Attorney Sanitary Estimate R3

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Sanitary, Plumbing & Fire Fighting Works

Project : Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal

Location: Maitighar, Kathmandu

Description Amount w/o VAT VAT 13% Total Amount

Water Supply, Sanitation and Plumbing

17,723,948.93 2,304,113.00 20,028,061.93
2 Fire Fighting System 7,117,381.00 925,260.00 8,042,641.00
3 Deep tube well 2,933,220.00 381,319.00 3,314,539.00
4 Water Treatment Plant 1,115,000.00 144,950.00 1,259,950.00

Grand Total Rs. 28,889,549.93 3,755,642.00 32,645,191.93

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Analysis of Rates - Sanitary and Plumbing Works
Additional for new items

1 White glazed earthernware Wall-hung European water closet. unit 1 set.

S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 3.00 960.00 2,880.00
Unskilled md 3.00 700.00 2,100.00
Total - A 4,980.00
B Materials
White Glazed European water closet, bakelite seat
cover no 1.00 16,500.00 16,500.00
Screws, zinc oxide etc. Ls 50.00 50.00
Total - B 16,550.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 21,530.00
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 3,229.50
Total (A+B+C+D) : 24,759.50
Rate per set of White glazed earthernware wall-hung European water closet = 24,760.00

2 Stainless Steel Single bowl Janitor Sink complete set.

Unit 1 set.
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 2.00 960.00 1,920.00
Unskilled md 2.00 700.00 1,400.00
Total - A 3,320.00
B Materials
SS Janitor sink no 1.00 27,553.00 27,553.00
32 mm. SS bottle trap with
32 mm. CP waste coupling with
plug, stay and clain no 1.00 647.00 647.00
15mm. CP Sink cock swan neck no 1.00 5,565.00 5,565.00
15mm. PVC connector no 1.00 143.00 143.00
15 mm. CP Angular stop cock no 1.00 1,250.00 1,250.00
Screws, zinc oxide etc. Ls 200.00 200.00
Total - B 35,358.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 38,678.00
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 5,801.70
Total (A+B+C+D) : 44,479.70
Rate per set of SS Janitor sink= 44,480.00
3 5 mm thick Looking Mirror size 2500x450mm. unit 1 no.
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.70 960.00 672.00

Total - A 672.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 5116.50 5,116.50
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 5,416.50
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 6,088.50
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 913.28
Total (A+B+C+D) : 7,001.78
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Rate per set of 2500x450 looking mirror = 7,002.00

4 5 mm thick Looking Mirror size 1800x450mm. unit 1 no.

S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.60 960.00 576.00

Total - A 576.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 3683.88 3,683.88
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 3,983.88
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 4,559.88
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 683.98
Total (A+B+C+D) : 5,243.86
Rate per set of 1500x450 looking mirror = 5,244.00

5 5 mm thick Looking Mirror size 1500x450mm. unit 1 no.

S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.50 960.00 480.00

Total - A 480.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 3069.90 3,069.90
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 3,369.90
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 3,849.90
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 577.49
Total (A+B+C+D) : 4,427.39
Rate per set of 1500x450 looking mirror = 4,427.00

6 5 mm thick Looking Mirror size 600x450mm. unit 1 no.

S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.30 960.00 288.00

Total - A 288.00
B Materials
Looking mirror no 1.00 1227.96 1,227.96
Hinges, Screws LS 300.00 300.00
Total - B 1,527.96
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,815.96
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 272.39
Total (A+B+C+D) : 2,088.35
Rate per set of 600x450 looking mirror = 2,088.00
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7 110 mm. PVC Cleanout. Unit 1 no.
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.08 960.00 76.80
Unskilled md 0.10 700.00 70.00
Total - A 146.80
B Materials
110mm. PVC Cleanout no 1.00 990.00 990.00

Total - B 990.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,136.80
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 170.52
Total (A+B+C+D) : 1,307.32
Rate per set of 75mm PVC Cowl = 1,307.00


CPVC pipes SDR 11 with necessary specials, excavation and backfill for trenches,
making holes, repairing holes etc on walls or floor, testing and ready for operation.
65mm dia uPVC for cold water. Unit 1 rmt.
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled md 0.05 960.00 48.00
Unskilled md 0.05 700.00 35.00

Total - A 83.00
B Materials
65mm dia uPVC pipe rm 1.00 776.07 776.07
uPVC fittings 50% of pipe cost 388.04
Sundries @ 50% of fittings cost 194.02
Total - B 1,358.13
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 1,441.13
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 216.17
Total (A+B+C+D) : 1,657.30
Rate per rm of 65mm uPVC pipe = 1,657.00
9 Sand filling with compaction. Unit 10 cum
S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Unskilled nos 6.50 700.00 4,550.00
Total - A 4,550.00
B Materials
Sand filling with compaction. Unit 1 cum cum 11 3,104.64 34,151.04

Total - B 34,151.04
C Equipment @ 3% of labour cost 136.50
Total - C 136.50
Total (A+B+C) : 38,837.54
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 5,825.63
Total (A+B+C+D) : 44,663.17
Rate per cum= 4,466.00
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10 Electric Submersible sludge pump 75 lpm @ 8.6m head. Unit 1 set.

S.No. Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
A Labourers
Skilled nos 1.00 960.00 960.00
Unskilled nos 1.00 700.00 700.00
Total - A 1,660.00
B Materials
Submersible sludge pump 75 lpm @ 8.6m head (1
HP motor) no 1.00 36089.00 36,089.00

Total - B 36,089.00
C Equipment
Total - C -
Total (A+B+C) : 37,749.00
D Add 15% Contractor's OHP 5,662.35
Total (A+B+C+D) : 43,411.35
Rate per pump set = 43,411.00
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Gr external Riser gf Common GF lock up gf Common Disab. & Kids 1 to 6 Common 1 to 5 Common 1,2 fl Dist. Attorn. 1,2 fl Dist. Attorn. 1,2 fl Attorn. 2 fl Attorn. 2 fl Attorn. 3 fl Dist Attor

