Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open Pit Mines E-Book
Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open Pit Mines E-Book
Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open Pit Mines E-Book
figure 1
04 Ore Dilution and Quality Control in Open Pit Mines
Internal Dilution
• Internal dilution occurs within a mining block in which
pockets of waste are unable to be separated and are mined
with the block.
• Low grade material surrounded by high grade material.
• Sometimes within a mining block there are waste inclusions
or low-grade pockets of ore that cannot be separated and are
inevitably mined with the mining block.
• Degrees of internal dilution can vary within various types of
deposits; specifically lithological and grade distributions
significantly influence the degree of dilution.
• Internal dilution is difficult if not impossible to avoid. The
amount of internal dilution varies in different types of
deposits. Lithology and grade distribution are important
factors in internal dilution.
External Dilution
• Refers to the waste outside of the orebody that is mined within
the mining block.
• External dilution varies based on geology, shape of orebody,
drilling and blasting techniques, scale of operation and
equipment size.
This is the type of dilution that can be controlled using proper
equipment and mining practices. The following initiatives can be
used to minimise external dilution:
• Defining the contact surfaces of the ore and waste
• Selection of the proper equipment to attain desired selectivity.
• Mining along the contact surfaces.
• Modelling the effects of unavoidable dilution.
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Drill and Blast Plan: Generate Drill and Blast Plan for
Ore and Waste faces separately.
Drill and Blast Techniques: Utilize precision drilling and
blasting techniques to minimize damage to the orebody
and surrounding rock, reducing dilution during the
blasting process. Precise Drilling at Ore Contact Zone
using HP GPS technology.
Ore Contact Cleaning before Ore Face Blast: Develop
ore faces by waste removal at contact zone. Ore
contacts cleaning and remove all waste material from
ore contact zone before the ore face blast.
Proper Blasting Design: Design the blast patterns to
avoid excessive fracturing and over-break, thereby
minimizing dilution caused by blasting.
Fragmentation Analysis: Conduct regular fragmentation
analysis to assess the effectiveness of blasting and
adjust techniques as needed to reduce dilution.
Effective Grade Control: Implement effective grade
control procedures to accurately determine the grade of
the ore being mined, reducing the risk of dilution due to
blending of high- and low-grade materials.
Update Block Model based on Blast hole sample
analysis: Analyse drill cuttings sample and update Block
Model on regular basis.
Equipment Selection and Operation: Use appropriate
mining equipment that can selectively mine the ore
without unnecessary dilution.
Real-Time Ore Control: Implement real-time ore control
practices using on-board technology and data analytics
to guide mining activities precisely. Use of HP GPS
technology for Loading Operations.
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Enhanced Equipment
Navigation and Control
One of the most significant advantages of High Precision GPS
technology in mining is its ability to provide precise equipment
navigation and control. By integrating HP GPS technology in
drilling and digging equipment, operators gain real-time visibility
and accurate positioning information. This empowers them to
guide their equipment along designated points with utmost
precision, even in challenging terrains or complex ore bodies.
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