EE155 Industrial Drives and Control: Suggested Readings
EE155 Industrial Drives and Control: Suggested Readings
EE155 Industrial Drives and Control: Suggested Readings
Suggested Readings:
1. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electric Drives, Narosa Publishing House, Second Edition.
2. G.K. Dubey, Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives, PH-New JersyI
3. V. Subrahmaniyam, Electric Drives Concepts and Applications, TMH
4. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Vndeland & William P. Robins Power Electronics: Convertors Application & Design,
John Wiley & Sons
5. K. Malarvizhi, Solid State Drives, Scitech Publication Pvt Ltd.
6. S.K. Pillai, A first course in Electric Drives, Wiley Eastern
7. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives, PHI