WH Commode VVIP
WH Commode Spl 2 6 4 1 1 2
WH Commode 4 2 3 1 36 25
Disabled Commode 1 1 6 5
Basin U/C 6 4 24 20
Basin w/h 2 2 2 6 4 1 1 2
Basin U/C HOT
Basin w/h HOT
Disabled Basin 0 0 1 6 5
Bib cock
Sink S/B 1 1 1 2
Sink D/B
Urinal 5 3 24 20
Div Plate 5 3 18 20
100mm CO 1 6 5
Multi Trap 8 2 7 2 60 45 2 6 4 1 1 2
Towel Rail 4 2 2 2 18 15 2 8 4 1 1 2
Soap dish 6 2 5 2 30 25 2
Soap Dispenser 2 6 4 1 1 2
Hand dryer 4 2 2 2 18 15 2 6 4 1 1 2
2500 Mirror 6
1800 Mirror 2 2 6 5
1500 Mirror 5
600 Mirror 2 2 2 6 5 2 6 4 1 1 2
200 s 25
160 S 459.2
110 S 126.7 684 15 7.8 13 22.6 39.6 73.5 3.6 23.2 11.8 1.4 2.6 2.3
75 WW 23 11.1 7 26.1 20 102.6 77.5 4.8 21 9 1.8 1.8 4.3
50 WW 11.2 1.2 11.2 0.6 42.6 37.5 1.2 7 2.4 0.6 0.6 1.2
110 rain inlet 9
110 cowl
75 cowl
65 CW CPVC 6
50 CW CPVC 9
40 CW CPVC 39
32 CW CPVC 39
25 CW CPVC 51 6.2 9.1 51 106.5 5.8 39.2
20 CW CPVC 175 16.3 10.9 21.8 20.5 133.8 1.8 11.6 14 2.4 1.2 5.5
15 CW CPVC 4.5
MH 18
WWC 21
RWC 14
SP 1
5000 L W/T 2
PUMP 100 LPM @ 36M 4 H 2
65 BV
50 BV
40 BV
32 BV
25 BV 2 1 1 1
20 BV 5 9 11 10
Solar 3 sets
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Janitor Sink 2 2 2
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3 fl Dist Attor 3 fl Attorn. 3 fl Dist Attor 4 Saha Nya 4 Nayab, Saha 5 fl Dist Attor 5 fl Dist Attor 6 fl Bed 6 fl Bed Terrace Total

2 1 3
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 33
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 37
2 1 3
6 6
1 1 7
1 1
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 160
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 81
1 1 74
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 36
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 79
4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 53
2 1 3
7.3 3.5 2.2 9.6 8.5 5.2 5.9 12.3 3.5 1194
6.6 2.5 3.1 8 9.9 6.2 6.3 12.5 4.9 407
2.4 0.6 1.2 1.8 1.2 2.4 0.6 15.5 1.2 159
7.9 15
33.9 47
20.5 65
9.5 53
23 321
7.7 15.5 6.4 17.1 20 27.6 15.4 87.7 673
1 2.3 1.2 1 11
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
1 1 1 6 14
8 7 9 59
3 3
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2 2 5 1 16
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Sanitary, Plumbing & Water Supply Works
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
Providing and fixing in position of all work items with all
necessary fittings complete with testing and ready for
operation as per drawings, specifications, manufacturer's
recommendations and instructions. The rate shall include for
position marking, maintain line, level or grade wherever
required, sand filling/compaction, earth cutting and
backfilling, cutting, chasing of walls, plasters or tiles etc. and
making good and touching up to restore to original conditions
wherever instructed and applicable for any of the items

Sanitaryware: Duravit/ Cotto/ Kohler or equivalent

CP Fixtures: Grohe/ Hansgrohe/ Schell or equivalent
SWR Pipes: Marvel/ Mangalam/ Hilltake or equivalent PVC

Cold Water Supply Pipe and fittings: Marvel/ Mangalam/

Hilltake or equivalent CPVC
Gun Metal Gate Valve: Leader/Zoloto or equivalent
Ball Valve: Marvel/ Mangalam/ Hilltake or equivalent
Pump: KSB/ Grundfos/ Wilo or equivalent

White glazed earthernware wall-hung European Water Closet
set size 355x545 mm with standard bakelite seat cover,
1 Set 36 24,760.00 891,360.00 **
bracket complete with testing and ready for operation (for
Residence, Attorney & Deputy Attorney)
White glazed earthernware wall-hung European Water Closet
set size 355x545 mm with standard bakelite seat cover,
2 Set 71 24,760.00 1,757,960.00 **
bracket complete with testing and ready for operation (for
Common Toilet)
White glazed earthernware floor mounted close coupled
European Water Closet for Differently abled set with standard
3 Set 13 19,984.70 259,801.10 *
bakelite seat cover, bracket complete with testing and ready
for operation
9 cm PVC Concealed flushing cistern with push plate and
4 Set 107 16,556.55 1,771,550.85 *
cover (Geberitt/Viega or equiv.)
White glazed earthernware Indian pattern Orissa Pan of size
580x440mm 'S' trap (White colour set) with low level
5 porcelaine flushing cistern, 32mm CP flush pipe with bend, Set 5 14,447.45 72,237.25 *
15 mm PVC connector with both ends couplings complete
with testing and ready for operation

White glazed earthernware under counter Hand wash basin

with 15 mm CP/PVC connector with both ends couplings,
6 Set 54 7,555.50 407,997.00 *
15mm CP single lever Pillar tap, 32mm PVC bottle trap,
waste coupling with testing and ready for operation

White glazed earthernware wall hung Hand wash basin for

Differently abled with grab bar, 15 mm CP/PVC connector
7 with both ends couplings, 15mm CP basin mixer, 32mm Set 13 32,298.90 419,885.70 *
PVC bottle trap, waste coupling with testing and ready for
operation (for Hot/Cold water)
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Sanitary, Plumbing & Water Supply Works
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)

White glazed earthernware wall hung Hand wash basin with

15 mm CP/PVC connector with both ends couplings, 15mm
8 Set 37 16,381.75 606,124.75 *
CP basin mixer, 32mm PVC bottle trap, waste coupling with
testing and ready for operation (for Hot/Cold water)

