Cumhuriyet Dental Journal: Research Article
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal: Research Article
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal: Research Article
Volume 19 Issue 3
doi: 10.7126/cumudj.298879
available at
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the light transmission of different types
Article history:
and thicknesses of composites.
Received 06.11.2015
Materials and Methods: Disk-shaped (N = 240, n = 10 per group) samples of ten direct
Accepted 14.04.2016 composites (Aelite-Aesthetic -Enamel, Aelite-LS-Posterior, Aelite-All-Purpose-Body,
Clearfil-Majesty-ES-2 Classic, Filtek Ultimate-Enamel, Filtek Z-250 Universal, G-ænial
Anterior, Gradia Direct, IPS Empress Direct, and Tetric N-Ceram) and two indirect
Keywords: composites (Estenia C&B and Signum-Ceramis) with diameters of 10 mm and thicknesses
of 1 and 2 mm were fabricated. The translucency of each sample was determined with a
Composite, filler, indirect composites,
digital radiometer using the direct transmission method and a 1200 mW/cm2 LED beam
light transmission, radiometer.
as the light source. Measurements were repeated three times for each specimen, and the
obtained data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan multiple range tests (α = 0.05).
Results: The materials with the highest light transmission values included the Filtek
Ultimate-Enamel (1 mm: 8.36 lux, 2 mm: 4.62 lux), Gradia Direct (1 mm: 8.57 lux, 2 mm:
4.65 lux), and Tetric N-Ceram, while those with the lowest light transmission values
included the Aelite-All-Purpose-Body (1 mm: 2.89 lux, 2 mm: 1.21 lux) and Estenia C&B
Conclusions: The type of composite, as well as the particle size and filler content,
significantly affected the light transmission characteristics.
Correspondence author at: Serkan SARIDAĞ, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kocaeli, Kocaeli,
Turkiye. E-mail:
Saridag, et al.: Light Transmission of Different Resin Composites at Different Thicknesses
Nanohybrid Bis-GMA, Bis-
Glass filler,
amorphous silica prior to light transmission analysis.
(Direct) EMA
Enamel (73 wt%)
Aelite LS
Bisco Inc.
Schaumburg, Hybrid
Ethoxylated Glass filler, Light transmission measurements
bis-GMA amorphous silica
Posterior IL, USA
3 (Direct)
(88 wt%)
The translucency of each sample was
Clearfil Kuraray
Majesty Medical Inc., Nanohybrid Bis-GMA,
Barium glass,
determined by measuring its direct
Tokyo, Japan (Direct) dimethacrylate
Classic (0014A)
(78 wt%)
transmission of a band of light generated
Hybrid UTMA,
Surface treated
alumina micro by an LED (3M Espe Elipartm Freelight 2,
Estania Kuraray filler, silanated
C&B Medical Inc. (Indirect) Methacrylate glass ceramic filler Germany) with an output power of 1200
(92 wt%)
mW/cm2.21 Each polymerization light had
Filtek 3M ESPE, St. Silica, zirconia
6 Ultimate Paul, MN, USA
(72,5 wt%) a light guided, 7.4-mm-diameter tip. The
Enamel (N251021)
power irradiated by the LED without the
Filtek Z
3M ESPE, St.
