10participatory Rural Appraisal
10participatory Rural Appraisal
10participatory Rural Appraisal
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ISBN 0-7069-8466-8
The Problematic
1. Rural A p p r a i s a l : Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory
( R O B E R T C H A M B E R S , Professor, Institule of Development Studies,
University ofSussex, U.K.)
Some Sources of PRA
From RRA to PRA
Definition of PRA
The Principies of PRA
The Menú of Methods of RRA and PRA 12
Six'Discoveries'ofPRA 14
Utility: Practical Applications 21
Validity and Reliability 24
Reversáis and Reality 29
Explaining Our Past Ignorance 35
Dangers 36
Frontiers, Challengers and Potentials 38
The Paradigmatic S ignificance of PRA 48
Abbreviations and Addresses 50
Appendix-A Sources of Information 59
Appendix-B PRA: Start, Stumble, Self-Correct and Share 62
2. Micro-Level Planning for Rural D e v e l o p m e n t and Participatory
Rural Appraisal Techniques: Similarities & Potential. 64
( A M I T A V A M U K H E R J E E , Professor & Faculty Co-ordinator,
Centre for Micro-Planning and Regional Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri
National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie)
Introduction 64
Micro-Level Planning in the Present Decade 65
Relevance of PRA Tools to Local Planning 65
Comparison and Training Implications 74
Chapter 1
he past decade has witnessed more shifts in the rhetoric of rural development
than in its practice. These shifts include the now familiar reversáis from top-
down to bottom-up, from centralised standardization to local diversity, and
from blueprint to learning process. Linked with these, there have also been small
beginnings of changes in modes of learning. The move here is away from extractive
survey questionnaires and towards participatory appraisal and analysis in which more
and more the activities previously appropriated by outsiders are instead carried out by
local rural or urban people themselves.
In these changes, a part has been played by two closely related families of
approaches and of methods, often referred to as Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) which
spread in the 1980s, and its further evolution into Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
which has come about fast and begun to spread in the 1990s. The purposes of this
paper are to outline the origins, principies, approaches, methods and applications of
both RRA and PRA; and for PRA, to explore and assess its strengths, weaknesses,
potentials and paradigmatic significance.
to share, enhance and analyse their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and to
PRA as it exists in the early 1990s has evolved from, draws on, and resonates
with, several sources and traditions. Some of its methods do appear to be new; but
some have been rediscoveries (see for example some described in Whyte 1977; Pelto
and Pelto 1978; and Rhoades 1990). In understanding what has happened, it makes no
sense to try to separate out causes, effects, innovations, influences and diffusion as
though they follow straight lines. In a world of continuously quicker and closer
communication, transfers and sharing have become more and more rapid and
untraceable. So these sources and traditions have, like flows in a braided stream,
intermingled more and more over the past decade, and each also continúes in several
forms; but directly or indirectly all have contributed to a confluence in PRA; and as
with other confluences, the flow has speeded up, and innovation and change have
accelerated to cover new ground.
Five streams which stand out as sources and parallels to PRA are, in alphabetical
1. activist participatory research,
2. agroeco system analysis,
3. applied anthropology,
4. field research on farming systems, and
5. rapid rural appraisal.
G jvernment were intercepted by the local elite. In the United States, the Highlander
Centre in rural Appalachia has worked to enable underprivileged communities to gain
confidence in their own knowledge and abilities, and to take political action (Gaventa
and Lewis 1991).
For its part, participatory action research (PAR) has been parallel and overlapping
with participatory research, and has had strong associations with industry and
agriculture (Whyte 1991).
Activist participatory research has taken different forms and has been practised by
people with a range of ideological positions, from radical crypto-paternalism to open-
ended facilitation. Its special focus on the underprivileged and on political action has
threatened established interests, whether political or professional, and limited its
spread. In practice, much PRA has similarly been concerned with poverty and equity.
The contributions of the activist participatory research stream to PRA have been
more through concepts than methods. Key commonly shared ideas and imperatives
that stand out are:
(a) poor people are creative and capable, and can and should do much of their
own investigation, analysis and planning.
(b) outsiders have a role as convenors, catalysts and facilitators, and
(c) the weak should be empowered.
3. diagramming (seasonal calendars, flow and causal diagrams, bar charts, Venn
or 'chapad' diagrams), and
4. innovation assessment (scoring and ranking different actions).
(Gilbert et. al. 1980; Shaner et. al. 1982; FSSP 1987) systematized methods for
investigating, understanding, and prescribing for farming system complexity, but
sometimes got bogged down in ponderous surveys and data overload.
A parallel stream of research drew attention to farmer's capabilities. Stephen
Biggs in describing 'informal R&D' (1980), Paul Richards in his classic Indigenous
Agricultural Revolution (1985), and Roland Bunch in Two Ears of Corn (1985) were
among those who showed and recognized that farmers were cxpcrimenters. Farmers'
participation in agricultural research became a focus (e.g. Farrington 1988; Farrington
and Martin 1988; Chambers, Pacey and Thrupp 1989; Ashby 1990). Clive Lightfoot
and his colleagues pioneered analytical and flow diagramming by farmers (e.g.
Lightfoot et al. 1991). In the latter 1980s and early 1990s it has been increasingly
recognized that farmers should and could play a much greater part in agricultural
So field research on farming systems contributed especially to the appreciation
and understanding of:
the complexity, diversity and risk-proneness of many farming systems,
the knowledge, professionalism and rationality of small and poor farmers,
their experimental mindset and behaviour, and
their ability to conduct their own analyses.
and write up, inaccurate and unreliable in data obtained, leading to reports, if any,
which were long, late, boring, misleading, difficult to use, and anyway ignored.
The third origin was more positive. More cost-effective methods of learning were
sought. This was helped by the growing recognition of development professionals to
the painfully obvious fact that rural people were themselves knowledgeable on many
subjects which touched their lives. What became known as indigenous technical
knowledge (ITK) (IDS 1979; Brokensha, Warren and Werner 1980) was then
increasingly seen to have richness and valué for practical purposes. One major
question, as it seemed then, was how to tap ITK more effectively, as a source of
information for analysis and use by outsider professionals.
Towards the end of the 1970s, though most of those professionals who were
inventing and using methods which were quicker and more cost-effective than
'respectable' questionnaire surveys, were reluctant to write about what they did,
fearing for their professional credibility. They felt compelled to conform to standard
statistical norms, however costly and crude their applications, and obliged in their
reports and publications to use conventional methods, categories and masseurs. In a
classic statement, Michael Collinson (1980) described how he would take only a week
to conduct an exploratory survey to identify agricultural research priorities, but would
then feel obliged to follow this with a formal verification survey which represented the
major commitment of professional time and funds. This more costly exercise had
always confirmed the exploratory survey but the numbers which this formal survey
provides are the only hard evidence produced by the diagnostic process. This is
extremely important in convincing 'the Establishment' (ibid.:444). To convince, the
researcher had to be conservative; but the process was costly and decisions and action
were delayed.
In the 1980s, in some places, the situation was transformed. The family of
approaches and methods known as Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) gained increasing
acceptance. It began to be seen that it had its own principies and rigour (Chambers
1980; Belshaw 1981; Carruthers and Chambers 1981). In the early 1980s, RRA was
argued to be cost-effective, especially for gaining timely information, but still with
some sense that it might only be a second-best. But by the mid-1980s, the RRA
approaches and methods, when properly conducted, were more and more eliciting a
range and quality of information and insights inaccessible through more traditional
methods. Except when rushed and unself-critical, RRA carne out better by criteria of
cost-effectiveness, validity and reliability as compared to more conventional methods
(see Section 8). In many contexts and for many purposes, RRA, when well done,
showed itself to be not a second-best but the best.