White glazed earthernware 630x500mm under counter Hand

wash basin with 15 mm CP/PVC connector with both ends
9 couplings, 15mm CP Basin Mixer, 32mm PVC bottle trap, Set 3 25,057.35 75,172.05 *
waste coupling with testing and ready for operation (for
Hot/Cold water)
Stainless steel double bowl kitchen sink (62"x8") with 15 mm
CP/PVC connector with both ends couplings, 15mm CP
10 Set 1 13,839.10 13,839.10 *
swivel sink cock, 32mm PVC bottle trap, waste coupling with
testing and ready for operation
Stainless steel single bowl kitchen sink (37"x8") with 15 mm
CP/PVC connector with both ends couplings, 15mm CP
11 Set 7 7,937.30 55,561.10 *
swivel sink cock, 32mm PVC bottle trap, waste coupling with
testing and ready for operation
Single bowl Stainless steel Janitor sink size 580x710x435
with 15 mm CP/PVC connector with both ends couplings,
12 15mm CP angular cock, 15mm CP swivel sink cock, 32mm Set 16 44,480.00 711,680.00 **
PVC bottle trap, waste coupling with testing and ready for
White glazed earthernware Wall-hung Large Flat back Urinal
13 (610x480x380mm) complete with sensor valve, testing and Set 52 10,315.50 536,406.00 *
ready for operation
Sensor for Urinal (battery operated) (Jaquar, Somany, Essel
14 Set 52 12,370.09 643,244.68 *
or equiv.)
15 White glazed earthernware Division Plate for Urinal Set 46 3,944.00 181,424.00 *
16 SS wall mixer (single control) with Shower arrangement Set 3 16,950.54 50,851.62 *
17 15mm CP Angle valve No 309 1,187.49 366,934.41 *
18 15mm CP swan neck pillar cock No 24 1,652.09 39,650.16 *
19 15mm CP pillar cock with aerator No 54 1,573.89 84,990.06 *
20 15mm CP sink mixer No 8 5,292.99 42,343.92 *
21 15mm CP basin mixer No 53 5,457.44 289,244.32 *
22 CP Toilet Paper Holder heavy No. 120 1,235.79 148,294.80 *
23 PU Soap Dish No. 74 1,365.74 101,064.76 *
24 SS wall mounted liquid Soap Dispenser No. 36 7,138.74 256,994.64 *
25 15mm CP Commode Spray with plastic head No. 120 1,730.75 207,690.00 *
26 600 mm CP Towel Rail Heavy No. 81 2,201.33 178,307.73 *
27 CP Grab Bar European pattern 600-900 mm long bend type No. 13 7,260.18 94,382.34 *
28 CP Grab Bar European pattern 300 mm long bend type No. 13 6,452.88 83,887.44 *
29 15 mm CP long body Bib Cock No. 11 1,686.59 18,552.49 *
Electric Hand Dryer (Chinese) complete with electrical cables
30 No. 79 8,360.04 660,443.16 *
and accessories
5 mm thick looking mirror of Modi or approved make with CP
mirror screws and clips.
2500 x 450mm No. 6 7,002.00 42,012.00 **
1800 x 450mm No. 15 5,244.00 78,660.00 **
1500 x 450mm No. 5 4,427.00 22,135.00 **
600 x 450mm No. 53 2,088.17 110,673.01 *
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Sanitary, Plumbing & Water Supply Works
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
32 PVC Multi-floor trap No. 160 523.94 83,830.40 *
33 Cockroach trap No. 160 600.00 96,000.00 **
34 110mm PVC Cleanout with cover (rodding point) No. 12 1,307.00 15,684.00 **

CPVC pipes SDR-11 including MS clamps and brackets,

nails and hooks, and all necessary CPVC/Brass specials
required for complete installation, cutting, jointing, sealing of
joints etc, installation of pipes and specials including making
holes and cutting grooves on walls or floor and repairing the
35 same to its original finish. Pipes to be installed on trenches or
walls or floor or duct as per drawings, specifications and
instructions, cleaning of the system, testing and ready for
operation. The rate shall include for all labour and materials
required. The measurement shall be done for running length,
fittings etc not payable seperately.

- 65 mm Rm 15 1,657.00 24,855.00 **
- 50 mm Rm 47 1,064.73 50,042.31 *
- 40 mm Rm 65 738.13 47,978.45 *
- 32 mm Rm 53 44.93 2,381.29 *
- 25 mm Rm 321 485.13 155,726.73 *
- 20 mm Rm 673 373.29 251,224.17 *
- 15 mm Rm 11 321.54 3,536.94 *
36 CPVC Ball Valve
- 40 mm No. 2 2,010.89 4,021.78 *
- 25 mm No. 2 797.64 1,595.28 *
- 20 mm No. 14 680.34 9,524.76 *
37 Gun metal Gate Valve
- 65 mm No. 2 13,608.41 27,216.82 *
- 50 mm No. 2 6,832.61 13,665.22 *
5000 litres capacity PVC/HDPE cyllindrical vertical water
38 storage tank complete with inter-connection, overflow, No. 2 72,144.10 144,288.20 *
washout and vents
300 litres capacity solar water heater with 3 solar collectors
size 1000x2000mm complete with thermostat, electric
39 No. 3 62,555.40 187,666.20 *
booster, stands, pipe connections, valves, testing and ready
for operation
Electric centrifugal water pump with motor of capacity 100
liters per minute at 36m head (approx. 3 HP motor) complete
40 with starter, electric cable, check valve, automatic pump Set 2 35,106.05 70,212.10 *
controller with high and low level sensors and cable etc. (one
set stand-by)
41 Motor starter switch (Crompton or equiv.) Set 1 4,320.55 4,320.55 *
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Sanitary, Plumbing & Water Supply Works
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)

PVC SWR (Soil, Waste, Rain) pipes with all necessary ring
gaskets, PVC fittings, including SS split clamps, hangers,
threaded rod, steel grip, cutting, jointing, sealing, installation
of pipes and specials including making holes and cutting
grooves on walls or floor and repairing the same to its
original finish. Pipes to be installed on trenches or walls or
floor or duct or hung to ceilings as per drawings,
specifications, manufacturer's recommendations,
instructions, cleaning of the system, testing and ready for
operation. The rate shall include for all labour and materials
required. The measurement shall be done for running length,
fittings etc not payable seperately.

