers

1. Why do you think both linguists and philosophers find the phenomenon in
question interesting?
The goal of this paper is to discuss which basic semantic entities should
be included in formal semantic theory, and on which principles we should
include or exclude them. While some framework-internal assumptions in
formal semantics are hotly debated, the matter of how many and which
basic entities a theory assumes is largely treated as a matter of personal
taste or convenience. It will be useful for linguists to have a common stan-
dard for introducing and constraining basic entities in their frameworks,
so they can better understand and model natural language semantics.
Philosophers will find this discussion useful for the same reason, and also
to learn more about the possible formalism that can model natural lan-
guage, and what consequences these conclusions have for metaphysical
theory or the philosophy of science.
2. What recent developments in linguistics and philosophy do you think are
most exciting in thinking about the phenomenon in question?
The issue of which entities are basic has been building momentum for
decades, as some semanticists have presented empirical motivations for
proliferating types (to include e.g. degrees and events) while others have
presented empirical motivations for reducing or combining them (e.g. to
situations). But the issue has really gained a toehold in recent work argu-
ing that specific languages can differ in which basic entities they employ;
in particular, that languages seem to differ in whether their semantic rep-
resentation must include degrees (Bochnak, 2015b).
3. What do you consider to be the key ingredients in adequately analyzing the
phenomenon in question?
This paper presents the most prominent empirical motivations for prolif-
erating types (to include e.g. events) and reducing them (to combine e.g.
∗ This paper is dedicated to my colleague Ed Keenan, who despite my best efforts has

never believed in anything other than individuals, and has recently stopped believing even in
them. Thanks also to Daniel Altshuler and Sam Cumming for encouraging the project; Sarah
Murray and Matthew Stone for pushing me on certain critical issues; and to audiences at the
UCLA Philosophy Mind & Language Workshop and PhLiP 2018.
events and worlds). Effectively, arguments in favor of type proliferation
identify distinct morphology for different types, and semantic arguments
that failing to include a distinct type or entity could predict incorrect truth
conditions. Arguments in favor of type collapsing emphasize languages or
phenomena in which morphology seems to be shared across putative type
domains, and constructions for which the meaning of one putative type of
entity is intrinsically tied to the meaning of another, related putative type
of entity. I end by concluding that the arguments for type proliferation
are slightly more compelling in terms of empirical coverage and diachronic
4. What do you consider to be the outstanding questions pertaining to the
phenomenon in question?
I conclude this paper by arguing that type-collapsing arguments are each
individually compelling but inconsistent as an aggregate. It remains to
be seen whether a semantic theory with minimal basic types could satisfy
the wide variety of distinct empirical constraints placed on it by type-
collapsing arguments across different empirical phenomena.

1 Introduction
The goal of this paper is to discuss which basic semantic entities we should
include in our formal semantic ontology, and on which principles we should
include them. The vast majority of formal theories employ individuals as a
basic type; they represent quantification over, modification of, and reference to
individuals. But many theories include additional types or entities, including
possible worlds, but also less common ones like vectors. Some papers have
argued that types should be constrained or reduced; others that they should
be proliferated. I’ll present some representative arguments on both sides and
suggest a path forward in evaluating them against one another.
Standard Montagovian semantics employs individuals as a basic type, but in
practice, some theorists embrace many more basic types. Champollion (2010)
uses at least five (differentiating between degrees, numbers and intervals) in just
an extensional semantics; Bittner (2003) uses seven (differentiating between an-
imate and inanimate entities); and Landman (2006) assumes nine basic entities,
differentiating between kinds, events, and event-kinds. In contrast, others have
taken for granted that the adoption of different types should be constrained by
Ockham’s Razor, and have posed and taken up the challenge of eliminating as
many as mathematically possible. Thomason (1980) argued that possible worlds
aren’t necessary to model propositional attitudes, and Keenan (2015, 2018) ad-
dresses an issue in the semantics of adjectives by doing away with individuals
as a semantic basic.
Being a semanticist, I take semantic adequacy to be the primary goal of
a formal semantic theory. But a metasemantic concern about modeling the
right entities – or at least the right quantity of entities – seems like a plausible

