Iso CD Ts 22002 3 Farming
Iso CD Ts 22002 3 Farming
Iso CD Ts 22002 3 Farming
WARNING: This document is not an International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change
without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.
English title
Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 3: Farming
French title
Introductory note
In accordance with the ISO Directives Part 1., clause 2.5.2, this committee draft is
submitted for a two-month vote in order for the comments to be collated and
distributed before the ISO/TC 34 SC17 WG2 meeting in October 2011.
We kindly request you to submit comments, if any, in official ISO comment template on
ISO CIB before 2011-09-01.
ISO/CD 22002-3
Secretariat: AFNOR
This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to
change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.
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Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Establishment and maintenance of prerequisite programmes ........................................................ 4
5 Common Prerequisite Programmes .................................................................................................... 5
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Location .................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Construction and layout of premises .................................................................................................. 6
5.4 Equipment suitability ............................................................................................................................ 7
5.5 Personnel hygiene ................................................................................................................................. 7
5.6 Working animals .................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7 Purchasing management ...................................................................................................................... 8
5.8 On-farm storage and transport ............................................................................................................ 9
5.9 Cleaning................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.10 Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.11 Waste management ............................................................................................................................. 12
5.12 Pest control in premises ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.13 Management of products suspected to be unsafe .......................................................................... 13
5.14 Outsourced activities .......................................................................................................................... 14
6 Prerequisite programmes specific to crop production ................................................................... 14
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Irrigation ............................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Fertilization .......................................................................................................................................... 15
6.4 Plant protection products ................................................................................................................... 15
6.5 Harvest and post-harvest activities ................................................................................................... 16
6.5.1 Harvest.................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.5.2 Post-harvest activities ........................................................................................................................ 16
7 Prerequisite programmes specific to animal production................................................................ 17
7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 17
7.2 Feed and water for animals ................................................................................................................ 17
7.2.1 On-farm feed production .................................................................................................................... 17
7.2.2 Feeding and watering.......................................................................................................................... 17
7.2.3 Pasture.................................................................................................................................................. 18
7.3 Health management ............................................................................................................................ 18
7.3.1 Identification and movements ............................................................................................................ 18
7.3.2 Health monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 19
7.3.3 Management of sick animals .............................................................................................................. 19
7.3.4 Management of dead animals ............................................................................................................ 20
7.3.5 Use of veterinary drugs ...................................................................................................................... 20
7.4 Milking .................................................................................................................................................. 21
7.5 Egg collection ...................................................................................................................................... 22
7.6 Preparation for slaughter.................................................................................................................... 22
7.7 Growing, harvesting and handling of aquatic animals .................................................................... 23
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
This document is being issued in the Technical Specification series of publications (according to the ISO/IEC
Directives, Part 1, as a “prospective standard for provisional application” in the field of 'Food Safety
Management' because there is an urgent need for guidance on how standards in this field should be used to
meet an identified need.
This document is not to be regarded as an “International Standard”. It is proposed for provisional application
so that information and experience of its use in practice may be gathered. Comments on the content of this
document should be sent to the ISO Central Secretariat.
A review of this Technical Specification will be carried out not later than 3 years after its publication with the
options of: extension for another 3 years; conversion into an International Standard; or withdrawal.”
ISO/TS 22002-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 17,
Management systems for food safety.
ISO/TS 22002-series consists of the following parts, under the general title Prerequisite programmes on food
Part 2: Prerequisite programmes on food safety -- Part 2: Good manufacturing practices for food services
Food and feed safety has to be ensured at all stages of the food chain. Operators have the responsibility to
assure that the production, processing and distribution of foodstuffs meet hygiene requirements.
In the same way, farmers (organizations) have to implement food safety control measures relevant to the
required safety of their end products. All farm end products are concerned, but the required safety may
depend on the intended use, such as whether they are intended to be processed or not, and on whether
hazards can be controlled later in the food chain. Farmers (Organizations) shall be able to justify and
implement these control measures, and when necessary carry out record, ensure upstream and downstream
traceability, maintain documents related to incoming materials and even sometimes carry out sampling for
The farmers (organizations) have to comply with local regulation including general and specific hygiene rules,
which include good hygiene programmes. Where no such regulation exists, it is often the case that Codex
standards and/or the regulation of the country of sales apply.
Today, food safety control measures at farms are typically integrated into Good Practices (e.g. Good
Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Farming Practices (GFP), Good Veterinary Practices (GVP), Good
Hygienic Practices (GHP)). GAP and GFP can address environmental, economic and social sustainability for
on-farm processes, resulting in safe and qualitative food and non-food agricultural products. GHP address the
conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of feed or food at all stages of the food
chain. GVP address the appropriate use of veterinary drugs and/or feed additives, according to the authorized
use, in terms of dosage, applications and withholding periods, to obtain adequate treatment of animals while
leaving as little residue as possible in food derived from the animals. At present, GHPs are described in the
Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene and in the various Codex Codes of Hygiene Practice. However,
these practices are not implemented towards target hazards, but they aim at contaminants in general, whether
they affect safety, suitability or both.
ISO 22000:2005 sets out specified food safety requirements for organizations in the food chain. One such
requirement is that organizations establish, implement, and maintain prerequisite programs (PRPs) to assist in
controlling food safety hazards (ISO 22000:2005 Clause 7.2). PRPs are the basic conditions and activities that
are necessary to maintain a hygienic environment throughout the food chain suitable for the production,
handling and provision of safe end products and safe food for human consumption.
When a farm moves from a GHP-based system to an ISO 22000:2005-based system, a hazard analysis is
required. Then, most of the GHPs are likely to continue as PRPs. If the hazard analysis concludes that there
are hazards that need to be controlled by targeted measures, others may be categorized as OPRPs.
This Technical Specification does not duplicate the requirements given in ISO 22000:2005 and is intended to
be used when establishing, implementing and maintaining the PRPs specific to the organization(s) in
accordance with ISO 22000:2005. This document in itself is not intended for certification purposes.
In practical terms, the following applications of this Technical Specification, in accordance with
ISO 22000:2005, are possible:
a) an organization developing the PRPs part of Codes of Practices, or checking that an existing Code of
Practices is consistent with this Technical Specification;
b) a group of farmers establishing a common ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System. Based on
the hazards analysis, the group determines the control measures to be implemented by each member.