Paul, MN, USA
Microhybrid Bis-GMA,
UDMA, Bis-
Silica, zirconia interposition of the composites and the
Universal (N587651)
(Direct) EMA (82 wt%)
distances (2 mm and 1 mm) between the
light tip of the unit and the digital
bis-DMA: Bisphenol A dimethacrylate; TEGDMA:
Triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate; bis-GMA: Bisphenol A radiometer (SDI LED Radiometer; SDI
diglycidyl methacrylate; ArDMA: Aromatic dimethacrylates
UDMA: Urethane dimethacrylate; bis-EMA: Bisphenol A
Dental Limited Australia; spectral range:
diethoxymethacrylate; TEGMA: Triethylene glycole 400 to 525 nm) were the same as those for
dimethacrylate; PEGDMA: Polyethylene glycol dimethacrylates;
UDMA: Urethane dimethacrylate; UTMA: Urethane the sample groups. The sample diameter
tetramethacrylate. was the same as the distance from the
radiometer’s optical eye. To avoid any
Each specimen was prepared using a light losses, appropriate silicon impression
stainless steel mold in one step. In order to materials were prepared around the light
prevent any voids, a glass plate was gently tips, and the specimens were embedded in
pressed over the mold, and the composite silicon (Fig. 1). Each sample was placed on
was photopolymerized using an LED the radiometer and irradiated for 20 s to
polymerization unit (Elipar Freelight 2, 3M determine the light transmission. The
ESPE, St. Paul, USA) for 40 seconds from measurement was repeated three times for
each direction after removal of the each specimen, and the average was value
stainless steel mold. Post-polymerization was recorded in units of mW/cm2. The
of the indirect composites was performed translucency was repeated for the same
Saridag, et al.: Light Transmission of Different Resin Composites at Different Thicknesses
material at the second thickness, and then Interaction between these two factors was
the obtained data were converted to light also significant (p < 0.001). Furthermore,
units (lux). for both thicknesses, there were
statistically significant differences (p <
0.05) between the direct composite group
(1 mm: 2.82 lux–8.57; 2 mm: 1.21–4.75
lux) and the indirect composite group (1
mm: 3.6–5.89 lux; 2 mm: 1.31–2.81 lux).
Table 2. Light transmission values (means and standard
deviations (SD)) for the resin composite samples used in this
study. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate
significant differences (p < 0.05). Different uppercase letter in
same row indicate significant differecences at p < 0.05 level.
Mean± (Mean1-
Mean± (SD)(lx) Percentage
No. Materials (SD)(lx) Mean2)
2 mm. change(%)
1 mm. Difference±SD
1 Aelite All-Purpose Body 2.89±0.22h 1.21±0.06f 1.68±0.16** 57±0.04b
transmission determination using a radiometer. 5 Estania C&B 3.60±0.19g 1.31±0.16f 2.29±0.18** 63±0.06a
Statistical analysis 7
Filtek Z 250 Universal
G-ænial Anterior
Signum Ceramis
Tetric N-Ceram
descriptive statistics and normality tests, Total 5.78±2.08A 2.94±1.30B 2.84±1.71** 50±0.08
results were expressed as Proc Means and **: p<0.0001 (p value from independent samples t test)
Proc Univarite commands, respectively.
Factorial ANOVA was used to compare
the mean results for the twelve groups of The light transmission values for all of the
samples with different thicknesses in order 1-mm-thick specimens were higher than
to determine whether they differed those for the 2-mm-thick specimens.
significantly from one another (p < 0.05). (p<0.0001).
Duncan's test was used for multiple The highest light transmission values were
comparisons. To compare thickness means observed for the Gradia Direct (1 mm: 8.57
within each group was used two lux., 2 mm:4.65 lux.), Filtek Ultimate
independent sample t test method with Enamel (1 mm:8.36 lux., 2 mm: 4.62 lux.),
Proc TTEST. One-way ANOVA was used and Tetric N-Ceram (1 mm:8.14 lux., 2
to analyze the means of the translucency mm:4.75 lux.). Aelite All-Purpose Body (1
ratios of the groups. The factorial mm 2.89 lux., 2 mm:1.21 lux.) and Estenia
ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, and Duncan C&B (1mm 3.6 lux., 2 mm:1.31 lux.),
results were analyzed using Proc GLM in resin composites had the lowest light
SAS. transmission values. Furthermore, the
Estenia C&B and Aelite LS Posterior
RESULTS samples exhibited the least change in the
maximum percent light transmittance when
Table 2 lists the light transmission data the thickness was increased (0.63 and 0.35,
(means and standard deviations) for the 1- respectively; p < 0.05).
and 2-nm-thick samples of the investigated
materials. Light transmission was
significantly affected by the composite
type (p < 0.05) and thickness (p < 0.001).
Saridag, et al.: Light Transmission of Different Resin Composites at Different Thicknesses
confirming the tested hypothesis. Thus, the Ultimate Enamel and the indirect hybrid
thickness of the composite materials used composite Estenia C&B exhibited the
must be taken into consideration during highest and lowest light transmission
treatment in order to obtain the desired values, respectively.
light transmission.
Conflict of Interests
Some researchers have indicated that blue
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Saridag, et al.: Light Transmission of Different Resin Composites at Different Thicknesses
Saridag, et al.: Light Transmission of Different Resin Composites at Different Thicknesses