secondary goal. This is highlighted by the reductio ad absurdum put forth
in Ritchie (2016), which depends on the principle that equally semantically
adequate treatments should have equal voice in determining the ontological
commitments carried by natural language theory. If there are indeterminately
many – or even multiple – semantic formalisms that postulate a distinct set of
entities, we cannot hope for a principled relationship between semantic theory
and ontology.
There are, as far as I can tell, three logically possible attitudes to hold
regarding basic entities in a semantic model.
1. Type Reductionism
Type Reductionalism assumes no basic types, or no non-functional types.
This position is best instantiated by Keenan (2015) and Keenan (2018),
whose foundational type is set-theoretic. Following Gallin’s (1975) no-
tation, a Type Reductionalist account is Ty-0, because it has no basic
2. Type Ersatzism
A Type Ersatzist assumes one basic non-functional type – entities in gen-
eral – and proposes to treat all natural-language phenomena using this
type. Montague (1970, 1973) exemplifies Type Ersatzism, as does Carlson
(1977) for times and Klein (1980, 1982) in his efforts to eliminate degrees
from the ontology. In Gallin’s notation, a Type Ersatzist account is Ty-1.
3. Type Flexible
A Type Flexible account is a Ty-n account, for n entities that pass some
linguistic tests, e.g. that they have dedicated pronouns.1
The difference between Type Ersatzism and Type Flexibility is a subtle one,
reminiscent of selectional restrictions on verbs and adjectives, illustrated in (1).
(1) a. *Jane met. number restriction
b. *She’s a bachelor. gender restriction
c. *The plant tried to grow. animacy restriction
d. *Jane bounced the cloud. (solid-)state restriction
e. *The piece of paper is fat. (three-)dimension restriction
The predicates are picky about what sorts of arguments they take. (1-a) is
ungrammatical because intransitive meet requires that its subject denote a
plurality; (1-b) is ungrammatical because the adjective bachelor can only be
predicated of males. It’s standardly assumed that these are all predicates of in-
dividuals; they can be modeled as denoting partial functions from the subclass
of entities that satisfy the relevant selectional restriction. This is something like
a Type Ersatz approach; it treats different kinds of entity within the same type.
In contrast, a Type Flexible approach might assign different types to singular
and plural entities, male and female entities, etc.
1 This test, a modern adaptation of Quine’s (1948) generalization ‘to be is to be the value

of a variable,’ is explicitly assumed as one of a few tests for entityhood in Schlenker (2006).

(2) illustrates this difference between Type Ersatzism and Type Flexibility
for the adjectival modifier very (and some contextually-valued standard s); the
former involves individuals, type e, and requires a partial function to model
the fact that very must modify something gradable (*very student); the latter
involves entities other than individuals – degrees of type d – and thus does not
require a partial function.
(2) a. Type Ersatzism: JveryK = λPhe,ti λxe : degree(x). P (x) ∧ x > s
b. Type Flexibility: JveryK = λDhd,ti λdd .D(d) ∧ d > s
In what follows, I will mainly be focusing on extant arguments in favor of
proliferating types – thus making the model Type-Flexible – and in favor of
reducing them, this making the model a Type-Ersatz one, or at least approach
a Type-Ersatz one.
I’ll end this section with some ground-clearing. First, I restrict myself to
the discussion of basic types – not complex ones – because I assume that the
latter come for free via type formation. This is despite the interesting empir-
ical arguments that some complex types (e.g. quantifiers) are unavailable in
some languages (e.g. St’át’imcets), which I take to be a separate discussion
(Matthewson, 2014). And also despite the fact that the same arguments used
to differentiate between basic and complex entities (Link, 1983) might also be
useful in differentiating between two basic entities.
When I discuss the question of how many basic entities or types there are,
I view the issue as regarding the semanticist’s toolbox, rather than a given
speaker’s i-language. In particular, if some language were to have what we
decide to be irrefutable evidence that the semantic modeling of that language
requires e.g. degrees as a basic entity, then this is sufficient evidence that there
are degrees in the semantic ontology. This is compatible with the possibility
that some language does not require degrees in its semantic modeling, or even
should not be modeled using degrees, as has been argued for Washo (Bochnak,
Finally, there is one diagnostic for basic semantic entities that I will not use:
I will not assume that the presence of a referring expression over a particular
sort of thing privileges that thing as an entity (cf. Schlenker, 2006). More
broadly, I will focus on linguistic tests that don’t involve categories of words
whose inventory is potentially infinite; this is the standard lexical vs. functional
distinction. It seems as though we can coin a referring expression for anything,
really, at least in particular contexts – e.g. Twin Earth – and so it is a trivial

2 Metasemantic arguments
Before I turn to empirical arguments made in favor of proliferating or collapsing
types, I’ll briefly present two instances I’m aware of of semanticists directly
addressing the question of how many basic entities the ontology should include,
and discuss why their claims don’t seem to completely settle the issue.

In his 2006 paper, Philippe Schlenker observes that “Reference to individ-
uals, times and worlds is uniformly effected through generalized quantifiers,
definite descriptions, and pronouns” (p504). He interpreted this observation as
evidence that there is a single type, ξ, ranging over an hindividual, time, worldi
As argued above, there is no limit on the sort of entity that can be referred to
with a name or definite description, given the innovativeness of natural language.
And, as we’ll see below, it seems clear that there are types of entities other than
individuals, times and worlds (namely degrees, events, and/or situations) that
are associated with quantifiers and proforms as well. So if Schlenker’s criteria
are necessary and sufficient for differentiated basic entities – and he provides no
arguments that they are, especially as he considers them members of a triple –
they lead to a more inclusive ontology than he advocates for.
In her 2003 paper, Maria Bittner adopted a similar perspective. She advo-
cates for for a Ty-7 formal semantics, including worlds, times, places, events,
states, animate individuals, and inanimate individuals as basic entities. What’s
more, she meaningfully differentiates between basic types – like states and events
– and derived or complex types, like processes and habits, whose types are par-
tial functions. Bittner’s criterion for a basic type (see also Bittner, 2006, 2014) is
whether entities of that sort participate in anaphora in a language, and thereby
whether a dynamic model of that language requires a separate discourse stack
for that type.2
However, Bittner herself acknowledges that discourse reference can be to
complex types (or, rather, to the basic components of a complex type): “In
general, simple episodic discourse involves only simple types of drefs – the seven
basic sorts (possibilities ω := wt, agentive entities α, non-agentive entities β,
events , states ω, times τ , and places π) – or else simple functions (mostly
processes ...)” (2003: 645). She specifies, of discourse referents to processes,
“Formally, these are -dependencies, mapping each stage of the process, except
the last, to the next stage” (2003: 641).
So the ability of a proform or anaphor in a language to refer to an entity is
a necessary but not sufficient condition for its being a basic type, as it could be
anaphoric on a subcomponent of a complex entity. The result is a very robust
and comprehensive cross-linguistic ontology, but one with no clear, reliable way
of differentiating between basic and complex or derived types.
In the next section, I present several prominent empirical arguments that
natural language semantics needs to include a given entity as basic.