The group of farmers will use the Technical Specification as a basis to structure and document the PRPs
corresponding to the activity of the farms. If certification is desired, the certificate can be granted to the
group of farmers and not to the individual members;
c) one or more organizations establishing an integrated ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System
covering both farming and processing. Based on the hazards analysis, the organization(s) determine(s)
the control measures to be implemented at the farming and processing levels. PRPs applicable to the
farms will be selected and implemented on the basis of this Technical Specification. PRPs applicable to
the processing establishment(s) will be selected and implemented on the basis of the ISO/TS 22002-1. If
certification is desired, one certificate can be granted to the integrated system;
d) a farmer implementing an ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System. Based on the hazards
analysis, the farmer determines the control measures to be implemented. The farmer will use the
Technical Specification as a basis to structure and document the PRPs corresponding to the activity of
the farm. If certification is desired, the certificate can be granted to the farmer.
1 Scope
This Technical Specification specifies the requirements for the design, implementation, and documentation of
PRPs that maintain a hygienic environment and assist in controlling food safety hazards in the food chain.
This Technical Specification is applicable to all organizations (including individual famers or groups of
farmers), regardless of size or complexity, which are involved in farming step of the food chain and wish to
implement PRPs in accordance with the requirements specified in ISO 22000:2005, Clause 7.2.
This technical specification is applicable to the farming of crops (e.g. cereals, fruits, vegetable), living farm
animals (e.g. cattle, poultry, pigs, fish) and the handling of their products (e.g milk, eggs). It is not applicable to
activities such as picking of wild fruits, vegetables and mushrooms, fishing, hunting, which are not considered
as organized farming activities.
All operations related to farming are included in the scope (e.g. sorting, cleaning, wrapping of unprocessed
products, on-farm feed manufacturing, transport within the farm, etc.). This document is not applicable to
processing activities carried out in farm premises (e.g. heating, smoking, curing, maturing, fermenting, drying,
marinating, extraction, extrusion or a combination of those processes). This document is not applicable to
products or animals that are being transported to or from the farm. Guidance on PRPs for operations further
down the food chain is covered by other TSs of the ISO/TS 22002 series, such as ISO/TS 22002-1 for
Farming operations are diverse in nature according to size, type of products, production methods,
geographical and biological environment, related statutory and regulatory requirements etc. Therefore, the
need, intensity and nature of PRPs will differ between organizations. Established PRPs may also change as
the result of the review procedures stated in Clause 8.2 of ISO 22000:2005. This Technical Specification
focuses on the requirements for managing PRPs, while the design of the exact PRPs is left to the user.
Managing PRPs includes assessment of the need, selection of measures that meet the identified needs, and
recording requirements. The specific examples of PRPs listed in this document are intended for guidance
only, and must therefore be applied with a proper regard for the overall objectives of producing food which is
safe and suitable for consumption.
This technical specification may be applied by other organizations willing to develop codes of practice and
other types of supplier-buyer relationship based on ISO 22000:2005.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain
clean water
water that does not compromise food safety in circumstances of its use
NOTE 2 In the context of this Technical Specification, the term refers to natural, artificial or purified water that does not
contain micro-organisms, harmful substances in quantities capable of directly or indirectly affecting the safety of food.
competent person
a person, qualified by knowledge and practical experience, with the necessary skills and ability to perform an
assigned task
introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food, feed or in food and feed environment
any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter or other substances not intentionally added to food or feed
which may compromise food safety
NOTE 2 In the context of this Technical Specification, the term “foreign matter” refers to physical contaminants.
NOTE 3 This definition is similar to the definition of “food safety hazard” given in ISO 22000:2005. In fact, in the context
of ISO 22000:2005, food safety hazards are identified during the hazard analysis, after the establishment of PRPs.
Consequently, the term “contaminant” is used in this Technical Specification.
any single or multiple materials, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended to be fed
directly to food-producing animals
feed additives
any intentionally added ingredient not normally consumed as feed by itself, whether or not it has nutritional
value, which affects the characteristics of feed or animal products
feed ingredient
a component part or constituent of any combination or mixture making up a feed, whether or not it has a
nutritional value in the animal’s diet, including feed additives
NOTE 1 Ingredients are of plant or animal origin, whether terrestrial or aquatic, or other organic or inorganic substances.
set of units of a product which have been produced and/or processed or packaged under similar
medicated feed
any feed which contains veterinary drugs [3.15]
group of people and facilities with an arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships
(e.g. company, corporation, firm, enterprise, institution, charity, sole trader, association, or parts or
combination thereof)
NOTE 2 In the context of this Technical Specification, the term refers to a farmer, a group of farmers, farming company
and/or an association, an authority or a processing company establishing PRPs for farmers. An organization can be public
or private.
placing of one or more wrapped foodstuffs in a second container, or the latter container itself
unwanted species of plants or animals that may have a detrimental effect for humans, their activities or the
products they use or produce, or for animals or for the environment
NOTE In the context of this Technical Specification, the term refers to small animals, birds and insects that destroy
crops, spoil food, or spread disease at fields/premises on farm.
plant protection product
any substance or micro-organism, including a virus, or a mixture or solution composed of two or more of them,
put up in the form in which it is supplied to the user, intended to protect plants or plant products against all
harmful organisms or prevent the action of such organisms; or influence the life processes of plants other than
as a nutrient; or preserve plant products; or destroy undesired plants or parts of plants or check or prevent the
undesired growth of plants
NOTE In the context of this Technical Specification, the term refers to herbicides, algaecides, rodenticides, talpicides,
leporicides, molluscicides, nematocides, insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, bactericides, viricides, disinfectants,
repellents, attractants, fumigants, plant activators, plant growth regulators, elicitators of self-defence mechanisms, etc.
intended to be used in growing, harvesting and post-harvest activities.
potable water
water of sufficiently high quality that can be consumed or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm
NOTE Quality standards of drinking water are described in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.
veterinary drug
any substance applied or administered to any food-producing animal, such as meat or milk-producing animals,
poultry, fish or bees, whether used for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic purposes or for modification of
physiological functions or behaviour
NOTE This definition of veterinary drugs includes parasiticides intended to be applied or administered to food-
producing animals.
withholding/withdrawal period
time during which a crop, an animal or its products cannot be used for human consumption following the last
application of a plant protection product to the crop (including pastures), or the last application or
administration of a veterinary drug to the animal, that ensures that the foodstuff does not contain any residues
in quantities in excess of established maximum residue limits
the action of placing a foodstuff in a wrapper or container in direct contact with the foodstuff concerned; or the
wrapper or container itself
a) that are able to minimize the likelihood of introducing contaminants and meet the requirements set up in
this Technical Specification;
b) that enable the implementation of regulatory requirements related to protection against contamination;
c) that are among those recommended in this Technical Specification, by externally developed Codes of
Practice targeting the type of farm production, by the processing plant receiving the farm end product,
and/or by the competent authorities;
NOTE Externally developed Codes of Practices include international Codes of Practice listed in Bibliography.
d) that are appropriate to the identified threats and to the size and nature of the farm.
