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Guide To Creating A Mine Site Reconciliation Code

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Guide to creating a mine site reconciliation code of practice

Article · January 2014


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1 author:

Craig Morley
Anglo American


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Guide to Creating a Mine Site
Reconciliation Code of Practice
C Morley1

The author’s intent with this paper is to provide a guide that will assist the reader in collecting the information required to
document and establish a reconciliation code of practice for a mine site or for a company with a portfolio of mines. The paper
draws from a number of key publications and the author’s own experience to emphasise the importance of reconciliation, the
role that it can play as a continuous improvement tool and the information that is necessary to document reconciliation practices
so that they can be understood and embedded into a mine or organisation.
The use of the mining value chain and ore flow/material movement mapping to facilitate the process of collecting relevant
information across a mine site is outlined along with practical suggestions that will assist the reader in applying these concepts
in their mine or company.
The elements that should be incorporated into a mine’s reconciliation code of practice include:
•• key reconciliation relationships
•• data collection and validation definitions
•• methodologies and calculations
•• description of reporting and outputs
•• accountabilities.
The objective of creating a code of practice is that it ultimately provides a guide to reconciliation that allows anyone to
understand the practices used at that mine site or within a particular company, along with providing information on who is
accountable for the reconciliations. In the author’s opinion, where documentation such as suggested in this paper is created
and associated accountabilities are clear, there will be more chance of the reconciliation practices providing benefits year after
year and delivering ongoing continuous improvement benefits that ultimately result in increased accuracy of models, increased
recovery of resource and increased profitability of the mine.

1. FAusIMM(CP), Executive Consultant, Global Director Growth and Strategy, Snowden, 87 Colin Street, West Perth WA 6005. Email: cmorley@snowdengroup.com

There have been many papers written on reconciliation and These spreadsheets typically contain no documentation
its ongoing use in order to continuously monitor and improve and often pay little attention to fundamental principles that
a mining operation (for example Parker, 2011; Pitard, 2001; are critical to effective reconciliation – such as ensuring the
Schofield, 2001; Morley, 2003). The role of reconciliation is appropriate source and collection of the data are noted,
a critical one, but too often manually collected data is cut quality control around the data, standard use of terminology
and pasted into a set of spreadsheets created by enthusiastic and provision of documentation that details accountability
professionals who have a particular agenda in mind, rather and also allows any new user to understand how the
than a continuous improvement objective. As Blucher (2002) reconciliation results are derived.
points out, poor reconciliation processes and reporting are
To assist in addressing these issues the author’s intent in
often fostered in environments where:
this paper is to provide a guide to collecting the information
•• The system exists as a number of poorly integrated required to document and establish a reconciliation code
spreadsheets or similar computer programs (evolved of practice for a mine site or a company with a portfolio of
over time to suit their author’s specific requirements), mines. The objective is to provide the reader with information
which are not understood by others and can often only that will allow them to:
be operated by their developers. These spreadsheets can
•• define the importance of reconciliation as a business
grow to be cumbersome and may be subject to continuous
fine-tuning, often without other recipients of the improvement process
information being aware that changes have been made. •• identify and document sources of data required for
•• No single person has overall responsibility for reconciliation
implementing or delivering results from the system and •• clearly define the systems and activities involved in
just as importantly, the department heads involved in manipulating the data
generating results for the system do not see themselves as •• ensure that the critical aspects of deriving the results are
joint owners of the process or the outcomes. documented in a concise manner