- 110 mm ED 6 kg/sqcm Rm 1194 897.23 1,071,292.62 *

- 75 mm ED 6 kg/sqcm Rm 407 488.29 198,734.03 *
- 50 mm ED 6 kg/sqcm Rm 159 287.04 45,639.36 *
43 Earthwork excavation in pipe trench for laying external RCC
Hume Pipes in gravel boulder mixed hard soil
530x1x1 cum 530 727.00 385,310.00 **
44 Supply of RCC Hume pipe NP2 with collar and installation
including 1:4 cement mortar and jute
200 mm dia with collar Rm 25 1,582.51 39,562.75 *
150 mm dia with collar Rm 505 1,199.84 605,919.20 *
45 Backfilling with compaction for pipe trench
Same as per excavation cum 530 363.50 192,655.00 **
46 Construction of Soak Pit as per design and drawings No. 1 208,307.65 208,307.65 **
Construction of brick masonry manhole of internal diameter
600mm with 230mm thick brickwork in 1:4 cement mortar,
150 thick RCC 1:2:4 slab cover, 600mm dia CI Manhole
cover with frame (medium duty), cement plaster inside
Depth upto 1000 mm no. 6 27,856.31 167,137.86 **
Depth upto 750 mm no. 6 24,315.04 145,890.24 **
Depth upto 500 mm no. 6 20,773.17 124,639.02 **
Construction of brick masonry waste water chamber of
internal size 450x450mm with 230mm thick brickwork in 1:4
48 cement mortar, 150 thick RCC 1:2:4 slab cover, 450x450mm
CI manhole cover with frame (medium duty), cement plaster
inside, height varies from 300 to 1000mm
Depth upto 1000 mm no. 7 22,754.44 159,281.08 **
Depth upto 750 mm no. 7 19,226.77 134,587.39 **
Depth upto 500 mm no. 7 15,502.67 108,518.69 **
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Sanitary, Plumbing & Water Supply Works
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
Construction of brick masonry rain water inlet chamber of
internal size 450x450mm (internal height varies from 600 to
1500mm) with 230mm thick brickwork in 1:4 cement mortar,
100mm thick PCC M15 base, 150mm thick RCC M15 slab
cover, internal wall and floor finish with 12mm thick cement
plaster 1:4, 450x450mm dia CI Rain inlet cover with frame
(Medium duty), earthwork in excavation, backfilling and site
Depth upto 1000 mm no. 5 24,762.44 123,812.20 **
Depth upto 750 mm no. 5 21,234.77 106,173.85 **
Depth upto 500 mm no. 5 17,510.67 87,553.35 **

Construction of Recharge Pit made with RCC Rings 1200

50 mm dia and 6 m high complete with excavation, 150 thick Rm 6 7,026.50 42,159.00 *
RCC 1:2:4 slab cover, disposal of extra excavated material

Design, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of

51 PWTS-AM-600-01 Package Sewage Treatment Plant (PSTP) job 2 559,636.00 1,119,272.00 **
Sintex or equivalent brand.
52 Earthwork excavation for PWTS:
PWTS AM-600-01
2*3.14*3.27*3.27*2.5/4 cum 42 727.00 30,534.00 **
53 Sand packing with compaction around PWTS
PWTS AM-600-01
2*(3.14*3.27*3.27*2.5/4)-(3.14*2.07*2.07*2.5/4) cum 34 4,466.00 151,844.00 **

Supply and installation of Wilo or Pedrollo or equivalent

54 Submersible vortex pump of capacity 75 lpm @ 8.6m head, set 2 43,411.00 86,822.00 **
0.65 kW motor, to pump raw water from basement sump pit
Total Amount without VAT 17,723,948.93

* Marked rates are taken from DUDBC Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
** Marked rates are taken from New Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
Deep Tube Well (150 mm dia 250m deep)
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
1 Part A: Supply of Materials
1.1 150mm internal diameter mild steel electric resistant
welded (ERW) 5.4mm thick casing pipe m 208 3500 728,000.00
1.2 150mm internal diameter mild steel electric resistant

welded (ERW) 5.4mm thick sloted screen pipe m 42 4500 189,000.00

1.3 Well cap, bottom plug and centralizer lot 1 15000 15,000.00
1.4 50 mm GI heavy class pipes and fittings m 70 946 66,220.00
Sub Total -A 998,220.00
2 Part B: Construction Work
2.1 Mobilization and demobilization of rig machine,
Equipments and tools including erecting of drilling tower
and other preparation work job 1 150,000 150,000.00
2.2 Assembling, centralizing and sinking of 550mm dia
6.0m long Guide Pipe m 6 12,000 72,000.00
2.3 Drilling of pilot hole by 95/8" dia bit in clay and sand formation
m 250 3000 750,000.00
2.4 Reaming of pilot hole by 12"-14" and reconditioning of hole
m 250 1500 375,000.00
2.5 Electrical resistivity logging, designing of well job 1 15000 15,000.00
2.6 Installation works of 150 dia MS casing and screen pipes
m 250 400 100,000.00
2.7 Installation works of 50 dia GI discharge pipe with
sockets m 70 100 7,000.00
2.8 Natural gravel packing, well filter design including
cement grouting job 1 50000 50,000.00
2.9 Well development by bailer, air compressor and over
pumping job 1 72000 72,000.00
2.10 Pumping test job 1 54000 54,000.00
2.11 Water sampling and analysis job 1 10000 10,000.00
2.12 Submission of complete report set 3 10000 30,000.00
Sub Total -B 1,685,000.00
3 Part C: Pump
3.1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
electrical Submersible pump of capacity 180 to 200 lpm
@ 76m head, 5.5 kW motor, complete with pump
control panel, electric cables etc. to pump raw water
from well to raw water reservoir set 1 250000 250,000.00
Sub Total -C 250,000.00
Total -A+B +C 2,933,220.00
Fire Fighting System
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
1 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Horizontal
centrifugal type MOTOR DRIVEN FIRE PUMP SET of
capacity 137 M3/hr at 60 MWC. along with followings
strictly as per Technical Specification:
a) Suitable rated Motor of 415 V / 50 Hz / 3 phase
supply, Continuous duty,
b) Common base plate,
c) Coupling,
d) Coupling guard,
e) Foundation Bolts
f) Nuts, bolts, fittings etc. (as required to complete in all
g) Auto air release valve Set 1 608,177.50 608,177.50 **
2 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Vertical in-
capacity 11 M3/hr at 60 MWC. along with followings
strictly as per Technical Specification:
Electrical motor driven Jockey pump -Vertical-in-line
type centrifugal pump complete with mechnical seal,
coupling, coupling guard (Zero access type), anti-
vibration mounting, foundation bolts.The pump shall be
coupled to Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC type of
Efficiency 1(IE2), IP55 of suitable HP and speed as per
technical specification. Complete set shall be mounted
on common base frame for operation of 415 volts+/-
10%, 3 phase, 50 HZ +/- 5% A.C supply. Set 1 232,587.50 232,587.50 **
3 Fire Control panel metal clad type suitable for 415 V AC
3 phase 4 wire 50 Hz supply system. The panel sould
be suitable for manual and automatic operation of Main
fire pump (approx. 55 kw), Jockey Pump (Approx. 5.5
kw) (To run automatically in case of power failure)
complete with push button type water level guards, auto
starting system, having Ammeter, Voltmeter, MCCB
Aluminium Bus Bars, continuous earth bar, panel
seperators, protective screens, cable clamping support
system, top/bottom cable gland plates for incoming and
outgoing cable entries as per details given below: Set 1 283,187.50 283,187.50 **
400A 35 KA TPN MCCB with rotary handle -1 no
A set of 600A 415V 50 Hz 3 Pha 4 wire aluminium
Instruments for Incomer:
Fire Fighting System
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
A set of instrumentation with a set of Current
transformer 250/50A with Ammeter 0-251A, Selector
Switch, Voltmeter 0-500V with selector wsitch and a set
of phase RYB indicating with HRC fuses
Instruments on Outgoings:
A set of instrumentation with selector switch and current
transformer for each pump
Indication lights for ON-OFF indication for each fire
4 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Rubber
Expansion bellows suitable for suction line of above
pumps. Manufacturer's certificates of complience
should be submitted before delivery.
a. 150 NB No. 2 48,371.88 96,743.76 **
b. 80 NB No. 2 14,955.75 29,911.50 **
5 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of SLUICE
VALVE, PN-1.6 with companion flanges, gaskets & nuts
and bolts.
a. 150 NB Nos. 2 51,328.07 102,656.14 **
b. 80 NB Nos. 2 21,700.10 43,400.20 **
6 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of NON
RETURN VALVE with companion flanges, gaskets &
nuts and bolts.
a. 150 NB Nos. 1 92,807.88 92,807.88 **
b. 80 NB Nos. 1 29,779.25 29,779.25 **
7 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of
HORIZONTAL CHECK VALVE with companion flanges,
gaskets & nuts and bolts.
a) 150 NB Nos. 1 40,569.13 40,569.13 **
8 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Y- type
strainer for Suction line with companion flanges,
gaskets & nuts and bolts.
a) 150 NB Nos. 1 90,295.13 90,295.13 **
a) 80 NB Nos. 1 37,291.05 37,291.05 **
9 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of LEVEL
SWITCH For Reservoir Nos. 1 34,635.70 34,635.70 **
10 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of

