Bulletin 08.11.10
Bulletin 08.11.10
Bulletin 08.11.10
• This week Mrs Brannan, Display Co-ordinator, will be based in the Infant Department. Please fill in a
request in the book Junior Office if you need help preparing displays, putting up displays etc.
• Please note netball has changed from Tuesday to Wednesday, but when the matches start they will be at
Redbridge Sports Centre on a Tuesday
• Overtime Claim Sheets: The next cut off date for completed claim forms is 14th November
Monday 8th
9.30am Year 6 pupil review meeting – Mrs Anthony, Mrs Ranjan and Mrs Lucey to attend
Tuesday 9th
1.45pm NRH Progress Meeting for Year 2 pupil – Mrs Holden (Mrs Anthony to cover), Mrs
Shear (Mrs Wade to 2b, Mrs Lecointe to Reception) and Mrs Ranjan to attend
Mrs Doyle and Mrs Anthony to attend Leadership Conference all day
Mrs Holden in charge
12.00noon Indoor Athletics all day – cover required for Roisin Bergin from 11.30am
Early lunch for 10 year 3 pupils to attend
Mrs Long to cover 6b from 9am – 11.30am, 3a from 11.30 onwards
Thursday 11th
Year 5 to attend Braintree Museum
Friday 12th
Stanley Baker studio to visit Nursery am and pm