Petroleum Industry Abbreviations
Petroleum Industry Abbreviations
Petroleum Industry Abbreviations
General Usage
– Managing oil and gas operations on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) is guided
by the OCS Lands Act of 1953 and its amendments.
– The shelf extended 3 kilometers off the coast.
☛ Avoid using two abbreviations in a row (e.g., the Gulf of Mexico OCS
Region not GOM OCS Region.)
☛ In the above example, EPA could have been mistaken for Eastern
Planning Area if the abbreviation was not defined.
SALT Talks
OPEC Countries
ITM Meetings
The RTWG met last week.
Inc. U.S. U.S.C. p.m.
b.c. Dr. a.m.
BAST (best available and safest technology)
OS&T (offshore storage and treating vessel)
EIS (environmental impact statement)
BBO (billion barrels of oil)
Company Names
Foreign Countries
Front Matter
Geographic Terms
but, in an address
100 Eighth Ave., SE.
Rm. 415, Carlton Bldg.
107 NW. Gaines St.
13 West Ave.
13 Park Ave., NW.
94 East 33rd Street
13 Northwest Ave. (spell out when the name of the avenue)
Geologic Terms
Formal Informal
Group Gp.
Formation Fm.
Member Mbr. mbr.
Sandstone Ss. ss.
Siltstone Slts. slts.
Shale Sh. sh.
Limestone Ls. ls.
Dolomite Dol. dol.
Conglomerate Cgl. cgl.
Quartzite Qtz. qtz.
Volcanics Volc. volc.
☛ See also the geologic timetable C.25 and Signs & Symbols, SS.18.
Latin Terms
N. NE.
S. SE.
10° N. 25° W.
NW. by N. 1/4 W.
In text:
– No sales will be held south of latitude 25°7′ N. (in text)
– No sales will be held south of 25°7′ N. latitude.
– (No sales will be held south of lat. 25°7′ N.)
In tables:
lat. 52°33′41" N.
long. 13°14′20" W.
lat. 52°33′5" N.
52°33′5" N. latitude
187 K (Kelvin, no degree sign used)
Parts of Publications
– The planning schedule was due on April 9.
– The last OCS Order No. 5 (amended on Oct. 23, 1985) is being developed.
Ja F Mr Ap My Je Jl Au S O N D
or when in sequence
fiscal year 1991 (in text) or FY 1991 (in text)
A.27.—For time of day, use a.m. or p.m. with a space between the
number and the abbreviation.
Units of Measure
– The layer had a 1.5-meter thickness.
– The layer had a 1.5-m thickness.
☛ For shorter terms that are used only once in a paragraph or a few
times throughout a publication, the abbreviated form may be
– The cable stretched 3 km into the ocean.
– The development process took 3 mo to reach production.
A ampere
acre acre
B billion
bbl barrel
Bbbl billion barrels
BBO billion barrels of oil
Bcf billion cubic feet
Bcfd billion cubic feet per day
BOE barrels of oil equivalent
BOEPD barrels of oil equivalent per day
BPCD barrels per calendar day
BPD barrels per day
Btu British thermal unit
b.y. billion years
C Celsius (preferred); also Centigrade
°C degree Celsius
cal calorie
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter
cm3 cubic centimeter
cm/s centimeters per second
D darcy
d day
dB decibel
dm decimeter
doz dozen
EMW equivalent mud weight
°F degree Fahrenheit
fl oz. fluid ounce
ft foot, feet
ft2 square foot, feet
ft3 cubic foot, feet
ft/min foot, feet per minute
ft/s foot, feet per second
g gram
gpm or
gal/min gallons per minute
H henry
h hecto (prefix, 100)
h hour (Note: Use hr to avoid possible confusion)
ha hectare
hg hectogram
hL hectoliter
hm hectometer
hp horsepower
Hz Hertz
in in (Note: Use in. [followed by a period] if it could
be confused with the preposition in)
in2 square inch
in3 cubic inch
in-lb inch-pound
J joule
J/K joule per kelvin
K kelvin
k kilo, prefix
kg kilogram
kHz kilohertz
kJ kilojoule
km kilometer
km2 square kilometer
km3 cubic kilometer
km/h kilometer per hour
kn knot (speed)
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
L liter
lb pound
lb/ft pound per foot
M thousand
Ma million years ago (mega-annum)
Mbbl thousand barrels
Mcf thousand cubic feet
Mcfd thousand cubic feet per day
MM million
MMbbl million barrels
MMBOE million barrels of oil equivalent
MMcf million cubic feet
MMcfd million cubic feet per day
m meter or milli (prefix, one-thousandth)
m2 square meter
m3 cubic meter
mg milligram
mHz megahertz
mi mile (statute)
mi2 square mile
min minute
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
mm2 square millimeter
mm3 cubic millimeter
mo month
ms millisecond
m.y. million years
N newton
n nano (prefix, one-billionth)
nmi nautical mile
ns nanosecond
oz ounce (avoirdupois)
ppb parts per billion
ppg parts per gallon
p/m or ppm parts per million
psi pounds per square inch
pt pint
s second (time)
sq square
T tera (prefix, 1 trillion)
t metric ton (tonne)
Tcf trillion cubic feet
Tcfd trillion cubic feet per day
ton ton
V volt
vol. volume
v. volume (STA bibliographic style)
W watt
Wh watthour
yd yard
yd2 square yard
yd3 cubic yard
yr year(s)
AACL Agency Advisory Committee on Leasing
AAO Agency Authorized Officer
AAP Affirmative Action Plan
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AASC Alaska Administrative Service Center
ABACIS Advanced Budget/Accounting Control & Information System
