New Definition in Section 2 of The Principal Code

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Draft Distribution Code (Third Amendment), 2017

Notification No. 1 of 2017

In exercise of powers conferred under Section 86 (c), (e) and (i) of the Electricity
Act, 2003 (Act 36 of 2003) and under Section 42 (b) of the Gujarat Electricity
Industry (Reorganisation and Regulation) Act, 2003 (Gujarat Act 24 of 2003) and
all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory
Commission hereby amend the Distribution Code (No. 6 of 2004), the principal

1. Short Title, Extent and Commencement

(1) This Code may be called the Gujarat Electricity Distribution Code
(Third Amendment), 2017
(2) This Code shall come into force on the date of their publication in the

New Definition in Section 2 of the principal code:

2. Following definition of ‘Force Majeure’ shall be added at the end of

Section 2 of the principle Code:

“Force Majeure refers to any event which is beyond the control of the
persons involved, which they could not foresee or with a reasonable
amount of diligence, could not have foreseen or which could not be
prevented and which substantially affects the performance by person such
being the following including but not limited to:-

(i) Acts of God, natural phenomena, floods, droughts, earthquakes and

(ii) Enemy acts of any government, domestic or foreign, war declared
or undeclared, hostilities, priorities, quarantines, embargoes;
(iii) Gird failure not attributable to a person”

Amendment to Section 4 of the principal code:

3. Section 4.5 (11) of principal code shall be substituted as under:

“4.5 (11)
The following parameters of equipments and system designs shall be
standardized to facilitate easy replacement and reduction of investories of
spares in stores:

(a) Capacities of power transformers,

(b) Capacities and designs of distribution transformers,
(c) 33 kV/22 kV/11 kV substation layouts,

(p) Clamps and connectors”

4. Section 4.6 (2) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“4.6 (2)

The Distribution Licensee shall carry out energy audit of his total system
compiling the data and analysis carried out in each responsibility centre in
the best possible manner. The energy received from each substation shall
be measured at the 33 kV/22 kV/11 kV terminal switchgear of all the
outgoing feeders installed with appropriate energy meters such that the
energy supplied to the each feeder is accurately available. It shall be
compared with the corresponding figures of monthly energy sales and the
distribution loss for each feeder shall be worked out. In case the
Distribution Licensee has adopted ring main system at 33 kV/22 kV/11kV
and there is difficulty in determining the distribution losses for each feeder,
then the Distribution Licensee shall work out distribution losses for the
overall Area of Supply.”

Amendment to Section 5 of the principal code:

5. Section 5.5 (3) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“5.5 (3)

EHT/HT Consumers: The supply voltage may be 220kV/ 132kV/ 66kV/33

kV/ 22 kV or 11 kV or voltage as agreed by the Distribution Licensee. The
substations shall be owned by the Users. The boundary shall be the feeder
entry in the premises of the Users or when so provided it shall be the busbar
between breakers of the Distribution Licensee and the EHT/ HT
Amendment to Section 6 of the principal code:

6. Section 6.8 (3) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“6.8 (3)

The voltage in the Distribution System may vary depending upon the
available generation, system demand, and the configuration of
Transmission and Distribution Systems at any time. Under normal
operating conditions the Licensee shall exercise proper voltage
management in the Distribution System beyond the point of connection
with the Transmission System to maintain voltage at all levels according
to the quality of supply mentioned in the Distribution System Planning and
Security Standard as mentioned under Attachment –1 of this code. The
capacitors, wherever available in the 33/22/11 kV substations shall be
operated to maintain reactive compensation to be within acceptable limits
of power factor of at least 0.9 keeping the bus voltage in view.”

7. Section 6.10 (4) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“6.10 (4)

The Users shall maintain their Apparatus and Power Lines at all times
conforming to Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety
and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time
and other applicable Regulations which are in force for time being and
will be replaced by new rules made under Electricity Act, 2003 and shall
be suitable for being connected to the Distribution System in a safe and
reliable manner.”