The organization shall establish and maintain the appropriate documentation and records, such as:
1) the regulatory requirements (4(b)) that are to be met by the selected PRPs;
2) the externally developed recommendations (4(c)) from which the PRPs have been selected;
3) the description of the selected PRPs and how they are managed.
NOTE The management of PRPs includes in particular monitoring, verification, corrective actions and corresponding
records and is part of the food safety management system requirements set in ISO 22000:2005.
5.1 General
Food products can be contaminated in many ways. For example, waste, personnel, water, equipment may
constitute sources of contamination. Whatever the type of production considered, control measures exist to
reduce the likelihood of contamination from the general farm environment. This chapter deals with the
identification of those measures that are appropriate to be implemented as PRPs.
5.2 Location
The organization shall implement measures that minimize the likelihood of introducing harmful contaminants
from environmentally polluted areas.
The organization shall identify potential sources and nature of such contamination in the neighbouring
The organization shall identify water sources and reserves used for farming activities, e.g. springs, rivers and
wells. The organization should identify on a map water sources and reserves, and the location of the sources
of potential contamination. Local authorities can assist in the identification of water sources and reserves.
Monitoring local district development plans is useful to foresee and prevent future problems.
Any previous accidents that could have contaminated the farm environment (e.g. fire, flood) should be
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) locating farming activities away from environmentally polluted areas and neighbouring activities which
pose a serious threat of contaminating food;
NOTE Examples of environmentally polluted areas are areas with a history of industrial production, waste storage, or
nuclear fall-out; Examples of potentially threatening neighbouring activities include heavy traffic roads (e.g. lead
contamination), incinerators (e.g. dioxin contamination), sewage treatment plants (microorganisms, heavy metals), other
industries that may pollute water sources, land and/or air.
b) planting crops or keeping animals away from particularly high specific contamination (e.g. lead, cadmium,
dioxins…) they are sensitive to;
d) protecting from faecal contamination the water that is used for irrigating ready to eat fruits and vegetables.
Records should include an updated list/map of identified contamination sources (e.g. extended if the
organization discovers a pollution of its farm from its neighbourhood) and water sources and reserves used.
If the organization discovers information that can have an impact on the safety of its products, it shall take
appropriate measures and inform the competent authorities if necessary.
Farm premises shall be designed and constructed in a way that enables to maintain an appropriate degree of
hygiene and to minimize the likelihood of cross contamination.
NOTE In crop production, an example of cross-contamination is the contamination between incoming (raw) products
and washed and sorted products. In animal production, an example of cross-contamination is the contamination between
the flow of effluents and the flow of feed.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) controlling animal density by adapting livestock size to the surface and/or volume of buildings and land;
b) designing facilities so as to allow separating groups or lots of animals, isolating sick or newly introduced
animals, and preventing the introduction or spread of zoonotic diseases;
c) designing buildings according to the required level of hygiene, by providing adequate ventilation, lighting
and cleanability;
NOTE Examples of areas requiring high level of hygiene are storage areas and places where food products are
handled, for instance the milking facility.
e) storing materials that may constitute a source of food contamination (e.g. plant protection products,
detergents, disinfectants, fuel and oils, wastes and wrapping materials) in specific and adapted locations;
f) equipping premises with properly designed and functioning toilets so as to minimize the likelihood of
faecal contamination;
g) equipping premises with clean and/or potable water inlets appropriate to the intended use;
h) providing potable water inlet for toilets in areas where the likelihood of contaminating foods from workers
hands is particularly high;
j) designing and equipping facilities so as to collect and maintain away from animals and foods the effluents
and waste waters that may result in food contamination;
k) setting premises and the immediate farm surroundings in a manner that allows an appropriate degree of
drainage and to minimize the likelihood of food contamination from stagnant waters;
l) setting and maintaining air-conditioning systems so as not to increase the likelihood of food
m) designing and equipping facilities so as to prevent undesired animals from entering the facilities.
Records should include an updated map of premises, locating the potential sources of food contamination
(e.g. chemical products storage area) and the facilities necessary to minimize the likelihood of food
contamination (e.g. water inlets).
The organization shall design, install and use equipments in a way that enables to maintain an appropriate
degree of hygiene. Equipments shall not themselves constitute a source of food contamination.
The organization shall identify and implement measures to minimize the likelihood of food contamination by
pollutants from heavy equipments used in field operations (e.g. oil leak, gas emission).
The organization shall install and use equipments according to the conditions of use provided by the
manufacturer, or, if not available, technical standards.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) using food contact equipment (e.g. the milk tank) that is:
i) made of materials that do not increase the likelihood of chemical contamination of foods;
ii) designed so as to allow appropriate sanitary inspection, cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection;
iii) designed so as to allow a complete drainage and, where necessary, the prevention of post-
disinfection contamination from the environment;
b) verifying, calibrating, maintaining and/or replacing equipment regularly, and, in all cases, according to
manufacturer’s instructions;
c) installing and maintaining washbasin, soap and drying material or equipment at the immediate vicinity of a
potable water inlet, and/or a disinfecting hand cleanser, where there is a likelihood of workers hand
contamination or hand-borne food contamination.
NOTE Toilets is an example of facility where the risk of contaminating workers hands is particularly high. Milking
room is an example of facility where the risk of contaminating foods from workers hands is particularly high.
Records should include a list of the equipments with information about instruction for use and the history of
maintenance operations.
If the organization discovers information about the equipment or its use that can have impact on the safety of
foods, it shall take immediate appropriate action to correct the deviation and, where necessary, inform the
competent authority, the equipment’s manufacturer and/or the next step in the food chain.