abbr. abbreviation
abd., abnd. abandoned
abs. abstract(s)
ABSORB Alaskan Beaufort Sea Oilspill Response Body
AC available cut or allowable cut
ACEC Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
ACMA Alaska Coastal Management Act
ACMP Alaska Coastal Management Program
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
ACS Alaska Clean Seas
ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish & Game
ADP automated data processing
AEAR Aggregate Environmental Assessment Record
AEC Atomic Energy Commission (now Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
AEG Association of Engineering Geologists
AEIDC Arctic Environmental Information & Data Center
AEWC Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission
AFS Auditing and Financial System
AGS Alaska Geological Society
AGU American Geophysical Union
AHP Area of Hydrocarbon Potential
AHRS Alaska Heritage Resource Survey
AID Area Identification
AIME American Institute of Mechanical Engineers
AIPG American Institute of Professional Geologists
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AK Alaska
ALPETCO Alaska Petroleum Company (proposed Valdez refinery)
AMOP Arctic Marine Oil-Spill Program
AMRAP Alaska Mineral Resources Appraisal Program
ANCSA Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971)
ANILCA Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1980)
ANGTS Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
annot. annotated
ANSI American National Standard Institute
ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
AOGA Alaska Oil & Gas Association
AOGCC Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission
AOR Authorized Officer’s Representative
APD Application for Permit to Drill
API American Petroleum Institute
APO Accountable Property Officer
APOA Arctic Petroleum Operators Association
BA Basic Agreement
BACT best available control technology
BADPSO Bureau ADP Security Officer
BAFO Best and Final Offer
BAST best available and safest technology
BAT best available treatment
BDV blowdown values
BF Beaufort
BFD Burner Flame Detectors
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BOM Bureau of Mines
BOP blowout preventer
BOPE blowout prevention equipment
BP British Petroleum
B.P. before present
BPA blanket purchase agreement
BR Bureau of Reclamation (U.S.)
BRASS Bonus and Rental Accounting Support System
BSMC Beaufort Sea Management Committee
BSNC Bering Strait Native Corporation
BSR bottom-simulating reflector
BTF Biological Task Force
BWT Ballast Water Treatment
CAA Clean Air Act
CAD’s critical action dates
CASPPR Canadian Arctic Shipping & Pollution Prevention Regulations
CBL cement bond log
CCC California Coastal Commission
CCL-PR casing color log-perforating record
C&DB criteria and design bases
CDP common depth point
CDR continuous directional survey log or commander
CDSO Collateral Duty Safety Officer
CEIP Coastal Energy Impact Program
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CER categorical exclusion review
DAD Deputy Associate Director
DAF dissolved air flotation
DCRA Department of Community and Regional Affairs
DEC Department of Environmental Conservation
DEIS draft environmental impact statement (abbr. used only within the EIS
community; otherwise use draft EIS)
det. determined
DIL dual induction laterolog
DINA Department of Indian and Northern Affairs–Canada
DISF dual induction spherically focused (log)
DLL dual laterolog
DLO Directives Liaison Officer
DMEM Division of Minerals and Energy Management
DMROV discounted mean range of value
DNR Department of Natural Resources
E. east
EA environmental assessment or executive assistant
EAR environmental assessment record
EAS Environmental Assessment Section
ECC Executive Coordinating Committee
ECR Environmental Check Report
E&D exploration & development or drilling
ed. edition
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EIA environmental impact assessment
EIR environmental impact report
EIS environmental impact statement
ELB entry level bidding
elev. elevation
EMARS Energy Minerals Activity Recommendation System
EMRIA Energy Minerals Rehabilitation Inventory and Analysis
EO Executive Order or Equal Opportunity
EOY end of year (FY)
EP exploration plan
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
or Eastern Planning Area (Gulf of Mexico)
EPB Executive Policy Board
EPCA Energy Policy and Conservation Act
EPF employee performance file
EPL electromagnetic propagation log
EPS Environmental Protection Specialist
ER environmental report
ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
ERIS Energy Research Information System
EROS Earth Resource Observation System
ERT Emergency Response Team
ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ES Environmental Studies or environmental statement or electrical survey
ESA Earth Science Application or Endangered Species Act
ESDV emergency shutdown valves
ESFC Environmental Studies Field Coordinator
ESLO Endangered Species Liaison Officer
ESS emergency shutdown system
est. estimated
E.S.T. Eastern Standard Time
ETF Emergency Task Force
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FARC Federal Archives and Records Center
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FCMA Fishery Conservation and Management Act or Federal Conservation and
Management Act
FCMP Florida Coastal Management Program
FCZ Fisheries Conservation Zone
FDAA Federal Disaster Assistance Administration
FDL formation density log
FEA Federal Energy Administration or Federal Executive Association
FEIS final environmental impact statement (abbr. used only within the EIS
community; otherwise use final EIS)
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations
FIT formation interval tester
FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act
FMV fair market value
FO Field Office or Field Operations
FOGRMA Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact
FP Flag Plot
FPC Federal Power Commission
FPL full performance level
FPMR Federal Property Management Regulation
FPR Federal Procurement Regulation
FPS Federal Protective Service
FR Federal Register
FRC Federal Records Center
FRLO Federal Register Liaison Officer
FRU Fast Response Unit
FS Forest Service (U.S.)
FSO Field Surveillance Officer
FSV fail safe valves
FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
FY fiscal year
GAO General Accounting Office
GBL Government bill of lading
G&G geological and geophysical
GIEC Gulf Interstate Engineering Co.
GLORIA Geologic Long-Range Inclined Asdic
GNP gross national product
GOA Gulf of Alaska
GOACO Gulf of Alaska Cleanup Organization
GOM Gulf of Mexico (as in Gulf of Mexico Region)
GRI gamma ray index
GRN gamma ray neutron (log)
GRS General Records Schedule
GSA Geological Society of America or General Services Administration
GSI Geophysical Services Inc.
HHS Health and Human Services (Department of)
H.R. high resolution
HRD high-resolution data or Human Resource Department
HRGA high rate geographical areas
HRT high-resolution thermometer or temperature (log)
HUD Housing and Urban Development (Department of)
IA Interagency Agreement
IADPSO Installation ADP Security Officer
IBLA Interior Board of Land Appeals
ICB Information Collection Budget
ICC Interstate Commerce Commission
ICCO Information Collection Clearance Officer
ICE Interim Categorical Exclusion
I&E Information and Education
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
IES induction electrical survey
IFWAT Interagency Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team
IL induction log
IM instructional memorandum or information memorandum
INC Incident of Noncompliance
inf. information
INPFC International North Pacific Fisheries Convention
inv. investigation
I&P Inventory and Planning
IPD Interim Policy Document
IPHC International Pacific Halibut Commission
IPM Interior Procurement Memorandum
IPR Interior Procurement Regulations
IR infrared
IRF infrared flight
IRT Immediate Response Team
is. islands
ISF induction spherically focused (log)
ITA International Trade Administration
ITL Information to Lessee
ITM information transfer meeting
IWC International Whaling Commission
IWR individual well record
J-DAM Jack-Down Arctic Monopod
JFWAT Joint Fish and Wildlife Advisory Team (Federal/State)
KANA Kodiak Area Native Association
K-AR potassium-argon
KGRA Known Geothermal Resource Area
KGS Known Geologic Structure
LAER Lowest Achievable Emission Rates
LANDSAT Land Satellite (Earth Resource Technology Satellite)
LAP Lands Activity Plan
lat. latitude
LDS Lighting Detection System
LE Leasing and Environment
LEFM leading edge flow meter
LIA Lands Information and Analysis (Office of)
L&MO Lands and Minerals Operations
LMU Logical Mining Unit
LNG liquefied natural gas
long. longitude
LOOP Louisiana Offshore Oil Port
LPG liquified petroleum gas
LS Land Satellite
LSH level sensor high
LSHL level sensor high/low
LSL level safety low (Controls)
LSS long-spaced sonic (log)
LU land utilization
LUD Land Use Designation
LUP Land Use Plan
LWC low water crossing
LWCF Land and Water Conservation Funds
MAB Man and Biosphere Project
MAC Mobil Arctic Caisson
MADS Mobil Arctic Drilling System
MAP Management Action Plan
MBO Management by Objective(s)
MC mining claim
MER Maximum Economic Recovery
MERR Maximum Efficiency Rate Reservoirs
MicroSFL micro-spherically focused log
ML microlog
MLA Minerals Leasing Act
MLL microlaterolog
MMC Marine Mammal Commission
MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act
MMS Minerals Management Service
MOA memorandum of agreement
MODUS mobile offshore drilling unit structure
MONTCAR Monte Carlo (computing system)
MOU memorandum of understanding (between Federal and State agencies)
MP milepost
MPR maximum production rate (wells)
MRI Mechanics Research, Inc.
