CRHA ExamPreparationGuide en
CRHA ExamPreparationGuide en
CRHA ExamPreparationGuide en
Spring 2019
Table of contents
2. General information.......................... p. 3
2.1 Exam format............................................................. p. 3
2.3 Language................................................................. p. 4
The Ordre’s equivalence exam thus measures your theoretical The questions are presented in an examination booklet and
knowledge of human resources management. It is not intended the answers must be entered on an answer sheet similar to that
to assess the quality of professional acts as they are implemented presented previously.
in practice. In other words, the exam evaluates your what you
know (knowledge) rather than your know-how (skills). To indicate your answer, you must fill in the corresponding box
with a lead pencil.
2.3 | Language 2.6 | Types of questions
You may take the exam in English or in French and must indicate To assess candidates’ theoretical knowledge, the exam is
your choice of language when you register. made up of three types of questions: knowledge questions,
comprehension questions and application questions.
Validation mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that
the English and French versions of the exam are completely The knowledge questions, which are memory-oriented,
consistent and free from translation bias. require you to remember words, facts, dates, agreements,
classifications, principles, theories, etc. A correct answer to this
2.4 | Duration of the exam type of question shows that you remember the information.
The exam lasts three hours, which allows an average of 1.2 The comprehension questions require you to transpose,
minutes per question or 1 minute per question and 30 minutes interpret and extrapolate based on a certain body of
for revision at the end of the exam. knowledge. A correct answer to this type of question shows
that you understand the theoretical material, i.e. that you have
2.5 | Exam content grasped its meaning.
The exam assesses candidates’ theoretical knowledge in each
The application questions require you to use theoretical
of the seven areas of practice of CHRPs and CIRCs as set out in
knowledge to solve a problem. A correct answer to this type
the professional capabilities guide (Guide des compétences des
of question shows that you are able to use this knowledge
CRHA et des CRIA). The following table indicates the percentage
appropriately to solve a given problem
of theoretical knowledge questions on each area of practice.
Weighting Area: Staffing
Area of practice
When is the right time to offer a candidate a job?
Strategic management of human resources
15 - 20 %
and the organization a) After the candidate has satisfied the various evaluation
Staffing 15 - 20 % requirements, including the medical exam.
b) After the candidate has satisfied the various evaluation
Labour relations 15 - 20 % requirements, but before the medical exam.
Organizational learning development c) Immediately after the candidate has successfully completed
10 - 15 % the selection interview.
and training
Total compensation 10 - 15 % d) Only after the candidate has passed the security check.
Occupational health and safety and wellness 10 - 15 % What is the purpose of the Act to Promote Workforce Skills
Development and Recognition?
Total 100 %
a) To promote skills transfers between experienced staff and
The questions are prepared by experienced professors job seekers.
representing all Quebec universities who are assisted and b) To facilitate succession planning through the
advised by measurement and evaluation experts (test development of management skills.
evaluation). These experts evaluate the exam’s validity, reliability
and the general performance after each exam session. c) To improve the integration of tacit and explicit skills
through recognizing training outcomes.
d) To improve workforce qualifications and skills through
investment in training.
2.6 | Types of questions (cont’d) Area: Strategic management of human resources
and the organization
Area: Occupational health and safety and wellness A new generation of employees, Generation Y, has entered the
workforce. As a result, organizations often have to deal with
What special importance does the concept of “reasonable four generations of employees. Which statement represents
diligence” as understood by occupational health and safety the best way to promote the engagement of these four very
legislation have for employers? different generations?
Stock options are the most common long-term incentive plan 3. Suggestions to help you pass the exam
offered to executives. Which of the following statements is false?
3.1 | General considerations
a) An executive who holds stock options becomes, by doing
Passing the exam depends on how well you’re prepared. Where
so, a shareholder of the organization.
should you start?
b) An executive who participates in a stock option plan may risk
a loss of earnings but not a real loss. 1. First begin by reading the study aids to make sure you fully
c) An executive may manipulate to his or her advantage the understand the material to be learned.
disclosure of information respecting a stock option plan. 2. Assess your level of theoretical knowledge in each area of
d) For an organization, a stock option plan may compensate practice according to your profile.
for a lack of liquidity to attract (and retain) a sought-after 3. Use the tools available to prepare for the exam. Allow
senior executive. yourself enough study time, but don’t start too early in case
you forget the concepts you’ve studied too long ago. You
EXAMPLES OF APPLICATION QUESTIONS should usually start to study about eight weeks before the
exam. The Study plan in the Appendix will help you structure
Area: Labour relations
your study time (4.2).