3 Type proliferation arguments

Across the formal semantics literature, there have been a number of implicit
and explicit arguments for a number of different non-individual entities. I have
2 “In online update anaphora resolution is primarily based on the current centering rank,

restricted to the relevant type of the 7-sorted NL ontology, and only secondarily on world
knowledge” (2006:6).

entity type variables origin(s)
individuals e x, y Montague (1970, 1973)
possible worlds s w Kripke (1959)
events v e Davidson (1967)
times i t Partee (1973, 1984)
degrees d d Cresswell (1976)
kinds k k Carlson (1977)
situations s s Barwise (1981); Kratzer (1989)
vectors v u, v Zwarts (1997)

Table 1: Basic entities: the Usual Suspects

summarized the most prominent ones in Table 1.3

The empirical arguments for adding different types or entities to the semantic
ontology have been very similar, and they fall into two broad categories. First,
there is morphological evidence: arguments that a given language has functional
items that seem dedicated to particular, non-individual domains. Second, there
is semantic evidence in the form of arguments from semantic adequacy: phe-
nomena that seem to be able to be modeled only in a formalism that includes
non-individuals. For several familiar non-individual entities, I will review some
prominent arguments in favor of their inclusion in the semantic ontology.

3.1 Possible worlds

The original Montagovian semantics (Montague, 1970, 1973) manipulated only
individuals as a basic semantic entity, but included possible worlds as a restric-
tion on the interpretation function. Explicit world variables were quickly added
to Montague-inspired formalisms in part based on the empirical arguments from
modal semantics in Hintikka (1957) and Kripke (1959): they allowed for a set-
theoretic representation of entailment, and a treatment of weak and strong
modals as dual quantifiers, in parallel with individual quantifiers.
These arguments are familiar and so I will not spend much time on them
here. I will only highlight that they instantiate both of the types of arguments
I outlined above. The observation that languages lexicalize (strong and weak)
modals like must and might differently from (universal and existential) indi-
vidual quantifiers like all and some constitutes a morphological argument for
adding possible worlds to the semantic ontology. And the claim that relation-
ships between propositions can be best modeled using set theory – and thereby
that propositions must be associated with sets – constitutes a semantic adequacy
3 I do not include a discussion of tropes, which have been proposed by Moltmann (2013),

as they have been proposed to replace individuals as basic types (and cover some additional
empirical ground), not in conjunction with individuals.

Interestingly, there appears to be no language that does not have modals,
although languages do seem to differ with respect to which elements they unite
lexically (i.e. quantificational force; flavor; and evidential base; Matthewson,
2013). This lack of cross-linguistic variation seems in concord with the rela-
tively uncontroversial status possible worlds enjoy in formal semantic theory (in
contrast with many other entities in Table 1). But the question of how to deal
with cross-linguistic variation, in cases where we do find it, will turn out to be
a central one.

3.2 Times
In a series of papers, Barbara Partee (1973; 1984) argued that tense markers
should be thought of as temporal proforms rather than operators. While these
accounts both include times in their semantic models, they differ in whether
they require the modeling of times as a basic entity. A formalism in which tense
markers denote temporal operators is compatible with a formalism in which
times are restrictions on the interpretation function, an analogue to Montague’s
treatment of modals qua possible world operators.
Partee’s arguments that tense markers are temporal pronouns amount to
arguments by parallel. They take for granted that there are individual pronouns,
and that individual pronouns are individual pronouns by virtue of their semantic
behavior. If tense markers demonstrate identical semantic behavior, then they,
too, must be pronouns (only over times, not individuals). Stone (1997) made
parallel arguments for the words will and would, which he assumed were modal
or possible world proforms. The key data are reproduced below.
(3) non-linguistic antecedents
a. [at a bar] She left me. individual
b. [on a road trip] I didn’t turn off the stove. temporal
c. [at a stereo store] My neighbors would kill me. modal
(4) definite antecedents
a. Sam is married. He has three children. individual
b. Sheila had a party last Friday. Sam got drunk. temporal
c. The company would face bankruptcy if the merger goes through.
. modal
(5) indefinite antecedents
a. Pedro owns a donkey. He beats it. individual
b. Mary woke up sometime during the night. She turned on the light.
. temporal
c. Jane might give a presentation. She would use slides. modal
(6) bound variable use
a. Every woman believes that she is happy. individual
b. Whenever Mary telephoned, Sam was asleep. temporal
c. If a mathematician proves the Reimann hypothesis, they will gain

