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A-Z List of Windows CMD Commands PDF

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A-Z List Of Windows CMD Commands —

Also Included CMD Commands PDF


CMD Commands Function

addusers Used to add and list users in a CSV file
admodcmd Used for bulk modifying contents in an active directory
Address Resolution Protocol is used to map IP address to
the hardware address
assoc Used to change associations for file extensions
associat One step file association
at Run a command at a specific time
atmadm Display connection info of the ATM adapter
attrib Used to change file attributes
bcdboot Used to create and repair a system partition
bcdedit Used to manage boot configuration data
Used to manage the Background Intelligent Transfer
bootcfg Used to edit boot configuration in Windows
break Enable/Disable break capability (CTRL+C) in CMD
cacls Used to change permissions of files
call Used one batch program to call another
certreq Used to request a certificate from a certification authority
certutil Manage Certification Authority files and services
cd Used to change folder (directory) or go to a specific one
change Used to change terminal services
chcp Displays the number of active console code page
chdir Same as cd command
chkdsk Used to check and repair issues in the disk
chkntfs Used to check the NTFS file system
choice Accept user input (via keyboard) to a batch file
cipher Used to encrypt/decrypt files and folder
cleanmgr Used clean temp files and recycle bin automatically
clip Copy result of any command (stdin) to Windows clipboard
cls Clear CMD screen
cmd Used to start a new CMD shell
cmdkey Used to manage stored usernames and passwords

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Used to install or remove a connection manager service
color Change the color of the CMD shell using options
comp Compare contents of two files or two sets of files
compact Compress files and folders on an NTFS partition
compress Compress one or more files
convert Convert a FAT partition to NTFS
copy Copy one or more files to another location
coreinfo Show the mapping between logical and physical processors
Cleans specified profiles of wasted space and disabled user-
specific file associations
cscmd Configure offline files on a client computer
csvde Import or Export the data of an active directory
date Used to display the date or change it
defrag Used to defragment system hard drive
del Used to delete a file(s)
delprof Used to delete user profile(s)
deltree Used to delete a folder and its sub-folders
devcon Access the command line device manager utility
dir Used to display files and folders list
dirquota Manage File Server Resource Manager quotas
diruse Used to display disk usage
diskcomp Compare contents of two floppy disks
diskcopy Copy data of one floppy disk to another
Make changes to partitions of storage, both internal and
diskshadow Access the Disk Shadow Copy Service
diskuse View used space in folder(s)
Used to edit command line, recall commands, and create
driverquery Display a list of installed device drivers
View and edit access control entries for objects in active
dsadd Used to add objects to active directory
dsget View objects in active directory
dsquery Find objects in an active directory
dsmod Used to modify objects in an active directory
dsmove Rename or move an active directory object.
dsrm Remove objects from an active directory
dsmgmt Manage Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
Turn command-echoing feature on/off, display a message
on the screen
endlocal End localization environment changes in a batch file

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erase Used to delete on or more file(s)
Add custom event to Windows event log (Admin rights
eventquerry Display list of events and their properties from event logs
Display and configure event triggers on local and remote
exit Exit the command line (Quit current batch script)
expand Uncompress one or more .CAB file(s)
explorer Open Windows Explorer
extract Uncompress one or more Windows cabinet file(s)
fc Used to compare two files
find Used to search a specified text string in a file
findstr Used to find string patterns in files
Display information about user(s) on a specified remote
flattemp Used to enable/disable flat temporary folders
For Run a command in a loop for a file(s) for defined parameter
forfiles Used for batch processing of selected file(s)
format Used to format a disk
freedisk Used to check free space on a disk
fsutil File system utility to manage file and drive properties
ftp Use FTP service to transfer files from one PC to another
ftype Display/ Modify file extension type associations
getmac Used to display the MAC address of your network adapter
Used to direct a batch program to a line identified by a
Display Group Policy Settings and Resultant Set of Policy
for a user
Update local and active directory based on group policy
Turn on the ability to display an extended character in
graphics mode
Display a list of commands and see online information for
hostname Used to display host name of the computer
icacls Used to change permissions of files and folders
iexpress Used to create a self-extracting zip archive
if Used for conditional processing in batch programs
ifmember Display the group(s) an active user belongs to
Replace the files which the OS is currently using (restart

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ipconfig Display and change Windows IP configuration
ipseccmd Used to configure IP Security policies
Display and modify routing table information used by IPX
Used to send files over an infrared link (infrared
functionality required)
label Used to change the name of a disk
lodctr Update registry values with latest performance counters
logman Used to manage performance monitor logs
logoff Log a user off
logtime Add the date, time, and a message to a text file
lpq Displays print queue status
Used to send a file to a computer running the Line Printer
Daemon service
macfile Manage files server for Mackintosh
makecab Used to create .cab files
mapisend Used to send email from command line
mbsacli Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser
mem Used to show memory usage
md Used to create directories and sub-directories
mkdir Used to create directories and sub-directories
mklink Used to create symbolic link to a directory
mmc Access Microsoft Management Console
mode Configure COM, LPT, CON system devices
more Display one screen of output at time
mountvol Create, list, or delete a volume mount point
move Used to move files from one folder to another
moveuser Move user account to a domain or between machines
msg Used to send a pop-up message to a user
msiexec Install, modify, configure using Windows Installer
msinfo32 Display system information
mstsc Create a remote desktop connection
nbstat Display NetBIOS over TCP/IP information
net Used to manage network resources and services
netdom Network Domain Manager utility
netsh Display or modify network configuration
netstat Display active TCP/IP connections
nlsinfo Used to display locale information
nltest List domain controllers, force remote shutdown, etc
now Display date and time
nslookup Check IP address on a Name Server