Personnel shall maintain an appropriate degree of personal cleanliness and behave and operate in a manner
that is appropriate to the required degree of hygiene. The organization shall maintain a level of personal
competency that is sufficient to implement this requirement.
1) establish and communicate practices for personal cleanliness, behaviour and operation that is
appropriate to the operations carried out;
2) maintain communication and personal competency (including temporary personnel) that implement
and maintain these practices;
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) wearing of suitable protective clothing, head covering, and foot wear that is cleaned and/or changed
b) frequent washing of hands, with or without specifying when (e.g. after visits to toilet, prior to handling of
food, milking or collection of eggs);
c) promoting the reporting of personnel health problems that can contaminate foodstuffs and animals, by the
individuals themselves or medical staff;
People known or suspected to be infected with, or carrying, a disease or illness transmissible though food or
food producing animals shall be prevented from handling food producing animals, foods and materials which
come into contact with food.
Working animals such as dogs, cats and horses used for farming activities shall not increase the likelihood of
contaminating foods.
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable to minimize the likelihood of transferring
contaminants from working animals to foods, directly or indirectly through food producing animals.
In case of sudden death of a working animal, or signs suggestive of a disease that can increase the likelihood
of food contamination, the organization shall ask advice to a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent
person in animal health and take appropriate action to prevent contact with foods and food producing animals.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) keeping working animals in good health by appropriate check up, treatment, and/or vaccination by or
upon recommendation of a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health;
b) preventing working animals from entering facilities where the likelihood of food contamination is
particularly high.
Introducing feed, seeds, animals or any other material into the farm shall not increase the likelihood of food
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable to ensure that goods and animals
introduced into the farm are appropriate to the intended use and will not increase the likelihood of food
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) refusing goods, animals and/or delivery vehicles that do not conform to relevant specifications
(e.g. unacceptable mould contamination or other defects), or limiting their access to an area where the
likelihood of food contamination is minimized;
NOTE An example of inspection upon delivery is the verification of labelling, product integrity, and visual aspect of
c) controlling that feed is suitable for the intended use, in particular the animal species and type of
d) asking advice to a competent person or body in case of any doubt on the quality of feed.
Records should include the history of goods introduced into the farm. They shall include the history of animal
introduction with the associated health and traceability documentation, and the results of examinations carried
out in the context of animal introduction. They shall include the history of feed introduction with the
identification of suppliers and, if relevant, sanitary documents.
If the organization discovers that goods or animals introduced into the farm can have a detrimental impact on
the safety of foods (e.g. presence of hazardous material or substance in the feed), it shall take appropriate
measures and, where necessary, inform the next step in the food chain, the supplier and/or competent
During on-farm storage and within-farm transport, the organization shall protect the food from possible
contamination and implement measures to minimize the likelihood of increasing hazard levels and occurrence.
Storage areas and transport containers shall be designed to allow maintenance and cleaning and to minimize
deterioration of products.
Containers used for storage or transport of food and food packaging (e.g. wrapping) materials shall be
suitable for the intended food contact purpose.
The organization shall maintain traceability of all food lots throughout storage and transport operations.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) keeping free from visible contamination (e.g. foreign bodies, waste) the storage areas and transport
containers where unprotected foods are placed;
c) preventing harvested products intended for human consumption from being in direct contact with the
ground, or minimizing the waiting time in the field after harvest. A particular attention should be paid to the
risk of contamination by animals;
d) storing feed in a place which is kept at an appropriate degree of hygiene and where the likelihood of pest
access and proliferation is minimized;
e) managing feed supply and storage so as to prevent mixing of feed and feed ingredients from different
g) applying temperature control systems that take into account the intrinsic characteristics (e.g. water
activity, pH, and likely initial level and type of microorganisms), the intended shelf-life, the method of
packaging, and the intended use (e.g. further cooking/processing or ready-to-eat) of foods and feed;
h) consulting and following the instructions provided by the receiving processing plant as far as they relate to
applying and monitoring temperature, time and other criteria identified as the results of the processor’s
hazard analysis for the storage of farm end products intended for further processing. This is particularly
important when storing milk;
i) cooling and maintaining the milk intended to be stored, in properly designed containers placed in a clean
j) minimizing the time between egg laying and storage, adapting storage temperatures, times and humidity
to the hygienic condition of eggs and their intended end use, and minimizing temperature fluctuation;
k) ensuring a satisfactory turnover of farm end products by applying the general principles of the First In First
Out method, when the quality or shelf life may be impacted within the intended storage time;
l) using and storing chemicals according to manufacturer's instructions, in an area of limited access and
away from food handling activities, when they may contaminate food;
m) ensuring that all chemicals are labelled to show the name of the manufacturer, instructions for use, and,
where applicable, the appropriate government approvals;
NOTE Chemicals include cleaners, sanitizers, rodenticides, insecticides, food grade machine lubricants, etc.
n) restricting, in areas where food is processed or exposed, the storage and use of hazardous chemicals to
o) storing plant protection products in a locked, dedicated, properly ventilated space whose access is
controlled, when there is a likelihood of misuse;
p) storing veterinary drugs according to the labelled instructions, in particular in terms of storage
temperatures and darkness;
q) storing fertilizers separately from food products and other chemical products;
r) ensuring sufficient storage capacity for animal effluents stored on farm premises in proximity to foods,
crops and/or food-producing animals, and preventing leakage that may result in food contamination;
t) preventing products of plant origin and products of animal origin from being mixed during storage or
transport, when appropriate protection against cross contamination is not in place;
Records shall include the results of the monitoring related to temperature, time and other storage criteria
Records should include information necessary for ensuring the traceability of all food lots during transport and
storage operations within the farm.
The organization shall dispose of any stored product that is unusable (e.g. exceeded expiry date, damaged
products, etc.) or which does not comply with end product criteria specified by the receiving processing plant.