notoriety. modal
(7) donkey-anaphoric use
a. If Pedro owns a donkey, he beats it. individual
b. If Mary telephoned on a Friday, it was (always) Peter who answered.
. temporal
c. If a submarine cannot self-destruct if an enemy captures it, the en-
emy will learn its secrets. modal
These constitute morphological arguments for times and possible worlds as
distinct entities, and they have been influential. But it’s worthwhile noting that
there are other anaphoric elements that display the same behavior which we
do not tend to associate with basic types, including VP ellipsis; propositional
anaphors as in Jane believes that too; and adjectival such (Landman, 2006; King
and Lewis, 2018). This is a good illustration of one of the limits of morphological
arguments for proliferation, at least for those semanticists who don’t consider
verbal properties and propositions to be basic entities.
Many languages have been observed to lack tense marking of any kind: so-
called ‘tenseless languages’. Interestingly, these languages differ in how their
tenseless clauses can be interpreted, leading to a series of proposals that consti-
tute semantic arguments for times as a distinct entity, as well as cross-linguistic
variation with respect to whether or not a language should be modeled using
The simple matrix clause in (8), from Lillooet (a Salish language, Matthew-
son, 2006) lacks any sort of overt tense marker.
(8) Táytkan
‘I am/was hungry.’
In her analysis of such sentences, Matthewson (2006) observes that while they
are underspecified with respect to a present- and past-oriented interpretation,
they can never be future-oriented (i.e. can never mean ‘I will be hungry’).
She thus concludes that they must include a (morphologically null) non-future
marker, effectively a covert tense operator.
However, in other tenseless languages, versions of (8) behave slightly differ-
ently, leading other researchers to offer distinct analyses of tenseless sentences
(Bittner, 2005; Lin, 2005; Tonhauser, 2011; Mucha, 2013). While none of these
analyses assume that times are explicitly introduced in the language, they all
assume that it is nevertheless manipulated by the language, in some way. And
they all argue that we can infer this from the truth conditions of these tenseless
For instance, while Hausa sentences lack overt tense markers, they do include
(overt) aspectual operators. And the truth conditions of sentences that include
e.g. prospective aspect do involve the manipulation of times. As Mucha (2013:
203) argues, the prospective aspect should be given the analysis in (9), which
involves the restriction of an event’s runtime τ (e) to precede some temporal

argument t.
(9) Jprospective aspectK = λPhv,hs,tii λeλtλw[P (e)(w) ∧ τ (e) > t]
for the runtime τ (e) of an event e
We can conclude from this body of work that times – or at least some subtype
of strictly ordered entities – are necessary for modeling languages universally,
despite the fact that not all languages have dedicate time-introducing pronouns.
Once again, we have a situation in which there seems to be no cross-linguistic
variation with respect to whether languages need to be modeled using times
(the semantic arguments), although we do, for the first time, see cross-linguistic
variation with whether reference to times is morphologically encoded (the mor-
phological arguments).

3.3 Degrees
Based on a suggestion in Cresswell (1976), a common and intuitive way of se-
mantically differentiating between non-gradable and gradable adjectives is in
their arity; specifically, that non-gradable adjectives denote individual proper-
ties, while gradable adjectives denote relations between degrees and individuals.
(10) a. JsingleK = λx.single(x)
b. JtallK = λdλx.tall(x, d)
Ewan Klein (1980; 1982) argued that the phenomena Cresswell focused on –
specifically, positive constructions like Jane is tall and comparatives like Jane is
taller than Bill – can be dealt with instead in a semantics with only individuals
as basic entities. In his analysis, gradable adjective constructions manipulated
comparison classes of individuals, partitioned according to metasemantic prin-
ciples that assure that e.g. a is not both bigger and smaller than b.
However, since Klein’s proposal (and refinements offered in Neeleman et al.
2004; Bale 2011), there have been several adjectival phenomena that, it’s been
argued, cannot be properly characterized using a degree-free semantics. Kennedy
(1999) argued that a Kleinian degree-free semantics can’t differentiate between
antonyms like tall and short. He also argued that it can’t account for the se-
mantic contribution of measure phrases (MPs) like two feet, especially in their
function as comparative differentials in e.g. Jane is two feet taller than Bill
(Schwarzschild, 2005). And in a particularly influential paper, Kennedy and
McNally (2005) argued that the different types of intervals degrees can form –
closed, open, partially closed – are needed to predict the behavior of different
subtypes of gradable adjectives, i.e. the difference between relative, absolute,
and total/partial adjectives.
Finally, English has different comparative strategies, and it’s been argued
that some of them involve the comparison of degrees, while some of them involve
the comparision of individuals. This argument, like the others, is a semantic
adequacy argument: if there are semantic differences between two comparative
strategies that are predicted by modeling one with degrees and one without,