In establishing the methods and principies of RRA many people and institutions
took part. No account can do justice to them, and with imperfect knowledge there is no
way of avoiding significant omissions. An earlier attempt to list countries where RRA
had been developed identified 12 in Africa, eight in South and Southeast Asia, three in
Latin America, three in Australasia and the Pacific, and one in Europe. Perhaps more
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 7
than any other movement, agroecosystem analysis in Southeast Asia introduced new
methods and established new credibility. In the mid 1980s, the University of Khon
Kaen in Thailand was a world leader in developing the theory and methods, especially
for multidisciplinary teams, and in institutionalizing RRA as a part of professional
training. The International Conference on Rapid Rural Appraisal held at the University
of Khon Kaen in 1985, and the published volume of papers which resulted on KKU
1987, were landmarks. The practical valué of RRA was confirmed, and its underlying
theory outlined (Beebe 1987; Gibbs 1987; Grandstaff and Grandstaff 1987a; Jamieson
1987). Then in the latter 1980s, RRA was further developed and disseminated through
extensive training by the International Institute for Environment and Development
(IIED) based in London, working with colleagues mainly in Africa and Asia, and
through its publications, especially the informal publication RRA Notes (1988-).
In specialised fields, too, there were parallel and overlapping developments. In
health and nutrition, for example, Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP) (Scrimshaw
and Hurtado 1987) were practised in at least 20 countries. In agriculture, some
practitioners of farming systems research and extensión innovated with higher, quicker
methods in an RRA style. In irrigation, a small body of literature built up on RRA (e.g.
Potten 1985; Groenfeldt 1989), and 'hard' joumals published papers on RRA.
RRA began and continúes as a better way for outsiders to learn. In answering the
question-whose knowledge counts? - it sought, and continúes to seek, to enable
outsiders to gain information and insight from rural people and about rural conditions,
and to do this in a more cost-effective and timely manner. It was, and remains, less
exploitative than extractive questionnaire surveys where much is taken by the outsider,
and little or nothing is given back. All the same, like most past farming systems
research, its normal mode entails outsiders obtaining information, taking it away, and
analysing it. This is valid and useful activity which has and will continué to have its
place. Depending on one's point of view and the context, the normal practice of non-
participatory RRA can be described as extractive, or, more neutrally, elicitive.
2. F r o m RRA to PRA
In the mid 1980s, the words 'participation' and 'participatory' entered the RRA
vocabulary. They already had a long history in rural development. We cite two
examples. For some years in the 1970s and early 1980s, under the leadership of
Norman Uphoff and others, Cornell University published the Rural Development
Participation Review until USAID terminated its support, and participation was a
recurrent theme in the contributions to Michael Cernea's book, edited for the World
Bank, Putting People First (1985) which drew on experience from earlier years. It was
at the 1985 Khon Kaen International Conference that participation began, albeit
modestly, to be used in connection with RRA. Discussions at the Conference generated
a typology of seven types of RRA (KKU 1987: 17) of which 'participatory RRA' was
one. For this, the dominant purpose was seen as stimulating community awareness,
with the outsider's role as catalyst. Later, in 1988, participatory RRAs were listed by
8' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
the IIED team as one of four classes of RRA methodologies - the others being
exploratory RRAs, topical RRAs, and monitoring RRAs (McCracken et al. 1988).
In 1988, there were parallel developments in Kenya and India. In Kenya, the
National Environment Secretariat, in association with Clark University, conducted an
RRA in Mbusanyi, a community in Machakos District which led to the adoption in
September of a Village Resource Management Plan (Kabutha and Ford 1988). This
was subsequently described as a Participatory Rural Appraisal, and the method
outlined in two Handbooks (PID and NES 1989; NES 1980). Around the same time in
1988, the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) was interested in developing
participatory RRA, and invited IIED to help. Jennifer McCracken carried out a four
week consultancy with AKRSP in Gujarat in September and October 1988 during
which participatory rapid rural appraisals were conducted by and with villagers and
AKRSP staff in two villages (McCracken 1988). In different ways, both the Kenya and
Indian experiences were seminal for understanding and for the development of PRA.
Subsequently, there was an explosion of innovation in India (for which see RRA
Notes 13) especially but not only in the NGO sector. MYRADA, based in Bangalore,
trained its sénior staff in PRA in early 1990 (Ramachandran 1990), and carne to play a
major role in training for other NGOs and for Government. AKRSP continued to
innóvate and broke new ground in showing how well village volunteers could
themselves be facilitators of PRA. ActionAid, Bangalore undertook a networking role.
Any listing of the NGOs that pioneered at an early stage would include (in alphabetical
order) ActionAid, Bangalore; Activists of Social Alternatives, Trichy; the Aga Khan
Rural Support Programme (India); Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra, Ranchi; MYRADA,
Bangalore; Seva Bharti, Midnapore District; SPEECH, Madurai; and Youth for Action,
Hyderabad. Government organizations that received and promoted training included
the Drylands Development Board, Karnataka, the District Rural Development
Agencies, Andhra Pradesh, and several Forestry Departments. PRA methods were
adopted by the National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie for the fieldwork of
its 300-odd Indian Administrative Service probationers each year, and by the Xavier
Institute of Social Services, Ranchi, which introduced PRA for the fieldwork of its
At the same time, cross-fertilization and spread took place internationally. The
small group of the Sustainable Agriculture Programme at IIED, with support from the
Ford Foundation and SIDA, was decisively influential through its activities in Africa
and Asia, and spread PRA and its methods through 30 substantial field-based training
workshops in 15 countries and through publications and papers, especially RRA Notes:
Manuals were written (e.g. McCracken et al. 1988; Gueye and Freudenberger 1990,
1991; Theis and Brady 1991). Among international NGOs, Intercooperation (Berne)
and ActionAid (London) were prominent in seeking to promote PRA. Spread from
India took place to Nepal from the initiative of Winrock International and to Sri Lanka
on the initiative of Intercooperation. In early 1992, Action Aid, AKRSP and
MYRADA were hosts in India to an International Roving PRA Workshop with
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 9
14 people from 11 countries in the South, and PRA or PRA-type activities were con-
tinuing to evolve independently in many countries.
A sumnary comparison of what are normally described as RRA and PRA is given
in Table 1.
Table 1: RRA and PRA Compared
Now, in mid-1992, since activities described as PRA are spreading rapidly, taking
activities described as PRA, stock of the principies of PRA, its methods, applications,
strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and paradigmatic significance is overdue.
3. Defínition of PRA
It has been questioned whether it is useful to define PRA as separate from RRA.
One view is that labels do not matter. There is a plethora of labels for approaches
and methods of learning about rural life and conditions. Many of the sets of practices
overlap. There is continuous innovation, sharing and exchange. In this view, the only
importance of a label is the sense of pride of ownership and originality which it gives,
so strengthening commitment, enthusiasm and good work among its practitioners.
Otherwise, there would be no point in defining an exclusive territo'ry of activities for
PRA or any other set of approaches or methods.
10' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
The opposite view is that good PRA often implies radical personal and
institutional change, and that the term should not be debased by being used for
anything less than this. In this view, the claim that 'PRA is a simple methodology...'
(PID and NES 1989: 1) is misleading, since personal and institutional changes are so
rarely simple or easy. Moreover, if PRA becomes fashionable, many will label and
relabel their work PRA, though when in fact it is still extractive rather than
participatory, and when their behaviour and attitudes are unchanged.
