Sandeep Kumar obtained the following marks in his Semester III Diploma in Civil Engineering (Compartmental) Examination 2018:
- He received grades of B in Applied Mathematics II and Surveying, and grades of C in Building Construction, Building Drawing, and Concrete Technology.
- He failed the practical exams in Surveying Lab and Building Construction Lab, receiving grades of F.
- He received grades of A in the term work papers of Surveying, Building Drawing, Development of Life Skills-II, Professional Practices III, and Concrete Technology.
- His overall marks were 493 out of 750 with his result pending.
Sandeep Kumar obtained the following marks in his Semester III Diploma in Civil Engineering (Compartmental) Examination 2018:
- He received grades of B in Applied Mathematics II and Surveying, and grades of C in Building Construction, Building Drawing, and Concrete Technology.
- He failed the practical exams in Surveying Lab and Building Construction Lab, receiving grades of F.
- He received grades of A in the term work papers of Surveying, Building Drawing, Development of Life Skills-II, Professional Practices III, and Concrete Technology.
- His overall marks were 493 out of 750 with his result pending.
Sandeep Kumar obtained the following marks in his Semester III Diploma in Civil Engineering (Compartmental) Examination 2018:
- He received grades of B in Applied Mathematics II and Surveying, and grades of C in Building Construction, Building Drawing, and Concrete Technology.
- He failed the practical exams in Surveying Lab and Building Construction Lab, receiving grades of F.
- He received grades of A in the term work papers of Surveying, Building Drawing, Development of Life Skills-II, Professional Practices III, and Concrete Technology.
- His overall marks were 493 out of 750 with his result pending.
Sandeep Kumar obtained the following marks in his Semester III Diploma in Civil Engineering (Compartmental) Examination 2018:
- He received grades of B in Applied Mathematics II and Surveying, and grades of C in Building Construction, Building Drawing, and Concrete Technology.
- He failed the practical exams in Surveying Lab and Building Construction Lab, receiving grades of F.
- He received grades of A in the term work papers of Surveying, Building Drawing, Development of Life Skills-II, Professional Practices III, and Concrete Technology.
- His overall marks were 493 out of 750 with his result pending.
Registration No : 1151516036 Roll No : 321151516036
Following are the marks obtained by SANDEEP KUMAR
of Government Polytechnic, Gaya at Semester III of Diploma in Civil Engineering (Compartmental) Examination 2018 (ODD) held in the month of DECEMBER, 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT FULL MARKS PASS MARKS MARKS OBTAINED NAME OF SUBJECTS CREDITS INT FIN TOTAL FIN TOTAL INT FIN TOTAL GRADE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEORY PAPERS APPLIED MATHEMATICS - II 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 49 76 B SURVEYING 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 44 71 B BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 3 30 70 100 28 40 26 40 66 C BUILDING DRAWING 3 30 70 100 28 40 24 37 61 C CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY 3 30 70 100 28 40 27 40 67 C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRACTICAL PAPERS SURVEYING LAB. 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 A 13 F BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LAB. 1 15 35 050 - 20 13 A 13 F ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERM WORK PAPERS SURVEYING 1 07 18 025 - 10 05 15 20 A BUILDING DRAWING 1 15 35 050 - 20 14 29 43 A DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SKILLS-II 2 07 18 025 - 10 06 15 21 A PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES - III 2 07 18 025 - 10 06 16 22 A CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY 1 07 18 025 - 10 06 14 20 A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRAND TOTAL 24 750 493 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGPA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMARKS : Pending