MROV mean range of values
m.s.l. mean sea level
N. north
NA nonattainment area
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NAES North Alaska Ecological Services
OARS Offshore Analysis and Records System
OAS Office of Aircraft Services or oil accommodated in seawater
OBS ocean bottom seismometer or Office of Biological Services
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OCSIP OCS Oil & Gas Information Program
OCSIS OCS Information System
OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
OCSLAA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendment
OD organizational development
OEDP Overall Economic Development Planning
OEP Office of Emergency Preparedness
OEPR Office of Environmental Project Review
OFI Office of the Federal Inspector
PA Privacy Act
P&A plugged and abandoned
PAAS Production Accounting and Auditing System
PAC Pacific
PAO Public Affairs Office
PAL pipe analysis logging
PARS Port Access Route Study
PAWP Preliminary Annual Work Plan
PCS Planning Coordination Staff
PCT production combination tool
PD public domain or position description or preliminary design
or production and development
PDES preliminary draft environmental statement
PDOD Program Decision Option Document (see SID)
PET Petroleum Engineering Technician
P&GS Procurement and General Services Division
PI principal investigator
PINC potential incident of noncompliance
PL proximity log
P.L. Public Law
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
PML proximity-microlog
PMOA programmable memorandum of agreement
PMS polymetallic sulfide
PNC potential natural community
PNS Proposed Notice of Sale
POLREPS Pollution Reports
POSP Platform of Opportunity Siting Program
PPEIS Program Plan & EIS (usually called Regional PPEIS)
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
RAG Resource Appraisal Group
RCV remote control valve
RD Regional Director
RDA Rural Development Assistance
RE Resource Evaluation
RFB Request for Bid
RFP Request for Proposal
RFT repeat formation tester
RGV remote gate valve
RIK royalty-in-kind
ROTAC Regional Operations Technology Assessment Committee
ROW right-of-way (pipeline)
RPA Resources Planning Act
RRT Regional Response Team
RSFO Regional Supervisor, Field Operations
RSLE Regional Supervisor, Leasing and Environment
RSP Regional Studies Plan
RSRC Regional Systems Review Committee
RSRE Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation
RTWG Regional Technical Working Group
RU Research Unit
R/V research vehicle or recreation vehicle
RVR random vitrinite reflectance
S. south
SAC Safety Analysis Checklist or Scientific Advisory Committee
SAC/AEWC Scientific Advisory Committee/Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission
SAF safety analysis function
SAFE Safety Award for Excellence
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation
SAR synthetic aperture radar or search and rescue
SBA Small Business Administration
SBM single buoy mooring
s.c. small caps
SCORP Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
SCPS Southern California Pipeline System
SCR spot check report
SCSSV surface controlled subsurface safety valve
S&D survey and design
TAGS Trans-Alaska Gas System
TAI Thermal Alteration Index
TAP Trans-Alaska Pipeline
TAPAA Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act
TAPS Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
TD total depth
TDP Technical Development Plan
TDT thermal decay time (logging)
T&E threatened and endangered
TIMS Technical Information Management System
TLM total lethal mortality
TLUI Traditional Land Use Inventory
TMP Transportation Management Plan
TOC total organic carbon or table of contents
TPEC Technical Proposal Evaluation Committee
TPM Technical Program Manager
TR technical report
TRIMS Training Information Management System
U upthrown
UA unit agreement
UIC Underground Injection Contract
undet. undetermined
URA Unit Resource Analysis
U.S. United States (as unit modifier only; spell out as noun)
U.S.C. United States Code
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
USDOC U.S. Department of Commerce
USDOI U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), optional, U.S. DOI
USDOT U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
USFS U.S. Forest Service
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator (coordinate system)
v. volume(s) (when used in STA bibliographic style)
VA valve actuators
VDL variable density log
VIE visual impact engineering
VLCC very large crude carrier
vol. volume
VSM vertical support members
W. west
WGC Western Geophysical Company
WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
WM work month (formerly man month)
WOGA Western Oil and Gas Association
WQS water quality standards
WSF water soluble fraction
WST well seismic tool
WY work year (formerly man year)
YKHC Yukon–Kuskokwim Health Corporation