5.9 Cleaning
The organization shall maintain in farming facilities the degree of hygiene that is necessary to minimize the
likelihood of food contamination. It shall keep clean the surfaces of all premises and equipment, including
transport containers, which are intended to come in direct or indirect contact with food. Cleaning shall not
result in food contamination. Cleaning and disinfection shall be effective in achieving the degree of cleanliness
3) establish operating procedures for the cleaning of surfaces that are potentially in contact with food
products and feed; The operating procedures shall include, depending on the operations carried out,
the nature of the product, and type of surface material:
i) a description of the cleaning process (e.g. steps involved, temperatures, times, etc);
ii) the cleaning frequency appropriate to the use of the area, equipment, etc. ;
iii) the names (e.g. trade names) of cleaning and disinfecting products used and which have been
approved for food contact usage;
iv) the quality of the water used, which depends on the equipment cleaned and on the type of
products likely to be contaminated;
NOTE The degree of cleanliness is determined by the criteria used to verify the cleaning procedure (e.g.
visual inspection (daylight, UV-light), microbiological testing).
The organization shall follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using sanitizers (e.g. method of
preparation, including concentration, temperature of use, mechanical action required (i.e. turbulence,
scrubbing) to remove soil and biofilm, waiting time before rinsing if any, and withholding period before contact
with food or food producing animals, if any).
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) cleaning the milking equipment (lines and teat suction cups) after every milking and the milk storage
containers after each emptying, when there is a likelihood of milk contamination from milk residues or
b) rinsing with potable water the milking equipment and storage containers, when there is a likelihood of
contamination with residues of detergents used for cleaning;
c) using water from sources and reserves that is free from organic material when it is used for disinfection
activities, so as to optimize disinfection;
d) cleaning equipments that could act as vectors of cross contamination with chemicals;
e) cleaning and disinfecting the reusable egg containers prior to use and upon their return to the farm, so as
to prevent egg contamination;
f) preventing containers, equipment and facilities that have been used for storing, transporting, mixing or
spreading potentially hazardous material (e.g. plant protection products or medicated feed) from being
reused for food or feed, unless a cleaning procedure validated to be effective in removing the hazardous
material has been applied;
g) cleaning and, where necessary, disinfecting buildings once all animals of the concerned building have
been moved to another rearing location or slaughterhouse, so as to ensure an effective maintenance of
an appropriate degree of hygiene and the protection against transmission of animal disease;
h) preventing animals from being introduced in the facilities during an appropriate drying out period after
cleaning and/or disinfection;
Records should include operating procedures for the cleaning of surfaces that may come in contact with food
products and feed.
If the organization detects quality problems in farm end products that may be caused by failure in or ineffective
cleaning, the cleaning operating procedure in question shall be reviewed and amended as necessary.
5.10 Maintenance
The organization shall follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining equipments intended to come in
contact with foods. Harvest containers shall be checked and maintained in good condition (e.g. no damages).
The organization shall ensure that waste produced, transported, recycled, composted and stored on farm
premises does not harbour pests at a level that could increase the likelihood of food contamination and does
not constitute a risk of contaminating farm end products.
The organization shall identify which types of waste, including human and animal effluents, that, taking into
account its handling on the farm, is likely to contaminate food products and/or affect food safety.
The organization shall implement procedures for the proper handling and disposal (or reuse) of on-farm
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) identifying, properly maintaining waste containers, and keeping them closed in areas where pest
proliferation may increase the likelihood of food contamination;
c) isolating, identifying as waste for disposal and disposing of in a specified safe manner the chemicals and
similar products of food safety concern (e.g. veterinary drugs, plant protection products) that cannot be
used (e.g. exceeded expiry date), as well as the empty containers from which such substances where
taken off;
d) disposing of in an appropriate way the waste waters coming from the cleaning of equipment used for
plant protection products.
Records should include an updated list of wastes that are likely to contaminate food products and/or affect
food safety.
The organization shall establish and maintain a pest control system to monitor and control pest access and
proliferation on the farm in a manner that does not result in contamination of food with pest remains or anti-
pest substances.
NOTE This chapter deals with measures aimed at controlling pest that invade or harbourage farm buildings,
equipment and storage facilities, with the exception of the use of plant protection products.
Only pest control chemicals that are authorized by the competent authority shall be used. These products
shall not come into contact with food and feed products or livestock.
Pest control chemicals shall be used following the manufacturer's instructions and their effectiveness shall be
verified by visual inspection of premises.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) placing UV light traps used for controlling the occurrence of flying insects not above products or
conveyors of products;
b) minimizing contacts between farm end products and food producing animals with wild or other non-
domestic animals when such contact can increase the likelihood of food contamination or the transfer of
zoonotic agents to food-producing animals;
c) installing physical barriers (e.g. fences) and or active deterrents (e.g. noise makers, scarecrows,
surrogates of owls, foil strips) where appropriate to minimize crop contamination in the fields;
d) installing physical barriers (e.g. nets) on the access points such as windows, vent and drain of the
premises, so as to prevent pests from entering food storage facilities.
Records shall include the history of any observed occurrence of pest ,or symptom attributable to pest, that
may affect the safety of foods, and the history of anti-pest actions whose residues may contaminate foods.
If the organization observes pest in premises where food is stored, or observes pest in any other location at a
level that may increase the likelihood of food contamination, it shall take the appropriate actions to remove
pest, prevent the reoccurrence, or reduce its occurrence at an appropriate level. If pest control chemicals, or
their use, appear to be ineffective, the organization shall take appropriate actions to modify the products
and/or their conditions of use.
Products suspected to be unsafe shall not be a source of food contamination, directly by coming in contact
with safe foods or indirectly through the environment (e.g. water, soil, fields etc.) and food-producing animals.
The organization shall establish and implement appropriate measures that enable to minimize the likelihood of
food contamination.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination by
products suspected to be unsafe, examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) evaluating the safety of other products that were produced and/or stored in the same conditions;
Records shall include the history of the management of products suspected to be unsafe, including their
identification and movements.
Outsourcing all or part of the faming activities shall not increase the likelihood of food contamination.
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable to verify that outsourced organizations
meet the requirements included in this Technical Specification for the outsourced activities.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to ensure that outsourced activities do not increase the
likelihood of food contamination, an example of PRP that should be implemented is the establishment of
specifications for the selection of suppliers and the verification of their performance.
NOTE Examples of verification include the audit of suppliers by the organization itself or through third party
certification bodies.
Records should include the specifications and contractual agreements for any outsourced activities, and the
results of verification.