As a labour relations consultant, you are mandated to make
recommendations on how to inform the union that management Different profiles, different strategies!
wants to set up a joint committee to improve productivity, even
though you are aware that the board of directors isn’t fully • If you are a specialist in one area of practice, you very likely
convinced of the need to establish such a committee. What won’t have to spend as much time on it as on the others.
would you suggest?
• If you have extensive experience in all the profession’s areas
of practice, you might want to concentrate more on theory.
a) A clause respecting the productivity committee in the
collective agreement. • If you are a recent graduate of a business administration
program, a number of theoretical concepts are probably still
b) A letter of agreement respecting the productivity committee. fresh in your mind. However, if you have never taken a course in
c) A letter of intent respecting the productivity committee. some areas of practice, you should probably focus more
on them.
d) Simply informing the union of the employer’s wish to create a
productivity committee. • If you studied and acquired your professional experience
outside of Quebec, it would probably be useful to you to study
the Quebec legislation applicable to each area of practice.
3.2 | Mistakes to avoid in a multiple-choice exam 4. Exam preparation tools
Below are a few mistakes to avoid in a multiple-choice exam.
4.1 | Preparation platform
• Don’t go over the exam looking for questions with key words The Ordre has just launched its new exam preparation platform
that will remind you of familiar elements so that you can online (in French only). The platform includes a variety of
answer these questions first. You’ll waste valuable time and learning tools to help you study and can be accessed via the
increase your chances of entering the answers in the wrong exam new candidates’ welcome page at
place on the answer sheet. under the tab ”Préparation à l’examen” (in French only).
• Don’t choose an answer simply because you remember
learning about the concepts it mentions. The statement as Remember that these tools are simply useful ways to help you
such may be true, but it may not necessarily be the right study. There is no guarantee that one particular method or tool
answer to the question being asked. will ensure you a passing grade.
• Don’t eliminate an answer simply because it seems too
obvious or easy. The platform offers the following tools:
4.2 | Suggested references
Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 Labour History
Part 3 Economic, Social and Political Environments
Part 4 The Legal Environment
Managing Human Resources
Part 5 The Union Perspective
Part 6 The Management Perspective
8th Edition Part 7 Negotiations
Monica Belcourt, Parbudyal Singh, Part 8 Collective Agreement Administration
Part 9 Conflict Resolution, Grievances, and Strikes
George Bohlander and Scott Snell Part 10 Third Party Dispute Resolution Procedures
Part 11 Impacts of Unionization
Part 12 Public-Sector Issues
4.2 | Suggested references (cont’d) The following are two basic French-language references:
6th Edition
Chapitre 1 Miser sur la gestion des ressources humaines
Richard J. Long and Parbudyal Singh Chapitre 2 Planifier les ressources humaines
Chapitre 3 Gérer l’organisation du travail
Chapitre 4 Assurer le recrutement, la sélection et l’accueil
Chapitre 5 Assurer la formation et le développement des compétences
Chapitre 6 Gérer la performance
Chapitre 7 Gérer les carrières
Chapitre 8 Gérer la rémunération
Chapter 1 A Road Map to Effective Compensation Chapitre 9 Gérer les relations du travail
Chapter 2 A Strategic Framework for Compensation Chapitre 10 Promouvoir la santé, la sécurité et le mieux-être au travail
Chapter 3 A Behavioral Framework for Compensation Chapitre 11 Gérer la diversité
Chapter 4 Components of Compensation Strategy Chapitre 12 Évaluer la gestion des ressources humaines
Chapter 5 Performance Pay Choices
Chapter 6 Formulating the Reward and Compensation Strategy
Chapter 7 Evaluating Jobs: The Job Evaluation Process
Chapter 8 Evaluating Jobs: The Point Method of Job Evaluation
Chapter 9 Evaluating the Market
Chapter 10 Evaluating Individuals
Chapter 11 Designing Performance Pay Plans
Chapter 12 Designing Indirect Pay Plans
Chapter 13 Activating and Maintaining an Effective Compensation System