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation 755

Chapter 8 | Monitoring and Exploiting the Reserve

•• ultimately produce a guide to reconciliation that allows truly understand our mining processes. We must map out
others to understand the practices used at a particular the production process from resource to point of sale. This
mine site or within a particular company and that details must be done in a step by step manner in terms of a holistic
who is accountable for the reconciliation system. throughput-driven approach and not the typical functional
approach. The outcome of this is a detailed cause-and-effect
map that indicates the sources of variability in the different
THE IMPORTANCE OF RECONCILIATION processes as well as the interdependency between them and
– RECONCILIATION AS A CONTINUOUS the impact they have on the business’ performance.
IMPROVEMENT TOOL It is the author’s experience that this can be achieved
Why reconcile? As a general principle, the results obtained by using a multidisciplinary approach that combines the
from a reconciliation process should be used to tune mining value chain and ore flow / material mapping to
the overall Resource, Ore Reserve, grade control, mine greatly enhance reconciliation results and deliver continuous
production and processing systems over time. Reconciliation improvement on a mine site. It is this same process that
is a reference ‘hub’ on which the performance of all of the provides the foundation of any reconciliation code of practice
systems in a mining operation can be judged (after Blucher, and so this will be now examined in more detail.
2002). Mining is a business that includes the estimation or the
creation of models (geological, mine designs and schedules)
that accurately predict reality to an acceptable degree. As Box
and Draper (1987, 74 p) point out we should remember that OF PRACTICE
all models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do
they have to be to not be useful? Using the mining value chain
Vann and Stewart (2011) state: At a basic level the mining value chain (as shown in Figure 1)
… the value of scientific models lies entirely in their use is a linear progression through which each step builds on
to generate predictions. Historically the usefulness of a the prior step to add value and follows the material to be
scientific model depended on its success in predicting the mined through the process of identification, delineation,
outcomes of experiments or new observations. The evolution estimation, design, scheduling, detailed definition, mining,
and refinement of a scientific model proceeds by making transport, stockpiling and processing. As described above a
predictions, based on a model or set of hypotheses and then fundamental aspect of successful reconciliation is to consider
comparing the outcomes of experiments or observations to the relationships of each estimate to actual relationships
those predicted by the model. A model is therefore always across the mining value chain. It is also important to realise
interim: it will be refined or even abandoned if it fails to that reconciliation can be used to improve or increase the
predict existing or new observations. value created at each step through the process, by challenging
These statements by Box and Draper (1987) and Vann and the assumptions used in the estimates and models early in the
Stewart (2011) highlight what should be the core principle for value chain through comparison against the actual samples
all reconciliation – we reconcile so that we can calibrate our and measurements taken later in the chain. As Arnesen and
estimates and models against actual results so that we can van der Westhuizen (2002) state:
continuously improve the quality of our predictions. It is the … a throughput driven approach is required to track and
role of reconciliation to point out how wrong a model is and manage real value. To achieve this a process view of the
it is then the role of a mining professional to determine what, business is required in order to be able to align the orebody
if any, action is required as a result. It is therefore critical to to processing so that ore utilisation and recovery can be
use appropriate and sound data and methodologies in order maximised.
to calibrate predictions via ongoing reconciliation activities. Because reconciliation works across the entire mining value
Failure in these early stages of the process will lead to chain it must deal with the temporal, spatial and physical
incorrect reactions and inappropriately calibrated models. characteristics of data. Reconciliation is not a single process
Arnesen and van der Westhuizen (2002) in their paper on operating in a uniform manner in a single fixed time frame.
‘Addressing the root causes of deviations in reconciliation At any particular point in time, the whole process will consist
and value tracking’ state that: of a variable number of comparisons and materials-balancing
… the process of reconciliation, value tracking and subprocesses. These subprocesses work to different time
predicting the final product is driven by assumptions, frames, for example, they may be essentially continuous
factors and average standards, which are applied to planning (larger pits, the mill), periodic (mining of a particular stope),
and management and control. The assumptions, factors and or erratic (delivery of high-grade ore to the run-of-mine
average standards are normally invalid and do not reflect (ROM)) (after Blucher, 2002). It is therefore essential when
the impact of variability of the resource on final product, compiling a reconciliation code of practice to document in
production rate, processing effectiveness, etc. To expose detail the ore flow and material movement at each stage in the
invalid assumptions and dispose of the factors and average mining value chain as part of understanding what is actually
standards we have grown accustomed to using, we need to occurring at a mine site, while also providing information

FIG 1 - Mining value chain showing reconciliation relationships. NB: LOM means life-of-mine.

