NCM 109 Lec Final Quiz 2 Quiz 3
NCM 109 Lec Final Quiz 2 Quiz 3
NCM 109 Lec Final Quiz 2 Quiz 3
2. This type of spina bifida often results in the 9. Prior to surgery for a myelomeningocele,
most severe complication such as paralysis. the nurse would place the baby on which of
a. Meningocele the following position?
b. Encephalomeningoceles a. Prone
c. Myelomeningocele b. Dorsal
d. Spina bifida occulta c. Left side
d. Right side
3. A form of spina bifida where a brain tissue
also protrude from the defect. 10. Symptoms of hydrocephalus in infants
a. Meningocele include the following, except:
b. Myelomeningocele a. Separated sutures
c. Spina bifida occulta b. Sleepiness
d. Encephalomeningoceles c. Depressed fontanelles
d. Eyes that appear to gaze downward
4. A form of spina bifida where the spinal cord
protrude through an opening in the spinal 11. A newborn baby is diagnosed with a
column where a sac is formed containing myelomeningocele. The nurse measures
the spinal elements. head circumference daily to assess for the
a. Meningocele development of what complication?
b. Myelomeningocele a. Hydrocephalus
c. Spina bifida occulta b. Meningitis
d. Myelocele c. Hydrocele
d. Bulging fontanele
5. The newborn has myelomeningocele with
the sac intact. The nurse when planning 12. Diagnostic tests to confirm hydrocephalus
care for the baby should primarily focus on include the following, EXCEPT:
potential for: a. CT scan
a. Infection b. Brain scan
b. Decreased cardiac output c. Arteriography
c. Fluid volume deficit d. Amniocentesis
d. Bedsores
13. The most common location in the skull for
6. A type of neural tube defect where the spine an encephalocele to occur is:
fails to close properly is called _______. a. Parietal
(Red flag) b. Temporal
a. Anencephaly c. Occipital
b. Spina bifida d. Frontal
c. Encephalocele
14. The goal of treatment for the patient with interpret as least indicative of increased
hydrocephalus include which of the ICP?
following? (1) Promote normal growth and a. Sleepiness
development; (2) Prevent infections; (3) b. Overriding of sutures
Prevent brain damage; (4) Improve the flow c. Prominent scalp veins
of CSF; (5) Stop the production of CSF; (6) d. Shrill cry
Prevent nerve damage
a. 3 and 4 20. Neural tube defects are associated with
b. 3 and 5 genetic disorders such as:
c. 1 and 2 a. Trisomy 18
d. 4 and 6 b. Trisomy 13
c. Trisomy 10
15. There is no cure for neural tube defects d. Trisomy 15
(NTD’s), but taking ____ supplements
before and during early pregnancy may help 21. If you use transillumination, what will
reduce its occurrence. meningocele be like?
a. Vit. B12 a. Cloudy
b. Folic acid b. Solid mass
c. Ferrous sulfate c. Transparent
d. Vit. C d. Honeycomb appearance
16. Another procedure done to relieve 22. In type 2 Chiari malformation, involves
intracranial pressure due to excessive these 2 brain structures extending into the
production of CSF is called foramen magnum, namely
a. Cranial ultrasound a. Cerebral cortex and medulla
b. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy b. Brain stem and thalamus
c. Blalock Tausig shunt c. Cerebrum and cerebellum
d. Cardiac catheterization d. Brain stem and cerebellum
17. What should be included in the diet of a 23. Can a woman reduce the risk of her baby
pregnant woman to reduce the incidence of having spina bifida?
spina bifida in infants? a. No
a. Folic acid b. Yes
b. Calcium
c. Iodine 24. A form of spina bifida where there may be a
d. Vit. D dimple in the skin, or a birthmark at the
18. A neural tube defect (NTD) that is a. Meningocele
characterized by abnormal openings in the b. Encephalomeningoceles
skull through which the brain tissue c. Myelomeningocele
protrudes. It is associated with d. Spina bifida occulta
hydrocephalus, spina bifida, and
polyhydramnios. 25. Protrusion of brain into fluid filled sac (RED
a. Anencephaly FLAG)
b. Omphalocele a. Anencephaly
c. Meningomyelocele b. Encephalocele
d. Encephalocele c. Meningomyelocele
d. Omphalocele
19. Dayle, 3 mos. Old, was admitted to the
hospital with diagnosis of hydrocephalus.
Which of the following findings would you