then we can conclude that degrees must be in the semantic ontology.
Three comparative strategies are listed below, although there are others,
even in English (Stassen, 1985).
(11) a. Jane exceeds Bill in height. ‘exceed’ comparative
b. Jane is tall compared to Bill. implicit degree comparative
c. Jane is taller than Bill. explicit degree comparative
Explicit degree comparatives, formed with the English -er or more, exhibit
subtly different semantic behavior than other comparative strategies (Beck et al.,
2004, 2009; Kennedy, 2005). They: i) don’t require a ‘crisp judgment’ scenario,
in which the difference in values is significant; ii) are non-evaluative when formed
with positive relative adjectives like tall ; iii) can be modified by a differential;
and iv) can be formed with absolute adjectives. These differences are illustrated
in (12)-(15).
(12) context: Jane is 1mm taller than Bill.
a. Jane is taller than Bill. explicit
b. #Jane is tall compared to Bill. implicit
(13) a. Jane is taller than Bill. 9 Jane is tall. explicit
b. Jane is tall compared to Bill. → Jane is tall. implicit
(14) a. Jane is six inches taller than Bill. explicit
b. Jane is (#six inches) tall (#six inches) compared to Bill. implicit
(15) a. This pole is more bent than that one. explicit
b. ?This pole is bent compared to that one. implicit
A broad consensus is that the best way of accounting for these semantic dif-
ferences is by treating the explicit comparative -er, more as denoting a degree
quantifier, or a relation between a set of degrees corresponding to the matrix
argument and a set of degrees corresponding to the embedded argument (Beck
et al., 2004, 2009; Kennedy, 2005). For example, a Kleinian account of compara-
tive constructions – in which the embedded argument forms a comparison class
restrictor for evaluating the matrix argument – predicts the ‘crisp judgment’
requirement we see in (12-b), and cannot account for the acceptability of the
explicit comparative in (12-a).
Even more compelling, there seems to be variation with respect to whether a
language’s comparison strategies behave like explicit comparatives, and thereby
must be modeled using degrees. A series of languages have been identified as
‘degree-free’ languages, meaning they lack any sort of construction that has
been argued to require degrees to be adequately semantically modeled: Motu
(Beck et al., 2009); Fijian (Pearson, 2010); Washo (Bochnak, 2015a,b; Beltrama
and Bochnak, 2015); Navajo (Bochnak and Bogal-Allbritten, 2015);4 Walpiri
(Bowler, 2016). These languages do not have explicit comparatives (or superla-
4 Cf. Bogal-Albritten and Coppock to appear, who argue not only that Navajo has degrees,

but that it has degrees and degree quantifiers (but not individual quantifiers).

tives), but they also do not have measure phrases or measure phrase construc-
tions (e.g. five feet tall ), and they do not have degree modifiers like very.
In conclusion, there have been attempts to model English adjectival con-
structions without the use of degrees as basic semantic entities (Klein, 1980,
1982; Neeleman et al., 2004). These accounts have been argued to fail on em-
pirical grounds, because they cannot account for the semantic behavior of many
constructions, including explicit comparatives. Furthermore, there seem to be
languages for which an entire class of constructions are not available, and this
class is very naturally characterized as constructions that must be modeled using

3.4 Interim summary

There are, roughly, two types of arguments made in favor of adding basic entities
to the semantic ontology: morphological and semantic ones. The morphological
arguments pertain to the language’s inventory of functional morphemes. They
assume (generally implicitly, as in Partee 1973, 1984), that a language differen-
tiates between entity x and entity y if: i) it lexicalizes different proforms for
x and y; ii) it lexicalizes different modifiers for x and y; and iii) it lexicalizes
different quantifiers for x and y. These arguments have all been extended –
implicitly or explicitly – to possible worlds, times, and degrees.
The other arguments for type proliferation pertain to semantic adequacy:
in the case of times, there was the argument that, even in the absence of a
dedicated temporal proform or quantifier in Hausa, aspectual markers need to
reference times in order to impose strict enough truth conditions. And in the
case of degrees, there was the argument that a semantic model that does not
include degrees can adequately model implicit comparatives in English, but not
explicit comparatives.
In the case of degrees – but not, as far as I know, any other putative basic
entities – there has also been a robust research project arguing that languages
can differ with respect to whether they must be modeled using degrees. Ev-
idence for this distinction comes in the different inventory of constructions or
morphological strategies for expressing certain situations, so they constitute a
sort of comparative morphological argument.
These criteria – imposed by the morphological and semantic arguments –
are arguably not necessary conditions, as we can imagine a language with a
relatively impoverished lexicon and accidental homophony in e.g. its proform
inventory, but not its quantifier inventory. This sort of thing happens all the
time, and I’ll return to discuss it in more detail in §5.
They are also arguably not sufficient conditions for basic entities, which is
a very unsatisfying result. Wh-phrases could be construed as either proforms
or quantifiers, depending on one’s semantic theory, but they do not perfectly
track what is generally thought of as being a plausible basic entitity. On the
one hand, English and several other languages co-opt the same wh-phrase to
range over degrees and manners (how ), prompting some to argue that these are
the same sort of entity (see §4.3). On the other hand, English has a dedicated