PRESSURE SWITCH with all accessories like root

valves, 3way gauge valve, damping coil etc as detailed

in Technical Specification & Drawings for Pumping

System. RT Model of INDFOSS makes, suitable to

high-pressure line. To be mounted on water line for

auto start – stop of fire pump. Nos. 2 28,885.70 57,771.40 **

Fire Fighting System
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
11 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of
PRESSURE GAUGE with all accessories like root
valves, 3way gauge valve, damping coil etc as detailed
in Technical Specification & Drawings. The scale shall
be in metric units. Accuracy shall be 1.0 percent of full-
scale range or better conforming to IS: 3624. Nos. 2 28,885.70 57,771.40 **
12 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of
VACCUM GAUGE with all accessories like root valves,
3way gauge valve, damping coil etc as detailed in
Technical Specification & Drawings. The scale shall be
in metric units. Accuracy shall be 1.0 percent of full-
scale range or better conforming to IS: 3624-1979/
Equivalent. Nos. 2 34,635.70 69,271.40 **
13 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of POWER
CABLE (AI) from switchgear panel to motors complete
with glands, lugs etc. Lot 1 Lump Sum 25,000.00 **
14 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of
CONTROL CABLE from various instruments to
composite panel.
a. 2C x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 30 105.00 3,150.00 **
b. 12C x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 30 431.00 12,930.00 **
15 Schedule 40 Seamless MS pipes ASTM-A-106 grade
B/SA-1 (IS:12395 53/ API) and Heavy Class MS
(Forged) fittings such as Reducers, Tees, elbows,
flanges; including cutting, Welding, fixing in/ on walls,
ceiling by using suitable supports with suitable type of
supports, anchor fasteners, bolts nuts (Galvanised),
clamps, "U" bolts, etc, as per drawings and technical
specification complete with paintins. All pipework shall
be painted with two coats of enamel paint of fire red
shade over a coat of primer

a. 150 NB Mtr 88 16,758.38 1,474,737.44 **

b. 100 NB Mtr 64 9,645.05 617,283.20 *
c. 80 NB Mtr 139 8,138.55 1,131,258.45 *
d. 25 NB Mtr 14 1,885.14 26,391.96 **
16 Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of STEEL
STRUCTURE For Pipe Support as detailed in technical
specification & drawings for pump house kg 305 110.00 33,550.00 **
TOTAL OF SUB HEAD – I 5,231,158.00
Single headed landing valve with hose reel all complete
Sets 14 38,426.10 537,965.40 *
3 Supply and fixing of swinging HOSE REEL & S.S. Bend
pipe, 20 mm dia. Bore reinforced rubber of length 36
mtrs. Length fitted with 6.35 mm nozzle. The hose reel
shall be recessed swinging type, inclusive of
connection with hydrant riser pipe through one 25 mm.
NB Gate Valve. Sets 14 28,681.00 401,534.00 *
Fire Fighting System
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
4 Gun metal WATER BRANCH PIPE WITH NOZZLE. Sets 14 9,593.88 134,314.32 **
5 AIR RELEASE VALVE Set. 2 9,846.88 19,693.76 **
6 M.S.HOSE BOX (INTERNAL). Nos. 14 31,438.13 440,133.82 **
7 M.S.HOSE BOX (EXTERNAL). Nos. 1 20,728.75 20,728.75 **
MM SIZE MANIFOLD . Set 1 32,343.75 32,343.75 **
a) 150 NB Nos 1 21,950.63 21,950.63 **
b) 80 NB Nos 1 14,173.75 14,173.75 **
10 Protection of underground pipes using Pypkote Rm 97 394.45 38,261.65 **
11 Earthwork excavation in pipe trench for MS pipes in
gravel boulder mixed hard soil cum 87 727.00 63,249.00 **
12 Backfilling with well compaction in pipe trench with
excavated material cum 87 363.50 31,624.50 **
TOTAL OF SUB HEAD – II 1,755,974.00
1 Supply and fixing of Fire Extinguishers as indicated
in the drawings
a. Type ABC -5 kg (Minimax, eversafe or equiv) Nos 14 9,303.50 130,249.00 *
TOTAL OF SUB HEAD – III 130,249.00
Grand Total I + II + III 7,117,381.00

* Marked rates are taken from DUDBC Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
** Marked rates are taken from New Rate analysis for Kathmandu for FY 2075/076
Water Treatment Plant 6000 LPH
Sarkari & Bishesh Wakil Office of Attorney General of Nepal, Maitighar

Item Rate Amount

Description of Works Unit Quantity
No. (NPR) (NPR)
Design, Supply, delivery and installation of 6000 lph
capacity Water Treatment Plant

All vessels to be initially packed with required quantity

of filter media including supplying, commissioning,
testing and operation of the whole Water Treatment
Plant and training to the Operators. Treated water
quality must be as per NDWQS standard.

