Application For TMB E-Connect

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Application for TMB e-Connect “Corporate Net Banking Services”

(For Company/Partnership Firm/Society/Trust/Association of persons/Club)

(To be stamped as agreement)

We refer to the account/s (“said accounts”) in the name of our Company /

Partnership Firm / Society / Association of persons / Club / Trust, (strike off,
whichever is not applicable) bearing customer ID __________, opened with
M/s.Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., (TMB) at its various branches (under the said
Customer ID). We wish to avail the “Corporate Net Banking Services” for the said
account(s) and we accept all the terms and conditions of TMB and further do accept
such terms and conditions, regulations, stipulations laid down by TMB from time to
time for this purpose.

The following official/s is / are hereby __________ (indicate singly or severally or

jointly) authorized to accept, sign, execute, deliver and complete all documentation,
agreements and abide by the modifications in order to apply for and avail the
Corporate Net Banking facility provided by TMB.

The following official/s is / are authorized to appoint the user(s) for various roles
including Account Administrator and to provide mandate to the Bank to operate all
the accounts / selected accounts mapped to them on behalf of the Firm through
“Corporate Net Banking Services”, including causing a debit balance in the said
account(s) and / or continue to operate the account(s) even when overdrawn as per
the access specifications provided to the Bank.

Sl. Name of the authorized person Designation /Signature

All the transactions done by the mandated users through the “Corporate Net
Banking Services” are authorized and will be binding on us and we agree to hold
TMB harmless for providing access to carry out the transactions.

The undersigned has been authorized to appoint an Account Administrator (who will
be single point of contact between us and the Bank) to verify / monitor the veracity of
the transactions put through “Corporate Net Banking Services”.

We will submit the dully filled in application form to the Bank, signed by the
authorized signatories. The role level mapping of the various hierarchies of users
under the “Corporate Net Banking Services”, with specified powers for initiating and
or approving transactions in a single or multiple levels (as given in the application
form) will have the necessary / desired authority from our end.

Further, as an internal control measure, we will create a user with no transaction

powers (and preferably one who is not an account administrator and could be an
internal auditor) to present the daily transaction reports to appropriate supervisory
authorities. Errors, if any, found in the transactions revealed during daily monitoring
will be forthwith brought to the notice of the Bank

The user ID and passwords shall be kept totally secret and confidential by the users.

We shall keep Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., informed of changes in the operating
instructions, chang es in the list of Users, changes in contact / security information,
etc., by giving a letter to this effect to the Bank, along with the required

Further we do hereby confirm and accept that the risk factors relating to
“Corporate Net Banking Services” have been duly explained to us by the Bank
and we hereby consent to the same.

We, the authorized signatories, on behalf of M/s._________________ shall not hold

the Bank responsible for any Conversion or any misuse of the “Corporate Net
Banking Services” facility availed by us.


We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions (a copy of which we are
having in our possession) relating to the TMB eConnect facility. We unconditionally
accept and agree to be bound by the said terms and Conditions and such other
modifications made by the Bank from time to time. We agree that the Bank may debit
the said account (s) for service charges as applicable from time to time. If there are
any changes in the Bank rules, placing the same in the Bank’s website is sufficient
and shall serve as a valid notice to us. We agree and understand that TMB reserves
the right to reject any application (or) block (or) withdraw the said TMB eConnect

Signatures of all the partners / Authorized signatories:

Any modification of the mandates shall be by a fresh Mandate issued by
the customer, to be followed by intimation to the Bank, enclosing the copy
of the Mandate. (Mandate should be in the official Letter Head)

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