PWM-FF Ic Tda4916gg
PWM-FF Ic Tda4916gg
PWM-FF Ic Tda4916gg
0, 1 May 1996
N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .
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Edition 1996-05-01
Published by Infineon Technologies AG,
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SMPS-IC with MOSFET Driver Output TDA 4916 GG
• High clock frequency
• Low current drain
• High reference accuracy
• All monitoring functions
Pin Configuration
(top view)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Block Diagram
TDA 4916 GG
Circuit Description
The individual functional sections of the device and their interactions are described
Power Supply at VS
The device does not enable the output until the turn-ON threshold of VS is exceeded. The
duty factor (active time/period) can then rise from zero to the value set with K1 in the time
determined by the soft start. The turn-OFF threshold lies below the turn-ON threshold.
Below the turn-OFF threshold the output Q SIP is reliably low.
Frequency Generator
The frequency is mainly determined by close-tolerance external components and the
calibrated reference voltage.
The switching frequency at the output can be set by suitable choice of Rt and Ct.
The maximum possible duty factor can be reduced by a defined amount by means of a
resistor from CT to 0V GND. The maximum possible duty factor can be increased by a
defined amount by means of a resistor from CT to VS.
Ramp Generator
The ramp generator is controlled by the frequency generator and operates with the same
frequency. Capacitor Cr on the ramp generator is discharged by an internally-set current
and charged via a current set externally. The duration of the falling edge of the ramp
generator output must be shorter than its rise time. Only then do the upper and lower
switching levels of the ramp generator signal have their nominal values.
In “voltage mode control” operation, the rising edge of the ramp generator signal is
compared with an externally set dc voltage in comparator K1 for pulse-width control at
the output. The slope of the rising edge is set by the current through Rr. The voltage
source connected to Rr can be the SMPS input voltage. This makes it possible to control
the duty factor for a constant volt-second product at the output. This control option
(precontrol) permits equalization of known disturbances (e.g. input voltage ripple).
Superimposed load current control (current mode control) can also be implemented. For
this purpose the actual current at the source of the SIPMOS transistor is sensed and
compared with the specified value in comparator K5.
Comparator K2
The comparator has a switching threshold at 1.5 V. Its output sets the fault Flip-Flop
when the voltage on capacitor Ca lies below 1.5 V. However, the fault Flip-Flop accepts
the setting pulse only if no reset pulse (fault) is applied. This prevents resetting of the
output as long as a fault signal is present.
Operational Amplifier OP
Opamp OP is a high-quality operational amplifier. It can be used in the control circuit to
transfer the variations in the voltage to be regulated in amplified form to the free plus
input of comparator K1. As a result, a voltage change is converted into a duty factor
change. The output of OP is an open collector. The frequency response of OP is already
corrected. The plus input is connected internally via a capacitor to ground. This gives the
inverting amplifier a more favorable phase response.
Fault Flip-Flop
Fault signals fed to the reset input of the fault Flip-Flop cause the output to be
immediately disabled (Low), and to be turned on again via the soft start CSS after
removing fault-condition.
Pulse Omission PO
In the event of overcurrent in the SIPMOS transistors it is frequently necessary to omit
pulses even with minimum duty factor. Only this measure ensures that the SIPMOS
transistors cannot be overloaded. This wanted function can be achieved with Pulse
Omission PO and Overcurrent Comparator K7 by means of a suitable external circuit.
Series Feed SF
The Series Feed circuit section is used to turn-OFF the external series-feed transistor
when energy recovery commences. As a result there is minimum power loss in the
supply to the device. With the series-feed transistor turned-OFF, its drive current flows
via VS to VS.
When the supply to the switch-mode power supply is switched on, the capacitive
displacement current from the gate of the SIPMOS transistor is conducted to the
smoothing capacitor at VS QSIP by the diode connected to VS QSIP. The voltage at
VS QSIP may reach about 2.3 V in the process without the SIPMOS transistor being
The diode connected to ground clamps negative voltages at Q SIP to minus 0.7 V.
Capacitive currents which occur with voltage dips at the drain terminal of the SIPMOS
transistor can then flow away unimpeded.
The output is active Low with supply voltages at VS and VS QSIP from about 4 V on. The
function of the diode connected to VS QSIP and the resistor are then taken over by the
pull-down source.
The two ground terminals 0V SQIP and 0V GND can lie at different levels. This permits
connections to be made to the SIPMOS transistor in such a way that the drive currents
for the gate do not flow to the source via the current-sensing resistor. The maximum
permissible level differences between 0V GND and 0V SQIP are given under Functional
Range. If greater level differences are anticipated, it is better to join the two terminals.
Operating Range
Function Symbol Limit Values Unit
min. max.