1 Closed Aeration system of capacity 6000 lph with vessel

of size 2' dia x 8' HOS with necessary MS stand, air
blower/ compressor all complete 1.00 set 180,000.00 180,000.00
2 Electronic Dosing system with chemical dosing tank 200
liters HDPE 3.00 set 22,000.00 66,000.00
3 FRP Iron Removal Filter with multiport valve of capacity
6000 lph alongwith necessary piping and activated
media all complete. Size of filter: 36"x72". Mixed bed
sand media consisting of the following : i) Gravel ii)
Pebbles iii) Quartz Sand iv) Anthracite. Average
porisity 50 micron
1.00 set 220,000.00 220,000.00
4 MS Multimedia Filter with multiport valve of capacity
6000 lph for 4 hour working operation alongwith
necessary piping and activated media all complete. Size
of filter: 36"x72". Vessel packing with Graded sand,
coarse silex, mesh sand 1.00 set 290,000.00 290,000.00
5 FRP Activated Carbon Filter with multiport valve of
capacity 6000 lph alongwith necessary piping and
activated media all complete. Size of filter: 36"x72".
Vessel packing with Coarse Silex, Activated Carbon,
mesh sand 1.00 set 220,000.00 220,000.00
6 Filter Feed and backwash pump 6000 lph 2.00 set 27,000.00 54,000.00
7 Electric Control Panel complete set for efficient
operation of above WTP and all pumps 1.00 set 55,000.00 55,000.00
8 Testing, Commissioning of Complete Plant, Training to
Operator, Hand-over of WTP, submission of Operation Job 1 30,000.00 30,000.00
NOTE: Complete set includes all necessary pipes and
fittings (CPVC, PVC) for inlet, outlet, overflow, washout
connections. Limit of works will be from the INLET of
Total Amount without VAT 1,115,000.00
Manholes and Chambers


A Construction of 600 mm dia Brick Manhole
as per drawing, specification and
1m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 1.10 0.92 cu.m. 727.00 668.84
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03
0.05 cu.m. 20216.00 1,010.80
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 sq.m. 1185.00 35.55
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 1 3.14*0.83 0.23 0.90 0.54 cu.m. 20370.00 10,999.80
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 1 3.14*0.60 0.90 1.70
1 3.14*0.60*0.60/4 0.28
1.98 sq.m. 710.00 1,405.80
9 CI manhole cover 600 mm dia with square
frame (IS:1726) 70 kg 1 1.00 set 10846.00 10,846.00
Total 27,856.31
B Construction of 450x450 mm Brick
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
1m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 1.10 0.91 cu.m. 727.00 661.57
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.90 0.56 cu.m. 20370.00 11,407.20
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.90 1.62
1 0.45 0.45 0.20
1.82 sq.m. 710.00 1,292.20
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 31 kg 1 1.00 set 5284.00 5,284.00
Total 22,754.44
C Construction of 450x450 mm Rainwater
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
1m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 1.10 0.91 cu.m. 727.00 661.57
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.90 0.56 cu.m. 20370.00 11,407.20
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.90 1.62 0.00
1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.00
1.82 sq.m. 710.00 1,292.20
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 45 kg 1 1.00 set 7292.00 7,292.00
Total 24,762.44
D Construction of 600 mm dia Brick Manhole
as per drawing, specification and
0.75m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.85 0.71 cu.m. 727.00 516.17
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 sq.m. 1185.00 35.55
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 1 3.14*0.83 0.23 0.65 0.39 cu.m. 20370.00 7,944.30
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 1 3.14*0.60 0.65 1.22 0.00
1 3.14*0.60*0.60/4 0.28 0.00
1.50 sq.m. 710.00 1,065.00
9 CI manhole cover 600 mm dia with square
frame (IS:1726) 70 kg 1 1.00 set 10846.00 10,846.00
Total 24,315.04
E Construction of 450x450 mm Brick
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
0.75m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.70 cu.m. 727.00 508.90
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.65 0.41 cu.m. 20370.00 8,351.70
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.65 1.17 0.00
1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.00
1.37 sq.m. 710.00 972.70
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 31 kg 1 1.00 set 5284.00 5,284.00
Total 19,226.77
F Construction of 450x450 mm Rainwater
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
0.75m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.70 cu.m. 727.00 508.90
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.65 0.41 cu.m. 20370.00 8,351.70
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.65 1.17 0.00
1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.00
1.37 sq.m. 710.00 972.70
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 45 kg 1 1.00 set 7292.00 7,292.00
Total 21,234.77
G Construction of 600 mm dia Brick Manhole
as per drawing, specification and
0.5m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.60 0.50 cu.m. 727.00 363.50
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 3.14*1.03*1.03/4 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 sq.m. 1185.00 35.55
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 1 3.14*0.83 0.23 0.40 0.24 cu.m. 20370.00 4,888.80
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 1 3.14*0.60 0.40 0.75 0.00
1 3.14*0.60*0.60/4 0.28 0.00
1.03 sq.m. 710.00 731.30
9 CI manhole cover 600 mm dia with square
frame (IS:1726) 70 kg 1 1.00 set 10846.00 10,846.00
Total 20,773.17
H Construction of 450x450 mm Brick
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
0.5m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 0.60 0.50 cu.m. 727.00 363.50
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.40 0.25 cu.m. 20370.00 5,092.50
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.40 0.72 0.00
1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.00
0.92 sq.m. 710.00 653.20
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 31 kg 1 1.00 set 5284.00 5,284.00
Total 15,502.67
I Construction of 450x450 mm Rainwater
Chamber as per drawing, specification
and instruction
0.5m depth
1 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 1 0.91 0.91 0.60 0.50 cu.m. 727.00 363.50
2 Dry flat brick soling 1 0.91 0.91 0.83 sq.m. 1148.00 952.84
3 PCC 1:3:6 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 cu.m. 14490.00 1,159.20
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.08 0.00
Deduct manhole cover 1 3.14*0.6*0.6/4 0.10 0.03 0.00
0.05 cu.m. 20370.00 1,018.50
5 Steel reinforcement @ 1.50% of RCC work 5.89 kg. 132.00 777.48
6 Form works 2 0.91 0.91 0.10 0.17 sq.m. 1185.00 201.45
7 230 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:4 4 0.68 0.23 0.40 0.25 cu.m. 20370.00 5,092.50
8 Cement plaster (1:4) 4 0.45 0.40 0.72 0.00
1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.00
0.92 sq.m. 710.00 653.20
9 CI manhole cover 675x675 mm with square
frame 45 kg 1 1.00 set 7292.00 7,292.00
Total 17,510.67
J Construction of soakpit - for 1 job
1 Earth work in excavation 1 3.14*3.02*3.02/4 2.6 18.61 cum 727.00 13,529.47
2 Coarse sand filling 1 3.14*3.02*3.02/4-3.14*2.42*2.42/4 5.64 cu.m. 4,466.00 25,188.24
3 Graded stone gravel filling 1 3.14*3.02*3.02/4-3.14*2.42*2.42/4 5.64 cu.m. 1,650.00 9,306.00
4 R.C.C. 1:1.5:3 1 3.14*2.42*2.42/4*.1 0.46 cu.m. 20,370.00 9,370.20
5 Steel reinforcement 1 54.17 kg 132.00 7,150.44
6 Form works 1 3.14*2.42*2.42/4*.1 4.60 sq.m. 1,185.00 5,451.00
7 375/250 thick brick work in cement mortar 1:6 1 3.14*1.96*.46*2.4 6.79 cu.m. 20,370.00 138,312.30
Total 208,307.65
Analysis of Rates - Fire Fighting Works
960 765 700
### Supply and Installation of MS Seamless schedule 40 pipes including haulage.
a. 150 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 3 960.00 2880.00
semi skilled nos 3 765.00 2295.00
un skilled nos 6 700.00 4200.00
150mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 9200.00 276000.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 69000.00
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 41400.00
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 41400.00
Total A + B 437175.00
15% contractor overhead 65576.25
Rate per Rm Rs. 16,758.38 Grand Total Rs. 502751.25