Amendment to Section 7 of the principal code:

8. Section 7.2 (1) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“7.2 (1)

1 The minimum requirement of operational metering at Distribution

substations shall be as follows:
(a) 66kV/ 22kV or 66kV/ 11kV or 33/11 kV substation
 66/ 33 kV bus voltage
 33/ 22 / 11kV bus voltage
 66 / 33 kV incoming / outgoing current in each phase and each circuit
 Power transformer primary and secondary currents in each phase of
every transformer.
 33/22 / 11 kV outgoing feeder current in each phase for each feeder.
 Power factor in each 22 / 11 kV feeder.
 Load survey meters having memory duration of at least 45 days for
all the incoming and outgoing feeders (both 66 / 33 kV,33/11 kV
and 22 / 11 kV).
 Facility to record energy in MWH and frequency at interval of 15
minutes at point of connection with Transmission Licensee.
(b) User’s System with Demand of 1 MW and above
 Voltage
 Current
 Load
 Power Factor
 Energy”

9. Section 7.5 (3) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“7.5 (3)

The settings of protective relays for 33 kV, 22 kV and 11 kV lines shall be

such that a fault in any section does not affect the section between the
generating unit and the faulty section under all conditions. The
Transmission Licensee shall notify the initial settings and any subsequent
changes to the Users from time to time. Routine checks on the performance
of the protective relays shall be conducted and any malfunction shall be
noted and corrected as soon as possible. Short circuit studies required for
deciding the relay settings shall be conducted by the Licensee with the data
collected from the Transmission Licensee and the Users. Representatives
of the Generating Companies, Transmission Licensees and Distribution
Licensees shall meet periodically to discuss such malfunctions, changes in
the system configuration, if any, and possible revised settings of relays.”

10. Section 7.5 (7) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“7.5 (7)

Distribution lines: - All the 33 kV, 22 kV and 11 kV lines at Connection

Points / Interface Points shall be provided with a minimum of over current
and earth fault relays as follows:
(a) Plain radial feeders: Non-directional time lag over current and earth
fault relays
with suitable settings to obtain discrimination between adjacent relay
(b) Parallel/ring feeders: Directional time lag over current and earth fault

Amendment to Section 9 of the principal code:

11. Section 9.3 (1) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“9.3 (1)

All reportable incidents occurring in the lines and equipments of 11 kV and

22 kV and 33 kV substations shall be promptly reported orally by the
Licensee whose equipment has experienced the incident, to all other
significantly affected Users identified by the Distribution Licensee and the
Transmission Licensee. The reporting Distribution Licensee should submit
a written report to the Transmission Licensee within one hour of such oral
report. If the reporting incident is of major nature, the written report shall
be submitted within two hours duly followed by a comprehensive report
within 48 hours of the submission of the initial written report. In other
cases, the reporting Distribution Licensee shall submit a report within five
working days to the Transmission Licensee.”

Amendment to Attachment - 1 of the principal code:

12. Attachment – 1 (5) (1) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“Attachment – 1 (5) (1)

The service area of a distribution network is an area in which the load is

supplied by a substation by one or more number of feeders, as required.
The distribution network fed from the distribution transformers and the
substations from which the 33 kV/22 kV/11 kV feeders emanate shall be
initially planned as independent networks within their respective service
area. Further, wherever possible, provision shall be made for
interconnection with adjacent networks and/or substations for an alternate
supply in case of failure. The design of distribution lines shall incorporate
features to enable their augmentation in future, with minimum interruption
to power supply. The existing right of way shall be fully exploited.”
13. Attachment – 1 (7) (2) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“Attachment – 1 (7) (2)

The following factors, which affect reliability indices, shall be considered

subject to availability of data:
(a) Momentary incoming supply failures
(b) Momentary interruptions on 11 kV, 22 kV and 33 kV feeders
(c) Breakdown on LT feeders
(d) Prearranged shutdowns on lines and feeders
(e) Blowing out of distribution transformer fuses
(f) Individual fuse off calls.”

14. Attachment – 1 (13) (7) of the principal code shall be substituted as under:

“Attachment – 1 (13) (7)

In case of single contingency; failure of any substation equipment

controlling any outgoing 33 kV/22 kV/11 kV feeder, the load interrupted
shall not generally exceed 50% of the total demand on the substation. The
Distribution Licensee has to bring it down to 20% within a period of three

(Roopwant Singh, IAS)
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission

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