B. Peristalsis D. Peritoneal
B. Peristalsis D. Peritoneal
B. Peristalsis D. Peritoneal
move food through the digestive tract are b. mediastinal
called c. retroperitoneal
a. deglutition d. peritoneal
b. peristalsis
c. mucosal contractions 7. The esophageal hiatus is in the
d. absorption
a. esophagus
2. Which peritoneal modication supports the b. cardiac portion of the stomach
large intestine? c. mesentery
d. diaphragm
a. dorsal mesentery
b. falciform ligament 8. The myenteric plexus is located in which
c. lesser omentum layer of the alimentary canal?
d. mesocolon
a. mucosa
3. The pyloric sphincter is found between b. serosa
the c. lamina propria
d. muscularis
a. duodenum and jejunum
b. ileum and cecum 9. The nerve plexus that controls secretions
c. stomach and esophagus by the gastrointestinal tract is located in the
d. stomach and duodenum
a. mucosa
4. The pancreas is stimulated to release its b. submucosa
secretions by c. muscularis
d. serosa
a. gastrin
b. HCl in chime 10. The inner surface of each lip is attached
c. secretin to the gum by a midline fold of mucous
d. trypsinogen membrane called the
16. Which of the following structures are 22. A function of the kidney is to
found in the renal cortex?
a. remove nutrients from the blood
a. distal convoluted tubules b. remove microorganisms from the blood
b. renal columns c. remove metabolic wastes from the blood
c. collecting ducts d. add vitamins and rare ions to the blood
d. minor calices
23. Which __ of the following molecules
17. Urine contains cannot pass the filtration membranes in the
a, waste products of digestion kidneys?
b. waste products of metabolism
a. sodium ions even though the patient consumed a fairly
b. glucose large quantity of water during the day. The
c. amino acids patient is experiencing
d. large proteins
a. pyelitis
24. The external opening of the urinary b. urinary tract infection
system is the c. renal failure
d. horseshoe kidney
a. anus
b. urethra 29. Normally, net filtration pressure in the
c. external urethral orifice kidney is about
d. vaginal orifice
a. 5 mm Hg
25. The kidneys secrete the hormone b. 10 mm Hg
erythropoietin which functions to c. 50 mm Hg, the same as in capillaries
d. 80 mm Hg, the same as diastolic blood
a. regulate blood pressure pressure
b. activate vitamin D
c. concentrate salt in the nephron 30. Which of the following chemicals is an
d. control the rate of red blood cell enzyme secreted by the juxtaglomerulal
production apparatus?
26. The nephron has two parts. They are the a. aldosterone
b. antidiuretic hormone
a. glomerulus and renal tubule c. atrial naturetic peptide
b. capsule and loop of Henle d. renin
c. glomerulus and peritubular capillaries
d. renal corpuscle and renal tubule 31. Creatinine is produced by the breakdown
of creative phosphate in the skeletal
27. A patient has symptoms that include muscles. It is useful for determining
painful, frequent urination, and low back glomerular filtration rate (GFR) because it is
pain. Further examination reveals
inflammation of the mucosa and submucosa a. filtered and reabsorbed but not secreted
of the urinary bladder. The patient has b. filtered and extensively secreted but not
a. polycystic disease c. filtered and secreted to a very small extent
b. cystitis d. secreted but not filtered or reabsorbed
c. bilirubinuria
d. gall stones 32. The urinary bladder in the female lies
inferior to the
28. A patient is brought to the emergency
room. Blood evaluation reveals high levels a. small intestines
of creatinine, urea, uric acid, and potassium. b. uterus
Family members report failure to urinate, c. rectum
d. vagina c. Sertoli cells
d. urethra
33. The color of urine is due to the presence
of a chemical called 38. The portion of the penis which
surrounds the urethra is the
a. urochrome
b. urea a. tunica albuginea
c. creatinine b. corpus spongiosum
d. insulin c. corpus cavernosum
d. prepuce
34. The normal kidneys are only about __
as effective at the age of 70 as they are at the 39. The fructose in semen is secreted by the
age of 40
a. epididymis
a. 10 percent b. vas deferens
b. 25 percent c. seminal vesicle
c. 50 percent d. seminiferous tubules
d. 75 percent
40. The corpus luteum secretes
35. Lower than normal blood concentration
of sodium is a. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
b. estrogen and progesterone
a. called hypernatremia c. hCG and progesterone
b. characterized by muscular weakness, d. estrogen and hCG
tachycardia, and dizziness
c. characterized by thirst, restlessness, 41. Sperm move by means of a
agitation, and coma
d. due to the fact that most people do not a. cilia
consume enough sodium b. tiny little feet
c. flagella
36. A weakening in the abdominal wall in d. enzymes
the inguinal region may result in
42. Which female reproductive structure is
a. cryptorchidism located between the urinary bladder and the
b. hemorrhoids rectum?
c. a hernia
d. infertility a. ovary
b. uterus
37. Which of the following function in both c. vagina
urinary and reproductive systems in the d. prostate
43. A structure present in males but not in
a. prostate females is the
b. Bowman's capsule
a. vesicorectal pouch d. urinary bladder
b. rectouterine pouch
c. vesicouterme pouch 49. A male is likely to be fertile if his sperm
d. urethra count is above __ per mL of semen
57. The structures lateral to the vaginal 62. The developing embryo is surrounded by
opening are the and bathed in
58. The last tubes through which milk flows 63. In the umbilical cord, there are
before it reaches the outside through the
nipple are the a. two arteries that carry oxygenated blood
and one vein that carries deoxygenated
a. lactiferous ducts blood
b. lactiferous sinuses b. one artery that carries oxygenates blood
c. mammary ducts and one vein that carries deoxygenated
d. secondary tubules blood
c. one artery that carries deoxygenated blood
59. The American Cancer Society and two veins that carries deoxygenated
recommends that a woman should have a blood
d. two arteries that carry deoxygenated a. a change in size of the bone due to lack of
blood and one vein that carries oxygenated exercise
blood b. removal of excess bone fragments after a
severe bone break
64. In normal development of the male c. closure of the epiphyseal plate at the end
fetus, it assumes its upside-down position of puberty
and the testes start to descend into the d. setting a fractured bone by manipulation
scrotal sac during without surgery
94. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 99. If a victim of spinal cord damage
exhibited signs of respiratory arrest, you
a. is the only moveable joint between skull might suspect damage to which region of the
bones spinal cord?
b. is classified as an ellipsoidal joint
c. involves two movable bones, the a. cervical
mandible and maxilla b. thoracic
d. articulating surfaces are connected by a c. lumbar
synostosis d. sacral
95. The largest joint of the body is the __ 100. The muscles that move the eye
joint (extrinsic muscles) are innervated by which
cranial nerves?
a. radiocarpal
b. lumbosacral a. I, II, III
c. tibiofemoral b. IV, V, VI
d. coxal c. III, IV, VI
d. VIII, IX, X
96. Which of the following nerves arises
from the cervical plexus?
a. radial
b. sciatic
c. phrenic
d. femoral
a. lateral ventricles
b. central canal
c. subarachnoid space
d. subdural space
a. cauda equine
b. filum terminale