b. 100 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 2 960.00 1920.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 4 700.00 2800.00
100mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 5275.50 158265.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 39566.25
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 23739.75
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 23739.75
Total A + B 251560.75
15% contractor overhead 37734.11
Rate per Rm Rs. 9,643.16 Grand Total Rs. 289294.86

c. 80 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
80mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 4457.00 133710.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 33427.50
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 20056.50
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 20056.50
Total A + B 212320.50
15% contractor overhead 31848.08
Rate per Rm Rs. 8,138.95 Grand Total Rs. 244168.58

d. 25 mm dia. Unit 30 Rm
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.5 960.00 480.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 1.5 700.00 1050.00
25mm dia MS Pipe heavy class Rm 30 1000.00 30000.00
B. Materials MS Fittings @ 25% of pipe cost 7500.00
Welding rods @ 15% of pipe cost 4500.00
Painting @ 15% of pipe cost 4500.00
Total A + B 49177.50
15% contractor overhead 7376.63
Rate per Rm Rs. 1,885.14 Grand Total Rs. 56554.13
### Supply and Installation of CI flanged joint Valves. Unit 1 Set.
a. 150 mm dia Sluice Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
150mm dia Sluice Valve No 1 33288.00 33288.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 1664.40
Painting @ 15% of cost of fitting 4993.20
Total A + B 44633.10
15% contractor overhead 6694.97
Rate per Set Rs. 51,328.07 Grand Total Rs. 51328.07

b. 50 mm dia Sluice Valve. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
50mm dia Sluice Valve No 1 9132.00 9132.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 456.60
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 913.20
Total A + B 13626.80
15% contractor overhead 2044.02
Rate per Set Rs. 15,670.82 Grand Total Rs. 15670.82

c. 80 mm dia Sluice Valve. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
80mm dia Sluice Valve No 1 13691.00 13691.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 684.55
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 1369.10
Total A + B 18869.65
15% contractor overhead 2830.45
Rate per Set Rs. 21,700.10 Grand Total Rs. 21700.10

d. 100 mm dia Sluice Valve. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
100mm dia Sluice Valve No 1 18250.00 18250.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 912.50
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 1825.00
Total A + B 24112.50
15% contractor overhead 3616.88
Rate per Set Rs. 27,729.38 Grand Total Rs. 27729.38
e. 150 mm dia Non-Return Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
150mm dia Non-Return Valve No 1 66100.00 66100.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 3305.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 6610.00
Total A + B 80702.50
15% contractor overhead 12105.38
Rate per Set Rs. 92,807.88 Grand Total Rs. 92807.88

f. 80 mm dia Non-Return Valve. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
80mm dia Non-Return Valve No 1 19800.00 19800.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 990.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 1980.00
Total A + B 25895.00
15% contractor overhead 3884.25
Rate per Set Rs. 29,779.25 Grand Total Rs. 29779.25

g. 150 mm dia Check Valve. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
250mm dia Check Valve No 1 26600.00 26600.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 1330.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 2660.00
Total A + B 35277.50
15% contractor overhead 5291.63
Rate per Set Rs. 40,569.13 Grand Total Rs. 40569.13

h. 150 mm dia Y-Strainer. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
250mm dia Y-Strainer No 1 64200.00 64200.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 3210.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 6420.00
Total A + B 78517.50
15% contractor overhead 11777.63
Rate per Set Rs. 90,295.13 Grand Total Rs. 90295.13
i. 80 mm dia Y-Strainer. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
100mm dia Y-Strainer No 1 25480.00 25480.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 1274.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 2548.00
Total A + B 32427.00
15% contractor overhead 4864.05
Rate per Set Rs. 37,291.05 Grand Total Rs. 37291.05

j. 150 mm dia Rubber expansion bellow. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
200mm dia Flexible Coupling No 1 32500.00 32500.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 1625.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 3250.00
Total A + B 42062.50
15% contractor overhead 6309.38
Rate per Set Rs. 48,371.88 Grand Total Rs. 48371.88

k. 80 mm dia Rubber expansion bellow. Unit 1 Set

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 1 700.00 700.00
100mm dia Flexible Coupling No 1 9200.00 9200.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 460.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 920.00
Total A + B 13005.00
15% contractor overhead 1950.75
Rate per Set Rs. 14,955.75 Grand Total Rs. 14955.75