A balanced view may be that since we are concerned here with static terms - RRA
and PRA - for combinations and fluxes of activities which are far from static, and
which take different forms in different places, labels can help to define what belongs
where. This may serve to encourage better performance. The legitimating label of
RRA has already been used quite widely to describe sloppy and bad work: see for
example, a critique of a quick but heavily biased 'RRA' survey in Zambia (Pottier
1991), and some of the observations in a wide-ranging review of RRA activities in the
Philippines (van Steijn 1991). The label of PRA could similarly be used to legitimate
bad work; it could also be misused to describe RRA-which is elicitive or extractive
rather than participatory. In this view, then, it would make sense to have sepárate
definitions, with RRA as a form of data collection by outsiders who then take it away
and analyse it; and PRA as more participatory, meaning that outsiders are convenors,
catalysts and facilitators to enable people to undertake and share their own
investigations and analysis. There is, then, a distinction between 'an RRA' and 'a
PRA'. An RRA is intended for learning by outsiders. A PRA is intended to enable
local people to conduct their own analysis, and often to plan and take action.
In practice there is a continuum between an RRA and a PRA. This can be
understood through a description of methods. Some methods, like direct observation,
and semi-structured interviewing, have been emphasized in RRA but can be a vital part
of good PRA. Other methods, like participatory mapping, where local people make
their own maps, and participatory diagramming, are emphasized in PRA but can also
be used in an RRA mode. The continuum is illustrated in Table 2.
Most of these principies have been induced rather than deduced: ihey have been
elicited by trying out practices, finding what works and what does not, and then asking
why. Different practitioners would list different principies underlying RRA and PRA
(see e.g. Grandstaff, Grandstaff and Lovelace 1987:9-13; McCracken, Pretty and
Conway 1988:12-13; Gueye and Freudenberger 1990:10-19) but most might agree to
include the following:
and also learn. This has been expressed as 'handing over the stick' (or pen or
chalk). This often entails an cutsider starting a process and then sitting back or
walking away, and not interviewing or interrupting.
Self-critical awareness and responsibility: meaning that facilitators are
continuously examining their behaviour, and trying to do better. This includes
embracing error - welcoming error as an opportunity to learn to do better; and
using one's own best judgement at all times, meaning accepting personal
responsibility rather than vesting it in a manual or a rigid set of rules.
Sharing of information and ideas between rural people, between them and
facilitators, and between different facilitators, and sharing field camps, training
and experiences between different organizations.
All these principies are behavioural, since they are applied in practice by people
doing things. But those shared by RRA and PRA are more epistemological, while
those of PRA are more personal. And this difference indicates the new emphasis
placed in PRA on the behaviour and attitudes of outsiders in their interactions with
rural people, an emphasis which could usefully be part of future RRA as well as PRA.
They do transects, observe, interview other villagers, analyse data, and present the
Participatory mapping and modelling: in which people use the ground, floor or
paper to make social, demographic, health, natural resource (soils, trees and
forests, water resources etc.) or farm maps, or construct three-dimensional models
of their land.
Participatory analysis of aerial photographs: (often best at 1:5000) to identify soil
type, land conditions, land tenure etc.
Transect walks: systematically walking with informants through an area,
observing, asking, listening, discussing, identifying different zones, local
technologies, introduced technologies, seeking problems, solutions and
opportunities, and mapping and diagramming resources and findings.
Time Unes: chronologies of events, listing major remembered events in a village
with approximate dates.
Trend analysis: people's accounts of the past, of how things cióse to them have
changed, ecological histories, changes in land use and cropping patterns, changes
in customs and practices, changes and trends in population, migration, fuels used,
education, health, credit... and the causes of changes and trends.
Ethno biographies: local histories of a crop, an animal, a tree, a pest, a weed.
Seasonal diagramming: by major season or by month, to show days and distribu-
tion of rain, amount of rain or soil moisture, crops, agricultural labour, non-
agricultural labour, diet, food consumption, types of sickness, prices, animal
fodder, fuel, migration, income, expenditure, debt etc.
Livelihood analysis: stability, crises and coping, relative income, expenditure,
credit and debt, múltiple activities, etc.
Participatory diagramming: of flows, causality, quantities, trends, rankings,
scorings - in which people make their own diagrams - systems diagrams, bar
diagrams, pie charts etc. 'Chapati' or Venn diagramming is one form, a method
for identifying individuáis and institutions important in and for a community, and
their relationships.
Well-being or wealth ranking: identifying clusters of households according to
welbeing or wealth, including those considered poorest or worst off (RRA Notes
Analysis of difference: especially by gender, social group, wealth/poverty,
occupation and age. Identifying differences between groups, including their
problems and preferences. This includes contrast comparisons - asking one group
why another is different or does something different, and vice versa.
Scoring and ranking: especially using matrices and seeds to compare through
scoring, for example different trees, or soils, or methods of soil and water
conservation, or varieties of a crop.
Estimates and quantification: often using local measures, judgements and
14' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
to help in the use of methods, and to encourage people to choose and improvize
methods for themselves. We watch, listen and learn. Metaphorically, and sometimes
actually, we 'hand over the stick' of authority.
'They' then do many of the things we formerly did (and believed, óften enough,
that only we could do). They make maps and models; they walk transects and observe;
they investígate and interview; they diagram and analyse; they present information;
they plan. In consequence, they are more in command of investigation, they own and
retain more of the information, and they are strongly placed to identify their priorities
for action, and then to determine and control that action.
The participatory orientation of PRA has given new Ímpetus to the development of
methods. One of the delights of PRA has been the lack of a blueprint. Participation
generates diversity; villagers play a part in interpreting, applying, and sometimes
inventing the methods themselves. Villagers and outsiders alike are encouraged to
improvize in a spirit of play. What is done is different each time, the outcome of a
creative interaction. In consequence, the three years to mid-1992 have witnessed many
inventions, especially but not only in India and Nepal. Reviewing the participatory
innovation of the past three years, six salient 'discoveries' stand out:
Empirically, though, the finding again and again with PRA is that if the initial
behav 'our and attitudes of outsiders are relaxed and right, and if the process can start,
the methods of PRA themselves foster further rapport. Early actions by outsiders can
include transparent honesty about who they are and what they are doing; and
participation in village activities, especially being taught and performing village tasks.
Personal demeanour counts, showing humility, respect, patience, and interest in what
villagers have to say and show; wandering around and not rushing; and paying
attention, listening, watching and not interrupting. Then villagers quickly lose
themselves in activities such as participatory mapping and modelling and matrix
scoring. In contrast with questionnaires, they do not have a sense that information is
being handed over, to be taken away. It is theirs. They own it, but share it. They often
enjoy the creativity of what they are doing, and what they see and learn through it. The
pleasure, fun and utility of what they have been helped to start doing express
themselves in rapport. By reinforcing rapport, PRA methods thus sustain and
strengthen the participatory process of which they are a part.
6.4 Sequences
The fourth discovery is the power and popularity of sequences of participatory
18' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
Some of the participatory methods have been known and used in the past
(Rhoades 1990). There are now some new ones, but perhaps more striking is the power
of combinations and sequences which has been revealed (Shah 1991). To take some
With participatory mapping, villagers draw not one, but several maps, which
become successively more detailed and useful, or which present new and
complementary information. (The same can apply with other methods).
Social mapping provides a basis for household listings, and for indicating
population, social group, health and other household characteristics. This can lead
to identification of key informants, and then to discussions with them. (This is a
useful sequence in many topic RRAs and PRAs).