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ntbackup Backup data to tape using CMD or batch file
Runs cmd.exe instead of command.exe in an MS-DOS
ntdsutil Manage Active Directory Domain Services
ntrights Used to edit user account privileges
ntsd Only for system developers
nvspbind Used to modify network bindings
openfiles Queries or displays open files
pagefileconfig Display and configure Virtual memory settings
path Set PATH environment variable for executable files
Latency and Packet loss info for each node in the network
pause Used to stop processing of a batch file
pbadmin Starts Phone Book Administrator
pentnt Detect Floating Point Division error in the Pentium chip
perfmon Access performance monitor in CMD
perms Display a user\’s ACL permissions for a file
ping Test network connection to a computer
popd Go to the latest path/folder stored by PUSHD command
portqry Display TCP and UDP port status
powercfg Used to configure power settings and know battery health
print Used to print a text file(s) from CMD
printbrm For backup/recovery/migration of the print queue
prncnfg Used to configure/rename a printing device
prndrvr List/add/delete printer drivers
prnjobs List/pause/resume/cancel print jobs
prnmngr List/add/delete printers, display/set default printer
List/create/delete TCP printer ports, display/change port
prnqctl Clear printer queue, print a test page
Monitor system for CPU spikes, generate a crash report
during a spike
prompt Used to change the Prompt in CMD
psexec Run a CMD process on a remote computer
psfile Display remotely opened files, close an open file
psinfo List system information about a local/remote machine
pskill Kill a process(es) using its name or process ID
pslist Display process status and info about active processes
psloggedon See active users on machine
psloglist Display event log records
pspasswd Used to change account password
psping Used to measure network performance

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psservice Display and control services on a machine
psshutdown Shutdown/restart/logoff/lock a local or remote machine
pssuspend Used to suspend a process on a local or remote computer
Change current folder and store previous folder for use by
qgrep Search file(s) for a given string pattern
query process or
Display information about processes
rasdial Display Remote Access Service Status
rasphone Manage RAS connections
rcp Copy files to a computer running remote shell service
recover Recover readable data from a defective disk
Display/add/change registry keys and values in Windows
regedit Import/export/delete settings from a .reg text file
regsvr32 Used to register/unregister a DLL file
regini Used to change registry permissions
Export performance counters to other formats like TSV,
rem Add comments in batch file
ren Used to rename a file(s)
replace Used to replace a file with another file of same name
reset session Used to reset a remote desktop session
rexec Run commands on remote machines running Rexec service
rd Used to delete a folder(s)
rmdir Used to delete a folder(s)
rmtshare Manage file and printer shares local or remote servers
robocopy Used to copy files and folders that have changed
route Display/change the local IP routing table
rsh Run commands on remote servers running RSH service
rsm Manage media resources using Removable storage
runas Run a program as a different user
rundll32 Used to run a DLL program
sc Use Service Controller to manage Windows services
schtasks Schedule command(s) to run at a specific time
secedit Configure system security
set Display/set/remove environment variables in CMD
setlocal Control visibility of environment variables in a batch file
Manage Service Principal Names for an Active Directory
service account
setx Set Environment Variables permanently

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sfc System File Checker
share List/edit a file share or print on any computer
shellrunas Used to run a command as a different user
shift Change the position of the batch parameters in a batch file
shortcut Create a Windows shortcut
shutdown Shutdown the computer
sleep Put computer to sleep for specified number of seconds
Software Licensing Management tool for activation and
sort Used to sort and display a redirected or piped input
start Start a program, command, or batch file
strings Find ANSI and UNICODE strings in binary files
subinacl Display/modify ACEs for file and folder permissions
subst Associate a path with a drive letter
sysmon Monitor and log system activity to Windows event log
Display detailed configuration information about the
takeown Used to take the ownership of a file
taskkill Used to terminate on or more running processes
tasklist Display a list of running apps and services.
tcmsetup Enable/disable TAPI client
Communicate with a remote machine using TELNET
Transfer files to and from a remote machine running TFTP
time Display/change system time
timeout Delay a batch file execution for specified seconds
title Change the text on top of CMD window
touch Change file timestamps
tracerpt Process event trace logs and generate trace analysis report
Trace route to a remote host by sending ICMP request
tree Display a folder structure in the form of a graphical tree
tsdiscon Terminate a remote desktop connection
tskill Terminate a running process on a RD Session Host server
tssutdn Shutdown/reboot a terminal server remotely
type Show contents of a text file
typeperf Write performance data to a CMD window or a log file
tzutil Time Zone Utility
Remove performance counter names and explain text for a
service from the registry
ver Show version number of installed OS

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verify Verify whether files are saved correctly on the disk
vol Show disk volume label and serial number
Show shadow copy backups, installed shadow copy writers
and providers
w32tm Access Windows Time Service Utility
Used to synchronize events between networked
wevtutil Retrieve information about event logs and publishers
where Find and display file(s) in the current directory
whoami Display information about the active user
windiff Compare contents of two files or sets of files
winrm Windows Remote Management
winrs Windows Remote Shell
wmic Windows Management Instrumentation Command
wuauclt Windows Update Agent to download new update files
xcalcs Change ACLs for files and folders
xcopy Copy files or directory trees to another folder
:: Comment


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