6.1 General
In addition to the prerequisite programmes concerning the general farm environment, some general control
measures appropriate to be implemented as PRPs are relevant to plant productions, only. This chapter deals
with the identification of those PRPs that in general minimize the likelihood of contamination of crops at all
stages of the plant production and assist in controlling food safety hazards in the food chain.
6.2 Irrigation
Water used for irrigation purposes shall not introduce contaminants to crops.
The organization shall evaluate the distribution system of irrigation (i.e. water quality used for irrigation and its
application method) for its intended use.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of waterborne contamination,
an example of PRP that should be implemented is adapting water quality to the nature of crops (e.g. root
vegetable, fruit), to the subsequent processing (e.g. no processing, cooking), and to the way the product will
be consumed and/or used (e.g. cooked, raw). Products that have physical characteristics such as rough
surfaces that can retain water, particularly those without further processing including thermal or similar
microbiocidal treatment, should be irrigated with clean water or using subsurface or drip irrigation to minimize
the wetting of the edible portion of the crops.
Records should include the results of the periodical evaluations of the distribution system for irrigation.
If the organization discovers information on irrigation that can have an impact on the safety of its products, it
shall take appropriate measures and inform the competent authorities.
6.3 Fertilization
Fertilizers (e.g. sludge from treatment plants, mineral fertilizers…) shall comply with local or regional
regulation and, when applicable, be authorized by the competent authority. Suppliers shall be identified.
The organization shall identify and implement appropriate measures that enable to minimize food
contamination during fertilization operations.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of microbiological
contamination, an example of PRP that should be implemented is the spreading of manure, biosolids and
other natural fertilizers that went through all required steps of composting; or, in the case of fertilization with
untreated or partially treated fertilizers, applying an appropriate holding time before crop can be harvested.
Records should include the history of fertilization operations, with relevant information (e.g. fertilizer
identification and composition, conditions of use, date and place of application, equipment used, and/or
identification of the personnel who carried out the operation).
Plant protection products shall be used in a manner that avoids the residues on/in the crops exceeding any
maximum residue levels (MRLs) as established by the competent authority.
The organization shall use plant protection products in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
The application of plant protection products shall be justified by observation or diagnosis, except in case of
specific programmes of pest control. Applications shall be reduced to their minimum, taking into account the
product efficiency, the goal to reach and following the manufacturer's instructions.
The organization shall identify the plant protection products used and which are appropriate to its crop
The organization shall establish appropriate methods of using the plant protection products, including the
appropriate maintenance of equipment applied and the handling of products in stock and related waste.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination by plant
protection product residues, examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) purchasing plant protection products from suppliers that are registered or approved;
b) applying manufacturer’s instructions of use, as regards the applicable crops, the application period, the
dose, the withholding period, and/or the weather conditions required for its effective use;
c) verifying and maintaining all equipment used for plant protection products preparation and application, in
particular as regards the spread dosage observance.
Records shall include the history of use of plant protection products, with relevant information (e.g.
commercial name, dose, date of treatment, date of harvest, field identification and/or the crops sprayed).
If the organization discovers information on misuse of plant protection products that can have an impact on
the safety of its product, it shall take appropriate measures and, where necessary, inform the competent
6.5.1 Harvest
The harvest activities shall not increase the likelihood of crop contamination.
The organization shall identify the potential sources and nature of contamination that may occur during
harvest operations and implement the appropriate measures that enable to minimize the likelihood of
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) harvesting no earlier than the end of applicable withholding periods corresponding to fertilization or any
other treatment with plant protection products;
b) minimizing the mechanical damage to the products and duration of harvesting operations;
d) minimizing the likelihood of contamination crops with foreign bodies (e.g. metallic or plastic materials,
toxic plants).
Records should include the history of harvesting operations with relevant information regarding product
identification, location, harvesting equipment and/or personnel who carried out the operations.
If the organization discovers that the required withholding period related to the use of plant protection products
was not applied, it shall take appropriate measures to prevent the affected crops from entering the food chain
and inform, when necessary the competent authority and/or the operator of the next step in the food chain.
The post-harvest activities shall not increase the likelihood of contamination of end products.
The organization shall identify the potential sources and nature of contamination related to post-harvest
operations and implement appropriate measures that enable to minimize the likelihood of food contamination.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) sorting and/or inspecting harvested products so as to discard defective products and foreign bodies;
b) minimizing the likelihood of introducing foreign bodies during wrapping and packaging operations;
NOTE Examples of sources of contamination during wrapping or packaging are parts of the equipment, personnel
items or hairs, and packaging and wrapping materials.
c) using water of appropriate quality for rinsing, decontaminating or cooling products. Water should be
potable when used for the washing of products intended to be consumed raw without further industrial
processing such as thermal or similar microbiocidal treatment.
7.1 General
In addition to the prerequisite programmes concerning the general farm environment, some general control
measures appropriate to be implemented as PRPs are relevant to animal productions, only. This chapter
deals with the identification of those PRPs that in general minimize the likelihood of contamination of products
derived from farm animal and assist in controlling food safety hazards in the food chain.
On-farm feed production activities shall not increase the likelihood of contaminating foods by transmitting
contaminants to food-producing animals.
The organization shall identify and implement measures to minimize the likelihood of feed contamination when
selecting, cultivating, preparing and storing feed and feed ingredients.
The organization shall produce feed by using feed ingredients, e.g. water, additives, medicated premixes, that
do not increase the likelihood of food contamination. It shall apply the conditions of use recommended by feed
ingredients manufacturers. Water used as feed ingredient shall be clean.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) controlling that additives and medicated premixes are handled and stored so as to maintain their integrity
and that they are used according to manufacturer instructions (e.g. doses, withholding periods and
protocol of use such as mixing time);
b) ensuring that the equipment used for mixing feed is not overfilled and that it is purged, rinsed and/or
cleaned after each run of feed production;
Records should include the history of feed production with the identification of animals that were fed with.
Where relevant, the documentation should include the formula and a description of the production process.
If the organization discovers that feed produced on the farm can have a detrimental impact on the safety of
foods (e.g. presence of hazardous material or substance), it shall take appropriate measures and, where
necessary, inform the next step in the food chain and/or competent authorities.
The activity of feeding and watering animals shall not increase the likelihood of food contamination by
transmitting contaminants through food producing animals.
The organization shall define and implement measures to ensure that feed and water are suitable for food
producing animals and do not increase the likelihood of food contamination.