### Supply and Installation of GM Gate Valves. Unit 1 Set.

25 mm dia Gate Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.1 960.00 96.00
semi skilled nos 0.1 765.00 76.50
un skilled nos 0.2 700.00 140.00
25mm dia GM Gate Valve No 1 2100.00 2100.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 210.00
Total A + B 2622.50
15% contractor overhead 393.38
Rate per Set Rs. 3,015.88 Grand Total Rs. 3015.88
### Supply and Installation of GM Air Release Valves. Unit 1 Set.
25 mm dia Air Release Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.1 960.00 96.00
semi skilled nos 0.1 765.00 76.50
un skilled nos 0.2 700.00 140.00
25mm dia Air release Valve No 1 7500.00 7500.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 750.00
Total A + B 8562.50
15% contractor overhead 1284.38
Rate per Set Rs. 9,846.88 Grand Total Rs. 9846.88

### Supply and Installation of Branch Pipe. Unit 1 Set.

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.1 960.00 96.00
semi skilled nos 0.1 765.00 76.50
un skilled nos 0.2 700.00 140.00
Branch pipe No 1 7300.00 7300.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 730.00
Total A + B 8342.50
15% contractor overhead 1251.38
Rate per Set Rs. 9,593.88 Grand Total Rs. 9593.88

### Supply and Installation of Landing Valves. Unit 1 Set.

b. 63 mm dia Landing Valve with Fire Department Connection. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
63mm dia 2-way Landing Valve No 1 25000.00 25000.00

Total A + B 28125.00
15% contractor overhead 4218.75
Rate per Set Rs. 32,343.75 Grand Total Rs. 32343.75

### Supply and Installation of 16 gauge MS Hose Cabinet 750x600x250mm with stand. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
MS Hose Cabinet with paint No 1 12400.00 12400.00
MS Stand No 1 2500.00 2500.00
Total A + B 18025.00
15% contractor overhead 2703.75
Rate per Set Rs. 20,728.75 Grand Total Rs. 20728.75

### Supply and Installation of 16 gauge MS Hose Cabinet 1500x750x450mm. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
MS Hose Cabinet with paint No 1 22650.00 22650.00

Total A + B 27337.50
15% contractor overhead 4100.63
Rate per Set Rs. 31,438.13 Grand Total Rs. 31438.13
### Supply and Installation of MS Pressure Tank 450mm dia 2000mm high. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
MS Pressure Tank with paint No 1 225000.00 225000.00
MS Stand, connection provision No 1 2000.00 2000.00
Total A + B 230125.00
15% contractor overhead 34518.75
Rate per Set Rs. 264,643.75 Grand Total Rs. 264643.75

### Supply and Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pump 2300 lpm @ 60m head. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 6 960.00 5760.00
semi skilled nos 6 765.00 4590.00
un skilled nos 10 700.00 7000.00
Electric Centrifugal Fire Pump of
capacity 2300 lpm at 60m head,
approx. 37 kW motor with paint No 1 511500.00 511500.00

Total A + B 528850.00
15% contractor overhead 79327.50
Rate per Set Rs. 608,177.50 Grand Total Rs. 608177.50

### Supply and Installation of Jockey Pump 180 lpm @ 60m head. Unit 1 Set.
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 2 960.00 1920.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 4 700.00 2800.00
Electric Centrifugal Jockey Pump of
capacity 180 lpm at 60m head, approx.
5.5 kW motor with paint No 1 196000.00 196000.00

Total A + B 202250.00
15% contractor overhead 30337.50
Rate per Set Rs. 232,587.50 Grand Total Rs. 232587.50

### Supply and Installation of CI flanged joint Valves. Unit 1 Set.

a. 150 mm dia Butterfly Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1.5 960.00 1440.00
semi skilled nos 1.5 765.00 1147.50
un skilled nos 3 700.00 2100.00
150mm dia Butterfly Valve No 1 12000.00 12000.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 600.00
Painting @ 15% of cost of fitting 1800.00
Total A + B 19087.50
15% contractor overhead 2863.13
Rate per Set Rs. 21,950.63 Grand Total Rs. 21950.63
b. 80 mm dia Butterfly Valve. Unit 1 Set
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 1 960.00 960.00
semi skilled nos 1 765.00 765.00
un skilled nos 2 700.00 1400.00
80mm dia Butterfly Valve No 1 8000.00 8000.00
B. Materials Nuts, bolts, washers @ 5% of cost of fitting 400.00
Painting @ 10% of cost of fitting 800.00
Total A + B 12325.00
15% contractor overhead 1848.75
Rate per Set Rs. 14,173.75 Grand Total Rs. 14173.75

### Supply and Installation of Control Panel. Unit 1 Set.

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 2 960.00 1920.00
semi skilled nos 2 765.00 1530.00
un skilled nos 4 700.00 2800.00
Metal clad type Fire Control Panel No 1 240000.00 240000.00

Total A + B 246250.00
15% contractor overhead 36937.50
Rate per Set Rs. 283,187.50 Grand Total Rs. 283187.50

### Protection of underground pipes using Pypkote. Unit 1 Rm.

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Pypkote sqm 0.5 450.00 225.00

Total A + B 343.00
15% contractor overhead 51.45
Rate per Set Rs. 394.45 Grand Total Rs. 394.45

Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of LEVEL SWITCH For Reservoir

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Level Switch nos 1 30000.00 30000.00

Total A + B 30118.00
15% contractor overhead 4517.70
Rate per Set Rs. 34,635.70 Grand Total Rs. 34635.70

Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of PRESSURE SWITCH

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Pressure Switch nos 1 25000.00 25000.00

Total A + B 25118.00
15% contractor overhead 3767.70
Rate per Set Rs. 28,885.70 Grand Total Rs. 28885.70
Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of PRESSURE Gauge
Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Pressure gauge nos 1 25000.00 25000.00

Total A + B 25118.00
15% contractor overhead 3767.70
Rate per Set Rs. 28,885.70 Grand Total Rs. 28885.70

Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Vacuum gauge

Particulars Level Unit Qty Rate Total Amount
A. Labour skilled nos 0.05 960.00 48.00
un skilled nos 0.1 700.00 70.00
Vacuum gauge nos 1 30000.00 30000.00

Total A + B 30118.00
15% contractor overhead 4517.70
Rate per Set Rs. 34,635.70 Grand Total Rs. 34635.70

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