756 Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Guide to Creating a Mine Site Reconciliation Code of Practice | C Morley

which future mining professionals wanting to understand In this way the process map now provides a number of
the reconciliation process can refer. boxes in which detail can be recorded that clearly illustrates
who is performing what processes and the detail in these
Ore flow and material movement mapping boxes shows how. As not all technical silos perform all tasks
In the author’s experience the process of following the ore the process map will tend to ‘flow’ from the top left-hand
and waste flow along the mining value chain and mapping corner of the map to the bottom right. Generally, most mines
the processes, activities, systems, inputs and outputs that can be summarised onto a single A0 size sheet of paper using
this methodology. It is not possible to provide an A0 diagram
occur during this journey provides significant insight into
in this paper; however, Figure 2 gives the reader a ‘helicopter’
the complex array of models, designs, schedules and material
view of what a completed map will look like, while Figure 3
movement activities that occur at a mine site. Process mapping
provides a generic example of what one of the intersecting
is a specialised field in itself that has many techniques and
boxes on the matrix can look like.
formats. Some companies have adopted standard formats or
defined their own methodologies and these can be readily This brings us to the next element mentioned, which is a
utilised and applied to the task of mapping ore flow and checklist that assists in documenting the ‘how’ in each of the
material movement for reconciliation purposes. If the reader boxes in the matrix.
is not a specialist in process mapping and/or does not have
access to a specified process mapping methodology then the The checklist
author outlines below a simple methodology that has been In documenting how things are done on a site it helps to have
successfully applied as part of reconciliation studies to map a simple methodology that guides the process and ensures
many different mines globally, including coal, gold, diamond, all elements are captured. Process improvement schools of
iron ore, base metals and mineral sands operations in both thought such as Total Quality Management, Six Sigma and
open pit and underground mining environments. Lean Manufacturing have all drawn at different times from a
The mapping consists of two key elements: simple model known as ‘SIPOC’. Below the author presents a
modified explanation of the SIPOC model that the reader can
1. a matrix that forms a framework in which the processes
use as a prompt to ensure all relevant information is captured
that occur can be drawn and recorded
and to draw the ‘how’ as described previously.
2. a checklist that prompts the person carrying out
the mapping to ask the right questions to ensure all SIPOC is an acronym for ‘supplier, input, process, output,
information is captured on how processes are completed. customer’ and for this purpose the simple SIPOC checklist
can be explained as:
Each of these elements is explained further.
•• Supplier – where does the information required come
The matrix from?
•• Input – what are the inputs needed to complete the
It is common in process mapping to use ‘swimming lanes’,
which are horizontal rows across a page, and columns that
divide the page vertically to create regions on the process map •• Process –what is actually done with the data/information
that document specific interactions. The methodology being and how it is done? Are there decision points or quality
outlined here assigns professional roles to the horizontal control loops?
swimming lanes and activities or processes to the vertical •• Output – what are the results of the process? Is it more
columns. This effectively divides the process map into a data, a model, a report?
matrix of who is doing things (in the swimming lanes) and •• Customer – where does the output go? Who does this
what are they doing (in the vertical columns). For example the process become the supplier to?
swimming lanes may read (depending on the nomenclature By using this matrix of roles and activities and including
of the technical silos at the mine) from the top of the process details on suppliers, inputs, assumptions made, data collection
map to the bottom: points, outputs and customers it is possible to document the
••resource geology information and ore flow across a mine in such a way that
••mine planning anyone can easily visualise and understand the process.
Critical to the documentation of the process map is to meet
••mine geology
with those responsible for and those that actually complete
••survey the steps being documented. It is the author’s experience that
••mine operations a significant amount of value can be derived from holding
••processing. conversations with all the stakeholders of processes being
The vertical columns from left to right of the process map documented. This process breaks down the technical silos
may, for example, read: and often clarifies things to site personnel who, due to the
•• geological modelling demands of production or workloads, have not had time to
ask these questions themselves. To paraphrase a proverb, the
•• resource modelling and estimation
benefit is in the journey of discovery associated with drawing
•• long-term mine planning, design and scheduling
the process map, rather than in the finished map itself.
•• medium- and short-term mine planning and scheduling
Having created the ore flow and material movement
•• grade control process map you will have collected all the data required to
•• drill and blast document and define the mine site’s reconciliation code of
•• mining practice. The important aspects of what should be included in
•• stockpiling and processing. a code of practice will now be examined in more detail.

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation 757

Chapter 8 | Monitoring and Exploiting the Reserve

FIG 2 - A general outline or ‘helicopter view’ example of a completed process map. (Note: the intention is not that the detail should be legible on this diagram.
The author’s intent is to illustrate the general layout described in the text.)

