Bulletin 08.11.10

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St Augustine’s Primary School Bulletin: Monday 8th November

• This week Mrs Brannan, Display Co-ordinator, will be based in the Infant Department. Please fill in a
request in the book Junior Office if you need help preparing displays, putting up displays etc.
• Please note netball has changed from Tuesday to Wednesday, but when the matches start they will be at
Redbridge Sports Centre on a Tuesday
• Overtime Claim Sheets: The next cut off date for completed claim forms is 14th November

Monday 8th

Lacey Martin, PGCE Placement Student in Yr 5 & 6 all week

Mrs Anthony to meet with Miss Martin at 8.15am

Mrs S Rooney, Outreach Teacher to see Nursery pupil

Mr Jan Choeanec (Guitar Teacher) in school

Van Cols to collect photographs

am New Rush Hall Out Reach teacher in school

9.30am Year 6 pupil review meeting – Mrs Anthony, Mrs Ranjan and Mrs Lucey to attend

10.30am KS1 Headteacher Assembly – Mrs Anthony to lead

3.00pm KS2 Headteacher Assembly – Mrs Anthony to lead

3.30pm Spanish Classes – Mrs Neale

3.30pm Staff meeting in 4a – Science

Tuesday 9th

New pupil to Class 1b

Mrs Bow in school – 1:1 Tuition

10.30am KS1 Hymn Practice

1.20pm Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school

1.20pm Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school

Pm Year 6 auditions for Oliver

1.45pm NRH Progress Meeting for Year 2 pupil – Mrs Holden (Mrs Anthony to cover), Mrs
Shear (Mrs Wade to 2b, Mrs Lecointe to Reception) and Mrs Ranjan to attend

3pm No KS2 Deputy Headteacher Assembly

3.20pm Choir – Junior Hall

3.20pm Hockey Club

Wednesday 10th
Mrs Teplizki in school – 1:1 tuition

Mrs Doyle and Mrs Anthony to attend Leadership Conference all day
Mrs Holden in charge

12.00noon Indoor Athletics all day – cover required for Roisin Bergin from 11.30am
Early lunch for 10 year 3 pupils to attend
Mrs Long to cover 6b from 9am – 11.30am, 3a from 11.30 onwards

9.00 – 3.45pm Mrs Sullivan (Violin Teacher) in school.

1.00 – 3.30pm Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

Pm Year 6 auditions for Oliver

2.45pm KS2 Hymn Practice

3.30pm Netball – Year 5 & 6

3:30 – 4:30 Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall

3.30 – 4.30 Film Club (Year 5 & 6 pupils) in Class 6a

4.15 – 6pm EYFS Forum at TC – Mrs Christou to attend

Thursday 11th
Year 5 to attend Braintree Museum

10.30am KS1 Assistant Headteacher Assembly

11.00am Two minute silence for whole school

Year 5 & 6 to take playtime with Year 3 & 4

pm School council to feedback to classes

3.15 – 4.15pm Dance Club, Years 1 & 2, Junior Hall

3.30pm Spanish Classes – Mrs Neale

3.30pm Staff Meeting in 5b – Pupil Progress Meetings continued

Friday 12th
Stanley Baker studio to visit Nursery am and pm

Mrs Wilkinson away

Year 1 to Hainault Forest Country Park

9.15am 2b Assembly – Mrs Anthony to lead, Reception Class to attend also

2.45pm 6b Assembly – Mrs Anthony to lead

3.30 – 4.30pm Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training – KS2 Playground

PTA Junior Disco – Mrs Anthony to attend

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