NOTE Species and physiological state are examples of parameters that can influence the suitability of feed.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) adapting the quantity of feed delivered to the animals to their physiological needs and removing feed that
was refused before refilling;
b) identifying the animals or groups of animals while they are fed medicated feed and/or during the
subsequent withholding period if applicable.
7.2.3 Pasture
Pastures, including paddocks, shall not be a source of food contamination by transmitting contaminants to
grazing food producing animals.
NOTE Contaminants that occur on pastures include those that are voluntarily or accidentally introduced by human
activity, and those that naturally occur, e.g. toxic plants.
The organization shall identify and implement measures to minimize the likelihood of pasture contamination
and the likelihood of transmitting contaminants to grazing animals.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of contamination originating
from manure, fertilizers or plant protection products, an example of PRP that should be implemented is strictly
following the manufacturer instructions for pastures spraying and, where applicable, preventing animals from
grazing those pastures for an appropriate time.
If the organization discovers information about pastures, neighbouring pastures or surrounding activities that
may affect food safety, it shall take appropriate measures to protect food producing animals from
contamination and, when necessary, inform the competent authority.
The movements of animals or groups of animals outside farm premises, on farmer’s initiative or not, shall not
increase the likelihood of contaminating foods.
NOTE Transhumance and grazing on mountain pastures are examples of circumstances were animal movement
The organization shall identify and implement measures to control animal movement outside the farm.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) preventing animals from coming into contact with other species while they are moved, so as to minimize
the likelihood of food contamination by zoonotic agents.
Records shall include an updated list of food producing animals, at either individual or lot level, with relevant
information (e.g. species, identification, age, sex…). They should include the history of animal movements.
If the organization discovers information during animal movement that can have an impact on the safety of its
products, it shall take appropriate measures and inform the competent authorities.
Animals shall remain in healthy condition at all times so as not to increase the likelihood of contaminating
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable the early detection of animal disease that
could increase the likelihood of food contamination. The organization shall identify and implement measures
that enable the assessment of the health status of newly introduced animals and that minimize the likelihood
of transmitting zoonotic agents to the herd.
NOTE An example of contaminant that pose a serious threat is the zoonotic agent of tuberculosis in cattle
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination by
allowing an effective monitoring of animal health, examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) implementing a system to monitor animal production performance to assist in the early detection of
diseases or injuries;
d) verifying the accompanying health and traceability documents of introduced animals, as well as their
proper identification (e.g. tag, mark) if applicable;
e) quarantining introduced animals at delivery and having their health status checked by a veterinarian or
similarly recognized competent person, by means of appropriate tests or physical examination.
Records should include the history of prophylactic measures, visits done by a veterinarian or similarly
recognized competent persons in animal health, and occurrence of animal diseases that may increase the
likelihood of food contamination.
In case of signs suggestive of a disease that can increase the likelihood of contaminating foods, the
organization shall ask advice to a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health.
In case signs of animal disease are discovered or suspected later in the food chain (e.g. ante- and post-
mortem inspections at the slaughterhouse) and notified to the organization, it shall take appropriate action by
asking advice to a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health.
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable the management of sick animals and their
products so as not to increase the likelihood of contaminating foods.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) identifying and separating sick or injured animals from healthy herd mates, until cured or fit for purpose;
b) selecting the measures ensuring the effective control of spread of transmissible diseases, upon advice of
a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health;
c) excluding sick animals and their products from the food and/or feed chain;
d) collecting separately the products from healthy animals and the products from sick animals or animals
suspected to be sick so as to minimize the likelihood of cross contamination;
e) having purchased animals examined by a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal
health before allowing them to enter the farm when they show signs of clinical disease, and follow the
recommendations made by the veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health.
Records should include the history of animal disease and how the animals, and if applicable their products,
were managed.
If the organization discovers that a sick animal, or its products, have not been excluded from the food or feed
chains and are posing a serious threat for food safety, it shall take appropriate measures to inform the next
step in the food chain and competent authorities if necessary.
Dead animals and the disease causing the death shall not increase the likelihood of food contamination.
NOTE This Technical Specification covers aborting foetuses but not animals that enter the food chain after slaughter,
including on-farm emergency slaughter..
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable the determination of the cause of death
and that minimize the likelihood of contaminating foods from the animal body or from any other source of
contamination. Such dead animals shall not enter the food and feed chains.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) having the cause of death diagnosed by a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in
animal health when possible;
b) informing the competent authorities when the death is associated with a serious threat for food safety;
c) moving dead animals with no delay to a specific and adapted location, away from healthy animals and
their products, prior to destruction in conditions that allow the likelihood of food contamination to be
Records shall include traceability documentation for the outcome and movement of dead animals. Records
should include the history of animal death and their cause if identified.
If the organization discovers that a dead animal has entered the food or feed chain, it shall inform the
competent authorities.
The use of veterinary drugs shall not increase the likelihood of food contamination.
The organization shall use veterinary drugs in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The
organization shall identify and implement measures that enable the selection of the drugs appropriate to the
circumstances. It shall identify and implement measures to ensure that drugs are used according to the
instructions of use defined by the manufacturer or by the veterinarian or similarly recognized competent
person in animal health, using the appropriate equipment for animal restraint and drug application, if
NOTE 1 An unacceptable level of veterinary drug residues can result from the intentional use of unapproved or banned
veterinary drugs or by the inappropriate use of approved veterinary drugs. In addition, the inappropriate use of veterinary
drugs can contribute toward the selection of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms and foreign matter (e.g. needles).
NOTE 2 The instructions of use include the intended species, animal production, indication, dose, withdrawal period,
and conditions of storage (e.g. temperature, darkness).
The organization shall identify and implement measures that prevent animals and their products entering the
food chain as long as residues pose a threat for food safety.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) using veterinary drugs that has been prescribed by a veterinarian or similarly recognized competent
person in animal health, after diagnosis, for the intended animals and purpose, according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and the prescription;
b) using antibiotics and antimicrobials in a prudent manner so as to minimize the potential for the
accumulation of multi-resistant microorganisms;
c) selecting and using veterinary drugs consider the requirements of the country of sales, when food
producing animals or their products are exported;
d) specifying, where applicable, the withdrawal period of veterinary drugs prescribed by a veterinarian of
similarly recognized competent person in animal health;
e) identifying the animals or groups of animals during the treatment period with veterinary drugs and/or
during the subsequent withholding period if applicable;
f) using disposable equipment (e.g. syringes and needles) for the application or administration of veterinary
drugs on animals, so as to prevent drugs from being contaminated with other drugs and animal fluids, and
disposing them of in a safe manner;
g) requesting from the seller the history of veterinary drug administration or application on purchased
animals and the ongoing withholding periods if applicable.