wh-phrase where for locations and vectors (it has a locative and a directional
interpretation); and two distinct ones, why and how come, for reasons.
However, it’s worthwhile noting the consistency of these morphological and
semantic arguments across different, unrelated theoretical projects and empirical
phenomena. The idea that e.g. distinct proforms belie distinct basic entities
seems to be a common and thereby intuitive assumption.
Finally, the introduction of the possibility that languages can differ with
respect to their basic entity inventory predicts the existence of a robust and
theoretically attractive universal typology, reminiscent of Greenberg’s (1963)
Universals (e.g. “If a language is exclusively suffixing, it is postpositional; if it
is exclusively prefixing, it is prepositional”). The claim that arises from this
discussion of type-proliferation arguments is that if a language has morphemes
and constructions that must be semantically modeled using degrees, it also has
morphemes and constructions that must be modeled with individuals, possible
worlds, and times, but not vice-versa. However, there is arguably more work
to do in replicating the detailed study of degrees in other domains, including

4 Type collapsing arguments

In contrast to those who have advocated for adding basic entities to the semantic
ontology are those who have argued that basic entities should be collapsed or
eliminated. These arguments, too, come in two forms: those from morphological
cues and those from semantic convergence.

4.1 Situations
In a several prominent papers written in the 1980s, it was claimed that the
putative basic entities possible worlds, times, and locations, were collectively too
blunt to model natural-language semantics (Barwise, 1981; Barwise and Perry,
1983; Kratzer, 1989). These papers highlighted a number of constructions that
seemed to restrict all of these things, but in a dependent way. Since these
modal/temporal/spatial restrictions covary in a predictable way, they argued,
a semantics that modeled them independently can’t be restrictive enough.
There are many sentences that can illustrate this point, I focus on one (from
Cresswell, 1990; Kratzer, 2007):
(16) If, whenever it snowed, it had snowed much more than it actually did,
the town plow would have removed the snow for us.
The point is that the putative anaphor would can’t range just over possible
snowing events (cf. Cresswell, 1990; Stone, 1997), but it must range over possible
snowing events indexed to a particular location (the town in question) and a
particular time (the reference time, prior to the time of utterance). As Kratzer
(2007) explains, “we have to be able to consider for each actual snowfall s a
set of counterfactual alternatives and compare the amount of snow in each of

them to the actual amount of snow in s. This means that we have to be able
to ‘go back’ to the actual snowfall situations after considering corresponding
counterfactual situations”.
The proposed solution involves situations: spatio-temporally specified par-
tial worlds, or particulars. They are a basic entity that effectively collapses
possible worlds, times, and locations into one. Incidentally, Kratzer (2007) ar-
gues that situations can be used to define Davidsonian events, so the use of
situations actually obviates four distinct putative basic types:
(17) λe[P (a)(e)] is an abbreviation of λs[P (a)(s) ∧ exemplify(P (a), s)],
where Jexemplify(p, s)K = T iff p exemplifies s
It’s been assumed that situations have corresponding proforms, although it’s
not clear that these proforms have a single common morphology in English.5
On the one hand, assuming situations as basic entities – instead of worlds,
times, and locations – seems to explain the synonymy of when and if clauses
(cf. Rothstein, 2009), as in (18).
(18) a. Mary opens the door when(ever) the bell rings.
b. Mary opens the door if the bell rings.
But if when and if do both range over situations in this assumed way, it would be
nice to have an explanation of why English has more than one situation proform
(or quantifier, as the case may be). Such arguments are reminiscent of Lewis’
(1975) arguments about domain-unspecified quantification, which highlights the
challenge of empirically differentiating between a theory that assumes a single
basic type with dedicated quantifiers or one that assumes a variety of different
types with unspecified quantifiers (i.e. a Type Ersatz theory and a Type Flexible

4.2 Individuals and events (and degrees)

A distinct but simultaneous semantic tradition has blurred the lines between
individuals and events, beginning with Bach (1986), who argued that individuals
and events have the same mereology.
Bach was inspired by Link’s (1983) observation that plural count nouns and
mass nouns behave similarly, and his consequent conclusion that both should be
analyzed as denoting join semi-lattices (individuals whose plurality is modeled
in their internal Boolean structure). Bach extended the empirical parallels to
events, arguing that Link’s ‘cumulativity of reference’ property extends to atelic
events – which are like mass nouns and plural count nouns – but not to telic
events, which are like singular count nouns.

5 Schwarz (2012) ostensibly addresses the distribution and interpretation of ‘situation pro-
nouns,’ but he uses the term to refer to (null) situation indices or arguments in noun phrases,
so his discussion doesn’t amount to a morphological argument for situations as a basic entity.

The empirical parallels between individuals and events have been strength-
ened further by the observation that some sentences are ambiguous between
individual and event readings (Krifka, 1989, 1990, 1992; Lasersohn, 1995).
(19) a. Four thousand ships passed through the lock last year.
b. The library lent out 23,000 books in 1987.
In (19-a), the numeral four thousand could be counting distinct ships or events
of passage; in (19-b) the numeral could be counting distinct books or events of
Krifka treats this polysemy as a homomorphism from “concrete entities to
abstract entities” (1990: 194), but assigns individuals (the concrete entities)
and events (the abstract ones) different types. In his compositional analysis,
the cardinality operator that allows for the semantic composition of the numeral
and the NP – associating the nominal property with an argument corresponding
to its cardinality – is polysemous between measuring individuals, events, or sets
of events.
Some quantifiers seem to be domain-general in just this way, too; most in
(20) can range over ships or events of passage.
(20) Most ships passed through the lock at night.
A number of recent articles have examined this polysemy in much more detail,
for e.g. French beaucoup (Doetjes, 2007; Nakanishi, 2007; Burnett, 2012).
There seems to be a directly parallel DP polysemy between individuals and
degrees (and events). Some examples are illustrated in (21) (from Rett, 2014).
(21) a. Four pizzas are vegetarian / is enough.
b. Four feet of the plywood are warped / is more than Betty had
asked for.
c. French fries were eaten by the senators / is not enough, the senators
will need protein.
In each example, the DP can denote a plural individual, in which case it is
modified by an individual predicate (be vegetarian, be warped, be eaten) and
triggers plural agreement on the predicate. But it can also denote a singular
degree, in which case it is modified by a degree predicate (be enough, be more
than) and triggers singular agreement on the predicate. Note that this is not
a polysemy triggered by the numeral or measure phrase (cf. Landman, 2000;
Rothstein, 2009), as bare plurals are polysemous in the same way (21-c).
In Rett (2014) I observe that the degree interpretations of DPs are restricted
to dimensions of measurement that are monotonic on the part-whole structure
of the plural individual, in the sense documented by Schwarzschild (2005). I
conclude that the polysemy is the result of a homomorphism from individuals
to degrees (not in the other direction, cf. Brasoveanu, 2009) that is bound
by a restriction that requires the homomorphism be meaning preserving in a
particular way.

4.3 Degrees, kinds, and manners
There also seems to be a morphological kinship between degrees, kinds, and
manners. Landman and Morzycki (2003) and Anderson (2016) (see also Haspel-
math and Buchholz, 1998) note cross-linguistic evidence for the assimilation of
degrees, kinds, and manners. This is shown in (22), in which the same mor-
pheme as ranges over manners in the similative in (22-a) and over degrees in
the equative in (22-b).6
(22) a. Jane danced as Maria danced. manner
b. Jane is as tall as Maria is. degree
The polysemy is more expansive in Polish (23), in which the proform tak ranges
over manners, kinds, or degrees.7
(23) a. On tańczyl tak.
he danced thus
‘He danced like that.’ manner
b. Taki pies ucieklwczoraj w nocy. dog.nom ran.away yesterday in.night
‘Such a dog ran away last night.’ kind
c. tak wysoki
such tall
‘that tall’ degree
To account for these data, Anderson (2016) explicitly argue for a particular
version of ‘enriched degrees’ (Grosu and Landman, 1998), in which degrees are
modeled as kinds of Davidsonian states. And model manners as event kinds.
Formally, the approach is similar to situation semantics, in that it treats words
like tak and as as involving abstraction over degree state-kinds.

4.4 Degrees and vectors

Schwarzschild (2012) notices another cross-linguistic trend: in Hindi and Navajo,
there is polysemy between spatial prepositions and comparative standard mark-
ers (equivalent to than in English comparatives). This is illustrated in (24) for
(24) a. anu raaj se lambii hai
Anu Raj from tall.fem
‘Anu is taller than Raj.’
b. anu us baRe kamre se niklii
Anu that.obl big.obl room.obl from come.out.perf.fem
‘Anu came out of that big room.’
6 Rett (2013) discusses the cross-linguistic universality of the morphological similarity be-

tween equatives and similatives.

7 There is a similar kind/degree polysemy in sentences like It’s amazing the cars he owns!

(Castroviejo Miró and Schwager, 2008).

Schwarzschild (2012) uses data like these to argue for an analysis of an entity
he calls a ‘directed segment,’ essentially a two-dimensional interval. Schwarzschild
(2013) expands on this analysis, drawing on semantic arguments regarding com-
parison classes (Kennedy, 2007; Bale, 2011). In the analysis, segments σ are
shorthand for ordered quadruplets hu, v, >, µi, with u, v individuals representing
endpoints; > a total ordering; and µ a dimension of measurement (e.g. height).
It is effectively a relational version of the triples Bartsch and Vennemann (1972)
interpret degrees to represent. The result is a semantics for a comparative (25)
formalized as (25-a) and informally summarized in (25-b).
(25) Tom is taller than Susan.
a. ∃σ[% (σ) ∧ start(σ) = µσ (s) ∧ end(σ) = µσ (t) ∧ µσ = height]
b. ‘There is a rising directed scale segment: it starts with Susan’s
measurement on the scale, it ends with Tom’s measurement on the
scale, and it is a segment of the height scale.’