A village social map provides an up-to-date household listing which is then used
for well-being or wealth ranking of households which leads in turn to focus groups
with different categories of people who then express their different preferences,
leading to discussion, negotiation and reconcilation of priorities (combining
Mukherjee 1992 and Swift and Umar 1991).
Longer sequences have been devised and used in full PRAs. In Kenya these have
been part of a stepwise sequence (PID and NES 1989). In India, for example with the
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, the sequences have been less codified and more
in a style of systematic improvisation, though with specialized sequences; for example
appraisal, planning and action with degraded forests, or with identifying and working
with the poorest.
The power of such sequences is four fold. First, the commitment of participants
increases, making further action more likely, more spontaneous, and more sustainable.
Second, sequences triangúlate, and reveal errors or omissions in earlier presentations
(see Pretty et al. 1992). Third, the different activities interact cumulatively, each
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 19
activity adding a dimensión and details which qualify and enrich others, so that taken
together the whole becomes more than the sum of the parts. Fourth, all concerned learn
through the process, through people sharing what they know, through observation and
througn analysis. In such ways as these, participatory methods fit well with a flexible
learning process approach which is even more open-ended and adaptable than much
earlier RRA; and they have the advantage that they usually enable villagers to use their
own categories and criteria, to generate their own agenda, and to assess and indícate
their own priorities.
to experiment and innóvate. It is then not necessary to be trained in all the methods.
They can be tried, improvised and adapted subsequently, and new ones invented. The
outsider's creativity is released, as well as that of the villager.
Another approach is to smuggle in, participatory methods. Some professionals
resist PRA approaches and methods, considering them unscientific and inappropriate.
Methods which generate figures, matrices and tables can then sometimes help in
getting started, and making other methods more acceptable. Robin Mearns found in
Mongolia that wealth ranking was useful in this context as part of a 'hidden agenda' by
giving 'every appearance of being the kind of 'hard' statistical method that Mongolian
researchers and bureaucrats, like their counterparts in many parts of the world, have
been professionally socialised to use and expect' (Mearns et. al. 1992: 37). Similarly,
matrix scoring for varieties of a crop provides not only fascinating information but
also good-looking tables with figures. The question is whether scientists and others
will be so impressed by farmers' criteria, judgements and abilities as demonstrated in
matrix scoring, and by the resulting matrices, that they will go on from this method to
others, and progressively become more participatory.
of minor forest producís. (See e.g. Case 1990; and for a strong PRA sequence M.
Shah forthcoming).
Wildlife reserve buffer zones.
Rural energy assessments, andfuel and fodder budgeting.
Village plans: preparing Village Resource Management Plans (PID and NES
1990), Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning (as developed by AKRSP), and
7.2 Agriculture
Crops and animal husbandry, including farmer participatory research/farming
systems research by farmers.
Irrigation, including rehabilitation of small-scale gravity flow irrigation systems.
Markets: investigating markets and small holder marketing potential.
Some of these can, however, already be assessed in terms of data validity and
was still not available six months after the eompletion of fieldwork. Comparisons of
the questionnaire survey and RRA data showed sharp discrepancies in two localities
where the questionnaire survey's findings were implausible and its validity had to be
suspect. As Inglis points out:
... if information is wrong to begin with, no amount of statistical manipulation will
enable it to help the project staff make good decisions ... In contrast, the RRA
survey was completed in a much shorter time, the results have been produced in
specific locational reports that can be individually used as discussion papers in the
field in follow up surveys. As research biases, mistakes and omissions are
admitted and not lost in a mass of questionnaire codes, the decisión maker can see
how the information was generated, how important factors were revealed, and how
the best bests were arrived at. (Inglis 1990: 107)
C.N. Bernadas (1991) reports that in Eastern Visayas in the Philippines, highly
structured questionnaire interviews identified declining soil fertility as the most
pressing problem of farmers. Bernadas explains that the staff themselves had
formulated the questions on the basis of what they felt to be priorities. The problem
areas considered were predetermined based on the outsider's point of view. Two,
needs and circumstances, and the developed technologies were not adopted by them.
An RRA approach was then used, with informal discussions and dialogues and open
ended interviews with guide topics. This led to the discovery that the most pressing
problem facing farmers was not soil fertility but the long fallow due to the growth of a
weed called cogon (Imperata cylindrica). Relevant research could then begin.
In these five cases, then, the results of the RRA approach, compared with the more
formal questionnaire, were variously more valid, less costly, more timely, and more
A cautionary counter example is a case of the worst of both worlds. This was a
one-week survey through interviews of 30 farmers by a researcher in Northern Zambia,
described as an RRA. Johann Pottier (1990) argües persuasively that in such hurried
interviews an insensitivity to the context, to who is being met, to what is being said,
and why, can lead to misleading conclusions, in this case that food security had been
enhanced by growing maize. The investigation was, it seems, rushed and wrong. The
lessons are many, and include that hectic one-off individual interviews are bad practice
whatever the label attached to them, and that rcspondents can reach by giving
responses which, for reasons such as prudence, politenesses and favourable
preservation of the self, are invalid but reliable, and thereby convincingly maintain
myths and mislead.
8.2 Ranking
Ranking and scoring have long been part of the repetoire of social anthropologists.
People in communities rank other individuáis or households for characteristics as
varied as aggressiveness, industriousness, or more commonly some concept of respect,
honour, well-being or wealth (Pelto and Pelto 1978: 82-87; RRA Notes 15, 1992).
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 27
The most common method is sorting cards into piles, carried out either by
individuáis in private, or by groups. Different informants often use a different number
of piles for the same community, but evidence is consistent in finding cióse
correlatic is in rank orders between informants. Sydel Silverman (1966:905) found that
there was high agreement in the relative rank of most persons when three informants in
an Italian community card-sorted households according to their criterion of rispetto
(approximately prestige). Polly Hill (1986: 41, 75) suggests that to villagers, relative
household living standards can be a matter of passionate concern. On the basis of
fieldwork in West Africa and India, she concluded that rural people (uniess themselves
too poor and disabled) are able to assess the relative wealth or well-being of members
of their community far more accurately than are towns people. This has been borne out
by much subsequent wealth or well-being ranking. Barbara Grandin (1988) found that
correlations (Spearman's Rho) across informants in 12 instances of wealth ranking
(using a total of 41 informants) averaged .77 (range .59-.96). The correlations of each
informant with final score averaged .91 (range .84-.98).
Silverman, Hill and Grandin are all social anthropologists and so might be
expected to have developed good rapport before the exercise. The test is whether
without a social anthropological training and relationship, the method can also be
reliable and valid. Those who have facilitated such ranking exercises have found them
easier than expected (see RRA Notes 15) and informally report high correlations
between the rankings given by different informants or groups. Some triangúlate
rankings through discussion. Poly Hill's three informants in Nigeria thrashed out
discrepancies between themselves (Hill 1972:59). In a PRA mode, on similar lines,
MYRADA in South India has evolved a method of successive approximation in which
separate groups rank households, and then meet to reconcile differences (per. comm.
Vidya Ramachandran), a procedure which is used in selecting households for anti-
poverty prog r ammes.
Another example is the ranking of the valué of 30 browse plants as feed to their
cattle by pastoralists in Nigeria (Bayer 1987, 1988). Rankings for the most important
plants were found to correspond closely between different groups of pastoralists.
Not all ranking exercises can be expected to yield reliable and valid data; but these
examples suggest cióse correlations between informants in three conditions: where
information is common knowledge; where criteria are commonly held and well
understood; and where what is ranked is a matter of intense interest.
near Madurai in Tamil Nadu, is to have a card for each household and mark details
with symbols on the card.