Documenting the reconciliation code of practice Key reconciliation relationships

In the author’s opinion it is important to be able to clearly
Objectives of the code of practice illustrate and articulate which reconciliation relationships are
A code of practice is a high-level ‘standard setting’ document going to be monitored across the mining value chain. This
that set out a series of principles that form part of a mine’s or requires the code to be able to provide a graphical or tabular
company’s systems and procedures. In this case the objective summary of what reconciliations are being conducted and
is for the code to provide ideas or standards on how certain also to use a nomenclature that is intuitive to anyone who
reconciliation issues may be approached and the code is going to interact with reconciliations from that site or
should also set the benchmark of acceptable practices and company. Building on the mining value chain presented in
methodologies. Obviously these will vary from company to Figure 1 the author suggests that graphically illustrating the
company and in many cases the detail will even change from key relationships to be used in the code, such as is shown in
mine site to mine site. The author’s objective in this paper is to
Figure 4, will assist readers of the code to understand exactly
provide a set of suggestions that the reader can use and adopt as
what is being compared and reported. A tabular summary,
is practical and relevant to their own particular circumstances
such as that shown in Table 1, presents the reconciliation
in order to develop a code that suits their requirements.
process by discipline section and the individual reconciliation
relationship names will also help readers understand what is
Characteristics of the code included in the code. Based on experience across a number
In the author’s opinion a reconciliation code should: of mines around the world the author suggests that Figure 4
•• identify key reconciliation relationships and/or Table 1 will assist in achieving the objective of clearly
•• identify the data sources and record the activities involved illustrating or summarising the reconciliations performed
in collecting, validating and storing the data on any site. Of course these will need to be modified to suit
•• clearly define any post processing that is carried out on the reader’s exact requirements; the examples presented are
the input data designed to provide a starting point.
•• clearly define the calculations that are carried out using In terms of nomenclature the reader will see in both Figure 4
the data to derive reconciliation results and Table 1 that each reconciliation relationship adopts a
•• document the standard reporting frequency, charting and standard naming convention that is derived from the source
end users of the reconciliation results. of information along the mining value chain, as follows:

758 Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Guide to Creating a Mine Site Reconciliation Code of Practice | C Morley

FIG 3 - Detailed example of an intersecting box on the matrix illustrated in Figure 2.

FIG 4 - Reconciliation relationship across the mining value chain (after Morley, 2003, 2008). NB: LOM means life-of-mine.

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation 759

Chapter 8 | Monitoring and Exploiting the Reserve

TABLE 1 ‘Name of the earliest source of data’ to ‘name of the later source it
Standardised reconciliation nomenclature (modified after Fouet et al, 2009). is being compared to’.
Therefore reconciliation of the resource model against grade
Section within mining Standardised reconciliation control information is named ‘resource model to grade control’.
process relationship name
In many operations and even across some companies,
Resource model to Reserve model acronyms have been developed to describe reconciliations
Geological model reconciliation Resource model to grade control (mining) model such as R1, R2, G1, G2, G3, M1, M2, etc. These codes are
meaningless out of context and in the author’s experience
Reserve model to grade control (mining) model
the relationships they are ascribed to will often vary from
Resource model to mining production site to site, and so while they may be locally understood
Resource model to plant feed and form jargon for that site, they quickly become confusing
to new staff and anyone external to site. In contrast, if the
Resource model to plant production terminology derived from the suggestion above (eg ‘resource
Geological model verses actuals
Reserve (LOM plan) to mining production model to grade control’) is used it is instantly clear exactly
Reserve (LOM plan) to plant feed what reconciliation relationship is being discussed/reported.
Reserve (LOM plan) to plant production
Data collection and validation
Reserve (LOM plan) to shipping
As has been discussed above the critical aspects with respect
Grade control model to mining production to data are:
Grade control model to plant feed •• knowing where it is sourced from and at what frequency
Grade control model to plant production •• having adequate quality assurance / quality control (QA/
Mining reconciliation QC) processes in place for validation
Mine plan to mine production
•• knowing any transformations that are carried out in order
Mining production to plant feed for it to be used
Mining production to shipping •• understanding the limitations with respect to accuracy of
inherent errors.
Plant reconciliation Plant feed to plant production
For each source of data the code should clearly document
Rail and shipping reconciliation Plant production to shipping each of these aspects. Table 2 provides an example format