4.5 Lattice vs. interval plurals

Finally, in Rett (2015), I argue that there are two different sorts of plural enti-
ties, intervals and lattices. Interval plurals (Schwarzschild and Wilkinson, 2002;
Dotlacil and Nouwen, 2016) have strictly linearly ordered atomic members, e.g.
degree scales, temporal intervals, and spatial vectors. Lattice plurals (Link,
1983) have atomic members that form a (semi-)lattice structure.
I argue that relations between interval plurals – like comparatives, temporal
relations like before and after, and spatial prepositions – are interpreted with
respect to the same general principle: the matrix argument is related to the
most informative closed bound of the embedded argument. In contrast, relations
between lattice plurals are interpreted with respect to the maximal plural entity
(see Malamud, 2012, for discussion). In addition to explaining parallel semantic
behavior between degree, temporal, and spatial relations, it predicts that only
interval plural relations have antonyms, and that antonymic constructions are
associated with reverse orderings.

4.6 Interim summary

In sum, just like arguments in favor of expanding the ontology, type collaps-
ing or eliminating arguments tend to take one of two forms. First, there are
morphological arguments that we should collapse two or more types together
because there is a tendency for (unrelated) languages to use the same functional
word or morpheme to range over them. These include degrees, manners, and
kinds on the one hand (Anderson, 2016), and sets of degrees and vectors on the
other (Schwarzschild, 2012). They also include the observation that operators
like many and most range over individuals and events (Doetjes, 2007; Nakanishi,
2007; Burnett, 2012), and that operators like when and if range over worlds,
times, and locations.

Second, there are semantic arguments in favor of collapsing or eliminating
types. Whereas semantic type proliferation arguments deal with the issue of
semantic adequacy – a model needs a different sort of entity to properly charac-
terize a construction or language – type collapsing arguments deal with semantic
convergence. Situation semanticists (Barwise, 1981; Barwise and Perry, 1983;
Kratzer, 1989) have argued that restricting and quantifying over worlds, times,
and locations independently predicts more truth-conditional variation than we
see. Bach (1986) and Krifka (1990) were the first to observe a wide-spread
polysemy between individuals and events in constructions with numerals and
quantifiers; in Rett (2014) I argued that the polysemy extends to degrees as well.
And in Rett (2015), I argued that there is a real semantic difference between
the way relations are calculated between interval plurals and between lattice

5 Concluding summary and discussion

Proponents of both proliferating types and collapsing them seem to care about
the same sorts of things, which makes it easy at least in principle to compare the
two perspectives. They care about capturing truth conditions (either making
the theory sufficiently fine-grained or preventing it from being too fine-grained).
And they take seriously the morphological cues of the language (explaining
either the use of the same functional morpheme for more than one putative
type, or two different functional morphemes for a single putative type).
Luckily, linguistic theory has something to say about the morphological argu-
ments; specifically, it seems to have principled answers to the question: What’s
more compelling, differentiated morphology or co-opted morphology? Loosely
speaking, studies of grammatical change have suggested that it’s more likely nat-
ural language would co-opt function words for different entities than it would
innovate different function words for the same entity. First, when languages add
morphemes, especially via borrowing, they either tend not to be, or cannot be,
functional morphemes (Thomason, 2001). So the typical process by which we
see lexical growth in a language generally does not extend to functional items,
which has been the focus of the morphological arguments discussed here.
Second, functional items like proforms are more likely to converge over time
(cf. Norde, 2009), via processes like analogical change (Hock, 2005) or syn-
cretism (Baerman et al., 2005). (Bußmann, 1996, 21) characterizes the former
as the“diachronic process by which conceptually related linguistic units are made
similar (or identical) in form... often regarded as the result of the move towards
economy of form.” Syncretism is a term for this sort of process when it affects
inflectional paradigms, exemplified in Table 2.
In terms of semantic arguments, the question of what is more important, a
powerful theory or a restrictive one, transcends discussions of semantic ontol-
ogy and even linguistics. But there is an important difference between the two
approaches in the consistency of their conclusions. The arguments for prolifer-
ating types seem to lead to consistent conclusions, cross-linguistically, possibly

Old High Modern
German German
infinitive neman nehman
1pl neměm nehman
3pl nemant nehman

Table 2: Syncretism in German verbs

trivally. And they also result in an attractive (albeit incomplete) universal ty-
pology: {individuals, times, worlds} < {degrees}.
The arguments for collapsing types, on the other hand, seem more contradic-
tory. Consider events: should they be type-assimilated with individuals, as sug-
gested by individual/event polysemy (Bach, 1986; Krifka, 1990)? Or should they
be associated with possible worlds and locations, as the situation semanticists
have argued? And consider degrees: are they more like vectors (Schwarzschild,
2013; Rett, 2015), or are they more like manners and kinds (Anderson, 2016)?
While these arguments are compelling in isolation, amalgamating them in a
single semantic theory seems problematic.
I’ll close by reiterating that none of these arguments appear to be able
to differentiate between Type Flexibility – a semantics with numerous basic
types – and Type Ersatzism, with a single type that differentiates between e.g.
individuals and events at some sub-type level. I know of no empirical argument
that can do this. Instead, I hope to have presented a wide variety of existing
arguments for leaning towards Type Reductionalism and for leaning towards
Type Flexibility/Ersatzism, and I have tentatively argued that the latter are
more morphologically plausible and semantically consistent.

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