4.2 | Suggested references (cont’d)
3e édition
Chapitre 1 La place et le rôle des employeurs
Sylvie St-Onge et Roland Thériault dans un système de relations industrielles
Chapitre 2 La place et le rôle des syndicats
dans un système de relations industrielles
Chapitre 3 La place et le rôle de l’État dans un système
de relations industrielles
Chapitre 1 La gestion de la rémunération : importance et modèle
Chapitre 4 Les politiques publiques de l’emploi
Chapitre 2 La rémunération globale : enjeux et stratégie
Chapitre 5 Les normes minimales du travail : bilan et éléments de prospective
Chapitre 3 L’implantation des programmes de rémunération globale
Chapitre 6 La santé et la sécurité au travail
Chapitre 4 La gestion des enquêtes de rémunération
Chapitre 7 La discrimination au travail
Chapitre 5 L’analyse et l’évaluation des emplois et la Loi sur l’équité salariale
Chapitre 8 Les défis contemporains de la gestion des ressources humaines
Chapitre 6 La gestion des structures salariales
Chapitre 9 L’encadrement juridique général des rapports collectifs
Chapitre 7 La gestion des programmes de reconnaissance
de travail : le Code du travail
Chapitre 8 La rémunération et la gestion des performances individuelles
Chapitre 10 Le processus de négociation collective
Chapitre 9 La rémunération de la performance collective
Chapitre 11 La convention collective
Chapitre 10 La gestion des avantages sociaux et des régimes de retraite
Chapitre 11 Les différentes catégories de personnel et les contextes particuliers
en gestion de la rémunération * This book is no longer in production and has been replaced
by ‘’Fondements des Relations Industrielles.’’
Gestion de la santé
et de la sécurité au travail Fondements
des Relations Industrielles
Sous la direction d’Elena Laroche Sous la direction de Pier-Luc Bilodeau
et Martine D’Amours
4.2 | Suggested references (cont’d)
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables
The study aids are in the form of knowledge tables applicable to each of the seven areas of practice. General and specific knowledge
covers key concepts, principles and theories to be memorized, understood and applied in problem situations.
Organizational strategy Determining factors and challenges
Strategic plan and its implementation
Human Resources
Legal framework Legislation Management in Canada
Project management Basic concepts 13th Canadian Edition Plus
Basic principles Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer
Human resources strategy Added value of HR and Nina Cole
Types of strategies
Managing Human Resources
Basic concepts
8th Edition
Selection criteria and selection steps Monica Belcourt, George
Human resources Bohlander and Scott Snell
information systems
Confidentiality management
Legislation, articles, websites
Software evaluation
Strategic management HR dashboard and indicators
evaluation Methods and techniques
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
Compensation, underlying
Impact and consequences of compensation
Potential bias relating to compensation
Role of compensation
Importance of compensation
Compensation goals Managing Human Resources
Legal framework Legislation 8th Edition
Monica Belcourt, George
Salary and salary increases
Bohlander and Scott Snell
Compensation components Performance-based regimes
Employee benefits Strategic Compensation
Job evaluation process in Canada
Compensation survey 6th Edition
Richard J. Long
Salary determination Pay structure determination and Parbudyal Singh
Pay grade placement
Pay equity exercise Legislation, articles, websites
Deciding factors
Effects of the strategy
Compensation strategies
Executive compensation
Compensation in a unionized context
Compensation management
Indicators and methods
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
4.3 | Study aids – Knowledge tables (cont’d)
4. Study plan
Below is an example of a study plan that could be used starting eight weeks before the exam to help you structure your study time.
Week 8 Week 7 Week 6 Week 5 Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1
Area of practice Priority Hours of study in each area of practice
of human 15 - 20 %
resources and the
Staffing 15 - 20 %
10 - 15 %
development and
10 - 15 %
Occupational health
and safety and 10 - 15 %
For any questions or comments, contact the Ordre des conseillers
en ressources humaines agréés at: