Piping Questions

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. A
1 GENERAL Q By which process crude oil being refined ?
A By Distillation process
2 Q What do you mean by reformer?
A Cracking of the petroleum product in the catalyst medium in
to the different hydro carbon
3 Q Type of code generally follows up in the refinery.
4 Q Piping are used to handle.
A To transport mass/material ( the liquid/gaseous media)
5 Q What types of equipments used in the construction?
A Loader, dumper ,excavators, rollers, Cranes
6 Q What is different type of the joining process of the metals?
A Welding ,soldering, riveting, bolting &brazing
7 Q What is the angle, which crane takes maximum at basic
A Aprox 89 degree
8 Q What types measuring tools used?
Measuring, Vernire calipers ,micrometers, gauges, dial
indicators etc.
9 Q What do you means by least count?
A The min value of the measurement taken by an instrument
10 Q Where Sprit level/master levels are used.
A Checking the levelness of the surface with accuracy
11 ROTARY Q What types of the rotary machine
A Centrifugal ,reciprocating
12 Q What are difference between pumps and compressors?
A Pumps transfer liquid where compressors used to transfer
gaseous media
13 Q What are the different types of the coupling .?
A (gear ,met flex, tyre mount ,fluid coupling
14 Q Where fluid coupling used?
A Safety of the equipments, low initial torque requirement,
speed variation.
15 Q What do you mean by the alignment of the machine ?
A When drive and driver are the radially and axial in the same
position of each others.

16 Q What are the problems due to the misalignments

A High vibration and failure of the coupling etc
17 Q What are the different position of the measurement of the
A Horizontal, vertical and axial
18 Q Unit are used to measure the vibration
A Velocity (mm/sec) displacements (microns)
19 Q What are the mechanical seals?
A A set of the rotating and stationery faces ,which prevents
leakages in radially and axially
20 Q Where mechanical seals are used?
A We used in hazardous and costly medium to reduced the
21 Q What type of the bearing you know?
A Antifriction ,plain bearings
22 Q How the plain bearing works?
A By hydro static and hydro dynamics action/forces
23 Q What do you means by float in the big pumps compressors?
A The available axial moments of the rotor assembly.
24 Q What do you means by the soft footing?
A The spring action of the foots of the pumps/motors with
respect the base frame
25 Q Why non shrinkage grouting is done for the
A To avoid the gaps, crack and good bonding and fast settings
for the full strength of the concrete

26 STATICS Q What type of the heat exchanger mostly used ?

A Shell and tube type with fix and movable supports.
27 Q What do you means by columns ?
A A Verticals vessels consists of the internal accessories
28 Q What is use of the tray in the columns?
A Collection of the different separation during the process
29 Q What is standards allowable tolerance to maintain the
verticality of the vessel /columns?
A Max. 1mm/Meters upto 20 metres
. A
30 Q What are the method to check the verticality
A Theodolite, vertical plumbs ?
31 Q How you will be erecting the heavy vessels/ column?
A The load of the equipments, length and dia to calculate the
crane requirents and approach. For lifting and placement at
the position.
32 Q Which code follow for the pressure vessel fabrication?
A ASME Code - sec-8
33 Q Where the Tray is fixed in side the columns?
A Tray resting on the TSR (TRAY SUPPORT RINGS)
34 Q Where tangent line marked on the vessels/ column?
A At the bottom and top side of the disc globe end
35 Q What is the tolerance for the MANWAY/NOZZLE projection
as ASME sec-8 ?
A As per code +,- 3mm
36 Q What is Orientation of the nozzle tolerance in degree as per
ASME sec -8?
A As per code +,- 6mm
37 Q What is use of packing plate and shims?
A To achieve the levelness and alignments. which should be min
in the nos.
38 PIPING Q What is the function of pipe fittings
A • Produce change in geometry
– Modify flow direction
– Bring pipes together
– Alter pipe diameter
– Terminate pipe

39 Q What is the function of gasket

• Resilient material
• Inserted between flanges
• Compressed by bolts to create seal

40 A Types of commonly used gasket

– CAF flat gasket
– Spiral wound gasket
– Solid metal ring gasket
41 Q What is flange rating
A • Based on ASME B16.5
• Acceptable pressure/temperature
• Seven classes (150, 300, 400, 600, 900,
1,500, 2,500)
• Flange strength increases with class
• Material and design temperature
Combinations without pressure indicated
Not acceptable

42 Q What is the Function of valves

A • Functions
– Block flow
– Throttle flow
– Prevent flow reversal

43 Q Where globe valve is used

A • Most economic for throttling flow
• Can be hand-controlled
• Provides “tight” shutoff
• Not suitable for scraping or rodding

44 Q Function of check valve

A • Prevents flow reversal

45 Q What is Anchors and guides

A • Anchor
– Full fixation
– Permits very limited (if any) translation or
• Guide
– Permits movement along pipe axis
– Prevents lateral movement
– May permit pipe rotation

46 Q What is preheating
A • Minimizes detrimental effects of:
– High temperature
– Severe thermal gradients
• Benefits include:
– Dries metal and removes surface moisture
– Reduces temperature difference between
base metal and weld
– Helps maintain molten weld pool
– Helps drive off absorbed gases

47 Q What is post weld heat treatment(PWHT)

A • Primarily for stress relief
– Only reason considered in B31.3
• Averts or relieves detrimental effects
– Residual stresses
+ Shrinkage during cool down
+ Bending or forming processes
– High temperature
– Severe thermal gradients

• Other reasons for PWHT to be specified

by user
– Process considerations
– Restore corrosion resistance of normal
grades of stainless steel
– Prevent caustic embrittlement of carbon steel
– Reduce weld hardness

48 Q What is Brazing
A Brazing. Brazing and soldering are techniques
for joining metals in the solid state by
means of fusible filler metal with a melting point
well below that of the base metal
49 Q What is brinell hardness test
A Brinell hardness (test). A standard method of
measuring the hardness of certain metals. The
smooth surface of the metal is subjected to
indentation by a hardened steel ball under
pressure or load. The diameter of the resultant
indentation, in the metal surface, is measured by
a special microscope, and the Brinell hardness
value read from a chart or calculated formula.

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