Records shall include the documentation associated with the use of veterinary drugs, including the
prescription by the veterinarian or similarly recognized competent person in animal health, identification of the
treated animals, how the drug was administered, dates of beginning and ending of application or
administration, and withdrawal periods if any.
In case a needle breaks when applying a veterinary drug, the organization shall extract the resulting foreign
matter manually. If not feasible, the organization should inform the next step of the food chain on the
accompanying documents of the animal or group of animals.
7.4 Milking
This chapter deals with measures specific to milking operations. The activities addressed in other parts of the
document (e.g. personnel hygiene, equipment suitability, cleaning and disinfection, storage) are applicable as
well. Therefore, organizations shall not consider only this chapter when establishing PRPs for dairy farming.
The activity of milking shall be conducted so as to minimize the likelihood of contaminating the milk.
The organization shall identify and implement measures that minimize the likelihood of contaminating the milk
when milking.
NOTE Examples of events that increase the likelihood of contaminating the milk are stress and animal discomfort
related urination and defecation during milking, which can easily cause these body wastes to enter the teat suction cups.
The colostrum and milk that does not appear normal shall be excluded from the food chain.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) conducting, prior to milking a cow, an evaluation of the milk by visual examination and/or physicochemical
indicators, after careful observation of the cow behaviour and the aspect of its udder and teats, to allow
verifying whether the milk appears normal and is not likely to contaminate food;
b) cleaning and, where necessary, decontaminating all teats before milking, by appropriate means.
If the organization discovers that milk intended to human consumption has been contaminated during milking,
it shall take appropriate action to prevent such milk from entering the food chain.
This chapter deals with measures specific to egg collection operations. The activities addressed in other parts
of the document (e.g. personnel hygiene, equipment suitability, cleaning and disinfection, storage) are
applicable as well. Therefore, organizations shall not consider only this chapter when establishing PRPs for
egg production.
The organization shall identify and implement measures to collect eggs as early as possible after laying. Eggs
shall be collected, handled, stored and wrapped in a manner that minimizes the likelihood of contamination
and damages to eggs or eggshell.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
b) separating dirty eggs from clean eggs and preventing the former from entering the food chain, so as to
minimize the likelihood of food contamination.
If the organization discovers that eggs intended to human consumption have been contaminated whil they
have been collected, handled or wrapped, it shall take appropriate action to prevent them from entering the
food chain.
This chapter deals with measures specific to animal preparation for slaughter. The activities addressed in
other parts of the document (e.g. personnel hygiene, equipment suitability, cleaning and disinfection, storage)
are applicable as well. Therefore, organizations shall not consider only this chapter when establishing PRPs
for meat production.
Only animals not likely to result in food contamination shall be sent for slaughter. They shall be handled and
prepared in a way that minimizes the likelihood of food contamination.
NOTE In the context of this Technical Specification, preparation for slaughter includes activities such as animal
handling and allotting before transport to the slaughterhouse.
The organization shall identify and implement measures that enable to assess whether animals intended to be
sent for slaughter do not increase the likelihood of meat contamination, as well as measures aimed to
minimize the likelihood of contamination during the preparation for slaughter.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) preventing animals from accessing feed during an appropriate time before being sent for slaughter, when
a fasting period is necessary to minimize the likelihood of food contamination;
b) preventing overcrowding and stress by loading animals in vehicles suitable for maintaining their
physiological needs, for preventing wounds and for protecting them from foreseeable extreme weather
c) ensuring that animals sent for slaughter are sufficiently clean to minimize the likelihood of contamination
during the slaughtering process;
d) transporting poultry by using crates that are properly cleaned and disinfected, to minimize animal injury
and the likelihood of the transfer of contaminants between flocks.
This chapter deals with measures specific to the growing, harvesting and handling of aquatic animals. The
activities addressed in other parts of the document (e.g. personnel hygiene, equipment suitability, cleaning
and disinfection, storage) are applicable as well. Therefore, organizations shall not consider only this chapter
when establishing PRPs for aquatic farming.
The conditions of growing and harvesting of aquatic animals intended for human consumption shall not
increase the likelihood of contamination.
The organization shall define and implement measures that enable to maintain the health of aquatic animals
and the quality of water in which they are grown, so as to minimize the likelihood of contaminating foods.
Depending on the operations and where appropriate to minimize the likelihood of food contamination,
examples of PRPs that should be implemented are:
a) not applying manure to ponds, even after composting, so as to maintain water quality;
b) monitoring carefully the closed recirculation systems, so as to maintain animal health and sanitation;
d) cleaning products as soon as possible after harvest, with water of suitable quality; so as to eliminate mud
and weed;
e) removing, storing separately, and subsequently disposing of in an appropriate manner animals showing
signs that are likely to be associated with and increase the likelihood of food contamination.
[2] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. Code of hygienic practice for fresh fruits and vegetables
CAC/RCP 53-2003. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2003. 26p. Available:
[3] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. Code of hygienic practice for eggs and egg products
CAC/RCP 15-1976. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2007. 22p. Available:
[4] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. Code of hygienic practice for milk and milk products
CAC/RCP 57-2004. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2009. 40p. Available:
[5] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. Code of practice for fish and fishery products CAC/RCP 52-
2003. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2008. 134p. Available:
[6] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. Code of practice for good animal feeding CAC/RCP 54-
2004. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2008. 8p. Available:
[7] CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION. General standard for the labelling of prepackaged foods
CODEX STAN 1-1985. Rome, FAO & OMS, 2010. 7p. Available:
[8] IDF, FAO. Code to good dairy farming practice. Rome, FAO & IDF, 2004. 37p. Available:
[9] FAO, OIE. Guide to good farming practices for animal production food safety. Rome, FAO & OIE, 2010.
56p. Available: <>
[10] WHO. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, 3rd edition incorporating the first and second addenda,
Volume 1, Recommendations. Geneva, WHO, 2008. 515p. Available: