Attorney Sanitary Estimate R3
Attorney Sanitary Estimate R3
Attorney Sanitary Estimate R3
Description Amount w/o VAT VAT 13% Total Amount
Total - A 672.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 5116.50 5,116.50
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 5,416.50
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 6,088.50
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 913.28
Total (A+B+C+D) : 7,001.78
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Rate per set of 2500x450 looking mirror = 7,002.00
Total - A 576.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 3683.88 3,683.88
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 3,983.88
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 4,559.88
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 683.98
Total (A+B+C+D) : 5,243.86
Rate per set of 1500x450 looking mirror = 5,244.00
Total - A 480.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 3069.90 3,069.90
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 3,369.90
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 3,849.90
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 577.49
Total (A+B+C+D) : 4,427.39
Rate per set of 1500x450 looking mirror = 4,427.00
Total - A 288.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 1227.96 1,227.96
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 1,527.96
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,815.96
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 272.39
Total (A+B+C+D) : 2,088.35
Rate per set of 600x450 looking mirror = 2,088.00
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7 110 mm. PVC Cleanout. Unit 1 no.
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.08 960.00 76.80
Unskilled md 0.10 700.00 70.00
Total - A 146.80
B Materials
110mm. PVC Cleanout no 1.00 990.00 990.00
Total - B 990.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,136.80
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 170.52
Total (A+B+C+D) : 1,307.32
Rate per set of 75mm PVC Cowl = 1,307.00
Total - A 83.00
B Materials
65mm dia uPVC pipe rm 1.00 776.07 776.07
uPVC fittings 50% of pipe cost 388.04
Sundries @ 50% of fittings cost 194.02
Total - B 1,358.13
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,441.13
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 216.17
Total (A+B+C+D) : 1,657.30
Rate per rm of 65mm uPVC pipe = 1,657.00
9 Sand filling with compaction. Unit 10 cum
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Unskilled nos 6.50 700.00 4,550.00
Total - A 4,550.00
B Materials
Sand filling with compaction. Unit 1 cum cum 11 3,104.64 34,151.04
Total - B 34,151.04
C Equipment @ 3% of labour cost 136.50
Total - C 136.50
Total (A+B+C) : 38,837.54
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 5,825.63
Total (A+B+C+D) : 44,663.17
Rate per cum= 4,466.00
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Total - B 36,089.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 37,749.00
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 5,662.35
Total (A+B+C+D) : 43,411.35
Rate per pump set = 43,411.00
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Gr external Riser gf Common GF lock up gf Common Disab. & Kids 1 to 6 Common 1 to 5 Common 1,2 fl Dist. Attorn. 1,2 fl Dist. Attorn. 1,2 fl Attorn. 2 fl Attorn. 2 fl Attorn. 3 fl Dist Attor
WH Commode VVIP
WH Commode Spl 2 6 4 1 1 2
WH Commode 4 2 3 1 36 25
Disabled Commode 1 1 6 5
Basin U/C 6 4 24 20
Basin w/h 2 2 2 6 4 1 1 2
Basin U/C HOT
Basin w/h HOT
Disabled Basin 0 0 1 6 5
Bib cock
Sink S/B 1 1 1 2
Sink D/B
Urinal 5 3 24 20
Div Plate 5 3 18 20
100mm CO 1 6 5
Multi Trap 8 2 7 2 60 45 2 6 4 1 1 2
Towel Rail 4 2 2 2 18 15 2 8 4 1 1 2
Soap dish 6 2 5 2 30 25 2
Soap Dispenser 2 6 4 1 1 2
Hand dryer 4 2 2 2 18 15 2 6 4 1 1 2
2500 Mirror 6
1800 Mirror 2 2 6 5
1500 Mirror 5
600 Mirror 2 2 2 6 5 2 6 4 1 1 2
200 s 25
160 S 459.2
110 S 126.7 684 15 7.8 13 22.6 39.6 73.5 3.6 23.2 11.8 1.4 2.6 2.3
75 WW 23 11.1 7 26.1 20 102.6 77.5 4.8 21 9 1.8 1.8 4.3
50 WW 11.2 1.2 11.2 0.6 42.6 37.5 1.2 7 2.4 0.6 0.6 1.2
110 rain inlet 9
110 cowl
75 cowl
65 CW CPVC 6
50 CW CPVC 9
40 CW CPVC 39
32 CW CPVC 39
25 CW CPVC 51 6.2 9.1 51 106.5 5.8 39.2
20 CW CPVC 175 16.3 10.9 21.8 20.5 133.8 1.8 11.6 14 2.4 1.2 5.5
15 CW CPVC 4.5
MH 18
WWC 21
RWC 14
SP 1
5000 L W/T 2
PUMP 100 LPM @ 36M 4 H 2
65 BV
50 BV
40 BV
32 BV
25 BV 2 1 1 1
20 BV 5 9 11 10
Solar 3 sets
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Janitor Sink 2 2 2
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3 fl Dist Attor 3 fl Attorn. 3 fl Dist Attor 4 Saha Nya 4 Nayab, Saha 5 fl Dist Attor 5 fl Dist Attor 6 fl Bed 6 fl Bed Terrace Total
2 1 3
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 33
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 37
2 1 3
6 6
1 1 7
1 1
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 160
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 81
1 1 74
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 36
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 79
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 53
2 1 3
7.3 3.5 2.2 9.6 8.5 5.2 5.9 12.3 3.5 1194
6.6 2.5 3.1 8 9.9 6.2 6.3 12.5 4.9 407
2.4 0.6 1.2 1.8 1.2 2.4 0.6 15.5 1.2 159
7.9 15
33.9 47
20.5 65
9.5 53
23 321
7.7 15.5 6.4 17.1 20 27.6 15.4 87.7 673
1 2.3 1.2 1 11
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
1 1 1 6 14
8 7 9 59
3 3
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2 2 5 1 16
Page 1135
White glazed earthernware wall-hung European Water Closet
set size 355x545 mm with standard bakelite seat cover,
1 Set 36 24,760.00 891,360.00 **
bracket complete with testing and ready for operation (for
Residence, Attorney & Deputy Attorney)
White glazed earthernware wall-hung European Water Closet
set size 355x545 mm with standard bakelite seat cover,
2 Set 71 24,760.00 1,757,960.00 **
bracket complete with testing and ready for operation (for
Common Toilet)
White glazed earthernware floor mounted close coupled
European Water Closet for Differently abled set with standard
3 Set 13 19,984.70 259,801.10 *
bakelite seat cover, bracket complete with testing and ready
for operation
9 cm PVC Concealed flushing cistern with push plate and
4 Set 107 16,556.55 1,771,550.85 *
cover (Geberitt/Viega or equiv.)
White glazed earthernware Indian pattern Orissa Pan of size
580x440mm 'S' trap (White colour set) with low level
5 porcelaine flushing cistern, 32mm CP flush pipe with bend, Set 5 14,447.45 72,237.25 *
15 mm PVC connector with both ends couplings complete
with testing and ready for operation
- 65 mm Rm 15 1,657.00 24,855.00 **
- 50 mm Rm 47 1,064.73 50,042.31 *
- 40 mm Rm 65 738.13 47,978.45 *
- 32 mm Rm 53 44.93 2,381.29 *
- 25 mm Rm 321 485.13 155,726.73 *
- 20 mm Rm 673 373.29 251,224.17 *
- 15 mm Rm 11 321.54 3,536.94 *
36 CPVC Ball Valve
- 40 mm No. 2 2,010.89 4,021.78 *
- 25 mm No. 2 797.64 1,595.28 *
- 20 mm No. 14 680.34 9,524.76 *
37 Gun metal Gate Valve
- 65 mm No. 2 13,608.41 27,216.82 *
- 50 mm No. 2 6,832.61 13,665.22 *
5000 litres capacity PVC/HDPE cyllindrical vertical water
38 storage tank complete with inter-connection, overflow, No. 2 72,144.10 144,288.20 *
washout and vents
300 litres capacity solar water heater with 3 solar collectors
size 1000x2000mm complete with thermostat, electric
39 No. 3 62,555.40 187,666.20 *
booster, stands, pipe connections, valves, testing and ready
for operation
Electric centrifugal water pump with motor of capacity 100
liters per minute at 36m head (approx. 3 HP motor) complete
40 with starter, electric cable, check valve, automatic pump Set 2 35,106.05 70,212.10 *
controller with high and low level sensors and cable etc. (one
set stand-by)
41 Motor starter switch (Crompton or equiv.) Set 1 4,320.55 4,320.55 *
Page 1435
PVC SWR (Soil, Waste, Rain) pipes with all necessary ring
gaskets, PVC fittings, including SS split clamps, hangers,
threaded rod, steel grip, cutting, jointing, sealing, installation
of pipes and specials including making holes and cutting
grooves on walls or floor and repairing the same to its
original finish. Pipes to be installed on trenches or walls or
floor or duct or hung to ceilings as per drawings,
specifications, manufacturer's recommendations,
instructions, cleaning of the system, testing and ready for
operation. The rate shall include for all labour and materials
required. The measurement shall be done for running length,
fittings etc not payable seperately.