Triangulation of censuses took place in Ramasamypatti village, near Tiruchuli, in
Tamil Nadu, in May 1991. In a PRA training organized by SPEECH, an NGO, four
groups of between 5 and 15 villagers used different methods of analysis and
presentation: two did social mapping direct onto paper; one made a ground model of
the village with a card for each household; and one did a census onto a map drawn on
a floor. All four independenüy generated a figure for the total population of the
village. All four carne to 355.
8.4 Rainfall Data
It has been found that farmers will often readily estímate rainfall by month. In
1988, two farmers in Wollo in Ethiopia estimated numbers of days of rainfall by
month for the previous five years, and also indicated the pattern they remembered from
their childhood (Conway 1988; ERCS 1988: 50-52). The most common method now is
for them to arrange a line of 12 stones for the months of the local calendar and then
estimate rainfall using either broken sticks for relative volume, or seeds for numbers of
days of rain by month, or both. Some farmers in India have preferred to indícate depth
of soil moisture by month as being more relevant for agricultural purposes (pers.
comm. J. Mascarenhas for Karnataka and Sam Joseph for Rajasthan). A refinement,
invented by women in Galkada village, Badulla District, Sri Lanka in January 1992, is
to space the seeds to indícate the distribution of days of rain within each month.
The question is how valid are such data? Farmers' data on rainfall have several
times been found to differ from those of nearby rainfall stations. At Nugu Dam in H.D.
Kote, Karnataka, in August 1990, a discrepancy was found but not further analysed. In
rapid catchment analysis in Kenya (Pretty 1990) when farmers' pattems of rainfall
differed in six different catchments and also differed from the 'real' data from a nearby
rainfall station, this was judged to reflect spatial heterogeneity, without ruling out the
possibility that the farmers were wrong (per. comm. J. Pretty). The only detailed
analysis of comparisons to date comes from Nepal. It was there in May 1990 near
Lumle that farmers for the first time indicated volume and numbers of days of rainfall
per month using seeds for days and sticks for volume. In 45 minutes, they presented
first a normal year and then a pattern which they said occurred one year in five. Gerard
Gill's (1991) painstaking analysis of their perceptíons compared with 20 years of daily
rainfall data at the nearby rainfall station defies brief summary. Suffice it to say here
that what initially appeared as discrepancies about whether the farmers were 'wrong'
turned out on closer examination to show respects in which the farmers' judgements
were superior to the averaged met station data. Gill's title 'But how does it compare
with the real data?' captures the irony of the assumption that 'scientifically' measured
data are necessarily superior. More balanced conclusions are that there are different
realities, that farmers' realities are likely to be linked to agricultural utility and
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 29
weighted by recent experience, and that the issue is whose reality counts, in what
contexts, and for what purposes.
These four sets of numerical evidence are all positive for RRA/PRA approaches
and methods. To the best of my knowledge and belief I have not excluded any
comparable negative evidence. All the same, a teminal caveat is in order. When the
four groups at Ramasmypatti all carne up with 355 as the population of the village, I
was excited. I collected the reporting maps and diagrams, labelled and arranged them,
and then photographed them. This positive evidence has since been disseminated
through copies of the slides. Only later did I think to ask whether there had been any
exchanges of information or of figures between the groups. In fact I believe there was
none. But had the groups come up with figures which differed the question is whether
reaction too would have differed. The danger is selective and has been meticulously
analysed by Gilí and published. But this was not done in the Kenya and Karnataka
cases. Had those discepencies been investigated further, they might, as in the Nepal
case have revealed a validity in the farmers' judgements; or they might not have. We
do not know with any certainty.
The lesson is to remain critically aware at all times with a positive scepticism, and
lo probé, investígate, report and learn from negative as well as positive experience.
With this camión, the finding from evidence available to date stands, that both
qualitative and quantitative data elicited by RRA and especially PRA methods have
usually proved more reliable and more valid than outsider professionals have expected.
As with all PRA, much depends on the behaviour and attitudes of the outsiders,
and whether they have the time, patience and will to get closer to reality. A final
example from Nepal illustrates a typical learning process through cross checking and
successive analysis and approximatíon. After the use of PRA methods, presentations
by two groups of outsiders on what villagers had shared with them on seasonality and
trends in agriculture gave conflicting information. The response was for both groups to
go back to their village the next day and reconcile the information, with their
respective groups of informants forming one combined group, and with the statement
'We got the information from you yesterday and there seems to be some difference.
Can you help us?' And of course they did. Information flowed, arguments and
discussions took place among the villagers, among the outside and between both
villagers and outsiders—as is typical of a good PRA exercise. Explanations were
given, corrections made, and it was a much more satisfiea group of researchers that
returned to the base camp that night. (pers. comm. James Mascarenhas). Discrepancies
are, as here, welcomed, in the spirit of embracing error, as opportu-nitíes to learn and
to get closer to the truth.
PRA mode, when rapport is good they have strengths. Paradoxically, and contrary to
common belief, sensitive subjects are sometimes more freely discussed in groups,
when individuáis would not wish to discuss them alone with a stranger. More
gene.ally, groups can build up collective and creative enthusiasm, especially with
mapping and modelling, leading to an unselfconscious showing, sharing, and checking.
Participants fill in gaps left by others and add or correct detail. Groups have an
overlapping spread of knowledge which covers a wider field and crosschecks.
Verbal Visual
(Interview, Conversation) (Diagram)
The shift from verbal to visual is one of emphasis in PRA. Diagrams are part of
the repertoire. They can be facilitated on their own early in interactions. They can also
be part of semi-structured interviews or conversations, introduced as a means for local
people to express, share and analyse their knowledge. Diagrams then present an
agenda for discussion. 'Interviewing the map', 'interviewing the matrix', and
'interviewing the diagram' are often the most fruitful, and also most neglected, stages
of a discussion and diagramming process. With the visual, 'a whole new set
of questions of discussions arises which does not in the verbal' (pers. comm.
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 33
James Mascarenhas). Combinations of visual and verbal, with early primacy to the
visual, can be strong, and stronger than either exclusively on its own.
remains, that of a researcher. However useful and justified it may be, the consum-
mation sought is to process the data extracted into Ph.D., articles or a book.
In contrast, the thrust of PRA is to reverse the roles of who is dominant. The
objective is less to gather data, and much more to start a process. The initiative passes
to 'them'. The stick is handed over. The prime actors are the people. The outsider is
less the extractor, and more the convenor and catalyst.
A PRA process also seeks to enable outsiders to learn, but through the sharing of
information in a manner which enhances people's analysis and knowledge and leaves
them owning it. The actual and the ideal, here as elsewhere, will rarely correspond
exactly. But an ideal could be sketched as a process in which people are enabled to
collate, present and analyse information, making it explicit and adding to what they
already know. This happens, for example, through participatory mapping of a
watershed where the map is used by villagers to plot current conditions and plan
actions, and retained by them for monitoring action taken and changes made; or
through mapping and surveying degraded forest, deciding how to protect it and what to
plant, and then managing the resource; or through matrix scoring for varieties of a
crop, which enables them to specify the characteristics of a 'wish variety they would
like to try out'. The aim is to enable people to present, share, analyse and augment
their knowledge as the start of a process. The ultímate output sought is enhanced
knowledge and competence, an ability to make demands, and to sustain action. Instead
of imposing and extracting, PRA seeks to empower.
of mode and dominance to be recognized (Section 9); and for the potentials for
empowerment, fascination and even fun to be expressed as they have. At a personal
level, I am bemused to understand how for several decades I have been working in
rural development without knowing about all this. More generally, it is a mystery why
it has taken so long for the development community as a whole to 'discover' the
richness not just of the knowledge, but of the creativity and analytical abilities of
Some of the mystery disappears if we look for explanation in ourselves. The
beliefs, behaviour and attitudes of most outsiders have been the same all over the
world. Agricultural scientists, medical staff, teachers, officials, extensión agents and
others have believed that their knowledge was superior and that the knowledge of
farmers and rural people was inferior; and that we, the professional outsiders, had a
monopoly of powers of analysis. Most outsiders have then either lectured, holding
sticks and wagging fingers, or have interviewed, machine-gunning with rapid fire
questions, interrupting, and not listening beyond immediate replies. We have 'put
down' rural people. Out reality has blanketed theirs. Our beliefs, demeanour,
behaviour and attitudes have then been self-validating. Treated as incapable, rural
people have behaved as incapable, hiding their capabilities from us, and even from
themselves. Ñor have we known how to enable them to express, share and extend their
knowlege. The ignorance and inabilities of rural people have been not only an illusion,
but an artefact of our own arrogance and ignorance.