Supply voltage VS 0 15 V
Frequency generator f 0.05 400 kHz
Ramp generator f 0.05 400 kHz
Ambient temperature TA – 40 + 100 °C
Ground Q SIP V0V QSIP GND – 300 mV GND + 2 V V
Resistor at RT RRT 27 1000 kΩ
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Current in VS IVS 7 mA1) FG at 100 kHz
8 mA1) FG at 300 kHz
8 mA1) FG at 100 kHz
9 mA1) FG at 300 kHz
Current in VS QSIP IVS QSIP 2.5 mA1) FG at 100 kHz
5.5 mA1) FG at 300 kHz
Current in ISum 9 mA1) FG at 100 kHz
VS + VS QSIP 13 mA1) FG at 300 kHz
10 mA1) FG at 100 kHz
14 mA1) FG at 300 kHz
Q SYN to 0 V GND
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Current Drain2)
Hysteresis at VS
Turn-ON threshold VSH 8.0 9.1 10 V
for VS rising
Turn-OFF threshold VSL 7.9 9.0 9.9 V
for VS falling
CT; RT (see oscillator nomogram).
The currents as VS and VS QSIP are in each case without loads and without internal discharge to CR, as well
as with active output Q SIP.
Reference Voltage
Voltage VREF 2.460 2.500 2.540 V IREF = 250 µA;
VS = 12 V
Load current – IREF 0 3 mA ∆VREF < 30 mV
Voltage change ∆VREF 5 mV 0 mA < IREF
< 500 µA
Voltage change ∆VREF 3 mV 12 V < VS < 14 V
Temperature ∆VREF/ 0.1 mV/K
response ∆T
Operate threshold – IREFO 3 6 10 mA
VREF overcurrent
Frequency Generator
Nominal frequency ∆fF/fO –4 4 % 20 kHz < fO
spread < 150 kHz;
VS = 12 V;
TA = 25 °C
Voltage dependence ∆fV/fO –1 1 % 10 V < VS < 14.4 V;
of nominal TA = 25 °C;
frequency relative to
fO at 12 V;
20 kHz < fO
< 150 kHz
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Temperature- ∆fτ/fO –3 3 % – 25 °C < TA
dependence of < + 85 °C;
nominal frequency VS = 12 V;
relative to
fO at 25 °C;
20 kHz < fO
< 150 kHz
Nominal frequency f20150 0.92 fO fO 1.08 fO kHz1) 20 kHz to 150 kHz
Nominal frequency f150250 0.88 fO fO 1.12 fO kHz1),2) 150 kHz to 250 kHz
Nominal frequency f250300 0.85 fO fO 1.15 fO kHz1),2) 250 kHz to 300 kHz
Maximum duty cycle ν20150 48 52 %2) 20 kHz to 150 kHz
Maximum duty cycle ν150200 46 54 %2) 150 kHz to 250 kHz
Maximum duty cycle ν250300 44 56 %2) 250 kHz to 300 kHz
Ramp Generator
Frequency range f 0.05 300 kHz
Maximum voltage at VCRH 4.8 5.8 6.8 V
Minimum voltage VCRL 1.4 1.8 2.2 V
at CR
Discharge current at Idis 0.75 1.00 1.25 mA internally fixed
Capacitance at CR CR 10 pF
ON-time spread ∆tOt/tOt –9 9 % Cr = 200 pF;
(limited by CSS) VIK1 > VSSH;
IRr = 150 µA;
TA = 25 °C;
relative to
tOt = 4.0 µs
1) CT; RT (see oscillator nomogram).
See diagram: Tolerance of oscillator frequency, duty cycle.
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
ON-time drift ∆tOt/tOt –2 2 % Cr = 200 pF;
IRr = 150 µA;
relative to
tOt = 25 °C
ON-time spread tOt 3.6 4.0 4.4 µs Cr = 200 pF;
IRr = 150 µA
Operational Amplifier OP
Open-loop gain Go 60 80 100 dB IQ OP = 100 µA
Input offset voltage Vio –5 +5 mV IQ OP = 100 µA
Input current – Ii 1 µA
Input common-mode Vcm – 0.2 4 V
Output current IQ OP –3 mA 0.5 < VQ OP < 15 V
Output voltage VQ OP 0.5 15 V 0 mA < IQ OP < 2 mA
Transit frequency ft 2 5 8 MHz
Transit phase φt 90 120 150 Deg.
Temp. coeff. of Vio Tc – 10 + 10 µV/K
Rate of rise of ∆V/∆t 1 ±3 6 V/µs IQ OP = 100 µA
voltage at output
Comparator K1
Input current – IK1 1 µA
Input common-mode Vcm 0 VCAH V
Turn-OFF delay tOFF 200 400 ns1) Nominal load 1 nF
at Q SIP
1) Step function ∆V – 100 mV ∆V + 100 mV (for delay from comparator input to Q SIP).
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Overvoltage K3
Input current – Ii 0.2 µA
Switching voltage VSW VREF – VREF + V
5 mV 5 mV
Turn-OFF delay tOFF 1 2 4 µs
Undervoltage K4
Input current at K4 – Ii 0.2 µA
Switching voltage VSW VREF – VREF + V
at K4 5 mV 5 mV
Hysteresis current Ihy4H 5 10 15 µA V+ IK4 < Vsw
Ihy4L 0.1 µA V+ IK4 > Vsw
Turn-OFF delay to 1 2 4 µs1)
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Pulse Omission PO
Charging current at – Ich 4 6 9 µA
PO int.
Charging current at Ich 1 mA
PO ext.
Voltage at – K7 V– K7 VS/3 VS/3 VS/3 V
–5% +5%
Upper clamping VPOH V-K7 V-K7 V-K7 V 0 mA < IPO < 1 mA
voltage at + K7 + 0.2 + 0.7 + 1.2
Minimum voltage VPOM 1 V
applied to PO
Input I SYN II SYN – 70 200 µA 0 V< VI SYN < 4.5 V
Switching threshold
at I SYN
Open VI SYNO 1.5 2.7 3.5 V
Rising edge VI SYNR 2.5 3.4 4.0 V
Falling edge VI SYNF 1.0 2.0 3.0 V
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Switchover delay int. tdf-s
free-running - 15 35 60 µs
synchronized - tds-f 9 18 35 µs
Limiting diodes – II SYN 0 2 mA VI SYN < 1 V
II SYN 0 2 mA VI SYN > 5 V
Output Q SYN
High VQ SYNH 4.1 V – 500 µA < IQ SYN
< 0 µA
Low VQ SYNL 0.6 V 0 µA< IQ SYN
< 500 µA
Fan-out of Q SYN 2 Q SYN to 0V GND
for control I SYN allowed
Series Feed
Series Feed
Threshold at VS VSFTH 9.0 10.0 10.5 V ISF > 5 µA;
VSF = 13 V
VSH to VSFTH Gap VSFGAP 500 – – mV
Maximum current ISF max 500 – – µA VS = 11.5 V;
VSF = 12.5 V
Voltage at Z1 VZ11 5 – – V IZ1 = 20 µA;
0 ≤ VS ≤ 8 V
Voltage at Z1 VZ12 – – 8 V IZ1 = 500 µA
0 ≤ VS ≤ 8 V
Characteristics (cont’d)
VSon < VS < 15 V, – 25 °C < TA < 85 °C; VSon means that VS has exceeded VSH, but has
not gone below VSL.
Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition
min. typ. max.
Saturation voltage VQ SIPP 1.5 V IQ SIP = + 5 mA
sink IC passive
Output current
Falling edge IQ SIP 0.7 1.0 1.5 A1) CQ SIP = 10 nF;
VS = VQ SIP = 12 V
Rising edge – IQ SIP 0.7 1.0 1.5 A1) CQ SIP = 10 nF;
VS = VQ SIP = 12 V
Output voltage
Fall time tQ SIPF 200 ns2) CQ SIP = 10 nF;
VS = VQ SIP = 12 V
Rise time tQ SIPR 200 ns2) CQ SIP = 10 nF;
VS = VQ SIP = 12 V
Maximum dynamic current during rising or falling edge.
Voltage level 10 %/90 %.
Figure 3
Application Circuit 1: Forward Converter with Output Regulation
Figure 4
Application Circuit 2: Flyback Converter with EMF Regulation
Figure 5
Timing Diagram
Figure 6
Soft Start CSS / Fault/ON - OFF
Nomogram for FG
fo = 97.5 kHz @ Tj = 25 °C; RT = 40.2 kΩ; CT = 560 pF
Instructions for the Approximate Calculation of the Maximum Duty Cycle of the FG
when RVS or RGND is Connected to Input CT.
1. General remarks
Duty cycle ν = ON time/period
Time t = CT ∆VCT/ICT
∆VCT = approx. 0.6 V
Current IRGND = 2.2 V/RGND
Current IRT = 2.5 V/RT
Current IRVS = (12 V − 2.2 V)/RVS
Mean value VCT Mean = approx. 2.2 V
To facilitate better general understanding, the equations are not abbreviated in the
The wanted quantity can be isolated using the rules of arithmetic.
2. Calculation for connection of RVS (ν > 0.5)
CT ⋅ 0.6 V
ν max = --------------------------------------------------------------------
CT ⋅ 0.6 V C T ⋅ 0.6 V
------------------------------ + ------------------------------
CT ⋅ 0.6 V
ν max = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CT ⋅ 0.6 V C T ⋅ 0.6 V
------------------------------------ + ------------------------------------
Package Outlines
P-DSO-24-1 (SMD)
(Plastic Dual Small Outline Package)
Sorts of Packing
Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our
Data Book “Package Information”
SMD = Surface Mounted Device Dimensions in mm