Example of a template for summarising key data sources used in mining reconciliation process (after Morley and Thompson, 2006; Morley, 2008).
Data name Source and type Time frame QA/QC Transformations Comment
Grade control Grade control Daily or on an ‘as Version tracking, Calculation of contained metal Data is needed on an ore block by ore block
Model – tonnes designed’ basis peer review and basis
Material type sign off
Short-term mine Mine planning – Daily/weekly/ Version tracking, Application of specific gravity to calculate May also contain grade information
plan volume/tonnes monthly peer review and tonnes from volumes
Material type sign off
Budget/forecast Mine planning – Monthly Version tracking, Application of specific gravity to calculate
volume/tonnes peer review and tonnes from volumes
Material type sign off
Dispatch Operations dispatch Shift summaries Valid source and Application of truck factor to calculate Tonnes are collected via truck load cells or
system – source destinations, truck tonnes from truck counts truck counts
Destination volume validation
Material type
Truck counts
Stockpile surveys Survey – volume Weekly/monthly Validation against Application of specific gravity to calculate Survey may calculate tonnes using
(end of month dispatch results, tonnes from volumes volume × density
process) peer review and Surveys should include both ROM fingers and
sign off medium-grade stockpiles
Survey could include waste stockpiles as well
Crusher tonnes Plant – tonnes Shift and monthly Weightometer Monthly metallurgical balance process Weightometer measurement on crushed
summaries calibration may result in changes to previously material
procedures reported results
Head grade Mill – grades Shift and monthly Met balance Monthly metallurgical balance process
summaries may result in changes to previously
reported results

760 Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Guide to Creating a Mine Site Reconciliation Code of Practice | C Morley

that the reader can consider including within a site’s how the information is compiled, calculated and exactly what
documentation to clearly summarise these aspects associated is being reconciled.
with some data sources.
Table 3 provides a format that the reader can consider Reporting
including within a site’s documentation to clearly articulate The final stage of the code deals with the output of the
the ranges of error that are associated with some data sources. mine’s reconciliation process, which is normally a set of
tables, charts or images summarising the reconciliation
Methodologies and calculations results. It is beyond the scope of this paper to document all
Table 4 presents a format that the author recommends as a possible reports that can be produced from reconciliation
template for documenting the methodology and calculations data. As Mascini (2006) points out, when combined, the
carried out to derive the various reconciliation results for any data described becomes greater than the sum of its parts
given reconciliation relationship. This format is a modified if collated for a reconciliation report. When the records
version of the table designed by the author and included in for every production source are organised, validated and
the paper by Fouet et al (2009), which also included similar analysed for an entire stope or bench the reconciliation
tables documenting 17 reconciliation relationships. As will often contain significant learnings or opportunities for
mentioned this format is provided as a guide that the reader process improvement. Figure 5 presents such a report from
can modify for their own specific purposes. It is intended that Mascini’s paper on a reconciliation project at the George
a summary table such as that presented in Table 4 would be Fisher Mine as a general outline or ‘helicopter view’ example
included for each of the reconciliation relationships at site. of a final stope reconciliation report.
A series of these tables that are linked to the reconciliation At a high level the author suggests that a simple summary
relationships as shown in Figure 4 will allow any reader of such as shown in Table 5 will provide sufficient detail to allow
the mine’s reconciliation code to clearly understand exactly a reader to understand what types of output are available.