For participatory approaches and methods to take off, a stage had also been
reached when different conditions could come together: recognition of past error and
inadequacy, as with agricultural research for resóurce-poor farmers; greater confidence
and professionalism in rural NGOs; approaches like agro-ecosystem analysis which
simply did not exist before the 1980s; and finally, the emergence of an international
community of communication with a critical mass and momentum in which
approaches and methods could be shared between disciplines, countries, and
organizations, as at IDS in 1979, Khon Kaen in 1985 (KKU 1987), and Bangalore in
1991 (Mascarenhas et. al. 1992). Perhaps, then it is understandable that these new
participatory approaches and methods, in their many forms and with their many labels,
are now clustering and coalescing more, as philosophy, approaches, repertoire and
practice. Their time may have come.
11. Dangers
Any such up-beat statement must at once be qualified. For RRA and PRA five
dangers stand out.
The first danger is faddism. Like farming systems research, RRA and PRA could
be discredited by over-rapid adoption and misuse, and by sticking on labels without
substance. The waming signs are there: demand for training which exceeds by far the
tiny cadre of competent trainers; requirements that consultants 'use RRA* or now 'use
PRA' and then consultants who say they will do so, when they do not know what RRA
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 37
or PRA entail or are the wrong sort of people to be able to do them well; and the belief
that good RRA or PRA are simple and easy, quick fixes, when they are not.
The second danger is rushing. The word 'rapid', necessary in the late 1970s and
early 1980s, is now a liability. It has been used to legitimize brash and biased rural
development tourism. Much of the rationale for RRA/PRA has been to make time to
find the poorest, to learn from them, and to empower them. Hurry and lack of
commitment, compound errors and mean that the poorest are once again, neither seen,
listened to, ñor learnt from. The R of RRA stands better for 'relaxed', allowing plenty
of time.
The third danger is formalism. In the long term, this may prove the most difficult.
With any innovation, there is an urge to standardize and codify, often in the ñame of
quality. Manuals are called for and composed. They can indeed be useful as
compilations of experience, as cookbooks that widen the choice of recipies, as sources
of ideas, especially for trainers. But manuals can also harm. With any new approach or
method, manuals start short but grow fast. Paragraphs proliferate as intelligent authors
seek to cater for every condition and contingency. Some farming systems research
gave rise to manuals the weight and volume of which was itself a problem. (For
example, the four volumes of Farming Systems Support Project Manuals (FSSP 1987)
weighted, on our kitchen scales, approximately 3.6 kg). The dangers are evident.
Training is based on the text, and takes longer. More time is spent in the classroom,
teaching the theory and less in the field learning the practice. Spontaneity is inhibited
and spread slowed, stopped or reversed.
The intial lack of manuals for PRA in India has then been an advantage. Would-be
practitioners have been forced to learn, not from books, and not by rote, but from
colleagues, through sharing, and from their own improvisations and experi&aees in the
field. Many of the best innovations have happened when practitioners have not known
or followed whatever rules for matrix ranking. The first guidelines for wealíh ranking
(Grand in 1988) presented individual interviews in prívate as the preferred method, but
many practitioners have now found ways of using group interviews; by mid-1991,
MYRADA had conducted over two hundred wealth rankings by groups (pers. comm.
Vidya Ramachandran). Ñor has the criterion for ranking remained some concept of
'wealth'. More commonly now, more complex and diverse concepts of well-being as
defined by rural people themselves, are used.
The largest and heaviest manual in India in mid-1992 is that produced by Ravi
Jayakaran of Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra. The reader opens it to find printed boldly on
the first page:
Use Your Own Best Judgement at All Times
The other pages are all blank.
The lesson is that practitioners must take responsibility for what they do. They
must feel free to start, to make mistakes, and to learn on the run. It is not books of
instructions, but personal commitment, critical awareness, and informed impro-
visation, which can best assure quality and creativity.
38 Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
A linked, fourth, danger is role. Practitioners and trainers fall into habits and
routines. There are many different ways of doing participatory mapping and
modelling, transects, walks, seasonal analyses, group interviews, ranking and scoring,
identifying special groups of people, and the like. But practitioners in any organiza-
tion, or even región, show signs of slipping into unvarying standard practices
overlooking other options. Of course, some routinization and repetition are inevitable,
even desirable. But experimenting, inventing, testing, adapting and constantly trying to
improve are parts of the potential strength of PRA. To nurture and keep that spirit, one
method is, exchanges of trainers between organizations, countries and continents, to
share approaches, methods and experiences in the field.
A final danger or difficulty is rejection. Some of the many pioneers who
contributed to the streams—participatory research, participatory action research,
applied anthropology, agro-eco-system analysis, farming systems research, and RRA
itself, which have fed into PRA, feel that they have not received due recognition, when
what they should really feel is pleasure and pride. Others, especially academics, may
feel excluded, bypassed or threatened, by the developments described in this paper,
and reject them. At worst this will mean that students in colleges and Universities, and
staff in field organizations, are denied access to and the opportunity to use PRA
approaches and methods. At best, this will mean a positive contribution through
constructive criticism which will sharpen the rigour and add to the repertoire of PRA.
It can only be hoped that the spirit of sharing will encourage and allow all
professionals to use and develop PRA approaches and methods, for this is the
monopoly of no person or group. As it grows, PRA is, and should remain, an open
access resource.
of their farming systems by farmers. Añil Shah of AKRSP, in March 1991, facilitated
the diagramming on paper by a farmer, Savasi Bhura, of Gadhechi Village,
Surendranagar District, Gujarat, of a complex flow and causal diagram of the impact
of irrigation. Jules Pretty, in Pakistan in early 1992 found during a training exercise
that non-literate as well as literate farmers could make detailed diagrams of flows and
causality on their farms, including an impressive diagram by a non-literate woman.
Elsewhere in 1992, in India and Bostswana, matrix scoring for varieties of a crop has
been developed by asking analysts to add a 'wish' variety in which farmers specify the
characteristics they would like extensión and scientists to provide for them.
The challenge now is for outsider professionals to further develop and disseminate
approaches and methods to help farmers do their own analysis and make their own
needs and priorities known to scientists. If such efforts continué to be successful, the
implications for activities, procedures, training, rewards and institutional cultures in
agricultural education, research and extensión will be little short of revolutionary.
to envisage. PRA approaches and methods provide ways in which officials, scientists
and academics can come face-to-face with rural people in an informal and non-
threatening mode which both sides can find rewarding. They can also provide
experience and learning which are intellectualy exciting, practically relevant, and often
Behaviour and attitudes can, though, be an impediment, sometimes irremediable.
