Velocity Application Form
Velocity Application Form
Velocity Application Form
Business details
Registered name of business Contact person Mobile number
Office number
Email address
All Accounts
Account number 1
Account number 2
Service package
Tick one only. If User ID is not completed, a permanent ID will be assigned to you.
Max 12 characters
BASIC PLUS View accounts and transact with single user for any transaction and amount. Name Mobile number Name Mobile number
Mandatory Only Singapore-registered mobile phone numbers are eligible. Mandatory Only Singapore-registered mobile phone numbers are eligible.
User ID
Email address
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Co.Reg.No: 193200032W
Max 12 characters
CLASSIC 1 View accounts and transact with minimum of 1 Creator and 1 Authoriser to approve singly for any transaction and amount. Name Name Name
Max 12 characters
Max 12 characters
Max 12 characters
CLASSIC 2 View accounts and transact with minimum of 1 Creator and 2 Authorisers to approve jointly for any transaction and amount. Name Name Name Name
Max 12 characters
Create transactions Authorise transactions Authorise transactions Create OR transactions Authorise transactions
Authoriser 1
Max 12 characters
Authoriser 2
Max 12 characters
Max 12 characters
We will contact you for further documentation and implementation details. Annual fee of S$500 may apply.
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Co.Reg.No: 193200032W
To Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC Bank) I/We agree to abide and be bound by the Business Account Terms and Conditions (available at all OCBC Bank branches and at which I/we have read and any amendments, alterations and additions thereto as may from time to time be made. I/We consent to disclosures as provided therein and agree that all payments be debited from my/our account(s) with you. The person(s) whose information appear(s) in the Authorised User section above and/or in other letter(s) of instruction is/are authorised to perform and effect the above services opted by me/us at any time and from time to time for and on my/our behalf in relation to the abovementioned accounts. I/We confirm that the abovementioned Authorised User(s) has/have sufficient authority to perform and effect all transactions of such services for and on our behalf and all such transactions shall be binding and conclusive on me/us. By signing below, I am/we are authorised to sign the application form for and on behalf of the company/association/club/society/partnership. Applicable only for Velocity@ocbc Basic Plus Service Package: Risk Disclosure Statement In Connection With Single Control: In the case of dual access or control (Dual Control), two or more people are required to be actively involved in order to complete a transaction. This involves having a person responsible for initiating or creating the transaction and another individual of higher authority to approve the transaction in the system. In the case of single access or control (Single Control) only one person is required to complete a transaction. For all transactions initiated through Velocity@ocbc, the system defaults to have Dual Control in place as account fraud and identity theft are frequently the result of Single Control. I/We fully understand and acknowledge the characteristics and risks of having Single Control, which carries risk of compromise when compared with the benefit of Dual Control scheme, which provides an extra layer of security. I/We hereby authorise OCBC Bank to proceed with Single Control setup in Velocity@ocbc. I/We shall assume and be responsible for the risks inherent in Single Control scheme. I/We undertake to indemnify and hold the bank fully indemnified from and against any loss, costs (including solicitor and client costs on a fully indemnity basis), charges, damages, claims, demands, actions, proceedings and all other liabilities of whatever nature and however incurred or suffered by me/us or the Bank as a result of the Bank agreeing to act on my/our said authorisation. I/We also understand and agree that the bank may modify the Terms and Conditions relating to OCBC Internet Banking Service or terminate the provision of Single Control scheme by notice to me/us at any time.
Signature Signature Signature
Complete and return this form to us at: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Global Transaction Banking, 65 Chulia Street, OCBC Centre #11-00, Singapore 049513
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Co.Reg.No: 193200032W