Example of a template for summarising the ranges of error that are associated with some data sources (after Morley, 2008).
Source of error Normal Common Comments Strategies to reduce errors
range range
Grade control model ±10%b ±50%b Can vary significantly depending on the understanding of Ongoing reconciliation and review of sampling quality,
estimation methodology geology and estimation methodology chosen. density and estimation methodologies.
Dispatch errors – <5 incorrectly 1 to 10 errors Electronic dispatch systems greatly enhance accuracy – Shift by shift review by operations and sign off.
incorrect source and coded results per dayb but only with constant monitoring and reconciliation. Errors corrected by dispatchers in the dispatch system.
destination per weekb
Truck factors ±15%b Between 15 Often empirical numbers that have not been validated for Monthly compilation of dispatch results against
and 30%b a long period of time. weightometer or survey results.
Truck load cells ±5%c ±20%c When truck load cells fail it is not uncommon for that truck Regular maintenance and calibration schedules.
to be kept in production – resulting in truck factors being
used for tonnage estimates.
Specific gravity ±5%a ±10%b Specific gravity is often an empirical number used by Routine charting of survey versus dispatch
estimations (including mining, geology, survey and dispatch to convert volumes versus weightometer data.
in situ density estimates) to tonnes. Annual specific gravity laboratory testing.
Swell factors (stockpiles) ±5%a ±10%b Includes factors used to convert in situ density to a Use of stockpile density measurement devices for
‘stockpiled’ density. On large stockpiles this can also example as described by Treasure (2006).
include some allowance for compaction of material within
the stockpile.
Loader bucket factors ±15%b Between 15 Often empirical numbers that have not been validated for Monthly compilation of dispatch results against
and 30%b a long period of time. weightometer results.
Weightometer <±5%c ±20%c Incorrectly positioned, poorly maintained and infrequently Regular maintenance and calibration schedules will
measurements calibrated weightometers will give spurious tonnage result in weightometers delivering results within their
measurements. design error tolerances.
Head grade sampling ±10%b ±20% up to Auto-samplers are notoriously difficult to design, install Appropriate installation and regular
errors 200%b and maintain. Plants with high volume of throughput maintenance of an auto-sampler.
make it almost impossible to maintain a sampling regime Reconciliation to metal produced
that is statistically appropriate. rather than head grade.
Survey volume errors ±10%b ±10%b Recent trends to use global positioning systems (GPS) for Use of surface pickup by theodolite.
survey pickup can result in lower precision of the surface Routine areal flyovers to provide calibration for survey
volume calculation. surface pick-ups.
a. Treasure (2006); b. empirical industry experience; c. Pan et al (2003).

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation 761

Chapter 8 | Monitoring and Exploiting the Reserve

TABLE 4 will provide clear documentation on what is being produced

Example of a template for documenting the methodology and calculations by whom and for what purpose. Suggested summary
carried out to derive the various reconciliation results for any given information includes:
reconciliation relationship (modified after Fouet et al, 2009). •• purpose of the report
•• frequency of reporting
Name Mining production to plant feed
•• role and department responsible for generating and
Data required Mine production: dispatch data for material leaving the pit corrected issuing the report
using survey data.
•• target audience of the report.
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for the
plant production data and laboratory information management
system (LIMS) sampling results. Accountability
A critical aspect of any code of practice is the documentation
Frequency Monthly.
of who is responsible for the processes the code describes.
Calculation Tonnes = plant feed / mining production. Blucher (2002) points out that:
Grade = plant feed sampled grades / mining production grades
… the practical implementation of a robust reconciliation
(estimated or sampled).
process must be focused through as few people as practical
Purpose Provides a measure of the effectiveness of estimates of actual (preferably one person or a single position) in order for the
mining from direct feed ore sources (pit and/or underground) plus system to produce information in a timely and consistent
stockpiles, to material. fashion. Given this view, it is important that all suppliers
Comments Temporal reconciliation. of information to the system accept that they are also
This factor will highlight issues with truck factors or weightometer shareholders in the whole process. Failure by the key
calibrations. stakeholders to accept this premise of ownership eventually
Stockpiling effects reconciliation due to the impact on the material leads to a partisan approach to resolving issues and a
that ultimately reaches the mill. Reclaimed material must be fragmentation of the whole process. Conversely cooperative
included with direct tip material when reconciling material delivered ownership of the system will mean that information derived
to the mill verses what the mill received. from one part of the process can benefit other parts or may
pre-empt issues growing disproportionately in importance.
On a report by report basis the author suggests that within The author recommends that any code contains a table
a mine’s reconciliation code the capture of ‘helicopter views’ or listing that documents the owner’s roles on site for each
(such as shown in Figure 5) of all standard reports along step in the process as well as the management level role that
with a summary of key information, such as is suggested, is responsible for the code. The author supports Blucher’s

FIG 5 - A general outline or ‘helicopter view’ example of a final stope reconciliation from the George Fisher Mine (Mascini, 2006).
(Note: the intention is not that the detail should be legible on this diagram. The author’s intent is to illustrate the general layout described in the text.)