A sénior government officer, an able scientist, a distinguished academic, an
experienced NGO worker, a local-level extensionist or health worker—any of these,
depending on personality, experience and circumstances, can either take to PRA with
enthusiasm or reject it with passion. Much needs to be learnt about how, in the rural
context, to facilítate changes in outsiders' behaviour and attitudes.
Some methods have already been devised, such as Añil Shah's 'shoulder tapping'.
He has written that, taking District Officers in Gujarat on a transect walk to see the
problems of soil erosión, "I told them in advance that a transect in Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA) is for observation and to understand the knowledge and perception of
the farmers. We do not advise, but ask open-ended questions without implied advice. I
told them that this was very difficult for educated people, more so for those in
authority. Therefore, when I heard anyone giving advice or asking questions with
implicit advice, I would tap his shoulder and if necessary offer my services to rephrase
the advice or query into an open-ended question."
By the end of half a day, and several taps, a lot had been learnt that would
otherwise have been missed (Shah 1992). More such methods, and much more
experience with them, are needed.
The policy and personal potentials of RRA/PRA interlock. Their scope has
scarcely begun to be tapped. The frontier here is to see how to scale up, how to enable
many more policy-makers at all levels, as well as others at the local level, personally
to gain direct learning experience in the field from and with rural people, enabling
them to fit policy and action more to local conditions and priorities and to the needs of
the poor.
One solution may be for more shared field experience, for trainers to conduct training
together, for more mutual 'shoulder tapping', and more learning from each other.
Appendix A, 'start, stumble, self-correct, share' is an attempt to encourage
launching out and trying PRA approaches and methods, and learnig by doing. Nothing
in rural development is ever a panacea; and PRA faces problems of spread, scale and
quality assurance. The potential realized will depend largely on practitioners and
trainers. The questions are whether critical self-awareness, embracing error, using
one's own best judgement at all times, and constantly trying to do better can be built
into the very genes of PRA; and if so, whether RRA and PRA can be not just self-
spreading, but self-improving.
employs many workers who lack other sk.ills. Some managers (academics, consultants)
like it because it keeps them off the shop floor (out of the field). But the market for the
Model T declined as better and more varied alternatives were developed, and with
large questionnaire surveys, there are similar straws in the wind, the wall: the National
Council of Applied Economic Research, probably the largest survey organization n
India apart from the National Sample Survey, has been trying out rapid and
participatory methods as an alternative or complement to questionnaire surveys, and
with positive results; a leading PRA practitioner and trainer, Sam Joseph, of Action
Aid, Bangalore, when challenged, was able to specify a more cost-effective PRA
method for obtaining all the items of data in a standard baseline survey; and as noted
above eight teams of researchers in Nepal, trained in PRA methods, are attempting to
generate simultaneous and comparable insights from different locations.
To take but one method, i.e. participatory mapping which has proved powerful as
part of an altemative. Selina Adjebeng-Asem of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife-Ife,
Nigeria, has reported (pers. comm. July 1992) on its application in monitoring a
soyabean project:
I trained the ... Soyabean project group in the use of PRA for monitoring of the
project impact in 5 states of the Federation, i.e. Kaduna, Niger, Enugu, Anambra
and Oyó States of Nigeria. The group of 16 researchers were amazed about how
much easier it is to obtain in depth information through participatory mapping in
addition to other RRA techniques they have already known. We were able through
mapping to obtain all relevant socio-demographic information we required for the
project; for example, the number of households in a village, households involved
in soyabean production, gender issues in soyabean production, utilization of
soyabean, and preference rankings of various soyabean diets ... We gathered an
incredible amount of information within an hour and a half visit to the village ...
The researchers have been begging me to give more training in PRA ...
In cases such as this, PRA methods, used well, can be not only more cost-effective
than questionnaire surveys; they are also more popular with all concerned, researchers
and rural people alike.
The use of PRA methods in M&E and research, raises issues of comparability and
causality. Comparability of information shared in different contexts may become a big
question in the 1990s. Decentralized and democratic processes may generate disparate
data which central planners cannot then easily add-up or compare. More remains to be
learnt about how and how well PRA methods can genrate commensurable data (for
example demographic, health and agricultural information) from different places; and
to what extent central planners and officials can tolerate and manage
incommensurability, and variability in the form of locally shared information and
locally generated plans.
With causality, PRA methods have advantages over questionnaire surveys.
Statistical correlations and regressions do not establish causality. People who live in an
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 45
área have a comparative advantage in knowing and interpreting what has happened
there, and PRA now has relevant tools to help them conduct their own analysis.
The need now is to multiply and assess more tests, experiments and innovations,
like those of the NCAER in India, of Winrock in Nepal, and of Adjebeng-Asem in
Nigeria, in order to learn how rapid, relaxed and participatory approaches and methods
can substitute for, and improve upon, questionnaire surveys.
July 1992 it was reported that village volunteers conducting PRAs had told AKRSP
staff that now 'they need not bother to attend'.
The question now is, whether spread through village volunteers can become self-
sustaining and self-irnproving. The incentive systems evolved by AKRSP and villagers
involve payment by results, rewarding good performance. Demand exists from new
villages for the services of village volunteers. It remains to be seen whether village
volunteers on their own will be able and willing to train village volunteers in new
villages, who will then in turn be in demand. Were that to occur, and with market
incentives for good performance, what began as programme initiated from outside,
might become self-spreading. Were that not to occur, it might still be feasible for
organisations like AKRSP to foster spread with a light touch, training volunteers and
encouraging them to form teams that sell their services.
unleamt. Rehabilitation can then be tiresome, painful, costly, and far firom always
Globally, RRA and PRA have made little impression in universities and training
institutes till date. The scale of adoption of RRA and PRA remains minuscule
compared with the scope. The potential for applications in training and education
remains vast and almost entirely unrecognized. Only when more universities and other
tertiary institutions for education and training, introduce RRA and PRA into their
curricula, teaching and fieldwork, and a new generation of professionals are well
versed in their principies, methods, behaviour and attitudes which go with them, will
its acceptance and spread become truly wide.
To this absence in universities, four exceptions can be noted regionally.
First, in Southeast Asia, several universities in Thailand (notably the pioneering
University of Khon Kaen) and the Philippines (including the University of the
Philippines, Los Baños) have been using RRA for years. A comparative study is
overdue to understand why and how they carne to adopt it, and their experience in
legitimating, teaching and further developing it.
Second, among universities in sub-Saharan Africa, those with practitioners of
RRA and PRA include Egerton University in Kenya (with a link with Clark
University, Worcester, Mass., USA), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife-Ife, Nigeria,
and the University of Zimbabwe, Harare.
Third, in the early 1990s, some key training institutions in India and Nepal started
to adopt and develop the PRA approach and methods. These include the National
Academy of Administration at Mussoorie, the Indian Institute of Forest Management
at Bhopal, the Xavier Institute of Social Service at Ranchi, and the Institute of Forest
Management at Pokhara in Nepal. All these are believed to be using PRA methods in
the village fieldwork of their students in place of questionnaire surveys. At the same
time, a number of Agricutlure Universities in India, including the Narendra Dev
University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad and other Eastern Indian
Agricultural Universities, the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and the Hebbal
Agricultural University, Bangalore, have invited lectures, workshops and training in
PRA and related methodologies.