* Marked rates are taken from DUDBC Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
** Marked rates are taken from New Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
Deep Tube Well (150 mm dia 250m deep)
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar
* Marked rates are taken from DUDBC Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
** Marked rates are taken from New Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
Water Treatment Plant 6000 LPH
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar
c. 80 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
80mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 4457.00 133710.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 33427.50
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 20056.50
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 20056.50
Total A + B 212320.50
15% contractor overhead 31848.08
Rate per Rm Rs. 8,138.95 Grand Total Rs. 244168.58
d. 25 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.5 960.00 480.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 1.5 700.00 1050.00
25mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 1000.00 30000.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 7500.00
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 4500.00
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 4500.00
Total A + B 49177.50
15% contractor overhead 7376.63
Rate per Rm Rs. 1,885.14 Grand Total Rs. 56554.13
### Supply and Installation of CI flanged joint Valves. Unit 1 Set.
a. 150 mm dia Sluice Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
150mm dia Sluice Valve No 1 33288.00 33288.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 1664.40
Painting @ 15% of cost of fitting 4993.20
Total A + B 44633.10
15% contractor overhead 6694.97
Rate per Set Rs. 51,328.07 Grand Total Rs. 51328.07
Total A + B 28125.00
15% contractor overhead 4218.75
Rate per Set Rs. 32,343.75 Grand Total Rs. 32343.75
### Supply and Installation of 16 gauge MS Hose Cabinet 750x600x250mm with stand. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
MS Hose Cabinet with paint No 1 12400.00 12400.00
MS Stand No 1 2500.00 2500.00
Total A + B 18025.00
15% contractor overhead 2703.75
Rate per Set Rs. 20,728.75 Grand Total Rs. 20728.75
### Supply and Installation of 16 gauge MS Hose Cabinet 1500x750x450mm. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
MS Hose Cabinet with paint No 1 22650.00 22650.00
Total A + B 27337.50
15% contractor overhead 4100.63
Rate per Set Rs. 31,438.13 Grand Total Rs. 31438.13
### Supply and Installation of MS Pressure Tank 450mm dia 2000mm high. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
MS Pressure Tank with paint No 1 225000.00 225000.00
MS Stand, connection provision No 1 2000.00 2000.00
Total A + B 230125.00
15% contractor overhead 34518.75
Rate per Set Rs. 264,643.75 Grand Total Rs. 264643.75
### Supply and Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pump 2300 lpm @ 60m head. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 6 960.00 5760.00
semi skilled nos 6 765.00 4590.00
un skilled nos 10 700.00 7000.00
Electric Centrifugal Fire Pump of
capacity 2300 lpm at 60m head,
approx. 37 kW motor with paint No 1 511500.00 511500.00
Total A + B 528850.00
15% contractor overhead 79327.50
Rate per Set Rs. 608,177.50 Grand Total Rs. 608177.50
### Supply and Installation of Jockey Pump 180 lpm @ 60m head. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 2 960.00 1920.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 4 700.00 2800.00
Electric Centrifugal Jockey Pump of
capacity 180 lpm at 60m head, approx.
5.5 kW motor with paint No 1 196000.00 196000.00
Total A + B 202250.00
15% contractor overhead 30337.50
Rate per Set Rs. 232,587.50 Grand Total Rs. 232587.50
Total A + B 246250.00
15% contractor overhead 36937.50
Rate per Set Rs. 283,187.50 Grand Total Rs. 283187.50
Total A + B 343.00
15% contractor overhead 51.45
Rate per Set Rs. 394.45 Grand Total Rs. 394.45
Total A + B 30118.00
15% contractor overhead 4517.70
Rate per Set Rs. 34,635.70 Grand Total Rs. 34635.70
Total A + B 25118.00
15% contractor overhead 3767.70
Rate per Set Rs. 28,885.70 Grand Total Rs. 28885.70
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of PRESSURE Gauge
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Pressure gauge nos 1 25000.00 25000.00
Total A + B 25118.00
15% contractor overhead 3767.70
Rate per Set Rs. 28,885.70 Grand Total Rs. 28885.70
Total A + B 30118.00
15% contractor overhead 4517.70
Rate per Set Rs. 34,635.70 Grand Total Rs. 34635.70