762 Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Guide to Creating a Mine Site Reconciliation Code of Practice | C Morley

TABLE 5 •• the principal goal of a reconciliation system is to enable the

Types of reports being produced by the reconciliation system ongoing optimisation of all the key parts of an operation,
at Telfer (Riske et al, 2007). leading to the best possible utilisation of the resources on
which it is based
Report type Description •• all participants (input providers and output recipients)
Reconciliation Reserve (plan)/grade control/mill (actual) must understand the concepts, the aims, the required
Material type inputs, the logic to be implemented and the range of
possible outputs of the whole system
Pit depletion by: Date range
•• stakeholders in the system must accept that they are part
Destination owners of the whole and that the success of the system
Grade control depends on a unified, cooperative approach to the issues
Material movement •• the system must be capable of adapting to changing
Tonnage comparisons by: Trucking
circumstances; however, change to fundamental system
Crushing design parameters can only occur after consultation and
Direct feed discussion with all stakeholders
Crusher feed by:
Rehandle •• successful implementation of the system relies on
all participants being responsible for the quality and
Stockpile tracking Tonnes and grade available
timeliness of their particular inputs
Tonnes by equipment •• results obtained from the system will be a function of
Production by stage (performance against plan) numerous compromises and must be accepted as the best
approximation, rather than as absolutes
(2002) conclusion that a single person or owner is critical. On •• feedback to users must be in the form that they can
many sites this takes the form of a reconciliation champion, utilise for their own purposes, eg section or departmental
who is often drawn from the geology or mining engineering manager level
departments. The reconciliation champion is the keeper of the •• overall responsibility for the management and operation
process – ensuring the code is included in new personnel’s of the system must be focused through an individual or a
induction and also making recommendations on updates so single position, which in most cases would be the mineral
that the code remains relevant to actual practices on site. The resources manager (after Blucher, 2002).
reconciliation champion is also often the person that ensures In addition this paper has outlined a number of templates
the processes/systems documented by the code run on a day- and suggestions that the reader can adopt and modify to
to-day – month-to-month basis. any site’s requirements to ensure that the critical aspects of
It is also recommended that a senior manager be assigned deriving reconciliation results are documented in a concise
the responsibility and accountability for approval of changes manner. This will ultimately provide a guide to reconciliation
and ensuring adherence to the code. In times of irrational that allows others to understand the practices used at a
rationalisations the reconciliation champion is often one of particular mine site (or within a particular company) along
the first to be retrenched, resulting in complete collapse of with who is accountable for them. Pitard (2001) concludes
the entire process and failure of the site to benefit from the that significant results can be achieved at most operations
ongoing continuous improvement that reconciliation can within one year of putting a reconciliation system in place.
bring. Having a senior site manager (such as a technical service However, it is common that after three to five years staff
manager, chief geologist, mineral resource manager) own the changes and other issues on site result in the system failing,
code can ensure that as people come and go the responsibility being abandoned or simply lost. In the author’s opinion,
is passed from person to person and the practices can survive where documentation as suggested in this paper is created
staff changes and turnover. and associated accountabilities are embedded into the key
performance criteria for a site, there will be more chance
of the reconciliation practices that have been established
CONCLUSIONS providing benefits year after year. Operating with an
The objective of this paper has been to draw on previously embedded reconciliation code of practice will deliver ongoing
published information and the author’s experience to continuous improvement benefits that ultimately result in
provide a guide to the reader wishing to document the increased accuracy of models, increased recovery of resource
reconciliation processes and produce a code of practice for and increased profitability of the mine, even more so where
reconciliation for a mine site or company. By establishing a company establishes such a code across all their operations
and documenting good mine reconciliation practices, along and supports the ongoing reconciliation practices from a
with the use of quality validated data and sound analysis, it senior executive level.
is possible for a mine to establish a continuous improvement
process that will add significant value to any mining REFERENCES
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