Fourth, staff in several Australian Universities have taken up and practised RRA
and PRA. Historically, this followed a paradigm shift in agricultural education, to
systems thinking and self-directed learning, in Hawkesbury Agricultural College (now
the University of Western Sydney), Hawkesbury; the School of Crop Sciences at the
University of Sydney (Ampt and Ison 1989; Ison n.d.); the School of Agriculture at
Charles Sturt University, Riverina (Dunn and McMillan 1991); and the Law School,
Mcquarie University (Voyce et. al. 1989). One RRA in Australia identified intra and
inter generational conflict and the transfer of the family farm as neglected topics of
concern to many farmers (Ampt 1988; Ampt and Ison 1988; Ison 1990) and then RRA
techniques were used to study the transfer of the family farm (Voyce et. al. 1989).
RRA has also been used for the identification of grassland research problems (Ampt
48' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
and Ison 1989). In September 1991, participants from several institutions combined
as a team to facilítate a PRA in the Kyeamba Valley which enabled landholders
and their families to identify and analyse issues of concern, and to plan action (PRA
Team 1991).
Pathways of dissemination are not easy to foresee, but this Australian example
may be a pointer. With this form of global sharing, the normal direction of transfer of
innovation is reversed, and approaches and methods evolved in developing countries
and adopted and adapted in rich counties.
problems (Mearas 1991; Appleyard 1992). Scientific methods are not competent to
predict or prescribe for the complex open systems which matter most. Global
environmental issues involve huge uncertainties and demand what Funtowicz and
Ravetz (1990) cali a 'second order science' in which judgement plays a more
recognized part. Precise understanding prediction and prescription for local agroeco-
social systems can be similarly elusive. This is not a new discovery, Jeremy Swift
wrote in 1981:
... a major World Bank livestock development project in Mali is based, for crucial
calculations of sustainable grazing pressure, on the report of a highly competent
ecologist in 1972; the calculations were redone in 1977/78 by a different, equally
well-qualified ecologist, who halved the earlier carrying capacity. Nobody is to
blame; the science is inexact. But the consequences could be disastrous for the
project, and more so for the pastoralists involved. (Swift 1981:487)
Perhaps no one was to blame then. But now we know more about what is not
knowable using the standard methods of 'disciplines'. When so much is so
unknowable and so unpredictable, solutions have to be sought through methodological
pluralism, through flexible and continuous learning and adaption, and through the
exercise of judgement.
In business management, the parallel shift has been from the valúes and strategies
of mass production to those of flexible specialization (see e.g. Kaplinsky 1991:7).
Standardizaron has been replaced by variety and rapid response, hierarchical
supervisión by thrust, and punitive quality control by personal quality assurance at
source. Much in Tom Peters' book of advice to American business managers, Thriving
on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution (1987), applies equally in PRA.
He advocates, for example, 'achieving flexibility by empowering people', learning to
love'change, becoming obsessed with listening, deferring to the front line, and
'building systems for a world turned upside down'. A highly successful Brazillian
manager, when he took over a company, abolished norms, manuals, rules and
regulations, and put the company's employees in the demanding position of using their
own judgement' (Semler 1989: 79). It has been the discipline of the market and
opportunities from new technology which have driven and drawn business
management to decentralized flexibility, to diversification, and to finding and
exploiting transient niche markets. For PRA and related approaches, the discipline is
what works with people and communities, and the opportunities of the new approaches
and methods, which drive and draw. In both business management and PRA, valué is
placed on decentralization, sharing knowledge, empowerment, diversity, and rapid
change and feedback. So it is that the philosophy and approahces of PRA can be seen
as one expression of a wider paradigm for effective action in the contemporary world.
In development theories of universal economic growth as the main means to a
better life are less credible than ever (see e.g. Ekins 1992, Sachs 1992 passim). As
economic growth ceases 'to be a simple, universal objective, as it is recognised as
environmentally harmful among the richer, and as economic resources are recognized
50' Participatory Rural Appraisal: Methods and Applications in Rural Planning
as fínite, so it matters more to enhance the quality of life through other more
sustainable means. For the rich, the question is how to be better off with less; for the
poor, it is how to gain more and be better off with what they can gain, but without
repeating the errors of the rich. These objectives can be served by enabling local
people to identify, express and achieve more of their own priorities. In line with this,
the emergent paradigm for human living on and with the earth brings together
decentralization, democracy and diversity. What is local, and what is different, is
valued. In this paradigm, the trends towards centralization, authoritatianism, and
homogenization are reversed. Reductionism, linear thinking, and standard solutions
give way to an inclusive holism, open systems thinking, and diverse options and
RRA, and more so PRA are part of general paradigm shift. They resonate with the
support methodological local people's priorities and democratic local diversity. Like
'future development', the future of PRA is unknowable; but the promise is there. How
much of that promise is realized, how soon, and how well, will be determined by
professionals in NGOs, Government services, training and research institutes, and
universities. Closed or open, conservative or radical, reductionist or pluralist, timid or
bold, as guardians of the oíd or as inventors of the new, they will determine this
through personal choice.
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Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 59
Appendix A
Sources of Information
RRA Notes are a major source on PRA, and are free on request. RRA Notes 13 is
recommended to any reader seeking a good introduction. RRA Notes are available on
request from The Sustainable Agriculture Programme at IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street,
London, WCICh ODD.
The interest in RRA Notes is growing fast, and the series will continué to be sent
out to those on the mailing list. A growing number of requests are being received for
the complete set of back issues. This is not only costly, but also means the occasional
reprinting of backcopies. IIED have therefore started a system of charging for
backcopies of RRA Notes. This will be on sliding scale as follows:
1. In future, IIED will send up to two backcopies free of charge.
2. For requests for more than 2 copies, IIED will charge £ 2.50 per issue. This
includes the costs incurred for reprinting and for postage.
3. For a full set of 15 backcopies the charge will be £ 33.00.
For information about field experience and training opportunities contact:
In Botswana: S.Nkhori
Production Systems Programme
Department of Agriculture Research
P.O. Box 10, Mahalapye
tel: 267-410677
Appendix B
PRA: Start, Stumble, Self-Correct, Share
Participatory Rural Appraisal is a label. More and more people are adopting it, and
calling what they do PRA. More and more influential organizations are requesting or
requiring that PRA be carried out.
This brings dangers and opportunities.
The dangers are that the label will be used or claimed for activities where
behaviour and atttitudes are not participatory; that these activities will do badly; and
that good PRA will be discredited. There is a danger too, that the demand for training
in PRA will so outstrip good supply and that people will claim to be PRA trainers
when they have no direct personal experience of good PRA. This has already
The opportunities are hard to assess but look big. Time will show. Perhaps we
have in good PRA one among a family of approaches for reversing centralization,
standardizaron, and top-down development; and for enabling and empowering rural
communities take command more of their lives and resources, and to improve their
well-being as they define it.
So what is the core of good PRA?
We will all have different answers. It is more important to ask the question, and to
puzzle about good answers, than to have one right answer. It is more important for
each person and each group to invent and adapt their own approach, methods,
sequences and combinations than to adopt a ready-made manual or model. Let a
thousand flowers bloom (and why only a thousand?), and let them be flowers which
bloom better and better, and spread their seeds.
Here is one personal set of answers. If you read them, criticise them. Reject them.
Think out your own, from your own ideas and experience.
In the words of the one-sentence manual: 'Use your own best judgement at all
The core of good PRA is our behaviour and attitudes.
It involves:
being self-sware and self-critical,
embracing error,
handing over the stick,
sitting, listening and learning,
improvising, inventing, adapting,
using our own best judgement at all times.
So we can ask:
who lectures? who holds the stick? whose finger wags?
whose knowledge, analysis and priorities count?
Ours? Theirs, as we think they should be? Or theirs as they freely express them?
Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory 63